British Library Cataloguing Data
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed.
1. English language--Dictionaries
I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423
ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index
ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain
C(1) n. (also c) (pl. Cs or C's) 1 the third letter of the
alphabet. 2 Mus. the first note of the diatonic scale of C
major (the major scale having no sharps or flats). 3 the third
hypothetical person or example. 4 the third highest class or
category (of academic marks etc.). 5 Algebra (usu. c) the
third known quantity. 6 (as a Roman numeral) 100. 7 (c) the
speed of light in a vacuum. 8 (also °) copyright.
cab n. 1 a taxi. 2 the driver's compartment in a lorry, train, or
crane. 3 hist. a hackney carriage. [abbr. of CABRIOLET]
cabal n. 1 a secret intrigue. 2 a political clique or faction. 3
hist. a committee of five ministers under Charles II, whose
surnames happened to begin with C, A, B, A, and L. [F cabale f.
med.L cabala, CABBALA]
cabala var. of CABBALA.
caballero n. (pl. -os) a Spanish gentleman. [Sp.: see CAVALIER]
cabana n. US a hut or shelter at a beach or swimming-pool. [Sp.
caba¤a f. LL (as CABIN)]
cabaret n. 1 an entertainment in a nightclub or restaurant while guests
eat or drink at tables. 2 such a nightclub etc. [F, = wooden
structure, tavern]
cabbage n. 1 a any of several cultivated varieties of Brassica
oleracea, with thick green or purple leaves forming a round
heart or head. b this head usu. eaten as vegetable. 2 colloq.
derog. a person who is inactive or lacks interest. Ьcabbage
palm a palm tree, Cordyline australis, with edible cabbage-like
terminal buds. cabbage rose a double rose with a large round
compact flower. cabbage tree = cabbage palm. cabbage white a
butterfly, Pieris brassicae, whose caterpillars feed on cabbage
leaves. ЬЬcabbagy adj. [earlier cabache, -oche f. OF (Picard)
caboche head, OF caboce, of unkn. orig.]
cabbala n. (also cabala, kabbala) 1 the Jewish mystical tradition. 2
mystic interpretation; any esoteric doctrine or occult lore.
ЬЬcabbalism n. cabbalist n. cabbalistic adj. [med.L f.
Rabbinical Heb. kabbalѓ tradition]
cabby n. (also cabbie) (pl. -ies) colloq. a taxi-driver. [CAB +
caber n. a roughly trimmed tree-trunk used in the Scottish Highland
sport of tossing the caber. [Gael. cabar pole]
cabin n. & v. --n. 1 a small shelter or house, esp. of wood. 2 a
room or compartment in an aircraft or ship for passengers or
crew. 3 a driver's cab. (cabined, cabining) confine
in a small place, cramp. Ьcabin-boy a boy who waits on a ship's
officers or passengers. cabin class the intermediate class of
accommodation in a ship. cabin crew the crew members on an
aeroplane attending to passengers and cargo. cabin cruiser a
large motor boat with living accommodation. [ME f. OF cabane f.
Prov. cabana f. LL capanna, cavanna]
cabinet n. 1 a a cupboard or case with drawers, shelves, etc., for
storing or displaying articles. b a piece of furniture housing
a radio or television set etc. 2 (Cabinet) the committee of
senior ministers responsible for controlling government policy.
3 archaic a small private room. Ьcabinet-maker a skilled
joiner. Cabinet Minister Brit. a member of the Cabinet.
cabinet photograph one of about 6 by 4 inches. cabinet pudding
a steamed pudding with dried fruit. [CABIN + -ET(1), infl. by F
cable n. & v. --n. 1 a thick rope of wire or hemp. 2 an encased
group of insulated wires for transmitting electricity or
electrical signals. 3 a cablegram. 4 a Naut. the chain of an
anchor. b a measure of 200 yards. 5 (in full cable stitch) a
knitted stitch resembling twisted rope. 6 Archit. a rope-shaped
ornament. --v. 1 a tr. transmit (a message) by cablegram. b
tr. inform (a person) by cablegram. c intr. send a cablegram.
2 tr. furnish or fasten with a cable or cables. 3 Archit. tr.
furnish with cables. Ьcable-car 1 a small cabin (often one of a
series) suspended on an endless cable and drawn up and down a
mountainside etc. by an engine at one end. 2 a carriage drawn
along a cable railway. cable-laid (of rope) having three triple
strands. cable railway a railway along which carriages are
drawn by an endless cable. cable television a broadcasting
system with signals transmitted by cable to subscribers' sets.
[ME f. OF chable, ult. f. LL capulum halter f. Arab. habl]
cablegram n. a telegraph message sent by undersea cable etc.
cableway n. a transporting system with a usu. elevated cable.
cabman n. (pl. -men) the driver of a cab.
cabochon n. a gem polished but not faceted. Ь en cabochon (of a gem)
treated in this way. [F dimin. of caboche: see CABBAGE]
caboodle n. Ьthe whole caboodle sl. the whole lot (of persons or
things). [19th c. US: perh. f. phr. kit and boodle]
caboose n. 1 a kitchen on a ship's deck. 2 US a guard's van; a car on
a freight train for workmen etc. [Du. cabuse, of unkn. orig.]
cabotage n. 1 Naut. coastal navigation and trade. 2 esp. Aeron. the
reservation to a country of (esp. air) traffic operation within
its territory. [F f. caboter to coast, perh. f. Sp. cabo
cabotin n. (fem. cabotine) a second-rate actor; a strolling player.
[F, = strolling player, perh. formed as CABOTAGE, from the
resemblance to vessels travelling from port to port]
cabriole n. a kind of curved leg characteristic of Queen Anne and
Chippendale furniture. [F f. cabrioler, caprioler f. It.
capriolare to leap in the air; from the resemblance to a leaping
animal's foreleg: see CAPRIOLE]
cabriolet n. 1 a light two-wheeled carriage with a hood, drawn by one
horse. 2 a motor car with a folding top. [F f. cabriole
goat's leap (cf. CAPRIOLE), applied to its motion]
ca'canny n. 1 the practice of 'going slow' at work; a trade union policy
of limiting output. 2 extreme caution. [Sc., = proceed warily:
see CALL v. 16, CANNY]
cacao n. (pl. -os) 1 a seed pod from which cocoa and chocolate are
made. 2 a small widely cultivated evergreen tree, Theobroma
cacao, bearing these. [Sp. f. Nahuatl cacauatl (uatl tree)]
cachalot n. a sperm whale. [F f. Sp. & Port. cachalote, of unkn.
cache n. & v. --n. 1 a hiding-place for treasure, provisions,
ammunition, etc. 2 what is hidden in a cache. put in a
cache. [F f. cacher to hide]
cachectic adj. relating to or having the symptoms of cachexia.
cachet n. 1 a distinguishing mark or seal. 2 prestige. 3 Med. a flat
capsule enclosing a dose of unpleasant-tasting medicine. [F f.
cacher press ult. f. L coactare constrain]
cachexia n. (also cachexy) a condition of weakness of body or mind
associated with chronic disease. [F cachexie or LL cachexia f.
Gk kakhexia f. kakos bad + hexis habit]
cackle n. & v. --n. 1 a clucking sound as of a hen or a goose. 2 a
loud silly laugh. 3 noisy inconsequential talk. --v. 1 intr.
emit a cackle. 2 intr. talk noisily and inconsequentially. 3
tr. utter or express with a cackle. Ьcut the cackle colloq.
stop talking aimlessly and come to the point. [ME prob. f. MLG,
MDu. kakelen (imit.)]
cacodemon n. (also cacodaemon) 1 an evil spirit. 2 a malignant person.
[Gk kakodaimon f. kakos bad + daimon spirit]
cacodyl n. a malodorous, toxic, spontaneously flammable liquid,
tetramethyldiarsine. ЬЬcacodylic adj. [Gk kakodes stinking f.
kakos bad]
cacoethes n. an urge to do something inadvisable. [L f. Gk kakoethes
neut. adj. f. kakos bad + ethos disposition]
n. 1 bad handwriting. 2 bad spelling. ЬЬcacographer n.
cacographic adj. cacographical adj. [Gk kakos bad, after
cacology n. 1 bad choice of words. 2 bad pronunciation. [LL cacologia
f. Gk kakologia vituperation f. kakos bad]
n. any racoon-like animal of several species of the genus
Bassariscus, native to Central America, having a dark-ringed
tail. [Amer. Sp. cacomixtle f. Nahuatl tlacomiztli]
cacophony n. (pl. -ies) 1 a harsh discordant mixture of sound. 2
dissonance; discord. ЬЬcacophonous adj. [F cacophonie f. Gk
kakophonia f. kakophonos f. kakos bad + phone sound]
cactus n. (pl. cacti or cactuses) any succulent plant of the family
Cactaceae, with a thick fleshy stem, usu. spines but no leaves,
and brilliantly coloured flowers. Ьcactus dahlia any kind of
dahlia with quilled petals resembling a cactus flower.
ЬЬcactaceous adj. [L f. Gk kaktos cardoon]
cacuminal adj. Phonet. pronounced with the tongue-tip curled up towards
the hard palate. [L cacuminare make pointed f. cacumen -minis
CAD abbr. computer-aided design.
cad n. a person (esp. a man) who behaves dishonourably. ЬЬcaddish
adj. caddishly adv. caddishness n. [abbr. of CADDIE in sense
'odd-job man']
cadastral adj. of or showing the extent, value, and ownership, of land
for taxation. [F f. cadastre register of property f. Prov.
cadastro f. It. catast(r)o, earlier catastico f. late Gk
katastikhon list, register f. kata stikhon line by line]
cadaver n. esp. Med. a corpse. ЬЬcadaveric adj. [ME f. L f. cadere
caddie n. & v. (also caddy) --n. (pl. -ies) a person who assists a
golfer during a match, by carrying clubs etc. --v.intr.
(caddies, caddied, caddying) act as caddie. Ьcaddie car (or
cart) a light two-wheeled trolley for transporting golf clubs
during a game. [orig. Sc. f. F CADET]
n. (pl. -flies) any small hairy-winged nocturnal insect of the
order Trichoptera, living near water. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
caddish see CAD.
n. (also caddis) a larva of the caddis-fly, living in water and
making protective cylindrical cases of sticks, leaves, etc., and
used as fishing-bait. [as CADDIS-FLY]
caddy(1) n. (pl. -ies) a small container, esp. a box for holding tea.
[earlier catty weight of 1 1/3 lb., f. Malay kati]
caddy(2) var. of CADDIE.
cadence n. 1 a fall in pitch of the voice, esp. at the end of a phrase
or sentence. 2 intonation, tonal inflection. 3 Mus. the close
of a musical phrase. 4 rhythm; the measure or beat of sound or
movement. ЬЬcadenced adj. [ME f. OF f. It. cadenza, ult. f. L
cadere fall]
cadential adj. of a cadence or cadenza.
cadenza n. Mus. a virtuosic passage for a solo instrument or voice,
usu. near the close of a movement of a concerto, sometimes
improvised. [It.: see CADENCE]
cadet n. 1 a young trainee in the armed services or police force. 2
NZ an apprentice in sheep-farming. 3 a younger son.
ЬЬcadetship n. [F f. Gascon dial. capdet, ult. f. L caput
cadge v. 1 tr. get or seek by begging. 2 intr. beg. ЬЬcadger n.
[19th c., earlier = ? bind, carry: orig. unkn.]
cadi n. (also kadi) (pl. -is) a judge in a Muslim country. [Arab.
kadi f. kada to judge]
Cadmean victory
n. = pyrrhic victory (see PYRRHIC(1)). [L Cadmeus f. Gk
Kadmeios f. Kadmos Cadmus: see CADMIUM]
cadmium n. a soft bluish-white metallic element occurring naturally
with zinc ores, and used in the manufacture of solders and in
electroplating. °Symb.: Cd. Ьcadmium cell Electr. a standard
primary cell. cadmium yellow an intense yellow pigment
containing cadmium sulphide and used in paints etc. [obs.
cadmia calamine f. L cadmia f. Gk kadm(e)ia (ge) Cadmean
(earth), f. Cadmus legendary founder of Thebes: see -IUM]
cadre n. 1 a basic unit, esp. of servicemen, forming a nucleus for
expansion when necessary. 2 also a a group of activists in a
communist or any revolutionary party. b a member of such a
group. [F f. It. quadro f. L quadrus square]
caduceus n. (pl. caducei) an Ancient Greek or Roman herald's wand, esp.
as carried by the messenger-god Hermes or Mercury. [L f. Doric
Gk karuk(e)ion f. kerux herald]
caducous adj. Biol. (of organs and parts) easily detached or shed at an
early stage. ЬЬcaducity n. [L caducus falling f. cadere fall]
caecilian n. (also coecilian) any burrowing wormlike amphibian of the
order Gymnophiona, having poorly developed eyes and no limbs.
[L caecilia kind of lizard]
caecitis n. (US cecitis) inflammation of the caecum.
caecum n. (US cecum) (pl. -ca) a blind-ended pouch at the junction of
the small and large intestines. ЬЬcaecal adj. [L for
intestinum caecum f. caecus blind, transl. of Gk tuphlon
Caenozoic var. of CENOZOIC.
Caerns. abbr. Caernarvonshire (a former county in Wales).
n. a kind of mild white cheese orig. made in Caerphilly in
Caesar n. 1 the title of the Roman emperors, esp. from Augustus to
Hadrian. 2 an autocrat. 3 Med. sl. a Caesarean section; a
case of this. ЬCaesar's wife a person required to be above
suspicion. [L, family name of Gaius Julius Caesar, Roman
statesman d. 44 BC]
Caesarean adj. & n. (also Caesarian, US Ces-) --adj. 1 of Caesar or the
Caesars. 2 (of a birth) effected by Caesarean section. --n. a
Caesarean section. ЬCaesarean section an operation for
delivering a child by cutting through the wall of the abdomen
(Julius Caesar supposedly having been born this way). [L
caesious adj. Bot. bluish or lavender. [L caesius]
caesium n. (US cesium) a soft silver-white element of the alkali metal
group, occurring naturally in a number of minerals, and used in
photoelectric cells. °Symb.: Cs. Ьcaesium clock an atomic
clock that uses caesium. [as CAESIOUS (from its spectrum
caesura n. (pl. caesuras) Prosody 1 (in Greek and Latin verse) a break
between words within a metrical foot. 2 (in modern verse) a
pause near the middle of a line. ЬЬcaesural adj. [L f.
caedere caes- cut]
CAF abbr. US cost and freight.
cafard n. melancholia. [F, = cockroach, hypocrite]
caf‚ n. (also cafe also joc.) 1 a small coffee-house or teashop; a
simple restaurant. 2 US a bar. Ь caf‚ au lait 1 coffee with
milk. 2 the colour of this. caf‚ noir black coffee. caf‚
society the regular patrons of fashionable restaurants and
nightclubs. [F, = coffee, coffee-house]
cafeteria n. a restaurant in which customers collect their meals on trays
at a counter and usu. pay before sitting down to eat. [Amer.
Sp. cafeterЎa coffee-shop]
caff n. Brit. sl. = CAFђ. [abbr.]
caffeine n. an alkaloid drug with stimulant action found in tea leaves
and coffee beans. [F caf‚ine f. caf‚ coffee]
caftan n. (also kaftan) 1 a long usu. belted tunic worn by men in
countries of the Near East. 2 a a woman's long loose dress. b
a loose shirt or top. [Turk. kaftan, partly through F cafetan]
cage n. & v. --n. 1 a structure of bars or wires, esp. for
confining animals or birds. 2 any similar open framework, esp.
an enclosed platform or lift in a mine or the compartment for
passengers in a lift. 3 colloq. a camp for prisoners of war. place or keep in a cage. Ьcage-bird a bird of the kind
customarily kept in a cage. [ME f. OF f. L cavea]
cagoule n. a hooded thin windproof garment worn in mountaineering etc.
cahoots Ьin cahoots (often foll. by with) sl. in collusion.
[19th c.: orig. uncert.]
CAI abbr. computer-assisted (or -aided) instruction.
caiman var. of CAYMAN.
Cain n. Ьraise Cain colloq. make a disturbance; create trouble.
[Cain, eldest son of Adam (Gen. 4)]
Cainozoic var. of CENOZOIC.
caique n. 1 a light rowing-boat on the Bosporus. 2 a Levantine
sailing-ship. [F f. It. caicco f. Turk. kayik]
cairn n. 1 a mound of rough stones as a monument or landmark. 2 (in
full cairn terrier) a a small terrier of a breed with short
legs, a longish body, and a shaggy coat (perhaps so called from
its being used to hunt among cairns). b this breed. [Gael.
cairngorm n. a yellow or wine-coloured semi-precious form of quartz.
[found on Cairngorm, a mountain in Scotland f. Gael. carn gorm
blue cairn]
caisson n. 1 a watertight chamber in which underwater construction work
can be done. 2 a floating vessel used as a floodgate in docks.
3 an ammunition chest or wagon. Ьcaisson disease =
decompression sickness. [F (f. It. cassone) assim. to caisse
caitiff n. & adj. poet. or archaic --n. a base or despicable person; a
coward. --adj. base, despicable, cowardly. [ME f. OF caitif,
chaitif ult. f. L captivus CAPTIVE]
cajole (often foll. by into, out of) persuade by flattery,
deceit, etc. ЬЬcajolement n. cajoler n. cajolery n. [F
cake n. & v. --n. 1 a a mixture of flour, butter, eggs, sugar,
etc., baked in the oven. b a quantity of this baked in a flat
round or ornamental shape and often iced and decorated. 2 a
other food in a flat round shape (fish cake). b = cattle-cake.
3 a flattish compact mass (a cake of soap). 4 Sc. & N.Engl.
thin oaten bread. --v. 1 tr. & intr. form into a compact mass.
2 tr. (usu. foll. by with) cover (with a hard or sticky mass)
(boots caked with mud). Ьcakes and ale merrymaking. have one's
cake and eat it colloq. enjoy both of two mutually exclusive
alternatives. like hot cakes rapidly or successfully. a piece
of cake colloq. something easily achieved. a slice of the cake
participation in benefits. [ME f. ON kaka]
cakewalk n. 1 a dance developed from an American Black contest in
graceful walking with a cake as a prize. 2 colloq. an easy
task. 3 a form of fairground entertainment consisting of a
promenade moved by machinery.
CAL abbr. computer-assisted learning.
Cal abbr. large calorie(s).
Cal. abbr. California.
cal abbr. small calorie(s).
Calabar bean
n. a poisonous seed of the tropical African climbing plant
Physostigma venosum, yielding a medicinal extract. [Calabar in
calabash n. 1 a an evergreen tree, Crescentia cujete, native to tropical
America, bearing fruit in the form of large gourds. b a gourd
from this tree. 2 the shell of this or a similar gourd used as
a vessel for water, to make a tobacco pipe, etc. [F calebasse
f. Sp. calabaza perh. f. Pers. karbuz melon]
calaboose n. US a prison. [Black F calabouse f. Sp. calabozo dungeon]
calabrese n. a large succulent variety of sprouting broccoli. [It., =
calamanco n. (pl. -oes) hist. a glossy woollen cloth chequered on one
side. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
n. a fine-grained red-brown ebony streaked with black, from the
Asian tree Diospyros qualsita, used in furniture. [19th c.:
orig. unkn.: perh. conn. with Sinh. word for the tree
calamary n. (pl. -ies) any cephalopod mollusc with a long tapering
penlike horny internal shell, esp. a squid of the genus Loligo.
[med.L calamarium pen-case f. L calamus pen]
calamine n. 1 a pink powder consisting of zinc carbonate and ferric
oxide used as a lotion or ointment. 2 a zinc mineral usu. zinc
carbonate. [ME f. F f. med.L calamina alt. f. L cadmia: see
calamint n. any aromatic herb or shrub of the genus Calamintha, esp. C.
officinalis with purple or lilac flowers. [ME f. OF calament f.
med.L calamentum f. LL calaminthe f. Gk kalaminthe]
calamity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a disaster, a great misfortune. 2 a
adversity. b deep distress. ЬCalamity Jane a prophet of
disaster. ЬЬcalamitous adj. calamitously adv. [ME f. F
calamit‚ f. L calamitas -tatis]
calando adv. Mus. gradually decreasing in speed and volume. [It., =
calash n. hist. 1 a a light low-wheeled carriage with a removable
folding hood. b the folding hood itself. 2 Can. a two-wheeled
horse-drawn vehicle. 3 a woman's hooped silk hood. [F calЉche
f. G Kalesche f. Pol. kolaska or Czech kolesa]
calc- comb. form lime or calcium. [G Kalk f. L CALX]
calcaneus n. (also calcaneum) (pl. calcanei or calcanea) the bone
forming the heel. [L]
adj. (also calcarious) of or containing calcium carbonate;
chalky. [L calcarius (as CALX)]
n. Bot. any plant of the genus Calceolaria, native to S.
America, with slipper-shaped flowers. [mod.L f. L calceolus
dimin. of calceus shoe + - aria fem. = -ARY(1)]
adj. Bot. slipper-shaped.
calces pl. of CALX.
n. one of the D vitamins, routinely added to dairy products,
essential for the deposition of calcium in bones. Also called
calcify & intr. (-ies, -ied) 1 harden or become hardened by
deposition of calcium salts; petrify. 2 convert or be converted
to calcium carbonate. ЬЬcalcific adj. calcification n.
calcine v. 1 tr. a reduce, oxidize, or desiccate by strong heat. b
burn to ashes; consume by fire; roast. c reduce to calcium
oxide by roasting or burning. 2 tr. consume or purify as if by
fire. 3 intr. undergo any of these. ЬЬcalcination n. [ME f.
OF calciner or med.L calcinare f. LL calcina lime f. L CALX]
calcite n. natural crystalline calcium carbonate. [G Calcit f. L CALX
calcium n. a soft grey metallic element of the alkaline earth group
occurring naturally in limestone, marble, chalk, etc., that is
important in industry and essential for normal growth in living
organisms. °Symb.: Ca. Ьcalcium carbide a greyish solid used
in the production of acetylene. calcium carbonate a white
insoluble solid occurring naturally as chalk, limestone, marble,
and calcite, and used in the manufacture of lime and cement.
calcium hydroxide a white crystalline powder used in the
manufacture of plaster and cement; slaked lime. calcium oxide a
white crystalline solid from which many calcium compounds are
manufactured: also called QUICKLIME, CALX. calcium phosphate
the main constituent of animal bones and used as bone ash
fertilizer. calcium sulphate a white crystalline solid
occurring as anhydrite and gypsum. [L CALX lime + -IUM]
calcrete n. Geol. a conglomerate formed by the cementation of sand and
gravel with calcium carbonate. [L calc lime + con crete]
calcspar n. = CALCITE. [CALC- + SPAR(3)]
adj. able to be calculated or estimated. ЬЬcalculability n.
calculably adv.
calculate v. 1 tr. ascertain or determine beforehand, esp. by mathematics
or by reckoning. 2 tr. plan deliberately. 3 intr. (foll. by
on, upon) rely on; make an essential part of one's reckoning
(calculated on a quick response). 4 tr. US colloq. suppose,
believe. ЬЬcalculative adj. [LL calculare (as CALCULUS)]
adj. 1 (of an action) done with awareness of the likely
consequences. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) designed or suitable;
intended. ЬЬcalculatedly adv.
adj. (of a person) shrewd, scheming. ЬЬcalculatingly adv.
n. 1 the act or process of calculating. 2 a result got by
calculating. 3 a reckoning or forecast. [ME f. OF f. LL
calculatio (as CALCULATE)]
n. 1 a device (esp. a small electronic one) used for making
mathematical calculations. 2 a person or thing that calculates.
3 a set of tables used in calculation. [ME f. L (as CALCULATE)]
calculus n. (pl. calculuses or calculi) 1 Math. a a particular method
of calculation or reasoning (calculus of probabilities). b the
infinitesimal calculuses of integration or differentiation (see
integral calculus, differential calculus). 2 Med. a stone or
concretion of minerals formed within the body. ЬЬcalculous adj.
(in sense 2). [L, = small stone used in reckoning on an abacus]
caldera n. a large volcanic depression. [Sp. f. LL caldaria
caldron var. of CAULDRON.
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to Scotland. 2 Geol. of a
mountain-forming period in Europe in the Palaeozoic era. --n. a
Scotsman. [L Caledonia northern Britain]
n. & adj. Med. --n. a substance producing or causing a
sensation of warmth. --adj. of this substance. [L calefacere
f. calere be warm + facere make]
calendar n. & v. --n. 1 a system by which the beginning, length, and
subdivisions of the year are fixed. 2 a chart or series of
pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year,
or giving special seasonal information. 3 a timetable or
programme of appointments, special events, etc.
register or enter in a calendar or timetable etc. Ьcalendar
month (or year) see MONTH, YEAR. ЬЬcalendric adj. calendrical
adj. [ME f. AF calender, OF calendier f. L calendarium
account-book (as CALENDS)]
calender n. & v. --n. a machine in which cloth, paper, etc., is pressed
by rollers to glaze or smooth it. press in a calender.
[F calendre(r), of unkn. orig.]
calends (also kalends) the first of the month in the ancient
Roman calendar. [ME f. OF calendes f. L kalendae]
calendula n. any plant of the genus Calendula, with large yellow or
orange flowers, e.g. marigold. [mod.L dimin. of calendae (as
CALENDS), perh. = little clock]
calenture n. hist. a tropical delirium of sailors, who think the sea is
green fields. [F f. Sp. calentura fever f. calentar be hot
ult. f. L calere be warm]
calf(1) n. (pl. calves) 1 a young bovine animal, used esp. of domestic
cattle. 2 the young of other animals, e.g. elephant, deer, and
whale. 3 Naut. a floating piece of ice detached from an
iceberg. Ьcalf-love romantic attachment or affection between
adolescents. in (or with) calf (of a cow) pregnant. ЬЬcalfhood
n. calfish adj. calflike adj. [OE c‘lf f. WG]
calf(2) n. (pl. calves) the fleshy hind part of the human leg below
the knee. ЬЬ-calved adj. (in comb.). [ME f. ON k lfi, of unkn.
calfskin n. calf-leather, esp. in bookbinding and shoemaking.
calibrate 1 mark (a gauge) with a standard scale of readings. 2
correlate the readings of (an instrument) with a standard. 3
determine the calibre of (a gun). 4 determine the correct
capacity or value of. ЬЬcalibration n. calibrator n. [CALIBRE
+ -ATE(3)]
calibre n. (US caliber) 1 a the internal diameter of a gun or tube. b
the diameter of a bullet or shell. 2 strength or quality of
character; ability, importance (we need someone of your
calibre). ЬЬcalibred adj. (also in comb.). [F calibre or It.
calibro, f. Arab. kalib mould]
caliche n. 1 a mineral deposit of gravel, sand, and nitrates, esp.
Chile saltpetre, found in dry areas of America. 2 = CALCRETE.
[Amer. Sp.]
calico n. & adj. --n. (pl. -oes or US -os) 1 a cotton cloth, esp.
plain white or unbleached. 2 US a printed cotton fabric.
--adj. 1 made of calico. 2 US multicoloured, piebald.
[earlier calicut f. Calicut in India]
Calif. abbr. California.
n. Chem. a transuranic radioactive metallic element produced
artificially from curium. °Symb.: Cf. [California (where it
was first made) + -IUM]
caliper var. of CALLIPER.
caliph n. esp. hist. the chief Muslim civil and religious ruler,
regarded as the successor of Muhammad. ЬЬcaliphate n. [ME f.
OF caliphe f. Arab. Kalifa successor]
calk US var. of CAULK.
call v. & n. --v. 1 intr. a (often foll. by out) cry, shout; speak
loudly. b (of a bird or animal) emit its characteristic note or
cry. 2 tr. communicate or converse with by telephone or radio.
3 tr. a bring to one's presence by calling; summon (will you
call the children?). b arrange for (a person or thing) to come
or be present (called a taxi). 4 intr. (often foll. by at, in,
on) pay a brief visit (called at the house; called in to see
you; come and call on me). 5 tr. a order to take place; fix a
time for (called a meeting). b direct to happen; announce (call
a halt). 6 a intr. require one's attention or consideration
(duty calls). b tr. urge, invite, nominate (call to the bar).
7 tr. name; describe as (call her Della). 8 tr. consider;
regard or estimate as (I call that silly). 9 tr. rouse from
sleep (call me at 8). 10 intr. guess the outcome of tossing a
coin etc. 11 intr. (foll. by for) order, require, demand
(called for silence). 12 tr. (foll. by over) read out (a list
of names to determine those present). 13 intr. (foll. by on,
upon) invoke; appeal to; request or require (called on us to be
quiet). 14 tr. Cricket (of an umpire) disallow a ball from (a
bowler). 15 tr. Cards specify (a suit or contract) in bidding.
16 tr. Sc. drive (an animal, vehicle, etc.). --n. 1 a shout
or cry; an act of calling. 2 a the characteristic cry of a bird
or animal. b an imitation of this. c an instrument for
imitating it. 3 a brief visit (paid them a call). 4 a an act
of telephoning. b a telephone conversation. 5 a an invitation
or summons to appear or be present. b an appeal or invitation
(from a specific source or discerned by a person's conscience
etc.) to follow a certain profession, set of principles, etc. 6
(foll. by for, or to + infin.) a duty, need, or occasion (no
call to be rude; no call for violence). 7 (foll. by for, on) a
demand (not much call for it these days; a call on one's time).
8 a signal on a bugle etc.; a signalling-whistle. 9 Stock Exch.
an option of buying stock at a fixed price at a given date. 10
Cards a a player's right or turn to make a bid. b a bid made.
Ьat call = on call. call away divert, distract. call-box a
public telephone box or kiosk. call-boy a theatre attendant who
summons actors when needed on stage. call down 1 invoke. 2
reprimand. call forth elicit. call-girl a prostitute who
accepts appointments by telephone. call in tr. 1 withdraw from
circulation. 2 seek the advice or services of. calling-card US
= visiting-card. call in (or into) question dispute; doubt the
validity of. call into play give scope for; make use of. call
a person names abuse a person verbally. call off 1 cancel (an
arrangement etc.). 2 order (an attacker or pursuer) to desist.
call of nature a need to urinate or defecate. call out 1 summon
(troops etc.) to action. 2 order (workers) to strike.
call-over 1 a roll-call. 2 reading aloud of a list of betting
prices. call the shots (or tune) be in control; take the
initiative. call-sign (or -signal) a broadcast signal
identifying the radio transmitter used. call to account see
ACCOUNT. call to mind recollect; cause one to remember. call
to order 1 request to be orderly. 2 declare (a meeting) open.
call up 1 reach by telephone. 2 imagine, recollect. 3 summon,
esp. to serve in the army. call-up n. the act or process of
calling up (sense 3). on call 1 (of a doctor etc.) available if
required but not formally on duty. 2 (of money lent) repayable
on demand. within call near enough to be summoned by calling.
[OE ceallian f. ON kalla]
calla n. 1 (in full calla lily) = arum lily. 2 an aquatic plant,
Calla palustris. [mod.L]
caller n. 1 a person who calls, esp. one who pays a visit or makes a
telephone call. 2 Austral. a racing commentator.
n. 1 handwriting, esp. when fine or pleasing. 2 the art of
handwriting. ЬЬcalligrapher n. calligraphic adj.
calligraphist n. [Gk kalligraphia f. kallos beauty]
calling n. 1 a profession or occupation. 2 an inwardly felt call or
summons; a vocation.
calliope n. US a keyboard instrument resembling an organ, with a set of
steam whistles producing musical notes. [Gk Kalliope muse of
epic poetry (lit. 'beautiful-voiced')]
calliper n. & v. (also caliper) --n. 1 (in pl.) (also calliper
compasses) compasses with bowed legs for measuring the diameter
of convex bodies, or with out-turned points for measuring
internal dimensions. 2 (in full calliper splint) a metal splint
to support the leg. measure with callipers. [app. var.
callisthenics (also calisthenics) gymnastic exercises to achieve bodily
fitness and grace of movement. ЬЬcallisthenic adj. [Gk kallos
beauty + sthenos strength]
callop n. Austral. a gold-coloured freshwater fish, Plectroplites
ambiguus, used as food. Also called golden perch. [Aboriginal]
callosity n. (pl. -ies) a hard thick area of skin usu. occurring in
parts of the body subject to pressure or friction. [F callosit‚
or L callositas (as CALLOUS)]
callous adj. & n. --adj. 1 unfeeling, insensitive. 2 (of skin)
hardened or hard. --n. = CALLUS 1. ЬЬcallously adv. (in sense
1 of adj.). callousness n. [ME f. L callosus (as CALLUS) or F
callow adj. inexperienced, immature. ЬЬcallowly adv. callowness n.
[OE calu]
calluna n. any common heather of the genus Calluna, native to Europe
and N. Africa. [mod.L f. Gk kalluno beautify f. kallos beauty]
callus n. 1 a hard thick area of skin or tissue. 2 a hard tissue
formed round bone ends after a fracture. 3 Bot. a new
protective tissue formed over a wound. [L]
calm adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 tranquil, quiet, windless (a calm sea;
a calm night). 2 (of a person or disposition) settled; not
agitated (remained calm throughout the ordeal). 3 self-assured,
confident (his calm assumption that we would wait). --n. 1 a
state of being calm; stillness, serenity. 2 a period without
wind or storm. & intr. (often foll. by down) make or
become calm. ЬЬcalmly adv. calmness n. [ME ult. f. LL cauma
f. Gk kauma heat]
calmative adj. & n. Med. --adj. tending to calm or sedate. --n. a
calmative drug etc.
calomel n. a compound of mercury, esp. when used medicinally as a
cathartic. [mod.L perh. f. Gk kalos beautiful + melas black]
Calor gas n. propr. liquefied butane gas stored under pressure in
containers for domestic use and used as a substitute for mains
gas. [L calor heat]
caloric adj. & n. --adj. of heat or calories. --n. hist. a supposed
material form or cause of heat. [F calorique f. L calor heat]
calorie n. (also calory) (pl. -ies) a unit of quantity of heat: 1 (in
full small calorie) the amount needed to raise the temperature
of 1 gram of water through 1 шC. °Abbr.: cal. 2 (in full large
calorie) the amount needed to raise the temperature of 1
kilogram of water through 1 шC, often used to measure the energy
value of foods. °Abbr.: Cal. [F, arbitr. f. L calor heat +
calorific adj. producing heat. Ьcalorific value the amount of heat
produced by a specified quantity of fuel, food, etc.
ЬЬcalorifically adv. [L calorificus f. calor heat]
n. any of various instruments for measuring quantity of heat,
esp. to find calorific values. ЬЬcalorimetric adj.
calorimetry n. [L calor heat + -METER]
calory var. of CALORIE.
calque n. Philol. = loan-translation. [F, = copy, tracing f. calquer
trace ult. f. L calcare tread]
caltrop n. (also caltrap) 1 hist. a four-spiked iron ball thrown on the
ground to impede cavalry horses. 2 Heraldry a representation of
this. 3 any creeping plant of the genus Tribulus, with woody
carpels usu. having hard spines. [(sense 3) OE calcatrippe f.
med.L calcatrippa: (senses 1-2) ME f. OF chauchetrape f.
chauchier tread, trappe trap: ult. the same word]
calumet n. a N. American Indian peace-pipe. [F, ult. f. L calamus
calumniate slander. ЬЬcalumniation n. calumniator n. calumniatory
adj. [L calumniari]
calumny n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 slander; malicious representation.
2 an instance of this. (-ies, -ied) slander.
ЬЬcalumnious adj. [L calumnia]
calvados n. an apple brandy. [Calvados in France]
Calvary n. the place where Christ was crucified. [ME f. LL calvaria
skull, transl. Gk golgotha, Aram. g–lg–ltѓ (Matt. 27:33)]
calve v. 1 a intr. give birth to a calf. b tr. (esp. in passive)
give birth to (a calf). 2 tr. (also absol.) (of an iceberg)
break off or shed (a mass of ice). [OE calfian]
calves pl. of CALF(1), CALF(2).
Calvinism n. the theology of the French theologian J. Calvin (d. 1564) or
his followers, in which predestination and justification by
faith are important elements. ЬЬCalvinist n. Calvinistic adj.
Calvinistical adj. [F calvinisme or mod.L calvinismus]
calx n. (pl. calces) 1 a powdery metallic oxide formed when an ore
or mineral has been heated. 2 calcium oxide. [L calx calcis
lime prob. f. Gk khalix pebble, limestone]
calypso n. (pl. -os) a W. Indian song in African rhythm, usu.
improvised on a topical theme. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
calyx n. (also calix) (pl. calyces or calyxes) 1 Bot. the sepals
collectively, forming the protective layer of a flower in bud.
2 Biol. any cuplike cavity or structure. [L f. Gk kalux case of
bud, husk: cf. kalupto hide]
cam n. a projection on a rotating part in machinery, shaped to
impart reciprocal or variable motion to the part in contact with
it. [Du. kam comb: cf. Du. kamrad cog-wheel]
n. mutual trust and sociability among friends. [F]
camarilla n. a cabal or clique. [Sp., dimin. of camara chamber]
Camb. abbr. Cambridge.
camber n. & v. --n. 1 the slightly convex or arched shape of the
surface of a road, ship's deck, aircraft wing, etc. 2 the
slight sideways inclination of the front wheel of a motor
vehicle. --v. 1 intr. (of a surface) have a camber. 2 tr.
give a camber to; build with a camber. [F cambre arched f. L
camurus curved inwards]
Camberwell Beauty
n. a deep purple butterfly, Nymphalis antiopa, with
yellow-bordered wings. [Camberwell in London]
cambium n. (pl. cambia or cambiums) Bot. a cellular plant tissue
responsible for the increase in girth of stems and roots.
ЬЬcambial adj. [med.L, = change, exchange]
Cambodian n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native or national of Cambodia
(Kampuchea) in SE Asia. b a person of Cambodian descent. 2 the
language of Cambodia. --adj. of or relating to Cambodia or its
people or language. Also called KAMPUCHEAN.
Cambrian adj. & n. --adj. 1 Welsh. 2 Geol. of or relating to the first
period in the Palaeozoic era, marked by the occurrence of many
forms of invertebrate life (including trilobites and
brachiopods). °Cf. Appendix II. --n. this period or system.
[L Cambria var. of Cumbria f. Welsh Cymry Welshman or Cymru
cambric n. a fine white linen or cotton fabric. [Kamerijk, Flem. form
of Cambrai in N. France, where it was orig. made]
Cambridge blue
n. & adj. a pale blue. [Cambridge in S. England]
Cambs. abbr. Cambridgeshire.
camcorder n. a combined video camera and sound recorder. [camera + re
came past of COME.
camel n. 1 either of two kinds of large cud-chewing mammals having
slender cushion-footed legs and one hump (Arabian camel, Camelus
dromedarius) or two humps (Bactrian camel, Camelus bactrianus).
2 a fawn colour. 3 an apparatus for providing additional
buoyancy to ships etc. Ьcamel (or camel's) -hair 1 the hair of
a camel. 2 a a fine soft hair used in artists' brushes. b a
fabric made of this. [OE f. L camelus f. Gk kamelos, of Semitic
cameleer n. a camel-driver.
camellia n. any evergreen shrub of the genus Camellia, native to E.
Asia, with shiny leaves and showy flowers. [J. Camellus or
Kamel, 17th-c. Jesuit botanist]
n. archaic a giraffe. [L camelopardus f. Gk kamelopardalis (as
camelry n. (pl. -ies) troops mounted on camels.
Camembert n. a kind of soft creamy cheese, usu. with a strong flavour.
[Camembert in N. France, where it was orig. made]
cameo n. (pl. -os) 1 a a small piece of onyx or other hard stone
carved in relief with a background of a different colour. b a
similar relief design using other materials. 2 a a short
descriptive literary sketch or acted scene. b a small character
part in a play or film, usu. brief and played by a distinguished
actor. [ME f. OF camahieu and med.L cammaeus]
camera n. 1 an apparatus for taking photographs, consisting of a
lightproof box to hold light-sensitive film, a lens, and a
shutter mechanism, either for still photographs or for
motion-picture film. 2 Telev. a piece of equipment which forms
an optical image and converts it into electrical impulses for
transmission or storage. Ьcamera obscura an internally darkened
box with an aperture for projecting the image of an external
object on a screen inside it. camera-ready Printing (of copy)
in a form suitable for immediate photographic reproduction. in
camera 1 Law in a judge's private room. 2 privately; not in
public. on camera (esp. of an actor or actress) being filmed or
televised at a particular moment. [orig. = chamber f. L camera
f. Gk kamara vault etc.]
cameraman n. (pl. -men) a person who operates a camera professionally,
esp. in film-making or television.
camiknickers Brit. a one-piece close-fitting undergarment formerly
worn by women. [CAMISOLE + KNICKERS]
camisole n. an under-bodice, usu. embroidered. [F f. It. camiciola or
Sp. camisola: see CHEMISE]
camomile n. (also chamomile) any aromatic plant of the genus Anthemis or
Matricaria, with daisy-like flowers. Ьcamomile tea an infusion
of its dried flowers used as a tonic. [ME f. OF camomille f. LL
camomilla or chamomilla f. Gk khamaimelon earth-apple (from the
apple-smell of its flowers)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a the disguising of military vehicles,
aircraft, ships, artillery, and installations by painting them
or covering them to make them blend with their surroundings. b
such a disguise. 2 the natural colouring of an animal which
enables it to blend in with its surroundings. 3 a misleading or
evasive precaution or expedient. hide or disguise by
means of camouflage. [F f. camoufler disguise f. It.
camuffare disguise, deceive]
camp(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a place where troops are lodged or trained.
b the military life (court and camp). 2 temporary overnight
lodging in tents etc. in the open. 3 a temporary accommodation
of various kinds, usu. consisting of huts or tents, for
detainees, homeless persons, and other emergency use. b a
complex of buildings for holiday accommodation, usu. with
extensive recreational facilities. 4 an ancient fortified site
or its remains. 5 the adherents of a particular party or
doctrine regarded collectively (the Labour camp was jubilant).
6 S.Afr. a portion of veld fenced off for pasture on farms. 7
Austral. & NZ an assembly place of sheep or cattle. --v.intr.
1 set up or spend time in a camp (in senses 1 and 2 of n.). 2
(often foll. by out) lodge in temporary quarters or in the open.
3 Austral. & NZ (of sheep or cattle) flock together esp. for
rest. Ьcamp-bed a folding portable bed of a kind used in
camping. camp-fire an open-air fire in a camp etc.
camp-follower 1 a civilian worker in a military camp. 2 a
disciple or adherent. camp-site a place for camping. ЬЬcamping
n. [F f. It. campo f. L campus level ground]
camp(2) adj., n., & v. colloq. --adj. 1 affected, effeminate. 2
homosexual. 3 done in an exaggerated way for effect. --n. a
camp manner or style. --v.intr. & tr. behave or do in a camp
way. Ьcamp it up overact; behave affectedly. ЬЬcampy adj.
(campier, campiest). campily adv. campiness n. [20th c.:
orig. uncert.]
campaign n. & v. --n. 1 an organized course of action for a particular
purpose, esp. to arouse public interest (e.g. before a political
election). 2 a a series of military operations in a definite
area or to achieve a particular objective. b military service
in the field (on campaign). --v.intr. conduct or take part in a
campaign. ЬЬcampaigner n. [F campagne open country f. It.
campagna f. LL campania]
campanile n. a bell-tower (usu. free-standing), esp. in Italy. [It. f.
campana bell]
n. 1 the study of bells. 2 the art or practice of
bell-ringing. ЬЬcampanologer n. campanological adj.
campanologist n. [mod.L campanologia f. LL campana bell]
campanula n. any plant of the genus Campanula, with bell-shaped usu.
blue, purple, or white flowers. Also called BELLFLOWER. [mod.L
dimin. of L campana bell]
adj. Bot. & Zool. bell-shaped.
Campeachy wood
n. = LOGWOOD. [Campeche in Mexico, from where it was first
camper n. 1 a person who camps out or lives temporarily in a tent,
hut, etc., esp. on holiday. 2 a large motor vehicle with
accommodation for camping out.
camphor n. a white translucent crystalline volatile substance with
aromatic smell and bitter taste, used to make celluloid and in
medicine. ЬЬcamphoric adj. [ME f. OF camphore or med.L
camphora f. Arab. kafur f. Skr. karpuram]
camphorate impregnate or treat with camphor.
campion n. 1 any plant of the genus Silene, with usu. pink or white
notched flowers. 2 any of several similar cultivated plants of
the genus Lychnis. [perh. f. obs. campion f. OF, = CHAMPION:
transl. of Gk lukhnis stephanomatike a plant used for
(champions') garlands]
campus n. (pl. campuses) 1 the grounds of a university or college. 2
esp. US a university, esp. as a teaching institution. [L, =
CAMRA abbr. Campaign for Real Ale.
camshaft n. a shaft with one or more cams attached to it.
camwood n. a hard red wood from a tree Pterocarpus soyauxii, native to
W. Africa. [perh. f. Temne]
can(1) v.aux. (3rd sing. present can; past could) (foll. by infin.
without to, or absol.; present and past only in use) 1 a be able
to; know how to (I can run fast; can he?; can you speak
German?). b be potentially capable of (you can do it if you
try). 2 be permitted to (can we go to the party?). [OE cunnan
can(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a metal vessel for liquid. 2 a tin container
in which food or drink is hermetically sealed to enable storage
over long periods. 3 (prec. by the) sl. a prison (sent to the
can). b US lavatory. (canned, canning) 1 put or
preserve in a can. 2 record on film or tape for future use.
Ьcan of worms colloq. a complicated problem. can-opener a
device for opening cans (in sense 2 of n.). in the can colloq.
completed, ready (orig. of filmed or recorded material).
ЬЬcanner n. [OE canne]
Can. abbr. Canada; Canadian.
Canaan n. 1 a promised land (orig. that west of the River Jordan, the
Promised Land of the Israelites). 2 heaven. [eccl.L f. eccl.Gk
Khanaan f. Heb. k e na'an]
Canada balsam
n. Biol. a yellow resin obtained from the balsam fir and used
for mounting preparations on microscope slides (its refractive
index being similar to that of glass).
Canada goose
n. a wild goose, Branta canadensis, of N. America, with a
brownish-grey body and white cheeks and breast.
canaille n. the rabble; the populace. [F f. It. canaglia pack of dogs
f. cane dog]
canal n. 1 an artificial waterway for inland navigation or
irrigation. 2 any of various tubular ducts in a plant or
animal, for carrying food, liquid, or air. 3 Astron. any of a
network of apparent linear markings on the planet Mars, which
are observed from earth but not at close range. Ьcanal boat a
long narrow boat for use on canals. canal ray a beam of
positive ions moving through a bored hole in the cathode of a
high-vacuum tube. [ME f. OF (earlier chanel) f. L canalis or
It. canale]
canalize (also -ise) 1 make a canal through. 2 convert (a river)
into a canal. 3 provide with canals. 4 give the desired
direction or purpose to. ЬЬcanalization n. [F canaliser: see
canap‚ n. 1 a small piece of bread or pastry with a savoury on top,
often served as an hors-d'oeuvre. 2 a sofa. [F]
canard n. 1 an unfounded rumour or story. 2 an extra surface attached
to an aeroplane forward of the main lifting surface, for extra
stability or control. [F, = duck]
Canarese var. of KANARESE.
canary n. (pl. -ies) 1 any of various small finches of the genus
Serinus, esp. S. canaria, a songbird native to the Canary
Islands, with mainly yellow plumage. 2 hist. a sweet wine from
the Canary Islands. Ьcanary-coloured coloured canary yellow.
canary creeper a climbing plant, Tropaeolium peregrinum, with
flowers of bright yellow deeply toothed petals which give the
appearance of a small bird in flight. canary grass a
Mediterranean plant Phalaris canariensis, grown as a crop plant
for bird seed. canary yellow bright yellow. [Canary Islands f.
F Canarie f. Sp. & L Canaria f. canis dog, one of the islands
being noted in Roman times for large dogs]
canasta n. 1 a card-game using two packs and resembling rummy, the aim
being to collect sets (or melds) of cards. 2 a set of seven
cards in this game. [Sp., = basket]
canaster n. tobacco made from coarsely broken dried leaves. [orig. the
container: Sp. canastro ult. f. Gk kanastron]
cancan n. a lively stage-dance with high kicking, performed by women
in long skirts and petticoats. [F]
cancel v. & n. --v. (cancelled, cancelling; US canceled, canceling) 1
tr. a withdraw or revoke (a previous arrangement). b
discontinue (an arrangement in progress). 2 tr. obliterate or
delete (writing etc.). 3 tr. mark or pierce (a ticket, stamp,
etc.) to invalidate it. 4 tr. annul; make void; abolish. 5
(often foll. by out) a tr. (of one factor or circumstance)
neutralize or counterbalance (another). b intr. (of two factors
or circumstances) neutralize each other. 6 tr. Math. strike
out (an equal factor) on each side of an equation or from the
numerator and denominator of a fraction. --n. 1 a countermand.
2 the cancellation of a postage stamp. 3 Printing a new page or
section inserted in a book to replace the original text, usu. to
correct an error. 4 Mus. US a natural-sign. ЬЬcanceller n.
[ME f. F canceller f. L cancellare f. cancelli crossbars,
n. 1 the act or an instance of cancelling or being cancelled.
2 something that has been cancelled, esp. a booking or
reservation. [L cancellatio (as CANCEL)]
adj. (of a bone) with pores. [L cancelli lattice]
cancer n. 1 a any malignant growth or tumour from an abnormal and
uncontrolled division of body cells. b a disease caused by
this. 2 an evil influence or corruption spreading
uncontrollably. 3 (Cancer) a a constellation, traditionally
regarded as contained in the figure of a crab. b the fourth
sign of the zodiac (the Crab). c a person born when the sun is
in this sign. Ьcancer stick sl. a cigarette. Tropic of Cancer
see TROPIC. ЬЬCancerian n. & adj. (in sense 3). cancerous adj.
[ME f. L, = crab, cancer, after Gk karkinos]
cancroid adj. & n. --adj. 1 crablike. 2 resembling cancer. --n. a
disease resembling cancer.
candela n. the SI unit of luminous intensity. °Abbr.: cd. [L, =
n. (also candelabra) (pl. candelabra, US candelabrums,
candelabras) a large branched candlestick or lamp-holder.
Ьcandelabrum tree a tropical E. African tree, Euphorbia
candelabrum, with foliage shaped like a candelabrum. [L f.
candela CANDLE]
adj. glowing with or as with white heat. ЬЬcandescence n. [L
candere be white]
candid adj. 1 frank; not hiding one's thoughts. 2 (of a photograph)
taken informally, usu. without the subject's knowledge. Ьcandid
camera a small camera for taking candid photographs. ЬЬcandidly
adv. candidness n. [F candide or L candidus white]
candida n. any yeastlike parasitic fungus of the genus Candida, esp.
C. albicans causing thrush. [mod.L fem. of L candidus: see
candidate n. 1 a person who seeks or is nominated for an office, award,
etc. 2 a person or thing likely to gain some distinction or
position. 3 a person entered for an examination. ЬЬcandidacy
n. candidature n. Brit. [F candidat or L candidatus
white-robed (Roman candidates wearing white)]
candle n. & v. --n. 1 a cylinder or block of wax or tallow with a
central wick, for giving light when burning. 2 = CANDLEPOWER. test (an egg) for freshness by holding it to the light.
Ьcannot hold a candle to cannot be compared with; is much
inferior to. not worth the candle not justifying the cost or
trouble. ЬЬcandler n. [OE candel f. L candela f. candere
n. 1 light provided by candles. 2 dusk.
Candlemas n. a feast with blessing of candles (2 Feb.), commemorating the
Purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of Christ
in the Temple. [OE Candelm‘sse (as CANDLE, MASS(2))]
n. a unit of luminous intensity.
n. a holder for one or more candles.
n. 1 a thick soft cotton yarn. 2 material made from this, usu.
with a tufted pattern.
candour n. (US candor) candid behaviour or action; frankness. [F
candeur or L candor whiteness]
C. & W. abbr. country-and-western.
candy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 (in full sugar-candy) sugar
crystallized by repeated boiling and slow evaporation. 2 US
sweets; a sweet. (-ies, -ied) (usu. as candied adj.)
preserve by coating and impregnating with a sugar syrup (candied
fruit). [F sucre candi candied sugar f. Arab. kand sugar]
n. Brit. a fluffy mass of spun sugar wrapped round a stick.
n. a pattern consisting of alternate stripes of white and a
colour (usu. pink). ЬЬcandystriped adj.
candytuft n. any of various plants of the genus Iberis, native to W.
Europe, with white, pink, or purple flowers in tufts. [obs.
Candy (Candia Crete) + TUFT]
cane n. & v. --n. 1 a the hollow jointed stem of giant reeds or
grasses (bamboo cane). b the solid stem of slender palms
(malacca cane). 2 = sugar cane. 3 a raspberry-cane. 4
material of cane used for wickerwork etc. 5 a a cane used as a
walking-stick or a support for a plant or an instrument of
punishment. b any slender walking-stick. 1 beat with
a cane. 2 weave cane into (a chair etc.). Ьcane-brake US a
tract of land overgrown with canes. cane chair a chair with a
seat made of woven cane strips. cane-sugar sugar obtained from
sugar-cane. cane-trash see TRASH. ЬЬcaner n. (in sense 2 of
v.). caning n. [ME f. OF f. L canna f. Gk kanna]
canine adj. & n. --adj. 1 of a dog or dogs. 2 of or belonging to the
family Canidae, including dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. --n. 1 a
dog. 2 (in full canine tooth) a pointed tooth between the
incisors and premolars. [ME f. canin -ine or f. L caninus f.
canis dog]
canister n. 1 a small container, usu. of metal and cylindrical, for
storing tea etc. 2 a a cylinder of shot, tear-gas, etc., that
explodes on impact. b such cylinders collectively. [L
canistrum f. Gk f. kanna CANE]
canker n. & v. --n. 1 a a destructive fungus disease of trees and
plants. b an open wound in the stem of a tree or plant. 2
Zool. an ulcerous ear disease of animals esp. cats and dogs. 3
Med. an ulceration esp. of the lips. 4 a corrupting influence. 1 consume with canker. 2 corrupt. 3 (as cankered
adj.) soured, malignant, crabbed. Ьcanker-worm any caterpillar
of various wingless moths which consume the buds and leaves of
shade and fruit trees in N. America. ЬЬcankerous adj. [OE
cancer & ONF cancre, OF chancre f. L cancer crab]
canna n. any tropical plant of the genus Canna with bright flowers
and ornamental leaves. [L: see CANE]
cannabis n. 1 any hemp plant of the genus Cannabis, esp. Indian hemp. 2
a preparation of parts of this used as an intoxicant or
hallucinogen. Ьcannabis resin a sticky product, esp. from the
flowering tops of the female cannabis plant. [L f. Gk]
canned adj. 1 pre-recorded (canned laughter; canned music). 2
supplied in a can (canned beer). 3 sl. drunk.
cannel n. (in full cannel coal) a bituminous coal burning with a bright
flame. [16th c.: orig. N.Engl.]
cannelloni tubes or rolls of pasta stuffed with meat or a vegetable
mixture. [It. f. cannello stalk]
cannelure n. the groove round a bullet etc. [F f. canneler f. canne
reed, CANE]
cannery n. (pl. -ies) a factory where food is canned.
cannibal n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who eats human flesh. 2 an animal
that feeds on flesh of its own species. --adj. of or like a
cannibal. ЬЬcannibalism n. cannibalistic adj.
cannibalistically adv. [orig. pl. Canibales f. Sp.: var. of
Caribes name of a W.Ind. nation]
cannibalize (also -ise) use (a machine etc.) as a source of spare
parts for others. ЬЬcannibalization n.
cannikin n. a small can. [Du. kanneken (as CAN(2), -KIN)]
cannon n. & v. --n. 1 hist. (pl. same) a large heavy gun installed
on a carriage or mounting. 2 an automatic aircraft gun firing
shells. 3 Billiards the hitting of two balls successively by
the cue-ball. 4 Mech. a hollow cylinder moving independently on
a shaft. 5 (in full cannon-bit) a smooth round bit for a horse.
--v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by against, into) collide heavily or
obliquely. 2 Billiards make a cannon shot. Ьcannon-ball hist.
a large usu. metal ball fired by a cannon. cannon-bone the
tube-shaped bone between the hock and fetlock of a horse.
cannon-fodder soldiers regarded merely as material to be
expended in war. [F canon f. It. cannone large tube f. canna
CANE: in Billiards sense f. older CAROM]
cannonade n. & v. --n. a period of continuous heavy gunfire.
bombard with a cannonade. [F f. It. cannonata]
cannot v.aux. can not.
cannula n. (pl. cannulae or cannulas) Surgery a small tube for
inserting into the body to allow fluid to enter or escape. [L,
dimin. of canna cane]
cannulate Surgery introduce a cannula into.
canny adj. (cannier, canniest) 1 a shrewd, worldly-wise. b thrifty.
c circumspect. 2 sly, drily humorous. 3 Sc. & N.Engl.
pleasant, agreeable. ЬЬcannily adv. canniness n. [CAN(1) (in
sense 'know') + -Y(1)]
canoe n. & v. --n. a small narrow boat with pointed ends usu.
propelled by paddling. --v.intr. (canoes, canoed, canoeing)
travel in a canoe. ЬЬcanoeist n. [Sp. and Haitian canoa]
canon n. 1 a a general law, rule, principle, or criterion. b a
church decree or law. 2 (fem. canoness) a a member of a
cathedral chapter. b a member of certain RC orders. 3 a a
collection or list of sacred books etc. accepted as genuine. b
the recognized genuine works of a particular author; a list of
these. 4 the part of the Roman Catholic Mass containing the
words of consecration. 5 Mus. a piece with different parts
taking up the same theme successively, either at the same or at
a different pitch. Ьcanon law ecclesiastical law. canon
regular (or regular canon) see REGULAR adj. 9b. [OE f. L f. Gk
kanon, in ME also f. AF & OF canun, -on; in sense 2 ME f. OF
canonie f. eccl.L canonicus: cf. CANONICAL]
ca¤on var. of CANYON.
canonic adj. = CANONICAL adj. [OE f. OF canonique or L canonicus f. Gk
kanonikos (as CANON)]
canonical adj. & n. --adj. 1 a according to or ordered by canon law. b
included in the canon of Scripture. 2 authoritative, standard,
accepted. 3 of a cathedral chapter or a member of it. 4 Mus.
in canon form. --n. (in pl.) the canonical dress of the clergy.
Ьcanonical hours Eccl. the times fixed for a formal set of
prayers or for the celebration of marriage. ЬЬcanonically adv.
[med.L canonicalis (as CANONIC)]
n. the status of being canonical. [L canonicus canonical]
canonist n. an expert in canon law. [ME f. F canoniste or f. med.L
canonista: see CANON]
canonize (also -ise) 1 a declare officially to be a saint, usu.
with a ceremony. b regard as a saint. 2 admit to the canon of
Scripture. 3 sanction by Church authority. ЬЬcanonization n.
[ME f. med.L canonizare: see CANON]
canonry n. (pl. -ies) the office or benefice of a canon.
canoodle v.intr. colloq. kiss and cuddle amorously. [19th-c. US: orig.
Canopic adj. ЬCanopic jar (or vase) an urn used for holding the
entrails of an embalmed body in an ancient Egyptian burial. [L
Canopicus f. Canopus in ancient Egypt]
canopy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a covering hung or held up over a
throne, bed, person, etc. b the sky. c an overhanging shelter.
2 Archit. a rooflike projection over a niche etc. 3 the
uppermost layers of foliage etc. in a forest. 4 a the expanding
part of a parachute. b the cover of an aircraft's cockpit. (-ies, -ied) supply or be a canopy to. [ME f. med.L
canopeum f. L conopeum f. Gk konopeion couch with
mosquito-curtains f. konops gnat]
canorous adj. melodious, resonant. [L canorus f. canere sing]
canst archaic 2nd person sing. of CAN(1).
cant(1) n. & v. --n. 1 insincere pious or moral talk. 2 ephemeral or
fashionable catchwords. 3 language peculiar to a class,
profession, sect, etc.; jargon. --v.intr. use cant. Ьcanting
arms Heraldry arms containing an allusion to the name of the
bearer. [earlier of musical sound, of intonation, and of
beggars' whining; perh. from the singing of religious
mendicants: prob. f. L canere sing]
cant(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a a slanting surface, e.g. of a bank. b a
bevel of a crystal etc. 2 an oblique push or movement that
upsets or partly upsets something. 3 a tilted or sloping
position. --v. 1 tr. push or pitch out of level; tilt. 2
intr. take or lie in a slanting position. 3 tr. impart a bevel
to. 4 intr. Naut. swing round. Ьcant-dog (or -hook) an iron
hook at the end of a long handle, used for rolling logs. [ME f.
MLG kant, kante, MDu. cant, point, side, edge, ult. f. L
cant(h)us iron tire]
can't contr. can not.
Cant. abbr. Canticles (Old Testament).
Cantab. abbr. of Cambridge University. [L Cantabrigiensis]
cantabile adv., adj., & n. Mus. --adv. & adj. in a smooth singing style.
--n. a cantabile passage or movement. [It., = singable]
adj. & n. --adj. of Cambridge or Cambridge University. --n. 1
a member of Cambridge University. 2 a native of Cambridge. [L
Cantabrigia Cambridge]
cantal n. a type of hard strong French cheese. [name of a department
of Auvergne, France]
cantaloup n. (also cantaloupe) a small round ribbed variety of melon with
orange flesh. [F cantaloup f. Cantaluppi near Rome, where it
was first grown in Europe]
adj. bad-tempered, quarrelsome. ЬЬcantankerously adv.
cantankerousness n. [perh. f. Ir. cant outbidding + rancorous]
cantata n. Mus. a short narrative or descriptive composition with
vocal solos and usu. chorus and orchestral accompaniment. [It.
cantata (aria) sung (air) f. cantare sing]
canteen n. 1 a a restaurant for employees in an office or factory etc.
b a shop selling provisions or liquor in a barracks or camp. 2
a case or box of cutlery. 3 a soldier's or camper's water-flask
or set of eating or drinking utensils. [F cantine f. It.
cantina cellar]
canter n. & v. --n. a gentle gallop. --v. 1 intr. (of a horse or its
rider) go at a canter. 2 tr. make (a horse) canter. Ьin a
canter easily (win in a canter). [short for Canterbury pace,
from the supposed easy pace of medieval pilgrims to Canterbury]
n. (pl. -ies) a piece of furniture with partitions for holding
music etc. [Canterbury in Kent]
Canterbury bell
n. a cultivated campanula with large flowers. [after the bells
of Canterbury pilgrims' horses: see CANTER]
cantharides a preparation made from dried bodies of a beetle Lytta
vesicatoria, causing blistering of the skin and formerly used in
medicine and as an aphrodisiac. Also called Spanish fly. [L f.
Gk kantharis Spanish fly]
canthus n. (pl. canthi) the outer or inner corner of the eye, where
the upper and lower lids meet. [L f. Gk kanthos]
canticle n. 1 a song or chant with a Biblical text. 2 (also Canticle of
Canticles) the Song of Solomon. [ME f. OF canticle (var. of
cantique) or L canticulum dimin. of canticum f. canere sing]
cantilena n. Mus. a simple or sustained melody. [It.]
n. & v. --n. 1 a long bracket or beam etc. projecting from a
wall to support a balcony etc. 2 a beam or girder fixed at only
one end. --v.intr. 1 project as a cantilever. 2 be supported
by cantilevers. Ьcantilever bridge a bridge made of cantilevers
projecting from the piers and connected by girders. [17th c.:
orig. unkn.]
cantillate & intr. chant or recite with musical tones.
ЬЬcantillation n. [L cantillare sing low: see CHANT]
cantina n. a bar-room or wine-shop. [Sp. & It.]
canto n. (pl. -os) a division of a long poem. [It., = song, f. L
canton n. & v. --n. 1 a a subdivision of a country. b a State of the
Swiss confederation. 2 Heraldry a square division, less than a
quarter, in the upper (usu. dexter) corner of a shield.
1 put (troops) into quarters. 2 divide into cantons.
ЬЬcantonal adj. [OF, = corner (see CANT(2)): (v.) also partly
f. F cantonner]
Cantonese adj. & n. --adj. of Canton or the Cantonese dialect of Chinese.
--n. (pl. same) 1 a native of Canton. 2 the dialect of Chinese
spoken in SE China and Hong Kong. [Canton in China]
n. 1 a lodging assigned to troops. 2 a permanent military
station in India. [F cantonnement: see CANTON]
cantor n. 1 the leader of the singing in church; a precentor. 2 the
precentor in a synagogue. [L, = singer f. canere sing]
cantorial adj. 1 of or relating to the cantor. 2 of the north side of
the choir in a church (cf. DECANAL).
cantoris adj. Mus. to be sung by the cantorial side of the choir in
antiphonal singing (cf. DECANI). [L, genit. of CANTOR
cantrail n. Brit. a timber etc. support for the roof of a railway
carriage. [CANT(2) + RAIL]
cantrip n. Sc. 1 a witch's trick. 2 a piece of mischief; a playful
act. [18th c.: orig. unkn.]
Canuck n. & adj. US sl. usu. derog. --n. 1 a Canadian, esp. a
French Canadian. 2 a Canadian horse or pony. --adj. Canadian,
esp. French Canadian. [app. f. Canada]
canvas n. & v. --n. 1 a a strong coarse kind of cloth made from hemp
or flax or other coarse yarn and used for sails and tents etc.
and as a surface for oil-painting. b a piece of this. 2 a
painting on canvas, esp. in oils. 3 an open kind of canvas used
as a basis for tapestry and embroidery. 4 sl. the floor of a
boxing or wrestling ring. 5 a racing-boat's covered end. (canvassed, canvassing; US canvased, canvasing) cover
with canvas. Ьby a canvas (in boat-racing) by a small margin
(win by a canvas). canvas-back a wild duck Aythya valisineria,
of N. America, with back feathers the colour of unbleached
canvas. under canvas 1 in a tent or tents. 2 with sails
spread. [ME & ONF canevas, ult. f. L cannabis hemp]
canvass v. & n. --v. 1 a intr. solicit votes. b tr. solicit votes
from (electors in a constituency). 2 tr. a ascertain opinions
of. b seek custom from. c discuss thoroughly. 3 tr. Brit.
propose (an idea or plan etc.). 4 intr. US check the validity
of votes. --n. the process of or an instance of canvassing,
esp. of electors. ЬЬcanvasser n. [orig. = toss in a sheet,
agitate, f. CANVAS]
canyon n. (also ca¤on) a deep gorge, often with a stream or river.
[Sp. ca¤ўn tube, ult. f. L canna CANE]
n. (also canzonet) 1 a short light song. 2 a kind of madrigal.
[It., dimin. of canzone song f. L cantio -onis f. canere sing]
n. raw rubber. [F f. Carib cahuchu]
CAP abbr. Common Agricultural Policy (of the EEC).
cap n. & v. --n. 1 a a soft brimless head-covering, usu. with a
peak. b a head-covering worn in a particular profession
(nurse's cap). c esp. Brit. a cap awarded as a sign of
membership of a sports team. d an academic mortarboard or soft
hat. e a special hat as part of Highland costume. 2 a a cover
like a cap in shape or position (knee cap; toecap). b a device
to seal a bottle or protect the point of a pen, lens of a
camera, etc. 3 a = Dutch cap. b = percussion cap. 4 = CROWN
n. 9b. (capped, capping) 1 a put a cap on. b cover
the top or end of. c set a limit to (rate-capping). 2 a esp.
Brit. award a sports cap to. b Sc. & NZ confer a university
degree on. 3 a lie on top of; form the cap of. b surpass,
excel. c improve on (a story, quotation, etc.) esp. by
producing a better or more apposite one. Ьcap in hand humbly.
cap of maintenance a cap or hat worn as a symbol of official
dignity or carried before the sovereign etc. cap rock a hard
rock or stratum overlying a deposit of oil, gas, coal, etc. cap
sleeve a sleeve extending only a short distance from the
shoulder. if the cap fits (said of a generalized comment) it
seems to be true (of a particular person). set one's cap at try
to attract as a suitor. ЬЬcapful n. (pl. -fuls). capping n.
[OE c‘ppe f. LL cappa, perh. f. L caput head]
cap. abbr. 1 capital. 2 capital letter. 3 chapter. [L capitulum
or caput]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 (often foll. by of, for, to) ability, power;
the condition of being capable. 2 an undeveloped or unused
capable adj. 1 competent, able, gifted. 2 (foll. by of) a having the
ability or fitness or necessary quality for. b susceptible or
admitting of (explanation or improvement etc.). ЬЬcapably adv.
[F f. LL capabilis f. L capere hold]
capacious adj. roomy; able to hold much. ЬЬcapaciously adv.
capaciousness n. [L capax -acis f. capere hold]
n. Electr. 1 the ability of a system to store an electric
charge. 2 the ratio of the change in an electric charge in a
system to the corresponding change in its electric potential.
°Symb.: C. [CAPACITY + -ANCE]
capacitate 1 (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) render capable. 2
make legally competent.
capacitor n. Electr. a device of one or more pairs of conductors
separated by insulators used to store an electric charge.
capacity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the power of containing, receiving,
experiencing, or producing (capacity for heat, pain , etc.). b
the maximum amount that can be contained or produced etc. c the
volume, e.g. of the cylinders in an internal-combustion engine.
d (attrib.) fully occupying the available space, resources, etc.
(a capacity audience). 2 a mental power. b a faculty or
talent. 3 a position or function (in a civil capacity; in my
capacity as a critic). 4 legal competence. 5 Electr.
capacitance. Ьmeasure of capacity a measure used for vessels
and liquids or grains etc. to capacity fully; using all
resources (working to capacity). ЬЬcapacitative adj. (also
capacitive) (in sense 5). [ME f. F f. L capacitas -tatis (as
caparison n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a horse's trappings. 2
equipment, finery. put caparisons on; adorn richly.
[obs. F caparasson f. Sp. caparazўn saddle-cloth f. capa
cape(1) n. 1 a sleeveless cloak. 2 a short sleeveless cloak as a fixed
or detachable part of a longer cloak or coat. [F f. Prov. capa
f. LL cappa CAP]
cape(2) n. 1 a headland or promontory. 2 (the Cape) a the Cape of Good
Hope. b the S. African province containing it. ЬCape Coloured
adj. S.Afr. of the Coloured (see COLOURED 2) population of
Cape Province. --n. a member of this population. Cape doctor
S.Afr. colloq. a strong SE wind. Cape Dutch archaic
Afrikaans. Cape gooseberry 1 an edible soft roundish yellow
berry enclosed in a lantern-like husk. 2 the plant, Physalis
peruviana, bearing these. [ME f. OF cap f. Prov. cap ult. f. L
caput head]
capelin n. (also caplin) a small smeltlike fish, Mallotus villosus, of
the N. Atlantic, used as food and as bait for catching cod etc.
[F f. Prov. capelan: see CHAPLAIN]
caper(1) v. & n. --v.intr. jump or run about playfully. --n. 1 a
playful jump or leap. 2 a a fantastic proceeding; a prank. b
sl. any activity or occupation. Ьcut a caper (or capers) act
friskily. ЬЬcaperer n. [abbr. of CAPRIOLE]
caper(2) n. 1 a bramble-like S. European shrub, Capparis spinosa. 2 (in
pl.) its flower buds cooked and pickled for use as flavouring
esp. for a savoury sauce. [ME capres & F cѓpres f. L capparis
f. Gk kapparis, treated as pl.: cf. CHERRY, PEA]
n. (also capercailzie) a large European grouse, Tetrao
urogallus. [Gael. capull coille horse of the wood]
capeskin n. a soft leather made from S. African sheepskin.
capias n. Law a writ ordering the arrest of the person named. [L, =
you are to seize, f. capere take]
n. a phenomenon at liquid boundaries resulting in the rise or
depression of liquids in narrow tubes. Also called capillary
action. [F capillarit‚ (as CAPILLARY)]
capillary adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or like a hair. 2 (of a tube) of
hairlike internal diameter. 3 of one of the delicate ramified
blood vessels intervening between arteries and veins. --n.
(pl. -ies) 1 a capillary tube. 2 a capillary blood vessel.
Ьcapillary action = CAPILLARITY. [L capillaris f. capillus
n., adj., & int. --n. 1 the most important town or city of a
country or region, usu. its seat of government and
administrative centre. 2 a the money or other assets with which
a company starts in business. b accumulated wealth, esp. as
used in further production. c money invested or lent at
interest. 3 capitalists generally. 4 a capital letter. --adj.
1 a principal; most important; leading. b colloq. excellent,
first-rate. 2 a involving or punishable by death (capital
punishment; a capital offence). b (of an error etc.) vitally
harmful; fatal. 3 (of letters of the alphabet) large in size
and of the form used to begin sentences and names etc. --int.
expressing approval or satisfaction. Ьcapital gain a profit
from the sale of investments or property. capital goods goods,
esp. machinery, plant, etc., used or to be used in producing
commodities (opp. consumer goods). capital levy 1 the
appropriation by the State of a fixed proportion of the wealth
in the country. 2 a wealth tax. capital sum a lump sum of
money, esp. payable to an insured person. capital territory a
territory containing the capital city of a country. capital
transfer tax hist. (in the UK) a tax levied on the transfer of
capital by gift or bequest etc. °Replaced in 1986 by
inheritance tax. make capital out of use to one's advantage.
with a capital -- emphatically such (art with a capital A).
ЬЬcapitally adv. [ME f. OF f. L capitalis f. caput -itis head]
n. Archit. the head or cornice of a pillar or column. [ME f.
OF capitel f. LL capitellum dimin. of L caput head]
n. 1 a an economic system in which the production and
distribution of goods depend on invested private capital and
profit-making. b the possession of capital or wealth. 2 Polit.
the dominance of private owners of capital and production for
n. & adj. --n. 1 a person using or possessing capital; a rich
person. 2 an advocate of capitalism. --adj. of or favouring
capitalism. ЬЬcapitalistic adj. capitalistically adv.
v. (also -ise) 1 tr. a convert into or provide with capital.
b calculate or realize the present value of an income. c reckon
(the value of an asset) by setting future benefits against the
cost of maintenance. 2 tr. a write (a letter of the alphabet)
as a capital. b begin (a word) with a capital letter. 3 intr.
(foll. by on) use to one's advantage; profit from.
ЬЬcapitalization n. [F capitaliser (as CAPITAL(1))]
n. 1 a tax or fee at a set rate per person. 2 the levying of
such a tax or fee. Ьcapitation grant a grant of a sum
calculated from the number of people to be catered for, esp. in
education. [F capitation or LL capitatio poll-tax f. caput
capitular adj. 1 of or relating to a cathedral chapter. 2 Anat. of or
relating to a terminal protuberance of a bone. [LL capitularis
f. L capitulum CHAPTER]
n. (pl. -ies) a collection of ordinances, esp. of the Frankish
kings. [LL capitularius (as CAPITULAR)]
v.intr. surrender, esp. on stated conditions. ЬЬcapitulator n.
capitulatory adj. [med.L capitulare draw up under headings f. L
caput head]
n. 1 the act of capitulating; surrender. 2 a statement of the
main divisions of a subject. 3 an agreement or set of
capitulum n. (pl. capitula) Bot. an inflorescence with flowers
clustered together like a head, as in the daisy family. [L,
dimin. of caput head]
caplin var. of CAPELIN.
cap'n n. sl. captain. [contr.]
capo n. (in full capo tasto) (pl. capos or capo tastos) Mus. a
device secured across the neck of a fretted instrument to raise
equally the tuning of all strings by the required amount. [It.
capo tasto head stop]
capon n. a domestic cock castrated and fattened for eating.
ЬЬcaponize (also -ise). [OE f. AF capun, OF capon, ult.
f. L capo -onis]
caponier n. a covered passage across a ditch round a fort. [Sp.
caponera, lit. 'capon-pen']
capot n. & v. --n. (in piquet) the winning of all the tricks by one
player. (capotted, capotting) score a capot against
(an opponent). [F]
capote n. hist. a long cloak with a hood, formerly worn by soldiers
and travellers etc. [F, dimin. of cape CAPE(1)]
n. (pl. -os) coffee with milk made frothy with pressurized
steam. [It., = CAPUCHIN]
capriccio n. (pl. -os) 1 a lively and usu. short musical composition. 2
a painting etc. representing a fantasy or a mixture of real and
imaginary features. [It., = sudden start, orig. 'horror']
adv., adj., & n. Mus. --adv. & adj. in a free and impulsive
style. --n. (pl. -os) a capriccioso passage or movement.
[It., = capricious]
caprice n. 1 a an unaccountable or whimsical change of mind or conduct.
b a tendency to this. 2 a work of lively fancy in painting,
drawing, or music; a capriccio. [F f. It. CAPRICCIO]
adj. 1 guided by or given to caprice. 2 irregular,
unpredictable. ЬЬcapriciously adv. capriciousness n. [F
capricieux f. It. CAPRICCIOSO]
Capricorn n. (also Capricornus) 1 a constellation, traditionally regarded
as contained in the figure of a goat's horns. 2 a the tenth
sign of the zodiac (the Goat). b a person born when the sun is
in this sign. ЬЬCapricornian n. & adj. [ME f. OF capricorne f.
L capricornus f. caper -pri goat + cornu horn]
caprine adj. of or like a goat. [ME f. L caprinus f. caper -pri goat]
capriole n. & v. --n. 1 a leap or caper. 2 a trained horse's high leap
and kick without advancing. --v. 1 intr. (of a horse or its
rider) perform a capriole. 2 tr. make (a horse) capriole. [F
f. It. capriola leap, ult. f. caper -pri goat]
Capris (also Capri pants) women's close-fitting tapered
trousers. [Capri, an island in the bay of Naples]
caps. abbr. capital letters.
Capsian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to a palaeolithic culture of N.
Africa and S. Europe. --n. this culture. [L Capsa = Gafsa in
capsicum n. 1 any plant of the genus Capsicum, having edible capsular
fruits containing many seeds, esp. C. annuum yielding several
varieties of pepper. 2 the fruit of any of these plants, which
vary in size, colour, and pungency. [mod.L, perh. f. L capsa
capsid(1) n. any bug of the family Capsidae, esp. one that feeds on
plants. [mod.L Capsus a genus of them]
capsid(2) n. the protein coat or shell of a virus. [F capside f. L capsa
capsize v. 1 tr. upset or overturn (a boat). 2 intr. be capsized.
ЬЬcapsizal n. [cap- as in Prov. capvirar, F chavirer: -size
capstan n. 1 a thick revolving cylinder with a vertical axis, for
winding an anchor cable or a halyard etc. 2 a revolving spindle
on a tape recorder, that guides the tape past the head.
Ьcapstan lathe a lathe with a revolving tool-holder. [Prov.
cabestan, ult. f. L capistrum halter f. capere seize]
capstone n. coping; a coping-stone.
capsule n. 1 a small soluble case of gelatine enclosing a dose of
medicine and swallowed with it. 2 a detachable compartment of a
spacecraft or nose-cone of a rocket. 3 an enclosing membrane in
the body. 4 a a dry fruit that releases its seeds when ripe. b
the spore-producing part of mosses and liverworts. 5 Biol. an
enveloping layer surrounding certain bacteria. 6 (attrib.)
concise; highly condensed (a capsule history of jazz).
ЬЬcapsular adj. capsulate adj. [F f. L capsula f. capsa
capsulize (also -ise) put (information etc.) in compact form.
Capt. abbr. Captain.
captain n. & v. --n. 1 a a chief or leader. b the leader of a team,
esp. in sports. c a powerful or influential person (captain of
industry). 2 a the person in command of a merchant or passenger
ship. b the pilot of a civil aircraft. 3 (as a title Captain)
a an army or US Air Force officer next above lieutenant. b a
Navy officer in command of a warship; one ranking below
commodore or rear admiral and above commander. c US a police
officer in charge of a precinct, ranking below Chief Officer. 4
a a foreman. b a head boy or girl in a school. c US a
supervisor of waiters or bellboys. 5 a a great soldier or
strategist. b an experienced commander. be captain of;
lead. Ьcaptain-general an honorary officer, esp. of artillery.
Captain of the Fleet Brit. a Navy staff officer in charge of
maintenance. ЬЬcaptaincy n. (pl. -ies). captainship n. [ME
& OF capitain f. LL capitaneus chief f. L caput capit- head]
caption n. & v. --n. 1 a title or brief explanation appended to an
illustration, cartoon, etc. 2 wording appearing on a cinema or
television screen as part of a film or broadcast. 3 the heading
of a chapter or article etc. 4 Law a certificate attached to or
written on a document. provide with a caption. [ME f.
L captio f. capere capt- take]
captious adj. given to finding fault or raising petty objections.
ЬЬcaptiously adv. captiousness n. [ME f. OF captieux or L
captiosus (as CAPTION)]
captivate 1 overwhelm with charm or affection. 2 fascinate.
ЬЬcaptivatingly adv. captivation n. [LL captivare take captive
captive n. & adj. --n. a person or animal that has been taken prisoner
or confined. --adj. 1 a taken prisoner. b kept in confinement
or under restraint. 2 a unable to escape. b in a position of
having to comply (captive audience; captive market). 3 of or
like a prisoner (captive state). Ьcaptive balloon a balloon
held by a rope from the ground. [ME f. L captivus f. capere
capt- take]
captivity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the condition or circumstances of being a
captive. b a period of captivity. 2 (the Captivity) the
captivity of the Jews in Babylon in the 6th c. BC.
captor n. a person who captures (a person, place, etc.). [L (as
capture v. & n. 1 a take prisoner; seize as a prize. b obtain
by force or trickery. 2 portray in permanent form (could not
capture the likeness). 3 Physics absorb (a subatomic particle).
4 (in board games) make a move that secures the removal of (an
opposing piece) from the board. 5 (of a stream) divert the
upper course of (another stream) by encroaching on its basin. 6
cause (data) to be stored in a computer. --n. 1 the act of
capturing. 2 a thing or person captured. ЬЬcapturer n. [F f.
L captura f. capere capt- take]
Capuchin n. 1 a Franciscan friar of the new rule of 1529. 2 a cloak and
hood formerly worn by women. 3 (capuchin) a any monkey of the
genus Cebus of S. America, with cowl-like head hair. b a
variety of pigeon with head and neck feathers resembling a cowl.
[F f. It. cappuccino f. cappuccio cowl f. cappa CAPE(1)]
capybara n. a very large semi-aquatic rodent, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris,
native to S. America. [Tupi]
car n. 1 (in full motor car) a road vehicle with an enclosed
passenger compartment, powered by an internal-combustion engine.
2 (in comb.) a a wheeled vehicle, esp. of a specified kind
(tramcar). b a railway carriage of a specified type
(dining-car). 3 US any railway carriage or van. 4 the
passenger compartment of a lift, cableway, balloon, etc. 5
poet. a wheeled vehicle; a chariot. Ьcar bomb a terrorist bomb
concealed in or under a parked car. car-boot sale an outdoor
sale at which participants sell unwanted possessions from the
boots of their cars. car coat a short coat designed esp. for
car drivers. car park an area for parking cars. car phone a
radio-telephone for use in a motor vehicle. ЬЬcarful n. (pl.
-fuls). [ME f. AF & ONF carre ult. f. L carrum, carrus, of
OCelt. orig.]
n. (also carabinier) hist. 1 a soldier whose principal weapon
is a carbine. 2 (the Carabineers) the Royal Scots Dragoon
Guards. [F carabinier f. carabine CARBINE]
n. (pl. carabinieri pronunc. same) an Italian gendarme. [It.]
caracal n. a lynx, Felis caracal, native to N. Africa and SW Asia. [F
or Sp. f. Turk. karakulak f. kara black + kulak ear]
caracole n. & v. --n. a horse's half-turn to the right or left. --v. 1
intr. (of a horse or its rider) perform a caracole. 2 tr. make
(a horse) caracole. [F]
caracul var. of KARAKUL.
carafe n. a glass container for water or wine, esp. at a table or
bedside. [F f. It. caraffa, ult. f. Arab. garrafa drinking
carambola n. 1 a small tree, Averrhoa carambola, native to SE Asia,
bearing golden-yellow ribbed fruit. 2 this fruit. Also called
star fruit. [Port., prob. of Indian or E. Indian orig.]
caramel n. 1 a sugar or syrup heated until it turns brown, then used as
a flavouring or to colour spirits etc. b a kind of soft toffee
made with sugar, butter, etc., melted and further heated. 2 the
light-brown colour of caramel. [F f. Sp. caramelo]
v. (also -ise) 1 a tr. convert (sugar or syrup) into caramel.
b intr. (of sugar or syrup) be converted into caramel. 2 tr.
coat or cook (food) with caramelized sugar or syrup.
ЬЬcaramelization n.
carapace n. the hard upper shell of a tortoise or a crustacean. [F f.
Sp. carapacho]
carat n. 1 a unit of weight for precious stones, now equivalent to
200 milligrams. 2 (US karat) a measure of purity of gold, pure
gold being 24 carats. [F f. It. carato f. Arab. kirat weight
of four grains, f. Gk keration fruit of the carob (dimin. of
keras horn)]
caravan n. & v. --n. 1 a Brit. a vehicle equipped for living in and
usu. towed by a motor vehicle or a horse. b US a covered motor
vehicle equipped for living in. 2 a company of merchants or
pilgrims etc. travelling together, esp. across a desert in Asia
or N. Africa. 3 a covered cart or carriage. --v.intr.
(caravanned, caravanning) travel or live in a caravan. Ьcaravan
site (or park) a place where caravans are parked as dwellings,
often with special amenities. ЬЬcaravanner n. [F caravane f.
Pers. karwan]
n. a motor vehicle with a caravan-like rear compartment for
eating, sleeping, etc.
n. an Eastern inn with a central court where caravans (see
CARAVAN 2) may rest. [Pers. karwansaray f. saray palace]
caravel n. (also carvel) hist. a small light fast ship, chiefly
Spanish and Portuguese of the 15th-17th c. [F caravelle f.
Port. caravela f. Gk karabos horned beetle, light ship]
caraway n. an umbelliferous plant, Carum carvi, bearing clusters of
tiny white flowers. Ьcaraway seed its fruit used as flavouring
and as a source of oil. [prob. OSp. alcarahueya f. Arab.
alkarawiya, perh. f. Gk karon, kareon cumin]
carb n. colloq. a carburettor. [abbr.]
carbamate n. Chem. a salt or ester of an amide of carbonic acid.
carbide n. Chem. 1 a binary compound of carbon. 2 = calcium carbide.
carbine n. a short firearm, usu. a rifle, orig. for cavalry use. [F
carabine (this form also earlier in Engl.), weapon of the
carabin mounted musketeer]
carbo- comb. form carbon (carbohydrate; carbolic; carboxyl).
n. Biochem. any of a large group of energy-producing organic
compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, e.g. starch,
glucose, and other sugars.
carbolic n. (in full carbolic acid) phenol, esp. when used as a
disinfectant. Ьcarbolic soap soap containing this. [CARBO- +
-OL(1) + -IC]
carbon n. 1 a non-metallic element occurring naturally as diamond,
graphite, and charcoal, and in all organic compounds. °Symb.:
C. 2 a = carbon copy. b = carbon paper. 3 a rod of carbon in
an arc lamp. Ьcarbon black a fine carbon powder made by burning
hydrocarbons in insufficient air. carbon copy 1 a copy made
with carbon paper. 2 a person or thing identical or similar to
another (is a carbon copy of his father). carbon cycle Biol.
the cycle in which carbon compounds are interconverted, usu. by
living organisms. carbon dating the determination of the age of
an organic object from the ratio of isotopes which changes as
carbon-14 decays. carbon dioxide a colourless odourless gas
occurring naturally in the atmosphere and formed by respiration.
°Chem. formula: CO[2]. carbon disulphide a colourless liquid
used as a solvent. °Chem. formula: CS[2]. carbon fibre a thin
strong crystalline filament of carbon used as strengthening
material in resins, ceramics, etc. carbon-14 a long-lived
radioactive carbon isotope of mass 14, used in radiocarbon
dating, and as a tracer in biochemistry. carbon monoxide a
colourless odourless toxic gas formed by the incomplete burning
of carbon. °Chem. formula: CO. carbon paper a thin
carbon-coated paper used for making (esp. typed) copies. carbon
steel a steel with properties dependent on the percentage of
carbon present. carbon tetrachloride a colourless volatile
liquid used as a solvent. °Chem. formula: CCl[4]. carbon-12 a
carbon isotope of mass 12, used in calculations of atomic mass
units. [F carbone f. L carbo -onis charcoal]
adj. 1 consisting of or containing carbon. 2 of or like coal
or charcoal.
carbonade n. a rich beef stew made with onions and beer. [F]
carbonado n. (pl. -os) a dark opaque or impure kind of diamond used as
an abrasive, for drills etc. [Port.]
carbonate n. & v. --n. Chem. a salt of carbonic acid. 1
impregnate with carbon dioxide; aerate. 2 convert into a
carbonate. ЬЬcarbonation n. [F carbonat f. mod.L carbonatum
(as CARBON)]
carbonic adj. Chem. containing carbon. Ьcarbonic acid a very weak acid
formed from carbon dioxide dissolved in water. carbonic acid
gas archaic carbon dioxide.
adj. & n. --adj. 1 producing coal. 2 (Carboniferous) Geol. of
or relating to the fifth period in the Palaeozoic era, with
evidence of the first reptiles and extensive coal-forming swamp
forests. °Cf. Appendix II. --n. (Carboniferous) Geol. this
period or system.
carbonize (also -ise) 1 convert into carbon by heating. 2 reduce
to charcoal or coke. 3 coat with carbon. ЬЬcarbonization n.
carbonyl n. (used attrib.) Chem. the divalent radical CO.
n. a compound of carbon and silicon used esp. as an abrasive.
carboxyl n. Chem. the univalent acid radical (-COOH), present in most
organic acids. ЬЬcarboxylic adj. [CARBON + OXYGEN + -YL]
carboy n. a large globular glass bottle usu. protected by a frame, for
containing liquids. [Pers. karaba large glass flagon]
carbuncle n. 1 a severe abscess in the skin. 2 a bright red gem.
ЬЬcarbuncular adj. [ME f. OF charbucle etc. f. L carbunculus
small coal f. carbo coal]
n. the process of charging air with a spray of liquid
hydrocarbon fuel, esp. in an internal-combustion engine. [as
carburet (carburetted, carburetting; US carbureted, carbureting)
combine (a gas etc.) with carbon. [earlier carbure f. F f. L
carbo (as CARBON)]
n. (also carburetter, US carburetor) an apparatus for
carburation of petrol and air in an internal-combustion engine.
[as CARBURET + -OR(1)]
carcajou n. US = WOLVERINE. [F, app. of Amer. Ind. orig.]
carcass n. (also carcase) 1 the dead body of an animal, esp. a trunk
for cutting up as meat. 2 the bones of a cooked bird. 3 derog.
the human body, living or dead. 4 the skeleton, framework of a
building, ship, etc. 5 worthless remains. Ьcarcass meat raw
meat, not preserved. [ME f. AF carcois (OF charcois) & f. F
carcasse: ult. orig. unkn.]
n. any substance that produces cancer. [as CARCINOMA + -GEN]
n. the production of cancer.
adj. producing cancer. ЬЬcarcinogenicity n.
carcinoma n. (pl. carcinomata or carcinomas) a cancer, esp. one arising
in epithelial tissue. ЬЬcarcinomatous adj. [L f. Gk karkinoma
f. karkinos crab]
card(1) n. & v. --n. 1 thick stiff paper or thin pasteboard. 2 a a
flat piece of this, esp. for writing or printing on. b =
POSTCARD. c a card used to send greetings, issue an invitation,
etc. (birthday card). d = visiting-card. e = business card.
f a ticket of admission or membership. 3 a = PLAYING-CARD. b a
similar card in a set designed for particular games, e.g. happy
families. c (in pl.) card-playing; a card-game. 4 (in pl.)
colloq. an employee's documents, esp. for tax and national
insurance, held by the employer. 5 a a programme of events at a
race-meeting etc. b Cricket a score-card. c a list of holes on
a golf course, on which a player's scores are entered. 6
colloq. a person, esp. an odd or amusing one (what a card!; a
knowing card). 7 a plan or expedient (sure card). 8 a printed
or written notice, set of rules, etc., for display. 9 a small
rectangular piece of plastic issued by a bank, building society,
etc., with personal (often machine-readable) data on it, chiefly
to obtain cash or credit (cheque card; credit card; do you have
a card?). 1 fix to a card. 2 write on a card, esp.
for indexing. Ьask for (or get) one's cards ask (or be told) to
leave one's employment. card-carrying being a registered member
of an organization, esp. a political party or trade union.
card-game a game in which playing-cards are used. card index an
index in which each item is entered on a separate card.
card-index make a card index of. card-playing the
playing of card-games. card-sharp (or -sharper) a swindler at
card-games. card-table a table for card-playing, esp. a folding
one. card up one's sleeve a plan in reserve. card vote US a
block vote, esp. in trade-union meetings. on (US in) the cards
possible or likely. put (or lay) one's cards on the table
reveal one's resources, intentions, etc. [ME f. OF carte f. L
charta f. Gk khartes papyrus-leaf]
card(2) n. & v. --n. a toothed instrument, wire brush, etc., for
raising a nap on cloth or for disentangling fibres before
spinning. brush, comb, cleanse, or scratch with a card.
Ьcarding-wool short-stapled wool. ЬЬcarder n. [ME f. OF carde
f. Prov. carda f. cardar tease, comb, ult. f. L carere card]
Card. abbr. Cardinal.
cardamom n. (also cardamum) 1 an aromatic SE Asian plant, Elettaria
cardamomum. 2 the seed-capsules of this used as a spice. [L
cardamomum or F cardamome f. Gk kardamomon f. kardamon cress +
amomon a spice plant]
cardan joint
n. Engin. a universal joint. [G. Cardano, It. mathematician
d. 1576]
cardan shaft
n. Engin. a shaft with a universal joint at one or both ends.
cardboard n. & adj. --n. pasteboard or stiff paper, esp. for making cards
or boxes. --adj. 1 made of cardboard. 2 flimsy,
cardiac adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the heart. 2 of or
relating to the part of the stomach nearest the oesophagus.
--n. a person with heart disease. [F cardiaque or L cardiacus
f. Gk kardiakos f. kardia heart]
cardie var. of CARDY.
cardigan n. a knitted jacket fastening down the front, usu. with long
sleeves. [named after the 7th Earl of Cardigan d. 1868]
cardinal n. & adj. --n. 1 (as a title Cardinal) a leading dignitary of
the RC Church, one of the college electing the Pope. 2 any
small American songbird of the genus Richmondena, the males of
which have scarlet plumage. 3 hist. a woman's cloak, orig. of
scarlet cloth with a hood. --adj. 1 chief, fundamental; on
which something hinges. 2 of deep scarlet (like a cardinal's
cassock). Ьcardinal-flower the scarlet lobelia. cardinal
humour see HUMOUR. cardinal numbers those denoting quantity
(one, two, three, etc.), as opposed to ordinal numbers (first,
second, third, etc.). cardinal points the four main points of
the compass (N., S., E., W.). cardinal virtues the chief moral
attributes: justice, prudence, temperance, and fortitude.
ЬЬcardinalate n. (in sense 1 of n.). cardinally adv.
cardinalship n. (in sense 1 of n.). [ME f. OF f. L cardinalis
f. cardo -inis hinge: in Eng. first applied to the four virtues
on which conduct 'hinges']
cardio- comb. form heart (cardiogram; cardiology). [Gk kardia heart]
n. a record of muscle activity within the heart, made by a
n. an instrument for recording heart muscle activity.
ЬЬcardiographer n. cardiography n.
n. the branch of medicine concerned with diseases and
abnormalities of the heart. ЬЬcardiologist n.
adj. of or relating to the heart and blood vessels.
cardoon n. a thistle-like plant, Cynara cardunculus, allied to the
globe artichoke, with leaves used as a vegetable. [F cardon
ult. f. L cardu(u)s thistle]
cardphone n. a public telephone operated by the insertion of a prepaid
plastic machine-readable card instead of money.
cardy n. (also cardie) (pl. -ies) colloq. a cardigan. [abbr.]
care n. & v. --n. 1 worry, anxiety. 2 an occasion for this. 3
serious attention; heed, caution, pains (assembled with care;
handle with care). 4 a protection, charge. b Brit. = child
care. 5 a thing to be done or seen to. --v.intr. 1 (usu.
foll. by about, for, whether) feel concern or interest. 2 (usu.
foll. by for, about, and with neg. expressed or implied) feel
liking, affection, regard, or deference (don't care for jazz).
3 (foll. by to + infin.) wish or be willing (should not care to
be seen with him; would you care to try them?). Ьcare for
provide for; look after. care-label a label attached to
clothing, with instructions for washing etc. care of at the
address of (sent it care of his sister). for all one cares
colloq. denoting uninterest or unconcern (for all I care they
can leave tomorrow; I could be dying for all you care). have a
care take care; be careful. I (etc.) couldn't (US could) care
less colloq. an expression of complete indifference. in care
Brit. (of a child) taken into the care of a local authority.
take care 1 be careful. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) not fail or
neglect. take care of 1 look after; keep safe. 2 deal with. 3
dispose of. [OE caru, carian, f. Gmc]
careen v. 1 tr. turn (a ship) on one side for cleaning, caulking, or
repair. 2 a intr. tilt; lean over. b tr. cause to do this. 3
intr. US swerve about; career. °Sense 3 is infl. by career
(v.). ЬЬcareenage n. [earlier as noun, = careened position of
ship, f. F carЉne f. It. carena f. L carina keel]
career n. & v. --n. 1 a one's advancement through life, esp. in a
profession. b the progress through history of a group or
institution. 2 a profession or occupation, esp. as offering
advancement. 3 (attrib.) a pursuing or wishing to pursue a
career (career woman). b working permanently in a specified
profession (career diplomat). 4 swift course; impetus (in full
career). --v.intr. 1 move or swerve about wildly. 2 go
swiftly. [F carriЉre f. It. carriera ult. f. L carrus CAR]
careerist n. a person predominantly concerned with personal advancement.
carefree adj. free from anxiety or responsibility; light-hearted.
ЬЬcarefreeness n.
careful adj. 1 painstaking, thorough. 2 cautious. 3 done with care
and attention. 4 (usu. foll. by that + clause, or to + infin.)
taking care; not neglecting. 5 (foll. by for, of) concerned
for; taking care of. ЬЬcarefully adv. carefulness n. [OE
carful (as CARE, -FUL)]
careless adj. 1 not taking care or paying attention. 2 unthinking,
insensitive. 3 done without care; inaccurate. 4 light-hearted.
5 (foll. by of) not concerned about; taking no heed of. 6
effortless. ЬЬcarelessly adv. carelessness n. [OE carleas (as
carer n. a person who cares for a sick or elderly person.
caress v. & n. 1 touch or stroke gently or lovingly; kiss. 2
treat fondly or kindly. --n. a loving or gentle touch or kiss.
[F caresse (n.), caresser (v.), f. It. carezza ult. f. L carus
caret n. a mark (*,*) indicating a proposed insertion in printing or
writing. [L, = is lacking]
caretaker n. 1 a person employed to look after something, esp. a house in
the owner's absence, or Brit. a public building. 2 (attrib.)
exercising temporary authority (caretaker government).
careworn adj. showing the effects of prolonged worry.
carfare n. US a passenger's fare to travel by bus.
cargo n. (pl. -oes or -os) 1 goods carried on a ship or aircraft. 2
US goods carried in a motor vehicle. Ьcargo cult (orig. in the
Pacific Islands) a belief in the forthcoming arrival of
ancestral spirits bringing cargoes of food and other goods.
[Sp. (as CHARGE)]
carhop n. US colloq. a waiter at a drive-in restaurant.
cariama var. of SERIEMA.
Carib n. & adj. --n. 1 an aboriginal inhabitant of the southern W.
Indies or the adjacent coasts. 2 the language of this people.
--adj. of or relating to this people. [Sp. Caribe f. Haitian]
Caribbean n. & adj. --n. the part of the Atlantic between the southern W.
Indies and Central America. --adj. 1 of or relating to this
region. 2 of the Caribs or their language or culture.
caribou n. (pl. same) a N. American reindeer. [Can. F, prob. f. Amer.
n. & v. --n. 1 a grotesque usu. comic representation of a
person by exaggeration of characteristic traits, in a picture,
writing, or mime. 2 a ridiculously poor or absurd imitation or
version. make or give a caricature of. ЬЬcaricatural
adj. caricaturist n. [F f. It. caricatura f. caricare load,
exaggerate: see CHARGE]
caries n. (pl. same) decay and crumbling of a tooth or bone. [L]
carillon n. 1 a set of bells sounded either from a keyboard or
mechanically. 2 a tune played on bells. 3 an organ-stop
imitating a peal of bells. [F f. OF quarregnon peal of four
bells, alt. of Rmc quaternio f. L quattuor four]
carina n. Biol. a keel-shaped structure, esp. the ridge of a bird's
breastbone. ЬЬcarinal adj. [L, = keel]
carinate adj. (of a bird) having a keeled breastbone (opp. RATITE). [L
carinatus keeled f. carina keel]
caring adj. compassionate, esp. with reference to the professional
care of the sick or elderly.
carioca n. 1 a a Brazilian dance like the samba. b the music for this.
2 a native of Rio de Janeiro. [Port.]
adj. causing caries.
carious adj. (of bones or teeth) decayed. [L cariosus]
carking adj. archaic burdensome (carking care). [part. of obs. cark
(v.) f. ONF carkier f. Rmc, rel. to CHARGE]
carl n. Sc. a man; a fellow. [OE f. ON karl, rel. to CHURL]
carline n. any plant of the genus Carlina, esp. the thistle-like C.
vulgaris. [F f. med.L carlina perh. for cardina (L carduus
thistle), assoc. with Carolus Magnus Charlemagne]
carload n. 1 a quantity that can be carried in a car. 2 US the minimum
quantity of goods for which a lower rate is charged for
carman n. US 1 the driver of a van. 2 a carrier.
Carmelite n. & adj. --n. 1 a friar of the Order of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel, following a rule of extreme asceticism. 2 a nun of a
similar order. --adj. of or relating to the Carmelites. [F
Carmelite or med.L carmelita f. Mt. Carmel in Palestine, where
the order was founded in the 12th c.]
adj. & n. --adj. relieving flatulence. --n. a carminative
drug. [F carminatif -ive or med.L carminare heal (by
incantation): see CHARM]
carmine adj. & n. --adj. of a vivid crimson colour. --n. 1 this
colour. 2 a vivid crimson pigment made from cochineal. [F
carmin or med.L carminium perh. f. carmesinum crimson + minium
carnage n. great slaughter, esp. of human beings in battle. [F f. It.
carnaggio f. med.L carnaticum f. L caro carnis flesh]
carnal adj. 1 of the body or flesh; worldly. 2 sensual, sexual.
Ьcarnal knowledge Law sexual intercourse. ЬЬcarnality n.
carnalize (also -ise). carnally adv. [ME f. LL carnalis
f. caro carnis flesh]
adj. & n. --adj. (of a carnivore's upper premolar and lower
molar teeth) adapted for shearing flesh. --n. such a tooth.
Also called SECTORIAL. [F carnassier carnivorous]
n. 1 any of several cultivated varieties of clove-scented pink,
with variously coloured showy flowers (see also CLOVE(1) 2). 2
this flower. [orig. uncert.: in early use varying with
n. & adj. --n. a rosy pink colour. --adj. of this colour. [F
f. It. carnagione ult. f. L caro carnis flesh]
carnauba n. 1 a fan palm, Copernicia cerifera, native to NE Brazil. 2
(in full carnauba wax) the yellowish leaf-wax of this tree used
as a polish etc. [Port.]
carnelian var. of CORNELIAN.
carnet n. 1 a customs permit to take a motor vehicle across a frontier
for a limited period. 2 a permit allowing use of a camp-site.
[F, = notebook]
carnival n. 1 a the festivities usual during the period before Lent in
Roman Catholic countries. b any festivities, esp. those
occurring at a regular date. 2 merrymaking, revelry. 3 US a
travelling funfair or circus. [It. carne-, carnovale f. med.L
carnelevarium etc. Shrovetide f. L caro carnis flesh + levare
put away]
carnivore n. 1 a any mammal of the order Carnivora, with powerful jaws
and teeth adapted for stabbing, tearing, and eating flesh,
including cats, dogs, and bears. b any other flesh-eating
mammal. 2 any flesh-eating plant.
adj. 1 (of an animal) feeding on flesh. 2 (of a plant)
digesting trapped insects or other animal substances. 3 of or
relating to the order Carnivora. ЬЬcarnivorously adv.
carnivorousness n. [L carnivorus f. caro carnis flesh +
carob n. 1 (in full carob-tree) an evergreen tree, Ceratonia siliqua,
native to the Mediterranean, bearing edible pods. 2 its
bean-shaped edible seed pod sometimes used as a substitute for
chocolate. [obs. F carobe f. med.L carrubia, -um f. Arab.
carol n. & v. --n. a joyous song, esp. a Christmas hymn. --v.
(carolled, carolling; US caroled, caroling) 1 intr. sing carols,
esp. outdoors at Christmas. 2 tr. & intr. sing joyfully.
ЬЬcaroler n. (also caroller). [ME f. OF carole, caroler, of
unkn. orig.]
Caroline adj. 1 (also Carolean) of the time of Charles I or II of
England. 2 = CAROLINGIAN adj. 2. [L Carolus Charles]
adj. & n. (also Carlovingian) --adj. 1 of or relating to the
second Frankish dynasty, founded by Charlemagne (d. 814). 2 of
a style of script developed in France at the time of
Charlemagne. --n. 1 a member of the Carolingian dynasty. 2
the Carolingian style of script. [F carlovingien f. Karl
Charles after m‚rovingien (see MEROVINGIAN): re-formed after L
carom n. & v. US Billiards --n. a cannon. --v.intr. 1 make a carom.
2 (usu. foll. by off) strike and rebound. [abbr. of carambole
f. Sp. carambola]
carotene n. any of several orange-coloured plant pigments found in
carrots, tomatoes, etc., acting as a source of vitamin A. [G
Carotin f. L carota CARROT]
n. any of a group of yellow, orange, or brown pigments giving
characteristic colour to plant organs, e.g. ripe tomatoes,
carrots, autumn leaves, etc.
carotid n. & adj. --n. each of the two main arteries carrying blood to
the head and neck. --adj. of or relating to either of these
arteries. [F carotide or mod.L carotides f. Gk karotides (pl.)
f. karoo stupefy (compression of these arteries being thought
to cause stupor)]
carouse v. & n. --v.intr. 1 have a noisy or lively drinking-party. 2
drink heavily. --n. a noisy or lively drinking-party.
ЬЬcarousal n. carouser n. [orig. as adv. = right out, in phr.
drink carouse f. G gar aus trinken]
carousel n. (US carrousel) 1 US a merry-go-round or roundabout. 2 a
rotating delivery or conveyor system, esp. for passengers'
luggage at an airport. 3 hist. a kind of equestrian tournament.
[F carrousel f. It. carosello]
carp(1) n. (pl. same) any freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae,
esp. Cyprinus carpio, often bred for use as food. [ME f. OF
carpe f. Prov. or f. LL carpa]
carp(2) v.intr. (usu. foll. by at) find fault; complain pettily.
ЬЬcarper n. [obs. ME senses 'talk, say, sing' f. ON karpa to
brag: mod. sense (16th c.) from or infl. by L carpere pluck at,
carpal adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the bones in the wrist.
--n. any of the bones forming the wrist. [CARPUS + -AL]
carpel n. Bot. the female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting
of a stigma, style, and ovary. ЬЬcarpellary adj. [F carpelle
or mod.L carpellum f. Gk karpos fruit]
carpenter n. & v. --n. a person skilled in woodwork, esp. of a structural
kind (cf. JOINER). --v. 1 intr. do carpentry. 2 tr. make by
means of carpentry. 3 tr. (often foll. by together) construct;
fit together. Ьcarpenter ant any large ant of the genus
Camponotus, boring into wood to nest. carpenter bee any of
various solitary bees, which bore into wood. [ME & AF; OF
carpentier f. LL carpentarius f. carpentum wagon f. Gaulish]
carpentry n. 1 the work or occupation of a carpenter. 2 timber-work
constructed by a carpenter. [ME f. OF carpenterie f. L
carpentaria: see CARPENTER]
carpet n. & v. --n. 1 a thick fabric for covering a floor or stairs.
b a piece of this fabric. 2 an expanse or layer resembling a
carpet in being smooth, soft, bright, or thick (carpet of snow). (carpeted, carpeting) 1 cover with or as with a carpet.
2 colloq. reprimand, reprove. Ьcarpet-bag a travelling-bag of a
kind orig. made of carpet-like material. carpet-bagger 1 esp.
US a political candidate in an area where the candidate has no
local connections (orig. a northerner in the southern US after
the Civil War). 2 an unscrupulous opportunist. carpet bombing
intensive bombing. carpet slipper a kind of slipper with the
upper made orig. of carpet-like material. carpet-sweeper a
household implement with a revolving brush or brushes for
sweeping carpets. on the carpet 1 colloq. being reprimanded. 2
under consideration. sweep under the carpet conceal (a problem
or difficulty) in the hope that it will be forgotten. [ME f. OF
carpite or med.L carpita, f. obs. It. carpita woollen
counterpane, ult. f. L carpere pluck, pull to pieces]
carpeting n. 1 material for carpets. 2 carpets collectively.
carpology n. the study of the structure of fruit and seeds. [Gk karpos
carport n. a shelter with a roof and open sides for a car, usu. beside
a house.
carpus n. (pl. carpi) the small bones between the forelimb and
metacarpus in terrestrial vertebrates, forming the wrist in
humans. [mod.L f. Gk karpos wrist]
carrack n. hist. a large armed merchant-ship. [ME f. F caraque f. Sp.
carraca f. Arab. karakir]
carrageen n. (also carragheen) an edible red seaweed, Chondrus crispus,
of the N. hemisphere. Also called Irish moss. [orig. uncert.:
perh. f. Ir. cos inЎn carraige carrageen, lit. 'little stem of
the rock']
carrel n. 1 a small cubicle for a reader in a library. 2 hist. a
small enclosure or study in a cloister. [OF carole, med.L
carola, of unkn. orig.]
carriage n. 1 Brit. a railway passenger vehicle. 2 a wheeled passenger
vehicle, esp. one with four wheels and pulled by horses. 3 a
the conveying of goods. b the cost of this (carriage paid). 4
the part of a machine (e.g. a typewriter) that carries other
parts into the required position. 5 a gun-carriage. 6 a manner
of carrying oneself; one's bearing or deportment. Ьcarriage and
pair a carriage with two horses pulling it. carriage clock a
portable clock in a rectangular case with a handle on top.
carriage-dog a dalmatian. [ME f. ONF cariage f. carier CARRY]
n. Brit. the part of a road intended for vehicles.
carrick bend
n. Naut. a kind of knot used to join ropes. [BEND(2): carrick
perh. f. CARRACK]
carrier n. 1 a person or thing that carries. 2 a person or company
undertaking to convey goods or passengers for payment. 3 =
carrier bag. 4 a part of a bicycle etc. for carrying luggage or
a passenger. 5 a person or animal that may transmit a disease
or a hereditary characteristic without suffering from or
displaying it. 6 = aircraft-carrier. 7 a substance used to
support or convey a pigment, a catalyst, radioactive material,
etc. 8 Physics a mobile electron or hole that carries a charge
in a semiconductor. Ьcarrier bag Brit. a disposable plastic or
paper bag with handles. carrier pigeon a pigeon trained to
carry messages tied to its neck or leg. carrier wave a
high-frequency electromagnetic wave modulated in amplitude or
frequency to convey a signal.
carriole n. 1 a small open carriage for one. 2 a covered light cart. 3
a Canadian sledge. [F f. It. carriuola, dimin. of carro CAR]
carrion n. & adj. --n. 1 dead putrefying flesh. 2 something vile or
filthy. --adj. rotten, loathsome. Ьcarrion crow a black crow,
Corvus corone, native to Europe, feeding mainly on carrion.
carrion flower = STAPELIA. [ME f. AF & ONF caroine, -oigne, OF
charoigne ult. f. L caro flesh]
carrot n. 1 a an umbelliferous plant, Daucus carota, with a tapering
orange-coloured root. b this root as a vegetable. 2 a means of
enticement or persuasion. 3 (in pl.) sl. a red-haired person.
ЬЬcarroty adj. [F carotte f. L carota f. Gk karoton]
carrousel US var. of CAROUSEL.
carry v. & n. --v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. support or hold up, esp. while
moving. 2 tr. convey with one from one place to another. 3 tr.
have on one's person (carry a watch). 4 tr. conduct or transmit
(pipe carries water; wire carries electric current). 5 tr. take
(a process etc.) to a specified point (carry into effect; carry
a joke too far). 6 tr. (foll. by to) continue or prolong (carry
modesty to excess). 7 tr. involve, imply; have as a feature or
consequence (carries a two-year guarantee; principles carry
consequences). 8 tr. (in reckoning) transfer (a figure) to a
column of higher value. 9 tr. hold in a specified way (carry
oneself erect). 10 tr. a (of a newspaper or magazine) publish;
include in its contents, esp. regularly. b (of a radio or
television station) broadcast, esp. regularly. 11 tr. (of a
retailing outlet) keep a regular stock of (particular goods for
sale) (have stopped carrying that brand). 12 intr. a (of
sound, esp. a voice) be audible at a distance. b (of a missile)
travel, penetrate. 13 tr. (of a gun etc.) propel to a specified
distance. 14 tr. a win victory or acceptance for (a proposal
etc.). b win acceptance from (carried the audience with them).
c win, capture (a prize, a fortress, etc.). d US gain (a State
or district) in an election. e Golf cause the ball to pass
beyond (a bunker etc.). 15 tr. a endure the weight of; support
(columns carry the dome). b be the chief cause of the
effectiveness of; be the driving force in (you carry the sales
department). 16 tr. be pregnant with (is carrying twins). 17
tr. a (of a motive, money, etc.) cause or enable (a person) to
go to a specified place. b (of a journey) bring (a person) to a
specified point. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 an act of carrying. 2
Golf the distance a ball travels before reaching the ground. 3
a portage between rivers etc. 4 the range of a gun etc.
Ьcarry-all 1 a light carriage (cf. CARRIOLE). 2 US a car with
seats placed sideways. 3 US a large bag or case. carry all
before one succeed; overcome all opposition. carry away 1
remove. 2 inspire; affect emotionally or spiritually. 3
deprive of self-control (got carried away). 4 Naut. a lose (a
mast etc.) by breakage. b break off or away. carry back take
(a person) back in thought to a past time. carry one's bat
Cricket be not out at the end of a side's completed innings.
carry the can colloq. bear the responsibility or blame. carry
conviction be convincing. carry-cot a portable cot for a baby.
carry the day be victorious or successful. carry forward
transfer to a new page or account. carrying-on (or
carryings-on) = carry-on. carrying-trade the conveying of goods
from one country to another by water or air as a business.
carry it off (or carry it off well) do well under difficulties.
carry off 1 take away, esp. by force. 2 win (a prize). 3 (esp.
of a disease) kill. 4 render acceptable or passable. carry on
1 continue (carry on eating; carry on, don't mind me). 2 engage
in (a conversation or a business). 3 colloq. behave strangely
or excitedly. 4 (often foll. by with) colloq. flirt or have a
love affair. 5 advance (a process) by a stage. carry-on n.
Brit. sl. 1 a state of excitement or fuss. 2 a questionable
piece of behaviour. 3 a flirtation or love affair. carry out
put (ideas, instructions, etc.) into practice. carry-out
attrib.adj. & n. esp. Sc. & US = take-away. carry over 1 =
carry forward. 2 postpone (work etc.). 3 Stock Exch. keep over
to the next settling-day. carry-over n. 1 something carried
over. 2 Stock Exch. postponement to the next settling-day.
carry through 1 complete successfully. 2 bring safely out of
difficulties. carry weight be influential or important. carry
with one bear in mind. [ME f. AF & ONF carier (as CAR)]
carse n. Sc. fertile lowland beside a river. [ME, perh. f. carrs
carsick adj. affected with nausea caused by the motion of a car.
ЬЬcarsickness n.
cart n. & v. --n. 1 a strong vehicle with two or four wheels for
carrying loads, usu. drawn by a horse. 2 a light vehicle for
pulling by hand. 3 a light vehicle with two wheels for driving
in, drawn by a single horse. 1 convey in or as in a
cart. 2 sl. carry (esp. a cumbersome thing) with difficulty or
over a long distance (carted it all the way home). Ьcart-horse
a thickset horse suitable for heavy work. cart-load 1 an amount
filling a cart. 2 a large quantity of anything. cart off
remove, esp. by force. cart-track (or -road) a track or road
too rough for ordinary vehicles. cart-wright a maker of carts.
in the cart sl. in trouble or difficulty. put the cart before
the horse 1 reverse the proper order or procedure. 2 take an
effect for a cause. ЬЬcarter n. cartful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME
f. ON kartr cart & OE cr‘t, prob. infl. by AF & ONF carete
dimin. of carre CAR]
cartage n. the price paid for carting.
carte var. of QUART 4.
carte blanche
n. full discretionary power given to a person. [F, = blank
cartel n. 1 an informal association of manufacturers or suppliers to
maintain prices at a high level, and control production,
marketing arrangements, etc. 2 a political combination between
parties. ЬЬcartelize & intr. (also -ise). [G Kartell f.
F cartel f. It. cartello dimin. of carta CARD(1)]
Cartesian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to R. Descartes, 17th-c. French
philosopher and mathematician. --n. a follower of Descartes.
ЬCartesian coordinates a system for locating a point by
reference to its distance from two or three axes intersecting at
right angles. ЬЬCartesianism n. [mod.L Cartesianus f.
Cartesius, name of Descartes]
n. & adj. --n. a monk of a contemplative order founded by St
Bruno in 1084. --adj. of or relating to this order. [med.L
Carthusianus f. L Cart(h)usia Chartreuse, near Grenoble]
cartilage n. gristle, a firm flexible connective tissue forming the
infant skeleton, which is mainly replaced by bone in adulthood.
ЬЬcartilaginoid adj. cartilaginous adj. [F f. L cartilago
cartogram n. a map with diagrammatic statistical information. [F
cartogramme f. carte map, card]
n. the science or practice of map-drawing. ЬЬcartographer n.
cartographic adj. cartographical adj. [F cartographie f.
carte map, card]
n. fortune-telling by interpreting a random selection of
playing-cards. [F cartomancie f. carte CARD(1)]
carton n. a light box or container, esp. one made of cardboard. [F
cartoon n. & v. --n. 1 a humorous drawing in a newspaper, magazine,
etc., esp. as a topical comment. 2 a sequence of drawings,
often with speech indicated, telling a story (strip cartoon). 3
a filmed sequence of drawings using the technique of animation.
4 a full-size drawing on stout paper as an artist's preliminary
design for a painting, tapestry, mosaic, etc. --v. 1 tr. draw
a cartoon of. 2 intr. draw cartoons. ЬЬcartoonist n. [It.
cartone f. carta CARD(1)]
cartouche n. 1 a Archit. a scroll-like ornament, e.g. the volute of an
Ionic capital. b a tablet imitating, or a drawing of, a scroll
with rolled-up ends, used ornamentally or bearing an
inscription. c an ornate frame. 2 Archaeol. an oval ring
enclosing Egyptian hieroglyphs, usu. representing the name and
title of a king. [F, = cartridge, f. It. cartoccio f. carta
cartridge n. 1 a case containing a charge of propelling explosive for
firearms or blasting, with a bullet or shot if for small arms.
2 a spool of film, magnetic tape, etc., in a sealed container
ready for insertion. 3 a component carrying the stylus on the
pick-up head of a record-player. 4 an ink-container for
insertion in a pen. Ьcartridge-belt a belt with pockets or
loops for cartridges (in sense 1). cartridge paper thick rough
paper used for cartridges, for drawing, and for strong
envelopes. [corrupt. of CARTOUCHE (but recorded earlier)]
cartwheel n. 1 the (usu. spoked) wheel of a cart. 2 a circular sideways
handspring with the arms and legs extended.
caruncle n. 1 Zool. a fleshy excrescence, e.g. a turkeycock's wattles or
the red prominence at the inner angle of the eye. 2 Bot. an
outgrowth from a seed near the micropyle. ЬЬcaruncular adj.
[obs. F f. L caruncula f. caro carnis flesh]
carve v. 1 tr. produce or shape (a statue, representation in relief,
etc.) by cutting into a hard material (carved a figure out of
rock; carved it in wood). 2 tr. a cut patterns, designs,
letters, etc. in (hard material). b (foll. by into) form a
pattern, design, etc., from (carved it into a bust). c (foll.
by with) cover or decorate (material) with figures or designs
cut in it. 3 tr. (absol.) cut (meat etc.) into slices for
eating. Ьcarve out 1 take from a larger whole. 2 establish (a
career etc.) purposefully (carved out a name for themselves).
carve up divide into several pieces; subdivide (territory etc.).
carve-up n. sl. a sharing-out, esp. of spoils. carving knife
a knife with a long blade, for carving meat. [OE ceorfan cut f.
carvel n. var. of CARAVEL. Ьcarvel-built (of a boat) made with planks
flush, not overlapping (cf. CLINKER-BUILT). [as CARAVEL]
carven archaic past part. of CARVE.
Carver n. US a chair with arms, a rush seat, and a back having
horizontal and vertical spindles. [J. Carver, first governor
of Plymouth Colony, d. 1621, for whom a prototype was allegedly
carver n. 1 a person who carves. 2 a a carving knife. b (in pl.) a
knife and fork for carving. 3 Brit. the principal chair, with
arms, in a set of dining-chairs, intended for the person who
carves. °To be distinguished (in sense 3) from Carver.
carvery n. (pl. -ies) a buffet or restaurant with joints displayed,
and carved as required, in front of customers.
carving n. a carved object, esp. as a work of art.
caryatid n. (pl. caryatides or caryatids) Archit. a pillar in the form
of a draped female figure, supporting an entablature. [F
caryatide f. It. cariatide or L f. Gk karuatis -idos priestess
at Caryae (Karuai) in Laconia]
caryopsis n. (pl. caryopses) Bot. a dry one-seeded indehiscent fruit,
as in wheat and maize. [mod.L f. Gk karuon nut + opsis
Casanova n. a man notorious for seducing women. [G. J. Casanova de
Seingalt, It. adventurer d. 1798]
casbah var. of KASBAH.
cascade n. & v. --n. 1 a small waterfall, esp. forming one in a series
or part of a large broken waterfall. 2 a succession of
electrical devices or stages in a process. 3 a quantity of
material etc. draped in descending folds. 4 a process of
disseminating information from senior to junior levels in an
organization. --v.intr. fall in or like a cascade. [F f. It.
cascata f. cascare to fall ult. f. L casus: see CASE(1)]
cascara n. (in full cascara sagrada) the bark of a Californian
buckthorn, Rhamnus purshiana, used as a purgative. [Sp., =
sacred bark]
case(1) n. 1 an instance of something occurring. 2 a state of affairs,
hypothetical or actual. 3 a an instance of a person receiving
professional guidance, e.g. from a doctor or social worker. b
this person or the circumstances involved. 4 a matter under
official investigation, esp. by the police. 5 Law a a cause or
suit for trial. b a statement of the facts in a cause sub
judice, drawn up for a higher court's consideration (judge
states a case). c a cause that has been decided and may be
cited (leading case). 6 a the sum of the arguments on one side,
esp. in a lawsuit (that is our case). b a set of arguments,
esp. in relation to persuasiveness (have a good case; have a
weak case). c a valid set of arguments (have no case). 7 Gram.
a the relation of a word to other words in a sentence. b a form
of a noun, adjective, or pronoun expressing this. 8 colloq. a
comical person. 9 the position or circumstances in which one
is. Ьas the case may be according to the situation. case
history information about a person for use in professional
treatment, e.g. by a doctor. case-law the law as established by
the outcome of former cases (cf. common law, statute law).
case-load the cases with which a doctor etc. is concerned at one
time. case-study 1 an attempt to understand a person,
institution, etc., from collected information. 2 a record of
such an attempt. 3 the use of a particular instance as an
exemplar of general principles. in any case whatever the truth
is; whatever may happen. in case 1 in the event that; if. 2
lest; in provision against a stated or implied possibility (take
an umbrella in case it rains; took it in case). in case of in
the event of. in the case of as regards. in no case under no
circumstances. in that case if that is true; should that
happen. is (or is not) the case is (or is not) so. [ME f. OF
cas f. L casus fall f. cadere cas- to fall]
case(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a container or covering serving to enclose or
contain. 2 a container with its contents. 3 the outer
protective covering of a watch, book, seed-vessel, sausage, etc.
4 an item of luggage, esp. a suitcase. 5 Printing a partitioned
receptacle for type. 6 a glass box for showing specimens,
curiosities, etc. 1 enclose in a case. 2 (foll. by
with) surround. 3 sl. reconnoitre (a house etc.) esp. with a
view to robbery. Ьcase-bound (of a book) in a hard cover.
case-harden 1 harden the surface of, esp. give a steel surface
to (iron) by carbonizing. 2 make callous. case-knife a knife
carried in a sheath. case-shot 1 bullets in an iron case fired
from a cannon. 2 shrapnel. lower case small letters. upper
case capitals. [ME f. OF casse, chasse, f. L capsa f. capere
casebook n. a book containing a record of legal or medical cases.
casein n. the main protein in milk, esp. in coagulated form as in
cheese. [L caseus cheese]
n. the soluble form of casein as it occurs in milk.
casemate n. 1 a chamber in the thickness of the wall of a fortress, with
embrasures. 2 an armoured enclosure for guns on a warship. [F
casemate & It. casamatta or Sp. -mata, f. camata, perh. f. Gk
khasma -atos gap]
casement n. 1 a window or part of a window hinged vertically to open
like a door. 2 poet. a window. [ME f. AL cassimentum f. cassa
casework n. social work concerned with individuals, esp. involving
understanding of the client's family and background.
ЬЬcaseworker n.
cash(1) n. & v. --n. 1 money in coins or notes, as distinct from
cheques or orders. 2 (also cash down) money paid as full
payment at the time of purchase, as distinct from credit. 3
colloq. wealth. give or obtain cash for (a note,
cheque, etc.). Ьcash and carry 1 a system of wholesaling in
which goods are paid for in cash and taken away by the
purchaser. 2 a store where this system operates. cash-book a
book in which receipts and payments of cash are recorded. cash
crop a crop produced for sale, not for use as food etc. cash
desk a counter or compartment in a shop where goods are paid
for. cash dispenser an automatic machine from which customers
of a bank etc. may withdraw cash, esp. by using a cashcard.
cash flow the movement of money into and out of a business, as a
measure of profitability, or as affecting liquidity. cash in 1
obtain cash for. 2 colloq. (usu. foll. by on) profit (from);
take advantage (of). 3 pay into a bank etc. 4 (in full cash in
one's checks) colloq. die. cash on delivery a system of paying
the carrier for goods when they are delivered. cash register a
machine in a shop etc. with a drawer for money, recording the
amount of each sale, totalling receipts, etc. cash up Brit.
count and check cash takings at the end of a day's trading.
ЬЬcashable adj. cashless adj. [obs. F casse box or It. cassa
f. L capsa CASE(2)]
cash(2) n. (pl. same) hist. any of various small coins of China or the
E. Indies. [ult. f. Port. ca(i)xa f. Tamil kasu f. Skr.
cashcard n. a plastic card (see CARD(1) n. 9) which enables the holder
to draw money from a cash dispenser.
cashew n. 1 a bushy evergreen tree, Anacardium occidentale, native to
Central and S. America, bearing kidney-shaped nuts attached to
fleshy fruits. 2 (in full cashew nut) the edible nut of this
tree. Ьcashew apple the edible fleshy fruit of this tree.
[Port. f. Tupi (a)caju]
n. a person dealing with cash transactions in a shop, bank,
etc. [Du. cassier or F caissier (as CASH(1))]
cashier(2) dismiss from service, esp. from the armed forces with
disgrace. [Flem. kasseren disband, revoke, f. F casser f. L
quassare QUASH]
cashmere n. 1 a fine soft wool, esp. that of a Kashmir goat. 2 a
material made from this. [Kashmir in Asia]
cashpoint n. = cash dispenser.
casing n. 1 a protective or enclosing cover or shell. 2 the material
for this.
casino n. (pl. -os) a public room or building for gambling. [It.,
dimin. of casa house f. L casa cottage]
cask n. 1 a large barrel-like container made of wood, metal, or
plastic, esp. one for alcoholic liquor. 2 its contents. 3 its
capacity. [F casque or Sp. casco helmet]
casket n. 1 a small often ornamental box or chest for jewels, letters,
etc. 2 a a small wooden box for cremated ashes. b US a coffin,
esp. a rectangular one. [perh. f. AF form of OF cassette f. It.
cassetta dimin. of cassa f. L capsa CASE(2)]
casque n. 1 hist. or poet. a helmet. 2 Zool. a helmet-like structure,
e.g. the process on the bill of the cassowary. [F f. Sp.
Cassandra n. a prophet of disaster, esp. one who is disregarded. [L f.
Gk Kassandra, daughter of Priam King of Troy: she was condemned
by Apollo to prophesy correctly but not be believed]
cassata n. a type of ice-cream containing candied or dried fruit and
nuts. [It.]
cassation n. Mus. an informal instrumental composition of the 18th c.,
similar to a divertimento and orig. often for outdoor
performance. [It. cassazione]
cassava n. 1 a any plant of the genus Manihot, esp. the cultivated
varieties M. esculenta (bitter cassava) and M. dulcis (sweet
cassava), having starchy tuberous roots. b the roots
themselves. 2 a starch or flour obtained from these roots. Also
called TAPIOCA, MANIOC. [earlier cas(s)avi etc., f. Taino
casavi, infl. by F cassave]
casserole n. & v. --n. 1 a covered dish, usu. of earthenware or glass,
in which food is cooked, esp. slowly in the oven. 2 food cooked
in a casserole. cook in a casserole. [F f. cassole
dimin. of casse f. Prov. casa f. LL cattia ladle, pan f. Gk
kuathion dimin. of kuathos cup]
cassette n. a sealed case containing a length of tape, ribbon, etc.,
ready for insertion in a machine, esp.: 1 a length of magnetic
tape wound on to spools, ready for insertion in a tape recorder.
2 a length of photographic film, ready for insertion in a
camera. [F, dimin. of casse CASE(2)]
cassia n. 1 any tree of the genus Cassia, bearing leaves from which
senna is extracted. 2 the cinnamon-like bark of this tree used
as a spice. [L f. Gk kasia f. Heb. kesЊ'ah bark like cinnamon]
cassis n. a syrupy usu. alcoholic blackcurrant flavouring for drinks
etc. [F, = blackcurrant]
n. a naturally occurring ore of tin dioxide, from which tin is
extracted. Also called TINSTONE. [Gk kassiteros tin]
cassock n. a long close-fitting usu. black or red garment worn by
clergy, members of choirs, etc. ЬЬcassocked adj. [F casaque
long coat f. It. casacca horseman's coat, prob. f. Turkic: cf.
cassoulet n. a ragout of meat and beans. [F, dimin. of dial. cassolo
cassowary n. (pl. -ies) any large flightless Australasian bird of the
genus Casuarius, with heavy body, stout legs, a wattled neck,
and a bony crest on its forehead. [Malay kasuari, kasavari]
cast v. & n. --v. (past and past part. cast) 1 tr. throw, esp.
deliberately or forcefully. 2 tr. (often foll. by on, over) a
direct or cause to fall (one's eyes, a glance, light, a shadow,
a spell, etc.). b express (doubts, aspersions, etc.). 3 tr.
throw out (a fishing-line) into the water. 4 tr. let down (an
anchor or sounding-lead). 5 tr. a throw off, get rid of. b
shed (skin etc.) esp. in the process of growth. c (of a horse)
lose (a shoe). 6 tr. record, register, or give (a vote). 7 tr.
a shape (molten metal or plastic material) in a mould. b make
(a product) in this way. 8 tr. Printing make (type). 9 tr. a
(usu. foll. by as) assign (an actor) to play a particular
character. b allocate roles in (a play, film, etc.). 10 tr.
(foll. by in, into) arrange or formulate (facts etc.) in a
specified form. 11 tr. & intr. reckon, add up, calculate
(accounts or figures). 12 tr. calculate and record details of
(a horoscope). --n. 1 a the throwing of a missile etc. b the
distance reached by this. 2 a throw or a number thrown at dice.
3 a throw of a net, sounding-lead, or fishing-line. 4 Fishing a
that which is cast, esp. the gut with hook and fly. b a place
for casting (a good cast). 5 a an object of metal, clay, etc.,
made in a mould. b a moulded mass of solidified material, esp.
plaster protecting a broken limb. 6 the actors taking part in a
play, film, etc. 7 form, type, or quality (cast of features;
cast of mind). 8 a tinge or shade of colour. 9 a (in full cast
in the eye) a slight squint. b a twist or inclination. 10 a a
mass of earth excreted by a worm. b a mass of indigestible food
thrown up by a hawk, owl, etc. 11 the form into which any work
is thrown or arranged. 12 a a wide area covered by a dog or
pack to find a trail. b Austral. & NZ a wide sweep made by a
sheepdog in mustering sheep. Ьcast about (or around or round)
make an extensive search (actually or mentally) (cast about for
a solution). cast adrift leave to drift. cast ashore (of waves
etc.) throw to the shore. cast aside give up using; abandon.
cast away 1 reject. 2 (in passive) be shipwrecked (cf.
CASTAWAY). cast one's bread upon the waters see BREAD. cast
down depress, deject (cf. DOWNCAST). casting vote a deciding
vote usu. given by the chairperson when the votes on two sides
are equal. °From an obsolete sense of cast = turn the scale.
cast iron a hard alloy of iron, carbon, and silicon cast in a
mould. cast-iron adj. 1 made of cast iron. 2 hard,
unchallengeable, unchangeable. cast loose detach; detach
oneself. cast lots see LOT. cast-net a net thrown out and
immediately drawn in. cast off 1 abandon. 2 Knitting take the
stitches off the needle by looping each over the next to finish
the edge. 3 Naut. a set a ship free from a quay etc. b loosen
and throw off (rope etc.). 4 Printing estimate the space that
will be taken in print by manuscript copy. cast-off adj.
abandoned, discarded. --n. a cast-off thing, esp. a garment.
cast on Knitting make the first row of loops on the needle.
cast out expel. cast up 1 (of the sea) deposit on the shore. 2
add up (figures etc.). [ME f. ON kasta]
castanet n. (usu. in pl.) a small concave piece of hardwood, ivory,
etc., in pairs held in the hands and clicked together by the
fingers as a rhythmic accompaniment, esp. by Spanish dancers.
[Sp. casta¤eta dimin. of casta¤a f. L castanea chestnut]
castaway n. & adj. --n. a shipwrecked person. --adj. 1 shipwrecked. 2
cast aside; rejected.
caste n. 1 any of the Hindu hereditary classes whose members have no
social contact with other classes, but are socially equal with
one another and often follow the same occupations. 2 a more or
less exclusive social class. 3 a system of such classes. 4 the
position it confers. 5 Zool. a form of social insect having a
particular function. Ьcaste mark a symbol on the forehead
denoting a person's caste. lose caste descend in the social
order. [Sp. and Port. casta lineage, race, breed, fem. of
casto pure, CHASTE]
casteism n. often derog. the caste system.
castellan n. hist. the governor of a castle. [ME f. ONF castelain f.
med.L castellanus: see CASTLE]
adj. 1 having battlements. 2 castle-like. ЬЬcastellation n.
[med.L castellatus: see CASTLE]
caster n. 1 var. of CASTOR(1). 2 a person who casts. 3 a machine for
casting type.
castigate rebuke or punish severely. ЬЬcastigation n. castigator
n. castigatory adj. [L castigare reprove f. castus pure]
Castile soap
n. a fine hard white or mottled soap made with olive oil and
soda. [as CASTILIAN]
Castilian n. & adj. --n. 1 a native of Castile in Spain. 2 the language
of Castile, standard spoken and literary Spanish. --adj. of or
relating to Castile.
casting n. an object made by casting, esp. of molten metal.
castle n. & v. --n. 1 a a large fortified building or group of
buildings; a stronghold. b a formerly fortified mansion. 2
Chess = ROOK(2). --v. Chess 1 intr. make a special move (once
only in a game on each side) in which the king is moved two
squares along the back rank and the nearer rook is moved to the
square passed over by the king. 2 tr. move (the king) by
castling. Ьcastles in the air (or in Spain) a visionary
unattainable scheme; a day-dream. ЬЬcastled adj. [AF & ONF
castel, chastel f. L castellum dimin. of castrum fort]
castor(1) n. (also caster) 1 a small swivelled wheel (often one of a set)
fixed to a leg (or the underside) of a piece of furniture. 2 a
small container with holes in the top for sprinkling the
contents. Ьcastor action swivelling of vehicle wheels to ensure
stability. castor sugar finely granulated white sugar. [orig.
a var. of CASTER (in the general sense)]
castor(2) n. an oily substance secreted by beavers and used in medicine
and perfumes. [F or L f. Gk kastor beaver]
castor oil
n. 1 an oil from the seeds of a plant, Ricinus communis, used
as a purgative and lubricant. 2 (in full castor oil plant) this
plant. Ьcastor oil bean (or castor bean) a seed of the castor
oil plant. [18th c.: orig. uncert.: perh. so called as having
succeeded CASTOR(2) in the medical sense]
castrate 1 remove the testicles of; geld. 2 deprive of vigour.
ЬЬcastration n. castrator n. [L castrare]
castrato n. (pl. castrati) hist. a male singer castrated in boyhood so
as to retain a soprano or alto voice. [It., past part. of
castrare: see CASTRATE]
casual adj. & n. --adj. 1 accidental; due to chance. 2 not regular
or permanent; temporary, occasional (casual work; a casual
affair). 3 a unconcerned, uninterested (was very casual about
it). b made or done without great care or thought (a casual
remark). c acting carelessly or unmethodically. 4 (of clothes)
informal. --n. 1 a casual worker. 2 (usu. in pl.) casual
clothes or shoes. ЬЬcasually adv. casualness n. [ME f. OF
casuel & L casualis f. casus CASE(1)]
casualty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person killed or injured in a war or
accident. 2 a thing lost or destroyed. 3 = casualty
department. 4 an accident, mishap, or disaster. Ьcasualty
department (or ward) the part of a hospital where casualties are
treated. [ME f. med.L casualitas (as CASUAL), after ROYALTY
casuarina n. any tree of the genus Casuarina, native to Australia and SE
Asia, having tiny scale leaves on slender jointed branches,
resembling gigantic horsetails. [mod.L casuarius cassowary
(from the resemblance between branches and feathers)]
casuist n. 1 a person, esp. a theologian, who resolves problems of
conscience, duty, etc., often with clever but false reasoning.
2 a sophist or quibbler. ЬЬcasuistic adj. casuistical adj.
casuistically adv. casuistry n. [F casuiste f. Sp. casuista
f. L casus CASE(1)]
casus belli
n. an act or situation provoking or justifying war. [L]
cat n. & v. --n. 1 a small soft-furred four-legged domesticated
animal, Felis catus. 2 a any wild animal of the genus Felis,
e.g. a lion, tiger, or leopard. b = wild cat. 3 a catlike
animal of any other species (civet cat). 4 colloq. a malicious
or spiteful woman. 5 sl. a jazz enthusiast. 6 Naut. = CATHEAD.
7 = cat-o'-nine-tails. 8 a short tapered stick in the game of
tipcat. (also absol.) (catted, catting) Naut. raise (an
anchor) from the surface of the water to the cathead.
Ьcat-and-dog (of a relationship etc.) full of quarrels. cat
burglar a burglar who enters by climbing to an upper storey.
cat flap (or door) a small swinging flap in an outer door, for a
cat to pass in and out. cat-ice thin ice unsupported by water.
cat-o'-nine-tails hist. a rope whip with nine knotted lashes
for flogging sailors, soldiers, or criminals. cat's cradle a
child's game in which a loop of string is held between the
fingers and patterns are formed. Cat's-eye Brit. propr. one
of a series of reflector studs set into a road. cat's-eye a
precious stone of Sri Lanka and Malabar. cat's-foot any small
plant of the genus Antennaria, having soft woolly leaves and
growing on the surface of the ground. cat's-paw 1 a person used
as a tool by another. 2 a slight breeze rippling the surface of
the water. cat's-tail = reed-mace (see REED(1)). cat's
whiskers (or pyjamas) sl. an excellent person or thing. let
the cat out of the bag reveal a secret, esp. involuntarily.
like a cat on hot bricks (or on a hot tin roof) very agitated or
agitatedly. put (or set) the cat among the pigeons cause
trouble. rain cats and dogs rain very hard. [OE catt(e) f. LL
cata- prefix (usu. cat- before a vowel or h) 1 down, downwards
(catadromous). 2 wrongly, badly (catachresis). [Gk kata down]
n. (also katabolism) Biochem. the breakdown of complex
molecules in living organisms to form simpler ones with the
release of energy; destructive metabolism (opp. ANABOLISM).
ЬЬcatabolic adj. [Gk katabole descent f. kata down + bole f.
ballo throw]
n. (pl. catachreses) an incorrect use of words.
ЬЬcatachrestic adj. [L f. Gk katakhresis f. khraomai use]
n. (pl. cataclases) Geol. the natural process of fracture,
shearing, or breaking up of rocks. ЬЬcataclastic adj. [mod.L
f. Gk kataklasis breaking down]
cataclasm n. a violent break; a disruption. [Gk kataklasma (as CATA-,
klao to break)]
cataclysm n. 1 a a violent, esp. social or political, upheaval or
disaster. b a great change. 2 a great flood or deluge.
ЬЬcataclysmal adj. cataclysmic adj. cataclysmically adv. [F
cataclysme f. L cataclysmus f. Gk kataklusmos f. klusmos flood
f. kluzo wash]
catacomb n. (often in pl.) 1 an underground cemetery, esp. a Roman
subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs. 2 a similar
underground construction; a cellar. [F catacombes f. LL
catacumbas (name given in the 5th c. to the cemetery of St
Sebastian near Rome), of unkn. orig.]
adj. (of a fish, e.g. the eel) that swims down rivers to the
sea to spawn (cf. ANADROMOUS). [Gk katadromos f. kata down +
dromos running]
n. a decorated wooden framework for supporting the coffin of a
distinguished person during a funeral or while lying in state.
[F f. It. catafalco, of unkn. orig.: cf. SCAFFOLD]
Catalan n. & adj. --n. 1 a native of Catalonia in Spain. 2 the
language of Catalonia. --adj. of or relating to Catalonia or
its people or language. [F f. Sp.]
catalase n. Biochem. an enzyme that catalyses the reduction of hydrogen
peroxide. [CATALYSIS]
catalepsy n. a state of trance or seizure with loss of sensation and
consciousness accompanied by rigidity of the body. ЬЬcataleptic
adj. & n. [F catalepsie or LL catalepsia f. Gk katalepsis (as
CATA-, lepsis seizure)]
catalogue n. & v. (US catalog) --n. 1 a complete list of items (e.g.
articles for sale, books held by a library), usu. in
alphabetical or other systematic order and often with a
description of each. 2 an extensive list (a catalogue of
crimes). 3 US a university course-list etc.
(catalogues, catalogued, cataloguing; US catalogs, cataloged,
cataloging) 1 make a catalogue of. 2 enter in a catalogue.
ЬЬcataloguer n. (US cataloger). [F f. LL catalogus f. Gk.
katalogos f. katalego enrol (as CATA-, lego choose)]
catalogue raisonn‚
n. a descriptive catalogue with explanations or comments. [F,
= explained catalogue]
catalpa n. any tree of the genus Catalpa, with heart-shaped leaves,
trumpet-shaped flowers, and long pods. [Amer. Ind. (Creek)]
catalyse (US catalyze) Chem. produce (a reaction) by catalysis.
[as CATALYSIS after analyse]
catalysis n. (pl. catalyses) Chem. & Biochem. the acceleration of a
chemical or biochemical reaction by a catalyst. [Gk katalusis
dissolution (as CATA-, luo set free)]
catalyst n. 1 Chem. a substance that, without itself undergoing any
permanent chemical change, increases the rate of a reaction. 2
a person or thing that precipitates a change. [as CATALYSIS
after analyst]
catalytic adj. Chem. relating to or involving catalysis. Ьcatalytic
converter a device incorporated in the exhaust system of a motor
vehicle, with a catalyst for converting pollutant gases into
harmless products. catalytic cracker a device for cracking (see
CRACK v. 9) petroleum oils by catalysis.
catalyze US var. of CATALYSE.
catamaran n. 1 a boat with twin hulls in parallel. 2 a raft of yoked
logs or boats. 3 colloq. a quarrelsome woman. [Tamil
kattumaram tied wood]
catamite n. 1 a boy kept for homosexual practices. 2 the passive
partner in sodomy. [L catamitus through Etruscan f. Gk
Ganumedes Ganymede, cupbearer of Zeus]
n. 1 a lynx, leopard, puma, or other tiger-cat. 2 a wild
quarrelsome person. [ME f. cat of the mountain]
n. any composite plant of the genus Catananche, with blue or
yellow flowers. [mod.L f. L catanance plant used in
love-potions f. Gk katanagke (as CATA-, anagke compulsion)]
cataplexy n. sudden temporary paralysis due to fright etc. ЬЬcataplectic
adj. [Gk kataplexis stupefaction]
catapult n. & v. --n. 1 a forked stick etc. with elastic for shooting
stones. 2 hist. a military machine worked by a lever and ropes
for hurling large stones etc. 3 a mechanical device for
launching a glider, an aircraft from the deck of a ship, etc.
--v. 1 tr. a hurl from or launch with a catapult. b fling
forcibly. 2 intr. leap or be hurled forcibly. [F catapulte or
L catapulta f. Gk katapeltes (as CATA-, pallo hurl)]
cataract n. 1 a a large waterfall or cascade. b a downpour; a rush of
water. 2 Med. a condition in which the eye-lens becomes
progressively opaque resulting in blurred vision. [L cataracta
f. Gk katarrhaktes down-rushing; in med. sense prob. f. obs.
sense 'portcullis']
catarrh n. 1 inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose, air
passages, etc. 2 a watery discharge in the nose or throat due
to this. ЬЬcatarrhal adj. [F catarrhe f. LL catarrhus f. Gk
katarrhous f. katarrheo flow down]
adj. & n. Zool. --adj. (of primates) having nostrils close
together, and directed downwards, e.g. a baboon, chimpanzee, or
human. --n. such an animal (cf. PLATYRRHINE). [CATA- + rhis
rhinos nose]
n. 1 a great and usu. sudden disaster. 2 the denouement of a
drama. 3 a disastrous end; ruin. 4 an event producing a
subversion of the order of things. ЬЬcatastrophic adj.
catastrophically adv. [L catastropha f. Gk katastrophe (as
CATA-, strophe turning f. strepho turn)]
n. Geol. the theory that changes in the earth's crust have
occurred in sudden violent and unusual events. ЬЬcatastrophist
catatonia n. 1 schizophrenia with intervals of catalepsy and sometimes
violence. 2 catalepsy. ЬЬcatatonic adj. & n. [G Katatonie (as
catawba n. 1 a US variety of grape. 2 a white wine made from it.
[River Catawba in S. Carolina]
catboat n. a sailing-boat with a single mast placed well forward and
carrying only one sail. [perh. f. cat a former type of coaler
in NE England, + BOAT]
catcall n. & v. --n. a shrill whistle of disapproval made at meetings
etc. --v. 1 intr. make a catcall. 2 tr. make a catcall at.
catch v. & n. --v. (past and past part. caught) 1 tr. a lay hold
of so as to restrain or prevent from escaping; capture in a
trap, in one's hands, etc. b (also catch hold of) get into
one's hands so as to retain, operate, etc. (caught hold of the
handle). 2 tr. detect or surprise (a person, esp. in a wrongful
or embarrassing act) (caught me in the act; caught him smoking).
3 tr. a intercept and hold (a moving thing) in the hands etc.
(failed to catch the ball; a bowl to catch the drips). b
Cricket dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball before it
reaches the ground. 4 tr. a contract (a disease) by infection
or contagion. b acquire (a quality or feeling) from another's
example (caught her enthusiasm). 5 tr. a reach in time and
board (a train, bus, etc.). b be in time to see etc. (a person
or thing about to leave or finish) (if you hurry you'll catch
them; caught the end of the performance). 6 tr. a apprehend
with the senses or the mind (esp. a thing occurring quickly or
briefly) (didn't catch what he said). b (of an artist etc.)
reproduce faithfully. 7 a intr. become fixed or entangled; be
checked (the bolt began to catch). b tr. cause to do this
(caught her tights on a nail). c tr. (often foll. by on) hit,
deal a blow to (caught him on the nose; caught his elbow on the
table). 8 tr. draw the attention of; captivate (caught his eye;
caught her fancy). 9 intr. begin to burn. 10 tr. (often foll.
by up) reach or overtake (a person etc. ahead). 11 tr. check
suddenly (caught his breath). 12 tr. (foll. by at) grasp or try
to grasp. --n. 1 a an act of catching. b Cricket a chance or
act of catching the ball. 2 a an amount of a thing caught, esp.
of fish. b a thing or person caught or worth catching, esp. in
marriage. 3 a a question, trick, etc., intended to deceive,
incriminate, etc. b an unexpected or hidden difficulty or
disadvantage. 4 a device for fastening a door or window etc. 5
Mus. a round, esp. with words arranged to produce a humorous
effect. Ьcatch-all (often attrib.) a thing designed to be
all-inclusive. catch-as-catch-can a style of wrestling with few
holds barred. catch at a straw see STRAW. catch crop a crop
grown between two staple crops (in position or time). catch
one's death see DEATH. catch fire see FIRE. catch it sl. be
punished or in trouble. catch me! etc. (often foll. by pres.
part.) colloq. you may be sure I etc. shall not. catch on
colloq. 1 (of a practice, fashion, etc.) become popular. 2 (of
a person) understand what is meant. catch out 1 detect in a
mistake etc. 2 take unawares; cause to be bewildered or
confused. 3 = sense 3b of v. catch-phrase a phrase in frequent
use. catch the sun 1 be in a sunny position. 2 become
sunburnt. catch up 1 a (often foll. by with) reach a person
etc. ahead (he caught up in the end; he caught us up; he caught
up with us). b (often foll. by with, on) make up arrears (of
work etc.) (must catch up with my correspondence). 2 snatch or
pick up hurriedly. 3 (often in passive) a involve; entangle
(caught up in suspicious dealings). b fasten up (hair caught up
in a ribbon). ЬЬcatchable adj. [ME f. AF & ONF cachier, OF
chacier, ult. f. L captare try to catch]
catcher n. 1 a person or thing that catches. 2 Baseball a fielder who
stands behind the batter.
catchfly n. (pl. -ies) any plant of the genus Silene or Lychnis with a
sticky stem.
catching adj. 1 a (of a disease) infectious. b (of a practice, habit,
etc.) likely to be imitated. 2 attractive; captivating.
catchline n. Printing a short line of type esp. at the head of copy or as
a running headline.
catchment n. the collection of rainfall. Ьcatchment area 1 the area from
which rainfall flows into a river etc. 2 the area served by a
school, hospital, etc.
adj. intended merely to sell quickly; superficially attractive.
catch-22 n. (often attrib.) colloq. a dilemma or circumstance from
which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or
dependent conditions. [title of a novel by J. Heller (1961)
featuring a dilemma of this kind]
catchup var. of KETCHUP.
adj. & n. --adj. unrestricted as regards weight. --n.
unrestricted weight, as a weight category in sports.
catchword n. 1 a word or phrase in common (often temporary) use; a
topical slogan. 2 a word so placed as to draw attention. 3
Theatr. an actor's cue. 4 Printing the first word of a page
given at the foot of the previous one.
catchy adj. (catchier, catchiest) 1 (of a tune) easy to remember;
attractive. 2 that snares or entraps; deceptive. 3 (of the
wind etc.) fitful, spasmodic. ЬЬcatchily adv. catchiness n.
[CATCH + -Y(1)]
cate n. archaic (usu. in pl.) choice food, delicacies. [obs. acate
purchase f. AF acat, OF achat f. acater, achater buy: see
adj. (also catechetic) 1 of or by oral teaching. 2 according
to the catechism of a Church. 3 consisting of or proceeding by
question and answer. ЬЬcatechetically adv. catechetics n.
[eccl.Gk katekhetikos f. katekhetes oral teacher: see
catechism n. 1 a a summary of the principles of a religion in the form of
questions and answers. b a book containing this. 2 a series of
questions put to anyone. ЬЬcatechismal adj. [eccl.L
catechismus (as CATECHIZE)]
catechist n. a religious teacher, esp. one using a catechism.
catechize (also -ise) 1 instruct by means of question and answer,
esp. from a catechism. 2 put questions to; examine.
ЬЬcatechizer n. [LL catechizare f. eccl.Gk katekhizo f.
katekheo make hear (as CATA-, ekheo sound)]
catechu n. (also cachou) gambier or similar vegetable extract,
containing tannin. [mod.L f. Malay kachu]
n. a Christian convert under instruction before baptism. [ME
f. OF catechumene or eccl.L catechumenus f. Gk katekheo: see
adj. unconditional, absolute; explicit, direct (a categorical
refusal). Ьcategorical imperative Ethics an unconditional moral
obligation derived from pure reason; the bidding of conscience
as ultimate moral law. ЬЬcategorically adv. [F cat‚gorique or
LL categoricus f. Gk kategorikos: see CATEGORY]
categorize (also -ise) place in a category or categories.
ЬЬcategorization n.
category n. (pl. -ies) 1 a class or division. 2 Philos. a one of a
possibly exhaustive set of classes among which all things might
be distributed. b one of the a priori conceptions applied by
the mind to sense-impressions. c any relatively fundamental
philosophical concept. ЬЬcategorial adj. [F cat‚gorie or LL
categoria f. Gk kategoria statement f. kategoros accuser]
catena n. (pl. catenae or catenas) 1 a connected series of patristic
comments on Scripture. 2 a series or chain. [L, = chain: orig.
catena patrum chain of the Fathers (of the Church)]
catenary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) a curve formed by a uniform chain
hanging freely from two points not in the same vertical line.
--adj. of or resembling such a curve. Ьcatenary bridge a
suspension bridge hung from such chains. [L catenarius f.
catena chain]
catenate connect like links of a chain. ЬЬcatenation n. [L
catenare catenat- (as CATENARY)]
cater v.intr. 1 supply food. 2 (foll. by for) a provide meals for.
b provide entertainment for. 3 (foll. by to) pander to (evil
inclinations). [obs. noun cater (now caterer), f. acater f. AF
acatour buyer f. acater buy f. Rmc]
cateran n. Sc. a Highland irregular fighting man; a marauder. [ME f.
med.L cateranus & Gael. ceathairne peasantry]
adj. & adv. (also cater-corner, catty-cornered) US --adj.
placed or situated diagonally. --adv. diagonally. [dial. adv.
cater diagonally (cf. obs. cater the four on dice f. F quatre
f. L quattuor four)]
caterer n. a person who supplies food for social events, esp.
catering n. the profession or work of a caterer.
n. 1 a the larva of a butterfly or moth. b (in general use)
any similar larva of various insects. 2 (Caterpillar) a (in
full Caterpillar track or tread) propr. a steel band passing
round the wheels of a tractor etc. for travel on rough ground.
b a vehicle with these tracks, e.g. a tractor or tank. [perh.
AF var. of OF chatepelose lit. hairy cat, infl. by obs. piller
caterwaul v. & n. --v.intr. make the shrill howl of a cat. --n. a
caterwauling noise. [ME f. CAT + -waul etc. imit.]
catfish n. any of various esp. freshwater fish, usu. having
whisker-like barbels round the mouth.
catgut n. a material used for the strings of musical instruments and
surgical sutures, made of the twisted intestines of the sheep,
horse, or ass (but not the cat).
Cath. abbr. 1 Cathedral. 2 Catholic.
Cathar n. (pl. Cathars or Cathari) a member of a medieval sect which
sought to achieve great spiritual purity. ЬЬCatharism n.
Catharist n. [med.L Cathari (pl.) f. Gk katharoi pure]
catharsis n. (pl. catharses) 1 an emotional release in drama or art. 2
Psychol. the process of freeing repressed emotion by association
with the cause, and elimination by abreaction. 3 Med.
purgation. [mod.L f. Gk katharsis f. kathairo cleanse: sense 1
f. Aristotle's Poetics]
cathartic adj. & n. --adj. 1 effecting catharsis. 2 purgative. --n. a
cathartic drug. ЬЬcathartically adv. [LL catharticus f. Gk
kathartikos (as CATHARSIS)]
Cathay n. archaic or poet. the country China. [med.L Cataya]
cathead n. Naut. a horizontal beam from each side of a ship's bow for
raising and carrying the anchor.
cathectic see CATHEXIS.
cathedral n. the principal church of a diocese, containing the bishop's
throne. Ьcathedral city a city in which there is a cathedral.
[ME (as adj.) f. OF cathedral or f. LL cathedralis f. L f. Gk
kathedra seat]
Catherine wheel
n. 1 a firework in the form of a flat coil which spins when
fixed and lit. 2 a circular window with radial divisions.
[mod.L Catharina f. Gk Aikaterina name of a saint martyred on a
spiked wheel]
catheter n. Med. a tube for insertion into a body cavity for
introducing or removing fluid. [LL f. Gk katheter f. kathiemi
send down]
catheterize (also -ise) Med. insert a catheter into.
n. a telescope mounted on a graduated scale along which it can
slide, used for accurate measurement of small vertical
distances. [L cathetus f. Gk kathetos perpendicular line (as
cathexis n. (pl. cathexes) Psychol. concentration of mental energy in
one channel. ЬЬcathectic adj. [Gk kathexis retention]
cathode n. (also kathode) Electr. 1 the negative electrode in an
electrolytic cell or electronic valve or tube. 2 the positive
terminal of a primary cell such as a battery (opp. ANODE).
Ьcathode ray a beam of electrons emitted from the cathode of a
high-vacuum tube. cathode-ray tube a high-vacuum tube in which
cathode rays produce a luminous image on a fluorescent screen.
°Abbr.: CRT. ЬЬcathodal adj. cathodic adj. [Gk kathodos
descent f. kata down + hodos way]
catholic adj. & n. --adj. 1 of interest or use to all; universal. 2
all-embracing; of wide sympathies or interests (has catholic
tastes). 3 (Catholic) a of the Roman Catholic religion. b
including all Christians. c including all of the Western
Church. --n. (Catholic) a Roman Catholic. ЬЬcatholically adv.
Catholicism n. catholicity n. catholicly adv. [ME f. OF
catholique or LL catholicus f. Gk katholikos universal f. kata
in respect of + holos whole]
catholicize & intr. (also -ise) 1 make or become catholic. 2
(Catholicize) make or become a Roman Catholic.
cation n. a positively charged ion; an ion that is attracted to the
cathode in electrolysis (opp. ANION). [CATA- + ION]
cationic adj. 1 of a cation or cations. 2 having an active cation.
catkin n. a spike of usu. downy or silky male or female flowers
hanging from a willow, hazel, etc. [obs. Du. katteken kitten]
catlick n. colloq. a perfunctory wash.
catlike adj. 1 like a cat. 2 stealthy.
catmint n. a white-flowered plant, Nepeta cataria, having a pungent
smell attractive to cats. Also called CATNIP.
catnap n. & v. --n. a short sleep. --v.intr. (-napped, -napping)
have a catnap.
catnip n. = CATMINT. [CAT + dial. nip catmint, var. of dial. nep]
catoptric adj. of or relating to a mirror, a reflector, or reflection.
ЬЬcatoptrics n. [Gk katoptrikos f. katoptron mirror]
catsuit n. a close-fitting garment with trouser legs, covering the body
from neck to feet.
catsup esp. US var. of KETCHUP.
cattery n. (pl. -ies) a place where cats are boarded or bred.
cattish adj. = CATTY. ЬЬcattishly adv. cattishness n.
cattle 1 any bison, buffalo, yak, or domesticated bovine animal,
esp. of the genus Bos. 2 archaic livestock. Ьcattle-cake Brit.
a concentrated food for cattle, in cake form. cattle-grid Brit.
a grid covering a ditch, allowing vehicles to pass over but not
cattle, sheep, etc. cattle-guard US = cattle-grid.
cattle-plague rinderpest. cattle-stop NZ = cattle-grid. [ME &
AF catel f. OF chatel CHATTEL]
cattleman n. (pl. -men) US a person who tends or rears cattle.
cattleya n. any epiphytic orchid of the genus Cattleya, with handsome
violet, pink, or yellow flowers. [mod.L f. W. Cattley, Engl.
patron of botany d. 1832]
catty adj. (cattier, cattiest) 1 sly, spiteful; deliberately hurtful
in speech. 2 catlike. ЬЬcattily adv. cattiness n.
catwalk n. 1 a narrow footway along a bridge, above a theatre stage,
etc. 2 a narrow platform or gangway used in fashion shows etc.
Caucasian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or relating to the White or
light-skinned division of mankind. 2 of or relating to the
Caucasus. --n. a Caucasian person. [Caucasus, mountains in the
USSR, its supposed place of origin]
Caucasoid adj. of or relating to the Caucasian division of mankind.
caucus n. 1 US a a meeting of the members of a political party, esp.
in the Senate etc., to decide policy. b a bloc of such members.
c this system as a political force. 2 often derog. (esp. in
the UK) a a usu. secret meeting of a group within a larger
organization or party. b such a group. [18th-c. US, perh. f.
Algonquin cau' -cau-as' u adviser]
caudal adj. 1 of or like a tail. 2 of the posterior part of the body.
ЬЬcaudally adv. [mod.L caudalis f. L cauda tail]
caudate adj. having a tail. [see CAUDAL]
caudillo n. (pl. -os) (in Spanish-speaking countries) a military or
political leader. [Sp. f. LL capitellum dimin. of caput head]
caught past and past part. of CATCH.
caul n. 1 a the inner membrane enclosing a foetus. b part of this
occasionally found on a child's head at birth, thought to bring
good luck. 2 hist. a a woman's close-fitting indoor
head-dress. b the plain back part of a woman's indoor
head-dress. 3 the omentum. [ME perh. f. OF cale small cap]
cauldron n. (also caldron) a large deep bowl-shaped vessel for boiling
over an open fire; an ornamental vessel resembling this. [ME f.
AF & ONF caudron, ult. f. L caldarium hot bath f. calidus hot]
n. 1 a variety of cabbage with a large immature flower-head of
small usu. creamy-white flower-buds. 2 the flower-head eaten as
a vegetable. Ьcauliflower cheese a savoury dish of cauliflower
in a cheese sauce. cauliflower ear an ear thickened by repeated
blows, esp. in boxing. [earlier cole-florie etc. f. obs. F chou
fleuri flowered cabbage, assim. to COLE and FLOWER]
caulk (US calk) 1 stop up (the seams of a boat etc.) with oakum
etc. and waterproofing material, or by driving plate-junctions
together. 2 make (esp. a boat) watertight by this method.
ЬЬcaulker n. [OF dial. cauquer tread, press with force, f. L
calcare tread f. calx heel]
causal adj. 1 of, forming, or expressing a cause or causes. 2
relating to, or of the nature of, cause and effect. ЬЬcausally
adv. [LL causalis: see CAUSE]
causality n. 1 the relation of cause and effect. 2 the principle that
everything has a cause.
causation n. 1 the act of causing or producing an effect. 2 = CAUSALITY.
[F causation or L causatio pretext etc., in med.L the action of
causing, f. causare CAUSE]
causative adj. 1 acting as cause. 2 (foll. by of) producing; having as
effect. 3 Gram. expressing cause. ЬЬcausatively adv. [ME f.
OF causatif or f. LL causativus: see CAUSATION]
cause n. & v. --n. 1 a that which produces an effect, or gives rise
to an action, phenomenon, or condition. b a person or thing
that occasions something. c a reason or motive; a ground that
may be held to justify something (no cause for complaint). 2 a
reason adjudged adequate (show cause). 3 a principle, belief,
or purpose which is advocated or supported (faithful to the
cause). 4 a a matter to be settled at law. b an individual's
case offered at law (plead a cause). 5 the side taken by any
party in a dispute. 1 be the cause of, produce, make
happen (caused a commotion). 2 (foll. by to + infin.) induce
(caused me to smile; caused it to be done). Ьin the cause of to
maintain, defend, or support (in the cause of justice). make
common cause with join the side of. ЬЬcausable adj. causeless
adj. causer n. [ME f. OF f. L causa]
'cause conj. & adv. colloq. = BECAUSE. [abbr.]
cause c‚lЉbre
n. (pl. causes c‚lЉbres pronunc. same) a lawsuit that attracts
much attention. [F]
causerie n. (pl. causeries pronunc. same) an informal article or talk,
esp. on a literary subject. [F f. causer talk]
causeway n. 1 a raised road or track across low or wet ground or a
stretch of water. 2 a raised path by a road. [earlier cauce,
cauceway f. ONF cauci‚ ult. f. L CALX lime, limestone]
causey n. archaic or dial. = CAUSEWAY.
caustic adj. & n. --adj. 1 that burns or corrodes organic tissue. 2
sarcastic, biting. 3 Chem. strongly alkaline. 4 Physics formed
by the intersection of reflected or refracted parallel rays from
a curved surface. --n. 1 a caustic substance. 2 Physics a
caustic surface or curve. Ьcaustic potash potassium hydroxide.
caustic soda sodium hydroxide. ЬЬcaustically adv. causticity
n. [L causticus f. Gk kaustikos f. kaustos burnt f. kaio
cauterize (also -ise) Med. burn or coagulate (tissue) with a
heated instrument or caustic substance, esp. to stop bleeding.
ЬЬcauterization n. [F caut‚riser f. LL cauterizare f. Gk
kauteriazo f. kauterion branding-iron f. kaio burn]
cautery n. (pl. -ies) Med. 1 an instrument or caustic for
cauterizing. 2 the operation of cauterizing. [L cauterium f.
Gk kauterion: see CAUTERIZE]
caution n. & v. --n. 1 attention to safety; prudence, carefulness. 2
a esp. Brit. a warning, esp. a formal one in law. b a formal
warning and reprimand. 3 colloq. an amusing or surprising
person or thing. 1 (often foll. by against, or to +
infin.) warn or admonish. 2 esp. Brit. issue a caution to.
Ьcaution money Brit. a sum deposited as security for good
conduct. [ME f. OF f. L cautio -onis f. cavere caut- take
adj. that gives or serves as a warning (a cautionary tale).
cautious adj. careful, prudent; attentive to safety. ЬЬcautiously adv.
cautiousness n. [ME f. OF f. L: see CAUTION]
cavalcade n. a procession or formal company of riders, motor vehicles,
etc. [F f. It. cavalcata f. cavalcare ride ult. f. L caballus
cavalier n. & adj. --n. 1 hist. (Cavalier) a supporter of Charles I in
the Civil War. 2 a courtly gentleman, esp. as a lady's escort.
3 archaic a horseman. --adj. offhand, supercilious, blas‚.
ЬЬcavalierly adv. [F f. It. cavaliere: see CHEVALIER]
cavalry n. (pl. -ies) (usu. treated as pl.) soldiers on horseback or
in armoured vehicles. Ьcavalry twill a strong fabric in a
double twill. [F cavallerie f. It. cavalleria f. cavallo
horse f. L caballus]
n. (pl. -men) a soldier of a cavalry regiment.
cavatina n. 1 a short simple song. 2 a similar piece of instrumental
music, usu. slow and emotional. [It.]
cave(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a large hollow in the side of a cliff, hill,
etc., or underground. 2 Brit. hist. a dissident political
group. --v.intr. explore caves, esp. interconnecting or
underground. Ьcave-bear an extinct kind of large bear, whose
bones have been found in caves. cave-dweller = CAVEMAN. cave
in 1 a (of a wall, earth over a hollow, etc.) subside, collapse.
b cause (a wall, earth, etc.) to do this. 2 yield or submit
under pressure; give up. cave-in n. a collapse, submission,
etc. ЬЬcavelike adj. caver n. [ME f. OF f. L cava f. cavus
hollow: cave in prob. f. E. Anglian dial. calve in]
cave(2) int. Brit. schoolsl. look out! (as a warning cry). Ьkeep
cave act as lookout. [L, = beware]
caveat n. 1 a warning or proviso. 2 Law a process in court to suspend
proceedings. [L, = let a person beware]
caveat emptor
n. the principle that the buyer alone is responsible if
dissatisfied. [L, = let the buyer beware]
caveman n. (pl. -men) 1 a prehistoric man living in a cave. 2 a
primitive or crude person.
cavern n. 1 a cave, esp. a large or dark one. 2 a dark cavelike
place, e.g. a room. ЬЬcavernous adj. cavernously adv. [ME f.
OF caverne or f. L caverna f. cavus hollow]
caviare n. (US caviar) the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish,
eaten as a delicacy. [early forms repr. It. caviale, Fr.
caviar, prob. f. med.Gk khavЎari]
cavil v. & n. --v.intr. (cavilled, cavilling; US caviled, caviling)
(usu. foll. by at, about) make petty objections; carp. --n. a
trivial objection. ЬЬcaviller n. [F caviller f. L cavillari f.
cavilla mockery]
caving n. exploring caves as a sport or pastime.
n. 1 the formation of a cavity in a structure. 2 the formation
of bubbles, or of a vacuum, in a liquid.
cavity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hollow within a solid body. 2 a decayed
part of a tooth. Ьcavity wall a wall formed from two skins of
brick or blockwork with a space between. [F cavit‚ or LL
cavitas f. L cavus hollow]
cavort v.intr. sl. caper excitedly; gambol, prance. [US, perh. f.
cavy n. (pl. -ies) any small rodent of the family Caviidae, native
to S. America and having a sturdy body and vestigial tail,
including guinea pigs. [mod.L cavia f. Galibi cabiai]
caw n. & v. --n. the harsh cry of a rook, crow, etc. --v.intr.
utter this cry. [imit.]
cay n. a low insular bank or reef of coral, sand, etc. (cf.
KEY(2)). [Sp. cayo shoal, reef f. F quai: see QUAY]
cayenne n. (in full cayenne pepper) a pungent red powder obtained from
various plants of the genus Capsicum and used for seasoning.
[Tupi kyynha assim. to Cayenne capital of French Guiana]
cayman n. (also caiman) any of various S. American alligator-like
reptilians, esp. of the genus Caiman. [Sp. & Port. caiman, f.
Carib acayuman]
CE abbr. 1 Church of England. 2 civil engineer. 3 Common Era.
Ce symb. Chem. the element cerium.
ceanothus n. any shrub of the genus Ceanothus, with small blue or white
flowers. [mod.L f. Gk keanothos kind of thistle]
cease v. & n. & intr. stop; bring or come to an end (ceased
breathing). --n. (in without cease) unending. Ьcease fire Mil.
stop firing. cease-fire n. 1 the order to do this. 2 a period
of truce; a suspension of hostilities. [ME f. OF cesser, L
cessare frequent. of cedere cess- yield]
ceaseless adj. without end; not ceasing. ЬЬceaselessly adv.
cecitis US var. of CAECITIS.
cecum US var. of CAECUM.
cedar n. 1 any spreading evergreen conifer of the genus Cedrus,
bearing tufts of small needles and cones of papery scales. 2
any of various similar conifers yielding timber. 3 (in full
cedar wood) the fragrant durable wood of any cedar tree.
ЬЬcedarn adj. poet. [ME f. OF cedre f. L cedrus f. Gk kedros]
cede give up one's rights to or possession of. [F c‚der or L
cedere yield]
cedilla n. 1 a mark written under the letter c, esp. in French, to show
that it is sibilant (as in fa‡ade). 2 a similar mark under s in
Turkish and other oriental languages. [Sp. cedilla dimin. of
zeda f. Gk zeta letter Z]
Ceefax n. Brit. propr. a teletext service provided by the BBC.
CEGB abbr. (in the UK) Central Electricity Generating Board.
ceilidh n. orig. Ir. & Sc. an informal gathering for conversation,
music, dancing, songs, and stories. [Gael.]
ceiling n. 1 a the upper interior surface of a room or other similar
compartment. b the material forming this. 2 an upper limit on
prices, wages, performance, etc. 3 Aeron. the maximum altitude
a given aircraft can reach. 4 Naut. the inside planking of a
ship's bottom and sides. [ME celynge, siling, perh. ult. f. L
caelum heaven or celare hide]
celadon n. & adj. --n. 1 a willow-green colour. 2 a grey-green glaze
used on some pottery. 3 Chinese pottery glazed in this way.
--adj. of a grey-green colour. [F, f. the name of a character
in d'Urf‚'s L'Astr‚e (1607-27)]
celandine n. either of two yellow-flowered plants, the greater celandine,
Chelidonium majus, and the lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria.
[ME and OF celidoine ult. f. Gk khelidon swallow: the flowering
of the plant was associated with the arrival of swallows]
-cele comb. form (also -coele) Med. swelling, hernia (gastrocele).
[Gk kele tumour]
celebrant n. a person who performs a rite, esp. a priest at the
Eucharist. [F c‚l‚brant or L celebrare celebrant-: see
celebrate v. 1 tr. mark (a festival or special event) with festivities
etc. 2 tr. perform publicly and duly (a religious ceremony
etc.). 3 a tr. officiate at (the Eucharist). b intr.
officiate, esp. at the Eucharist. 4 intr. engage in
festivities, usu. after a special event etc. 5 tr. (as
celebrated adj.) publicly honoured, widely known. ЬЬcelebration
n. celebrator n. celebratory adj. [L celebrare f. celeber
-bris frequented, honoured]
celebrity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a well-known person. 2 fame. [F c‚l‚brit‚ or
L celebritas f. celeber: see CELEBRATE]
celeriac n. a variety of celery with a swollen turnip-like stem-base
used as a vegetable. [CELERY: -ac is unexplained]
celerity n. archaic or literary swiftness (esp. of a living creature).
[ME f. F c‚l‚rit‚ f. L celeritas -tatis f. celer swift]
celery n. an umbelliferous plant, Apium graveolens, with closely
packed succulent leaf-stalks used as a vegetable. Ьcelery pine
an Australasian tree, Phyllocladus trichomanoides, with
branchlets like celery leaves. [F c‚leri f. It. dial. selleri
f. L selinum f. Gk selinon parsley]
celesta n. Mus. a small keyboard instrument resembling a glockenspiel,
with hammers striking steel plates suspended over wooden
resonators, giving an ethereal bell-like sound. [pseudo-L f. F
c‚leste: see CELESTE]
celeste n. Mus. 1 an organ and harmonium stop with a soft tremulous
tone. 2 = CELESTA. [F c‚leste heavenly f. L caelestis f.
caelum heaven]
celestial adj. 1 heavenly; divinely good or beautiful; sublime. 2 a of
the sky; of the part of the sky commonly observed in astronomy
etc. b of heavenly bodies. Ьcelestial equator the great circle
of the sky in the plane perpendicular to the earth's axis.
celestial horizon see HORIZON 1c. celestial navigation
navigation by the stars etc. ЬЬcelestially adv. [ME f. OF f.
med.L caelestialis f. L caelestis: see CELESTE]
celiac US var. of COELIAC.
celibate adj. & n. --adj. 1 committed to abstention from sexual
relations and from marriage, esp. for religious reasons. 2
abstaining from sexual relations. --n. a celibate person.
ЬЬcelibacy n. [F c‚libat or L caelibatus unmarried state f.
caelebs -ibis unmarried]
cell n. 1 a small room, esp. in a prison or monastery. 2 a small
compartment, e.g. in a honeycomb. 3 a small group as a nucleus
of political activity, esp. of a subversive kind. 4 hist. a
small monastery or nunnery dependent on a larger one. 5 Biol.
a the structural and functional usu. microscopic unit of an
organism, consisting of cytoplasm and a nucleus enclosed in a
membrane. b an enclosed cavity in an organism etc. 6 Electr. a
vessel for containing electrodes within an electrolyte for
current-generation or electrolysis. ЬЬcelled adj. (also in
comb.). [ME f. OF celle or f. L cella storeroom etc.]
cellar n. & v. --n. 1 a room below ground level in a house, used for
storage, esp. of wine or coal. 2 a stock of wine in a cellar
(has a good cellar). store or put in a cellar. [ME f.
AF celer, OF celier f. LL cellarium storehouse]
cellarage n. 1 cellar accommodation. 2 the charge for the use of a
cellar or storehouse.
cellarer n. a monastic officer in charge of wine.
cellaret n. a case or sideboard for holding wine bottles in a
cello n. (pl. -os) a bass instrument of the violin family, held
upright on the floor between the legs of the seated player.
ЬЬcellist n. [abbr. of VIOLONCELLO]
n. propr. a thin transparent wrapping material made from
viscose. [CELLULOSE + -phane (cf. DIAPHANOUS)]
cellphone n. a small portable radio-telephone having access to a cellular
radio system.
cellular adj. 1 of or having small compartments or cavities. 2 of open
texture; porous. 3 Physiol. of or consisting of cells.
Ьcellular blanket a blanket of open texture. cellular plant a
plant with no distinct stem, leaves, etc. cellular radio a
system of mobile radio-telephone transmission with an area
divided into 'cells' each served by its own small transmitter.
ЬЬcellularity n. cellulate adj. cellulation n. cellulous adj.
[F cellulaire f. mod.L cellularis: see CELLULE]
cellule n. Biol. a small cell or cavity. [F cellule or L cellula
dimin. of cella CELL]
cellulite n. a lumpy form of fat, esp. on the hips and thighs of women,
causing puckering of the skin. [F (as CELLULE)]
n. inflammation of cellular tissue.
celluloid n. 1 a transparent flammable plastic made from camphor and
cellulose nitrate. 2 cinema film. [irreg. f. CELLULOSE]
cellulose n. 1 Biochem. a carbohydrate forming the main constituent of
plant-cell walls, used in the production of textile fibres. 2
(in general use) a paint or lacquer consisting of esp. cellulose
acetate or nitrate in solution. ЬЬcellulosic adj. [F (as
celom US var. of COELOM.
Celsius adj. of or denoting a temperature on the Celsius scale.
ЬCelsius scale a scale of temperature on which water freezes at
0ш and boils at 100ш under standard conditions. [A. Celsius,
Sw. astronomer d. 1744]
Celt n. (also Kelt) a member of a group of W. European peoples,
including the pre-Roman inhabitants of Britain and Gaul and
their descendants, esp. in Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Cornwall,
Brittany, and the Isle of Man. [L Celtae (pl.) f. Gk Keltoi]
celt n. Archaeol. a stone or metal prehistoric implement with a
chisel edge. [med.L celtes chisel]
Celtic adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Celts. --n. a group of
languages spoken by Celtic peoples, including Gaelic, Welsh,
Cornish, and Breton. ЬCeltic cross a Latin cross with a circle
round the centre. ЬЬCelticism n. [L celticus (as CELT) or F
cembalo n. (pl. -os) a harpsichord. [abbr. of CLAVICEMBALO]
cement n. & v. --n. 1 a powdery substance made by calcining lime and
clay, mixed with water to form mortar or used in concrete (see
also Portland cement). 2 any similar substance that hardens and
fastens on setting. 3 a uniting factor or principle. 4 a
substance for filling cavities in teeth. 5 (also cementum)
Anat. a thin layer of bony material that fixes teeth to the jaw. 1 a unite with or as with cement. b establish or
strengthen (a friendship etc.). 2 apply cement to. 3 line or
cover with cement. Ьcement-mixer a machine (usu. with a
revolving drum) for mixing cement with water. ЬЬcementer n.
[ME f. OF ciment f. L caementum quarry stone f. caedere hew]
n. 1 the act or process of cementing or being cemented. 2 the
heating of iron with charcoal powder to form steel.
cemetery n. (pl. -ies) a burial ground, esp. one not in a churchyard.
[LL coemeterium f. Gk koimeterion dormitory f. koimao put to
C.Eng. abbr. Brit. chartered engineer.
cenobite US var. of COENOBITE.
cenotaph n. a tomblike monument, esp. a war memorial, to a person whose
body is elsewhere. [F c‚notaphe f. LL cenotaphium f. Gk kenos
empty + taphos tomb]
Cenozoic (also Cainozoic, Caenozoic) adj. & n. Geol. --adj. of or
relating to the most recent era of geological time, marked by
the evolution and development of mammals, birds, and flowers.
°Cf. Appendix II. --n. this era (cf. MESOZOIC, PALAEOZOIC).
[Gk kainos new + zoion animal]
censer n. a vessel in which incense is burnt, esp. during a religious
procession or ceremony. [ME f. AF censer, OF censier aphetic of
encensier f. encens INCENSE(1)]
censor n. & v. --n. 1 an official authorized to examine printed
matter, films, news, etc., before public release, and to
suppress any parts on the grounds of obscenity, a threat to
security, etc. 2 Rom.Hist. either of two annual magistrates
responsible for holding censuses and empowered to supervise
public morals. 3 Psychol. an impulse which is said to prevent
certain ideas and memories from emerging into consciousness. 1 act as a censor of. 2 make deletions or changes in.
°As a verb, often confused with censure. ЬЬcensorial adj.
censorship n. [L f. censere assess: in sense 3 mistransl. of G
Zensur censorship]
adj. severely critical; fault-finding; quick or eager to
criticize. ЬЬcensoriously adv. censoriousness n. [L
censorius: see CENSOR]
censure v. & n. criticize harshly; reprove. °Often confused
with censor. --n. harsh criticism; expression of disapproval.
ЬЬcensurable adj. [ME f. OF f. L censura f. censere assess]
census n. (pl. censuses) the official count of a population or of a
class of things, often with various statistics noted. [L f.
censere assess]
cent n. 1 a a monetary unit valued at one-hundredth of a dollar or
other metric unit. b a coin of this value. 2 colloq. a very
small sum of money. 3 see PER CENT. [F cent or It. cento or L
centum hundred]
cent. abbr. century.
centaur n. a creature in Greek mythology with the head, arms, and torso
of a man and the body and legs of a horse. [ME f. L centaurus
f. Gk kentauros, of unkn. orig.]
centaury n. (pl. -ies) any plant of the genus Centaurium, esp. C.
erythraea, formerly used in medicine. [LL centaurea ult. f. Gk
kentauros CENTAUR: from the legend that it was discovered by the
centaur Chiron]
centavo n. a small coin of Spain, Portugal, and some Latin American
countries, worth one-hundredth of the standard unit. [Sp. f. L
centum hundred]
n. & adj. --n. a person a hundred or more years old. --adj. a
hundred or more years old.
centenary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hundredth anniversary. 2 a
celebration of this. --adj. 1 of or relating to a centenary.
2 occurring every hundred years. [L centenarius f. centeni a
hundred each f. centum a hundred]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 lasting for a hundred years. 2 occurring
every hundred years. --n. US = CENTENARY n. [L centum a
hundred, after BIENNIAL]
center US var. of CENTRE.
centering US var. of CENTRING.
adj. reckoning or reckoned by hundredths. ЬЬcentesimally adv.
[L centesimus hundredth f. centum hundred]
centi- comb. form 1 one-hundredth, esp. of a unit in the metric system
(centigram; centilitre). 2 hundred. °Abbr.: c. [L centum
adj. 1 = CELSIUS. 2 having a scale of a hundred degrees. °In
sense 1 Celsius is usually preferred in technical use. [F f. L
centum hundred + gradus step]
centigram n. (also centigramme) a metric unit of mass, equal to
one-hundredth of a gram.
n. (US centiliter) a metric unit of capacity, equal to
one-hundredth of a litre.
centime n. 1 a monetary unit valued at one-hundredth of a franc. 2 a
coin of this value. [F f. L centum a hundred]
n. (US centimeter) a metric unit of length, equal to
one-hundredth of a metre. Ьcentimetre-gram-second system the
system using these as basic units of length, mass, and time.
°Abbr.: cgs system.
centipede n. any arthropod of the class Chilopoda, with a wormlike body
of many segments each with a pair of legs. [F centipЉde or L
centipeda f. centum hundred + pes pedis foot]
cento n. (pl. -os) a composition made up of quotations from other
authors. [L, = patchwork garment]
central adj. 1 of, at, or forming the centre. 2 from the centre. 3
chief, essential, most important. ЬCentral America the isthmus
joining North and South America. central bank a national bank
issuing currency etc. central heating a method of warming a
building by pipes, radiators, etc., fed from a central source of
heat. central nervous system Anat. the complex of nerve
tissues that controls the activities of the body, in vertebrates
the brain and spinal cord. central processor (or processing
unit) the principal operating part of a computer. ЬЬcentrality
n. centrally adv. [F central or L centralis f. centrum
n. a system that centralizes (esp. an administration) (see also
democratic centralism). ЬЬcentralist n.
v. (also -ise) 1 tr. & intr. bring or come to a centre. 2 tr.
a concentrate (administration) at a single centre. b subject (a
State) to this system. ЬЬcentralization n.
centre n. & v. (US center) --n. 1 the middle point, esp. of a line,
circle, or sphere, equidistant from the ends or from any point
on the circumference or surface. 2 a pivot or axis of rotation.
3 a a place or group of buildings forming a central point in a
district, city, etc., or a main area for an activity (shopping
centre; town centre). b (with preceding word) a piece or set of
equipment for a number of connected functions (music centre). 4
a point of concentration or dispersion; a nucleus or source. 5
a political party or group holding moderate opinions. 6 the
filling in a chocolate etc. 7 Sport a the middle player in a
line or group in some field games. b a kick or hit from the
side to the centre of the pitch. 8 (in a lathe etc.) a conical
adjustable support for the workpiece. 9 (attrib.) of or at the
centre. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by in, on; disp. foll. by round)
have as its main centre. 2 tr. place in the centre. 3 tr. mark
with a centre. 4 tr. (foll. by in etc.) concentrate. 5 tr.
Sport kick or hit (the ball) from the side to the centre of the
pitch. Ьcentre-bit a boring tool with a centre point and side
cutters. centre forward Sport the middle player or position in
a forward line. centre half Sport the middle player or position
in a half-back line. centre of attention 1 a person or thing
that draws general attention. 2 Physics the point to which
bodies tend by gravity. centre of gravity (or mass) the point
at which the weight of a body may be considered to act.
centre-piece 1 an ornament for the middle of a table. 2 a
principal item. centre spread the two facing middle pages of a
newspaper etc. ЬЬcentred adj. (often in comb.). centremost
adj. centric adj. centrical adj. centricity n. [ME f. OF
centre or L centrum f. Gk kentron sharp point]
n. (US centerboard) a board for lowering through a boat's keel
to prevent leeway.
n. (US centerfold) a printed and usu. illustrated sheet folded
to form the centre spread of a magazine etc.
centreing var. of CENTRING.
-centric comb. form forming adjectives with the sense 'having a
(specified) centre' (anthropocentric; eccentric). [after
concentric etc. f. Gk kentrikos: see CENTRE]
adj. moving or tending to move from a centre (cf.
CENTRIPETAL). Ьcentrifugal force an apparent force that acts
outwards on a body moving about a centre. ЬЬcentrifugally adv.
[mod.L centrifugus f. L centrum centre + fugere flee]
n. & v. --n. a machine with a rapidly rotating device designed
to separate liquids from solids or other liquids (e.g. cream
from milk). 1 subject to the action of a centrifuge.
2 separate by centrifuge. ЬЬcentrifugation n.
centring (also centreing, US centering) n. a temporary frame used to
support an arch, dome, etc., while under construction.
centriole n. Biol. a minute organelle usu. within a centrosome involved
esp. in the development of spindles in cell division. [med.L
centriolum dimin. of centrum centre]
adj. moving or tending to move towards a centre (cf.
CENTRIFUGAL). Ьcentripetal force the force acting on a body
causing it to move about a centre. ЬЬcentripetally adv. [mod.L
centripetus f. L centrum centre + petere seek]
centrist n. Polit. often derog. a person who holds moderate views.
ЬЬcentrism n.
n. Biol. the point on a chromosome to which the spindle is
attached during cell division. [L centrum centre + Gk meros
n. Biol. a distinct part of the cytoplasm in a cell, usu. near
the nucleus, that contains the centriole. [G Centrosoma f. L
centrum centre + Gk soma body]
centuple n., adj., & v. --n. a hundredfold amount. --adj. increased a
hundredfold. multiply by a hundred; increase a
hundredfold. [F centuple or eccl.L centuplus, centuplex f. L
centum hundred]
centurion n. the commander of a century in the ancient Roman army. [ME
f. L centurio -onis (as CENTURY)]
century n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a period of one hundred years. b any of the
centuries reckoned from the birth of Christ (twentieth century =
1901-2000; fifth century BC = 500-401 BC). °In modern use often
reckoned as (e.g.) 1900-1999. 2 a a score etc. of a hundred in
a sporting event, esp. a hundred runs by one batsman in cricket.
b a group of a hundred things. 3 a a company in the ancient
Roman army, orig. of 100 men. b an ancient Roman political
division for voting. Ьcentury plant a plant, Agave americana,
flowering once in many years and yielding sap from which tequila
is distilled: also called American aloe (see ALOE). [L centuria
f. centum hundred]
cep n. an edible mushroom, Boletus edulis, with a stout stalk and
brown smooth cap. [F cЉpe f. Gascon cep f. L cippus stake]
cephalic adj. of or in the head. Ьcephalic index Anthropol. a number
expressing the ratio of a head's greatest breadth and length.
[F c‚phalique f. L cephalicus f. Gk kephalikos f. kephale head]
-cephalic comb. form = -CEPHALOUS.
n. any mollusc of the class Cephalopoda, having a distinct
tentacled head, e.g. octopus, squid, and cuttlefish. [Gk
kephale head + pous podos foot]
n. (pl. -thoraces or -thoraxes) Anat. the fused head and
thorax of a spider, crab, or other arthropod.
comb. form -headed (brachycephalous; dolichocephalic). [Gk
kephale head]
cepheid n. (in full cepheid variable) Astron. any of a class of
variable stars with a regular cycle of brightness that can be
used to measure distances. [L Cepheus f. Gk Kepheus, a mythical
king whose name was given to a constellation]
ceramic adj. & n. --adj. 1 made of (esp.) clay and permanently
hardened by heat (a ceramic bowl). 2 of or relating to ceramics
(the ceramic arts). --n. 1 a ceramic article or product. 2 a
substance, esp. clay, used to make ceramic articles. [Gk
keramikos f. keramos pottery]
ceramics 1 ceramic products collectively (exhibition of ceramics).
2 (usu. treated as sing.) the art of making ceramic articles.
ceramist n. a person who makes ceramics.
cerastes n. any viper of the genus Cerastes, esp. C. cerastes having a
sharp upright spike over each eye and moving forward in a
lateral motion. [L f. Gk kerastes f. keras horn]
cerastium n. any plant of the genus Cerastium, with white flowers and
often horn-shaped capsules. [mod.L f. Gk kerastes horned f.
keras horn]
cere n. a waxy fleshy covering at the base of the upper beak in some
birds. [L cera wax]
cereal n. & adj --n. 1 (usu. in pl.) a any kind of grain used for
food. b any grass producing this, e.g. wheat, maize, rye, etc.
2 a breakfast food made from a cereal and requiring no cooking.
--adj. of edible grain or products of it. [L cerealis f. Ceres
goddess of agriculture]
n. (pl. cerebellums or cerebella) the part of the brain at the
back of the skull in vertebrates, which coordinates and
regulates muscular activity. ЬЬcerebellar adj. [L dimin. of
cerebral adj. 1 of the brain. 2 intellectual rather than emotional. 3
= CACUMINAL. Ьcerebral hemisphere each of the two halves of the
vertebrate cerebrum. cerebral palsy Med. spastic paralysis
from brain damage before or at birth, with jerky or uncontrolled
movements. ЬЬcerebrally adv. [L cerebrum brain]
n. working of the brain. Ьunconscious cerebration action of
the brain with results reached without conscious thought.
ЬЬcerebrate v.intr.
cerebro- comb. form brain (cerebrospinal).
adj. of the brain and spine.
adj. of the brain and its blood vessels.
cerebrum n. (pl. cerebra) the principal part of the brain in
vertebrates, located in the front area of the skull, which
integrates complex sensory and neural functions. [L, = brain]
cerecloth n. hist. waxed cloth used as a waterproof covering or (esp.)
as a shroud. [earlier cered cloth f. cere to wax f. L cerare
f. cera wax]
cerement n. (usu. in pl.) literary grave-clothes; cerecloth. [first
used by Shakesp. in Hamlet (1602): app. f. CERECLOTH]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 with or concerning ritual or ceremony. 2
formal (a ceremonial bow). --n. 1 a system of rites etc. to be
used esp. at a formal or religious occasion. 2 the formalities
or behaviour proper to any occasion (with all due ceremonial).
3 RC Ch. a book containing an order of ritual. ЬЬceremonialism
n. ceremonialist n. ceremonially adv. [LL caerimonialis (as
adj. 1 excessively polite; punctilious. 2 having or showing a
fondness for ritualistic observance or formality.
ЬЬceremoniously adv. ceremoniousness n. [F c‚r‚monieux or LL
caerimoniosus (as CEREMONY)]
ceremony n. (pl. -ies) 1 a formal religious or public occasion, esp.
celebrating a particular event or anniversary. 2 formalities,
esp. of an empty or ritualistic kind (ceremony of exchanging
compliments). 3 excessively polite behaviour (bowed low with
great ceremony). ЬMaster of Ceremonies 1 ( also MC) a person
introducing speakers at a banquet, or entertainers in a variety
show. 2 a person in charge of ceremonies at a state or public
occasion. stand on ceremony insist on the observance of
formalities. without ceremony informally. [ME f. OF ceremonie
or L caerimonia religious worship]
Cerenkov radiation
n. (also Cherenkov) the electromagnetic radiation emitted by
particles moving in a medium at speeds faster than that of light
in the same medium. [P. A. Cherenkov, Russian physicist b.
ceresin n. a hard whitish wax used with or instead of beeswax. [mod.L
ceres f. L cera wax + -IN]
cerise adj. & n. --adj. of a light clear red. --n. this colour. [F,
cerium n. Chem. a silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series
occurring naturally in various minerals and used in the
manufacture of lighter flints. °Symb.: Ce. [named after the
asteroid Ceres, discovered (1801) about the same time as this]
cermet n. a heat-resistant material made of ceramic and sintered
metal. [ceramic + metal]
CERN abbr. European Organization for Nuclear Research. [F Conseil
Europ‚en pour la Recherche Nucl‚aire, its former title]
cero- comb. form wax (cf. CEROGRAPHY, CEROPLASTIC). [L cera or Gk
keros wax]
n. the technique of engraving or designing on or with wax.
adj. 1 modelled in wax. 2 of or concerning wax-modelling.
cert n. sl. (esp. dead cert) 1 an event or result regarded as
certain to happen. 2 a horse strongly tipped to win. [abbr. of
cert. abbr. 1 a certificate. 2 certified.
certain adj. & pron. --adj. 1 a (often foll. by of, or that + clause)
confident, convinced (certain that I put it here). b (often
foll. by that + clause) indisputable; known for sure (it is
certain that he is guilty). 2 (often foll. by to + infin.) a
that may be relied on to happen (it is certain to rain). b
destined (certain to become a star). 3 definite, unfailing,
reliable (a certain indication of the coming storm; his touch is
certain). 4 (of a person, place, etc.) that might be specified,
but is not (a certain lady; of a certain age). 5 some though
not much (a certain reluctance). 6 (of a person, place, etc.)
existing, though probably unknown to the reader or hearer (a
certain John Smith). --pron. (as pl.) some but not all (certain
of them were wounded). Ьfor certain without doubt. make
certain = make sure (see SURE). [ME f. OF ult. f. L certus
certainly adv. 1 undoubtedly, definitely. 2 confidently. 3 (in
affirmative answer to a question or command) yes; by all means.
certainty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a an undoubted fact. b a certain prospect
(his return is a certainty). 2 (often foll. by of, or that +
clause) an absolute conviction (has a certainty of his own
worth). 3 (often foll. by to + infin.) a thing or person that
may be relied on (a certainty to win the Derby). Ьfor a
certainty beyond the possibility of doubt. [ME f. AF certaint‚,
OF -et‚ (as CERTAIN)]
Cert. Ed. abbr. (in the UK) Certificate in Education.
adj. 1 able or needing to be certified. 2 colloq. insane.
n. & v. --n. a formal document attesting a fact, esp. birth,
marriage, or death, a medical condition, a level of achievement,
a fulfilment of requirements, ownership of shares, etc.
(esp. as certificated adj.) provide with or license or attest by
a certificate. ЬCertificate of Secondary Education hist. 1 an
examination set for secondary-school pupils in England and
Wales. 2 the certificate gained by passing it. °Replaced in
1988 by the General Certificate of Secondary Education.
ЬЬcertification n. [F certificat or med.L certificatum f.
certificare: see CERTIFY]
certify (-ies, -ied) 1 make a formal statement of; attest; attest
to (certified that he had witnessed the crime). 2 declare by
certificate (that a person is qualified or competent) (certified
as a trained bookkeeper). 3 officially declare insane (he
should be certified). Ьcertified cheque a cheque the validity
of which is guaranteed by a bank. certified mail US = recorded
delivery (see RECORD). certified milk milk guaranteed free from
the tuberculosis bacillus. [ME f. OF certifier f. med.L
certificare f. L certus certain]
n. Law a writ from a higher court requesting the records of a
case tried in a lower court. [LL passive of certiorare inform
f. certior compar. of certus certain]
certitude n. a feeling of absolute certainty or conviction. [ME f. LL
certitudo f. certus certain]
cerulean adj. & n. literary --adj. deep blue like a clear sky. --n.
this colour. [L caeruleus sky-blue f. caelum sky]
cerumen n. the yellow waxy substance in the outer ear. ЬЬceruminous
adj. [mod.L f. L cera wax]
ceruse n. white lead. [ME f. OF f. L cerussa, perh. f. Gk keros wax]
cervelat n. a kind of smoked pork sausage. [obs. F f. It. cervellata]
cervical adj. Anat. 1 of or relating to the neck (cervical vertebrae).
2 of or relating to the cervix. Ьcervical screening examination
of a large number of apparently healthy women for cervical
cancer. cervical smear a specimen of cellular material from the
neck of the womb for detection of cancer. [F cervical or mod.L
cervicalis f. L cervix -icis neck]
cervine adj. of or like a deer. [L cervinus f. cervus deer]
cervix n. (pl. cervices) Anat. 1 the neck. 2 any necklike
structure, esp. the neck of the womb. [L]
Cesarean (also Cesarian) US var. of CAESAREAN.
n. (also cesarewitch) 1 hist. the eldest son of the emperor of
Russia (cf. TSAREVICH). 2 (Cesarewitch) a horse-race run
annually at Newmarket. [Russ. tsesarevich]
cesium US var. of CAESIUM.
cess(1) n. (also sess) Sc., Ir., & Ind. etc. a tax, a levy. [properly
sess for obs. assess n.: see ASSESS]
cess(2) n. Ir. Ьbad cess to may evil befall (bad cess to their clan).
[perh. f. CESS(1)]
cessation n. 1 a ceasing (cessation of the truce). 2 a pause (resumed
fighting after the cessation). [ME f. L cessatio f. cessare
cesser n. Law a coming to an end; a cessation (of a term, a liability,
etc.). [AF & OF, = CEASE]
cession n. 1 (often foll. by of) the ceding or giving up (of rights,
property, and esp. of territory by a State). 2 the territory
etc. so ceded. [ME f. OF cession or L cessio f. cedere cess-
go away]
n. (pl. -ies) Law = ASSIGN n.
cesspit n. 1 a pit for the disposal of refuse. 2 = CESSPOOL. [cess in
cesspool n. 1 an underground container for the temporary storage of
liquid waste or sewage. 2 a centre of corruption, depravity,
etc. [perh. alt., after POOL(1), f. earlier cesperalle, f.
suspiral vent, water-pipe, f. OF souspirail air-hole f. L
suspirare breathe up, sigh (as SUB-, spirare breathe)]
cestode n. (also cestoid) any flatworm of the class Cestoda, including
tapeworms. [L cestus f. Gk kestos girdle]
CET abbr. Central European Time.
cetacean n. & adj. --n. any marine mammal of the order Cetacea with
streamlined hairless body and dorsal blowhole for breathing,
including whales, dolphins, and porpoises. --adj. of cetaceans.
ЬЬcetaceous adj. [mod.L Cetacea f. L cetus f. Gk ketos whale]
cetane n. Chem. a colourless liquid hydrocarbon of the alkane series
used in standardizing ratings of diesel fuel. Ьcetane number a
measure of the ignition properties of diesel fuel. [f.
SPERMACETI after methane etc.]
ceteris paribus
adv. other things being equal. [L]
Ceylon moss
n. a red seaweed, Gracilaria lichenoides, from E. India.
[Ceylon, now Sri Lanka]
cf. abbr. compare. [L confer imper. of conferre compare]
c.f. abbr. carried forward.
CFC abbr. Chem. chloro-fluorocarbon, any of various usu. gaseous
compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine, used in
refrigerants, aerosol propellants, etc., and thought to be
harmful to the ozone layer in the earth's atmosphere.
Chablis n. (pl. same) a dry white burgundy wine. [Chablis in E.
cha-cha (also cha-cha-cha) n. & v. --n. 1 a ballroom dance with a
Latin-American rhythm. 2 music for or in the rhythm of a
cha-cha. --v.intr. (cha-chas, cha-chaed or cha-cha'd,
cha-chaing) dance the cha-cha. [Amer. Sp.]
chaconne n. Mus. 1 a a musical form consisting of variations on a
ground bass. b a musical composition in this style. 2 hist. a
dance performed to this music. [F f. Sp. chacona]
chador n. (also chadar, chuddar) a large piece of cloth worn in some
countries by Muslim women, wrapped around the body to leave only
the face exposed. [Pers. chador, Hindi chador]
n. any dart-shaped worm of the phylum Chaetognatha, usu. living
among marine plankton, and having a head with external thorny
teeth. [mod.L Chaetognatha f. Gk khaite long hair + gnathos
chafe v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become sore or damaged by
rubbing. 2 tr. rub (esp. the skin to restore warmth or
sensation). 3 tr. & intr. make or become annoyed; fret (was
chafed by the delay). --n. 1 a an act of chafing. b a sore
resulting from this. 2 a state of annoyance. [ME f. OF chaufer
ult. f. L calefacere f. calere be hot + facere make]
chafer n. any of various large slow-moving beetles of the family
Scarabeidae, esp. the cockchafer. [OE ceafor, cefer f. Gmc]
chaff n. & v. --n. 1 the husks of corn or other seed separated by
winnowing or threshing. 2 chopped hay and straw used as fodder.
3 light-hearted joking; banter. 4 worthless things; rubbish. 5
strips of metal foil released in the atmosphere to obstruct
radar detection. --v. 1 tr. & intr. tease; banter. 2 tr. chop
(straw etc.). Ьchaff-cutter a machine for chopping fodder.
separate the wheat from the chaff distinguish good from bad.
ЬЬchaffy adj. [OE ceaf, c‘f prob. f. Gmc: sense 3 of n. & 1 of
v. perh. f. CHAFE]
chaffer v. & n. --v.intr. haggle; bargain. --n. bargaining; haggling.
ЬЬchafferer n. [ME f. OE ceapfaru f. ceap bargain + faru
chaffinch n. Brit. a common European finch, Fringilla coelebs, the male
of which has a blue-grey head with pinkish cheeks. [OE
ceaffinc: see CHAFF, FINCH]
n. 1 a cooking pot with an outer pan of hot water, used for
keeping food warm. 2 a dish with a spirit-lamp etc. for cooking
at table. [obs. sense of CHAFE = warm]
Chagas' disease
(also Chagas's disease) n. a kind of sleeping sickness caused
by a protozoan transmitted by blood-sucking bugs. [C. Chagas,
Braz. physician d. 1934]
chagrin n. & v. --n. acute vexation or mortification. affect
with chagrin. [F chagrin(er), of uncert. orig.]
chain n. & v. --n. 1 a a connected flexible series of esp. metal
links as decoration or for a practical purpose. b something
resembling this (formed a human chain). 2 (in pl.) a fetters
used to confine prisoners. b any restraining force. 3 a
sequence, series, or set (chain of events; mountain chain). 4 a
group of associated hotels, shops, newspapers, etc. 5 a badge
of office in the form of a chain worn round the neck (mayoral
chain). 6 a a jointed measuring-line consisting of linked metal
rods. b its length (66 ft.). 7 Chem. a group of (esp. carbon)
atoms bonded in sequence in a molecule. 8 a figure in a
quadrille or similar dance. 9 (in pl.) Naut. channels (see
CHANNEL(2)). 10 (also chain-shot) hist. two cannon-balls or
half balls joined by a chain and used in sea battles for
bringing down a mast etc. 1 (often foll. by up) secure
or confine with a chain. 2 confine or restrict (a person) (is
chained to the office). Ьchain-armour armour made of interlaced
rings. chain bridge a suspension bridge on chains. chain drive
a system of transmission by endless chains. chain-gang a team
of convicts chained together and forced to work in the open air.
chain-gear a gear transmitting motion by means of an endless
chain. chain-letter one of a sequence of letters the recipient
of which is requested to send copies to a specific number of
other people. chain-link made of wire in a diamond-shaped mesh
(chain-link fencing). chain-mail = chain-armour. chain
reaction 1 Physics a self-sustaining nuclear reaction, esp. one
in which a neutron from a fission reaction initiates a series of
these reactions. 2 Chem. a self-sustaining molecular reaction
in which intermediate products initiate further reactions. 3 a
series of events, each caused by the previous one. chain-saw a
motor-driven saw with teeth on an endless chain. chain-smoker a
person who smokes continually, esp. one who lights a cigarette
etc. from the stub of the last one smoked. chain-stitch an
ornamental embroidery or crochet stitch resembling chains.
chain store one of a series of shops owned by one firm and
selling the same sort of goods. chain-wale = CHANNEL(2).
chain-wheel a wheel transmitting power by a chain fitted to its
edges. [ME f. OF cha(e)ine f. L catena]
chair n. & v. --n. 1 a separate seat for one person, of various
forms, usu. having a back and four legs. 2 a a professorship
(offered the chair in physics). b a seat of authority, esp. on
a board of directors. c a mayoralty. 3 a a chairperson. b the
seat or office of a chairperson (will you take the chair?; I'm
in the chair). 4 US = electric chair. 5 an iron or steel
socket holding a railway rail in place. 6 hist. = sedan chair. 1 act as chairperson of or preside over (a meeting). 2
Brit. carry (a person) aloft in a chair or in a sitting
position, in triumph. 3 install in a chair, esp. as a position
of authority. Ьchair-bed a chair that unfolds into a bed.
chair-borne colloq. (of an administrator) not active.
chair-car a railway carriage with chairs instead of long seats;
a parlour car. chair-lift a series of chairs on an endless
cable for carrying passengers up and down a mountain etc. take
a chair sit down. [ME f. AF chaere, OF chaiere f. L cathedra f.
Gk kathedra: see CATHEDRAL]
chairlady n. (pl. -ies) = CHAIRWOMAN.
chairman n. (pl. -men; fem. chairwoman, pl. -women) 1 a person chosen
to preside over a meeting. 2 the permanent president of a
committee, a board of directors, a firm, etc. 3 the master of
ceremonies at an entertainment etc. 4 hist. either of two
sedan-bearers. ЬЬchairmanship n.
n. a chairman or chairwoman (used as a neutral alternative).
chaise n. 1 esp. hist. a horse-drawn carriage for one or two persons,
esp. one with an open top and two wheels. 2 = post-chaise (see
POST(2)). [F var. of chaire, formed as CHAIR]
chaise longue
n. a sofa with only one arm rest. [F, lit. long chair]
chalaza n. (pl. chalazae) each of two twisted membranous strips
joining the yolk to the ends of an egg. [mod.L f. Gk, =
n. a type of quartz occurring in several different forms, e.g.
onyx, agate, tiger's eye, etc. ЬЬchalcedonic adj. [ME f. L
c(h)alcedonius f. Gk khalkedon]
adj. Archaeol. of a prehistoric period in which both stone and
bronze implements were used. [Gk khalkos copper + lithos stone]
n. a yellow mineral of copper-iron sulphide, which is the
principal ore of copper. [Gk khalkos copper + PYRITE]
Chaldean n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native of ancient Chaldea or Babylonia.
b the language of the Chaldeans. 2 an astrologer. 3 a member
of the Uniat (formerly Nestorian) sect in Iran etc. --adj. 1
of or relating to ancient Chaldea or its people or language. 2
of or relating to astrology. 3 of or relating to the Uniat
sect. [L Chaldaeus f. Gk Khaldaios f. Assyr. Kaldu]
Chaldee n. 1 the language of the Chaldeans. 2 a native of ancient
Chaldea. 3 the Aramaic language as used in Old Testament books.
[ME, repr. L Chaldaei (pl.) (as CHALDEAN)]
chalet n. 1 a small suburban house or bungalow, esp. with an
overhanging roof. 2 a small, usu. wooden, hut or house on a
beach or in a holiday camp. 3 a Swiss cowherd's hut, or wooden
cottage, with overhanging eaves. [Swiss F]
chalice n. 1 literary a goblet. 2 a wine-cup used in the Communion
service. [ME f. OF f. L calix -icis cup]
chalk n. & v. --n. 1 a white soft earthy limestone (calcium
carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures. 2
a a similar substance (calcium sulphate), sometimes coloured,
used for writing or drawing. b a piece of this (a box of
chalks). 3 a series of strata consisting mainly of chalk. 4 =
French chalk. 1 rub, mark, draw, or write with chalk.
2 (foll. by up) a write or record with chalk. b register (a
success etc.). c charge (to an account). Ьas different as
chalk and (or from) cheese fundamentally different. by a long
chalk Brit. by far (from the use of chalk to mark the score in
games). chalk and talk traditional teaching (employing
blackboard, chalk, and interlocution). chalk out sketch or plan
a thing to be accomplished. chalk-pit a quarry in which chalk
is dug. chalk-stone a concretion of urates like chalk in
tissues and joints esp. of hands and feet. chalk-stripe a
pattern of thin white stripes on a dark background.
chalk-striped having chalk-stripes. [OE cealc ult. f. WG f. L
chalky adj. (chalkier, chalkiest) 1 a abounding in chalk. b white as
chalk. 2 like or containing chalk stones. ЬЬchalkiness n.
challenge n. & v. --n. 1 a a summons to take part in a contest or a
trial of strength etc., esp. to a duel. b a summons to prove or
justify something. 2 a demanding or difficult task (rose to the
challenge of the new job). 3 Law an objection made to a jury
member. 4 a call to respond, esp. a sentry's call for a
password etc. 5 an invitation to a sporting contest, esp. one
issued to a reigning champion. 6 Med. a test of immunity after
immunization treatment. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.)
a invite to take part in a contest, game, debate, duel, etc. b
invite to prove or justify something. 2 dispute, deny (I
challenge that remark). 3 a stretch, stimulate (challenges him
to produce his best). b (as challenging adj.) demanding;
stimulatingly difficult. 4 (of a sentry) call to respond. 5
claim (attention, etc.). 6 Law object to (a jury member,
evidence, etc.). 7 Med. test by a challenge. ЬЬchallengeable
adj. challenger n. [ME f. OF c(h)alenge, c(h)alenger f. L
calumnia calumniari calumny]
challis n. a lightweight soft clothing fabric. [perh. f. a surname]
adj. (of mineral water etc.) impregnated with iron salts.
[mod.L chalybeatus f. L chalybs f. Gk khalups -ubos steel]
n. a plant whose buds are on or near the ground. [Gk khamai on
the ground + -PHYTE]
chamber n. 1 a a hall used by a legislative or judicial body. b the
body that meets in it. c any of the houses of a parliament
(Chamber of Deputies; second chamber). 2 (in pl.) Brit. Law a
rooms used by a barrister or group of barristers, esp. in the
Inns of Court. b a judge's room used for hearing cases not
needing to be taken in court. 3 poet. or archaic a room, esp. a
bedroom. 4 Mus. (attrib.) of or for a small group of
instruments (chamber orchestra; chamber music). 5 an enclosed
space in machinery etc. (esp. the part of a gun-bore that
contains the charge). 6 a a cavity in a plant or in the body of
an animal. b a compartment in a structure. 7 = chamber-pot.
ЬChamber of Commerce an association to promote local commercial
interests. chamber-pot a receptacle for urine etc., used in a
bedroom. [ME f. OF chambre f. L CAMERA]
chambered adj. (of a tomb) containing a burial chamber.
n. 1 an officer managing the household of a sovereign or a
great noble. 2 the treasurer of a corporation etc. ЬLord
Chamberlain (of the Household) the official in charge of the
Royal Household, formerly the licenser of plays. Lord Great
Chamberlain of England the hereditary holder of a ceremonial
office. ЬЬchamberlainship n. [ME f. OF chamberlain etc. f.
Frank. f. L camera CAMERA]
n. 1 a housemaid at a hotel etc. 2 US a housemaid.
n. a high-quality dry red burgundy wine. [Gevrey Chambertin
region in E. France]
chambray n. a linen-finished gingham cloth with a white weft and a
coloured warp. [irreg. f. Cambrai: see CAMBRIC]
chambr‚ adj. (of red wine) brought to room temperature. [F, past part.
of chambrer f. chambre room: see CHAMBER]
chameleon n. 1 any of a family of small lizards having grasping tails,
long tongues, protruding eyes, and the power of changing colour.
2 a variable or inconstant person. ЬЬchameleonic adj. [ME f. L
f. Gk khamaileon f. khamai on the ground + leon lion]
chamfer v. & n. bevel symmetrically (a right-angled edge or
corner). --n. a bevelled surface at an edge or corner.
[back-form. f. chamfering f. F chamfrain f. chant edge
(CANT(2)) + fraint broken f. OF fraindre break f. L frangere]
chamois n. (pl. same) 1 an agile goat antelope, Rupicapra rupicapra,
native to the mountains of Europe and Asia. 2 (in full chamois
leather) a soft pliable leather from sheep, goats, deer, etc. b
a piece of this for polishing etc. [F: cf. Gallo-Roman camox]
chamomile var. of CAMOMILE.
champ(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. munch or chew noisily. 2 tr. (of a
horse etc.) work (the bit) noisily between the teeth. 3 intr.
fret with impatience (is champing to be away). --n. a chewing
noise or motion. Ьchamp at the bit be restlessly impatient.
[prob. imit.]
champ(2) n. sl. a champion. [abbr.]
champagne n. 1 a a white sparkling wine from Champagne. b (loosely) a
similar wine from elsewhere. °Use in sense b is strictly
incorrect. 2 a pale cream or straw colour. [Champagne, former
province in E. France]
champaign n. literary 1 open country. 2 an expanse of open country. [ME
f. OF champagne f. LL campania: cf. CAMPAIGN]
champers n. sl. champagne.
champerty n. (pl. -ies) Law an illegal agreement in which a person not
naturally interested in a lawsuit finances it with a view to
sharing the disputed property. ЬЬchampertous adj. [ME f. AF
champartie f. OF champart feudal lord's share of produce, f. L
campus field + pars part]
champion n., v., adj., & adv. --n. 1 (often attrib.) a person (esp. in
a sport or game), an animal, plant, etc., that has defeated or
surpassed all rivals in a competition etc. 2 a a person who
fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of another person. b
hist. a knight etc. who fought in single combat on behalf of a
king etc. support the cause of, defend, argue in favour
of. --adj. colloq. or dial. first-class, splendid. --adv.
colloq. or dial. splendidly, well. ЬChampion of England (or
King's or Queen's Champion) a hereditary official at
coronations. [ME f. OF f. med.L campio -onis fighter f. L
campus field]
n. 1 (often in pl.) a contest for the position of champion in a
sport etc. 2 the position of champion over all rivals. 3 the
advocacy or defence (of a cause etc.).
champlev‚ n. & adj. --n. a type of enamel-work in which hollows made in a
metal surface are filled with coloured enamels. --adj. of or
relating to champlev‚ (cf. CLOISONNђ). [F, = raised field]
chance n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a a possibility (just a chance we will
catch the train). b (often in pl.) probability (the chances are
against it). 2 a risk (have to take a chance). 3 a an
undesigned occurrence (just a chance that they met). b the
absence of design or discoverable cause (here merely because of
chance). 4 an opportunity (didn't have a chance to speak to
him). 5 the way things happen; fortune; luck (we'll just leave
it to chance). 6 (often Chance) the course of events regarded
as a power; fate (blind Chance rules the universe). 7 Cricket
an opportunity for dismissing a batsman. --adj. fortuitous,
accidental (a chance meeting). --v. 1 tr. colloq. risk (we'll
chance it and go). 2 intr. (often foll. by that + clause, or to
+ infin.) happen without intention (it chanced that I found it;
I chanced to find it). Ьby any chance as it happens; perhaps.
by chance without design; unintentionally. chance one's arm
make an attempt though unlikely to succeed. chance on (or upon)
happen to find, meet, etc. game of chance a game decided by
luck, not skill. the off chance the slight possibility. on the
chance (often foll. by of, or that + clause) in view of the
possibility. stand a chance have a prospect of success etc.
take a chance (or chances) behave riskily; risk failure. take a
(or one's) chance on (or with) consent to take the consequences
of; trust to luck. [ME f. AF ch(e)aunce, OF ch‰ance ch‰oir fall
ult. f. L cadere]
chancel n. the part of a church near the altar, reserved for the
clergy, the choir, etc., usu. enclosed by a screen or separated
from the nave by steps. [ME f. OF f. L cancelli lattice]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the position, office, staff, department,
etc., of a chancellor. b the official residence of a
chancellor. 2 US an office attached to an embassy or consulate.
[ME f. OF chancellerie (as CHANCELLOR)]
n. 1 a State or legal official of various kinds. 2 the head of
the government in some European countries, e.g. W. Germany. 3
the non-resident honorary head of a university. 4 a bishop's
law officer. 5 US the president of a chancery court.
ЬChancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster a member of the government
legally representing the Queen as Duke of Lancaster, often a
Cabinet Minister employed on non-departmental work. Chancellor
of the Exchequer the finance minister of the United Kingdom.
Chancellor of the Garter etc. a government officer who seals
commissions etc. Lord (or Lord High) Chancellor an officer
presiding in the House of Lords, the Chancery Division, or the
Court of Appeal. ЬЬchancellorship n. [OE f. AF c(h)anceler, OF
-ier f. LL cancellarius porter, secretary, f. cancelli lattice]
n. (pl. -eys) 1 Law a fight, esp. homicidal, beginning
unintentionally. 2 inadvertency. [AF chance medlee (see
MEDDLE) mixed chance]
chancery n. (pl. -ies) 1 Law (Chancery) the Lord Chancellor's court, a
division of the High Court of Justice. 2 hist. the records
office of an order of knighthood. 3 hist. the court of a
bishop's chancellor. 4 an office attached to an embassy or
consulate. 5 a public record office. 6 US a court of equity.
Ьin chancery sl. (of a boxer or wrestler) with the head held
under the opponent's arm and being pummelled. [ME, contracted
chancre n. a painless ulcer developing in venereal disease etc. [F f.
chancroid n. ulceration of lymph nodes in the groin, from venereal
chancy adj. (chancier, chanciest) subject to chance; uncertain; risky.
ЬЬchancily adv. chanciness n.
n. an ornamental branched hanging support for several candles
or electric light bulbs. [F (chandelle f. as CANDLE)]
chandler n. a dealer in candles, oil, soap, paint, groceries, etc.
Ьcorn chandler a dealer in corn. ship (or ship's) chandler a
dealer in cordage, canvas, etc. [ME f. AF chaundeler, OF
chandelier (as CANDLE)]
chandlery n. the goods sold by a chandler.
change n. & v. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of making or becoming
different. b an alteration or modification (the change in her
expression). 2 a money given in exchange for money in larger
units or a different currency. b money returned as the balance
of that given in payment. c = small change. 3 a new
experience; variety (fancied a change; for a change). 4 a the
substitution of one thing for another; an exchange (change of
scene). b a set of clothes etc. put on in place of another. 5
(in full change of life) colloq. the menopause. 6 (usu. in pl.)
the different orders in which a peal of bells can be rung. 7
(Change) (also 'Change) hist. a place where merchants etc. met
to do business. 8 (of the moon) arrival at a fresh phase, esp.
at the new moon. --v. 1 tr. & intr. undergo, show, or subject
to change; make or become different (the wig changed his
appearance; changed from an introvert into an extrovert). 2 tr.
a take or use another instead of; go from one to another (change
one's socks; changed his doctor; changed trains). b (usu. foll.
by for) give up or get rid of in exchange (changed the car for a
van). 3 tr. a give or get change in smaller denominations for
(can you change a ten-pound note?). b (foll. by for) exchange
(a sum of money) for (changed his dollars for pounds). 4 tr. &
intr. put fresh clothes or coverings on (changed the baby as he
was wet; changed into something loose). 5 tr. (often foll. by
with) give and receive, exchange (changed places with him; we
changed places). 6 intr. change trains etc. (changed at Crewe).
7 intr. (of the moon) arrive at a fresh phase, esp. become new.
Ьchange colour blanch or flush. change down engage a lower gear
in a vehicle. change gear engage a different gear in a vehicle.
change hands 1 pass to a different owner. 2 substitute one hand
for another. change one's mind adopt a different opinion or
plan. change of air a different climate; variety. change of
heart a conversion to a different view. change over change from
one system or situation to another. change-over n. such a
change. change step begin to keep step with the opposite leg
when marching etc. change the subject begin talking of
something different, esp. to avoid embarrassment. change one's
tune 1 voice a different opinion from that expressed previously.
2 change one's style of language or manner, esp. from an
insolent to a respectful tone. change up engage a higher gear
in a vehicle. get no change out of sl. 1 fail to get
information from. 2 fail to get the better of (in business
etc.). ring the changes (on) vary the ways of expressing,
arranging, or doing something. ЬЬchangeful adj. changer n.
[ME f. AF chaunge, OF change, changer f. LL cambiare, L cambire
barter, prob. of Celt. orig.]
adj. 1 irregular, inconstant. 2 that can change or be changed.
ЬЬchangeability n. changeableness n. changeably adv. [ME f.
OF, formed as CHANGE]
adj. unchanging. ЬЬchangelessly adv. changelessness n.
n. a child believed to be substituted for another by stealth,
esp. an elf-child left by fairies.
n. & v. --n. 1 a a length of water wider than a strait,
joining two larger areas, esp. seas. b (the Channel) the
English Channel between Britain and France. 2 a medium of
communication; an agency for conveying information (through the
usual channels). 3 Broadcasting a a band of frequencies used in
radio and television transmission, esp. as used by a particular
station. b a service or station using this. 4 the course in
which anything moves; a direction. 5 a a natural or artificial
hollow bed of water. b the navigable part of a waterway. 6 a
tubular passage for liquid. 7 Electronics a lengthwise strip on
recording tape etc. 8 a groove or a flute, esp. in a column. (channelled, channelling; US channeled, channeling) 1
guide, direct (channelled them through customs). 2 form
channels in; groove. [ME f. OF chanel f. L canalis CANAL]
n. Naut. any of the broad thick planks projecting horizontally
from a ship's side abreast of the masts, used to widen the basis
for the shrouds. [for chain-wale: cf. gunnel for gunwale]
channelize (also -ise) convey in, or as if in, a channel; guide.
chanson de geste
n. (pl. chansons pronunc. same) any of a group of medieval
French epic poems. [F, = song of heroic deeds]
chant n. & v. --n. 1 a a spoken singsong phrase, esp. one performed
in unison by a crowd etc. b a repetitious singsong way of
speaking. 2 Mus. a a short musical passage in two or more
phrases used for singing unmetrical words, e.g. psalms,
canticles. b the psalm or canticle so sung. c a song, esp.
monotonous or repetitive. 3 a musical recitation, esp. of
poetry. & intr. 1 talk or repeat monotonously (a crowd
chanting slogans). 2 sing or intone (a psalm etc.). [ME (orig.
as verb) f. OF chanter sing f. L cantare frequent. of canere
cant- sing]
chanter n. Mus. the melody-pipe, with finger-holes, of a bagpipe.
n. an edible fungus, Cantharellus cibarius, with a yellow
funnel-shaped cap and smelling of apricots. [F f. mod.L
cantharellus dimin. of cantharus f. Gk kantharos a kind of
drinking vessel]
chanteuse n. a female singer of popular songs. [F]
n. literary a name given to a domestic cock, esp. in fairy
tales etc. [ME f. OF chantecler (as CHANT, CLEAR), a name in
Reynard the Fox]
Chantilly n. 1 a delicate kind of bobbin-lace. 2 sweetened or flavoured
whipped cream. [Chantilly near Paris]
chantry n. (pl. -ies) 1 an endowment for a priest or priests to
celebrate masses for the founder's soul. 2 the priests, chapel,
altar, etc., endowed. [ME f. AF chaunterie, OF chanterie f.
chanter CHANT]
chanty var. of SHANTY(2).
Chanukkah var. of HANUKKAH.
chaos n. 1 utter confusion. 2 the formless matter supposed to have
existed before the creation of the universe. ЬЬchaotic adj.
chaotically adv. [F or L f. Gk khaos: - otic after erotic etc.]
chap(1) v. & n. --v. (chapped, chapping) 1 intr. (esp. of the skin;
also of dry ground etc.) crack in fissures, esp. because of
exposure and dryness. 2 tr. (of the wind, cold, etc.) cause to
chap. --n. (usu. in pl.) 1 a crack in the skin. 2 an open
seam. [ME, perh. rel. to MLG, MDu. kappen chop off]
chap(2) n. colloq. a man; a boy; a fellow. [abbr. of CHAPMAN]
chap(3) n. the lower jaw or half of the cheek, esp. of a pig as food.
Ьchap-fallen dispirited, dejected (with the lower jaw hanging).
[16th c.: var. of CHOP(2), of unkn. orig.]
chap. abbr. chapter.
chaparejos US a cowboy's leather protection for the front of the
legs. [Mex. Sp.]
chaparral n. US dense tangled brushwood; undergrowth. Ьchaparral cock =
ROADRUNNER. [Sp. f. chaparra evergreen oak]
chapatti n. (also chapati, chupatty) (pl. -is or chupatties) Ind. a
flat thin cake of unleavened wholemeal bread. [Hindi capati]
chap-book n. hist. a small pamphlet containing tales, ballads, tracts,
etc., hawked by chapmen. [19th c.: see CHAPMAN]
chape n. 1 the metal cap of a scabbard-point. 2 the back-piece of a
buckle attaching it to a strap etc. 3 a sliding loop on a belt
or strap. [ME f. OF, = cope, hood, formed as CAP]
n. (pl. chapeaux-bras pronunc. same) a three-cornered flat
silk hat often carried under the arm. [F f. chapeau hat + bras
chapel n. 1 a a place for private Christian worship in a large church
or esp. a cathedral, with its own altar and dedication (Lady
chapel). b a place of Christian worship attached to a private
house or institution. 2 Brit. a a place of worship for
nonconformist bodies. b (predic.) an attender at or believer in
nonconformist worship (they are strictly chapel). c a chapel
service. d attendance at a chapel. 3 an Anglican church
subordinate to a parish church. 4 Printing a the members or
branch of a printers' trade union at a specific place of work.
b a meeting of them. Ьchapel of ease an Anglican chapel for the
convenience of remote parishioners. chapel of rest an
undertaker's mortuary. chapel royal a chapel in a royal palace.
father of chapel (or the chapel) the shop steward of a printers'
chapel. [ME f. OF chapele f. med.L cappella dimin. of cappa
cloak: the first chapel was a sanctuary in which St Martin's
sacred cloak (cappella) was preserved]
chapelry n. (pl. -ies) a district served by an Anglican chapel.
chaperon n. & v. (also chaperone) --n. 1 a person, esp. an older woman,
who ensures propriety by accompanying a young unmarried woman on
social occasions. 2 a person who takes charge of esp. young
people in public. act as a chaperon to. ЬЬchaperonage
n. [F, = hood, chaperon, dimin. of chape cope, formed as CAP]
chaplain n. a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel,
institution, ship, regiment, etc. ЬЬchaplaincy n. (pl. -ies).
[ME f. AF & OF c(h)apelain f. med.L cappellanus, orig. custodian
of the cloak of St Martin: see CHAPEL]
chaplet n. 1 a garland or circlet for the head. 2 a string of 55 beads
(one-third of the rosary number) for counting prayers, or as a
necklace. 3 a bead-moulding. ЬЬchapleted adj. [ME f. OF
chapelet, ult. f. LL cappa CAP]
chapman n. (pl. -men) hist. a pedlar. [OE ceapman f. ceap barter]
chappal n. an Indian sandal, usu. of leather. [Hindi]
chappie n. colloq. = CHAP(2).
chappy adj. full of chaps; chapped (chappy knuckles).
chaps n. = CHAPAREJOS. [abbr.]
chapstick n. US a cylinder of a cosmetic substance used to prevent
chapping of the lips.
chapter n. 1 a main division of a book. 2 a period of time (in a
person's life, a nation's history, etc.). 3 a series or
sequence (a chapter of misfortunes). 4 a the canons of a
cathedral or other religious community or knightly order. b a
meeting of these. 5 an Act of Parliament numbered as part of a
session's proceedings. 6 US a local branch of a society.
Ьchapter and verse an exact reference or authority. chapter
house 1 a building used for the meetings of a chapter. 2 US the
place where a college fraternity or sorority meets. [ME f. OF
chapitre f. L capitulum dimin. of caput -itis head]
char(1) & intr. (charred, charring) 1 make or become black by
burning; scorch. 2 burn or be burnt to charcoal. [app.
back-form. f. CHARCOAL]
char(2) n. & v. Brit. colloq. --n. = CHARWOMAN. --v.intr. (charred,
charring) work as a charwoman. [earlier chare f. OE cerr a
turn, cierran to turn]
char(3) n. (also cha) Brit. sl. tea. [Chin. cha]
char(4) n. (also charr) (pl. same) any small troutlike fish of the
genus Salvelinus. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
charabanc n. Brit. hist. an early form of motor coach. [F char … bancs
seated carriage]
character n. & v. --n. 1 the collective qualities or characteristics,
esp. mental and moral, that distinguish a person or thing. 2 a
moral strength (has a weak character). b reputation, esp. good
reputation. 3 a a person in a novel, play, etc. b a part
played by an actor; a role. 4 colloq. a person, esp. an
eccentric or outstanding individual (he's a real character). 5
a a printed or written letter, symbol, or distinctive mark
(Chinese characters). b Computing any of a group of symbols
representing a letter etc. 6 a written description of a
person's qualities; a testimonial. 7 a characteristic (esp. of
a biological species). archaic inscribe; describe.
Ьcharacter actor an actor who specializes in playing eccentric
or unusual persons. character assassination a malicious attempt
to harm or destroy a person's good reputation. in (or out of)
character consistent (or inconsistent) with a person's
character. ЬЬcharacterful adj. characterfully adv.
characterless adj. [ME f. OF caractere f. L character f. Gk
kharakter stamp, impress]
adj. & n. --adj. typical, distinctive (with characteristic
expertise). --n. 1 a characteristic feature or quality. 2
Math. the whole number or integral part of a logarithm.
Ьcharacteristic curve a graph showing the relationship between
two variable but interdependent quantities. characteristic
radiation radiation the wavelengths of which are peculiar to the
element which emits them. ЬЬcharacteristically adv. [F
caract‚ristique or med.L characterizare f. Gk kharakterizo]
characterize (also -ise) 1 a describe the character of. b (foll. by
as) describe as. 2 be characteristic of. 3 impart character
to. ЬЬcharacterization n. [F caract‚riser or med.L
characterizare f. Gk kharakterizo]
charade n. 1 a (usu. in pl., treated as sing.) a game of guessing a
word from a written or acted clue given for each syllable and
for the whole. b one such clue. 2 an absurd pretence. [F f.
mod.Prov. charrado conversation f. charra chatter]
charas n. a narcotic resin from the flower-heads of hemp; cannabis
resin. [Hindi]
charcoal n. 1 a an amorphous form of carbon consisting of a porous black
residue from partially burnt wood, bones, etc. b (usu. in pl.)
a piece of this used for drawing. 2 a drawing in charcoal. 3
(in full charcoal grey) a dark grey colour. Ьcharcoal biscuit a
biscuit containing wood-charcoal to aid digestion. [ME COAL =
charcoal: first element perh. chare turn (cf. CHAR(1),
chard n. a kind of beet, Beta vulgaris, with edible broad white
leaf-stalks and green blades. Also called seakale beet. [F
carde, and chardon thistle: cf. CARDOON]
n. 1 a variety of white grape used for making champagne and
other wines. 2 the vine on which this grape grows. 3 a wine
made from Chardonnay grapes. [F]
charge v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a ask (an amount) as a price (charges њ5 a
ticket). b ask (a person) for an amount as a price (you forgot
to charge me). 2 tr. a (foll. by to, up to) debit the cost of
to (a person or account) (charge it to my account; charge it up
to me). b debit (a person or an account) (bought a new car and
charged the company). 3 tr. a (often foll. by with) accuse (of
an offence) (charged him with theft). b (foll. by that +
clause) make an accusation that. 4 tr. (foll. by to + infin.)
instruct or urge. 5 (foll. by with) a tr. entrust with. b
refl. undertake. 6 a intr. make a rushing attack; rush
headlong. b tr. make a rushing attack on; throw oneself
against. 7 tr. (often foll. by up) a give an electric charge to
(a body). b store energy in (a battery). 8 tr. (often foll. by
with) load or fill (a vessel, gun, etc.) to the full or proper
extent. 9 tr. (usu. as charged adj.) a (foll. by with)
saturated with (air charged with vapour). b (usu. foll. by
with) pervaded (with strong feelings etc.) (atmosphere charged
with emotion; a charged atmosphere). --n. 1 a a price asked
for goods or services. b a financial liability or commitment.
2 an accusation, esp. against a prisoner brought to trial. 3 a
a task, duty, or commission. b care, custody, responsible
possession. c a person or thing entrusted; a minister's
congregation. 4 a an impetuous rush or attack, esp. in a
battle. b the signal for this. 5 the appropriate amount of
material to be put into a receptacle, mechanism, etc. at one
time, esp. of explosive for a gun. 6 a a property of matter
that is a consequence of the interaction between its constituent
particles and exists in a positive or negative form, causing
electrical phenomena. b the quantity of this carried by a body.
c energy stored chemically for conversion into electricity. d
the process of charging a battery. 7 an exhortation;
directions, orders. 8 a burden or load. 9 Heraldry a device; a
bearing. Ьcharge account US a credit account at a shop etc.
charge card a credit card for which the account must be paid in
full when a statement is issued. charge-hand Brit. a worker,
ranking below a foreman, in charge of others on a particular
job. charge-nurse Brit. a nurse in charge of a ward etc.
charge-sheet Brit. a record of cases and charges made at a
police station. free of charge gratis. give a person in charge
hand a person over to the police. in charge having command.
lay to a person's charge accuse a person of. put a person on a
charge charge a person with a specified offence. return to the
charge begin again, esp. in argument. take charge (often foll.
by of) assume control or direction. ЬЬchargeable adj. [ME f.
OF charger f. LL car(ri)care load f. L carrus CAR]
charg‚ d'affaires
n. (also charg‚) (pl. charg‚s pronunc. same) 1 an ambassador's
deputy. 2 an envoy to a minor country. [F, = in charge (of
n. 1 a a cavalry horse. b poet. any horse. 2 an apparatus for
charging a battery. 3 a person or thing that charges.
n. archaic a large flat dish. [ME f. AF chargeour]
chariot n. & v. --n. 1 hist. a a two-wheeled vehicle drawn by horses,
used in ancient warfare and racing. b a four-wheeled carriage
with back seats only. 2 poet. a stately or triumphal vehicle. literary convey in or as in a chariot. [ME f. OF,
augment. of char CAR]
n. a chariot-driver.
charisma n. (pl. charismata) 1 a the ability to inspire followers with
devotion and enthusiasm. b an attractive aura; great charm. 2
a divinely conferred power or talent. [eccl.L f. Gk kharisma f.
kharis favour, grace]
adj. 1 having charisma; inspiring enthusiasm. 2 (of Christian
worship) characterized by spontaneity, ecstatic utterances, etc.
Ьcharismatic movement a neo-pentecostal movement affecting Roman
Catholic, Anglican, and other Christian Churches.
ЬЬcharismatically adv.
adj. 1 generous in giving to those in need. 2 of, relating to,
or connected with a charity or charities. 3 apt to judge
favourably of persons, acts, and motives. ЬЬcharitableness n.
charitably adv. [ME f. OF f. charit‚ CHARITY]
charity n. (pl. -ies) 1 a giving voluntarily to those in need;
alms-giving. b the help, esp. money, so given. 2 an
institution or organization for helping those in need. 3 a
kindness, benevolence. b tolerance in judging others. c love
of one's fellow men. ЬCharity Commission (in the UK) a board
established to control charitable trusts. [OE f. OF charit‚ f.
L caritas -tatis f. carus dear]
charivari n. (also shivaree) 1 a serenade of banging saucepans etc. to a
newly-married couple. 2 a medley of sounds; a hubbub. [F, =
serenade with pans, trays, etc., to an unpopular person]
charlady n. (pl. -ies) = CHARWOMAN.
charlatan n. a person falsely claiming a special knowledge or skill.
ЬЬcharlatanism n. charlatanry n. [F f. It. ciarlatano f.
ciarlare babble]
Charles' Law
(also Charles's Law) n. Chem. the law stating that the volume
of an ideal gas at constant pressure is directly proportional to
the absolute temperature. [J. A. C. Charles, Fr. scientist d.
Charles's Wain
n. the constellation Ursa Major or its seven bright stars. Also
called PLOUGH. [OE Carles w‘gn the wain of Carl (Charles the
Great, Charlemagne), perh. by assoc. of the star Arcturus with
legends of King Arthur and Charlemagne]
n. & v. (also Charleston) --n. a lively American dance of the
1920s with side-kicks from the knee. --v.intr. dance the
charleston. [Charleston in S. Carolina, US]
charley horse
n. US sl. stiffness or cramp in an arm or leg. [19th c.:
orig. uncert.]
charlie n. Brit. sl. 1 a fool. 2 (in pl.) a woman's breasts.
[dimin. of the name Charles]
charlock n. a wild mustard, Sinapis arvensis, with yellow flowers. Also
called field mustard. [OE cerlic, of unkn. orig.]
charlotte n. a pudding made of stewed fruit with a casing or layers or
covering of bread, sponge cake, biscuits, or breadcrumbs (apple
charlotte). Ьcharlotte russe custard etc. enclosed in sponge
cake or a casing of sponge fingers. [F]
charm n. & v. --n. 1 a the power or quality of giving delight or
arousing admiration. b fascination, attractiveness. c (usu. in
pl.) an attractive or enticing quality. 2 a trinket on a
bracelet etc. 3 a an object, act, or word(s) supposedly having
occult or magic power; a spell. b a thing worn to avert evil
etc.; an amulet. 4 Physics a property of matter manifested by
some elementary particles. 1 delight, captivate
(charmed by the performance). 2 influence or protect as if by
magic (leads a charmed life). 3 a gain by charm (charmed
agreement out of him). b influence by charm (charmed her into
consenting). 4 cast a spell on, bewitch. Ьcharm-bracelet a
bracelet hung with small trinkets. like a charm perfectly,
wonderfully. ЬЬcharmer n. [ME f. OF charme, charmer f. L
carmen song]
charmeuse n. a soft smooth silky dress-fabric. [F, fem. of charmeur (as
charming adj. 1 delightful, attractive, pleasing. 2 (often as int.)
iron. expressing displeasure or disapproval. ЬЬcharmingly adv.
charmless adj. lacking charm; unattractive. ЬЬcharmlessly adv.
charmlessness n.
n. a house or vault in which dead bodies or bones are piled.
[ME & OF charnel burying-place f. med.L carnale f. LL carnalis
n. (also Charolais) (pl. same) 1 an animal of a breed of large
white beef-cattle. 2 this breed. [Monts du Charollais in E.
charpoy n. Ind. a light bedstead. [Hind. charpai]
charr var. of CHAR(4).
chart n. & v. --n. 1 a geographical map or plan, esp. for navigation
by sea or air. 2 a sheet of information in the form of a table,
graph, or diagram. 3 (usu. in pl.) colloq. a listing of the
currently most popular gramophone records. make a chart
of, map. [F charte f. L charta CARD(1)]
n. colloq. a best-selling popular song, record, etc.
charter n. & v. --n. 1 a a written grant of rights, by the sovereign
or legislature, esp. the creation of a borough, company,
university, etc. b a written constitution or description of an
organization's functions etc. 2 a contract to hire an aircraft,
ship, etc., for a special purpose. 3 = CHARTER-PARTY.
1 grant a charter to. 2 hire (an aircraft, ship, etc.).
Ьchartered accountant, engineer, librarian, surveyor , etc.
Brit. a member of a professional body that has a royal charter.
chartered libertine a person allowed to do as he or she pleases.
charter flight a flight by a chartered aircraft. charter-member
an original member of a society, corporation, etc. Great
Charter = MAGNA CARTA. ЬЬcharterer n. [ME f. OF chartre f. L
chartula dimin. of charta CARD(1)]
n. (pl. -ies) a deed between a ship-owner and a merchant for
the hire of a ship and the delivery of cargo. [F charte partie
f. med.L charta partita divided charter, indenture]
Chartism n. hist. the principles of the UK Parliamentary reform
movement of 1837-48. ЬЬChartist n. [L charta charter + -ISM:
name taken from the manifesto 'People's Charter']
n. 1 a pale green or yellow liqueur of brandy and aromatic
herbs etc. 2 the pale yellow or pale green colour of this. 3 a
dish of fruit enclosed in jelly etc. [La Grande Chartreuse
(Carthusian monastery near Grenoble)]
charwoman n. (pl. -women) a woman employed as a cleaner in houses or
chary adj. (charier, chariest) 1 cautious, wary (chary of employing
such people). 2 sparing; ungenerous (chary of giving praise).
3 shy. ЬЬcharily adv. chariness n. [OE cearig]
Chas. abbr. Charles.
chase(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. pursue in order to catch. 2 tr. (foll. by
from, out of, to, etc.) drive. 3 intr. a (foll. by after)
hurry in pursuit of (a person). b (foll. by round etc.)
colloq. act or move about hurriedly. 4 tr. (usu. foll. by up)
colloq. pursue (overdue work, payment, etc. or the person
responsible for it). 5 tr. colloq. a try to attain. b court
persistently and openly. --n. 1 pursuit. 2 unenclosed
hunting-land. 3 (prec. by the) hunting, esp. as a sport. 4 an
animal etc. that is pursued. 5 = STEEPLECHASE. Ьgo and chase
oneself (usu. in imper.) colloq. depart. [ME f. OF chace
chacier, ult. f. L capere take]
chase(2) emboss or engrave (metal). [app. f. earlier enchase f. F
enchѓsser (as EN-(1), CASE(2))]
chase(3) n. Printing a metal frame holding composed type. [F chѓsse f.
L capsa CASE(2)]
chase(4) n. 1 the part of a gun enclosing the bore. 2 a trench or
groove cut to receive a pipe etc. [F chas enclosed space f.
Prov. ca(u)s f. med.L capsum thorax]
chaser n. 1 a person or thing that chases. 2 a horse for
steeplechasing. 3 colloq. a drink taken after another of a
different kind, e.g. beer after spirits. 4 US colloq. an
amorous pursuer of women.
chasm n. 1 a deep fissure or opening in the earth, rock, etc. 2 a
wide difference of feeling, interests, etc.; a gulf. 3 archaic
a hiatus. ЬЬchasmic adj. [L chasma f. Gk khasma gaping hollow]
chasse n. a liqueur taken after coffee etc. [F f. chasser CHASE(1)]
chass‚ n. & v. --n. a gliding step in dancing. --v.intr. (chass‚d;
chass‚ing) make this step. [F, = chasing]
chassis n. (pl. same) 1 the base-frame of a motor vehicle, carriage,
etc. 2 a frame to carry radio etc. components. [F chѓssis ult.
f. L capsa CASE(2)]
chaste adj. 1 abstaining from extramarital, or from all, sexual
intercourse. 2 (of behaviour, speech, etc.) pure, virtuous,
decent. 3 (of artistic etc. style) simple, unadorned.
Ьchaste-tree an ornamental shrub, Vitex agnus-castus, with blue
or white flowers. ЬЬchastely adv. chasteness n. [ME f. OF f.
L castus]
chasten 1 (esp. as chastening, chastened adjs.) subdue, restrain
(a chastening experience; chastened by his failure). 2
discipline, punish. 3 moderate. ЬЬchastener n. [obs. chaste
(v.) f. OF chastier f. L castigare CASTIGATE]
chastise 1 rebuke or reprimand severely. 2 punish, esp. by
beating. ЬЬchastisement n. chastiser n. [ME, app. irreg.
formed f. obs. verbs chaste, chasty: see CHASTEN]
chastity n. 1 being chaste. 2 sexual abstinence; virginity. 3
simplicity of style or taste. Ьchastity belt hist. a garment
designed to prevent a woman from having sexual intercourse. [ME
f. OF chastet‚ f. L castitas -tatis f. castus CHASTE]
chasuble n. a loose sleeveless usu. ornate outer vestment worn by a
priest celebrating Mass or the Eucharist. [ME f. OF chesible,
later -uble, ult. f. L casula hooded cloak, little cottage,
dimin. of casa cottage]
chat(1) v. & n. --v.intr. (chatted, chatting) talk in a light familiar
way. --n. 1 informal conversation or talk. 2 an instance of
this. Ьchat show Brit. a television or radio programme in
which celebrities are interviewed informally. chat up Brit.
colloq. chat to, esp. flirtatiously or with an ulterior motive.
[ME: shortening of CHATTER]
chat(2) n. any of various small birds with harsh calls, esp. a
stonechat or whinchat or any of certain American or Australian
warblers. [prob. imit.]
chѓteau n. (pl. chѓteaux) a large French country house or castle,
often giving its name to wine made in its neighbourhood. [F f.
OF chastel CASTLE]
n. a thick fillet of beef steak. [Vicomte de Chateaubriand (d.
1848), Fr. writer and statesman]
n. 1 the mistress of a large house. 2 hist. a set of short
chains attached to a woman's belt, for carrying keys etc. [F
chѓtelaine, fem. of -ain lord of a castle, f. med.L castellanus
chattel n. (usu. in pl.) a moveable possession; any possession or piece
of property other than real estate or a freehold. Ьchattel
mortgage US the conveyance of chattels by mortgage as security
for a debt. goods and chattels personal possessions. [ME f. OF
chatel: see CATTLE]
chatter v. & n. --v.intr. 1 talk quickly, incessantly, trivially, or
indiscreetly. 2 (of a bird) emit short quick notes. 3 (of the
teeth) click repeatedly together (usu. from cold). 4 (of a
tool) clatter from vibration. --n. 1 chattering talk or
sounds. 2 the vibration of a tool. ЬЬchatterer n. chattery
adj. [ME: imit.]
n. a talkative person.
chatty adj. (chattier, chattiest) 1 fond of chatting; talkative. 2
resembling chat; informal and lively (a chatty letter).
ЬЬchattily adv. chattiness n.
adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the English poet Chaucer (d.
1400) or his style. --n. a student of Chaucer.
n. a dish of cold cooked meat or fish in jelly or sauce. [F f.
chaud hot + froid cold]
chauffeur n. & v. --n. (fem. chauffeuse) a person employed to drive a
private or hired motor car. drive (a car or a person)
as a chauffeur. [F, = stoker]
n. any tree of the genus Hydnocarpus, esp. H. wightiana, with
seeds yielding an oil formerly used in the treatment of leprosy.
n. US a summer school or similar educational course.
[Chautauqua in New York State]
n. 1 exaggerated or aggressive patriotism. 2 excessive or
prejudiced support or loyalty for one's cause or group or sex
(male chauvinism). [Chauvin, a Napoleonic veteran in the
Cogniards' Cocarde Tricolore (1831)]
n. 1 a person exhibiting chauvinism. 2 (in full male
chauvinist) a man showing excessive loyalty to men and prejudice
against women. ЬЬchauvinistic adj. chauvinistically adv.
Ch.B. abbr. Bachelor of Surgery. [L Chirurgiae Baccalaureus]
cheap adj. & adv. --adj. 1 low in price; worth more than its cost (a
cheap holiday; cheap labour). 2 charging low prices; offering
good value (a cheap restaurant). 3 of poor quality; inferior
(cheap housing). 4 a costing little effort or acquired by
discreditable means and hence of little worth (cheap popularity;
a cheap joke). b contemptible; despicable (a cheap criminal).
--adv. cheaply (got it cheap). Ьcheap and nasty of low cost and
bad quality. dirt cheap very cheap. feel cheap feel ashamed or
contemptible. on the cheap cheaply. ЬЬcheapish adj. cheaply
adv. cheapness n. [obs. phr. good cheap f. cheap a bargain
f. OE ceap barter, ult. f. L caupo innkeeper]
cheapen & intr. make or become cheap or cheaper; depreciate,
cheapjack n. & adj. --n. a seller of inferior goods at low prices.
--adj. inferior, shoddy. [CHEAP + JACK(1)]
cheapo attrib.adj. sl. cheap.
n. esp. US colloq. a mean or contemptible person.
cheat v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by into, out of) deceive or
trick (cheated into parting with his savings). b (foll. by of)
deprive of (cheated of a chance to reply). 2 intr. gain unfair
advantage by deception or breaking rules, esp. in a game or
examination. 3 tr. avoid (something undesirable) by luck or
skill (cheated the bad weather). 4 tr. archaic divert
attention from, beguile (time, tedium, etc.). --n. 1 a person
who cheats. 2 a trick, fraud, or deception. 3 an act of
cheating. Ьcheat on colloq. be sexually unfaithful to.
ЬЬcheatingly adv. [ME chete f. achete, var. of ESCHEAT]
cheater n. 1 a person who cheats. 2 (in pl.) US sl. spectacles.
check(1) v., n., & int. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) a examine the
accuracy, quality, or condition of. b (often foll. by that +
clause) make sure; verify; establish to one's satisfaction
(checked that the doors were locked; checked the train times).
2 tr. a stop or slow the motion of; curb, restrain (progress
was checked by bad weather). b colloq. find fault with; rebuke.
3 tr. Chess move a piece into a position that directly
threatens (the opposing king). 4 intr. US agree or correspond
when compared. 5 tr. US mark with a tick etc. 6 tr. US
deposit (luggage etc.) for storage or dispatch. 7 intr. (of
hounds) pause to ensure or regain scent. --n. 1 a means or act
of testing or ensuring accuracy, quality, satisfactory
condition, etc. 2 a a stopping or slowing of motion; a
restraint on action. b a rebuff or rebuke. c a person or thing
that restrains. 3 Chess (also as int.) a the exposure of a king
to direct attack from an opposing piece. b an announcement of
this by the attacking player. 4 US a bill in a restaurant. 5
esp. US a token of identification for left luggage etc. 6 US
Cards a counter used in various games. 7 a temporary loss of
the scent in hunting. 8 a crack or flaw in timber. --int. US
expressing assent or agreement. Ьcheck in 1 arrive or register
at a hotel, airport, etc. 2 record the arrival of. check-in n.
the act or place of checking in. check into register one's
arrival at (a hotel etc.). check-list a list for reference and
verification. check-nut = lock-nut. check off mark on a list
etc. as having been examined or dealt with. check on examine
carefully or in detail; ascertain the truth about; keep a watch
on (a person, work done, etc.). check out 1 (often foll. by of)
leave a hotel etc. with due formalities. 2 US investigate;
examine for authenticity or suitability. check over examine for
errors; verify. check-rein a rein attaching one horse's rein to
another's bit, or preventing a horse from lowering its head.
check through inspect or examine exhaustively; verify successive
items of. check up ascertain, verify, make sure. check-up n.
a thorough (esp. medical) examination. check up on = check on.
check-valve a valve allowing flow in one direction only. in
check under control, restrained. ЬЬcheckable adj. [ME f. OF
eschequier play chess, give check to, and OF eschec, ult. f.
Pers. sah king]
check(2) n. 1 a pattern of small squares. 2 fabric having this pattern.
[ME, prob. f. CHEQUER]
check(3) US var. of CHEQUE.
checked adj. having a check pattern.
n. 1 a person or thing that verifies or examines, esp. in a
factory etc. 2 US a cashier in a supermarket etc.
n. 1 var. of CHEQUER. 2 US a (in pl., usu. treated as sing.)
the game of draughts. b = CHECKERMAN.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a wintergreen, Gaultheria procumbens. 2 the
fruit of this plant. [checkers berries of service-tree]
n. (pl. -men) each of the 'men' in a game of draughts.
checking account
n. US a current account at a bank. [CHECK(3)]
checkmate n. & v. --n. 1 (also as int.) Chess a check from which a king
cannot escape. b an announcement of this. 2 a final defeat or
deadlock. 1 Chess put into checkmate. 2 defeat;
frustrate. [ME f. OF eschec mat f. Pers. sah mat the king is
checkout n. 1 an act of checking out. 2 a point at which goods are paid
for in a supermarket etc.
n. a place, esp. a barrier or manned entrance, where documents,
vehicles, etc., are inspected.
checkroom n. US 1 a cloakroom in a hotel or theatre. 2 an office for
left luggage etc.
Cheddar n. a kind of firm smooth cheese orig. made in Cheddar in S.
cheek n. & v. --n. 1 a the side of the face below the eye. b the
side-wall of the mouth. 2 a impertinent speech. b
impertinence; cool confidence (had the cheek to ask for more).
3 sl. either buttock. 4 a either of the side-posts of a door
etc. b either of the jaws of a vice. c either of the
side-pieces of various parts of machines arranged in lateral
pairs. speak impertinently to. Ьcheek-bone the bone
below the eye. cheek by jowl close together; intimate. turn
the other cheek accept attack etc. meekly; refuse to retaliate.
[OE ce(a)ce, ceoce]
cheeky adj. (cheekier, cheekiest) impertinent, impudent. ЬЬcheekily
adv. cheekiness n.
cheep n. & v. --n. the weak shrill cry of a young bird. --v.intr.
make such a cry. [imit.: cf. PEEP(2)]
cheer n. & v. --n. 1 a shout of encouragement or applause. 2 mood,
disposition (full of good cheer). 3 (in pl.; as int.) Brit.
colloq. a expressing good wishes on parting or before drinking.
b expressing gratitude. --v. 1 tr. a applaud with shouts. b
(usu. foll. by on) urge or encourage with shouts. 2 intr. shout
for joy. 3 tr. gladden; comfort. Ьcheer-leader a person who
leads cheers of applause etc. cheer up make or become less
depressed. three cheers three successive hurrahs for a person
or thing honoured. [ME f. AF chere face etc., OF chiere f. LL
cara face f. Gk kara head]
cheerful adj. 1 in good spirits, noticeably happy (a cheerful
disposition). 2 bright, pleasant (a cheerful room). 3 willing,
not reluctant. ЬЬcheerfully adv. cheerfulness n.
cheerio int. Brit. colloq. expressing good wishes on parting or
before drinking.
cheerless adj. gloomy, dreary, miserable. ЬЬcheerlessly adv.
cheerlessness n.
cheerly adv. & adj. --adv. esp. Naut. heartily, with a will. --adj.
archaic cheerful.
cheery adj. (cheerier, cheeriest) lively; in good spirits; genial,
cheering. ЬЬcheerily adv. cheeriness n.
cheese(1) n. 1 a a food made from the pressed curds of milk. b a
complete cake of this with rind. 2 a conserve having the
consistency of soft cheese (lemon cheese). 3 a round flat
object, e.g. the heavy flat wooden disc used in skittles.
Ьcheese-cutter 1 a knife with a broad curved blade. 2 a device
for cutting cheese by pulling a wire through it. cheese-fly
(pl. -flies) a small black fly, Piophila casei, breeding in
cheese. cheese-head the squat cylindrical head of a screw etc.
cheese-mite any mite of the genus Tyroglyphus feeding on cheese.
cheese-paring adj. stingy. --n. stinginess. cheese plant =
Swiss cheese plant. cheese-skipper = cheese-fly. cheese straw
a thin cheese-flavoured strip of pastry. hard cheese sl. bad
luck. [OE cese etc. ult. f. L caseus]
cheese(2) Brit. sl. (as cheesed adj.) (often foll. by off) bored,
fed up. Ьcheese it stop it, leave off. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
cheese(3) n. (also big cheese) sl. an important person. [perh. f. Hind.
chiz thing]
n. 1 a board from which cheese is served. 2 a selection of
n. a hamburger with cheese in or on it.
n. 1 a tart filled with sweetened curds etc. 2 sl. the
portrayal of women in a sexually attractive manner.
n. thin loosely woven cloth, used orig. for wrapping cheese.
n. a dealer in cheese, butter, etc.
n. 1 an Australian tree of the genus Pittosporum. 2 its hard
yellowish wood.
cheesy adj. (cheesier, cheesiest) 1 like cheese in taste, smell,
appearance, etc. 2 sl. inferior; cheap and nasty. ЬЬcheesiness
cheetah n. a swift-running feline, Acinonyx jubatus, with a
leopard-like spotted coat. [Hindi cita, perh. f. Skr. citraka
chef n. a (usu. male) cook, esp. the chief cook in a restaurant etc.
[F, = head]
n. (pl. chefs-d'oeuvre pronunc. same) a masterpiece. [F]
cheiro- comb. form var. of CHIRO-.
chela(1) n. (pl. chelae) a prehensile claw of crabs, lobsters,
scorpions, etc. [mod.L f. L chele, or Gk khele claw]
chela(2) n. 1 (in esoteric Buddhism) a novice qualifying for initiation.
2 a disciple; a pupil. [Hindi, = servant]
chelate n., adj., & v. --n. Chem. a usu. organometallic compound
containing a bonded ring of atoms including a metal atom.
--adj. 1 Chem. of a chelate. 2 Zool. & Anat. of or having
chelae. --v.intr. Chem. form a chelate. ЬЬchelation n.
Chellean adj. Archaeol. = ABBEVILLIAN. [F chell‚en f. Chelles near
chelonian n. & adj. --n. any reptile of the order Chelonia, including
turtles, terrapins, and tortoises, having a shell of bony plates
covered with horny scales. --adj. of or relating to this order.
[mod.L Chelonia f. Gk khelone tortoise]
Chelsea bun
n. a kind of currant bun in the form of a flat spiral.
[Chelsea in London]
Chelsea pensioner
n. an inmate of the Chelsea Royal Hospital for old or disabled
Chelsea ware
n. any of various soft-paste porcelains made at Chelsea in the
18th c.
chemi- comb. form var. of CHEMO-.
chemical adj. & n. --adj. of, made by, or employing chemistry or
chemicals. --n. a substance obtained or used in chemistry.
Ьchemical bond the force holding atoms together in a molecule or
crystal. chemical engineer one engaged in chemical engineering,
esp. professionally. chemical engineering the design,
manufacture, and operation of industrial chemical plants.
chemical reaction a process that involves change in the
structure of atoms, molecules, or ions. chemical warfare
warfare using poison gas and other chemicals. fine chemicals
chemicals of high purity usu. used in small amounts. heavy
chemicals bulk chemicals used in industry and agriculture.
ЬЬchemically adv. [chemic alchemic f. F chimique or mod.L
chimicus, chymicus, f. med.L alchymicus: see ALCHEMY]
chemico- comb. form chemical; chemical and (chemico-physical).
n. the emission of light during a chemical reaction.
ЬЬchemiluminescent adj. [G Chemilumineszenz (as CHEMI-,
chemin de fer
n. a form of baccarat. [F, = railway, lit. road of iron]
chemise n. hist. a woman's loose-fitting under-garment or dress
hanging straight from the shoulders. [ME f. OF f. LL camisia
n. adsorption by chemical bonding. [CHEMI- + ADSORPTION (see
chemist n. 1 Brit. a a dealer in medicinal drugs, usu. also selling
other medical goods and toiletries. b an authorized dispenser
of medicines. 2 a person practising or trained in chemistry.
[earlier chymist f. F chimiste f. mod.L chimista f. alchimista
chemistry n. (pl. -ies) 1 the study of the elements and the compounds
they form and the reactions they undergo. 2 any complex (esp.
emotional) change or process (the chemistry of fear). 3 colloq.
a person's personality or temperament.
chemo- comb. form (also chemi-) chemical.
n. the synthesis of organic compounds by energy derived from
chemical reactions.
n. the treatment of disease, esp. cancer, by use of chemical
substances. ЬЬchemotherapist n.
chemurgy n. US the chemical and industrial use of organic raw materials.
ЬЬchemurgic adj. [CHEMO-, after metallurgy]
chenille n. 1 a tufty velvety cord or yarn, used in trimming furniture
etc. 2 fabric made from this. [F, = hairy caterpillar f. L
canicula dimin. of canis dog]
cheongsam n. a Chinese woman's garment with a high neck and slit skirt.
cheque n. (US check) 1 a written order to a bank to pay the stated sum
from the drawer's account. 2 the printed form on which such an
order is written. Ьcheque-book a book of forms for writing
cheques. cheque-book journalism the payment of large sums for
exclusive rights to material for (esp. personal) newspaper
stories. cheque card a card issued by a bank to guarantee the
honouring of cheques up to a stated amount. [special use of
CHECK(1) to mean 'device for checking the amount of an item']
chequer n. & v. (also checker) --n. 1 (often in pl.) a pattern of
squares often alternately coloured. 2 (in pl.) (usu. as
checkers) US the game of draughts. 1 mark with
chequers. 2 variegate; break the uniformity of. 3 (as
chequered adj.) with varied fortunes (a chequered career).
Ьchequer-board 1 a chessboard. 2 a pattern resembling it. [ME
Cherenkov radiation
cherish 1 protect or tend (a child, plant, etc.) lovingly. 2
hold dear, cling to (hopes, feelings, etc.). [ME f. OF cherir
f. cher f. L carus dear]
chernozem n. a fertile black soil rich in humus, found in temperate
regions, esp. S. Russia. Also called black earth. [Russ. f.
chernyi black + zemlya earth]
Cherokee n. & adj. --n. 1 a an American Indian tribe formerly
inhabiting much of the southern US. b a member of this tribe.
2 the language of this tribe. --adj. of or relating to the
Cherokees or their language. ЬCherokee rose a fragrant white
rose, Rosa laevigata, of the southern US. [Cherokee Ts lagi]
cheroot n. a cigar with both ends open. [F cheroute f. Tamil shuruttu
cherry n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a small soft round stone-fruit.
b any of several trees of the genus Prunus bearing this or grown
for its ornamental flowers. 2 (in full cherry wood) the wood of
a cherry. 3 US sl. a virginity. b a virgin. --adj. of a
light red colour. Ьcherry brandy a dark-red liqueur of brandy
in which cherries have been steeped. cherry-laurel Brit. a
small evergreen tree, Prunus laurocerasus, with white flowers
and cherry-like fruits. cherry-picker colloq. a crane for
raising and lowering people. cherry-pie 1 a pie made with
cherries. 2 a garden heliotrope. cherry plum 1 a tree, Prunus
cerasifera, native to SW Asia, with solitary white flowers and
red fruits. 2 the fruit of this tree. cherry tomato a
miniature tomato with a strong flavour. [ME f. ONF cherise
(taken as pl.: cf. PEA) f. med.L ceresia perh. f. L f. Gk
n. a peninsula, esp. the Thracian peninsula west of the
Hellespont. [L chersonesus f. Gk khersonesos f. khersos dry +
nesos island]
chert n. a flintlike form of quartz composed of chalcedony. ЬЬcherty
adj. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
cherub n. 1 (pl. cherubim) an angelic being of the second order of
the celestial hierarchy. 2 a a representation of a winged child
or the head of a winged child. b a beautiful or innocent child.
ЬЬcherubic adj. cherubically adv. [ME f. OE cherubin and f.
Heb. kerub, pl. kerubЊm]
chervil n. an umbelliferous plant, Anthriscus cerefolium, with small
white flowers, used as a herb for flavouring soup, salads, etc.
[OE cerfille f. L chaerephylla f. Gk khairephullon]
Ches. abbr. Cheshire.
Cheshire n. a kind of firm crumbly cheese, orig. made in Cheshire.
Ьlike a Cheshire cat with a broad fixed grin. [Cheshire, a
county in England]
chess n. a game for two with 16 men each, played on a chessboard.
[ME f. OF esches pl. of eschec CHECK(1)]
n. a chequered board of 64 squares on which chess and draughts
are played.
chessman n. (pl. -men) any of the 32 pieces and pawns with which chess
is played.
chest n. 1 a large strong box, esp. for storage or transport e.g. of
blankets, tea, etc. 2 a the part of a human or animal body
enclosed by the ribs. b the front surface of the body from neck
to waist. 3 a small cabinet for medicines etc. 4 a the
treasury or financial resources of an institution. b the money
available from it. Ьchest of drawers a piece of furniture
consisting of a set of drawers in a frame. chest-voice the
lowest register of the voice in singing or speaking. get a
thing off one's chest colloq. disclose a fact, secret, etc., to
relieve one's anxiety about it. play (one's cards, a thing ,
etc.) close to one's chest colloq. be cautious or secretive
about. ЬЬ-chested adj. (in comb.). [OE cest, cyst f. Gmc f. L
f. Gk kiste]
n. 1 a sofa with arms and back of the same height and curved
outwards at the top. 2 a man's plain overcoat usu. with a
velvet collar. [19th-c. Earl of Chesterfield]
chestnut n. & adj. --n. 1 a a glossy hard brown edible nut. b the tree
Castanea sativa, bearing flowers in catkins and nuts enclosed in
a spiny fruit. Also called Spanish chestnut or sweet chestnut.
2 any other tree of the genus Castanea. 3 = horse chestnut. 4
(in full chestnut-wood) the heavy wood of any chestnut tree. 5
a horse of a reddish-brown or yellowish-brown colour. 6 colloq.
a stale joke or anecdote. 7 a small hard patch on a horse's
leg. 8 a reddish-brown colour. --adj. of the colour chestnut.
Ьliver chestnut a dark kind of chestnut horse. [obs. chesten
f. OF chastaine f. L castanea f. Gk kastanea]
chesty adj. (chestier, chestiest) 1 Brit. colloq. inclined to or
symptomatic of chest disease. 2 colloq. having a large chest or
prominent breasts. 3 US sl. arrogant. ЬЬchestily adv.
chestiness n.
chetnik n. hist. a member of a guerrilla force in the Balkans, esp.
during the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45. [Serbian cetnik f.
ceta band, troop]
n. a tall mirror swung on an upright frame. [F cheval horse,
chevalier n. 1 a a member of certain orders of knighthood, and of modern
French orders, as the Legion of Honour. b archaic or hist. a
knight. 2 hist. the title of the Old and Young Pretenders. 3 a
chivalrous man; a cavalier. [ME f. AF chevaler, OF chevalier f.
med.L caballarius f. L caballus horse]
chevet n. the apsidal end of a church, sometimes with an attached
group of apses. [F, = pillow, f. L capitium f. caput head]
Cheviot n. 1 a a large sheep of a breed with short thick wool. b this
breed. 2 (cheviot) the wool or cloth obtained from this breed.
[Cheviot Hills in N. England and Scotland]
chЉvre n. a variety of goat's-milk cheese. [F, = goat, she-goat]
chevron n. 1 a badge in a V shape on the sleeve of a uniform indicating
rank or length of service. 2 Heraldry & Archit. a bent bar of
an inverted V shape. 3 any V-shaped line or stripe. [ME f. OF
ult. f. L caper goat: cf. L capreoli pair of rafters]
(also chevrotin) n. any small deerlike animal of the family
Tragulidae, native to Africa and SE Asia, having small tusks.
Also called mouse deer. [F, dimin. of OF chevrot dimin. of
chЉvre goat]
chevy var. of CHIVVY.
chew v. & n. (also absol.) work (food etc.) between the
teeth; crush or indent with the teeth. --n. 1 an act of
chewing. 2 something for chewing, esp. a chewy sweet. Ьchew
the cud reflect, ruminate. chew the fat (or rag) sl. 1 chat.
2 grumble. chewing-gum flavoured gum, esp. chicle, for chewing.
chew on 1 work continuously between the teeth (chewed on a piece
of string). 2 think about; meditate on. chew out US colloq.
reprimand. chew over 1 discuss, talk over. 2 think about;
meditate on. ЬЬchewable adj. chewer n. [OE ceowan]
chewy adj. (chewier, chewiest) 1 needing much chewing. 2 suitable
for chewing. ЬЬchewiness n.
Cheyenne n. & adj. --n. 1 a an American Indian tribe formerly living
between the Missouri and Arkansas rivers. b a member of this
tribe. 2 the language of this tribe. --adj. of or relating to
the Cheyennes or their language. [Canadian F f. Dakota
Cheyne-Stokes respiration
adj. Med. (of a breathing cycle) with a gradual decrease of
movement to a complete stop, followed by a gradual increase.
[J. Cheyne, Sc. physician d. 1836, and W. Stokes, Ir.
physician d. 1878]
chez prep. at the house or home of. [F f. OF chiese f. L casa
chi n. the twenty-second letter of the Greek alphabet (X).
Ьchi-rho a monogram of chi and rho as the first two letters of
Greek Khristos Christ. chi-square test a method of comparing
observed and theoretical values in statistics. [ME f. Gk khi]
Chianti n. (pl. Chiantis) a dry red Italian wine. [Chianti, an area
in Tuscany, Italy]
n. 1 the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting.
2 the use of contrast in literature etc. 3 (attrib.)
half-revealed. [It. f. chiaro CLEAR + oscuro dark, OBSCURE]
chiasma n. (pl. chiasmata) Biol. the point at which paired
chromosomes remain in contact after crossing over during
meiosis. [mod.L f. Gk chiasma a cross-shaped mark]
chiasmus n. inversion in the second of two parallel phrases of the order
followed in the first (e.g. to stop too fearful and too faint
to go). ЬЬchiastic adj. [mod.L f. Gk khiasmos crosswise
arrangement f. khiazo mark with letter CHI]
chibouk n. (also chibouque) a long Turkish tobacco-pipe. [Turk. ‡ubuk
chic adj. & n. --adj. (chic-er, chic-est) stylish, elegant (in
dress or appearance). --n. stylishness, elegance. ЬЬchicly
adv. [F]
chicane n. & v. --n. 1 chicanery. 2 an artificial barrier or obstacle
on a motor racecourse. 3 Bridge a hand without trumps, or
without cards of one suit. --v. archaic 1 intr. use chicanery.
2 tr. (usu. foll. by into, out of, etc.) cheat (a person). [F
chicane(r) quibble]
chicanery n. (pl. -ies) 1 clever but misleading talk; a false argument.
2 trickery, deception. [F chicanerie (as CHICANE)]
chicano n. (pl. -os) US an American of Mexican origin. [Sp. mejicano
chichi adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of a thing) frilly, showy. 2 (of a person
or behaviour) fussy, affected. --n. 1 over-refinement,
pretentiousness, fussiness. 2 a frilly, showy, or pretentious
object. [F]
chick(1) n. 1 a young bird, esp. one newly hatched. 2 sl. a a young
woman. b a child. [ME: shortening of CHICKEN]
chick(2) n. Ind. a screen for a doorway etc., made from split bamboo
and twine. [Hindi chik]
chickadee n. US any of various small birds of the tit family, esp. Parus
atricapillus with a distinctive dark-crowned head. [imit.]
chicken n., adj., & v. --n. (pl. same or chickens) 1 a young bird of a
domestic fowl. 2 a a domestic fowl prepared as food. b its
flesh. 3 a youthful person (usu.with neg. : is no chicken). 4
colloq. a children's pastime testing courage, usu. recklessly.
--adj. colloq. cowardly. --v.intr. (foll. by out) colloq.
withdraw from or fail in some activity through fear or lack of
nerve. Ьchicken-and-egg problem (or dilemma etc.) the
unresolved question as to which of two things caused the other.
chicken brick an earthenware container in two halves for
roasting a chicken in its own juices. chicken cholera see
CHOLERA. chicken-feed 1 food for poultry. 2 colloq. an
unimportant amount, esp. of money. chicken-hearted (or
-livered) easily frightened; lacking nerve or courage.
chicken-wire a light wire netting with a hexagonal mesh. [OE
cicen, cycen f. Gmc]
n. an infectious disease, esp. of children, with a rash of
small blisters. Also called VARICELLA.
chick-pea n. 1 a leguminous plant, Cicer arietinum, with short swollen
pods containing yellow beaked seeds. 2 this seed used as a
vegetable. [orig. ciche pease f. L cicer: see PEASE]
chickweed n. any of numerous small plants, esp. Stellaria media, a
garden weed with slender stems and tiny white flowers.
chicle n. the milky juice of the sapodilla tree, used in the
manufacture of chewing-gum. [Amer. Sp. f. Nahuatl tzietli]
chicory n. (pl. -ies) 1 a blue flowered plant, Cichorium intybus,
cultivated for its salad leaves and its root. 2 its root,
roasted and ground for use with or instead of coffee. 3 US =
ENDIVE. [ME f. obs. F cicor‚e endive f. med.L cic(h)orea f. L
cichorium f. Gk kikhorion SUCCORY]
chide & intr. (past chided or chid; past part. chided or
chidden) archaic or literary scold, rebuke. ЬЬchider n.
chidingly adv. [OE cidan, of unkn. orig.]
chief n. & adj. --n. 1 a a leader or ruler. b the head of a tribe,
clan, etc. 2 the head of a department; the highest official. 3
Heraldry the upper third of a shield. --adj. (usu. attrib.) 1
first in position, importance, influence, etc. (chief engineer).
2 prominent, leading. ЬChief of Staff the senior staff officer
of a service or command. -in-Chief supreme
(Commander-in-Chief). ЬЬchiefdom n. [ME f. OF ch(i)ef ult. f.
L caput head]
chiefly adv. above all; mainly but not exclusively.
chieftain n. (fem. chieftainess) the leader of a tribe, clan, etc.
ЬЬchieftaincy n. (pl. -ies). chieftainship n. [ME f. OF
chevetaine f. LL capitaneus CAPTAIN: assim. to CHIEF]
n. a small European bird, Phylloscopus collybita, of the
warbler family. [imit.]
chiffon n. & adj. --n. a light diaphanous fabric of silk, nylon, etc.
--adj. 1 made of chiffon. 2 (of a pie-filling, dessert, etc.)
light-textured. [F f. chiffe rag]
n. a movable low cupboard with a sideboard top. [F
chiffonnier, -iЉre rag-picker, chest of drawers for odds and
chigger n. 1 = CHIGOE. 2 any harvest mite of the genus Leptotrombidium
with parasitic larvae. [var. of CHIGOE]
chignon n. a coil or mass of hair at the back of a woman's head. [F,
orig. = nape of the neck]
chigoe n. a tropical flea, Tunga penetrans, the females of which
burrow beneath the skin causing painful sores. Also called
CHIGGER. [Carib]
chihuahua n. 1 a very small dog of a smooth-haired large-eyed breed
originating in Mexico. 2 this breed. [Chihuahua State and city
in Mexico]
chilblain n. a painful itching swelling of the skin usu. on a hand, foot,
etc., caused by exposure to cold and by poor circulation.
ЬЬchilblained adj. [CHILL + BLAIN]
child n. (pl. children) 1 a a young human being below the age of
puberty. b an unborn or newborn human being. 2 one's son or
daughter (at any age). 3 (foll. by of) a descendant, follower,
adherent, or product of (children of Israel; child of God; child
of nature). 4 a childish person. Ьchild abuse maltreatment of
a child, esp. by physical violence or sexual interference.
child benefit (in the UK) regular payment by the State to the
parents of a child up to a certain age. child care the care of
children, esp. by a local authority. child-minder a person who
looks after children for payment. child's play an easy task.
ЬЬchildless adj. childlessness n. [OE cild]
childbed n. archaic = CHILDBIRTH.
n. the act of giving birth to a child.
Childe n. archaic a youth of noble birth (Childe Harold). [var. of
n. archaic the feast of the Holy Innocents, 28 Dec. [OE
cildram‘sse f. cildra genit. pl. of cild CHILD + m‘sse MASS(2)]
childhood n. the state or period of being a child. Ьsecond childhood a
person's dotage. [OE cildhad]
childish adj. 1 of, like, or proper to a child. 2 immature, silly.
ЬЬchildishly adv. childishness n.
childlike adj. having the good qualities of a child as innocence,
frankness, etc.
adj. that cannot be damaged or operated by a child.
children pl. of CHILD.
Chilean n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of Chile in S. America.
2 a person of Chilean descent. --adj. of or relating to Chile.
Chile pine
n. a monkey-puzzle tree.
Chile saltpetre
n. (also Chile nitre) naturally occurring sodium nitrate.
chili var. of CHILLI.
chiliad n. 1 a thousand. 2 a thousand years. [LL chilias chiliad- f.
Gk khilias -ados]
chiliasm n. the doctrine of or belief in Christ's prophesied reign of
1000 years on earth (see MILLENNIUM). [Gk khiliasmos: see
chiliast n. a believer in chiliasm. ЬЬchiliastic adj. [LL chiliastes:
chill n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a an unpleasant cold sensation; lowered
body temperature. b a feverish cold (catch a chill). 2
unpleasant coldness (of air, water, etc.). 3 a a depressing
influence (cast a chill over). b a feeling of fear or dread
accompanied by coldness. 4 coldness of manner. --v. 1 tr. &
intr. make or become cold. 2 tr. depress, dispirit. 3 tr. cool
(food or drink); preserve by cooling. 4 tr. harden (molten
metal) by contact with cold material. --adj. literary chilly.
Ьtake the chill off warm slightly. ЬЬchiller n. chillingly
adv. chillness n. chillsome adj. literary. [OE cele, ciele,
etc.: in mod. use the verb is the oldest (ME), and is of obscure
chilli n. (pl. -ies) (also US chili) a small hot-tasting dried red
pod of a capsicum, Capsicum frutescens, used as seasoning and in
curry powder, cayenne pepper, etc. Ьchilli con carne a stew of
chilli-flavoured minced beef and beans. chilli sauce a hot
sauce made with tomatoes, chillies, and spices. [Sp. chile,
chili, f. Aztec chilli]
chilly adj. (chillier, chilliest) 1 (of the weather or an object)
somewhat cold. 2 (of a person or animal) feeling somewhat cold;
sensitive to the cold. 3 unfriendly; unemotional. ЬЬchilliness
Chiltern Hundreds a Crown manor, whose administration is a nominal office
for which an MP applies as a way of resigning from the House of
Commons. [Chiltern Hills in S. England]
chimaera var. of CHIMERA.
chime(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a set of attuned bells. b the series of
sounds given by this. c (usu. in pl.) a set of attuned bells as
a door bell. 2 agreement, correspondence, harmony. --v. 1 a
intr. (of bells) ring. b tr. sound (a bell or chime) by
striking. 2 tr. show (the hour) by chiming. 3 intr. (usu.
foll. by together, with) be in agreement, harmonize. Ьchime in
1 interject a remark. 2 join in harmoniously. 3 (foll. by
with) agree with. ЬЬchimer n. [ME, prob. f. chym(b)e bell f.
OE cimbal f. L cymbalum f. Gk kumbalon CYMBAL]
chime(2) n. (also chimb) the projecting rim at the end of a cask. [ME:
cf. MDu., MLG kimme]
chimera (also chimaera) n. 1 (in Greek mythology) a fire-breathing
female monster with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a
serpent's tail. 2 a fantastic or grotesque product of the
imagination; a bogey. 3 any fabulous beast with parts taken
from various animals. 4 Biol. a an organism containing
genetically different tissues, formed by grafting, mutation,
etc. b a nucleic acid formed by laboratory manipulation. 5 any
cartilaginous fish of the family Chimaeridae, usu. having a long
tapering caudal fin. ЬЬchimeric adj. chimerical adj.
chimerically adv. [L f. Gk khimaira she-goat, chimera]
chimney n. (pl. -eys) 1 a vertical channel conducting smoke or
combustion gases etc. up and away from a fire, furnace, engine,
etc. 2 the part of this which projects above a roof. 3 a glass
tube protecting the flame of a lamp. 4 a narrow vertical crack
in a rock-face, often used by mountaineers to ascend.
Ьchimney-breast a projecting interior wall surrounding a
chimney. chimney-piece an ornamental structure around an open
fireplace; a mantelpiece. chimney-pot an earthenware or metal
pipe at the top of a chimney, narrowing the aperture and
increasing the up draught. chimney-stack 1 a number of chimneys
grouped in one structure. 2 = sense 2. chimney-sweep a person
whose job is removing soot from inside chimneys. [ME f. OF
chemin‚e f. LL caminata having a fire-place, f. L caminus f. Gk
kaminos oven]
chimp n. colloq. = CHIMPANZEE. [abbr.]
n. a small African anthropoid ape, Pan troglodytes. [F
chimpanz‚ f. Kongo]
chin n. the front of the lower jaw. Ьchin-strap a strap for
fastening a hat etc. under the chin. chin up colloq. cheer up.
chin-wag sl. n. a talk or chat. --v.intr. (-wagged,
-wagging) have a gossip. keep one's chin up colloq. remain
cheerful, esp. in adversity. take on the chin 1 suffer a severe
blow from (a misfortune etc.). 2 endure courageously.
ЬЬ-chinned adj. (in comb.). [OE cin(n) f. Gmc]
china n. & adj. --n. 1 a kind of fine white or translucent ceramic
ware, porcelain, etc. 2 things made from ceramic, esp.
household tableware. 3 rhymingsl. one's 'mate', i.e. husband or
wife (short for china plate). --adj. made of china. Ьchina
clay kaolin. China tea smoke-cured tea from a small-leaved tea
plant grown in China. [orig. China ware (from China in Asia):
name f. Pers. chini]
n. propr. a waxy coloured pencil used to write on china,
glass, etc.
Chinaman n. (pl. -men) 1 archaic or derog. (now usu. offens.) a
native of China. 2 Cricket a ball bowled by a left-handed
bowler that spins from off to leg.
Chinatown n. a district of any non-Chinese town, esp. a city or seaport,
in which the population is predominantly Chinese.
chinch n. (in full chinch-bug) US 1 a small insect, Blissus
leucopterus, that destroys the shoots of grasses and grains. 2
a bedbug. [Sp. chinche f. L cimex -icis]
n. a white-flowered bulbous plant, Ornithogalum thyrsoides,
native to S. Africa. [imit. of the squeaky rubbing of its
n. 1 a any small rodent of the genus Chinchilla, native to S.
America, having soft silver-grey fur and a bushy tail. b its
highly valued fur. 2 a breed of cat or rabbit. [Sp. prob. f.
S. Amer. native name]
chin-chin int. Brit. colloq. a toast; a greeting or farewell. [Chin.
qingqing (pr. ch-)]
Chindit n. hist. a member of the Allied forces behind the Japanese
lines in Burma (now Myanmar) in 1943-5. [Burm. chinth‚, a
mythical creature]
chine(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a backbone, esp. of an animal. b a joint of
meat containing all or part of this. 2 a ridge or ar€te. cut (meat) across or along the backbone. [ME f. OF
eschine f. L spina SPINE]
chine(2) n. a deep narrow ravine in the Isle of Wight or Dorset. [OE
cinu chink etc. f. Gmc]
chine(3) n. the join between the side and the bottom of a ship etc.
[var. of CHIME(2)]
Chinese adj. & n. --adj. a of or relating to China. b of Chinese
descent. --n. 1 the Chinese language. 2 (pl. same) a a native
or national of China. b a person of Chinese descent. ЬChinese
cabbage = Chinese leaf. Chinese gooseberry = kiwi fruit.
Chinese lantern 1 a collapsible paper lantern. 2 a solanaceous
plant, Physalis alkekengi, bearing white flowers and globular
orange fruits enclosed in an orange-red papery calyx. Chinese
leaf a lettuce-like cabbage, Brassica chinensis. Chinese puzzle
a very intricate puzzle or problem. Chinese water chestnut see
water chestnut 2. Chinese white zinc oxide as a white pigment.
chink(1) n. 1 an unintended crack that admits light or allows an attack.
2 a narrow opening; a slit. [16th c.: rel. to CHINE(2)]
chink(2) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make a slight ringing sound, as of
glasses or coins striking together. 2 tr. cause to make this
sound. --n. this sound. [imit.]
Chink n. sl. offens. a Chinese. ЬЬChinky adj. [abbr.]
chinless adj. colloq. weak or feeble in character. Ьchinless wonder
Brit. an ineffectual esp. upper class person.
Chino- comb. form = SINO-.
chino n. US (pl. -os) 1 a cotton twill fabric, usu. khaki-coloured.
2 (in pl.) a garment, esp. trousers, made from this. [Amer.
Sp., = toasted]
n. 1 the imitation of Chinese motifs and techniques in painting
and in decorating furniture. 2 an object or objects in this
style. [F]
chinook n. 1 a warm dry wind which blows east of the Rocky Mountains.
2 a warm wet southerly wind west of the Rocky Mountains.
Ьchinook salmon a large salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, of the
N. Pacific. [Amer. Ind. name of a tribe]
chintz n. & adj. --n. a printed multicoloured cotton fabric with a
glazed finish. --adj. made from or upholstered with this
fabric. [earlier chints (pl.) f. Hindi chint f. Skr. citra
chintzy adj. (chintzier, chintziest) 1 like chintz. 2 gaudy, cheap. 3
characteristic of the d‚cor associated with chintz soft
furnishings. ЬЬchintzily adv. chintziness n.
n. any liliaceous plant of the genus Chionodoxa, having
early-blooming blue flowers. Also called glory-of-the-snow.
[mod.L f. Gk khion snow + doxa glory]
chip n. & v. --n. 1 a small piece removed by or in the course of
chopping, cutting, or breaking, esp. from hard material such as
wood or stone. 2 the place where such a chip has been made. 3
a (usu. in pl.) a strip of potato, deep fried. b (in pl.) US
potato crisps. 4 a counter used in some gambling games to
represent money. 5 Electronics = MICROCHIP. 6 a a thin strip
of wood, straw, etc., used for weaving hats, baskets, etc. b a
basket made from these. 7 Football etc. & Golf a short shot,
kick, or pass with the ball describing an arc. --v. (chipped,
chipping) 1 tr. (often foll. by off, away) cut or break (a
piece) from a hard material. 2 intr. (often foll. by at, away
at) cut pieces off (a hard material) to alter its shape, break
it up, etc. 3 intr. (of stone, china, etc.) be susceptible to
being chipped; be apt to break at the edge (will chip easily).
4 tr. (also absol.) Football etc. & Golf strike or kick (the
ball) with a chip (cf. sense 7 of n.). 5 tr. (usu. as chipped
adj.) cut (potatoes) into chips. Ьchip heater Austral. & NZ a
domestic water-heater that burns wood chips. chip in colloq. 1
interrupt or contribute abruptly to a conversation (chipped in
with a reminiscence). 2 contribute (money or resources). a
chip off the old block a child who resembles a parent, esp. in
character. a chip on one's shoulder colloq. a disposition or
inclination to feel resentful or aggrieved. chip shot = sense 7
of n. have had one's chips Brit. colloq. be unable to avoid
defeat, punishment, etc. when the chips are down colloq. when
it comes to the point. [ME f. OF cipp, cyp beam]
chipboard n. a rigid sheet or panel made from compressed wood chips and
chipmunk n. any ground squirrel of the genus Tamias or Eutamias, having
alternate light and dark stripes running down the body.
chipolata n. Brit. a small thin sausage. [F f. It. cipollata a dish of
onions f. cipolla onion]
adj. 1 (of furniture) designed or made by the English
cabinet-maker Thomas Chippendale (d. 1779). 2 in the ornately
elegant style of Chippendale's furniture.
chipper adj. esp. US colloq. 1 cheerful. 2 smartly dressed. [perh.
f. N.Engl. dial. kipper lively]
chippie var. of CHIPPY.
chipping n. 1 a small fragment of stone, wood, etc. 2 (in pl.) these
used as a surface for roads, roofs, etc.
chippy n. (also chippie) (pl. -ies) Brit. colloq. 1 a fish-and-chip
shop. 2 a carpenter.
Chips n. Naut. sl. a ship's carpenter.
chiral adj. Chem. (of a crystal etc.) not superposable on its mirror
image. ЬЬchirality n. [Gk kheir hand]
chiro- (also cheiro-) comb. form of the hand. [Gk kheir hand]
n. handwriting, calligraphy.
n. palmistry.
chiropody n. the treatment of the feet and their ailments. ЬЬchiropodist
n. [CHIRO- + Gk pous podos foot]
n. the diagnosis and manipulative treatment of mechanical
disorders of the joints, esp. of the spinal column.
ЬЬchiropractor n. [CHIRO- + Gk praktikos: see PRACTICAL]
n. any member of the order Chiroptera, with membraned limbs
serving as wings including bats and flying foxes.
ЬЬchiropterous adj. [CHIRO- + Gk pteron wing]
chirp v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (usu. of small birds, grasshoppers, etc.)
utter a short sharp high-pitched note. 2 tr. & intr. (esp. of a
child) speak or utter in a lively or jolly way. --n. a chirping
sound. ЬЬchirper n. [ME, earlier chirk, chirt: imit.]
chirr v. & n. (also churr) --v.intr. (esp. of insects) make a
prolonged low trilling sound. --n. this sound. [imit.]
chirrup v. & n. --v.intr. (chirruped, chirruping) (esp. of small
birds) chirp, esp. repeatedly; twitter. --n. a chirruping
sound. ЬЬchirrupy adj. [trilled form of CHIRP]
chisel n. & v. --n. a hand tool with a squared bevelled blade for
shaping wood, stone, or metal. --v. 1 tr. (chiselled,
chiselling; US chiseled, chiseling) cut or shape with a chisel.
2 tr. (as chiselled adj.) (of facial features) clear-cut, fine.
3 tr. & intr. sl. cheat, swindle. ЬЬchiseller n. [ME f. ONF
ult. f. LL cisorium f. L caedere caes- cut]
chit(1) n. 1 derog. or joc. a young, small, or frail girl or woman
(esp. a chit of a girl). 2 a young child. [ME, = whelp, cub,
kitten, perh. = dial. chit sprout]
chit(2) n. 1 a note of requisition; a note of a sum owed, esp. for food
or drink. 2 esp. Brit. a note or memorandum. [earlier chitty:
Anglo-Ind. f. Hindi citthi pass f. Skr. citra mark]
chital n. = AXIS(2). [Hindi cital]
chit-chat n. & v. colloq. --n. light conversation; gossip. --v.intr.
(-chatted, -chatting) talk informally; gossip. [redupl. of
chitin n. Chem. a polysaccharide forming the major constituent in the
exoskeleton of arthropods and in the cell walls of fungi.
ЬЬchitinous adj. [F chitine irreg. f. Gk khiton: see CHITON]
chiton n. 1 a long woollen tunic worn by ancient Greeks. 2 any marine
mollusc of the class Amphineura, having a shell of overlapping
plates. [Gk khiton tunic]
n. (usu. in pl.) the smaller intestines of pigs etc., esp. as
cooked for food. [ME: orig. uncert.]
adj. 1 (usu. of a male) gallant, honourable, courteous. 2
involving or showing chivalry. ЬЬchivalrously adv. [ME f. OF
chevalerous: see CHEVALIER]
chivalry n. 1 the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral,
and social code. 2 the combination of qualities expected of an
ideal knight, esp. courage, honour, courtesy, justice, and
readiness to help the weak. 3 a man's courteous behaviour, esp.
towards women. 4 archaic knights, noblemen, and horsemen
collectively. ЬЬchivalric adj. [ME f. OF chevalerie etc. f.
med.L caballerius for LL caballarius horseman: see CAVALIER]
chive n. a small alliaceous plant, Allium schoenoprasum, having
purple-pink flowers and dense tufts of long tubular leaves which
are used as a herb. [ME f. OF cive f. L cepa onion]
chivvy (-ies, -ied) (also chivy, chevy) harass, nag; pursue.
[chevy (n. & v.), prob. f. the ballad of Chevy Chase, a place on
the Scottish border]
chlamydia n. (pl. chlamydiae) any parasitic bacterium of the genus
Chlamydia, some of which cause diseases such as trachoma,
psittacosis, and nonspecific urethritis. [mod.L f. Gk khlamus
-udos cloak]
n. any unicellular green freshwater alga of the genus
Chlamydomonas. [mod.L (as CHLAMYDIA)]
chlor- var. of CHLORO-.
chloral n. 1 a colourless liquid aldehyde used in making DDT. 2 (in
full chloral hydrate) Pharm. a colourless crystalline solid made
from chloral and used as a sedative. [F f. chlore chlorine +
alcool alcohol]
n. Pharm. an antibiotic prepared from Streptomyces venezuelae
or produced synthetically and used esp. against typhoid fever.
chlorate n. Chem. any salt of chloric acid.
chlorella n. any non-motile unicellular green alga of the genus
Chlorella. [mod.L, dimin. of Gk khloros green]
chloric acid
n. Chem. a colourless liquid acid with strong oxidizing
properties. [CHLORO- + -IC]
chloride n. Chem. 1 any compound of chlorine with another element or
group. 2 any bleaching agent containing chloride. [CHLORO- +
chlorinate 1 impregnate or treat with chlorine. 2 Chem. cause to
react or combine with chlorine. ЬЬchlorinator n.
n. 1 the treatment of water with chlorine to disinfect it. 2
Chem. a reaction in which chlorine is introduced into a
chlorine n. Chem. a poisonous greenish-yellow gaseous element of the
halogen group occurring naturally in salt, sea-water, rock-salt,
etc., and used for purifying water, bleaching, and the
manufacture of many organic chemicals. °Symb.: Cl. [Gk khloros
green + -INE(4)]
chlorite n. Chem. any salt of chlorous acid. ЬЬchloritic adj.
chloro- comb. form (also chlor- esp. before a vowel) 1 Bot. & Mineral.
green. 2 Chem. chlorine. [Gk khloros green: in sense 2 f.
see CFC.
n. & v. --n. a colourless volatile sweet-smelling liquid used
as a solvent and formerly used as a general anaesthetic. °Chem.
formula: CHCl[3]. render (a person) unconscious with
this. [F chloroforme formed as CHLORO- + formyle: see FORMIC
n. the green pigment found in most plants, responsible for
light absorption to provide energy for photosynthesis.
ЬЬchlorophyllous adj. [F chlorophylle f. Gk phullon leaf: see
n. a plastid containing chlorophyll, found in plant cells
undergoing photosynthesis. [G: (as CHLORO-, PLASTID)]
chlorosis n. 1 hist. a severe form of anaemia from iron deficiency esp.
in young women, causing a greenish complexion (cf. GREENSICK).
2 Bot. a reduction or loss of the normal green coloration of
plants. ЬЬchlorotic adj. [CHLORO- + -OSIS]
chlorous acid
n. Chem. a pale yellow liquid acid with oxidizing properties.
°Chem. formula: HClO[2]. [CHLORO- + -OUS]
n. Pharm. a drug used as a sedative and to control nausea and
vomiting. [F (as CHLORO-, PROMETHAZINE)]
Ch.M. abbr. Master of Surgery. [L Chirurgiae Magister]
choc n. & adj. colloq. chocolate. Ьchoc-ice a bar of ice-cream
covered with a thin coating of chocolate. [abbr.]
chocho n. (pl. -os) W.Ind. = CHOKO.
chock n., v., & adv. --n. a block or wedge of wood to check motion,
esp. of a cask or a wheel. 1 fit or make fast with
chocks. 2 (usu. foll. by up) Brit. cram full. --adv. as
closely or tightly as possible. [prob. f. OF ‡ouche, ‡oche, of
unkn. orig.]
adj. & adv. crammed close together; crammed full (a street
chock-a-block with cars). [orig. Naut., with ref. to tackle
with the two blocks run close together]
chocker adj. Brit. sl. fed up, disgusted. [CHOCK-A-BLOCK]
adj. & adv. = CHOCK-A-BLOCK (chock-full of rubbish). [CHOCK +
FULL(1): ME chokkefulle (rel. to CHOKE(1)) is doubtful]
chocolate n. & adj. --n. 1 a a food preparation in the form of a paste
or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, usually
sweetened. b a sweet made of or coated with this. c a drink
made with chocolate. 2 a deep brown colour. --adj. 1 made
from or of chocolate. 2 chocolate-coloured. Ьchocolate-box 1 a
decorated box filled with chocolates. 2 (attrib.)
stereotypically pretty or romantic. ЬЬchocolatey adj. (also
chocolaty). [F chocolat or Sp. chocolate f. Aztec chocolatl]
Choctaw n. (pl. same or Choctaws) 1 a a member of a N. American people
orig. from Alabama. b the language of this people. 2 (in
skating) a step from one edge of a skate to the other edge of
the other skate in the opposite direction. [native name]
choice n. & adj. --n. 1 a the act or an instance of choosing. b a
thing or person chosen (not a good choice). 2 a range from
which to choose. 3 (usu. foll. by of) the ‚lite, the best. 4
the power or opportunity to choose (what choice have I?).
--adj. of superior quality; carefully chosen. ЬЬchoicely adv.
choiceness n. [ME f. OF chois f. choisir CHOOSE]
choir n. 1 a regular group of singers, esp. taking part in church
services. 2 the part of a cathedral or large church between the
altar and the nave, used by the choir and clergy. 3 a company
of singers, birds, angels etc. (a heavenly choir). 4 Mus. a
group of instruments of one family playing together. Ьchoir
organ the softest of three parts making up a large organ having
its row of keys the lowest of the three. choir-stall = STALL(1)
n. 3a. [ME f. OF quer f. L chorus: see CHORUS]
choirboy n. a boy who sings in a church or cathedral choir.
choke(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. hinder or impede the breathing of (a person
or animal) esp. by constricting the windpipe or (of gas, smoke,
etc.) by being unbreathable. 2 intr. suffer a hindrance or
stoppage of breath. 3 tr. & intr. make or become speechless
from emotion. 4 tr. retard the growth of or kill (esp. plants)
by the deprivation of light, air, nourishment, etc. 5 tr.
(often foll. by back) suppress (feelings) with difficulty. 6
tr. block or clog (a passage, tube, etc.). 7 tr. (as choked
adj.) colloq. disgusted, disappointed. 8 tr. enrich the fuel
mixture in (an internal-combustion engine) by reducing the
intake of air. --n. 1 the valve in the carburettor of an
internal-combustion engine that controls the intake of air, esp.
to enrich the fuel mixture. 2 Electr. an inductance coil used
to smooth the variations of an alternating current or to alter
its phase. Ьchoke-chain a chain looped round a dog's neck to
exert control by pressure on its windpipe when the dog pulls.
choke-cherry (pl. -cherries) an astringent N. American cherry,
Prunus virginiana. choke-damp carbon dioxide in mines, wells,
etc. choke down swallow with difficulty. choke up block (a
channel etc.). [ME f. OE aceocian f. ceoce, cece CHEEK]
choke(2) n. the centre part of an artichoke. [prob. confusion of the
ending of artichoke with CHOKE(1)]
n. (pl. -ies) Bot. 1 any rosaceous shrub of the genus Aronia.
2 its scarlet berry-like fruit.
choker n. 1 a close-fitting necklace or ornamental neckband. 2 a
clerical or other high collar.
choko n. (pl. -os) Austral. & NZ a succulent green pear-shaped
vegetable like a cucumber in flavour. [Braz. Ind. chocho]
choky(1) n. (also chokey) (pl. -ies or -eys) Brit. sl. prison.
[orig. Anglo-Ind., f. Hindi cauki shed]
choky(2) adj. (chokier, chokiest) tending to choke or to cause choking.
n. Med. X-ray examination of the bile ducts, used to find the
site and nature of any obstruction. [CHOLE- + Gk aggeion vessel
chole- comb. form (also chol- esp. before a vowel) Med. & Chem. bile.
[Gk khole gall, bile]
n. one of the D vitamins, produced by the action of sunlight on
a cholesterol derivative widely distributed in the skin, a
deficiency of which results in rickets in children and
osteomalacia in adults. Also called vitamin D[3]. [CHOLE- +
n. Med. X-ray examination of the gall-bladder, esp. used to
detect the presence of any gallstones. [CHOLE- + CYSTO- +
choler n. 1 hist. one of the four humours, bile. 2 poet. or archaic
anger, irascibility. [ME f. OF colere bile, anger f. L cholera
f. Gk kholera diarrhoea, in LL = bile, anger, f. Gk khole bile]
cholera n. Med. an infectious and often fatal disease of the small
intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, resulting in
severe vomiting and diarrhoea. Ьchicken (or fowl) cholera an
infectious disease of fowls. ЬЬcholeraic adj. [ME f. L f. Gk
kholera: see CHOLER]
choleric adj. irascible, angry. ЬЬcholerically adv. [ME f. OF
cholerique f. L cholericus f. Gk kholerikos: see CHOLER]
n. Biochem. a sterol found in most body tissues, including the
blood, where high concentrations promote arteriosclerosis.
[cholesterin f. Gk khole bile + stereos stiff]
choli n. (pl. cholis) a type of short-sleeved bodice worn by Indian
women. [Hindi coli]
choliamb n. Prosody = SCAZON. ЬЬcholiambic adj. [LL choliambus f. Gk
kholiambos f. kholos lame: see IAMBUS]
choline n. Biochem. a basic nitrogenous organic compound occurring
widely in living matter. [G Cholin f. Gk khole bile]
chomp = CHAMP(1). [imit.]
chondrite n. a stony meteorite containing small mineral granules. [G
Chondrit f. Gk khondros granule]
n. Anat. the embryonic skull composed of cartilage and later
replaced by bone. [Gk khondros grain, cartilage]
choo-choo n. colloq. (esp. as a child's word) a railway train or
locomotive, esp. a steam engine. [imit.]
chook n. (also chookie) Austral. & NZ colloq. 1 a chicken or fowl.
2 sl. an older woman. [E dial. chuck chicken]
choose v. (past chose; past part. chosen) 1 tr. select out of a
greater number. 2 intr. (usu. foll. by between, from) take or
select one or another. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by to + infin.)
decide, be determined (chose to stay behind). 4 tr. (foll. by
complement) select as (was chosen king). 5 tr. Theol. (esp. as
chosen adj.) destine to be saved (God's chosen people). Ьcannot
choose but archaic must. nothing (or little) to choose between
them they are equivalent. ЬЬchooser n. [OE ceosan f. Gmc]
choosy adj. (choosier, choosiest) colloq. fastidious. ЬЬchoosily
adv. choosiness n.
chop(1) v. & n. (chopped, chopping) 1 (usu. foll. by off,
down, etc.) cut or fell by a blow, usu. with an axe. 2 (often
foll. by up) cut (esp. meat or vegetables) into small pieces. 3
strike (esp. a ball) with a short heavy edgewise blow. 4 Brit.
colloq. dispense with; shorten or curtail. --n. 1 a cutting
blow, esp. with an axe. 2 a thick slice of meat (esp. pork or
lamb) usu. including a rib. 3 a short heavy edgewise stroke or
blow in tennis, cricket, boxing, etc. 4 the broken motion of
water, usu. owing to the action of the wind against the tide. 5
(prec. by the) Brit. sl. a dismissal from employment. b the
action of killing or being killed. Ьchop logic argue
pedantically. [ME, var. of CHAP(1)]
chop(2) n. (usu. in pl.) the jaw of an animal etc. [16th-c. var.
(occurring earlier) of CHAP(3), of unkn. orig.]
chop(3) v.intr. (chopped, chopping) Ьchop and change vacillate; change
direction frequently. [ME, perh. rel. to chap f. OE ceapian (as
chop(4) n. Brit. archaic a trade mark; a brand of goods. Ьnot much
chop esp. Austral. & NZ no good. [orig. in India & China, f.
Hindi chap stamp]
chopper n. 1 a Brit. a short axe with a large blade. b a butcher's
cleaver. 2 colloq. a helicopter. 3 a device for regularly
interrupting an electric current or light-beam. 4 colloq. a
type of bicycle or motor cycle with high handlebars. 5 (in pl.)
Brit. sl. teeth. 6 US sl. a machine-gun.
choppy adj. (choppier, choppiest) (of the sea, the weather, etc.)
fairly rough. ЬЬchoppily adv. choppiness n. [CHOP(1) + -Y(1)]
chopstick n. each of a pair of small thin sticks of wood or ivory etc.,
held both in one hand as eating utensils by the Chinese,
Japanese, etc. [pidgin Engl. f. chop = quick + STICK(1)
equivalent of Cantonese k' wѓi-tsze nimble ones]
chopsuey n. (pl. -eys) a Chinese-style dish of meat stewed and fried
with bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, onions, and served with rice.
[Cantonese shap sui mixed bits]
choral adj. of, for, or sung by a choir or chorus. Ьchoral society a
group which meets regularly to sing choral music. ЬЬchorally
adv. [med.L choralis f. L chorus: see CHORUS]
chorale n. (also choral) 1 a stately and simple hymn tune; a harmonized
version of this. 2 esp. US a choir or choral society. [G
Choral(gesang) f. med.L cantus choralis]
chord(1) n. Mus. a group of (usu. three or more) notes sounded
together, as a basis of harmony. ЬЬchordal adj. [orig. cord
f. ACCORD: later confused with CHORD(2)]
chord(2) n. 1 Math. & Aeron. etc. a straight line joining the ends of
an arc, the wings of an aeroplane, etc. 2 Anat. = CORD. 3
poet. the string of a harp etc. 4 Engin. one of the two
principal members, usu. horizontal, of a truss. Ьstrike a chord
1 recall something to a person's memory. 2 elicit sympathy.
touch the right chord appeal skilfully to the emotions.
ЬЬchordal adj. [16th-c. refashioning of CORD after L chorda]
chordate n. & adj. --n. any animal of the phylum Chordata, possessing a
notochord at some stage during its development. --adj. of or
relating to the chordates. [mod.L chordata f. L chorda CHORD(2)
after Vertebrata etc.]
chore n. a tedious or routine task, esp. domestic. [orig. dial. & US
form of CHAR(2)]
chorea n. Med. a disorder characterized by jerky involuntary
movements affecting esp. the shoulders, hips, and face.
ЬHuntington's chorea chorea accompanied by a progressive
dementia. Sydenham's chorea chorea esp. in children as one of
the manifestations of rheumatic fever: also called ST VITUS'S
DANCE. [L f. Gk khoreia (as CHORUS)]
choreograph compose the choreography for (a ballet etc.).
ЬЬchoreographer n. [back-form. f. CHOREOGRAPHY]
n. 1 the design or arrangement of a ballet or other staged
dance. 2 the sequence of steps and movements in dance. 3 the
written notation for this. ЬЬchoreographic adj.
choreographically adv. [Gk khoreia dance + -GRAPHY]
n. the study and description of the movements of dancing.
ЬЬchoreologist n.
n. (pl. choriambi) Prosody a metrical foot consisting of two
short (unstressed) syllables between two long (stressed) ones.
ЬЬchoriambic adj. [LL Gk khoriambos f. khoreios of the dance +
choric adj. of, like, or for a chorus in drama or recitation. [LL
choricus f. Gk khorikos (as CHORUS)]
chorine adj. US a chorus girl. [CHORUS + -INE(3)]
chorion n. the outermost membrane surrounding an embryo of a reptile,
bird, or mammal. ЬЬchorionic adj. [Gk khorion]
chorister n. 1 a member of a choir, esp. a choirboy. 2 US the leader of
a church choir. [ME, ult. f. OF cueriste f. quer CHOIR]
n. the systematic description of regions or districts.
ЬЬchorographer n. chorographic adj. [F chorographie or L f. Gk
khorographia f. khora region]
choroid adj. & n. --adj. like a chorion in shape or vascularity. --n.
(in full choroid coat or membrane) a layer of the eyeball
between the retina and the sclera. [Gk khoroeides for
khorioeides: see CHORION]
chorology n. the study of the geographical distribution of animals and
plants. ЬЬchorological adj. chorologist n. [Gk khora region +
chortle v. & n. --v.intr. colloq. chuckle gleefully. --n. a gleeful
chuckle. [portmanteau word coined by Lewis Carroll, prob. f.
chorus n. & v. --n. (pl. choruses) 1 a group (esp. a large one) of
singers; a choir. 2 a piece of music composed for a choir. 3
the refrain or the main part of a popular song, in which a
chorus participates. 4 any simultaneous utterance by many
persons etc. (a chorus of disapproval followed). 5 a group of
singers and dancers performing in concert in a musical comedy,
opera, etc. 6 Gk Antiq. a in Greek tragedy, a group of
performers who comment together in voice and movement on the
main action. b an utterance of the chorus. 7 esp. in
Elizabethan drama, a character who speaks the prologue and other
linking parts of the play. 8 the part spoken by this character. & intr. (of a group) speak or utter simultaneously.
Ьchorus girl a young woman who sings or dances in the chorus of
a musical comedy etc. in chorus (uttered) together; in unison.
[L f. Gk khoros]
chose past of CHOOSE.
chosen past part. of CHOOSE.
chough n. any corvine bird of the genus Pyrrhocorax, with a glossy
blue-black plumage and red legs. [ME, prob. orig. imit.]
choux pastry
n. very light pastry enriched with eggs. [F, pl. of chou
cabbage, rosette]
chow n. 1 sl. food. 2 offens. a Chinese. 3 a a dog of a Chinese
breed with long hair and bluish-black tongue. b this breed.
[shortened f. CHOW-CHOW]
chow-chow n. 1 = CHOW. 2 a Chinese preserve of ginger, orange-peel,
etc., in syrup. 3 a mixed vegetable pickle. [pidgin Engl.]
chowder n. US a soup or stew usu. of fresh fish, clams, or corn with
bacon, onions, etc. [perh. F chaudiЉre pot: see CAULDRON]
chow mein n. a Chinese-style dish of fried noodles with shredded meat or
shrimps etc. and vegetables. [Chin. chao mian fried flour]
Chr. abbr. Chronicles (Old Testament).
n. (pl. -ies) a selection of passages used esp. to help in
learning a language. [F chrestomathie or Gk khrestomatheia f.
khrestos useful + -matheia learning]
chrism n. a consecrated oil or unguent used esp. for anointing in
Catholic and Greek Orthodox rites. [OE crisma f. eccl.L f. Gk
khrisma anointing]
chrisom n. 1 = CHRISM. 2 (in full chrisom-cloth) hist. a white robe
put on a child at baptism, and used as its shroud if it died
within the month. [ME, as pop. pronunc. of CHRISM]
Christ n. & int. --n. 1 the title, also now treated as a name, given
to Jesus of Nazareth, believed by Christians to have fulfilled
the Old Testament prophecies of a coming Messiah. 2 the Messiah
as prophesied in the Old Testament. 3 an image or picture of
Jesus. --int. sl. expressing surprise, anger, etc.
ЬЬChristhood n. Christlike adj. Christly adj. [OE Crist f. L
Christus f. Gk khristos anointed one f. khrio anoint: transl.
of Heb. masЊah MESSIAH]
n. & adj. --n. a member of a Christian sect rejecting the
doctrine of the Trinity and expecting a second coming of Christ
on earth. --adj. of or adhering to this sect and its beliefs.
[CHRIST + Gk adelphos brother]
christen 1 give a Christian name to at baptism as a sign of
admission to a Christian Church. 2 give a name to anything,
esp. formally or with a ceremony. 3 colloq. use for the first
time. ЬЬchristener n. christening n. [OE cristnian make
n. Christians worldwide, regarded as a collective body. [OE
cristendom f. cristen CHRISTIAN + -DOM]
Christian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of Christ's teaching or religion. 2
believing in or following the religion of Jesus Christ. 3
showing the qualities associated with Christ's teaching. 4
colloq. (of a person) kind, fair, decent. --n. 1 a a person
who has received Christian baptism. b an adherent of Christ's
teaching. 2 a person exhibiting Christian qualities.
ЬChristian era the era reckoned from the traditional date of
Christ's birth. Christian name a forename, esp. as given at
baptism. Christian Science a Christian sect believing in the
power of healing by prayer alone. Christian Scientist an
adherent of Christian Science. ЬЬChristianize & intr.
(also -ise). Christianization n. Christianly adv.
[Christianus f. Christus CHRIST]
n. 1 the Christian religion; its beliefs and practices. 2
being a Christian; Christian quality or character. 3 =
CHRISTENDOM. [ME cristianite f. OF crestient‚ f. crestien
Christie n. (also Christy) (pl. -ies) Skiing a sudden turn in which the
skis are kept parallel, used for changing direction fast or
stopping short. [abbr. of Christiania (now Oslo) in Norway]
n. a lighted candle symbolizing Christ as the light of the
world, held by children esp. at Advent services. [perh. f. G
Christkindl dimin. of Christkind Christ child]
Christmas n. & int. --n. (pl. Christmases) 1 (also Christmas Day) the
annual festival of Christ's birth, celebrated on 25 Dec. 2 the
season in which this occurs; the time immediately before and
after 25 Dec. --int. sl. expressing surprise, dismay, etc.
ЬChristmas-box a present or gratuity given at Christmas esp. to
tradesmen and employees. Christmas cake Brit. a rich fruit
cake usu. covered with marzipan and icing and eaten at
Christmas. Christmas card a card sent with greetings at
Christmas. Christmas Eve the day or the evening before
Christmas Day. Christmas pudding Brit. a rich boiled pudding
eaten at Christmas, made with flour, suet, dried fruit, etc.
Christmas rose a white-flowered winter-blooming evergreen,
Helleborus niger. Christmas tree an evergreen (usu. spruce) or
artificial tree set up with decorations at Christmas.
ЬЬChristmassy adj. [OE Cristes m‘sse (MASS(2))]
Christo- comb. form Christ.
n. the branch of theology relating to Christ.
Christy var. of CHRISTIE. [abbr.]
chroma n. purity or intensity of colour. [Gk khroma colour]
chromate n. Chem. a salt or ester of chromic acid.
chromatic adj. 1 of or produced by colour; in (esp. bright) colours. 2
Mus. a of or having notes not belonging to a diatonic scale. b
(of a scale) ascending or descending by semitones. Ьchromatic
aberration Optics the failure of different wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation to come to the same focus after
refraction. chromatic semitone Mus. an interval between a note
and its flat or sharp. ЬЬchromatically adv. chromaticism n.
[F chromatique or L chromaticus f. Gk khromatikos f. khroma
-atos colour]
n. the quality of colour regarded independently of brightness.
chromatid n. either of two threadlike strands into which a chromosome
divides longitudinally during cell division. [Gk khroma -atos
colour + -ID(2)]
chromatin n. the material in a cell nucleus that stains with basic dyes
and consists of protein, RNA, and DNA, of which eukaryotic
chromosomes are composed. [G: see CHROMATID]
n. Chem. the separation of the components of a mixture by slow
passage through or over a material which adsorbs them
differently. ЬЬchromatograph n. chromatographic adj. [G
Chromatographie (as CHROMATO-, -GRAPHY)]
chrome n. 1 chromium, esp. as plating. 2 (in full chrome yellow) a
yellow pigment obtained from lead chromate. Ьchrome leather
leather tanned with chromium salts. chrome-nickel (of stainless
steel) containing chromium and nickel. chrome steel a hard
fine-grained steel containing much chromium and used for tools
etc. [F, = chromium, f. Gk khroma colour]
chromic adj. Chem. of or containing trivalent chromium. Ьchromic acid
an acid that exists only in solution or in the form of chromate
chromite n. 1 Mineral. a black mineral of chromium and iron oxides,
which is the principal ore of chromium. 2 Chem. a salt of
bivalent chromium.
chromium n. Chem. a hard white metallic transition element, occurring
naturally as chromite and used as a shiny decorative
electroplated coating. °Symb.: Cr. Ьchromium steel = chrome
steel. [mod.L f. F CHROME]
n. & v. --n. an electrolytically deposited protective coating
of chromium. 1 coat with this. 2 (as chromium-plated
adj.) pretentiously decorative.
comb. form Chem. chromium.
comb. form var. of CHROMATO-.
n. & v. --n. a coloured picture printed by lithography. print or produce by this process. ЬЬchromolithographer
n. chromolithographic adj. chromolithography n.
n. Biochem. one of the threadlike structures, usu. found in
the cell nucleus, that carry the genetic information in the form
of genes. Ьchromosome map a plan showing the relative positions
of genes along the length of a chromosome. ЬЬchromosomal adj.
[G Chromosom (as CHROMO-(2), -SOME(3))]
n. a gaseous layer of the sun's atmosphere between the
photosphere and the corona. ЬЬchromospheric adj. [CHROMO-(2) +
Chron. abbr. Chronicles (Old Testament).
chronic adj. 1 persisting for a long time (usu. of an illness or a
personal or social problem). 2 having a chronic complaint. 3
colloq. disp. habitual, inveterate (a chronic liar). 4 Brit.
colloq. very bad; intense, severe. ЬЬchronically adv.
chronicity n. [F chronique f. L chronicus (in LL of disease) f.
Gk khronikos f. khronos time]
chronicle n. & v. --n. 1 a register of events in order of their
occurrence. 2 a narrative, a full account. 3 (Chronicles) the
name of two of the historical books of the Old Testament or
Hebrew bible. record (events) in the order of their
occurrence. ЬЬchronicler n. [ME f. AF cronicle ult. f. L
chronica f. Gk khronika annals: see CHRONIC]
chrono- comb. form time. [Gk khronos time]
n. 1 an instrument for recording time with extreme accuracy. 2
a stopwatch. ЬЬchronographic adj.
adj. 1 (of a number of events) arranged or regarded in the
order of their occurrence. 2 of or relating to chronology.
ЬЬchronologically adv.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 the study of historical records to establish
the dates of past events. 2 a the arrangement of events, dates,
etc. in the order of their occurrence. b a table or document
displaying this. ЬЬchronologist n. chronologize (also
-ise). [mod.L chronologia (as CHRONO-, -LOGY)]
n. a time-measuring instrument, esp. one keeping accurate time
at all temperatures and used in navigation.
n. the science of accurate time-measurement. ЬЬchronometric
adj. chronometrical adj. chronometrically adv.
chrysalis n. (pl. chrysalises or chrysalides) 1 a a quiescent pupa of a
butterfly or moth. b the hard outer case enclosing it. 2 a
preparatory or transitional state. [L f. Gk khrusallis -idos f.
khrusos gold]
chrysanth n. colloq. any of the autumn-blooming cultivated varieties of
chrysanthemum. [abbr.]
n. any composite plant of the genus Chrysanthemum, having
brightly coloured flowers. [L f. Gk khrusanthemon f. khrusos
gold + anthemon flower]
adj. (of ancient Greek sculpture) overlaid with gold and ivory.
[Gk khruselephantinos f. khrusos gold + elephas ivory]
n. a yellowish-green gem consisting of a beryllium salt. [L
chrysoberyllus f. Gk khrusos gold + berullos beryl]
n. a precious stone, a yellowish-green or brownish variety of
olivine. [ME f. OF crisolite f. med.L crisolitus f. L
chrysolithus f. Gk khrusolithos f. khrusos gold + lithos stone]
n. 1 an apple-green variety of chalcedony containing nickel and
used as a gem. 2 (in the New Testament) prob. a golden-green
variety of beryl. [ME f. OF crisopace f. L chrysopassus var. of
L chrysoprasus f. Gk khrusoprasos f. khrusos gold + prason
chthonic (also chthonian) adj. of, relating to, or inhabiting the
underworld. [Gk khthon earth]
chub n. a thick-bodied coarse-fleshed river fish, Leuciscus
cephalus. [15th c.: orig. unkn.]
chubby adj. (chubbier, chubbiest) plump and rounded (esp. of a person
or a part of the body). ЬЬchubbily adv. chubbiness n. [CHUB]
chuck(1) v. & n. 1 colloq. fling or throw carelessly or with
indifference. 2 colloq. (often foll. by in, up) give up; reject
(chucked in my job). 3 touch playfully, esp. under the chin.
--n. a playful touch under the chin. Ьthe chuck sl. dismissal
(he got the chuck). chucker-out colloq. a person employed to
expel troublesome people from a gathering etc. chuck it sl.
stop, desist. chuck out colloq. 1 expel (a person) from a
gathering etc. 2 get rid of, discard. [16th c., perh. f. F
chuquer, choquer to knock]
chuck(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a cut of beef between the neck and the ribs. 2
a device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a
drill. fix (wood, a tool, etc.) to a chuck. [var. of
chuck(3) n. US colloq. food. Ьchuck-wagon 1 a provision-cart on a
ranch etc. 2 a roadside eating-place. [19th c.: perh. f.
chuckle v. & n. --v.intr. laugh quietly or inwardly. --n. a quiet or
suppressed laugh. ЬЬchuckler n. [chuck cluck]
n. colloq. a stupid person. ЬЬchuckleheaded adj. [chuckle
clumsy, prob. rel. to CHUCK(2)]
chuddar var. of CHADOR.
chuff v.intr. (of a steam engine etc.) work with a regular sharp
puffing sound. [imit.]
chuffed adj. Brit. sl. delighted. [dial. chuff pleased]
chug v. & n. --v.intr. (chugged, chugging) 1 emit a regular muffled
explosive sound, as of an engine running slowly. 2 move with
this sound. --n. a chugging sound. [imit.]
chukar n. a red-legged partridge, Alectoris chukar, native to India.
[Hindi cakor]
chukker n. (also chukka) each of the periods of play into which a game
of polo is divided. Ьchukka boot an ankle-high leather boot as
worn for polo. [Hindi cakkar f. Skr. cakra wheel]
chum(1) n. & v. --n. colloq. (esp. among schoolchildren) a close
friend. --v.intr. (often foll. by with) share rooms. Ьchum up
(often foll. by with) become a close friend (of). ЬЬchummy adj.
(chummier, chummiest). chummily adv. chumminess n. [17th c.:
prob. short for chamber-fellow]
chum(2) n. & v. US --n. 1 refuse from fish. 2 chopped fish used as
bait. --v. 1 intr. fish using chum. 2 tr. bait (a fishing
place) using chum. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
chump n. 1 colloq. a foolish person. 2 Brit. the thick end, esp. of
a loin of lamb or mutton (chump chop). 3 a short thick block of
wood. 4 Brit. sl. the head. Ьoff one's chump Brit. sl.
crazy. [18th c.: blend of CHUNK and LUMP(1)]
chunder v.intr. & n. Austral. sl. vomit. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
chunk n. 1 a thick solid slice or piece of something firm or hard. 2
a substantial amount or piece. [prob. var. of CHUCK(2)]
chunky adj. (chunkier, chunkiest) 1 containing or consisting of
chunks. 2 short and thick; small and sturdy. 3 (of clothes)
made of a thick material. ЬЬchunkiness n.
Chunnel n. colloq. a projected tunnel under the English Channel
linking England and France. [portmanteau word f. Channel
church n. & v. --n. 1 a building for public (usu. Christian) worship.
2 a meeting for public worship in such a building (go to church;
met after church). 3 (Church) the body of all Christians. 4
(Church) the clergy or clerical profession (went into the
Church). 5 (Church) an organized Christian group or society of
any time, country, or distinct principles of worship (the
primitive Church; Church of Scotland; High Church). 6 (Church)
institutionalized religion as a political or social force
(Church and State). bring (esp. a woman after
childbirth) to church for a service of thanksgiving. ЬChurch
Army an organization of the Church of England concerned with
social welfare. Church Commissioners a body managing the
finances of the Church of England. Church of England the
English Church, recognized by the State and having the sovereign
as its head. church school a school founded by or associated
with the Church of England. [OE cirice, circe, etc. f. med. Gk
kurikon f. Gk kuriakon (doma) Lord's (house) f. kurios Lord:
cf. KIRK]
n. a person who goes to church, esp. regularly. ЬЬchurchgoing
n. & adj.
churchman n. (pl. -men) 1 a member of the clergy or of a church. 2 a
supporter of the church.
n. 1 either of two elected lay representatives of a parish,
assisting with routine administration. 2 a long-stemmed clay
n. (pl. -women) 1 a woman member of the clergy or of a church.
2 a woman supporter of the Church.
churchy adj. 1 obtrusively or intolerantly devoted to the Church or
opposed to religious dissent. 2 like a church. ЬЬchurchiness
n. the enclosed ground around a church, esp. as used for
churinga n. (pl. same or churingas) a sacred object, esp. an amulet,
among the Australian Aboriginals. [Aboriginal]
churl n. 1 an ill-bred person. 2 archaic a peasant; a person of low
birth. 3 archaic a surly or mean person. [OE ceorl f. a WG
root, = man]
churlish adj. surly; mean. ЬЬchurlishly adv. churlishness n. [OE
cierlisc, ceorlisc f. ceorl CHURL]
churn n. & v. --n. 1 Brit. a large milk-can. 2 a machine for making
butter by agitating milk or cream. --v. 1 tr. agitate (milk or
cream) in a churn. 2 tr. produce (butter) in this way. 3 tr.
(usu. foll. by up) cause distress to; upset, agitate. 4 intr.
(of a liquid) seethe, foam violently (the churning sea). 5 tr.
agitate or move (liquid) vigorously, causing it to foam. Ьchurn
out produce routinely or mechanically, esp. in large quantities.
[OE cyrin f. Gmc]
churr var. of CHIRR.
chute(1) n. 1 a sloping channel or slide, with or without water, for
conveying things to a lower level. 2 a slide into a
swimming-pool. [F chute fall (of water etc.), f. OF cheoite
fem. past part. of cheoir fall f. L cadere; in some senses =
chute(2) n. colloq. parachute. ЬЬchutist n. [abbr.]
chutney n. (pl. -eys) a pungent orig. Indian condiment made of fruits
or vegetables, vinegar, spices, sugar, etc. [Hindi catni]
chutzpah n. sl. shameless audacity; cheek. [Yiddish]
chyle n. a milky fluid consisting of lymph and absorbed food
materials from the intestine after digestion. ЬЬchylous adj.
[LL chylus f. Gk khulos juice]
chyme n. the acidic semisolid and partly digested food produced by
the action of gastric secretion. ЬЬchymous adj. [LL chymus f.
Gk khumos juice]
chypre n. a heavy perfume made from sandalwood. [F, = Cyprus, perh.
where it was first made]
CI abbr. 1 Channel Islands. 2 hist. Order of the Crown of India.
Ci abbr. curie.
CIA abbr. Central Intelligence Agency (US).
ciao int. colloq. 1 goodbye. 2 hello. [It.]
ciborium n. (pl. ciboria) 1 a vessel with an arched cover used to hold
the Eucharist. 2 Archit. a a canopy. b a shrine with a
canopy. [med.L f. Gk kiborion seed-vessel of the water-lily, a
cup made from it]
cicada n. (also cicala) any transparent-winged large insect of the
family Cicadidae, the males of which make a loud rhythmic
chirping sound. [L cicada, It. f. L cicala, It. cigala]
cicatrice n. (also cicatrix) (pl. cicatrices) 1 any mark left by a
healed wound; a scar. 2 Bot. a a mark on a stem etc. left when
a leaf or other part becomes detached. b a scar on the bark of
a tree. ЬЬcicatricial adj. [ME f. OF cicatrice or L cicatrix
cicatrize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. heal (a wound) by scar formation. 2 intr.
(of a wound) heal by scar formation. ЬЬcicatrization n. [F
cicatriser: see CICATRICE]
cicely n. (pl. -ies) any of various umbelliferous plants, esp. sweet
cicely (see SWEET). [app. f. L seselis f. Gk, assim. to the
woman's Christian name]
cicerone n. (pl. ciceroni pronunc. same) a guide who gives information
about antiquities, places of interest, etc. to sightseers.
adj. (of language) eloquent, classical, or rhythmical, in the
style of Cicero. [L Ciceronianus f. Cicero -onis Roman
statesman and orator d. 43 BC]
cichlid n. any tropical freshwater fish of the family Cichlidae, esp.
the kinds kept in aquariums. [mod.L Cichlidae f. Gk kikhle a
kind of fish]
CID abbr. (in the UK) Criminal Investigation Department.
-cide suffix forming nouns meaning: 1 a person or substance that kills
(regicide; insecticide). 2 the killing of (infanticide;
suicide). [F f. L - cida (sense 1), - cidium (sense 2), caedere
cider n. (also cyder) 1 Brit. an alcoholic drink made from fermented
apple-juice. 2 US an unfermented drink made from apple-juice.
Ьcider-press a press for crushing apples to make cider. [ME f.
OF sidre, ult. f. Heb. sekar strong drink]
ci-devant adj. & adv. that has been (with person's earlier name or
status); former or formerly. [F, = heretofore]
CIE abbr. hist. Companion (of the Order) of the Indian Empire.
c.i.f. abbr. cost, insurance, freight (as being included in a price).
cig n. colloq. cigarette, cigar. [abbr.]
cigala n. = CICADA. [F cigale, It. & Prov. cigala f. L cicada]
cigar n. a cylinder of tobacco rolled in tobacco leaves for smoking.
[F cigare or Sp. cigarro]
cigarette n. (US also cigaret) 1 a thin cylinder of finely-cut tobacco
rolled in paper for smoking. 2 a similar cylinder containing a
narcotic or medicated substance. Ьcigarette card a small
picture card of a kind formerly included in a packet of
cigarettes. cigarette-end the unsmoked remainder of a
cigarette. [F, dimin. of cigare CIGAR]
cigarillo n. (pl. -os) a small cigar. [Sp., dimin. of cigarro CIGAR]
ciggy n. (pl. -ies) colloq. cigarette. [abbr.]
CIGS abbr. hist. Chief of the Imperial General Staff.
cilice n. 1 haircloth. 2 a garment of this. [F f. L cilicium f. Gk
kilikion f. Kilikia Cilicia in Asia Minor]
cilium n. (pl. cilia) 1 a short minute hairlike vibrating structure
on the surface of some cells, causing currents in the
surrounding fluid. 2 an eyelash. ЬЬciliary adj. ciliate adj.
ciliated adj. ciliation n. [L, = eyelash]
cill var. of SILL.
cimbalom n. a dulcimer. [Magyar f. It. cembalo]
C.-in-C. abbr. Commander-in-Chief.
cinch n. & v. --n. 1 colloq. a a sure thing; a certainty. b an
easy task. 2 a firm hold. 3 esp. US a girth for a saddle or
pack. 1 a tighten as with a cinch (cinched at the
waist with a belt). b secure a grip on. 2 sl. make certain of.
3 esp. US put a cinch (sense 3) on. [Sp. cincha]
cinchona n. 1 a any evergreen tree or shrub of the genus Cinchona,
native to S. America, with fragrant flowers and yielding
cinchona bark. b the bark of this tree, containing quinine. 2
any drug from this bark formerly used as a tonic and to
stimulate the appetite. ЬЬcinchonic adj. cinchonine n. [mod.L
f. Countess of Chinchўn d. 1641, introducer of drug into Spain]
cincture n. 1 literary a girdle, belt, or border. 2 Archit. a ring at
either end of a column-shaft. [L cinctura f. cingere cinct-
cinder n. a the residue of coal or wood etc. that has stopped giving
off flames but still has combustible matter in it. b slag. c
(in pl.) ashes. Ьburnt to a cinder made useless by burning.
ЬЬcindery adj. [OE sinder, assim. to the unconnected F cendre
and L cinis ashes]
n. 1 a person or thing of unrecognized or disregarded merit or
beauty. 2 a neglected or despised member of a group. [the name
of a girl in a fairy-tale]
cine- comb. form cinematographic (cine-camera; cinephotography).
cineaste n. (also cineast) a cinema enthusiast. [F cin‚aste (as CINE-):
cinema n. 1 Brit. a theatre where motion-picture films (see FILM n.
3) are shown. 2 a films collectively. b the production of
films as an art or industry; cinematography. Ьcinema organ Mus.
a kind of organ with extra stops and special effects. [F
cin‚ma: see CINEMATOGRAPH]
n. 1 a film library or archive. 2 a small cinema. [F]
cinematic adj. 1 having the qualities characteristic of the cinema. 2 of
or relating to the cinema. ЬЬcinematically adv.
(also kinematograph) n. an apparatus for showing motion-picture
films. [F cin‚matographe f. Gk kinema -atos movement f. kineo
n. the art of making motion-picture films. ЬЬcinematographer
n. cinematographic adj. cinematographically adv.
n. Cinematog. 1 the art or process of making realistic (esp.
documentary) films which avoid artificiality and artistic
effect. 2 such films collectively. [F, = cinema truth]
cineraria n. any of several varieties of the composite plant, Cineraria
cruentus, having bright flowers and ash-coloured down on its
leaves. [mod.L, fem. of L cinerarius of ashes f. cinis -eris
ashes, from the ash-coloured down on the leaves]
n. (pl. cinerariums) a place where a cinerary urn is
deposited. [LL, neut. of cinerarius: see CINERARIA]
cinerary adj. of ashes. Ьcinerary urn an urn for holding the ashes
after cremation. [L cinerarius: see CINERARIA]
cinereous adj. (esp. of a bird or plumage) ash-grey. [L cinereus f.
cinis -eris ashes]
n. Cinematog. = CINђMA-VђRITђ.
Cingalese adj. & n. (pl. same) archaic Sinhalese. [F cing(h)alais: see
cingulum n. (pl. cingula) Anat. a girdle, belt, or analogous
structure, esp. a ridge surrounding the base of the crown of a
tooth. [L, = belt]
cinnabar n. 1 a bright red mineral form of mercuric sulphide from which
mercury is obtained. 2 vermilion. 3 a moth (Callimorpha
jacobaeae) with reddish marked wings. [ME f. L cinnabaris f. Gk
kinnabari, of oriental orig.]
cinnamon n. 1 an aromatic spice from the peeled, dried, and rolled bark
of a SE Asian tree. 2 any tree of the genus Cinnamomum, esp.
C. zeylanicum yielding the spice. 3 yellowish-brown. [ME f. OF
cinnamome f. L cinnamomum f. Gk kinnamomon, and L cinnamon f. Gk
kinnamon, f. Semitic (cf. Heb. kinnam“n)]
cinque n. (also cinq) the five on dice. [ME f. OF cinc, cink, f. L
quinque five]
n. the style of Italian art and literature of the 16th c., with
a reversion to classical forms. ЬЬcinquecentoist n. [It., =
500, used with ref. to the years 1500-99]
n. 1 any plant of the genus Potentilla, with compound leaves of
five leaflets. 2 Archit. a five-cusped ornament in a circle or
arch. [ME f. L quinquefolium f. quinque five + folium leaf]
Cinque Ports a group of ports (orig. five only) on the SE coast of
England with ancient privileges. [ME f. OF cink porz, L quinque
portus five ports]
cion US var. of SCION 1.
cipher n. & v. (also cypher) --n. 1 a a secret or disguised way of
writing. b a thing written in this way. c the key to it. 2
the arithmetical symbol (0) denoting no amount but used to
occupy a vacant place in decimal etc. numeration (as in 12.05).
3 a person or thing of no importance. 4 the interlaced initials
of a person or company etc.; a monogram. 5 any Arabic numeral.
6 continuous sounding of an organ-pipe, caused by a mechanical
defect. --v. 1 tr. put into secret writing, encipher. 2 a tr.
(usu. foll. by out) work out by arithmetic, calculate. b intr.
archaic do arithmetic. [ME, f. OF cif(f)re, ult. f. Arab sifr
cipolin n. an Italian white-and-green marble. [F cipolin or It.
cipollino f. cipolla onion]
circa prep. (preceding a date) about. [L]
circadian adj. Physiol. occurring or recurring about once per day.
[irreg. f. L circa about + dies day]
circinate adj. Bot. & Zool. rolled up with the apex in the centre, e.g.
of young fronds of ferns. [L circinatus past part. of circinare
make round f. circinus pair of compasses]
circle n. & v. --n. 1 a a round plane figure whose circumference is
everywhere equidistant from its centre. b the line enclosing a
circle. 2 a roundish enclosure or structure. 3 a ring. 4 a
curved upper tier of seats in a theatre etc. (dress circle). 5
a circular route. 6 Archaeol. a group of (usu. large embedded)
stones arranged in a circle. 7 Hockey = striking-circle. 8
persons grouped round a centre of interest. 9 a set or class or
restricted group (literary circles; not done in the best
circles). 10 a period or cycle (the circle of the year). 11
(in full vicious circle) a an unbroken sequence of reciprocal
cause and effect. b an action and reaction that intensify each
other (cf. virtuous circle). c the fallacy of proving a
proposition from another which depends on the first for its own
proof. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by round, about) move in a
circle. 2 tr. a revolve round. b form a circle round.
Ьcircle back move in a wide loop towards the starting-point.
come full circle return to the starting-point. go round in
circles make no progress despite effort. great (or small)
circle a circle on the surface of a sphere whose plane passes
(or does not pass) through the sphere's centre. run round in
circles colloq. be fussily busy with little result. ЬЬcircler
n. [ME f. OF cercle f. L circulus dimin. of circus ring]
circlet n. 1 a small circle. 2 a circular band, esp. of gold or
jewelled etc., as an ornament.
circs colloq. circumstances. [abbr.]
circuit n. 1 a a line or course enclosing an area; the distance round.
b the area enclosed. 2 Electr. a the path of a current. b the
apparatus through which a current passes. 3 a the journey of a
judge in a particular district to hold courts. b this district.
c the lawyers following a circuit. 4 a chain of theatres or
cinemas etc. under a single management. 5 Brit. a motor-racing
track. 6 a a sequence of sporting events (the US tennis
circuit). b a sequence of athletic exercises. 7 a roundabout
journey. 8 a a group of local Methodist churches forming a
minor administrative unit. b the journey of an itinerant
minister within this. Ьcircuit-breaker an automatic device for
stopping the flow of current in an electrical circuit. [ME f.
OF, f. L circuitus f. CIRCUM- + ire it- go]
adj. 1 indirect (and usu. long). 2 going a long way round.
ЬЬcircuitously adv. circuitousness n. [med.L circuitosus f.
circuitus CIRCUIT]
circuitry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a system of electric circuits. 2 the
equipment forming this.
circular adj. & n. --adj. 1 a having the form of a circle. b moving or
taking place along a circle (circular tour). 2 Logic (of
reasoning) depending on a vicious circle. 3 (of a letter or
advertisement etc.) printed for distribution to a large number
of people. --n. a circular letter, leaflet, etc. Ьcircular saw
a power saw with a rapidly rotating toothed disc. ЬЬcircularity
n. circularly adv. [ME f. AF circuler, OF circulier, cerclier
f. LL circularis f. L circulus CIRCLE]
circularize (also -ise) 1 distribute circulars to. 2 US seek
opinions of (people) by means of a questionnaire.
ЬЬcircularization n.
circulate v. 1 intr. go round from one place or person etc. to the next
and so on; be in circulation. 2 tr. a cause to go round; put
into circulation. b give currency to (a report etc.). c
circularize. 3 intr. be actively sociable at a party,
gathering, etc. Ьcirculating library a small library with books
lent to a group of subscribers in turn. circulating medium
notes or gold etc. used in exchange. ЬЬcirculative adj.
circulator n. [L circulare circulat- f. circulus CIRCLE]
n. 1 a movement to and fro, or from and back to a starting
point, esp. of a fluid in a confined area or circuit. b the
movement of blood from and to the heart. c a similar movement
of sap etc. 2 a the transmission or distribution (of news or
information or books etc.). b the number of copies sold, esp.
of journals and newspapers. 3 a currency, coin, etc. b the
movement or exchange of this in a country etc. Ьin (or out of)
circulation participating (or not participating) in activities
etc. [F circulation or L circulatio f. circulare CIRCULATE]
adj. of or relating to the circulation of blood or sap.
circum- comb. form round, about, around, used: 1 adverbially
(circumambient; circumfuse). 2 prepositionally (circumlunar;
circumocular). [from or after L circum prep. = round, about]
adj. (esp. of air or another fluid) surrounding.
ЬЬcircumambience n. circumambiency n.
circumambulate & intr. formal walk round or about. ЬЬcircumambulation
n. circumambulatory adj. [CIRCUM- + ambulate f. L ambulare
n. Geom. a circle touching all the vertices of a triangle or
circumcise 1 cut off the foreskin, as a Jewish or Muslim rite or a
surgical operation. 2 cut off the clitoris (and sometimes the
labia), usu. as a religious rite. 3 Bibl. purify (the heart
etc.). [ME f. OF f. L circumcidere circumcis- (as CIRCUM-,
caedere cut)]
n. 1 the act or rite of circumcising or being circumcised. 2
(Circumcision) Eccl. the feast of the Circumcision of Christ, 1
Jan. [ME f. OF circoncision f. LL circumcisio - onis (as
n. 1 the enclosing boundary, esp. of a circle or other figure
enclosed by a curve. 2 the distance round. ЬЬcircumferential
adj. circumferentially adv. [ME f. OF circonference f. L
circumferentia (as CIRCUM-, ferre bear)]
n. & adj. --n. (in full circumflex accent) a mark. placed over
a vowel in some languages to indicate a contraction, length, or
a special quality. --adj. Anat. curved, bending round
something else (circumflex nerve). [L circumflexus (as CIRCUM-,
flectere flex- bend), transl. of Gk perispomenos drawn around]
n. 1 a a roundabout expression. b evasive talk. 2 the use of
many words where fewer would do; verbosity. ЬЬcircumlocutional
adj. circumlocutionary adj. circumlocutionist n.
circumlocutory adj. [ME f. F circumlocution or L circumlocutio
adj. moving or situated around the moon.
circumnavigate sail round (esp. the world). ЬЬcircumnavigation n.
circumnavigator n. [L circumnavigare (as CIRCUM-, NAVIGATE)]
adj. 1 Geog. around or near one of the earth's poles. 2
Astron. (of a star or motion etc.) above the horizon at all
times in a given latitude.
circumscribe 1 (of a line etc.) enclose or outline. 2 lay down the
limits of; confine, restrict. 3 Geom. draw (a figure) round
another, touching it at points but not cutting it (cf.
INSCRIBE). ЬЬcircumscribable adj. circumscriber n.
circumscription n. [L circumscribere (as CIRCUM-, scribere
script- write)]
adj. moving or situated around or near the sun.
adj. wary, cautious; taking everything into account.
ЬЬcircumspection n. circumspectly adv. [ME f. L circumspicere
circumspect- (as CIRCUM-, specere spect- look)]
n. 1 a a fact, occurrence, or condition, esp. (in pl.) the
time, place, manner, cause, occasion etc., or surroundings of an
act or event. b (in pl.) the external conditions that affect or
might affect an action. 2 (often foll. by that + clause) an
incident, occurrence, or fact, as needing consideration (the
circumstance that he left early). 3 (in pl.) one's state of
financial or material welfare (in reduced circumstances). 4
ceremony, fuss (pomp and circumstance). 5 full detail in a
narrative (told it with much circumstance). Ьin (or under) the
(or these) circumstances the state of affairs being what it is.
in (or under) no circumstances not at all; never.
ЬЬcircumstanced adj. [ME f. OF circonstance or L circumstantia
(as CIRCUM-, stantia f. sto stand)]
adj. 1 given in full detail (a circumstantial account). 2 (of
evidence, a legal case, etc.) tending to establish a conclusion
by inference from known facts hard to explain otherwise. 3 a
depending on circumstances. b adventitious, incidental.
ЬЬcircumstantiality n. circumstantially adv. [L circumstantia:
adj. moving or situated around the earth.
circumvallate surround with or as with a rampart. [L circumvallare
circumvallat- (as CIRCUM-, vallare f. vallum rampart)]
circumvent 1 a evade (a difficulty); find a way round. b baffle,
outwit. 2 entrap (an enemy) by surrounding. ЬЬcircumvention n.
[L circumvenire circumvent- (as CIRCUM-, venire come)]
n. 1 rotation. 2 the winding of one thing round another. 3 a
sinuous movement. [ME f. L circumvolvere circumvolut- (as
CIRCUM-, volvere roll)]
circus n. (pl. circuses) 1 a travelling show of performing animals,
acrobats, clowns, etc. 2 colloq. a a scene of lively action; a
disturbance. b a group of people in a common activity, esp.
sport. 3 Brit. an open space in a town, where several streets
converge (Piccadilly Circus). 4 a circular hollow surrounded by
hills. 5 Rom. Antiq. a a rounded or oval arena with tiers of
seats, for equestrian and other sports and games. b a
performance given there (bread and circuses). [L, = ring]
cir‚ n. & adj. --n. a fabric with a smooth shiny surface obtained
esp. by waxing and heating. --adj. having such a surface. [F,
= waxed]
cire perdue
n. a method of bronze-casting using a clay core and a wax
coating placed in a mould: the wax is melted in the mould and
bronze poured into the space left, producing a hollow bronze
figure when the core is discarded. [F, = lost wax]
cirque n. 1 Geol. a deep bowl-shaped hollow at the head of a valley or
on a mountainside. 2 poet. a a ring. b an amphitheatre or
arena. [F f. L CIRCUS]
cirrhosis n. a chronic disease of the liver marked by the degeneration of
cells and the thickening of surrounding tissues, as a result of
alcoholism, hepatitis, etc. ЬЬcirrhotic adj. [mod.L f. Gk
kirrhos tawny]
cirriped n. (also cirripede) any marine crustacean of the class
Cirripedia, having a valved shell and usu. sessile when adult,
e.g. a barnacle. [mod.L Cirripedia f. L cirrus curl (from the
form of the legs) + pes pedis foot]
cirro- comb. form cirrus (cloud).
cirrus n. (pl. cirri) 1 Meteorol. a form of white wispy cloud, esp.
at high altitude. 2 Bot. a tendril. 3 Zool. a long slender
appendage or filament. ЬЬcirrose adj. cirrous adj. [L, =
cis- prefix (opp. TRANS- or ULTRA-). 1 on this side of; on the side
nearer to the speaker or writer (cisatlantic). 2 Rom. Antiq. on
the Roman side of (cisalpine). 3 (of time) closer to the
present (cis-Elizabethan). 4 Chem. (of an isomer) having two
atoms or groups on the same side of a given plane in the
molecule. [L cis on this side of]
cisalpine adj. on the southern side of the Alps.
adj. on this side of the Atlantic.
cisco n. (pl. -oes) any of various freshwater whitefish of the genus
Coregonus, native to N. America. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
cislunar adj. between the earth and the moon.
adj. on the north side of the Thames in London. [CIS- (orig.
the better-known side) + L pons pont- bridge]
cissy var. of SISSY.
cist(1) n. (also kist) Archaeol. a coffin or burial-chamber made from
stone or a hollowed tree. [Welsh, = CHEST]
cist(2) n. Gk Antiq. a box used for sacred utensils. [L cista f. Gk
kiste box]
n. & adj. --n. a monk or nun of an order founded in 1098 as a
stricter branch of the Benedictines. --adj. of the Cistercians.
[F cistercien f. L Cistercium CЊteaux near Dijon in France,
where the order was founded]
cistern n. 1 a tank for storing water, esp. one in a roof-space
supplying taps or as part of a flushing lavatory. 2 an
underground reservoir for rainwater. [ME f. OF cisterne f. L
cisterna (as CIST(2))]
cistus n. any shrub of the genus Cistus, with large white or red
flowers. Also called rock rose. [mod.L f. Gk kistos]
citadel n. 1 a fortress, usu. on high ground protecting or dominating a
city. 2 a meeting-hall of the Salvation Army. [F citadelle or
It. citadella, ult. f. L civitas -tatis city]
citation n. 1 the citing of a book or other source; a passage cited. 2
a mention in an official dispatch. 3 a note accompanying an
award, describing the reasons for it.
cite 1 adduce as an instance. 2 quote (a passage, book, or
author) in support of an argument etc. 3 mention in an official
dispatch. 4 summon to appear in a lawcourt. ЬЬcitable adj.
[ME f. F f. L citare f. ciere set moving]
citified adj. (also cityfied) usu. derog. city-like or urban in
appearance or behaviour.
citizen n. 1 a member of a State or Commonwealth, either native or
naturalized (British citizen). 2 (usu. foll. by of) a an
inhabitant of a city. b a freeman of a city. 3 US a civilian.
Ьcitizen of the world a person who is at home anywhere; a
cosmopolitan. Citizens' Advice Bureau (in the UK) an office at
which the public can receive free advice and information on
civil matters. citizen's arrest an arrest by an ordinary person
without a warrant, allowable in certain cases. citizen's band a
system of local intercommunication by individuals on special
radio frequencies. ЬЬcitizenhood n. citizenry n. citizenship
n. [ME f. AF citesein, OF citeain ult. f. L civitas -tatis
city: cf. DENIZEN]
citole n. a small cittern. [ME f. OF: rel. to CITTERN with dimin.
citric adj. derived from citrus fruit. Ьcitric acid a sharp-tasting
water-soluble organic acid found in the juice of lemons and
other sour fruits. ЬЬcitrate n. [F citrique f. L citrus
citrin n. a group of substances occurring mainly in citrus fruits and
blackcurrants, and formerly thought to be a vitamin. Also called
citrine adj. & n. --adj. lemon-coloured. --n. a transparent yellow
variety of quartz. Also called false topaz. [ME f. OF citrin
(as CITRUS)]
citron n. 1 a shrubby tree, Citrus medica, bearing large lemon-like
fruits with thick fragrant peel. 2 this fruit. [F f. L CITRUS,
after limon lemon]
n. 1 any fragrant grass of the genus Cymbopogon, native to S.
Asia. 2 the scented oil from these, used in insect repellent,
and perfume and soap manufacture. [mod.L, formed as CITRON +
dimin. suffix]
citrus n. 1 any tree of the genus Citrus, including citron, lemon,
lime, orange, and grapefruit. 2 (in full citrus fruit) a fruit
from such a tree. ЬЬcitrous adj. [L, = citron-tree or thuja]
cittern n. hist. a wire-stringed lutelike instrument usu. played with
a plectrum. [L cithara, Gk kithara a kind of harp, assim. to
city n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a large town. b Brit. (strictly) a town
created a city by charter and containing a cathedral. c US a
municipal corporation occupying a definite area. 2 (the City) a
the part of London governed by the Lord Mayor and the
Corporation. b the business part of this. c commercial
circles; high finance. 3 (attrib.) of a city or the City.
ЬCity Company a corporation descended from an ancient
trade-guild. city desk a department of a newspaper dealing with
business news or US with local news. City editor 1 the editor
dealing with financial news in a newspaper or magazine. 2 (city
editor) US the editor dealing with local news. city father
(usu. in pl.) a person concerned with or experienced in the
administration of a city. city hall US municipal offices or
officers. city manager US an official directing the
administration of a city. city page Brit. the part of a
newspaper or magazine dealing with the financial and business
news. city slicker usu. derog. 1 a smart and sophisticated
city-dweller. 2 a plausible rogue as found in cities.
city-state esp. hist. a city that with its surrounding
territory forms an independent state. ЬЬcityward adj. & adv.
citywards adv. [ME f. OF cit‚ f. L civitas -tatis f. civis
cityfied var. of CITIFIED.
cityscape n. 1 a view of a city (actual or depicted). 2 city scenery.
civet n. 1 (in full civet-cat) any catlike animal of the mongoose
family, esp. Civettictis civetta of Central Africa, having well
developed anal scent glands. 2 a strong musky perfume obtained
from the secretions of these scent glands. [F civette f. It.
zibetto f. med.L zibethum f. Arab. azzabad f. al the + zabad
this perfume]
civic adj. 1 of a city; municipal. 2 of or proper to citizens (civic
virtues). 3 of citizenship, civil. Ьcivic centre Brit. the
area where municipal offices and other public buildings are
situated; the buildings themselves. ЬЬcivically adv. [F
civique or L civicus f. civis citizen]
civics (usu. treated as sing.) the study of the rights and
duties of citizenship.
civil adj. 1 of or belonging to citizens. 2 of ordinary citizens and
their concerns, as distinct from military or naval or
ecclesiastical matters. 3 polite, obliging, not rude. 4 Law
relating to civil law (see below), not criminal or political
matters (civil court; civil lawyer). 5 (of the length of a day,
year, etc.) fixed by custom or law, not natural or astronomical.
Ьcivil aviation non-military, esp. commercial aviation. civil
commotion a riot or similar disturbance. civil defence the
organization and training of civilians for the protection of
lives and property during and after attacks in wartime. civil
disobedience the refusal to comply with certain laws or to pay
taxes etc. as a peaceful form of political protest. civil
engineer an engineer who designs or maintains roads, bridges,
dams, etc. civil engineering this work. civil law 1 law
concerning private rights (opp. criminal law). 2 hist. Roman
or non-ecclesiastical law. civil libertarian an advocate of
increased civil liberty. civil liberty (often in pl.) freedom
of action and speech subject to the law. civil list (in the UK)
an annual allowance voted by Parliament for the royal family's
household expenses. civil marriage a marriage solemnized as a
civil contract without religious ceremony. civil rights the
rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.
civil servant a member of the civil service. civil service the
permanent professional branches of State administration,
excluding military and judicial branches and elected
politicians. civil state being single or married or divorced
etc. civil war a war between citizens of the same country.
civil year see YEAR 2. ЬЬcivilly adv. [ME f. OF f. L civilis
f. civis citizen]
civilian n. & adj. --n. a person not in the armed services or the police
force. --adj. of or for civilians.
civilianize (also -ise) make civilian in character or function.
ЬЬcivilianization n.
civility n. (pl. -ies) 1 politeness. 2 an act of politeness. [ME f.
OF civilit‚ f. L civilitas -tatis (as CIVIL)]
n. (also -isation) 1 an advanced stage or system of social
development. 2 those peoples of the world regarded as having
this. 3 a people or nation (esp. of the past) regarded as an
element of social evolution (ancient civilizations; the Inca
civilization). 4 making or becoming civilized.
civilize (also -ise) 1 bring out of a barbarous or primitive stage
of society. 2 enlighten; refine and educate. ЬЬcivilizable
adj. civilizer n. [F civiliser (as CIVIL)]
civvies sl. civilian clothes. [abbr.]
Civvy Street
n. sl. civilian life. [abbr.]
11.0 CJ
clack v. & n. --v.intr. 1 make a sharp sound as of boards struck
together. 2 chatter, esp. loudly. --n. 1 a clacking sound. 2
clacking talk. ЬЬclacker n. [ME, = to chatter, prob. f. ON
klaka, of imit. orig.]
clad(1) adj. 1 clothed. 2 provided with cladding. [past part. of
clad(2) (cladding; past and past part. cladded or clad) provide
with cladding. [app. f. CLAD(1)]
cladding n. a covering or coating on a structure or material etc.
clade n. Biol. a group of organisms evolved from a common ancestor.
[Gk klados branch]
cladistics (usu. treated as sing.) Biol. a method of classification
of animals and plants on the basis of shared characteristics,
which are assumed to indicate common ancestry. ЬЬcladism n.
[as CLADE + -IST + -ICS]
cladode n. a flattened leaflike stem. [Gk kladodes many-shooted f.
klados shoot]
claim v. & n. 1 a (often foll. by that + clause) demand as
one's due or property. b (usu. absol.) submit a request for
payment under an insurance policy. 2 a represent oneself as
having or achieving (claim victory; claim accuracy). b (foll.
by to + infin.) profess (claimed to be the owner). c assert,
contend (claim that one knows). 3 have as an achievement or a
consequence (could then claim five wins; the fire claimed many
victims). 4 (of a thing) deserve (one's attention etc.). --n.
1 a a demand or request for something considered one's due (lay
claim to; put in a claim). b an application for compensation
under the terms of an insurance policy. 2 (foll. by to, on) a
right or title to a thing (his only claim to fame; have many
claims on my time). 3 a contention or assertion. 4 a thing
claimed. 5 a statement of the novel features in a patent. 6
Mining a piece of land allotted or taken. Ьno claim (or claims)
bonus a reduction of an insurance premium after an agreed period
without a claim under the terms of the policy. ЬЬclaimable adj.
claimer n. [ME f. OF claime f. clamer call out f. L clamare]
claimant n. a person making a claim, esp. in a lawsuit or for a State
n. the supposed faculty of perceiving, as if by hearing, what
is inaudible. ЬЬclairaudient adj. & n. [F clair CLEAR, +
n. 1 the supposed faculty of perceiving things or events in the
future or beyond normal sensual contact. 2 exceptional insight.
[F clairvoyance f. clair CLEAR + voir voy- see]
n. & adj. --n. (fem. clairvoyante) a person having
clairvoyance. --adj. having clairvoyance. ЬЬclairvoyantly adv.
clam n. & v. --n. 1 any bivalve mollusc, esp. the edible N.
American hard or round clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) or the soft
or long clam (Mya arenaria). 2 colloq. a shy or withdrawn
person. --v.intr. (clammed, clamming) 1 dig for clams. 2
(foll. by up) colloq. refuse to talk. [16th c.: app. f. clam a
clamber v. & n. --v.intr. climb with hands and feet, esp. with
difficulty or laboriously. --n. a difficult climb. [ME, prob.
f. clamb, obs. past tense of CLIMB]
clammy adj. (clammier, clammiest) 1 unpleasantly damp and sticky or
slimy. 2 (of weather) cold and damp. ЬЬclammily adv.
clamminess n. [ME f. clam to daub]
clamour n. & v. (US clamor) --n. 1 loud or vehement shouting or noise.
2 a protest or complaint; an appeal or demand. --v. 1 intr.
make a clamour. 2 tr. utter with a clamour. ЬЬclamorous adj.
clamorously adv. clamorousness n. [ME f. OF f. L clamor -oris
f. clamare cry out]
clamp(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a device, esp. a brace or band of iron etc.,
for strengthening other materials or holding things together. 2
a device for immobilizing an illegally parked car. 1
strengthen or fasten with a clamp. 2 place or hold firmly. 3
immobilize (an illegally parked car) by fixing a clamp to one of
its wheels. Ьclamp down 1 (often foll. by on) be rigid in
enforcing a rule etc. 2 (foll. by on) try to suppress.
clamp-down n. severe restriction or suppression. [ME prob. f.
MDu., MLG klamp(e)]
clamp(2) n. 1 a heap of potatoes or other root vegetables stored under
straw or earth. 2 a pile of bricks for burning. 3 a pile of
turf or peat or garden rubbish etc. [16th c.: prob. f. Du.
klamp heap (in sense 2 related to CLUMP)]
clan n. 1 a group of people with a common ancestor, esp. in the
Scottish Highlands. 2 a large family as a social group. 3 a
group with a strong common interest. 4 a a genus, species, or
class. b a family or group of animals, e.g. elephants. [ME f.
Gael. clann f. L planta sprout]
adj. surreptitious, secret. ЬЬclandestinely adv.
clandestinity n. [F clandestin or L clandestinus f. clam
clang n. & v. --n. a loud resonant metallic sound as of a bell or
hammer etc. --v. 1 intr. make a clang. 2 tr. cause to clang.
[imit.: infl. by L clangere resound]
clanger n. sl. a mistake or blunder. Ьdrop a clanger commit a
conspicuous indiscretion.
clangour n. (US clangor) 1 a prolonged or repeated clanging noise. 2 an
uproar or commotion. ЬЬclangorous adj. clangorously adv. [L
clangor noise of trumpets etc.]
clank n. & v. --n. a sound as of heavy pieces of metal meeting or a
chain rattling. --v. 1 intr. make a clanking sound. 2 tr.
cause to clank. ЬЬclankingly adv. [imit.: cf. CLANG,
CLINK(1), Du. klank]
clannish adj. usu. derog. 1 (of a family or group) tending to hold
together. 2 of or like a clan. ЬЬclannishly adv. clannishness
clanship n. 1 a patriarchal system of clans. 2 loyalty to one's clan.
clansman n. (pl. -men; fem. clanswoman, pl. -women) a member or
fellow-member of a clan.
clap(1) v. & n. --v. (clapped, clapping) 1 a intr. strike the palms of
one's hands together as a signal or repeatedly as applause. b
tr. strike (the hands) together in this way. 2 tr. applaud or
show one's approval of (esp. a person) in this way. 3 tr. (of a
bird) flap (its wings) audibly. 4 tr. put or place quickly or
with determination (clapped him in prison; clap a tax on
whisky). --n. 1 the act of clapping, esp. as applause. 2 an
explosive sound, esp. of thunder. 3 a slap, a pat. Ьclap eyes
on colloq. see. clap on the back = slap on the back. clapped
out Brit. sl. worn out (esp. of machinery etc.); exhausted.
[OE clappian throb, beat, of imit. orig.]
clap(2) n. coarse sl. venereal disease, esp. gonorrhoea. [OF clapoir
venereal bubo]
clapboard n. US = WEATHERBOARD. [Anglicized f. LG klappholt cask-stave]
clapper n. the tongue or striker of a bell. Ьlike the clappers Brit.
sl. very fast or hard.
n. Cinematog. a device of hinged boards struck together to
synchronize the starting of picture and sound machinery in
claptrap n. 1 insincere or pretentious talk, nonsense. 2 language used
or feelings expressed only to gain applause. [CLAP(1) +
claque n. a group of people hired to applaud in a theatre etc. [F f.
claquer to clap]
claqueur n. a member of a claque. [F (as CLAQUE)]
n. an organ-stop of flute quality. [fem. forms of L clarus
clear and bellus pretty]
clarence n. hist. a four-wheeled closed carriage with seats for four
inside and two on the box. [Duke of Clarence, afterwards
William IV]
n. Heraldry (in the UK) the title given to the second King of
Arms, with jurisdiction south of the Trent (cf. NORROY, King of
Arms). [ME f. AF f. Duke of Clarence f. Clare in Suffolk]
claret n. & adj. --n. 1 red wine, esp. from Bordeaux. 2 a deep
purplish-red. 3 archaic sl. blood. --adj. claret-coloured.
[ME f. OF (vin) claret f. med.L claratum (vinum) f. L clarus
clarify v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. & intr. make or become clearer. 2 tr. a
free (liquid, butter, etc.) from impurities. b make
transparent. c purify. ЬЬclarification n. clarificatory n.
clarifier n. [ME f. OF clarifier f. L clarus clear]
clarinet n. 1 a a woodwind instrument with a single-reed mouthpiece, a
cylindrical tube with a flared end, holes, and keys. b its
player. 2 an organ-stop with a quality resembling a clarinet.
ЬЬclarinettist n. (US clarinetist). [F clarinette, dimin. of
clarine a kind of bell]
clarion n. & adj. --n. 1 a clear rousing sound. 2 hist. a shrill
narrow-tubed war trumpet. 3 an organ-stop with the quality of a
clarion. --adj. clear and loud. [ME f. med.L clario -onis f. L
clarus clear]
clarity n. the state or quality of being clear, esp. of sound or
expression. [ME f. L claritas f. clarus clear]
clarkia n. any plant of the genus Clarkia, with showy white, pink, or
purple flowers. [mod.L f. W. Clark, US explorer d. 1838]
clary n. (pl. -ies) any of various aromatic herbs of the genus
Salvia. [ME f. obs. F clarie repr. med.L sclarea]
clash n. & v. --n. 1 a a loud jarring sound as of metal objects
being struck together. b a collision, esp. with force. 2 a a
conflict or disagreement. b a discord of colours etc. --v. 1
a intr. make a clashing sound. b tr. cause to clash. 2 intr.
collide; coincide awkwardly. 3 intr. (often foll. by with) a
come into conflict or be at variance. b (of colours) be
discordant. ЬЬclasher n. [imit.: cf. clack, clang, crack,
clasp n. & v. --n. 1 a a device with interlocking parts for
fastening. b a buckle or brooch. c a metal fastening on a
book-cover. 2 a an embrace; a person's reach. b a grasp or
handshake. 3 a bar of silver on a medal-ribbon with the name of
the battle etc. at which the wearer was present. --v. 1 tr.
fasten with or as with a clasp. 2 tr. a grasp, hold closely.
b embrace, encircle. 3 intr. fasten a clasp. Ьclasp hands
shake hands with fervour or affection. clasp one's hands
interlace one's fingers. clasp-knife a folding knife, usu. with
a catch holding the blade when open. ЬЬclasper n. [ME: orig.
clasper n. (in pl.) the appendages of some male fish and insects used
to hold the female in copulation.
class n. & v. --n. 1 any set of persons or things grouped together,
or graded or differentiated from others esp. by quality (first
class; economy class). 2 a a division or order of society
(upper class; professional classes). b a caste system, a system
of social classes. c (the classes) archaic the rich or
educated. 3 colloq. distinction or high quality in appearance,
behaviour, etc.; stylishness. 4 a a group of students or pupils
taught together. b the occasion when they meet. c their course
of instruction. 5 US all the college or school students of the
same standing or graduating in a given year (the class of 1990).
6 (in conscripted armies) all the recruits of a given year (the
1950 class). 7 Brit. a division of candidates according to
merit in an examination. 8 Biol. a grouping of organisms, the
next major rank below a division or phylum. assign to a
class or category. Ьclass-conscious aware of and reacting to
social divisions or one's place in a system of social class.
class-consciousness this awareness. class-list Brit. a list of
candidates in an examination with the class achieved by each.
class war conflict between social classes. in a class of (or
on) its (or one's) own unequalled. no class colloq. lacking
quality or distinction. [L classis assembly]
classic adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of the first class; of acknowledged
excellence. b remarkably typical; outstandingly important (a
classic case). 2 a of ancient Greek and Latin literature, art,
or culture. b (of style in art, music, etc.) simple,
harmonious, well-proportioned; in accordance with established
forms (cf. ROMANTIC). 3 having literary or historic
associations (classic ground). 4 (of clothes) made in a simple
elegant style not much affected by changes in fashion. --n. 1
a classic writer, artist, work, or example. 2 a an ancient
Greek or Latin writer. b (in pl.) the study of ancient Greek
and Latin literature and history. c archaic a scholar of
ancient Greek and Latin. 3 a follower of classic models (cf.
ROMANTIC). 4 a garment in classic style. 5 (in pl.) Brit. the
classic races. Ьclassic races Brit. the five main flat races,
namely the Two Thousand and the One Thousand Guineas, the Derby,
the Oaks, and the St Leger. [F classique or L classicus f.
classis class]
classical adj. 1 a of ancient Greek or Latin literature or art. b (of
language) having the form used by the ancient standard authors
(classical Latin; classical Hebrew). c based on the study of
ancient Greek and Latin (a classical education). d learned in
classical studies. 2 a (of music) serious or conventional;
following traditional principles and intended to be of permanent
rather than ephemeral value (cf. POPULAR, LIGHT). b of the
period from c.1750-1800 (cf. ROMANTIC). 3 a in or following
the restrained style of classical antiquity (cf. ROMANTIC). b
in or relating to a long-established style. 4 Physics relating
to the concepts which preceded relativity and quantum theory.
ЬЬclassicalism n. classicalist n. classicality n. classically
adv. [L classicus (as CLASSIC)]
n. 1 the following of a classic style. 2 a classical
scholarship. b the advocacy of a classical education. 3 an
ancient Greek or Latin idiom. ЬЬclassicist n.
v. (also -ise) 1 tr. make classic. 2 intr. imitate a classical
adj. 1 arranged in classes or categories. 2 (of information
etc.) designated as officially secret. 3 Brit. (of a road)
assigned to a category according to its importance. 4 Brit. (of
newspaper advertisements) arranged in columns according to
various categories.
classify (-ies, -ied) 1 a arrange in classes or categories. b
assign (a thing) to a class or category. 2 designate as
officially secret or not for general disclosure. ЬЬclassifiable
adj. classification n. classificatory adj. classifier n.
[back-form. f. classification f. F (as CLASS)]
classless adj. making or showing no distinction of classes (classless
society; classless accent). ЬЬclasslessness n.
classmate n. a fellow-member of a class, esp. at school.
classroom n. a room in which a class of students is taught, esp. in a
clastic adj. Geol. composed of broken pieces of older rocks. Ьclastic
rocks conglomerates, sandstones, etc. [F clastique f. Gk
klastos broken in pieces]
clathrate n. Chem. a solid in which one component is enclosed in the
structure of another. [L clathratus f. clathri lattice-bars f.
Gk klethra]
clatter n. & v. --n. 1 a rattling sound as of many hard objects struck
together. 2 noisy talk. --v. 1 intr. a make a clatter. b
fall or move etc. with a clatter. 2 tr. cause (plates etc.) to
clatter. [OE, of imit. orig.]
n. Med. a cramping pain, esp. in the leg, caused by arterial
obstruction; limping. [L claudicare limp f. claudus lame]
clause n. 1 Gram. a distinct part of a sentence, including a subject
and predicate. 2 a single statement in a treaty, law, bill, or
contract. ЬЬclausal adj. [ME f. OF f. L clausula conclusion f.
claudere claus- shut]
claustral adj. 1 of or associated with the cloister; monastic. 2
narrow-minded. [ME f. LL claustralis f. claustrum CLOISTER]
n. an abnormal fear of confined places. ЬЬclaustrophobe n.
[mod.L f. L claustrum: see CLOISTER]
clavate adj. Bot. club-shaped. [mod.L clavatus f. L clava club]
clave(1) n. Mus. a hardwood stick used in pairs to make a hollow sound
when struck together. [Amer. Sp. f. Sp., = keystone, f. L
clavis key]
clave(2) past of CLEAVE(2).
n. (pl. -os) a harpsichord. [It.]
n. a small keyboard instrument with a very soft tone. [ME f.
med.L clavichordium f. L clavis key, chorda string: see
clavicle n. the collar-bone. ЬЬclavicular adj. [L clavicula dimin. of
clavis key (from its shape)]
clavier n. Mus. 1 any keyboard instrument. 2 its keyboard. [F
clavier or G Klavier f. med.L claviarius, orig. = key-bearer, f.
L clavis key]
claviform adj. club-shaped. [L clava club]
claw n. & v. --n. 1 a a pointed horny nail on an animal's or bird's
foot. b a foot armed with claws. 2 the pincers of a shellfish.
3 a device for grappling, holding, etc. --v. 1 tr. & intr.
scratch, maul, or pull (a person or thing) with claws. 2 tr. &
intr. Sc. scratch gently. 3 intr. Naut. beat to windward.
Ьclaw back 1 regain laboriously or gradually. 2 recover (money
paid out) from another source (e.g. taxation). claw-back n. 1
the act of clawing back. 2 money recovered in this way.
claw-hammer a hammer with one side of the head forked for
extracting nails. ЬЬclawed adj. (also in comb.). clawer n.
clawless adj. [OE clawu, clawian]
clay n. 1 a stiff sticky earth, used for making bricks, pottery,
ceramics, etc. 2 poet. the substance of the human body. 3 (in
full clay pipe) a tobacco-pipe made of clay. Ьclay-pan Austral.
a natural hollow in clay soil, retaining water after rain. clay
pigeon a breakable disc thrown up from a trap as a target for
shooting. ЬЬclayey adj. clayish adj. claylike adj. [OE cl‘g
f. WG]
claymore n. 1 hist. a a Scottish two-edged broadsword. b a broadsword,
often with a single edge, having a hilt with a basketwork
design. 2 US a type of anti-personnel mine. [Gael. claidheamh
mўr great sword]
clean adj., adv., v., & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by of) free from
dirt or contaminating matter, unsoiled. 2 clear; unused or
unpolluted; preserving what is regarded as the original state
(clean air; clean page). 3 free from obscenity or indecency. 4
a attentive to personal hygiene and cleanliness. b (of children
and animals) toilet-trained or house-trained. 5 complete,
clear-cut, unobstructed, even. 6 a (of a ship, aircraft, or
car) streamlined, smooth. b well-formed, slender and shapely
(clean-limbed; the car has clean lines). 7 adroit, skilful
(clean fielding). 8 (of a nuclear weapon) producing relatively
little fallout. 9 a free from ceremonial defilement or from
disease. b (of food) not prohibited. 10 a free from any record
of a crime, offence, etc. (a clean driving-licence). b sl. free
from suspicion; not carrying incriminating material. 11 (of a
taste, smell, etc.) sharp, fresh, distinctive. 12 (of timber)
free from knots. --adv. 1 completely, outright, simply (clean
bowled; cut clean through; clean forgot). 2 in a clean manner.
--v. 1 tr. (also foll. by of) & intr. make or become clean. 2
tr. eat all the food on (one's plate). 3 tr. Cookery remove
the innards of (fish or fowl). 4 intr. make oneself clean.
--n. the act or process of cleaning or being cleaned (give it a
clean). Ьclean bill of health see BILL(1). clean break a quick
and final separation. clean-cut sharply outlined. clean down
clean by brushing or wiping. clean hands freedom from guilt.
clean-living of upright character. clean out 1 clean
thoroughly. 2 sl. empty or deprive (esp. of money).
clean-shaven without beard, whiskers, moustache. clean sheet
(or slate) freedom from commitments or imputations; the removal
of these from one's record. clean up 1 a clear (a mess) away.
b (also absol.) put (things) tidy. c make (oneself) clean. 2
restore order or morality to. 3 sl. a acquire as gain or
profit. b make a gain or profit. clean-up n. an act of
cleaning up. come clean colloq. own up; confess everything.
make a clean breast of see BREAST. make a clean job of colloq.
do thoroughly. make a clean sweep of see SWEEP. ЬЬcleanable
adj. cleanish adj. cleanness n. [OE cl‘ne (adj. & adv.),
clene (adv.), f. WG]
cleaner n. 1 a person employed to clean the interior of a building. 2
(usu. in pl.) a commercial establishment for cleaning clothes.
3 a device or substance for cleaning. Ьtake to the cleaners sl.
1 defraud or rob (a person) of all his or her money. 2
criticize severely.
adv. 1 in a clean way. 2 efficiently; without difficulty. [OE
cl‘nlice: see CLEAN, -LY(2)]
adj. (cleanlier, cleanliest) habitually clean; with clean
habits. ЬЬcleanlily adv. cleanliness n. [OE cl‘nlic: see
CLEAN, -LY(1)]
cleanse 1 usu. formal. make clean. 2 (often foll. by of) purify
from sin or guilt. 3 archaic cure (a leper etc.). Ьcleansing
cream cream for removing unwanted matter from the face, hands,
etc. cleansing department Brit. a local service of refuse
collection etc. ЬЬcleanser n. [OE cl‘nsian (see CLEAN)]
cleanskin n. Austral. 1 an unbranded animal. 2 sl. a person free from
blame, without a police record, etc.
clear adj., adv., & v. --adj. 1 free from dirt or contamination. 2
(of weather, the sky, etc.) not dull or cloudy. 3 a
transparent. b lustrous, shining; free from obscurity. 4 (of
soup) not containing solid ingredients. 5 (of a fire) burning
with little smoke. 6 a distinct, easily perceived by the
senses. b unambiguous, easily understood (make a thing clear;
make oneself clear). c manifest; not confused or doubtful
(clear evidence). 7 that discerns or is able to discern readily
and accurately (clear thinking; clear-sighted). 8 (usu. foll.
by about, on, or that + clause) confident, convinced, certain.
9 (of a conscience) free from guilt. 10 (of a road etc.)
unobstructed, open. 11 a net, without deduction (a clear
њ1000). b complete (three clear days). 12 (often foll. by of)
free, unhampered; unencumbered by debt, commitments, etc. 13
(foll. by of) not obstructed by. --adv. 1 clearly (speak loud
and clear). 2 completely (he got clear away). 3 apart, out of
contact (keep clear; stand clear of the doors). 4 (foll. by to)
US all the way. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become clear. 2 a
tr. (often foll. by of) free from prohibition or obstruction. b
tr. & intr. make or become empty or unobstructed. c tr. free
(land) for cultivation or building by cutting down trees etc. d
tr. cause people to leave (a room etc.). 3 tr. (often foll. by
of) show or declare (a person) to be innocent (cleared them of
complicity). 4 tr. approve (a person) for special duty, access
to information, etc. 5 tr. pass over or by safely or without
touching, esp. by jumping. 6 tr. make (an amount of money) as a
net gain or to balance expenses. 7 tr. pass (a cheque) through
a clearing-house. 8 tr. pass through (a customs office etc.).
9 tr. remove (an obstruction, an unwanted object, etc.) (clear
them out of the way). 10 tr. (also absol.) Football send (the
ball) out of one's defensive zone. 11 intr. (often foll. by
away, up) (of physical phenomena) disappear, gradually diminish
(mist cleared by lunchtime; my cold has cleared up). 12 tr.
(often foll. by off) discharge (a debt). Ьclear the air 1 make
the air less sultry. 2 disperse an atmosphere of suspicion,
tension, etc. clear away 1 remove completely. 2 remove the
remains of a meal from the table. clear-cut sharply defined.
clear the decks prepare for action, esp. fighting. clear off 1
get rid of. 2 colloq. go away. clear out 1 empty. 2 remove.
3 colloq. go away. clear one's throat cough slightly to make
one's voice clear. clear up 1 tidy up. 2 solve (a mystery
etc.). 3 (of weather) become fine. clear the way 1 remove
obstacles. 2 stand aside. clear a thing with get approval or
authorization for a thing from (a person). in clear not in
cipher or code. in the clear free from suspicion or difficulty.
out of a clear sky as a complete surprise. ЬЬclearable adj.
clearer n. clearly adv. clearness n. [ME f. OF cler f. L
clearance n. 1 the removal of obstructions etc., esp. removal of
buildings, persons, etc., so as to clear land. 2 clear space
allowed for the passing of two objects or two parts in machinery
etc. 3 special authorization or permission (esp. for an
aircraft to take off or land, or for access to information
etc.). 4 a the clearing of a person, ship, etc., by customs. b
a certificate showing this. 5 the clearing of cheques. 6
Football a kick sending the ball out of a defensive zone. 7
making clear. Ьclearance order an order for the demolition of
buildings. clearance sale Brit. a sale to get rid of
superfluous stock.
clearcole n. & v. --n. a mixture of size and whiting or white lead, used
as a primer for distemper. paint with clearcole. [F
claire colle clear glue]
clearing n. 1 in senses of CLEAR v. 2 an area in a forest cleared for
cultivation. Ьclearing bank Brit. a bank which is a member of
a clearing-house. clearing-house 1 a bankers' establishment
where cheques and bills from member banks are exchanged, so that
only the balances need be paid in cash. 2 an agency for
collecting and distributing information etc.
clearway n. Brit. a main road (other than a motorway) on which vehicles
are not normally permitted to stop.
cleat n. 1 a piece of metal, wood, etc., bolted on for fastening
ropes to, or to strengthen woodwork etc. 2 a projecting piece
on a spar, gangway, boot, etc., to give footing or prevent a
rope from slipping. 3 a wedge. [OE: cf. CLOT]
cleavage n. 1 the hollow between a woman's breasts, esp. as exposed by a
low-cut garment. 2 a division or splitting. 3 the splitting of
rocks, crystals, etc., in a preferred direction.
cleave(1) v. (past clove or cleft or cleaved; past part. cloven or cleft
or cleaved) literary 1 a tr. chop or break apart, split, esp.
along the grain or the line of cleavage. b intr. come apart in
this way. 2 tr. make one's way through (air or water).
ЬЬcleavable adj. [OE cleofan f. Gmc]
cleave(2) v.intr. (past cleaved or clave) (foll. by to) literary stick
fast; adhere. [OE cleofian, clifian f. WG: cf. CLAY]
cleaver n. 1 a tool for cleaving, esp. a heavy chopping tool used by
butchers. 2 a person who cleaves.
cleavers n. (also clivers) (treated as sing. or pl.) a plant, Galium
aparine, having hooked bristles on its stem that catch on
clothes etc. Also called GOOSEGRASS. [OE clife, formed as
clef n. Mus. any of several symbols placed at the beginning of a
staff, indicating the pitch of the notes written on it. [F f. L
clavis key]
cleft(1) adj. split, partly divided. Ьcleft palate a congenital split
in the roof of the mouth. in a cleft stick in a difficult
position, esp. one allowing neither retreat nor advance. [past
part. of CLEAVE(1)]
cleft(2) n. a split or fissure; a space or division made by cleaving.
[OE (rel. to CLEAVE(1)): assim. to CLEFT(1)]
cleg n. Brit. a horsefly. [ON kleggi]
adj. Bot. (of a flower) permanently closed and
self-fertilizing. [Gk kleistos closed + gamos marriage]
clematis n. any erect or climbing plant of the genus Clematis, bearing
white, pink, or purple flowers and feathery seeds, e.g. old
man's beard. [L f. Gk klematis f. klema vine branch]
clement adj. 1 mild (clement weather). 2 merciful. ЬЬclemency n. [ME
f. L clemens -entis]
n. a small citrus fruit, thought to be a hybrid between a
tangerine and sweet orange. [F cl‚mentine]
clench v. & n. 1 close (the teeth or fingers) tightly. 2
grasp firmly. 3 = CLINCH v. 4. --n. 1 a clenching action. 2
a clenched state. [OE f. Gmc: cf. CLING]
clepsydra n. an ancient time-measuring device worked by a flow of water.
[L f. Gk klepsudra f. klepto steal + hudor water]
n. (US clearstory) (pl. -ies) 1 an upper row of windows in a
cathedral or large church, above the level of the aisle roofs.
2 US a raised section of the roof of a railway carriage, with
windows or ventilators. [ME f. CLEAR + STOREY]
clergy n. (pl. -ies) (usu. treated as pl.) 1 (usu. prec. by the) the
body of all persons ordained for religious duties in the
Christian churches. 2 a number of such persons (ten clergy were
present). [ME, partly f. OF clerg‚ f. eccl.L clericatus, partly
f. OF clergie f. clerc CLERK]
clergyman n. (pl. -men) a member of the clergy, esp. of the Church of
cleric n. a member of the clergy. [(orig. adj.) f. eccl.L f. Gk
klerikos f. kleros lot, heritage, as in Acts 1:17]
clerical adj. 1 of the clergy or clergymen. 2 of or done by a clerk or
clerks. Ьclerical collar a stiff upright white collar fastening
at the back, as worn by the clergy in some Churches. clerical
error an error made in copying or writing out. ЬЬclericalism n.
clericalist n. clerically adv. [eccl.L clericalis (as CLERIC)]
clerihew n. a short comic or nonsensical verse, usu. in two rhyming
couplets with lines of unequal length and referring to a famous
person. [E. Clerihew Bentley, Engl. writer d. 1956, its
clerk n. & v. --n. 1 a person employed in an office, bank, shop,
etc., to keep records, accounts, etc. 2 a secretary, agent, or
record-keeper of a local council (town clerk), court, etc. 3 a
lay officer of a church (parish clerk), college chapel, etc. 4
a senior official in Parliament. 5 US an assistant in a shop or
hotel. 6 archaic a clergyman. --v.intr. work as a clerk.
Ьclerk in holy orders formal a clergyman. clerk of the course
the judges' secretary etc. in horse or motor racing. clerk of
the works (or of works) an overseer of building works etc.
ЬЬclerkdom n. clerkess n. Sc. clerkish adj. clerkly adj.
clerkship n. [OE cleric, clerc, & OF clerc, f. eccl.L clericus
clever adj. (cleverer, cleverest) 1 skilful, talented; quick to
understand and learn. 2 adroit, dextrous. 3 (of the doer or
the thing done) ingenious, cunning. Ьclever Dick (or clogs
etc.) colloq. a person who is or purports to be smart or
knowing. not too clever Austral. colloq. unwell, indisposed.
ЬЬcleverly adv. cleverness n. [ME, = adroit: perh. rel. to
CLEAVE(2), with sense 'apt to seize']
clevis n. 1 a U-shaped piece of metal at the end of a beam for
attaching tackle etc. 2 a connection in which a bolt holds one
part that fits between the forked ends of another. [16th c.:
rel. to CLEAVE(1)]
clew n. & v. --n. 1 Naut. a a lower or after corner of a sail. b
a set of small cords suspending a hammock. 2 archaic a a ball
of thread or yarn, esp. with reference to the legend of Theseus
and the labyrinth. b = CLUE. Naut. 1 (foll. by up)
draw the lower ends of (a sail) to the upper yard or the mast
ready for furling. 2 (foll. by down) let down (a sail) by the
clews in unfurling. [OE cliwen, cleowen]
clianthus n. any leguminous plant of the genus Clianthus, native to
Australia and New Zealand, bearing drooping clusters of red
pealike flowers. [mod.L, app. f. Gk klei-, kleos glory + anthos
clich‚ n. 1 a hackneyed phrase or opinion. 2 Brit. a metal casting of
a stereotype or electrotype. [F f. clicher to stereotype]
clich‚d adj. (also clich‚'d) hackneyed; full of clich‚s.
click n. & v. --n. 1 a slight sharp sound as of a switch being
operated. 2 a sharp non-vocal suction, used as a speech-sound
in some languages. 3 a catch in machinery acting with a slight
sharp sound. 4 (of a horse) an action causing a hind foot to
touch the shoe of a fore foot. --v. 1 a intr. make a click. b
tr. cause (one's tongue, heels, etc.) to click. 2 intr.
colloq. a become clear or understandable (often prec. by it as
subject : when I saw them it all clicked). b be successful,
secure one's object. c (foll. by with) become friendly, esp.
with a person of the opposite sex. d come to an agreement.
Ьclick beetle any of a family of beetles (Elateridae) that make
a click in recovering from being overturned. ЬЬclicker n.
[imit.: cf. Du. klikken, F cliquer]
client n. 1 a person using the services of a lawyer, architect, social
worker, or other professional person. 2 a customer. 3
Rom.Hist. a plebeian under the protection of a patrician. 4
archaic a dependant or hanger-on. ЬЬclientship n. [ME f. L
cliens -entis f. cluere hear, obey]
clientele n. 1 clients collectively. 2 customers, esp. of a shop. 3 the
patrons of a theatre etc. [L clientela clientship & F
cliff n. a steep rock-face, esp. at the edge of the sea.
Ьcliff-hanger a story etc. with a strong element of suspense; a
suspenseful ending to an episode of a serial. cliff-hanging
full of suspense. ЬЬclifflike adj. cliffy adj. [OE clif f.
n. & adj. --n. 1 Med. the period of life when fertility and
sexual activity are in decline. 2 a supposed critical period in
life (esp. occurring at intervals of seven years). --adj. 1
Med. occurring at the climacteric. 2 constituting a crisis;
critical. [F climat‚rique or L climactericus f. Gk
klimakterikos f. klimakter critical period f. klimax -akos
climactic adj. of or forming a climax. ЬЬclimactically adv. [CLIMAX +
climate n. 1 the prevailing weather conditions of an area. 2 a region
with particular weather conditions. 3 the prevailing trend of
opinion or public feeling. ЬЬclimatic adj. climatical adj.
climatically adv. [ME f. OF climat or LL clima climat- f. Gk
klima f. klino slope]
n. the scientific study of climate. ЬЬclimatological adj.
climatologist n.
climax n. & v. --n. 1 the event or point of greatest intensity or
interest; a culmination or apex. 2 a sexual orgasm. 3 Rhet. a
a series arranged in order of increasing importance etc. b the
last term in such a series. 4 Ecol. a state of equilibrium
reached by a plant community. & intr. colloq. bring or
come to a climax. [LL f. Gk klimax -akos ladder, climax]
climb v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) ascend, mount,
go or come up, esp. by using one's hands. 2 intr. (of a plant)
grow up a wall, tree, trellis, etc. by clinging with tendrils or
by twining. 3 intr. make progress from one's own efforts, esp.
in social rank, intellectual or moral strength, etc. 4 intr.
(of an aircraft, the sun, etc.) go upwards. 5 intr. slope
upwards. --n. 1 an ascent by climbing. 2 a a place, esp. a
hill, climbed or to be climbed. b a recognized route up a
mountain etc. Ьclimb down 1 descend with the help of one's
hands. 2 withdraw from a stance taken up in argument,
negotiation, etc. climb-down n. such a withdrawal.
climbing-frame a structure of joined bars etc. for children to
climb on. climbing-iron a set of spikes attachable to a boot
for climbing trees or ice slopes. ЬЬclimbable adj. [OE climban
f. WG, rel. to CLEAVE(2)]
climber n. 1 a mountaineer. 2 a climbing plant. 3 a person with
strong social etc. aspirations.
clime n. literary 1 a region. 2 a climate. [LL clima: see CLIMATE]
clinch v. & n. --v. 1 tr. confirm or settle (an argument, bargain,
etc.) conclusively. 2 intr. Boxing & Wrestling (of
participants) become too closely engaged. 3 intr. colloq.
embrace. 4 tr. secure (a nail or rivet) by driving the point
sideways when through. 5 tr. Naut. fasten (a rope) with a
particular half hitch. --n. 1 a a clinching action. b a
clinched state. 2 colloq. an (esp. amorous) embrace. 3 Boxing
& Wrestling an action or state in which participants become too
closely engaged. [16th-c. var. of CLENCH]
clincher n. colloq. a remark or argument that settles a matter
cline n. Biol. the graded sequence of differences within a species
etc. ЬЬclinal adj. [Gk klino to slope]
cling v. & n. --v.intr. (past and past part. clung) 1 (foll. by to)
adhere, stick, or hold on (by means of stickiness, suction,
grasping, or embracing). 2 (foll. by to) remain persistently or
stubbornly faithful (to a friend, habit, idea, etc.). 3
maintain one's grasp; keep hold; resist separation. --n. =
CLINGSTONE. Ьcling film a very thin clinging transparent
plastic film, used as a covering esp. for food. cling together
remain in one body or in contact. ЬЬclinger n. clingingly adv.
[OE clingan f. Gmc: cf. CLENCH]
n. a variety of peach or nectarine in which the flesh adheres
to the stone (cf. FREESTONE 2).
clingy adj. (clingier, clingiest) liable to cling. ЬЬclinginess n.
clinic n. 1 Brit. a private or specialized hospital. 2 a place or
occasion for giving specialist medical treatment or advice (eye
clinic; fertility clinic). 3 a gathering at a hospital bedside
for the teaching of medicine or surgery. 4 US a conference or
short course on a particular subject (golf clinic). ЬЬclinician
n. [F clinique f. Gk klinike (tekhne) clinical, lit. bedside
clinical adj. 1 Med. a of or for the treatment of patients. b taught
or learnt at the hospital bedside. 2 dispassionate, coldly
detached. Ьclinical death death judged by observation of a
person's condition. clinical medicine medicine dealing with the
observation and treatment of patients. clinical thermometer a
thermometer with a small range, for taking a person's
temperature. ЬЬclinically adv. [L clinicus f. Gk klinikos f.
kline bed]
clink(1) n. & v. --n. a sharp ringing sound. --v. 1 intr. make a
clink. 2 tr. cause (glasses etc.) to clink. [ME, prob. f. MDu.
klinken; cf. CLANG, CLANK]
clink(2) n. (often prec. by in) sl. prison. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
n. 1 a mass of slag or lava. 2 a stony residue from burnt
coal. [earlier clincard etc. f. obs. Du. klinkaerd f. klinken
n. 1 Brit. sl. something excellent or outstanding. 2 US sl. a
mistake or blunder. [CLINK(1) + -ER(1)]
adj. (also clincher-built) (of a boat) having external planks
overlapping downwards and secured with clinched copper nails.
[clink N.Engl. var. of CLINCH + -ER(1)]
n. a kind of feldspar that rings like iron when struck.
n. Surveying an instrument for measuring slopes. [Gk klino to
slope + -METER]
cliometrics (usu. treated as sing.) a method of historical research
making much use of statistical information and methods. [Clio,
Muse of history + METRIC + -ICS]
clip(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a device for holding things together or for
attachment to an object as a marker, esp. a paper-clip or a
device worked by a spring. 2 a piece of jewellery fastened by a
clip. 3 a set of attached cartridges for a firearm.
(clipped, clipping) 1 fix with a clip. 2 grip tightly. 3
surround closely. Ьclip-on attached by a clip. [OE clyppan
embrace f. WG]
clip(2) v. & n. (clipped, clipping) 1 cut with shears or
scissors, esp. cut short or trim (hair, wool, etc.). 2 trim or
remove the hair or wool of (a person or animal). 3 colloq. hit
smartly. 4 a omit (a letter etc.) from a word. b omit letters
or syllables of (words pronounced). 5 Brit. remove a small
piece of (a ticket) to show that it has been used. 6 cut (an
extract) from a newspaper etc. 7 sl. swindle, rob. 8 pare the
edge of (a coin). --n. 1 an act of clipping, esp. shearing or
hair-cutting. 2 colloq. a smart blow, esp. with the hand. 3 a
short sequence from a motion picture. 4 the quantity of wool
clipped from a sheep, flock, etc. 5 colloq. speed, esp. rapid.
Ьclip-joint sl. a club etc. charging exorbitant prices. clip a
person's wings prevent a person from pursuing ambitions or
acting effectively. ЬЬclippable adj. [ME f. ON klippa, prob.
clipboard n. a small board with a spring clip for holding papers etc. and
providing support for writing.
clip-clop n. & v. --n. a sound such as the beat of a horse's hooves.
--v.intr. (-clopped, -clopping) make such a sound. [imit.]
clipper n. 1 (usu. in pl.) any of various instruments for clipping
hair, fingernails, hedges, etc. 2 a fast sailing-ship, esp. one
with raking bows and masts. 3 a fast horse.
clippie n. Brit. colloq. a bus conductress.
clipping n. a piece clipped or cut from something, esp. from a
clique n. a small exclusive group of people. ЬЬcliquey adj.
(cliquier, cliquiest). cliquish adj. cliquishness n. cliquism
n. [F f. cliquer CLICK]
C.Lit. abbr. Brit. Companion of Literature.
clitic n. (often attrib.) an enclitic or proclitic. ЬЬcliticization
clitoris n. a small erectile part of the female genitals at the upper
end of the vulva. ЬЬclitoral adj. [mod.L f. Gk kleitoris]
clivers var. of CLEAVERS.
Cllr. abbr. Brit. Councillor.
cloaca n. (pl. cloacae) 1 the genital and excretory cavity at the end
of the intestinal canal in birds, reptiles, etc. 2 a sewer.
ЬЬcloacal adj. [L, = sewer]
cloak n. & v. --n. 1 an outdoor over-garment, usu. sleeveless,
hanging loosely from the shoulders. 2 a covering (cloak of
snow). 3 (in pl.) = CLOAKROOM. 1 cover with a cloak.
2 conceal, disguise. Ьcloak-and-dagger involving intrigue and
espionage. under the cloak of using as a pretext. [ME f. OF
cloke, dial. var. of cloche bell, cloak (from its bell shape) f.
med.L clocca bell: see CLOCK(1)]
cloakroom n. 1 a room where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left by
visitors, clients, etc. 2 Brit. euphem. a lavatory.
n. Brit. sl. clothing or personal belongings. [19th c.:
orig. unkn.]
clobber(2) sl. 1 hit repeatedly; beat up. 2 defeat. 3 criticize
severely. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
cloche n. 1 a small translucent cover for protecting or forcing
outdoor plants. 2 (in full cloche hat) a woman's close-fitting
bell-shaped hat. [F, = bell, f. med.L clocca: see CLOCK(1)]
clock(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an instrument for measuring time, driven
mechanically or electrically and indicating hours, minutes,
etc., by hands on a dial or by displayed figures. 2 a any
measuring device resembling a clock. b colloq. a speedometer,
taximeter, or stopwatch. 3 time taken as an element in
competitive sports etc. (ran against the clock). 4 Brit. sl. a
person's face. 5 a downy seed-head, esp. that of a dandelion. 1 colloq. a (often foll. by up) attain or register (a
stated time, distance, or speed, esp. in a race). b time (a
race) with a stopwatch. 2 Brit. sl. hit, esp. on the head.
Ьclock golf a game in which a golf ball is putted into a hole
from successive points in a circle. clock in (or on) register
one's arrival at work, esp. by means of an automatic recording
clock. clock off (or out) register one's departure similarly.
clock radio a combined radio and alarm clock. round the clock
all day and (usu.) night. watch the clock = CLOCK-WATCH. [ME
f. MDu., MLG klocke f. med.L clocca bell, perh. f. Celt.]
clock(2) n. an ornamental pattern on the side of a stocking or sock near
the ankle. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
v.intr. work over-anxiously to time, esp. so as not to exceed
minimum working hours. ЬЬclock-watcher n. clock-watching n.
clockwise adj. & adv. in a curve corresponding in direction to the
movement of the hands of a clock.
clockwork n. 1 a mechanism like that of a mechanical clock, with a spring
and gears. 2 (attrib.) a driven by clockwork. b regular,
mechanical. Ьlike clockwork smoothly, regularly, automatically.
clod n. 1 a lump of earth, clay, etc. 2 sl. a silly or foolish
person. 3 meat cut from the neck of an ox. ЬЬcloddy adj. [ME:
var. of CLOT]
cloddish adj. loutish, foolish, clumsy. ЬЬcloddishly adv. cloddishness
n. 1 (usu. in pl.) colloq. a large heavy shoe. 2 = CLOD 2.
adj. = CLODDISH.
clodpoll n. sl. = CLOD 2.
clog n. & v. --n. 1 a shoe with a thick wooden sole. 2 archaic an
encumbrance or impediment. 3 a block of wood to impede an
animal's movement. --v. (clogged, clogging) 1 (often foll. by
up) a tr. obstruct, esp. by accumulation of glutinous matter. b
intr. become obstructed. 2 tr. impede, hamper. 3 tr. & intr.
(often foll. by up) fill with glutinous or choking matter.
Ьclog-dance a dance performed in clogs. [ME: orig. unkn.]
cloisonn‚ n. & adj. --n. 1 an enamel finish produced by forming areas of
different colours separated by strips of wire placed edgeways on
a metal backing. 2 this process. --adj. (of enamel) made by
this process. [F f. cloison compartment]
cloister n. & v. --n. 1 a covered walk, often with a wall on one side
and a colonnade open to a quadrangle on the other, esp. in a
convent, monastery, college, or cathedral. 2 monastic life or
seclusion. 3 a convent or monastery. seclude or shut
up usu. in a convent or monastery. ЬЬcloistral adj. [ME f. OF
cloistre f. L claustrum, clostrum lock, enclosed place f.
claudere claus- CLOSE(2)]
clone n. & v. --n. 1 a a group of organisms produced asexually from
one stock or ancestor. b one such organism. 2 a person or
thing regarded as identical with another. propagate as
a clone. ЬЬclonal adj. [Gk klon twig, slip]
clonk n. & v. --n. an abrupt heavy sound of impact. --v. 1 intr.
make such a sound. 2 tr. colloq. hit. [imit.]
clonus n. Physiol. a spasm with alternate muscular contractions and
relaxations. ЬЬclonic adj. [Gk klonos turmoil]
clop n. & v. --n. the sound made by a horse's hooves. --v.intr.
(clopped, clopping) make this sound. [imit.]
cloqu‚ n. a fabric with an irregularly raised surface. [F, =
close(1) adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by to) situated at only
a short distance or interval. 2 a having a strong or immediate
relation or connection (close friend; close relative). b in
intimate friendship or association (were very close). c
corresponding almost exactly (close resemblance). d fitting
tightly (close cap). e (of hair etc.) short, near the surface.
3 in or almost in contact (close combat; close proximity). 4
dense, compact, with no or only slight intervals (close texture;
close writing; close formation; close thicket). 5 in which
competitors are almost equal (close contest; close election). 6
leaving no gaps or weaknesses, rigorous (close reasoning). 7
concentrated, searching (close examination; close attention). 8
(of air etc.) stuffy or humid. 9 closed, shut. 10 limited or
restricted to certain persons etc. (close corporation; close
scholarship). 11 a hidden, secret, covered. b secretive. 12
(of a danger etc.) directly threatening, narrowly avoided (that
was close). 13 niggardly. 14 (of a vowel) pronounced with a
relatively narrow opening of the mouth. 15 narrow, confined,
contracted. 16 under prohibition. --adv. 1 (often foll. by
by, on, to, upon) at only a short distance or interval (they
live close by; close to the church). 2 closely, in a close
manner (shut close). --n. 1 an enclosed space. 2 Brit. a
street closed at one end. 3 Brit. the precinct of a cathedral.
4 Brit. a school playing-field or playground. 5 Sc. an entry
from the street to a common stairway or to a court at the back.
Ьat close quarters very close together. close-fisted niggardly.
close-fitting (of a garment) fitting close to the body.
close-grained without gaps between fibres etc. close harmony
harmony in which the notes of the chord are close together.
close-hauled (of a ship) with the sails hauled aft to sail close
to the wind. close-knit tightly bound or interlocked; closely
united in friendship. close-mouthed reticent. close score Mus.
a score with more than one part on the same staff. close season
Brit. the season when something, esp. the killing of game etc.,
is illegal. close-set separated only by a small interval or
intervals. close shave colloq. a narrow escape. close to the
wind see WIND(1). close-up 1 a photograph etc. taken at close
range and showing the subject on a large scale. 2 an intimate
description. go close (of a racehorse) win or almost win.
ЬЬclosely adv. closeness n. closish adj. [ME f. OF clos f. L
clausum enclosure & clausus past part. of claudere shut]
close(2) v. & n. --v. 1 a tr. shut (a lid, box, door, room, house,
etc.). b intr. be shut (the door closed slowly). c tr. block
up. 2 a tr. & intr. bring or come to an end. b intr. finish
speaking (closed with an expression of thanks). c tr. settle (a
bargain etc.). 3 a intr. end the day's business. b tr. end the
day's business at (a shop, office, etc.). 4 tr. & intr. bring
or come closer or into contact (close ranks). 5 tr. make (an
electric circuit etc.) continuous. 6 intr. (foll. by with)
express agreement (with an offer, terms, or the person offering
them). 7 intr. (often foll. by with) come within striking
distance; grapple. 8 intr. (foll. by on) (of a hand, box, etc.)
grasp or entrap. --n. 1 a conclusion, an end. 2 Mus. a
cadence. Ьclose down 1 (of a shop, factory, etc.) discontinue
business, esp. permanently. 2 Brit. (of a broadcasting station)
end transmission esp. until the next day. close one's eyes 1
(foll. by to) pay no attention. 2 die. close in 1 enclose. 2
come nearer. 3 (of days) get successively shorter with the
approach of the winter solstice. close out US discontinue,
terminate, dispose of (a business). close up 1 (often foll. by
to) move closer. 2 shut, esp. temporarily. 3 block up. 4 (of
an aperture) grow smaller. 5 coalesce. closing-time the time
at which a public house, shop, etc., ends business. ЬЬclosable
adj. closer n. [ME f. OF clos- stem of clore f. L claudere
closed adj. 1 not giving access; shut. 2 (of a shop etc.) having
ceased business temporarily. 3 (of a society, system, etc.)
self-contained; not communicating with others. 4 (of a sport
etc.) restricted to specified competitors etc. Ьclosed book see
BOOK. closed-circuit (of television) transmitted by wires to a
restricted set of receivers. closed-end having a predetermined
extent (cf. open-ended). closed season US = close season (see
CLOSE(1)). closed shop 1 a place of work etc. where all
employees must belong to an agreed trade union. 2 this system.
closed syllable a syllable ending in a consonant.
closet n. & v. --n. 1 a small or private room. 2 a cupboard or
recess. 3 = water-closet. 4 (attrib.) secret, covert (closet
homosexual). (closeted, closeting) shut away, esp. in
private conference or study. ЬClerk of the Closet (in the UK)
the sovereign's principal chaplain. closet play a play to be
read rather than acted. [ME f. OF, dimin. of clos: see
closure n. & v. --n. 1 the act or process of closing. 2 a closed
condition. 3 something that closes or seals, e.g. a cap or tie.
4 a procedure for ending a debate and taking a vote, esp. in
Parliament. apply the closure to (a motion, speakers,
etc.). [ME f. OF f. LL clausura f. claudere claus- CLOSE(2)]
clot n. & v. --n. 1 a a thick mass of coagulated liquid, esp. of
blood exposed to air. b a mass of material stuck together. 2
Brit. colloq. a silly or foolish person. & intr.
(clotted, clotting) form into clots. Ьclotted cream esp. Brit.
thick cream obtained by slow scalding. [OE clot(t) f. WG: cf.
cloth n. (pl. cloths) 1 woven or felted material. 2 a piece of
this. 3 a piece of cloth for a particular purpose; a
tablecloth, dishcloth, etc. 4 woollen woven fabric as used for
clothes. 5 a profession or status, esp. of the clergy, as shown
by clothes (respect due to his cloth). b (prec. by the) the
clergy. Ьcloth-cap relating to or associated with the working
class. cloth-eared colloq. somewhat deaf. cloth of gold (or
silver) tissue of gold (or silver) threads interwoven with silk
or wool. [OE clath, of unkn. orig.]
clothe (past and past part. clothed or formal clad) 1 put
clothes on; provide with clothes. 2 cover as with clothes or a
cloth. 3 (foll. by with) endue (with qualities etc.). [OE:
rel. to CLOTH]
clothes 1 garments worn to cover the body and limbs. 2
bedclothes. Ьclothes-horse 1 a frame for airing washed clothes.
2 colloq. an affectedly fashionable person. clothes-line a rope
or wire etc. on which washed clothes are hung to dry.
clothes-moth any moth of the family Tineidae, with a larva
destructive to wool, fur, etc. clothes-peg Brit. a clip or
forked device for securing clothes to a clothes-line.
clothes-pin US a clothes-peg. [OE clathas pl. of clath CLOTH]
clothier n. a seller of men's clothes. [ME clother f. CLOTH]
clothing n. clothes collectively.
cloture n. & v. US --n. the closure of a debate. closure. [F
cl“ture f. OF CLOSURE]
clou n. 1 the point of greatest interest; the chief attraction. 2
the central idea. [F, = nail]
cloud n. & v. --n. 1 a visible mass of condensed watery vapour
floating in the atmosphere high above the general level of the
ground. 2 a mass of smoke or dust. 3 (foll. by of) a great
number of insects, birds, etc., moving together. 4 a a state of
gloom, trouble, or suspicion. b a frowning or depressed look (a
cloud on his brow). 5 a local dimness or a vague patch of
colour in or on a liquid or a transparent body. 6 an
unsubstantial or fleeting thing. 7 obscurity. --v. 1 tr.
cover or darken with clouds or gloom or trouble. 2 intr. (often
foll. by over, up) become overcast or gloomy. 3 tr. make
unclear. 4 tr. variegate with vague patches of colour.
Ьcloud-castle a daydream. cloud chamber a device containing
vapour for tracking the paths of charged particles, X-rays, and
gamma rays. clouded leopard a mottled arboreal S. Asian feline,
Neofelis nebulosa. cloud-hopping movement of an aircraft from
cloud to cloud esp. for concealment. cloud-land a utopia or
fairyland. in the clouds 1 unreal, imaginary, mystical. 2 (of
a person) abstracted, inattentive. on cloud nine (or seven)
colloq. extremely happy. under a cloud out of favour,
discredited, under suspicion. with one's head in the clouds
day-dreaming, unrealistic. ЬЬcloudless adj. cloudlessly adv.
cloudlet n. [OE clud mass of rock or earth, prob. rel. to CLOD]
n. (pl. -ies) a small mountain bramble, Rubus chamaemorus,
with a white flower and an orange-coloured fruit.
n. a sudden violent rainstorm.
n. a fanciful or ideal place. [transl. of Gk Nephelokokkugia
f. nephele cloud + kokkux cuckoo (in Aristophanes' Birds)]
n. 1 a picturesque grouping of clouds. 2 a picture or view of
clouds. [CLOUD n., after landscape]
cloudy adj. (cloudier, cloudiest) 1 a (of the sky) covered with
clouds, overcast. b (of weather) characterized by clouds. 2
not transparent; unclear. ЬЬcloudily adv. cloudiness n.
clough n. dial. a steep valley usu. with a torrent bed; a ravine.
[OE cloh f. Gmc]
clout n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy blow. 2 colloq. influence, power of
effective action esp. in politics or business. 3 dial. a piece
of cloth or clothing (cast not a clout). 4 Archery hist. a
piece of canvas on a frame, used as a mark. 5 a nail with a
large flat head. 6 a patch. 1 hit hard. 2 mend with
a patch. [OE clut, rel. to CLEAT, CLOT]
clove(1) n. 1 a a dried flower-bud of a tropical plant, Eugenia
aromatica, used as a pungent aromatic spice. b this plant. 2
(in full clove gillyflower or clove pink) a clove-scented pink,
Dianthus caryophyllus, the original of the carnation and other
double pinks. [ME f. OF clou (de girofle) nail (of
gillyflower), from its shape, GILLYFLOWER being orig. the name
of the spice; later applied to the similarly scented pink]
clove(2) n. any of the small bulbs making up a compound bulb of garlic,
shallot, etc. [OE clufu, rel. to CLEAVE(1)]
clove(3) past of CLEAVE(1).
clove hitch
n. a knot by which a rope is secured by passing it twice round
a spar or rope that it crosses at right angles. [old past part.
of CLEAVE(1), as showing parallel separate lines]
cloven adj. split, partly divided. Ьcloven hoof (or foot) the divided
hoof of ruminant quadrupeds (e.g. oxen, sheep, goats); also
ascribed to the god Pan, and so to the Devil. show the cloven
hoof reveal one's evil nature. ЬЬcloven-footed adj.
cloven-hoofed adj. [past part. of CLEAVE(1)]
clover n. any leguminous fodder plant of the genus Trifolium, having
dense flower heads and leaves each consisting of usu. three
leaflets. Ьclover leaf a junction of roads intersecting at
different levels with connecting sections forming the pattern of
a four-leaved clover. in clover in ease and luxury. [OE clafre
f. Gmc]
clown n. & v. --n. 1 a comic entertainer, esp. in a pantomime or
circus, usu. with traditional costume and make-up. 2 a silly,
foolish, or playful person. 3 archaic a rustic. --v. 1 intr.
(often foll. by about, around) behave like a clown; act
foolishly or playfully. 2 tr. perform (a part, an action, etc.)
like a clown. ЬЬclownery n. clownish adj. clownishly adv.
clownishness n. [16th c.: perh. of LG orig.]
cloy (usu. foll. by with) satiate or sicken with an excess of
sweetness, richness, etc. ЬЬcloyingly adv. [ME f. obs. acloy
f. AF acloyer, OF encloyer f. Rmc: cf. ENCLAVE]
cloze n. the exercise of supplying a word that has been omitted from
a passage as a test of readability or comprehension (usu.
attrib. : cloze test). [CLOSURE]
club n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy stick with a thick end, used as a
weapon etc. 2 a stick used in a game, esp. a stick with a head
used in golf. 3 a a playing-card of a suit denoted by a black
trefoil. b (in pl.) this suit. 4 an association of persons
united by a common interest, usu. meeting periodically for a
shared activity (tennis club; yacht club). 5 an organization or
premises offering members social amenities, meals and temporary
residence, etc. 6 an organization offering subscribers certain
benefits (book club). 7 a group of persons, nations, etc.,
having something in common. 8 = CLUBHOUSE. 9 a structure or
organ, esp. in a plant, with a knob at the end. --v. (clubbed,
clubbing) 1 tr. beat with or as with a club. 2 intr. (foll. by
together, with) combine for joint action, esp. making up a sum
of money for a purpose. 3 tr. contribute (money etc.) to a
common stock. Ьclub-class a class of fare on aircraft etc.
designed for the business traveller. club-foot a congenitally
deformed foot. club-footed having a club-foot. club-man (pl.
-men) a member of one or more clubs (in sense 5 of n.).
club-root a disease of cabbages etc. with swelling at the base
of the stem. club sandwich US a sandwich with two layers of
filling between three slices of toast or bread. in the club
Brit. sl. pregnant. on the club colloq. receiving relief
from the funds of a benefit society. ЬЬclubber n. [ME f. ON
klubba assim. form of klumba club, rel. to CLUMP]
clubbable adj. sociable; fit for membership of a club. ЬЬclubbability n.
clubbableness n.
clubby adj. (clubbier, clubbiest) esp. US sociable; friendly.
clubhouse n. the premises used by a club.
clubland n. Brit. an area where many clubs are, esp. St James's in
clubmoss n. any pteridophyte of the family Lycopodiaceae, bearing
upright spikes of spore-cases.
cluck n. & v. --n. 1 a guttural cry like that of a hen. 2 sl. a
silly or foolish person (dumb cluck). --v.intr. emit a cluck or
clucks. [imit.]
clucky adj. (of a hen) sitting on eggs.
clue n. & v. --n. 1 a fact or idea that serves as a guide, or
suggests a line of inquiry, in a problem or investigation. 2 a
piece of evidence etc. in the detection of a crime. 3 a verbal
formula serving as a hint as to what is to be inserted in a
crossword. 4 a the thread of a story. b a train of thought. (clues, clued, cluing or clueing) provide a clue to.
Ьclue in (or up) sl. inform. not have a clue colloq. be
ignorant or incompetent. [var. of CLEW]
clueless adj. colloq. ignorant, stupid. ЬЬcluelessly adv.
cluelessness n.
clump n. & v. --n. 1 (foll. by of) a cluster of plants, esp. trees
or shrubs. 2 an agglutinated mass of blood-cells etc. 3 a
thick extra sole on a boot or shoe. --v. 1 a intr. form a
clump. b tr. heap or plant together. 2 intr. (also clomp)
walk with heavy tread. 3 tr. colloq. hit. ЬЬclumpy adj.
(clumpier, clumpiest). [MLG klumpe, MDu. klompe: see CLUB]
clumsy adj. (clumsier, clumsiest) 1 awkward in movement or shape;
ungainly. 2 difficult to handle or use. 3 tactless.
ЬЬclumsily adv. clumsiness n. [obs. clumse be numb with cold
(prob. f. Scand.)]
clung past and past part. of CLING.
clunk n. & v. --n. a dull sound as of thick pieces of metal meeting.
--v.intr. make such a sound. [imit.]
cluster n. & v. --n. 1 a close group or bunch of similar things
growing together. 2 a close group or swarm of people, animals,
faint stars, gems, etc. 3 a group of successive consonants or
vowels. --v. 1 tr. bring into a cluster or clusters. 2 intr.
be or come into a cluster or clusters. 3 intr. (foll. by round,
around) gather, congregate. Ьcluster bomb an anti-personnel
bomb spraying pellets on impact. cluster pine a Mediterranean
pine Pinus pinaster with clustered cones: also called PINASTER.
[OE clyster: cf. CLOT]
clustered adj. 1 growing in or brought into a cluster. 2 Archit. (of
pillars, columns, or shafts) several close together, or disposed
round or half detached from a pier.
clutch(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. seize eagerly; grasp tightly. 2 intr.
(foll. by at) snatch suddenly. --n. 1 a a tight grasp. b
(foll. by at) grasping. 2 (in pl.) grasping hands, esp. as
representing a cruel or relentless grasp or control. 3 a (in a
motor vehicle) a device for connecting and disconnecting the
engine to the transmission. b the pedal operating this. c an
arrangement for connecting or disconnecting working parts of a
machine. Ьclutch bag a slim flat handbag without handles. [ME
clucche, clicche f. OE clyccan crook, clench, f. Gmc]
clutch(2) n. 1 a set of eggs for hatching. 2 a brood of chickens. [18th
c.: prob. S.Engl. var. of cletch f. cleck to hatch f. ON
klekja, assoc. with CLUTCH(1)]
clutter n. & v. --n. 1 a crowded and untidy collection of things. 2
an untidy state. (often foll. by up, with) crowd
untidily, fill with clutter. [partly var. of clotter coagulate,
partly assoc. with CLUSTER, CLATTER]
n. 1 a a horse of a heavy powerful breed, used as
draught-horses. b this breed. 2 a kind of small terrier.
[orig. bred near the river Clyde in Scotland: see DALE]
clypeus n. (pl. clypei) the hard protective area of an insect's head.
ЬЬclypeal adj. clypeate adj. [L, = round shield]
clyster n. & v. archaic --n. an enema. treat with an enema.
[ME f. OF clystere or f. L f. Gk kluster syringe f. kluzo wash
CO abbr. 1 Commanding Officer. 2 conscientious objector. 3 US
Colorado (in official postal use).
Co symb. Chem. the element cobalt.
Co. abbr. 1 company. 2 county. Ьand Co. colloq. and the rest of
them; and similar things.
co- prefix 1 added to: a nouns, with the sense 'joint, mutual,
common' (co-author; coequality). b adjectives and adverbs, with
the sense 'jointly, mutually' (co-belligerent; coequal;
coequally). c verbs, with the sense 'together with another or
others' (cooperate; co-author). 2 Math. a of the complement of
an angle (cosine). b the complement of (co-latitude; coset).
[orig. a form of COM-]
c/o abbr. care of.
coach n. & v. --n. 1 a single-decker bus, usu. comfortably equipped
for longer journeys. 2 a railway carriage. 3 a horse-drawn
carriage, usu. closed, esp. a State carriage or a stagecoach. 4
a an instructor or trainer in sport. b a private tutor. 5 US
economy-class seating in an aircraft. 6 Austral. a docile cow
or bullock used as a decoy to attract wild cattle. --v. 1 tr.
a train or teach (a pupil, sports team, etc.) as a coach. b
give hints to; prime with facts. 2 intr. travel by stagecoach
(in the old coaching days). Ьcoach-built (of motor-car bodies)
individually built by craftsmen. coach-house an outhouse for
carriages. coach station a stopping-place for a number of
coaches, usu. with buildings and amenities. [F coche f. Magyar
kocsi (adj.) f. Kocs in Hungary]
coachload n. a number of people, esp. holiday-makers, taken by coach.
coachman n. (pl. -men) the driver of a horse-drawn carriage.
coachwood n. Austral. any tree esp. Ceratopetalum apetalum with
close-grained wood suitable for cabinet-making.
coachwork n. the bodywork of a road or rail vehicle.
coadjutor n. an assistant, esp. an assistant bishop. [ME f. OF
coadjuteur f. LL coadjutor (as CO-, adjutor f. adjuvare -jut-
coagulant n. a substance that produces coagulation.
coagulate & intr. 1 change from a fluid to a solid or semisolid
state. 2 clot, curdle. 3 set, solidify. ЬЬcoagulable adj.
coagulative adj. coagulator n. [ME f. L coagulare f. coagulum
n. the process by which a liquid changes to a semisolid mass.
coagulum n. (pl. coagula) a mass of coagulated matter. [L: see
coal n. & v. --n. 1 a a hard black or blackish rock, mainly
carbonized plant matter, found in underground seams and used as
a fuel and in the manufacture of gas, tar, etc. b Brit. a piece
of this for burning. 2 a red-hot piece of coal, wood, etc. in a
fire. --v. 1 intr. take in a supply of coal. 2 tr. put coal
into (an engine, fire, etc.). Ьcoal-bed a stratum of coal.
coal-black completely black. coal-fired heated or driven by
coal. coal gas mixed gases extracted from coal and used for
lighting and heating. coal-hole Brit. a compartment or small
cellar for storing coal. coal measures a series of rocks formed
by seams of coal with intervening strata. coal oil US petroleum
or paraffin. coal-sack 1 a sack for carrying coal. 2 a black
patch in the Milky Way, esp. the one near the Southern Cross.
coal-scuttle a container for coal to supply a domestic fire.
coal-seam a stratum of coal suitable for mining. coals to
Newcastle something brought or sent to a place where it is
already plentiful. coal tar a thick black oily liquid distilled
from coal and used as a source of benzene. coal-tit (or
cole-tit) a small greyish bird, Parus ater, with a black head:
also called COALMOUSE. haul (or call) over the coals reprimand.
ЬЬcoaly adj. [OE col f. Gmc]
coaler n. a ship etc. transporting coal.
coalesce v.intr. 1 come together and form one whole. 2 combine in a
coalition. ЬЬcoalescence n. coalescent adj. [L coalescere (as
CO-, alescere alit- grow f. alere nourish)]
coalface n. an exposed surface of coal in a mine.
coalfield n. an extensive area with strata containing coal.
coalfish n. = SAITHE.
coalition n. 1 Polit. a temporary alliance for combined action, esp. of
distinct parties forming a government, or of States. 2 fusion
into one whole. ЬЬcoalitionist n. [med.L coalitio (as
coalman n. (pl. -men) a man who carries or delivers coal.
coalmine n. a mine in which coal is dug. ЬЬcoalminer n.
coalmouse n. (also colemouse) (pl. -mice) = coal-tit. [OE colmase f.
col COAL + mase as TITMOUSE]
coaming n. a raised border round the hatches etc. of a ship to keep out
water. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
coarse adj. 1 a rough or loose in texture or grain; made of large
particles. b (of a person's features) rough or large. 2
lacking refinement or delicacy; crude, obscene (coarse humour).
3 rude, uncivil. 4 inferior, common. Ьcoarse fish Brit. any
freshwater fish other than salmon and trout. ЬЬcoarsely adv.
coarseness n. coarsish adj. [ME: orig. unkn.]
coarsen & intr. make or become coarse.
coast n. & v. --n. 1 a the border of the land near the sea; the
seashore. b (the Coast) US the Pacific coast of the US. 2 a a
run, usu. downhill, on a bicycle without pedalling or in a motor
vehicle without using the engine. b US a toboggan slide or
slope. --v.intr. 1 ride or move, usu. downhill, without use of
power, free-wheel. 2 make progress without much effort. 3 US
slide down a hill on a toboggan. 4 a sail along the coast. b
trade between ports on the same coast. Ьthe coast is clear
there is no danger of being observed or caught. coast-to-coast
across an island or continent. ЬЬcoastal adj. [ME f. OF coste,
costeier f. L costa rib, flank, side]
coaster n. 1 a ship that travels along the coast from port to port. 2
a small tray or mat for a bottle or glass. 3 US a a sledge for
coasting. b a roller-coaster.
n. 1 an organization keeping watch on the coasts and on local
shipping to save life, prevent smuggling, etc. 2 a member of
coastline n. the line of the seashore, esp. with regard to its shape (a
rugged coastline).
coastwise adj. & adv. along, following, or connected with the coast.
coat n. & v. --n. 1 an outer garment with sleeves and often
extending below the hips; an overcoat or jacket. 2 a an
animal's fur, hair, etc. b Physiol. a structure, esp. a
membrane, enclosing or lining an organ. c a skin, rind, or
husk. d a layer of a bulb etc. 3 a a layer or covering. b a
covering of paint etc. laid on a surface at one time.
1 (usu. foll. by with, in) a apply a coat of paint etc. to;
provide with a layer or covering. b (as coated adj.) covered
with. 2 (of paint etc.) form a covering to. Ьcoat armour coats
of arms. coat dress a woman's tailored dress resembling a coat.
coat-hanger see HANGER(1). coat of arms the heraldic bearings
or shield of a person, family, or corporation. coat of mail a
jacket of mail armour (see MAIL(2)). on a person's coat-tails
undeservedly benefiting from another's success. ЬЬcoated adj.
(also in comb.). [ME f. OF cote f. Rmc f. Frank., of unkn.
coatee n. 1 a woman's or infant's short coat. 2 archaic a
close-fitting short coat.
coati n. (pl. coatis) any racoon-like flesh-eating mammal of the
genus Nasua, with a long flexible snout and a long usu. ringed
tail. [Tupi f. cua belt + tim nose]
n. (pl. coatimundis) = COATI. [as COATI + Tupi mondi
coating n. 1 a thin layer or covering of paint etc. 2 material for
making coats.
co-author n. & v. --n. a joint author. be a joint author of.
coax 1 (usu. foll. by into, or to + infin.) persuade (a
person) gradually or by flattery. 2 (foll. by out of) obtain (a
thing from a person) by coaxing. 3 manipulate (a thing)
carefully or slowly. ЬЬcoaxer n. coaxingly adv. [16th c.: f.
'make a cokes of' f. obs. cokes simpleton, of unkn. orig.]
coaxial adj. 1 having a common axis. 2 Electr. (of a cable or line)
transmitting by means of two concentric conductors separated by
an insulator. ЬЬcoaxially adv.
cob(1) n. 1 a roundish lump of coal etc. 2 Brit. a domed loaf of
bread. 3 Brit. = corn-cob (see CORN(1)). 4 (in full cob-nut) a
large hazelnut. 5 a sturdy riding- or driving-horse with short
legs. 6 a male swan. [ME: orig. unkn.]
cob(2) n. a material for walls, made from compressed earth, clay, or
chalk reinforced with straw. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
cobalt n. Chem. a silvery-white magnetic metallic element occurring
naturally as a mineral in combination with sulphur and arsenic,
and used in many alloys. °Symb.: Co. Ьcobalt blue 1 a pigment
containing a cobalt salt. 2 the deep-blue colour of this.
ЬЬcobaltic adj. cobaltous adj. [G Kobalt etc., prob. = KOBOLD
in mines]
cobber n. Austral. & NZ colloq. a companion or friend. [19th c.:
perh. rel. to E dial. cob take a liking to]
cobble(1) n. & v. --n. 1 (in full cobblestone) a small rounded stone of
a size used for paving. 2 (in pl.) Brit. coal in lumps of this
size. pave with cobbles. [ME cobel(- ston), f.
cobble(2) 1 mend or patch up (esp. shoes). 2 (often foll. by
together) join or assemble roughly. [back-form. f. COBBLER]
cobbler n. 1 a person who mends shoes, esp. professionally. 2 an iced
drink of wine etc., sugar, and lemon (sherry cobbler). 3 a a
fruit pie topped with scones. b esp. US a fruit pie with a
rich thick crust. 4 (in pl.) Brit. sl. nonsense. 5 Austral. &
NZ sl. the last sheep to be shorn. Ьcobbler's wax a resinous
substance used for waxing thread. [ME, of unkn. orig.: sense 4
f. rhyming sl. cobbler's awls = balls: sense 5 with pun on
n. & adj. --n. any of two or more nations engaged in war as
allies. --adj. of or as a co-belligerent. ЬЬco-belligerence n.
co-belligerency n.
coble n. a flat-bottomed fishing-boat in Scotland and NE England.
[OE, perh. f. Celt.]
COBOL n. Computing a programming language designed for use in
commerce. [common business oriented language]
cobra n. any venomous snake of the genus Naja, native to Africa and
Asia, with a neck dilated like a hood when excited. [Port. f. L
colubra snake]
cobweb n. 1 a a fine network of threads spun by a spider from a liquid
secreted by it, used to trap insects etc. b the thread of this.
2 anything compared with a cobweb, esp. in flimsiness of
texture. 3 a trap or insidious entanglement. 4 (in pl.) a
state of languishing; fustiness. ЬЬcobwebbed adj. cobwebby
adj. [ME cop(pe)web f. obs. coppe spider]
coca n. 1 a S. American shrub, Erythroxylum coca. 2 its dried
leaves, chewed as a stimulant. [Sp. f. Quechua cuca]
Coca-Cola n. propr. an aerated non-alcoholic drink sometimes flavoured
with cola seeds.
cocaine n. a drug derived from coca or prepared synthetically, used as
a local anaesthetic and as a stimulant. [COCA + -INE(4)]
n. a disease of birds and mammals caused by any of various
parasitic protozoa, esp. of the genus Eimeria, affecting the
intestine. [coccidium (mod.L f. Gk kokkis dimin. of kokkos
berry) + -OSIS]
coccus n. (pl. cocci) any spherical or roughly spherical bacterium.
ЬЬcoccal adj. coccoid adj. [mod.L f. Gk kokkos berry]
coccyx n. (pl. coccyges or coccyxes) the small triangular bone at the
base of the spinal column in humans and some apes. ЬЬcoccygeal
adj. [L f. Gk kokkux -ugos cuckoo (from being shaped like its
cochin n. (in full cochin-china) 1 a fowl of an Asian breed with
feathery legs. 2 this breed. [Cochin China in Vietnam]
cochineal n. 1 a scarlet dye used esp. for colouring food. 2 the dried
bodies of the female of the Mexican insect, Dactylopius coccus,
yielding this. [F cochenille or Sp. cochinilla f. L coccinus
scarlet f. Gk kokkos berry]
cochlea n. (pl. cochleae) the spiral cavity of the internal ear.
ЬЬcochlear adj. [L, = snail-shell, f. Gk kokhlias]
cock(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a male bird, esp. of a domestic fowl. b a
male lobster, crab, or salmon. c = WOODCOCK. 2 Brit. sl.
(usu. old cock as a form of address) a friend; a fellow. 3
coarse sl. the penis. 4 Brit. sl. nonsense. °In senses 3, 4
usually considered a taboo word. 5 a a firing lever in a gun
which can be raised to be released by the trigger. b the cocked
position of this (at full cock). 6 a tap or valve controlling
flow. 1 raise or make upright or erect. 2 turn or
move (the eye or ear) attentively or knowingly. 3 set aslant,
or turn up the brim of (a hat). 4 raise the cock of (a gun).
Ьat half cock only partly ready. cock-a-doodle-doo a cock's
crow. cock-and-bull story an absurd or incredible account.
cock crow dawn. cocked hat a brimless triangular hat pointed at
the front, back, and top. cock-fight a fight between cocks as
sport. cock-fighting this sport. cock-of-the-rock a S.
American bird, Rupicola rupicola, having a crest and bright
orange plumage. cock-of-the-walk a dominant or arrogant person.
cock-of-the-wood 1 a capercaillie. 2 US a red-crested
woodpecker. cock-shy 1 a a target for throwing at with sticks,
stones, etc. b a throw at this. 2 an object of ridicule or
criticism. cock a snook see SNOOK(1). cock sparrow 1 a male
sparrow. 2 a lively quarrelsome person. cock up Brit. sl.
bungle; make a mess of. cock-up n. Brit. sl. a muddle or
mistake. knock into a cocked hat defeat utterly. [OE cocc and
OF coq prob. f. med.L coccus]
cock(2) n. & v. --n. a small pile of hay, straw, etc. with vertical
sides and a rounded top. pile into cocks. [ME, perh.
of Scand. orig.]
cockade n. a rosette etc. worn in a hat as a badge of office or party,
or as part of a livery. ЬЬcockaded adj. [F cocarde orig. in
bonnet … la coquarde, f. fem. of obs. coquard saucy f. coq
adj. & adv. --adj. exultant; crowing boastfully. --adv.
exultantly. [16th c.: orig. in phr. set cock a hoop denoting
some action preliminary to hard drinking]
n. (also cocky-leeky) a soup traditionally made in Scotland
with boiling fowl and leeks. [COCK(1) + LEEK]
n. colloq. a self-important little man. [18th c.: arbitr. f.
cockatiel n. (also cockateel) Austral. a small delicately coloured
crested parrot, Nymphicus hollandicus. [Du. kaketielje]
cockatoo n. 1 any of several parrots of the family Cacatuinae, having
powerful beaks and erectile crests. 2 Austral. & NZ colloq. a
small farmer. [Du. kaketoe f. Malay kakatua, assim. to
n. 1 = BASILISK 1. 2 Heraldry a fabulous animal, a cock with a
serpent's tail. [ME f. OF cocatris f. L calcare tread, track,
rendering Gk ikhneumon tracker: see ICHNEUMON]
cockboat n. a small ship's-boat. [obs. cock small boat (f. OF coque) +
n. a large nocturnal beetle, Melolontha melolontha, which feeds
on leaves and whose larva feeds on roots of crops etc. Also
called May-bug. [perh. f. COCK(1) as expressing size or vigour
cocker n. (in full cocker spaniel) 1 a small spaniel of a breed with a
silky coat. 2 this breed. [as COCK(1), from use in hunting
woodcocks etc.]
cockerel n. a young cock. [ME: dimin. of COCK(1)]
cock-eyed adj. colloq. 1 crooked, askew, not level. 2 (of a scheme
etc.) absurd, not practical. 3 drunk. 4 squinting. [19th c.:
app. f. COCK(1) + EYE]
cockle(1) n. 1 a any edible mollusc of the genus Cardium, having a chubby
ribbed bivalve shell. b its shell. 2 (in full cockle-shell) a
small shallow boat. Ьwarm the cockles of one's heart make one
contented; be satisfying. [ME f. OF coquille shell ult. f. Gk
kogkhulion f. kogkhe CONCH]
cockle(2) n. 1 any of various plants, esp. the pink-flowered corn-cockle,
Agrostemma githago, growing among corn, esp. wheat. 2 a disease
of wheat that turns the grains black. [OE coccul, perh. ult. f.
cockle(3) v. & n. --v. 1 intr. pucker, wrinkle. 2 tr. cause to cockle.
--n. a pucker or wrinkle in paper, glass, etc. [F coquiller
blister (bread in cooking) f. coquille: see COCKLE(1)]
cockney n. & adj. --n. (pl. -eys) 1 a a native of East London, esp.
one born within hearing of Bow Bells. b the dialect or accent
typical of this area. 2 Austral. a young snapper fish,
Chrysophrys auratus. --adj. of or characteristic of cockneys or
their dialect or accent. ЬЬcockneyism n. [ME cokeney cock's
egg, later derog. for 'townsman']
cockpit n. 1 a a compartment for the pilot (or the pilot and crew) of
an aircraft or spacecraft. b a similar compartment for the
driver in a racing car. c a space for the helmsman in some
small yachts. 2 an arena of war or other conflict. 3 a place
where cock-fights are held. [orig. in sense 3, f. COCK(1) +
cockroach n. any of various flat brown insects, esp. Blatta orientalis,
infesting kitchens, bathrooms, etc. [Sp. cucaracha, assim. to
COCK(1), ROACH(1)]
cockscomb n. 1 the crest or comb of a cock. 2 a garden plant Celosia
cristata, with a terminal plume of tiny white or red flowers.
cocksfoot n. any pasture grass of the genus Dactylis, with broad leaves
and green or purplish spikes.
cocksure adj. 1 presumptuously or arrogantly confident. 2 (foll. by of,
about) absolutely sure. ЬЬcocksurely adv. cocksureness n.
[cock = God + SURE]
cocktail n. 1 a usu. alcoholic drink made by mixing various spirits,
fruit juices, etc. 2 a dish of mixed ingredients (fruit
cocktail; shellfish cocktail). 3 any hybrid mixture. Ьcocktail
dress a usu. short evening dress suitable for wearing at a
drinks party. cocktail stick a small pointed stick for serving
an olive, cherry, small sausage, etc. [orig. unkn.: cf. earlier
sense 'docked horse' f. COCK(1): the connection is unclear]
cocky(2) n. (pl. -ies) Austral. & NZ colloq. = COCKATOO 2. [abbr.]
var. of COCK-A-LEEKIE.
coco n. (also cocoa) (pl. cocos or cocoas) a tall tropical palm
tree, Cocos nucifera, bearing coconuts. [Port. & Sp. coco
grimace: the base of the shell resembles a face]
cocoa n. 1 a powder made from crushed cacao seeds, often with other
ingredients. 2 a drink made from this. Ьcocoa bean a cacao
seed. cocoa butter a fatty substance obtained from cocoa beans
and used for confectionery, cosmetics, etc. [alt. of CACAO]
n. a tall palm-tree, Lodoicea maldivica, of the Seychelles.
coconut n. (also cocoanut) 1 a a large ovate brown seed of the coco,
with a hard shell and edible white fleshy lining enclosing a
milky juice. b = COCO. c the edible white fleshy lining of a
coconut. 2 sl. the human head. Ьcoconut butter a solid oil
obtained from the lining of the coconut, and used in soap,
candles, ointment, etc. coconut ice a sweet of sugar and
desiccated coconut. coconut matting a matting made of fibre
from coconut husks. coconut shy a fairground sideshow where
balls are thrown to dislodge coconuts. double coconut a very
large nut of the coco-de-mer. [COCO + NUT]
cocoon n. & v. --n. 1 a a silky case spun by many insect larvae for
protection as pupae. b a similar structure made by other
animals. 2 a protective covering, esp. to prevent corrosion of
metal equipment. --v. 1 tr. & intr. wrap in or form a cocoon.
2 tr. spray with a protective coating. [F cocon f. mod. Prov.
coucoun dimin. of coca shell]
cocotte n. 1 a a small fireproof dish for cooking and serving an
individual portion of food. b a deep cooking pot with a
tight-fitting lid and handles. 2 archaic a fashionable
prostitute. [F]
COD abbr. 1 a cash on delivery. b US collect on delivery. 2
Concise Oxford Dictionary.
cod(1) n. (pl. same) any large marine fish of the family Gadidae, used
as food, esp. Gadus morhua. Ьcod-liver oil an oil pressed from
the fresh liver of cod, which is rich in vitamins D and A. [ME:
orig. unkn.]
cod(2) n. & v. Brit. sl. --n. 1 a parody. 2 a hoax. 3 (attrib.) =
MOCK adj. --v. (codded, codding) 1 a intr. perform a hoax. b
tr. play a trick on; fool. 2 tr. parody. [19th c.: orig.
cod(3) n. sl. nonsense. [abbr. of CODSWALLOP]
coda n. 1 Mus. the concluding passage of a piece or movement, usu.
forming an addition to the basic structure. 2 Ballet the
concluding section of a dance. 3 a concluding event or series
of events. [It. f. L cauda tail]
coddle 1 a treat as an invalid; protect attentively. b (foll.
by up) strengthen by feeding. 2 cook (an egg) in water below
boiling point. ЬЬcoddler n. [prob. dial. var. of caudle
invalids' gruel]
code n. & v. --n. 1 a system of words, letters, figures, or
symbols, used to represent others for secrecy or brevity. 2 a
system of prearranged signals, esp. used to ensure secrecy in
transmitting messages. 3 Computing a piece of program text. 4
a a systematic collection of statutes, a body of laws so
arranged as to avoid inconsistency and overlapping. b a set of
rules on any subject. 5 a the prevailing morality of a society
or class (code of honour). b a person's standard of moral
behaviour. put (a message, program, etc.) into code.
Ьcode-book a list of symbols etc. used in a code. code-name (or
-number) a word or symbol (or number) used for secrecy or
convenience instead of the usual name. ЬЬcoder n. [ME f. OF f.
codeine n. an alkaloid derived from morphine and used to relieve pain.
[Gk kodeia poppy-head + -INE(4)]
n. cooperation between management and workers in
decision-taking. [CO- + DETERMINATION, after G Mitbestimmung]
codex n. (pl. codices) 1 an ancient manuscript text in book form. 2
a collection of pharmaceutical descriptions of drugs etc. [L, =
block of wood, tablet, book]
codfish n. = COD(1).
codger n. (usu. in old codger) colloq. a person, esp. an old or
strange one. [perh. var. of cadger: see CADGE]
codices pl. of CODEX.
codicil n. an addition explaining, modifying, or revoking a will or
part of one. ЬЬcodicillary adj. [L codicillus, dimin. of
n. the study of manuscripts. ЬЬcodicological adj.
codicologically adv. [F codicologie f. L codex codicis: see
codify (-ies, -ied) arrange (laws etc.) systematically into a
code. ЬЬcodification n. codifier n.
n. (also codlin) 1 any of several varieties of cooking-apple,
having a long tapering shape. 2 a small moth, Carpocapsa
pomonella, the larva of which feeds on apples.
Ьcodlings-and-cream the great willow-herb, Epilobium
angustifolium. [ME f. AF quer de lion lion-heart]
n. a small codfish.
codomain n. Math. a set that includes all the possible expressions of a
given function. [CO- 2 + DOMAIN]
codon n. Biochem. a sequence of three nucleotides, forming a unit of
genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule. [CODE + -ON]
codpiece n. hist. an appendage like a small bag or flap at the front of
a man's breeches. [ME, f. cod scrotum + PIECE]
co-driver n. a person who shares the driving of a vehicle with another,
esp. in a race, rally, etc.
n. Brit. sl. nonsense. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
coecilian var. of CAECILIAN.
coed n. & adj. colloq. --n. 1 a coeducational system or
institution. 2 esp. US a female student at a coeducational
institution. --adj. coeducational. [abbr.]
n. the education of pupils of both sexes together.
ЬЬcoeducational adj.
n. 1 Math. a quantity placed before and multiplying an
algebraic expression (e.g. 4 in 4x(y)). 2 Physics a multiplier
or factor that measures some property (coefficient of
expansion). [mod.L coefficiens (as CO-, EFFICIENT)]
n. a large bony marine fish, Latimeria chalumnae, formerly
thought to be extinct, having a trilobed tail-fin and fleshy
pectoral fins. [mod.L Coelacanthus f. Gk koilos hollow +
akantha spine]
-coele comb. form var. of -CELE.
n. any marine animal of the phylum Coelenterata with a simple
tube-shaped or cup-shaped body, e.g. jellyfish, corals, and sea
anemones. [mod.L Coelenterata f. Gk koilos hollow + enteron
coeliac adj. (US celiac) of or affecting the belly. Ьcoeliac disease a
digestive disease of the small intestine brought on by contact
with dietary gluten. [L coeliacus f. Gk koiliakos f. koilia
coelom n. (US celom) (pl. -oms or -omata) Zool. the principal body
cavity in animals, between the intestinal canal and the body
wall. ЬЬcoelomate adj. & n. [Gk koiloma cavity]
coelostat n. Astron. an instrument with a rotating mirror that
continuously reflects the light from the same area of sky
allowing the path of a celestial body to be monitored. [L
caelum sky + -STAT]
coenobite n. (US cenobite) a member of a monastic community.
ЬЬcoenobitic adj. coenobitical adj. [OF cenobite or eccl.L
coenobita f. LL coenobium f. Gk koinobion convent f. koinos
common + bios life]
coenzyme n. Biochem. a non-proteinaceous compound that assists in the
action of an enzyme.
coequal adj. & n. archaic or literary --adj. equal with one another.
--n. an equal. ЬЬcoequality n. coequally adv. [ME f. L or
eccl.L coaequalis (as CO-, EQUAL)]
coerce (often foll. by into) persuade or restrain (an unwilling
person) by force (coerced you into signing). ЬЬcoercible adj.
[ME f. L coercere restrain (as CO-, arcere restrain)]
coercion n. 1 the act or process of coercing. 2 government by force.
ЬЬcoercive adj. coercively adv. coerciveness n. [OF
cohercion, -tion f. L coer(c)tio, coercitio -onis (as COERCE)]
coeval adj. & n. --adj. 1 having the same age or date of origin. 2
living or existing at the same epoch. 3 having the same
duration. --n. a coeval person, a contemporary. ЬЬcoevality n.
coevally adv. [LL coaevus (as CO-, L aevum age)]
coexist v.intr. (often foll. by with) 1 exist together (in time or
place). 2 (esp. of nations) exist in mutual tolerance though
professing different ideologies etc. ЬЬcoexistence n.
coexistent adj. [LL coexistere (as CO-, EXIST)]
adj. extending over the same space or time.
C. of E. abbr. Church of England.
coffee n. 1 a a drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds
of a tropical shrub. b a cup of this. 2 a any shrub of the
genus Coffea, yielding berries containing one or more seeds. b
these seeds raw, or roasted and ground. 3 a pale brown colour,
of coffee mixed with milk. Ьcoffee bar a bar or caf‚ serving
coffee and light refreshments from a counter. coffee bean the
beanlike seeds of the coffee shrub. coffee-cup a small cup for
serving coffee. coffee-essence a concentrated extract of coffee
usu. containing chicory. coffee-house a place serving coffee
and other refreshments. coffee-mill a small machine for
grinding roasted coffee beans. coffee-morning a morning
gathering at which coffee is served, often in aid of charity.
coffee nibs coffee beans removed from their shells. coffee-shop
a small informal restaurant, esp. in a hotel or department
store. coffee-table a small low table. coffee-table book a
large lavishly illustrated book. [ult. f. Turk. kahveh f.
Arab. kahwa, the drink]
coffer n. 1 a box, esp. a large strongbox for valuables. 2 (in pl.) a
treasury or store of funds. 3 a sunken panel in a ceiling etc.
Ьcoffer-dam a watertight enclosure pumped dry to permit work
below the waterline on building bridges etc., or for repairing a
ship. ЬЬcoffered adj. [ME f. OF coffre f. L cophinus f. Gk
kophinos basket]
coffin n. & v. --n. 1 a long narrow usu. wooden box in which a corpse
is buried or cremated. 2 the part of a horse's hoof below the
coronet. (coffined, coffining) put in a coffin.
Ьcoffin-bone a bone in a horse's hoof. coffin corner US
Football the corner between the goal-line and sideline.
coffin-joint the joint at the top of a horse's hoof.
coffin-nail sl. a cigarette. [ME f. OF cof(f)in little basket
etc. f. L cophinus: see COFFER]
coffle n. a line of animals, slaves, etc., fastened together. [Arab.
kafila caravan]
cog n. 1 each of a series of projections on the edge of a wheel or
bar transferring motion by engaging with another series. 2 an
unimportant member of an organization etc. Ьcog-wheel a wheel
with cogs. ЬЬcogged adj. [ME: prob. of Scand. orig.]
cogitable adj. able to be grasped by the mind; conceivable. [L
cogitabilis (as COGITATE)]
cogitate & intr. ponder, meditate. ЬЬcogitation n. cogitative
adj. cogitator n. [L cogitare think (as CO-, AGITATE)]
cogito n. Philos. the principle establishing the existence of a being
from the fact of its thinking or awareness. [L, = I think, in
Fr. philosopher Descartes's formula (1641) cogito, ergo sum I
think, therefore I exist]
cognac n. a high-quality brandy, properly that distilled in Cognac in
W. France.
cognate adj. & n. --adj. 1 related to or descended from a common
ancestor (cf. AGNATE). 2 Philol. (of a word) having the same
linguistic family or derivation (as another); representing the
same original word or root (e.g. English father, German Vater,
Latin pater). --n. 1 a relative. 2 a cognate word. Ьcognate
object Gram. an object that is related in origin and sense to
the verb governing it (as in live a good life). ЬЬcognately
adv. cognateness n. [L cognatus (as CO-, natus born)]
cognition n. 1 Philos. knowing, perceiving, or conceiving as an act or
faculty distinct from emotion and volition. 2 a result of this;
a perception, sensation, notion, or intuition. ЬЬcognitional
adj. cognitive adj. [L cognitio (as CO-, gnoscere gnit-
adj. (also -isable) 1 perceptible, recognizable; clearly
identifiable. 2 within the jurisdiction of a court.
ЬЬcognizably adv. [COGNIZANCE + -ABLE]
n. (also cognisance) 1 knowledge or awareness; perception,
notice. 2 the sphere of one's observation or concern. 3 Law
the right of a court to deal with a matter. 4 Heraldry a
distinctive device or mark. Ьhave cognizance of know, esp.
officially. take cognizance of attend to; take account of. [ME
f. OF conoisance ult. f. L cognoscent- f. cognitio: see
cognizant adj. (also cognisant) (foll. by of) having knowledge or being
aware of.
cognomen n. 1 a nickname. 2 an ancient Roman's personal name or
epithet, as in Marcus Tullius Cicero, Publius Cornelius Scipio
Africanus. [L]
n. (pl. cognoscenti) (usu. in pl.) a connoisseur. [It., lit.
one who knows]
cohabit v.intr. (cohabited, cohabiting) live together, esp. as husband
and wife without being married to one another. ЬЬcohabitant n.
cohabitation n. cohabitee n. cohabiter n. [L cohabitare (as
CO-, habitare dwell)]
cohere v.intr. 1 (of parts or a whole) stick together, remain united.
2 (of reasoning etc.) be logical or consistent. [L cohaerere
cohaes- (as CO-, haerere stick)]
coherent adj. 1 (of a person) able to speak intelligibly and
articulately. 2 (of speech, an argument, etc.) logical and
consistent; easily followed. 3 cohering; sticking together. 4
Physics (of waves) having a constant phase relationship.
ЬЬcoherence n. coherency n. coherently adv. [L cohaerere
cohaerent- (as COHERE)]
cohesion n. 1 a the act or condition of sticking together. b a tendency
to cohere. 2 Chem. the force with which molecules cohere.
ЬЬcohesive adj. cohesively adv. cohesiveness n. [L cohaes-
(see COHERE) after adhesion]
coho n. (also cohoe) (pl. -os or -oes) a silver salmon,
Oncorhynchus kisutch, of the N. Pacific. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
cohort n. 1 an ancient Roman military unit, equal to one-tenth of a
legion. 2 a band of warriors. 3 a persons banded or grouped
together, esp. in a common cause. b a group of persons with a
common statistical characteristic. 4 US a companion or
colleague. [ME f. F cohorte or L cohors cohort- enclosure,
COHSE abbr. (in the UK) Confederation of Health Service Employees.
COI abbr. (in the UK) Central Office of Information.
coif n. hist. 1 a close-fitting cap, esp. as worn by nuns under a
veil. 2 a protective metal skullcap worn under armour. [ME f.
OF coife f. LL cofia helmet]
coiffeur n. (fem. coiffeuse) a hairdresser. [F]
coiffure n. the way hair is arranged; a hairstyle. [F]
coign n. Ьcoign of vantage a favourable position for observation or
action. [earlier spelling of COIN in the sense 'cornerstone']
coil(1) n. & v. --n. 1 anything arranged in a joined sequence of
concentric circles. 2 a length of rope, a spring, etc.,
arranged in this way. 3 a single turn of something coiled, e.g.
a snake. 4 a lock of hair twisted and coiled. 5 an
intra-uterine contraceptive device in the form of a coil. 6
Electr. a device consisting of a coiled wire for converting low
voltage to high voltage, esp. for transmission to the sparking
plugs of an internal-combustion engine. 7 a piece of wire,
piping, etc., wound in circles or spirals. 8 a roll of postage
stamps. --v. 1 tr. arrange in a series of concentric loops or
rings. 2 tr. & intr. twist or be twisted into a circular or
spiral shape. 3 intr. move sinuously. [OF coillir f. L
colligere COLLECT(1)]
coil(2) n. Ьthis mortal coil the difficulties of earthly life (with
ref. to Shakesp. Hamlet III. i. 67). [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
coin n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of flat usu. round metal stamped and
issued by authority as money. 2 (collect.) metal money. 1 make (coins) by stamping. 2 make (metal) into coins.
3 invent or devise (esp. a new word or phrase). Ьcoin-box 1 a
telephone operated by inserting coins. 2 the receptacle for
these. coin money make much money quickly. coin-op a
launderette etc. with automatic machines operated by inserting
coins. to coin a phrase iron. introducing a banal remark or
clich‚. [ME f. OF, = stamping-die, f. L cuneus wedge]
coinage n. 1 the act or process of coining. 2 a coins collectively. b
a system or type of coins in use (decimal coinage; bronze
coinage). 3 an invention, esp. of a new word or phrase. [ME f.
OF coigniage]
coincide v.intr. 1 occur at or during the same time. 2 occupy the same
portion of space. 3 (often foll. by with) be in agreement; have
the same view. [med.L coincidere (as CO-, INCIDENT)]
n. 1 a occurring or being together. b an instance of this. 2
a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without
apparent causal connection. 3 Physics the presence of ionizing
particles etc. in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of
two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit. [med.L
coincidentia (as COINCIDE)]
adj. 1 occurring together in space or time. 2 (foll. by with)
in agreement; harmonious. ЬЬcoincidently adv.
adj. 1 in the nature of or resulting from a coincidence. 2
happening or existing at the same time. ЬЬcoincidentally adv.
coiner n. 1 a person who coins money, esp. Brit. the maker of
counterfeit coin. 2 a person who invents or devises something
(esp. a new word or phrase).
Cointreau n. propr. a colourless orange-flavoured liqueur. [F]
coir n. fibre from the outer husk of the coconut, used for ropes,
matting, etc. [Malayalam kayar cord f. kayaru be twisted]
coition n. Med. = COITUS. [L coitio f. coire coit- go together]
coitus n. Med. sexual intercourse. Ьcoitus interruptus sexual
intercourse in which the penis is withdrawn before ejaculation.
ЬЬcoital adj. [L (as COITION)]
Coke n. propr. Coca-Cola. [abbr.]
coke(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a solid substance left after the gases have
been extracted from coal. 2 a residue left after the incomplete
combustion of petrol etc. convert (coal) into coke.
[prob. f. N.Engl. dial. colk core, of unkn. orig.]
coke(2) n. sl. cocaine. [abbr.]
Col. abbr. 1 Colonel. 2 Colossians (New Testament).
col n. 1 a depression in the summit-line of a chain of mountains,
generally affording a pass from one slope to another. 2
Meteorol. a low-pressure region between anticyclones. [F, =
neck, f. L collum]
col. abbr. column.
col- prefix assim. form of COM- before l.
cola n. (also kola) 1 any small tree of the genus Cola, native to W.
Africa, bearing seeds containing caffeine. 2 a carbonated drink
usu. flavoured with these seeds. Ьcola nut a seed of the tree.
colander n. a perforated vessel used to strain off liquid in cookery.
[ME, ult. f. L colare strain]
n. Astron. the complement of the latitude, the difference
between it and 90ш.
n. a yellow alkaloid obtained from colchicum, used in the
treatment of gout.
colchicum n. 1 any liliaceous plant of the genus Colchicum, esp. meadow
saffron. 2 its dried corm or seed. Also called autumn crocus.
[L f. Gk kolkhikon of Kolkhis, a region east of the Black Sea]
cold adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 of or at a low or relatively low
temperature, esp. when compared with the human body. 2 not
heated; cooled after being heated. 3 (of a person) feeling
cold. 4 lacking ardour, friendliness, or affection;
undemonstrative, apathetic. 5 depressing, dispiriting,
uninteresting (cold facts). 6 a dead. b colloq. unconscious.
7 colloq. at one's mercy (had me cold). 8 sexually frigid. 9
(of soil) slow to absorb heat. 10 (of a scent in hunting)
having become weak. 11 (in children's games) far from finding
or guessing what is sought. 12 without preparation or
rehearsal. --n. 1 a the prevalence of a low temperature, esp.
in the atmosphere. b cold weather; a cold environment (went out
into the cold). 2 an infection in which the mucous membrane of
the nose and throat becomes inflamed, causing running at the
nose, sneezing, sore throat, etc. --adv. esp. US completely,
entirely (was stopped cold mid-sentence). Ьcatch a cold 1
become infected with a cold. 2 encounter trouble or
difficulties. cold call sell goods or services by making
unsolicited calls on prospective customers by telephone or in
person. cold cathode a cathode that emits electrons without
being heated. cold chisel a chisel suitable for cutting metal.
cold comfort poor or inadequate consolation. cold cream
ointment for cleansing and softening the skin. cold cuts slices
of cold cooked meats. cold feet colloq. loss of nerve or
confidence. cold frame an unheated frame with a glass top for
growing small plants. cold front the forward edge of an
advancing mass of cold air. cold fusion nuclear fusion at room
temperature esp. as a possible energy source. cold shoulder a
show of intentional unfriendliness. cold-shoulder be
deliberately unfriendly to. cold sore inflammation and blisters
in and around the mouth, caused by a virus infection. cold
storage 1 storage in a refrigerator or other cold place for
preservation. 2 a state in which something (esp. an idea) is
put aside temporarily. cold sweat a state of sweating induced
by fear or illness. cold table a selection of dishes of cold
food. cold turkey US sl. 1 a series of blunt statements or
behaviour. 2 abrupt withdrawal from addictive drugs; the
symptoms of this. cold war a state of hostility between nations
without actual fighting. cold wave 1 a temporary spell of cold
weather over a wide area. 2 a kind of permanent wave for the
hair using chemicals and without heat. in cold blood without
feeling or passion; deliberately, ruthlessly. out in the cold
ignored, neglected. throw (or pour) cold water on be
discouraging or depreciatory about. ЬЬcoldish adj. coldly adv.
coldness n. [OE cald f. Gmc, rel. to L gelu frost]
adj. 1 having a body temperature varying with that of the
environment (e.g. of fish); poikilothermic. 2 callous;
deliberately cruel. ЬЬcold-bloodedly adv. cold-bloodedness n.
adj. lacking affection or warmth; unfriendly. ЬЬcold-heartedly
adv. cold-heartedness n.
adj. (of a metal) brittle in its cold state. [Sw. kallsk”r f.
kall cold + sk”r brittle: assim. to SHORT]
cole n. (usu. in comb.) 1 cabbage. 2 = RAPE(2). [ME f. ON k l f. L
caulis stem, cabbage]
colemouse var. of COALMOUSE.
n. any insect of the order Coleoptera, with front wings
modified into sheaths to protect the hinder wings, e.g. a beetle
or weevil. ЬЬcoleopterist n. coleopterous adj. [mod.L
Coleoptera f. Gk koleopteros f. koleon sheath + pteron wing]
n. Bot. a sheath protecting a young shoot tip in grasses. [Gk
koleon sheath + ptilon feather]
coleseed n. = COLE 2.
coleslaw n. a dressed salad of sliced raw cabbage, carrot, onion, etc.
[Du. koolsla: see COLE, SLAW]
cole-tit var. of coal-tit.
coleus n. any plant of the genus Coleus, having variegated coloured
leaves. [mod.L f. Gk koleon sheath]
coley n. (pl. -eys) Brit. any of various fish used as food, esp.
the saithe or rock-salmon. [perh. f. coal-fish]
colic n. a severe spasmodic abdominal pain. ЬЬcolicky adj. [ME f. F
colique f. LL colicus: see COLON(2)]
coliseum n. US = COLOSSEUM.
colitis n. inflammation of the lining of the colon.
Coll. abbr. College.
v.intr. (often foll. by with) 1 work jointly, esp. in a
literary or artistic production. 2 cooperate traitorously with
an enemy. ЬЬcollaboration n. collaborationist n. & adj.
collaborative adj. collaborator n. [L collaborare collaborat-
(as COM-, laborare work)]
collage n. 1 a form of art in which various materials (e.g.
photographs, pieces of paper, matchsticks) are arranged and
glued to a backing. 2 a work of art done in this way. 3 a
collection of unrelated things. ЬЬcollagist n. [F, = gluing]
collagen n. a protein found in animal connective tissue, yielding
gelatin on boiling. [F collagЉne f. Gk kolla glue + -gЉne =
collapsar n. Astron. = black hole 1.
collapse n. & v. --n. 1 the tumbling down or falling in of a structure;
folding up; giving way. 2 a sudden failure of a plan,
undertaking, etc. 3 a physical or mental breakdown. --v. 1 a
intr. undergo or experience a collapse. b tr. cause to
collapse. 2 intr. colloq. lie or sit down and relax, esp.
after prolonged effort (collapsed into a chair). 3 a intr. (of
furniture etc.) be foldable into a small space. b tr. fold
(furniture) in this way. ЬЬcollapsible adj. collapsibility n.
[L collapsus past part. of collabi (as COM-, labi slip)]
collar n. & v. --n. 1 the part of a shirt, dress, coat, etc., that
goes round the neck, either upright or turned over. 2 a band of
linen, lace, etc., completing the upper part of a costume. 3 a
band of leather or other material put round an animal's (esp. a
dog's) neck. 4 a restraining or connecting band, ring, or pipe
in machinery. 5 a coloured marking resembling a collar round
the neck of a bird or animal. 6 Brit. a piece of meat rolled up
and tied. 1 seize (a person) by the collar or neck. 2
capture, apprehend. 3 colloq. accost. 4 sl. take, esp.
illicitly. Ьcollar-beam a horizontal beam connecting two
rafters and forming with them an A-shaped roof-truss.
collar-bone either of two bones joining the breastbone and the
shoulder-blades. collared dove a dove, Streptopelia decaoto,
having distinct neck-markings. ЬЬcollared adj. (also in comb.).
collarless adj. [ME f. AF coler, OF colier, f. L collare f.
collum neck]
collate 1 analyse and compare (texts, statements, etc.) to
identify points of agreement and difference. 2 Bibliog. verify
the order of (sheets) by their signatures. 3 assemble
(information) from different sources. 4 (often foll. by to)
Eccl. appoint (a clergyman) to a benefice. ЬЬcollator n. [L
collat- past part. stem of conferre compare]
n. & adj. --n. 1 security pledged as a guarantee for repayment
of a loan. 2 a person having the same descent as another but by
a different line. --adj. 1 descended from the same stock but
by a different line. 2 side by side; parallel. 3 a additional
but subordinate. b contributory. c connected but aside from
the main subject, course, etc. ЬЬcollaterality n. collaterally
adv. [ME f. med.L collateralis (as COM-, LATERAL)]
collation n. 1 the act or an instance of collating. 2 RC Ch. a light
meal allowed during a fast. 3 a light informal meal. [ME f. OF
f. L collatio -onis (see COLLATE): sense 2 f. Cassian's
Collationes Patrum (= Lives of the Fathers) read by Benedictines
and followed by a light meal]
colleague n. a fellow official or worker, esp. in a profession or
business. [F collЉgue f. L collega (as COM-, legare depute)]
v., adj., & adv. --v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come together;
assemble, accumulate. 2 tr. systematically seek and acquire
(books, stamps, etc.), esp. as a continuing hobby. 3 a tr.
obtain (taxes, contributions, etc.) from a number of people. b
intr. colloq. receive money. 4 tr. call for; fetch (went to
collect the laundry). 5 a refl. regain control of oneself esp.
after a shock. b tr. concentrate (one's energies, thoughts,
etc.). c tr. (as collected adj.) calm and cool; not perturbed
or distracted. 6 tr. infer, gather, conclude. --adj. & adv.
US to be paid for by the receiver (of a telephone call, parcel,
etc.). ЬЬcollectable adj. collectedly adv. [F collecter or
med.L collectare f. L collectus past part. of colligere (as
COM-, legere pick)]
n. a short prayer of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Church,
esp. one assigned to a particular day or season. [ME f. OF
collecte f. L collecta fem. past part. of colligere: see
adj. & n. --adj. worth collecting. --n. an item sought by
n. 1 the act or process of collecting or being collected. 2 a
group of things collected together, esp. systematically. 3
(foll. by of) an accumulation; a mass or pile (a collection of
dust). 4 a the collecting of money, esp. in church or for a
charitable cause. b the amount collected. 5 the regular
removal of mail, esp. from a postbox, for dispatch. 6 (in pl.)
Brit. college examinations held at the end of a term, esp. at
Oxford University. [ME f. OF f. L collectio -onis (as
adj. & n. --adj. 1 formed by or constituting a collection. 2
taken as a whole; aggregate (our collective opinion). 3 of or
from several or many individuals; common. --n. 1 a =
collective farm. b any cooperative enterprise. c its members.
2 = collective noun. Ьcollective bargaining negotiation of
wages etc. by an organized body of employees. collective farm a
jointly-operated esp. State-owned amalgamation of several
smallholdings. collective noun Gram. a noun that is
grammatically singular and denotes a collection or number of
individuals (e.g. assembly, family, troop). collective
ownership ownership of land, means of production, etc., by all
for the benefit of all. collective unconscious Psychol. (in
Jungian theory) the part of the unconscious mind derived from
ancestral memory and experience common to all mankind, as
distinct from the personal unconscious. ЬЬcollectively adv.
collectiveness n. collectivity n. [F collectif or L
collectivus (as COLLECT(1))]
n. the theory and practice of the collective ownership of land
and the means of production. ЬЬcollectivist n. collectivistic
collectivize (also -ise) organize on the basis of collective
ownership. ЬЬcollectivization n.
collector n. 1 a person who collects, esp. things of interest as a hobby.
2 a person who collects money etc. due (tax-collector;
ticket-collector). 3 Electronics the region in a transistor
that absorbs carriers of a charge. Ьcollector's item (or piece)
a valuable object, esp. one of interest to collectors. [ME f.
AF collectour f. med.L collector (as COLLECT(1))]
colleen n. Ir. a girl. [Ir. cailЎn, dimin. of caile country-woman]
college n. 1 an establishment for further or higher education,
sometimes part of a university. 2 an establishment for
specialized professional education (business college; college of
music; naval college). 3 the buildings or premises of a college
(lived in college). 4 the students and teachers in a college.
5 Brit. a public school. 6 an organized body of persons with
shared functions and privileges (College of Physicians).
ЬCollege of Arms (in the UK) a corporation recording lineage and
granting arms. college of education Brit. a training college
for schoolteachers. college pudding Brit. a small baked or
steamed suet pudding with dried fruit. ЬЬcollegial adj. [ME f.
OF college or L collegium f. collega (as COLLEAGUE)]
collegian n. a member of a college. [med.L collegianus (as COLLEGE)]
adj. constituted as or belonging to a college; corporate.
Ьcollegiate church 1 a church endowed for a chapter of canons
but without a bishop's see. 2 US & Sc. a church or group of
churches established under a joint pastorate. ЬЬcollegiately
adv. [LL collegiatus (as COLLEGE)]
n. Bot. a tissue of cells with thick cellulose cell walls,
strengthening young stems etc. [Gk kolla glue + egkhuma
Colles' fracture
n. a fracture of the lower end of the radius with a backward
displacement of the hand. [A. Colles, Ir. surgeon d. 1843]
collet n. 1 a flange or socket for setting a gem in jewellery. 2
Engin. a segmented band or sleeve put round a shaft or spindle
and tightened to grip it. 3 Horol. a small collar to which the
inner end of a balance spring is attached. [F, dimin. of COL]
collide v.intr. (often foll. by with) 1 come into abrupt or violent
impact. 2 be in conflict. [L collidere collis- (as COM-,
laedere strike, damage)]
collie n. 1 a sheepdog orig. of a Scottish breed, with a long pointed
nose and usu. dense long hair. 2 this breed. [perh. f. coll
COAL (as being orig. black)]
collier n. 1 a coalminer. 2 a a coal-ship. b a member of its crew.
[ME, f. COAL + -IER]
colliery n. (pl. -ies) a coalmine and its associated buildings.
colligate bring into connection (esp. isolated facts by a
generalization). ЬЬcolligation n. [L colligare colligat- (as
COM-, ligare bind)]
collimate 1 adjust the line of sight of (a telescope etc.). 2 make
(telescopes or rays) accurately parallel. ЬЬcollimation n. [L
collimare, erron. for collineare align (as COM-, linea line)]
n. 1 a device for producing a parallel beam of rays or
radiation. 2 a small fixed telescope used for adjusting the
line of sight of an astronomical telescope, etc.
collinear adj. Geom. (of points) lying in the same straight line.
ЬЬcollinearity n. collinearly adv.
Collins n. an iced drink made of gin or whisky etc. with soda, lemon or
lime juice, and sugar. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
collision n. 1 a violent impact of a moving body, esp. a vehicle or ship,
with another or with a fixed object. 2 the clashing of opposed
interests or considerations. 3 Physics the action of particles
striking or coming together. Ьcollision course a course or
action that is bound to cause a collision or conflict.
ЬЬcollisional adj. [ME f. LL collisio (as COLLIDE)]
collocate 1 place together or side by side. 2 arrange; set in a
particular place. 3 (often foll. by with) Linguistics juxtapose
(a word etc.) with another. ЬЬcollocation n. [L collocare
collocat- (as COM-, locare to place)]
n. a person who takes part in a conversation. [LL f. colloqui
(as COM-, loqui locut- talk)]
collodion n. a syrupy solution of cellulose nitrate in a mixture of
alcohol and ether, used in photography and surgery. [Gk
kollodes gluelike f. kolla glue]
collogue v.intr. (collogues, collogued, colloguing) (foll. by with) talk
confidentially. [prob. alt. of obs. colleague conspire, by
assoc. with L colloqui converse]
colloid n. 1 Chem. a a substance consisting of ultramicroscopic
particles. b a mixture of such a substance uniformly dispersed
through a second substance esp. to form a viscous solution. 2
Med. a substance of a homogeneous gelatinous consistency.
ЬЬcolloidal adj. [Gk kolla glue + -OID]
collop n. a slice, esp. of meat or bacon; an escalope. [ME, = fried
bacon and eggs, of Scand. orig.]
adj. belonging to or proper to ordinary or familiar
conversation, not formal or literary. ЬЬcolloquially adv. [L
colloquium COLLOQUY]
n. 1 a colloquial word or phrase. 2 the use of colloquialisms.
n. (pl. colloquiums or colloquia) an academic conference or
seminar. [L: see COLLOQUY]
colloquy n. (pl. -quies) 1 the act of conversing. 2 a conversation. 3
Eccl. a gathering for discussion of theological questions. [L
colloquium (as COM-, loqui speak)]
collotype n. Printing 1 a thin sheet of gelatin exposed to light, treated
with reagents, and used to make high quality prints by
lithography. 2 a print made by this process. [Gk kolla glue +
collude v.intr. come to an understanding or conspire together, esp. for
a fraudulent purpose. ЬЬcolluder n. [L colludere collus- (as
COM-, ludere lus- play)]
collusion n. 1 a secret understanding, esp. for a fraudulent purpose. 2
Law such an understanding between ostensible opponents in a
lawsuit. ЬЬcollusive adj. collusively adv. [ME f. OF
collusion or L collusio (as COLLUDE)]
collyrium n. (pl. collyria) a medicated eye-lotion. [L f. Gk kollurion
poultice f. kollura coarse bread-roll]
collywobbles colloq. 1 a rumbling or pain in the stomach. 2 a
feeling of strong apprehension. [fanciful, f. COLIC + WOBBLE]
Colo. abbr. Colorado.
colobus n. any leaf-eating monkey of the genus Colobus, native to
Africa, having shortened thumbs. [mod.L f. Gk kolobos docked]
colocynth n. (also coloquintida) 1 a a plant of the gourd family,
Citrullus colocynthis, bearing a pulpy fruit. b this fruit. 2
a bitter purgative drug obtained from the fruit. [L colocynthis
f. Gk kolokunthis]
cologne n. (in full cologne water) eau-de-Cologne or a similar scented
toilet water. [abbr.]
colon(1) n. a punctuation mark (:), used esp. to introduce a quotation
or a list of items or to separate clauses when the second
expands or illustrates the first; also between numbers in a
statement of proportion (as in 10:1) and in Biblical references
(as in Exodus 3:2). [L f. Gk kolon limb, clause]
colon(2) n. Anat. the lower and greater part of the large intestine,
from the caecum to the rectum. ЬЬcolonic adj. [ME, ult. f. Gk
colonel n. 1 an army officer in command of a regiment, immediately
below a brigadier in rank. 2 US an officer of corresponding
rank in the Air Force. 3 = lieutenant-colonel. ЬColonel Blimp
see BLIMP n. 1. ЬЬcolonelcy n. (pl. -ies). [obs. F coronel
f. It. colonnello f. colonna COLUMN]
colonial adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, relating to, or characteristic of a
colony or colonies, esp. of a British Crown Colony. 2 (esp. of
architecture or furniture) built or designed in, or in a style
characteristic of, the period of the British colonies in America
before independence. --n. 1 a native or inhabitant of a
colony. 2 a house built in colonial style. Ьcolonial goose
Austral. & NZ a boned and stuffed roast leg of mutton.
ЬЬcolonially adv.
n. 1 a policy of acquiring or maintaining colonies. 2 derog.
this policy regarded as the esp. economic exploitation of weak
or backward peoples by a larger power. ЬЬcolonialist n.
colonist n. a settler in or inhabitant of a colony.
colonize v. (also -ise) 1 tr. a establish a colony or colonies in (a
country or area). b settle as colonists. 2 intr. establish or
join a colony. 3 tr. US Polit. plant voters in (a district)
for party purposes. 4 tr. Biol. (of plants and animals) become
established (in an area). ЬЬcolonization n. colonizer n.
colonnade n. a row of columns, esp. supporting an entablature or roof.
ЬЬcolonnaded adj. [F f. colonne COLUMN]
colony n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a group of settlers in a new country
(whether or not already inhabited) fully or partly subject to
the mother country. b the settlement or its territory. 2 a
people of one nationality or race or occupation in a city, esp.
if living more or less in isolation or in a special quarter. b
a separate or segregated group (nudist colony). 3 Biol. a
collection of animals, plants, etc., connected, in contact, or
living close together. [ME f. L colonia f. colonus farmer f.
colere cultivate]
colophon n. 1 a publisher's device or imprint, esp. on the title-page.
2 a tailpiece in a manuscript or book, often ornamental, giving
the writer's or printer's name, the date, etc. [LL f. Gk
kolophon summit, finishing touch]
colophony n. = ROSIN. [L colophonia (resin) from Colophon in Asia Minor]
var. of COLOCYNTH.
color etc. US var. of COLOUR etc.
Colorado beetle
n. a yellow and black striped beetle, Leptinotarsa
decemlineata, the larva of which is highly destructive to the
potato plant. [Colorado in the US]
n. (also colouration) 1 colouring; a scheme or method of
applying colour. 2 the natural (esp. variegated) colour of
living things or animals. [F coloration or LL coloratio f.
colorare COLOUR]
n. 1 elaborate ornamentation of a vocal melody. 2 a singer
(esp. a soprano) skilled in coloratura singing. [It. f. L
colorare COLOUR]
n. an instrument for measuring the intensity of colour.
ЬЬcolorimetric adj. colorimetry n. [L color COLOUR + -METER]
colossal adj. 1 of immense size; huge, gigantic. 2 colloq. remarkable,
splendid. 3 Archit. (of an order) having more than one storey
of columns. 4 Sculpture (of a statue) about twice life size.
ЬЬcolossally adv. [F f. colosse COLOSSUS]
colosseum n. a large stadium or amphitheatre. [med.L, neut. of colosseus
gigantic (as COLOSSUS)]
colossus n. (pl. colossi or colossuses) 1 a statue much bigger than
life size. 2 a gigantic person, animal, building, etc. 3 an
imperial power personified. [L f. Gk kolossos]
colostomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery an operation on the colon to make an
opening in the abdominal wall to provide an artificial anus.
[as COLON(2) + Gk stoma mouth]
colostrum n. the first secretion from the mammary glands occurring after
giving birth. [L]
colotomy n. (pl. -ies) Surgery an incision in the colon. [as COLON(2)
+ -TOMY]
colour n. & v. --n. (US color) 1 a the sensation produced on the eye
by rays of light when resolved as by a prism, selective
reflection, etc., into different wavelengths. b perception of
colour; a system of colours. 2 one, or any mixture, of the
constituents into which light can be separated as in a spectrum
or rainbow, sometimes including (loosely) black and white. 3 a
colouring substance, esp. paint. 4 the use of all colours, not
only black and white, as in photography and television. 5 a
pigmentation of the skin, esp. when dark. b this as a ground
for prejudice or discrimination. 6 ruddiness of complexion (a
healthy colour). 7 (in pl.) appearance or aspect (see things in
their true colours). 8 (in pl.) a Brit. a coloured ribbon or
uniform etc. worn to signify membership of a school, club, team,
etc. b the flag of a regiment or ship. c a national flag. 9
quality, mood, or variety in music, literature, speech, etc.;
distinctive character or timbre. 10 a show of reason; a pretext
(lend colour to; under colour of). --v. 1 tr. apply colour to,
esp. by painting or dyeing or with coloured pens or pencils. 2
tr. influence (an attitude coloured by experience). 3 tr.
misrepresent, exaggerate, esp. with spurious detail (a highly
coloured account). 4 intr. take on colour; blush. Ьcolour bar
the denial of services and facilities to non-White people.
colour-blind unable to distinguish certain colours.
colour-blindness the condition of being colour-blind. colour
code use of colours as a standard means of identification.
colour-code identify by means of a colour code.
colour-fast dyed in colours that will not fade or be washed out.
colour-fastness the condition of being colour-fast. colour
scheme an arrangement or planned combination of colours esp. in
interior design. colour-sergeant the senior sergeant of an
infantry company. colour supplement Brit. a magazine with
coloured illustrations, issued as a supplement to a newspaper.
colour wash coloured distemper. colour-wash paint with
coloured distemper. Queen's (or King's or regimental) colour a
flag carried by a regiment. show one's true colours reveal
one's true character or intentions. under false colours
falsely, deceitfully. with flying colours see FLYING. [ME f.
OF color, colorer f. L color, colorare]
coloured adj. & n. (US colored) --adj. 1 having colour(s). 2
(Coloured) a wholly or partly of non-White descent. b S.Afr. of
mixed White and non-White descent. c of or relating to Coloured
people (a Coloured audience). --n. (Coloured) 1 a Coloured
person. 2 S.Afr. a person of mixed descent speaking Afrikaans
or English as the mother tongue.
colourful adj. (US colorful) 1 having much or varied colour; bright. 2
full of interest; vivid, lively. ЬЬcolourfully adv.
colourfulness n.
colouring n. (US coloring) 1 the process of or skill in using colour(s).
2 the style in which a thing is coloured, or in which an artist
uses colour. 3 facial complexion.
colourist n. (US colorist) a person who uses colour, esp. in art.
adj. (US colorless) 1 without colour. 2 lacking character or
interest. 3 dull or pale in hue. 4 neutral, impartial,
indifferent. ЬЬcolourlessly adv.
coloury adj. US (colory) having a distinctive colour, esp. as
indicating good quality.
n. examination of the vagina and the neck of the womb.
ЬЬcolposcope n. [Gk kolpos womb + -SCOPY]
colt n. 1 a young uncastrated male horse, usu. less than four years
old. 2 Sport a young or inexperienced player; a member of a
junior team. ЬЬcolthood n. coltish adj. coltishly adv.
coltishness n. [OE, = young ass or camel]
colter US var. of COULTER.
coltsfoot n. (pl. coltsfoots) a wild composite plant, Tussilago farfara,
with large leaves and yellow flowers.
colubrine adj. 1 snakelike. 2 of the subfamily Colubrinae of
non-poisonous snakes. [L colubrinus f. coluber snake]
Columbine n. the partner of Harlequin in pantomime. [F Colombine f. It.
Colombina f. colombino dovelike]
columbine n. any plant of the genus Aquilegia, esp. A. vulgaris, having
purple-blue flowers. Also called AQUILEGIA. [ME f. OF colombine
f. med.L colombina herba dovelike plant f. L columba dove (from
the supposed resemblance of the flower to a cluster of 5 doves)]
columbite n. US Chem. an ore of iron and niobium found in America.
[Columbia, a poetic name for America, + -ITE(1)]
columbium n. US Chem. = NIOBIUM.
column n. 1 Archit. an upright cylindrical pillar often slightly
tapering and usu. supporting an entablature or arch, or
standing alone as a monument. 2 a structure or part shaped like
a column. 3 a vertical cylindrical mass of liquid or vapour. 4
a a vertical division of a page, chart, etc., containing a
sequence of figures or words. b the figures or words
themselves. 5 a part of a newspaper regularly devoted to a
particular subject (gossip column). 6 a Mil. an arrangement of
troops in successive lines, with a narrow front. b Naut. a
similar arrangement of ships. Ьcolumn-inch a quantity of print
(esp. newsprint) occupying a one-inch length of a column. dodge
the column colloq. shirk one's duty; avoid work. ЬЬcolumnar
adj. columned adj. [ME f. OF columpne & L columna pillar]
columnist n. a journalist contributing regularly to a newspaper.
colure n. Astron. either of two great circles intersecting at right
angles at the celestial poles and passing through the ecliptic
at either the equinoxes or the solstices. [ME f. LL colurus f.
Gk kolouros truncated]
colza n. = RAPE(2). [F kolza(t) f. LG kolsat (as COLE, SEED)]
COM abbr. computer output on microfilm or microfiche.
com- prefix (also co-, col-, con-, cor-) with, together, jointly,
altogether. ° com- is used before b, m, p, and occas. before
vowels and f; co- esp. before vowels, h, and gn; col- before l,
cor- before r, and con- before other consonants. [L com-, cum
coma(1) n. (pl. comas) a prolonged deep unconsciousness, caused esp.
by severe injury or excessive use of drugs. [med.L f. Gk koma
deep sleep]
coma(2) n. (pl. comae) 1 Astron. a cloud of gas and dust surrounding
the nucleus of a comet. 2 Bot. a tuft of silky hairs at the end
of some seeds. [L f. Gk kome hair of head]
comatose adj. 1 in a coma. 2 drowsy, sleepy, lethargic.
comb n. & v. --n. 1 a toothed strip of rigid material for tidying
and arranging the hair, or for keeping it in place. 2 a part of
a machine having a similar design or purpose. 3 a the red
fleshy crest of a fowl, esp. a cock. b an analogous growth in
other birds. 4 a honeycomb. 1 arrange or tidy (the
hair) by drawing a comb through. 2 curry (a horse). 3 dress
(wool or flax) with a comb. 4 search (a place) thoroughly.
Ьcomb out 1 tidy and arrange (hair) with a comb. 2 remove with
a comb. 3 search or attack systematically. 4 search out and
get rid of (anything unwanted). ЬЬcombed adj. [OE camb f. Gmc]
combat n. & v. --n. a fight, struggle, or contest. --v. (combated,
combating) 1 intr. engage in combat. 2 tr. engage in combat
with. 3 tr. oppose; strive against. Ьcombat fatigue a mental
disorder caused by stress in wartime combat. single combat a
duel. [F combat f. combattre f. LL (as COM-, L batuere fight)]
combatant n. & adj. --n. a person engaged in fighting. --adj. 1
fighting. 2 for fighting.
combative adj. ready or eager to fight; pugnacious. ЬЬcombatively adv.
combativeness n.
combe var. of COOMB.
comber(1) n. 1 a person or thing that combs, esp. a machine for combing
cotton or wool very fine. 2 a long curling wave; a breaker.
comber(2) n. Brit. a fish of the perch family, Serranus cabrilla. [18th
c.: orig. unkn.]
n. 1 the act or an instance of combining; the process of being
combined. 2 a combined state (in combination with). 3 a
combined set of things or people. 4 a sequence of numbers or
letters used to open a combination lock. 5 Brit. a motor cycle
with side-car attached. 6 (in pl.) Brit. a single undergarment
for the body and legs. 7 a group of things chosen from a larger
number without regard to their arrangement. 8 a united action.
b Chess a coordinated and effective sequence of moves. 9 Chem.
a union of substances in a compound with new properties.
Ьcombination lock a lock that can be opened only by a specific
sequence of movements. ЬЬcombinative adj. combinational adj.
combinatory adj. [obs. F combination or LL combinatio (as
adj. Math. relating to combinations of items.
combine v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. join together; unite for a common
purpose. 2 tr. possess (qualities usually distinct) together
(combines charm and authority). 3 a intr. coalesce in one
substance. b tr. cause to do this. c intr. form a chemical
compound. 4 intr. cooperate. 5 tr. harvest (crops etc.) by
means of a combine harvester. --n. a combination of esp.
commercial interests to control prices etc. Ьcombine harvester
a mobile machine that reaps and threshes in one operation.
combining form Gram. a linguistic element used in combination
with another element to form a word (e.g. Anglo- = English,
bio- = life, -graphy writing). °In this dictionary, combining
form is used of an element that contributes to the particular
sense of words (as with both elements of biography), as distinct
from a prefix or suffix that adjusts the sense of or determines
the function of words (as with un-, -able, and -ation).
ЬЬcombinable adj. [ME f. OF combiner or LL combinare (as COM-,
L bini two)]
combing n. (in pl.) hairs combed off. Ьcombing wool long-stapled wool,
suitable for combing and making into worsted.
combo n. (pl. -os) sl. a small jazz or dance band. [abbr. of
combs colloq. combinations (see COMBINATION 6).
combust subject to combustion. [obs. combust (adj.) f. L
combustus past part. (as COMBUSTION)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 capable of or used for burning. 2
excitable; easily irritated. --n. a combustible substance.
ЬЬcombustibility n. [F combustible or med.L combustibilis (as
n. 1 burning; consumption by fire. 2 Chem. the development of
light and heat from the chemical combination of a substance with
oxygen. ЬЬcombustive adj. [ME f. F combustion or LL combustio
f. L comburere combust- burn up]
come v. & n. --v.intr. (past came; past part. come) 1 move, be
brought towards, or reach a place thought of as near or familiar
to the speaker or hearer (come and see me; shall we come to your
house?; the books have come). 2 reach or be brought to a
specified situation or result (you'll come to no harm; have come
to believe it; has come to be used wrongly; came into
prominence). 3 reach or extend to a specified point (the road
comes within a mile of us). 4 traverse or accomplish (with
compl. : have come a long way). 5 occur, happen; become
present instead of future (how did you come to break your leg?).
6 take or occupy a specified position in space or time (it comes
on the third page; Nero came after Claudius; it does not come
within the scope of the inquiry). 7 become perceptible or known
(the church came into sight; the news comes as a surprise; it
will come to me). 8 be available (the dress comes in three
sizes; this model comes with optional features). 9 become (with
compl. : the handle has come loose). 10 (foll. by of) a be
descended from (comes of a rich family). b be the result of
(that comes of complaining). 11 colloq. play the part of;
behave like (with compl. : don't come the bully with me). 12
sl. have a sexual orgasm. 13 (in subj.) colloq. when a
specified time is reached (come next month). 14 (as int.)
expressing caution or reserve (come, it cannot be that bad).
--n. sl. semen ejaculated at a sexual orgasm. Ьas ... as they
come typically or supremely so (is as tough as they come). come
about happen; take place. come across 1 be effective or
understood. 2 (foll. by with) sl. hand over what is wanted. 3
meet or find by chance (came across an old jacket). come again
colloq. 1 make a further effort. 2 (as imper.) what did you
say? come along 1 make progress; move forward. 2 (as imper.)
hurry up. come and go 1 pass to and fro; be transitory. 2 pay
brief visits. come apart fall or break into pieces,
disintegrate. come at 1 reach, discover; get access to. 2
attack (came at me with a knife). come-at-able adj. reachable,
accessible. come away 1 become detached or broken off (came
away in my hands). 2 (foll. by with) be left with a feeling,
impression, etc. (came away with many misgivings). come back 1
return. 2 recur to one's memory. 3 become fashionable or
popular again. 4 US reply, retort. come before be dealt with
by (a judge etc.). come between 1 interfere with the
relationship of. 2 separate; prevent contact between. come by
1 pass; go past. 2 call on a visit (why not come by tomorrow?).
3 acquire, obtain (came by a new bicycle). come clean see
CLEAN. come down 1 come to a place or position regarded as
lower. 2 lose position or wealth (has come down in the world).
3 be handed down by tradition or inheritance. 4 be reduced;
show a downward trend (prices are coming down). 5 (foll. by
against, in favour of) reach a decision or recommendation (the
report came down against change). 6 (foll. by to) signify or
betoken basically; be dependent on (a factor) (it comes down to
who is willing to go). 7 (foll. by on) criticize harshly;
rebuke, punish. 8 (foll. by with) begin to suffer from (a
disease). come for 1 come to collect or receive. 2 attack
(came for me with a hammer). come forward 1 advance. 2 offer
oneself for a task, post, etc. come-hither attrib.adj. colloq.
(of a look or manner) enticing, flirtatious. come in 1 enter a
house or room. 2 take a specified position in a race etc. (came
in third). 3 become fashionable or seasonable. 4 a have a
useful role or function. b (with compl.) prove to be (came in
very handy). c have a part to play (where do I come in?). 5 be
received (more news has just come in). 6 begin speaking, esp.
in radio transmission. 7 be elected; come to power. 8 Cricket
begin an innings. 9 (foll. by for) receive; be the object of
(usu. something unwelcome) (came in for much criticism). 10
(foll. by on) join (an enterprise etc.). 11 (of a tide) turn to
high tide. 12 (of a train, ship, or aircraft) approach its
destination. come into 1 see senses 2, 7 of v. 2 receive, esp.
as heir. come near see NEAR. come of age see AGE. come off 1
colloq. (of an action) succeed; be accomplished. 2 (with
compl.) fare; turn out (came off badly; came off the winner). 3
coarse sl. have a sexual orgasm. 4 be detached or detachable
(from). 5 fall (from). 6 be reduced or subtracted from (њ5
came off the price). come off it (as imper.) colloq. an
expression of disbelief or refusal to accept another's opinion,
behaviour, etc. come on 1 continue to come. 2 advance, esp. to
attack. 3 make progress; thrive (is really coming on). 4
(foll. by to + infin.) begin (it came on to rain). 5 appear on
the stage, field of play, etc. 6 be heard or seen on
television, on the telephone, etc. 7 arise to be discussed. 8
(as imper.) expressing encouragement. 9 = come upon. come-on
n. sl. a lure or enticement. come out 1 emerge; become known
(it came out that he had left). 2 appear or be published (comes
out every Saturday). 3 a declare oneself; make a decision (came
out in favour of joining). b openly declare that one is a
homosexual. 4 Brit. go on strike. 5 a be satisfactorily
visible in a photograph etc., or present in a specified way (the
dog didn't come out; he came out badly). b (of a photograph) be
produced satisfactorily or in a specified way (only three have
come out; they all came out well). 6 attain a specified result
in an examination etc. 7 (of a stain etc.) be removed. 8 make
one's d‚but on stage or in society. 9 (foll. by in) be covered
with (came out in spots). 10 (of a problem) be solved. 11
(foll. by with) declare openly; disclose. come over 1 come from
some distance or nearer to the speaker (came over from Paris;
come over here a moment). 2 change sides or one's opinion. 3 a
(of a feeling etc.) overtake or affect (a person). b colloq.
feel suddenly (came over faint). 4 appear or sound in a
specified way (you came over very well; the ideas came over
clearly). 5 affect or influence (I don't know what came over
me). come round 1 pay an informal visit. 2 recover
consciousness. 3 be converted to another person's opinion. 4
(of a date or regular occurrence) recur; be imminent again.
come through 1 be successful; survive. 2 be received by
telephone. 3 survive or overcome (a difficulty) (came through
the ordeal). come to 1 recover consciousness. 2 Naut. bring a
vessel to a stop. 3 reach in total; amount to. 4 refl. a
recover consciousness. b stop being foolish. 5 have as a
destiny; reach (what is the world coming to?). come to hand
become available; be recovered. come to light see LIGHT(1).
come to nothing have no useful result in the end; fail. come to
pass happen, occur. come to rest cease moving. come to one's
senses see SENSE. come to that colloq. in fact; if that is the
case. come under 1 be classified as or among. 2 be subject to
(influence or authority). come up 1 come to a place or position
regarded as higher. 2 attain wealth or position (come up in the
world ). 3 (of an issue, problem, etc.) arise; present itself;
be mentioned or discussed. 4 (often foll. by to) a approach a
person, esp. to talk. b approach or draw near to a specified
time, event, etc. (is coming up to eight o'clock). 5 (foll. by
to) match (a standard etc.). 6 (foll. by with) produce (an idea
etc.), esp. in response to a challenge. 7 (of a plant etc.)
spring up out of the ground. 8 become brighter (e.g. with
polishing); shine more brightly. come up against be faced with
or opposed by. come upon 1 meet or find by chance. 2 attack by
surprise. come what may no matter what happens. have it coming
to one colloq. be about to get one's deserts. how come?
colloq. how did that happen? if it comes to that in that case.
to come future; in the future (the year to come; many problems
were still to come). [OE cuman f. Gmc]
comeback n. 1 a return to a previous (esp. successful) state. 2 sl. a
retaliation or retort. 3 Austral. a sheep bred from crossbred
and purebred parents for both wool and meat.
Comecon n. an economic association of Communist countries in E. Europe.
[abbr. of Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]
comedian n. 1 a humorous entertainer on stage, television, etc. 2 an
actor in comedy. [F com‚dien f. com‚die COMEDY]
n. a female comedian. [F fem. (as COMEDIAN)]
comedist n. a writer of comedies.
comedo n. (pl. comedones) Med. a blackhead. [L, = glutton f.
comedere eat up]
comedown n. 1 a loss of status; decline or degradation. 2 a
comedy n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a play, film, etc., of an amusing or
satirical character, usu. with a happy ending. b the dramatic
genre consisting of works of this kind (she excels in comedy)
(cf. TRAGEDY). 2 an amusing or farcical incident or series of
incidents in everyday life. 3 humour, esp. in a work of art
etc. Ьcomedy of manners see MANNER. ЬЬcomedic adj. [ME f. OF
comedie f. L comoedia f. Gk komoidia f. komoidos comic poet f.
komos revel]
comely adj. (comelier, comeliest) (usu. of a woman) pleasant to look
at. ЬЬcomeliness n. [ME cumelich, cumli prob. f. becumelich
comer n. 1 a person who comes, esp. as an applicant, participant,
etc. (offered the job to the first comer). 2 colloq. a person
likely to be a success. Ьall comers any applicants (with
reference to a position, or esp. a challenge to a champion, that
is unrestricted in entry).
n. (usu. in pl.) formal or joc. food. [ME f. F f. med.L
comestibilis f. L comedere comest- eat up]
comet n. a hazy object usu. with a nucleus of ice and dust surrounded
by gas and with a tail pointing away from the sun, moving about
the sun in an eccentric orbit. ЬЬcometary adj. [ME f. OF
comete f. L cometa f. Gk kometes long-haired (star)]
n. colloq. one's deserved fate or punishment (got his
comeuppance). [COME + UP + -ANCE]
comfit n. archaic a sweet consisting of a nut, seed, etc., coated in
sugar. [ME f. OF confit f. L confectum past part. of conficere
prepare: see CONFECTION]
comfort n. & v. --n. 1 consolation; relief in affliction. 2 a a state
of physical well-being; being comfortable (live in comfort). b
(usu. in pl.) things that make life easy or pleasant (has all
the comforts). 3 a cause of satisfaction (a comfort to me that
you are here). 4 a person who consoles or helps one (he's a
comfort to her in her old age). 5 US a warm quilt. 1
soothe in grief; console. 2 make comfortable (comforted by the
warmth of the fire). Ьcomfort station US euphem. a public
lavatory. [ME f. OF confort(er) f. LL confortare strengthen (as
COM-, L fortis strong)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 ministering to comfort; giving ease (a
comfortable pair of shoes). 2 free from discomfort; at ease
(I'm quite comfortable thank you). 3 colloq. having an adequate
standard of living; free from financial worry. 4 having an easy
conscience (did not feel comfortable about refusing him). 5
with a wide margin (a comfortable win). --n. US a warm quilt.
ЬЬcomfortableness n. comfortably adv. [ME f. AF confortable
comforter n. 1 a person who comforts. 2 a baby's dummy. 3 archaic a
woollen scarf. 4 US a warm quilt. [ME f. AF confortour, OF
-‰or (as COMFORT)]
adj. 1 dreary, cheerless. 2 without comfort.
comfrey n. (pl. -eys) any of various plants of the genus Symphytum,
esp. S. officinale having large hairy leaves and clusters of
usu. white or purple bell-shaped flowers. [ME f. AF cumfrie,
ult. f. L conferva (as COM-, fervere boil)]
comic adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often attrib.) of, or in the style of,
comedy (a comic actor; comic opera). 2 causing or meant to
cause laughter; funny (comic to see his struggles). --n. 1 a
professional comedian. 2 a a children's periodical, mainly in
the form of comic strips. b a similar publication intended for
adults. Ьcomic opera 1 an opera with much spoken dialogue, usu.
with humorous treatment. 2 this genre of opera. comic strip a
horizontal series of drawings in a comic, newspaper, etc.,
telling a story. [L comicus f. Gk komikos f. komos revel]
comical adj. funny; causing laughter. ЬЬcomicality n. comically adv.
coming adj. & n. --attrib.adj. 1 approaching, next (in the coming
week; this coming Sunday). 2 of potential importance (a coming
man). --n. arrival; approach.
Comintern n. the Third International (see INTERNATIONAL n. 2), a
communist organization (1919-43). [Russ. Komintern f. Russ.
forms of communist, international]
comitadji n. (also komitadji, komitaji) a member of an irregular band of
soldiers in the Balkans. [Turk. komitaci, lit. 'member of a
(revolutionary) committee']
comity n. (pl. -ies) 1 courtesy, civility; considerate behaviour
towards others. 2 a an association of nations etc. for mutual
benefit. b (in full comity of nations) the mutual recognition
by nations of the laws and customs of others. [L comitas f.
comis courteous]
comma n. 1 a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of
a sentence, or dividing items in a list, string of figures, etc.
2 Mus. a definite minute interval or difference of pitch.
Ьcomma bacillus a comma-shaped bacillus causing cholera. [L f.
Gk komma clause]
command v. & n. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that +
clause) give formal order or instructions to (commands us to
obey; commands that it be done). 2 (also absol.) have authority
or control over. 3 a (often refl.) restrain, master. b gain
the use of; have at one's disposal or within reach (skill,
resources, etc.) (commands an extensive knowledge of history;
commands a salary of њ40,000). 4 deserve and get (sympathy,
respect, etc.). 5 Mil. dominate (a strategic position) from a
superior height; look down over. --n. 1 an authoritative
order; an instruction. 2 mastery, control, possession (a good
command of languages; has command of the resources). 3 the
exercise or tenure of authority, esp. naval or military (has
command of this ship). 4 Mil. a a body of troops etc. (Bomber
Command). b a district under a commander (Western Command). 5
Computing a an instruction causing a computer to perform one of
its basic functions. b a signal initiating such an operation.
Ьat command ready to be used at will. at (or by) a person's
command in pursuance of a person's bidding. command module the
control compartment in a spacecraft. Command Paper (in the UK)
a paper laid before Parliament by command of the Crown. command
performance (in the UK) a theatrical or film performance given
by royal command. command post the headquarters of a military
unit. in command of commanding; having under control. under
command of commanded by. word of command 1 Mil. an order for a
movement in a drill etc. 2 a prearranged spoken signal for the
start of an operation. [ME f. AF comaunder, OF comander f. LL
commandare COMMEND]
n. a commanding officer, esp. of a particular force, military
academy, etc. ЬCommandant-in-Chief the supreme commandant.
ЬЬcommandantship n. [F commandant, or It. or Sp. commandante
commandeer 1 seize (men or goods) for military purposes. 2 take
possession of without authority. [S.Afr. Du. kommanderen f. F
commander COMMAND]
commander n. 1 a person who commands, esp.: a a naval officer next in
rank below captain. b = wing commander. 2 an officer in charge
of a London police district. 3 (in full knight commander) a
member of a higher class in some orders of knighthood. 4 a
large wooden mallet. Ьcommander-in-chief the supreme commander,
esp. of a nation's forces. Commander of the Faithful a title of
a Caliph. ЬЬcommandership n. [ME f. OF comandere, -e”r f. Rmc
adj. 1 dignified, exalted, impressive. 2 (of a hill or other
high point) giving a wide view. 3 (of an advantage, a position,
etc.) controlling; superior (has a commanding lead).
ЬЬcommandingly adv.
n. a divine command. Ьthe Ten Commandments the divine rules of
conduct given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, according to Exod.
20:1-17. [ME f. OF comandement (as COMMAND)]
commando n. (pl. -os) Mil. 1 a a unit of British amphibious shock
troops. b a member of such a unit. c a similar unit or member
of such a unit elsewhere. 2 a a party of men called out for
military service. b a body of troops. 3 (attrib.) of or
concerning a commando (a commando operation). [Port. f.
commandar COMMAND]
comme ci, comme ‡a
adv. & adj. so so; middling or middlingly. [F, = like this,
like that]
commedia dell'arte
n. an improvised kind of popular comedy in Italian theatres in
the 16th-18th c., based on stock characters. [It., = comedy of
comme il faut
adj. & adv. --predic.adj. (esp. of behaviour, etiquette, etc.)
proper, correct. --adv. properly, correctly. [F, = as is
commemorate 1 celebrate in speech or writing. 2 a preserve in memory
by some celebration. b (of a stone, plaque, etc.) be a memorial
of. ЬЬcommemorative adj. commemorator n. [L commemorare (as
COM-, memorare relate f. memor mindful)]
n. 1 an act of commemorating. 2 a service or part of a service
in memory of a person, an event, etc. [ME f. F commemoration or
L commemoratio (as COMMEMORATE)]
commence & intr. formal begin. [ME f. OF com(m)encier f. Rmc (as
COM-, L initiare INITIATE)]
n. formal 1 a beginning. 2 esp. US a ceremony of degree
conferment. [ME f. OF (as COMMENCE)]
commend 1 (often foll. by to) entrust, commit (commends his soul
to God). 2 praise (commends her singing voice). 3 recommend
(method commends itself). Ьcommend me to archaic remember me
kindly to. highly commended (of a competitor etc.) just missing
the top places. [ME f. L commendare (as COM-, mendare = mandare
entrust: see MANDATE)]
adj. praiseworthy. ЬЬcommendably adv. [ME f. OF f. L
commendabilis (as COMMEND)]
n. 1 an act of commending or recommending (esp. a person to
another's favour). 2 praise. [ME f. OF f. L commendatio (as
commensal adj. & n. --adj. 1 Biol. of, relating to, or exhibiting
commensalism. 2 (of a person) eating at the same table as
another. --n. 1 Biol. a commensal organism. 2 one who eats at
the same table as another. ЬЬcommensality n. [ME f. F
commensal or med.L commensalis (in sense 2) (as COM-, mensa
n. Biol. an association between two organisms in which one
benefits and the other derives no benefit or harm.
adj. 1 (often foll. by with, to) measurable by the same
standard. 2 (foll. by to) proportionate to. 3 Math. (of
numbers) in a ratio equal to the ratio of integers.
ЬЬcommensurability n. commensurably adv. [LL commensurabilis
adj. 1 (usu. foll. by with) having the same size, duration,
etc.; coextensive. 2 (often foll. by to, with) proportionate.
ЬЬcommensurately adv. [LL commensuratus (as COM-, MEASURE)]
comment n. & v. --n. 1 a a remark, esp. critical; an opinion (passed a
comment on her hat). b commenting; criticism (his behaviour
aroused much comment; an hour of news and comment). 2 a an
explanatory note (e.g. on a written text). b written criticism
or explanation (e.g. of a text). 3 (of a play, book, etc.) a
critical illustration; a parable (his art is a comment on
society). --v.intr. 1 (often foll. by on, upon, or that +
clause) make (esp. critical) remarks (commented on her choice of
friends). 2 (often foll. by on, upon) write explanatory notes.
Ьno comment colloq. I decline to answer your question.
ЬЬcommenter n. [ME f. L commentum contrivance (in LL also =
interpretation), neut. past part. of comminisci devise, or F
commenter (v.)]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a set of explanatory or critical notes on a
text etc. 2 a descriptive spoken account (esp. on radio or
television) of an event or a performance as it happens. [L
commentarius, -ium adj. used as noun (as COMMENT)]
v.intr. disp. act as a commentator. [back-form. f.
n. 1 a person who provides a commentary on an event etc. 2 the
writer of a commentary. 3 a person who writes or speaks on
current events. [L f. commentari frequent. of comminisci
commerce n. 1 financial transactions, esp. the buying and selling of
merchandise, on a large scale. 2 social intercourse (the daily
commerce of gossip and opinion). 3 archaic sexual intercourse.
[F commerce or L commercium (as COM-, mercium f. merx mercis
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, engaged in, or concerned with,
commerce. 2 having profit as a primary aim rather than artistic
etc. value; philistine. 3 (of chemicals) supplied in bulk more
or less unpurified. --n. 1 a television or radio
advertisement. 2 archaic a commercial traveller. Ьcommercial
art art used in advertising, selling, etc. commercial
broadcasting television or radio broadcasting in which
programmes are financed by advertisements. commercial traveller
a firm's travelling salesman or saleswoman who visits shops to
get orders. commercial vehicle a vehicle used for carrying
goods or fare-paying passengers. ЬЬcommercialism n.
commerciality n. commercially adv.
commercialize (also -ise) 1 exploit or spoil for the purpose of gaining
profit. 2 make commercial. ЬЬcommercialization n.
commЉre n. Brit. a female compЉre. [F, fem. of COMP°RE]
Commie n. sl. derog. a Communist. [abbr.]
n. 1 the threatening of divine vengeance. 2 a the recital of
divine threats against sinners in the Anglican Liturgy for Ash
Wednesday. b the service that includes this. [ME f. L
comminatio f. comminari threaten]
comminute 1 reduce to small fragments. 2 divide (property) into
small portions. Ьcomminuted fracture a fracture producing
multiple bone splinters. ЬЬcomminution n. [L comminuere
comminut- (as COM-, minuere lessen)]
commis n. (pl. commis) a junior waiter or chef. [orig. = deputy,
clerk, f. F, past part. of commettre entrust (as COMMIT)]
v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by with) express or feel pity. 2 tr.
archaic express or feel pity for (commiserate you on your loss).
ЬЬcommiseration n. commiserative adj. commiserator n. [L
commiserari (as COM-, miserari pity f. miser wretched)]
commissar n. 1 an official of the Soviet Communist Party responsible for
political education and organization. 2 hist. the head of a
government department in the USSR before 1946. [Russ. komissar
f. F commissaire (as COMMISSARY)]
n. 1 esp. Mil. a a department for the supply of food etc. b
the food supplied. 2 hist. a government department of the USSR
before 1946. [F commissariat & med.L commissariatus (as
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a deputy or delegate. 2 a representative or
deputy of a bishop. 3 Mil. an officer responsible for the
supply of food etc. to soldiers. 4 US a a restaurant in a film
studio etc. b the food supplied. 5 US Mil. a store for the
supply of food etc. to soldiers. ЬЬcommissarial adj.
commissaryship n. [ME f. med.L commissarius person in charge
(as COMMIT)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a the authority to perform a task or certain
duties. b a person or group entrusted esp. by a government with
such authority (set up a commission to look into it). c an
instruction, command, or duty given to such a group or person
(their commission was to simplify the procedure; my commission
was to find him). 2 an order for something, esp. a work of art,
to be produced specially. 3 Mil. a a warrant conferring the
rank of officer in the army, navy, or air force. b the rank so
conferred. 4 a the authority to act as agent for a company etc.
in trade. b a percentage paid to the agent from the profits of
goods etc. sold, or business obtained (his wages are low, but he
gets 20 per cent commission). c the pay of a commissioned
agent. 5 the act of committing (a crime, sin, etc.). 6 the
office or department of a commissioner. 1 authorize or
empower by a commission. 2 a give (an artist etc.) a commission
for a piece of work. b order (a work) to be written
(commissioned a new concerto). 3 Naut. a give (an officer) the
command of a ship. b prepare (a ship) for active service. 4
bring (a machine, equipment, etc.) into operation.
Ьcommission-agent a bookmaker. commission of the peace 1
Justices of the Peace. 2 the authority given to them. in
commission (of a warship etc.) manned, armed, and ready for
service. out of commission (esp. of a ship) not in service, not
in working order. Royal Commission 1 a commission of inquiry
appointed by the Crown at the instance of the Government. 2 a
committee so appointed. [ME f. OF f. L commissio -onis (as
n. esp. Brit. a uniformed door-attendant at a theatre,
cinema, etc. [F (as COMMISSIONER)]
n. 1 a person appointed by a commission to perform a specific
task, e.g. the head of the London police, a delegate to the
General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, etc. 2 a person
appointed as a member of a government commission (Charity
Commissioner; Civil Service Commissioner). 3 a representative
of the supreme authority in a district, department, etc.
ЬCommissioner for Oaths a solicitor authorized to administer an
oath to a person making an affidavit. Lord (or Lord High)
Commissioner the representative of the Crown at the General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland. [ME f. med.L
commissionarius (as COMMISSION)]
n. 1 a junction, joint, or seam. 2 Anat. a the joint between
two bones. b a band of nerve tissue connecting the hemispheres
of the brain, the two sides of the spinal cord, etc. c the line
where the upper and lower lips, or eyelids, meet. 3 Bot. any of
several joints etc. between different parts of a plant.
ЬЬcommissural adj. [ME f. L commissura junction (as COMMIT)]
commit (committed, committing) 1 (usu. foll. by to) entrust or
consign for: a safe keeping (I commit him to your care). b
treatment, usu. destruction (committed the book to the flames).
2 perpetrate, do (esp. a crime, sin, or blunder). 3 pledge,
involve, or bind (esp. oneself) to a certain course or policy
(does not like committing herself; committed by the vow he had
made). 4 (as committed adj.) (often foll. by to) a morally
dedicated or politically aligned (a committed Christian;
committed to the cause; a committed socialist). b obliged (to
take certain action) (felt committed to staying there). 5
Polit. refer (a bill etc.) to a committee. Ьcommit to memory
memorize. commit to prison consign officially to custody, esp.
on remand. ЬЬcommittable adj. committer n. [ME f. L
committere join, entrust (as COM-, mittere miss- send)]
n. 1 an engagement or (esp. financial) obligation that
restricts freedom of action. 2 the process or an instance of
committing oneself; a pledge or undertaking.
committal n. 1 the act of committing a person to an institution, esp.
prison or a mental hospital. 2 the burial of a dead body.
committee n. 1 a a body of persons appointed for a specific function by,
and usu. out of, a larger body. b such a body appointed by
Parliament etc. to consider the details of proposed legislation.
c (Committee) Brit. the whole House of Commons when sitting as a
committee. 2 Law a person entrusted with the charge of another
person or another person's property. Ьcommittee-man (pl. -men;
fem. committee-woman, pl. -women) a member of a committee,
esp. a habitual member of committees. committee stage Brit.
the third of five stages of a bill's progress through Parliament
when it may be considered in detail and amendments made. select
committee a small parliamentary committee appointed for a
special purpose. standing committee a committee that is
permanent during the existence of the appointing body. [COMMIT
+ -EE]
commix & intr. archaic or poet. mix. ЬЬcommixture n. [ME:
back-form. f. commixt past part. f. L commixtus (as COM-,
commode n. 1 a chest of drawers. 2 (also night-commode) a a bedside
table with a cupboard containing a chamber-pot. b a chamber-pot
concealed in a chair with a hinged cover. 3 = CHIFFONIER. [F,
adj. (as noun) f. L commodus convenient (as COM-, modus
adj. 1 roomy and comfortable. 2 archaic convenient.
ЬЬcommodiously adv. commodiousness n. [F commodieux or f.
med.L commodiosus f. L commodus (as COMMODE)]
commodity n. (pl. -ies) 1 Commerce an article or raw material that can
be bought and sold, esp. a product as opposed to a service. 2
a useful thing. [ME f. OF commodit‚ or f. L commoditas (as
commodore n. 1 a naval officer above a captain and below a rear-admiral.
2 the commander of a squadron or other division of a fleet. 3
the president of a yacht-club. 4 the senior captain of a
shipping line. ЬCommodore-in-Chief the supreme officer in the
air force. [prob. f. Du. komandeur f. F commandeur COMMANDER]
common adj. & n. --adj. (commoner, commonest) 1 a occurring often (a
common mistake). b ordinary; of ordinary qualities; without
special rank or position (no common mind; common soldier; the
common people). 2 a shared by, coming from, or done by, more
than one (common knowledge; by common consent; our common
benefit). b belonging to, open to, or affecting, the whole
community or the public (common land). 3 derog. low-class;
vulgar; inferior (a common little man). 4 of the most familiar
type (common cold; common nightshade). 5 Math. belonging to two
or more quantities (common denominator; common factor). 6 Gram.
(of gender) referring to individuals of either sex (e.g.
teacher). 7 Prosody (of a syllable) that may be either short or
long. 8 Mus. having two or four beats, esp. four crotchets, in
a bar. 9 Law (of a crime) of lesser importance (cf. GRAND,
PETTY). --n. 1 a piece of open public land, esp. in a village
or town. 2 sl. = common sense; (use your common). 3 Eccl. a
service used for each of a group of occasions. 4 (in full right
of common) Law a person's right over another's land, e.g. for
pasturage. Ьcommon carrier a person or firm undertaking to
transport any goods or person in a specified category. common
chord Mus. any note with its major or minor third and perfect
fifth. common crier see CRIER. common denominator see
DENOMINATOR. Common Era the Christian era. common ground a
point or argument accepted by both sides in a dispute. common
jury a jury with members of no particular social standing (cf.
special jury). common law law derived from custom and judicial
precedent rather than statutes (cf. case-law (see CASE(1)),
statute law). common-law husband (or wife) a partner in a
marriage recognized by common law, esp. after a period of
cohabitation. Common Market the European Economic Community.
common metre a hymn stanza of four lines with 8, 6, 8, and 6
syllables. common noun (or name) Gram. a name denoting a class
of objects or a concept as opposed to a particular individual
(e.g. boy, chocolate, beauty). common or garden colloq.
ordinary. Common Prayer the Church of England liturgy orig. set
forth in the Book of Common Prayer of Edward VI (1549).
common-room 1 a room in some colleges, schools, etc., which
members may use for relaxation or work. 2 the members who use
this. common salt see SALT. common seal the official seal of a
corporate body. common sense sound practical sense, esp. in
everyday matters. Common Serjeant see SERJEANT. common soldier
see SOLDIER. common stock US = ordinary shares. common weal
public welfare. common year see YEAR 2. in common 1 in joint
use; shared. 2 of joint interest (have little in common). in
common with in the same way as. least (or lowest) common
denominator, multiple see DENOMINATOR, MULTIPLE. out of the
common unusual. ЬЬcommonly adv. commonness n. [ME f. OF comun
f. L communis]
adj. 1 (of an animal) that may be pastured on common land. 2
(of land) that may be held in common. [obs. common to exercise
right of common + -ABLE]
commonage n. 1 = right of common (see COMMON n. 4). 2 a land held in
common. b the state of being held in common. 3 the common
people; commonalty.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 the sharing of an attribute. 2 a common
occurrence. 3 = COMMONALTY. [var. of COMMONALTY]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 the common people. 2 the general body (esp.
of mankind). 3 a corporate body. [ME f. OF comunalt‚ f. med.L
communalitas -tatis (as COMMON)]
commoner n. 1 one of the common people, as opposed to the aristocracy.
2 a person who has the right of common. 3 a student at a
British university who does not have a scholarship. [ME f.
med.L communarius f. communa (as COMMUNE(1))]
adj. & n. --adj. lacking originality; trite. --n. 1 a an
everyday saying; a platitude (uttered a commonplace about the
weather). b an ordinary topic of conversation. 2 anything
usual or trite. 3 a notable passage in a book etc. copied into
a commonplace-book. Ьcommonplace-book a book into which notable
extracts from other works are copied for personal use.
ЬЬcommonplaceness n. [transl. of L locus communis = Gk koinos
topos general theme]
commons 1 (the Commons) = House of Commons. 2 a the common
people. b (prec. by the) the common people regarded as a part
of a political, esp. British, system. 3 provisions shared in
common; daily fare. Ьshort commons insufficient food. [ME pl.
adj. possessing or marked by common sense. [common sense (see
n. archaic 1 = common weal. 2 = COMMONWEALTH.
n. 1 a an independent State or community, esp. a democratic
republic. b such a community or organization of shared
interests in a non-political field (the commonwealth of
learning). 2 (the Commonwealth) a (in full the British
Commonwealth of Nations) an international association consisting
of the UK together with States that were previously part of the
British Empire. b the republican period of government in
Britain 1649-60. c US a part of the title of some of the States
of the US. d the title of the federated Australian States.
ЬCommonwealth Day a day each year commemorating the British
Commonwealth (formerly called Empire Day). [COMMON + WEALTH]
commotion n. 1 a a confused and noisy disturbance or outburst. b loud
and confusing noise. 2 a civil insurrection. [ME f. OF
commotion or L commotio (as COM-, MOTION)]
communal adj. 1 relating to or benefiting a community; for common use
(communal baths). 2 of a commune, esp. the Paris Commune.
ЬЬcommunality n. communally adv. [F f. LL communalis (as
n. 1 a principle of political organization based on federated
communes. 2 the principle of communal ownership etc.
ЬЬcommunalist n. communalistic adj.
communalize (also -ise) make communal. ЬЬcommunalization n.
communard n. 1 a member of a commune. 2 (also Communard) hist. a
supporter of the Paris Commune. [F (as COMMUNE(1))]
n. 1 a a group of people, not necessarily related, sharing
living accommodation, goods, etc., esp. as a political act. b a
communal settlement esp. for the pursuit of shared interests. 2
a the smallest French territorial division for administrative
purposes. b a similar division elsewhere. 3 (the Commune) the
communalistic government in Paris in 1871. [F f. med.L communia
neut. pl. of L communis common]
v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by with) a speak confidentially and
intimately (communed together about their loss; communed with
his heart). b feel in close touch (with nature etc.) (communed
with the hills). 2 US receive Holy Communion. [ME f. OF
comuner share f. comun COMMON]
adj. 1 (esp. of a disease) able to be passed on. 2 archaic
communicative. ЬЬcommunicability n. communicably adv. [ME f.
OF communicable or LL communicabilis (as COMMUNICATE)]
n. 1 a person who receives Holy Communion, esp. regularly. 2 a
person who imparts information. [L communicare communicant- (as
v. 1 tr. a transmit or pass on by speaking or writing
(communicated his ideas). b transmit (heat, motion, etc.). c
pass on (an infectious illness). d impart (feelings etc.)
non-verbally (communicated his affection). 2 intr. succeed in
conveying information, evoking understanding etc. (he
communicates well). 3 intr. (often foll. by with) share a
feeling or understanding; relate socially. 4 intr. (often foll.
by with) (of a room etc.) have a common door (my room
communicates with yours). 5 a tr. administer Holy Communion to.
b intr. receive Holy Communion. ЬЬcommunicator n.
communicatory adj. [L communicare communicat- (as COMMON)]
n. 1 a the act of imparting, esp. news. b an instance of this.
c the information etc. communicated. 2 a means of connecting
different places, such as a door, passage, road, or railway. 3
social intercourse (it was difficult to maintain communication
in the uproar). 4 (in pl.) the science and practice of
transmitting information esp. by electronic or mechanical means.
5 (in pl.) Mil. the means of transport between a base and the
front. 6 a paper read to a learned society. Ьcommunication
cord Brit. a cord or chain in a railway carriage that may be
pulled to stop the train in an emergency. communication (or
communications) satellite an artificial satellite used to relay
telephone circuits or broadcast programmes. communication
theory the study of the principles and methods by which
information is conveyed.
communion n. 1 a sharing, esp. of thoughts etc.; fellowship (their minds
were in communion). 2 participation; a sharing in common
(communion of interests). 3 (Communion, Holy Communion) a the
Eucharist. b participation in the Communion service. c
(attrib.) of or used in the Communion service (Communion-table;
Communion-cloth; Communion-rail). 4 fellowship, esp. between
branches of the Catholic Church. 5 a body or group within the
Christian faith (the Methodist communion). Ьcommunion of saints
fellowship between Christians living and dead. [ME f. OF
communion or L communio f. communis common]
n. an official communication, esp. a news report. [F, =
communism n. 1 a political theory derived from Marx, advocating class war
and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned
and each person is paid and works according to his or her needs
and abilities. 2 (usu. Communism) a the communistic form of
society established in the USSR and elsewhere. b any movement
or political doctrine advocating communism. 3 = COMMUNALISM.
[F communisme f. commun COMMON]
communist n. & adj. --n. 1 a person advocating or practising communism.
2 (Communist) a member of a Communist Party. --adj. of or
relating to communism (a communist play). ЬЬcommunistic adj.
n. & adj. --n. a member of a communistic community. --adj. of
or relating to such a community. [COMMUNITY + -ARIAN after
unitarian etc.]
community n. (pl. -ies) 1 a all the people living in a specific
locality. b a specific locality, including its inhabitants. 2
a body of people having a religion, a profession, etc., in
common (the immigrant community). 3 fellowship of interests
etc.; similarity (community of intellect). 4 a monastic,
socialistic, etc. body practising common ownership. 5 joint
ownership or liability (community of goods). 6 (prec. by the)
the public. 7 a body of nations unified by common interests. 8
Ecol. a group of animals or plants living or growing together in
the same area. Ьcommunity centre a place providing social etc.
facilities for a neighbourhood. community charge (in the UK) a
tax levied locally on every adult in a community. community
chest US a fund for charity and welfare work in a community.
community home Brit. a centre for housing young offenders and
other juveniles in need of custodial care. community service
order an order for a convicted offender to perform a period of
unpaid work in the community. community singing singing by a
large crowd or group, esp. of old popular songs or hymns.
community spirit a feeling of belonging to a community,
expressed in mutual support etc. [ME f. OF comunet‚ f. L
communitas -tatis (as COMMON)]
communize (also -ise) 1 make (land etc.) common property. 2 make
(a person etc.) communistic. ЬЬcommunization n. [L communis
adj. 1 convertible into money; exchangeable. 2 Law (of a
punishment) able to be commuted. 3 within commuting distance.
ЬЬcommutability n. [L commutabilis (as COMMUTE)]
commutate Electr. 1 regulate the direction of (an alternating
current), esp. to make it a direct current. 2 reverse the
direction (of an electric current). [L commutare commutat- (as
n. 1 the act or process of commuting or being commuted (in
legal and exchange senses). 2 Electr. the act or process of
commutating or being commutated. 3 Math. the reversal of the
order of two quantities. Ьcommutation ticket US a season
ticket. [F commutation or L commutatio (as COMMUTE)]
adj. 1 relating to or involving substitution. 2 Math.
unchanged in result by the interchange of the order of
quantities. [F commutatif or med.L commutativus (as COMMUTE)]
n. 1 Electr. a device for reversing electric current. 2 an
attachment connected with the armature of a dynamo which directs
and makes continuous the current produced.
commute v. 1 intr. travel to and from one's daily work, usu. in a city,
esp. by car or train. 2 tr. Law (usu. foll. by to) change (a
judicial sentence etc.) to another less severe. 3 tr. (often
foll. by into, for) a change (one kind of payment) for another.
b make a payment etc. to change (an obligation etc.) for
another. 4 tr. a exchange; interchange (two things). b change
(to another thing). 5 tr. Electr. commutate. 6 intr. Math.
have a commutative relation. 7 intr. US buy and use a season
ticket. [L commutare commutat- (as COM-, mutare change)]
commuter n. a person who travels some distance to work, esp. in a city,
usu. by car or train.
comp n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 a competition. 2 Printing a
compositor. 3 Mus. an accompaniment. --v. 1 Mus. a tr.
accompany. b intr. play an accompaniment. 2 Printing a intr.
work as a compositor. b tr. work as a compositor on. [abbr.]
adj., v., & n. --adj. 1 closely or neatly packed together. 2
(of a piece of equipment, a room, etc.) well-fitted and
practical though small. 3 (of style etc.) condensed; brief. 4
(esp. of the human body) small but well-proportioned. 5 (foll.
by of) composed or made up of. 1 join or press firmly
together. 2 condense. 3 (usu. foll. by of) compose; make up.
--n. 1 a small, flat, usu. decorated, case for face-powder, a
mirror, etc. 2 an object formed by compacting powder. 3 US a
medium-sized motor car. Ьcompact disc a disc on which
information or sound is recorded digitally and reproduced by
reflection of laser light. ЬЬcompaction n. compactly adv.
compactness n. compactor n. [ME f. L compingere compact- (as
COM-, pangere fasten)]
n. an agreement or contract between two or more parties. [L
compactum f. compacisci compact- (as COM-, pacisci covenant):
cf. PACT]
compages n. (pl. same) 1 a framework; a complex structure. 2 something
resembling a compages in complexity etc. [L compages (as COM-,
pages f. pangere fasten)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a (often foll. by in, of) a person who
accompanies, associates with, or shares with, another (a
companion in adversity; they were close companions). b a
person, esp. an unmarried or widowed woman, employed to live
with and assist another. 2 a handbook or reference book on a
particular subject (A Companion to North Wales). 3 a thing that
matches another (the companion of this book-end is over there).
4 (Companion) a member of the lowest grade of some orders of
knighthood (Companion of the Bath). 5 Astron. a star etc. that
accompanies another. 6 equipment or a piece of equipment that
combines several uses. --v. 1 tr. accompany. 2 intr.
literary (often foll. by with) be a companion. Ьcompanion in
arms a fellow-soldier. Companion of Honour (in the UK) a member
of an order founded in 1917. Companion of Literature (in the
UK) a member of an order founded in 1961. companion-set a set
of fireside implements on a stand. [ME f. OF compaignon ult. f.
L panis bread]
n. Naut. 1 a raised frame on a quarterdeck used for lighting
the cabins etc. below. 2 = companion-way. Ьcompanion-hatch a
wooden covering over a companion-way. companion hatchway an
opening in a deck leading to a cabin. companion ladder a ladder
from a deck to a cabin. companion-way a staircase to a cabin.
[obs. Du. kompanje quarterdeck f. OF compagne f. It. (camera
della) compagna pantry, prob. ult. rel. to COMPANION(1)]
adj. agreeable as a companion; sociable. ЬЬcompanionableness
n. companionably adv.
adj. 1 well-suited; (of clothes) matching. 2 of or like a
n. good fellowship; friendship.
company n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a number of people assembled; a
crowd; an audience (addressed the company). b guests or a guest
(am expecting company). 2 a state of being a companion or
fellow; companionship, esp. of a specific kind (enjoys low
company; do not care for his company). 3 a a commercial
business. b (usu. Co.) the partner or partners not named in
the title of a firm (Smith and Co.). 4 a troupe of actors or
entertainers. 5 Mil. a subdivision of an infantry battalion
usu. commanded by a major or a captain. 6 a group of Guides.
--v. (-ies, -ied) 1 tr. archaic accompany. 2 intr. literary
(often foll. by with) be a companion. Ьcompany officer a
captain or a lower commissioned officer. company Sergeant-major
see SERGEANT. err (or be) in good company discover that one's
companions, or better people, have done the same as oneself.
good (or bad) company 1 a pleasant (or dull) companion. 2 a
suitable (or unsuitable) associate or group of friends. in
company not alone. in company with together with. keep company
(often foll. by with) associate habitually. keep (archaic bear)
a person company accompany a person; be sociable. part company
(often foll. by with) cease to associate. ship's company the
entire crew. [ME f. AF compainie, OF compai(g)nie f. Rmc (as
adj. 1 (often foll. by with) able to be compared. 2 (often
foll. by to) fit to be compared; worth comparing. °Use with to
and with corresponds to the senses at compare; to is more
common. ЬЬcomparability n. comparableness n. comparably adv.
[ME f. OF f. L comparabilis (as COMPARE)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 perceptible by comparison; relative (in
comparative comfort). 2 estimated by comparison (the
comparative merits of the two ideas). 3 of or involving
comparison (esp. of sciences etc.). 4 Gram. (of an adjective or
adverb) expressing a higher degree of a quality, but not the
highest possible (e.g. braver, more fiercely) (cf. POSITIVE,
SUPERLATIVE). --n. Gram. 1 the comparative expression or form
of an adjective or adverb. 2 a word in the comparative.
ЬЬcomparatively adv. [ME f. L comparativus (as COMPARE)]
n. Engin. a device for comparing a product, an output, etc.,
with a standard, esp. an electronic circuit comparing two
compare v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by to) express similarities in;
liken (compared the landscape to a painting). 2 tr. (often
foll. by to, with) estimate the similarity or dissimilarity of;
assess the relation between (compared radio with television;
that lacks quality compared to this). °In current use to and
with are generally interchangeable, but with often implies a
greater element of formal analysis, as in compared my account
with yours. 3 intr. (often foll. by with) bear comparison
(compares favourably with the rest). 4 intr. (often foll. by
with) be equal or equivalent to. 5 tr. Gram. form the
comparative and superlative degrees of (an adjective or an
adverb). --n. literary comparison (beyond compare; without
compare; has no compare). Ьcompare notes exchange ideas or
opinions. [ME f. OF comparer f. L comparare (as COM-, parare f.
par equal)]
n. 1 the act or an instance of comparing. 2 a simile or
semantic illustration. 3 capacity for being likened; similarity
(there's no comparison). 4 (in full degrees of comparison)
Gram. the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of
adjectives and adverbs. Ьbear (or stand) comparison (often
foll. by with) be able to be compared favourably. beyond
comparison 1 totally different in quality. 2 greatly superior;
excellent. in comparison with compared to. [ME f. OF
comparesoun f. L comparatio -onis (as COMPARE)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a space within a larger space, separated from
the rest by partitions, e.g. in a railway carriage, wallet,
desk, etc. 2 Naut. a watertight division of a ship. 3 an area
of activity etc. kept apart from others in a person's mind. put into compartments. ЬЬcompartmentation n. [F
compartiment f. It. compartimento f. LL compartiri (as COM-,
partiri share)]
adj. consisting of or relating to compartments or a
compartment. ЬЬcompartmentally adv.
compartmentalize (also -ise) divide into compartments or categories.
ЬЬcompartmentalization n.
compass n. & v. --n. 1 (in full magnetic compass) an instrument
showing the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. 2
(usu. in pl.) an instrument for taking measurements and
describing circles, with two arms connected at one end by a
movable joint. 3 a circumference or boundary. 4 area, extent;
scope (e.g. of knowledge or experience) (beyond my compass). 5
the range of tones of a voice or a musical instrument.
literary 1 hem in. 2 grasp mentally. 3 contrive, accomplish.
4 go round. Ьcompass card a circular rotating card showing the
32 principal bearings, forming the indicator of a magnetic
compass. compass rose a circle of the principal directions
marked on a chart. compass-saw a saw with a narrow blade, for
cutting curves. compass window a bay window with a
semi-circular curve. ЬЬcompassable adj. [ME f. OF compas ult.
f. L passus PACE(1)]
n. pity inclining one to help or be merciful. [ME f. OF f.
eccl.L compassio -onis f. compati (as COM-, pati pass- suffer)]
adj. sympathetic, pitying. Ьcompassionate leave Brit. leave
granted on grounds of bereavement etc. ЬЬcompassionately adv.
[obs. F compassion‚ f. compassioner feel pity (as COMPASSION)]
adj. 1 (often foll. by with) a able to coexist; well-suited;
mutually tolerant (a compatible couple). b consistent (their
views are not compatible with their actions). 2 (of equipment,
machinery, etc.) capable of being used in combination.
ЬЬcompatibility n. compatibly adv. [F f. med.L compatibilis
n. a fellow-countryman. ЬЬcompatriotic adj. [F compatriote f.
LL compatriota (as COM-, patriota PATRIOT)]
compeer n. 1 an equal, a peer. 2 a comrade. [ME f. OF comper (as
COM-, PEER(2))]
compel (compelled, compelling) 1 (usu. foll. by to + infin.)
force, constrain (compelled them to admit it). 2 bring about
(an action) by force (compel submission). 3 (as compelling
adj.) rousing strong interest, attention, conviction, or
admiration. 4 archaic drive forcibly. ЬЬcompellable adj.
compellingly adv. [ME f. L compellere compuls- (as COM-,
pellere drive)]
adj. (esp. of a book etc.) comprehensive but fairly brief.
ЬЬcompendiously adv. compendiousness n. [ME f. OF compendieux
f. L compendiosus brief (as COMPENDIUM)]
n. (pl. compendiums or compendia) 1 esp. Brit. a usu.
one-volume handbook or encyclopaedia. 2 a a summary or abstract
of a larger work. b an abridgement. 3 a a collection of games
in a box. b any collection or mixture. 4 a package of writing
paper, envelopes, etc. [L, = what is weighed together, f.
compendere (as COM-, pendere weigh)]
v. 1 tr. (often foll. by for) recompense (a person)
(compensated him for his loss). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by for a
thing, to a person) make amends (compensated for the insult;
will compensate to her in full). 3 tr. counterbalance. 4 tr.
Mech. provide (a pendulum etc.) with extra or less weight etc.
to neutralize the effects of temperature etc. 5 intr. Psychol.
offset a disability or frustration by development in another
direction. ЬЬcompensative adj. compensator n. compensatory
adj. [L compensare (as COM-, pensare frequent. of pendere pens-
n. 1 a the act of compensating. b the process of being
compensated. 2 something, esp. money, given as a recompense. 3
Psychol. a an act of compensating. b the result of
compensating. 4 US a salary or wages. Ьcompensation pendulum
Physics a pendulum designed to neutralize the effects of
temperature variation. ЬЬcompensational adj. [ME f. OF f. L
compensatio (as COMPENSATE)]
compЉre n. & v. Brit. --n. a person who introduces and links the
artistes in a variety show etc.; a master of ceremonies. --v.
1 tr. act as a compЉre to. 2 intr. act as compЉre. [F, =
godfather f. Rmc (as COM-, L pater father)]
compete v.intr. 1 (often foll. by with, against a person, for a thing)
strive for superiority or supremacy (competed with his brother;
compete against the Russians; compete for the victory). 2
(often foll. by in) take part (in a contest etc.) (competed in
the hurdles). [L competere competit-, in late sense 'strive
after or contend for (something)' (as COM-, petere seek)]
n. (also competency) 1 (often foll. by for, or to + infin.)
ability; the state of being competent. 2 an income large enough
to live on, usu. unearned. 3 Law the legal capacity (of a
court, a magistrate, etc.) to deal with a matter.
competent adj. 1 a (usu. foll. by to + infin. or for) or adequately
qualified or capable (not competent to drive). b effective (a
competent batsman). 2 Law (of a judge, court, or witness)
legally qualified or qualifying. ЬЬcompetently adv. [ME f. OF
competent or L competent- (as COMPETE)]
n. 1 (often foll. by for) competing, esp. in an examination, in
trade, etc. 2 an event or contest in which people compete. 3 a
the people competing against a person. b the opposition they
represent. [LL competitio rivalry (as COMPETITIVE)]
adj. 1 involving, offered for, or by competition (competitive
contest). 2 (of prices etc.) low enough to compare well with
those of rival traders. 3 (of a person) having a strong urge to
win; keen to compete. ЬЬcompetitively adv. competitiveness n.
[competit-, past part. stem of L competere COMPETE]
n. a person who competes; a rival, esp. in business or
commerce. [F comp‚titeur or L competitor (as COMPETE)]
n. 1 a the act of compiling. b the process of being compiled.
2 something compiled, esp. a book etc. composed of separate
articles, stories, etc. [ME f. OF f. L compilatio -onis (as
compile 1 a collect (material) into a list, volume, etc. b make
up (a volume etc.) from such material. 2 accumulate (a large
number of) (compiled a score of 160). 3 Computing produce (a
machine-coded form of a high-level program). [ME f. OF compiler
or its apparent source, L compilare plunder, plagiarize]
compiler n. 1 Computing a program for translating a high-level
programming language into machine code. 2 a person who
n. (also complacence) 1 smug self-satisfaction. 2 tranquil
pleasure. [med.L complacentia f. L complacere (as COM-, placere
adj. 1 smugly self-satisfied. 2 calmly content. °Often
confused with complaisant. ЬЬcomplacently adv. [L complacere:
complain v.intr. 1 (often foll. by about, at, or that + clause) express
dissatisfaction (complained at the state of the room; is always
complaining). 2 (foll. by of) a announce that one is suffering
from (an ailment) (complained of a headache). b state a
grievance concerning (complained of the delay). 3 make a
mournful sound; groan, creak under a strain. ЬЬcomplainer n.
complainingly adv. [ME f. OF complaindre (stem complaign-) f.
med.L complangere bewail (as COM-, plangere planct- lament)]
n. Law a plaintiff in certain lawsuits.
complaint n. 1 an act of complaining. 2 a grievance. 3 an ailment or
illness. 4 US Law the plaintiff's case in a civil action. [ME
f. OF complainte f. complaint past part. of complaindre: see
adj. 1 politely deferential. 2 willing to please; acquiescent.
°Often confused with complacent. ЬЬcomplaisance n. [F f.
complaire (stem complais-) acquiesce to please, f. L complacere:
compleat archaic var. of COMPLETE.
n. & v. --n. 1 a something that completes. b one of a pair,
or one of two things that go together. 2 (often full
complement) the full number needed to man a ship, fill a
conveyance, etc. 3 Gram. a word or phrase added to a verb to
complete the predicate of a sentence. 4 Biochem. a group of
proteins in the blood capable of lysing bacteria etc. 5 Math.
any element not belonging to a specified set or class. 6 Geom.
the amount by which an angle is less than 90ш (cf. SUPPLEMENT). 1 complete. 2 form a complement to (the scarf
complements her dress). ЬЬcomplemental adj. [ME f. L
complementum (as COMPLETE)]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a complementary relationship or situation. 2
Physics the concept that a single model may not be adequate to
explain atomic systems in different experimental conditions.
adj. 1 completing; forming a complement. 2 (of two or more
things) complementing each other. Ьcomplementary angle either
of two angles making up 90ш. complementary colour a colour that
combined with a given colour makes white or black.
ЬЬcomplementarily adv. complementariness n.
complete adj. & v. --adj. 1 having all its parts; entire (the set is
complete). 2 finished (my task is complete). 3 of the maximum
extent or degree (a complete surprise; a complete stranger). 4
(also compleat after Walton's Compleat Angler) joc. accomplished
(the complete horseman). 1 finish. 2 a make whole or
perfect. b make up the amount of (completes the quota). 3 fill
in the answers to (a questionnaire etc.). 4 (usu. absol.) Law
conclude a sale of property. Ьcomplete with having (as an
important accessory) (comes complete with instructions).
ЬЬcompletely adv. completeness n. completion n. [ME f. OF
complet or L completus past part. of complere fill up]
complex n. & adj. --n. 1 a building, a series of rooms, a network,
etc. made up of related parts (the arts complex). 2 Psychol. a
related group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause
abnormal behaviour or mental states (see inferiority complex
(see OEDIPUS COMPLEX)). 3 (in general use) a preoccupation or
obsession (has a complex about punctuality). 4 Chem. a compound
in which molecules or ions form coordinate bonds to a metal atom
or ion. --adj. 1 consisting of related parts; composite. 2
complicated (a complex problem). 3 Math. containing real and
imaginary parts (cf. IMAGINARY). Ьcomplex sentence a sentence
containing a subordinate clause or clauses. ЬЬcomplexity n.
(pl. -ies). complexly adv. [F complexe or L complexus past
part. of complectere embrace, assoc. with complexus plaited]
n. 1 the natural colour, texture, and appearance, of the skin,
esp. of the face. 2 an aspect; a character (puts a different
complexion on the matter). ЬЬcomplexioned adj. (also in comb.)
[ME f. OF f. L complexio -onis (as COMPLEX): orig. = combination
of supposed qualities determining the nature of a body]
adj. pale-skinned.
n. 1 the act or an instance of complying; obedience to a
request, command, etc. 2 Mech. a the capacity to yield under
an applied force. b the degree of such yielding. 3 unworthy
acquiescence. Ьin compliance with according to (a wish,
command, etc.).
compliant adj. disposed to comply; yielding, obedient. ЬЬcompliantly
complicate & intr. 1 (often foll. by with) make or become difficult,
confused, or complex. 2 (as complicated adj.) complex;
intricate. ЬЬcomplicatedly adv. complicatedness n. [L
complicare complicat- (as COM-, plicare fold)]
n. 1 a an involved or confused condition or state. b a
complicating circumstance; a difficulty. 2 Med. a secondary
disease or condition aggravating a previous one. [F
complication or LL complicatio (as COMPLICATE)]
n. partnership in a crime or wrongdoing. [complice (see
n. & v. --n. 1 a a spoken or written expression of praise. b
an act or circumstance implying praise (their success was a
compliment to their efforts). 2 (in pl.) a formal greetings,
esp. as a written accompaniment to a gift etc. (with the
compliments of the management). b praise (my compliments to the
cook). 1 (often foll. by on) congratulate; praise
(complimented him on his roses). 2 (often foll. by with)
present as a mark of courtesy (complimented her with his
attention). Ьcompliments of the season greetings appropriate to
the time of year, esp. Christmas. compliments slip a printed
slip of paper sent with a gift etc., esp. from a business firm.
pay a compliment to praise. return the compliment 1 give a
compliment in return for another. 2 retaliate or recompense in
kind. [F complimenter f. It. complimento ult. f. L (as
adj. 1 expressing a compliment; praising. 2 (of a ticket for a
play etc.) given free of charge, esp. as a mark of favour.
ЬЬcomplimentarily adv.
compline n. Eccl. 1 the last of the canonical hours of prayer. 2 the
service taking place during this. [ME f. OF complie, fem. past
part. of obs. complir complete, ult. f. L complere fill up]
comply v.intr. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by with) act in accordance
(with a wish, command, etc.) (complied with her expectation; had
no choice but to comply). [It. complire f. Cat. complir, Sp.
cumplir f. L complere fill up]
compo n. & adj. --n. (pl. -os) a composition of plaster etc., e.g.
stucco. --adj. = COMPOSITE. Ьcompo rations a large pack of
food designed to last for several days. [abbr.]
component n. & adj. --n. 1 a part of a larger whole, esp. part of a
motor vehicle. 2 Math. one of two or more vectors equivalent to
a given vector. --adj. being part of a larger whole (assembled
the component parts). ЬЬcomponential adj. [L componere
component- (as COM-, ponere put)]
comport v.refl. literary conduct oneself; behave. Ьcomport with suit,
befit. ЬЬcomportment n. [L comportare (as COM-, portare
compos var. of COMPOS MENTIS.
compose v. 1 a tr. construct or create (a work of art, esp. literature
or music). b intr. compose music (gave up composing in 1917).
2 tr. constitute; make up (six tribes which composed the German
nation). °Preferred to comprise in this sense. 3 tr. put
together to form a whole, esp. artistically; order; arrange
(composed the group for the photographer). 4 tr. a (often
refl.) calm; settle (compose your expression; composed himself
to wait). b (as composed adj.) calm, settled. 5 tr. settle (a
dispute etc.). 6 tr. Printing a set up (type) to form words
and blocks of words. b set up (a manuscript etc.) in type.
Ьcomposed of made up of, consisting of (a flock composed of
sheep and goats). ЬЬcomposedly adv. [F composer, f. L
componere (as COM-, ponere put)]
composer n. a person who composes (esp. music).
composite adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 made up of various parts; blended. 2
(esp. of a synthetic building material) made up of recognizable
constituents. 3 Archit. of the fifth classical order of
architecture, consisting of elements of the Ionic and Corinthian
orders. 4 Bot. of the plant family Compositae. --n. 1 a thing
made up of several parts or elements. 2 a synthetic building
material. 3 Bot. any plant of the family Compositae, having a
head of many small flowers forming one bloom, e.g. the daisy or
the dandelion. 4 Polit. a resolution composed of two or more
related resolutions. Polit. amalgamate (two or more
similar resolutions). ЬЬcompositely adv. compositeness n. [F
f. L compositus past part. of componere (as COM-, ponere posit-
n. 1 a the act of putting together; formation or construction.
b something so composed; a mixture. c the constitution of such
a mixture; the nature of its ingredients (the composition is two
parts oil to one part vinegar). 2 a a literary or musical work.
b the act or art of producing such a work. c an essay, esp.
written by a schoolchild. d an artistic arrangement (of parts
of a picture, subjects for a photograph, etc.). 3 mental
constitution; character (jealousy is not in his composition). 4
(often attrib.) a compound artificial substance, esp. one
serving the purpose of a natural one. 5 Printing the setting-up
of type. 6 Gram. the formation of words into a compound word.
7 Law a a compromise, esp. a legal agreement to pay a sum in
lieu of a larger sum, or other obligation (made a composition
with his creditors). b a sum paid in this way. 8 Math. the
combination of functions in a series. ЬЬcompositional adj.
compositionally adv. [ME f. OF, f. L compositio -onis (as
n. Printing a person who sets up type for printing. [ME f. AF
compositour f. L compositor (as COMPOSITE)]
compos mentis
adj. (also compos) having control of one's mind; sane. [L]
adj. formal (often foll. by with) able to coexist. [OF f.
med.L compossibilis (as COM-, POSSIBLE)]
compost n. & v. --n. 1 a mixed manure, esp. of organic origin. b a
loam soil or other medium with added compost, used for growing
plants. 2 a mixture of ingredients (a rich compost of lies and
innuendo). 1 treat (soil) with compost. 2 make
(manure, vegetable matter, etc.) into compost. Ьcompost heap
(or pile) a layered structure of garden refuse, soil, etc.,
which decays to become compost. [ME f. OF composte f. L
compos(i)tum (as COMPOSITE)]
composure n. a tranquil manner; calmness. [COMPOSE + -URE]
compote n. fruit preserved or cooked in syrup. [F f. OF composte (as
n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a mixture of two or more things,
qualities, etc. 2 (also compound word) a word made up of two or
more existing words. 3 Chem. a substance formed from two or
more elements chemically united in fixed proportions. --adj. 1
a made up of several ingredients. b consisting of several
parts. 2 combined; collective. 3 Zool. consisting of
individual organisms. 4 Biol. consisting of several or many
parts. --v. 1 tr. mix or combine (ingredients, ideas, motives,
etc.) (grief compounded with fear). 2 tr. increase or
complicate (difficulties etc.) (anxiety compounded by
discomfort). 3 tr. make up (a composite whole). 4 tr. (also
absol.) settle (a debt, dispute, etc.) by concession or special
arrangement. 5 tr. Law a condone (a liability or offence) in
exchange for money etc. b forbear from prosecuting (a felony)
from private motives. 6 intr. (usu. foll. by with, for) Law
come to terms with a person, for forgoing a claim etc. for an
offence. 7 tr. combine (words or elements) into a word.
Ьcompound eye an eye consisting of numerous visual units, as
found in insects and crustaceans. compound fracture a fracture
complicated by a skin wound. compound interest interest payable
on capital and its accumulated interest (cf. simple interest).
compound interval Mus. an interval exceeding one octave.
compound leaf a leaf consisting of several or many leaflets.
compound sentence a sentence with more than one subject or
predicate. compound time Mus. music having more than one group
of simple-time units in each bar. ЬЬcompoundable adj. [ME
compoun(e) f. OF compondre f. L componere (as COM-, ponere put:
-d as in expound)]
n. 1 a large open enclosure for housing workers etc., esp.
miners in S. Africa. 2 an enclosure, esp. in India, China,
etc., in which a factory or a house stands (cf. KAMPONG). 3 a
large enclosed space in a prison or prison camp. 4 = POUND(3).
[Port. campon or Du. kampong f. Malay]
comprador n. (also compradore) 1 hist. a Chinese business agent of a
foreign company. 2 an agent of a foreign power. [Port.
comprador buyer f. LL comparator f. L comparare purchase]
comprehend 1 grasp mentally; understand (a person or a thing). 2
include; take in. [ME f. OF comprehender or L comprehendere
comprehens- (as COM-, prehendere grasp)]
adj. 1 that can be understood; intelligible. 2 that can be
included or contained. ЬЬcomprehensibility n. comprehensibly
adv. [F compr‚hensible or L comprehensibilis (as COMPREHEND)]
n. 1 a the act or capability of understanding, esp. writing or
speech. b an extract from a text set as an examination, with
questions designed to test understanding of it. 2 inclusion. 3
Eccl. hist. the inclusion of Nonconformists in the Anglican
Church. [F compr‚hension or L comprehensio (as COMPREHENSIBLE)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 complete; including all or nearly all
elements, aspects, etc. (a comprehensive grasp of the subject).
2 of or relating to understanding (the comprehensive faculty).
3 (of motor-vehicle insurance) providing complete protection.
--n. (in full comprehensive school) Brit. a secondary school
catering for children of all abilities from a given area.
ЬЬcomprehensively adv. comprehensiveness n. [F compr‚hensif
-ive or LL comprehensivus (as COMPREHENSIBLE)]
compress v. & n. 1 squeeze together. 2 bring into a smaller
space or shorter extent. --n. a pad of lint etc. pressed on to
part of the body to relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, etc.
Ьcompressed air air at more than atmospheric pressure.
ЬЬcompressible adj. compressibility n. compressive adj. [ME
f. OF compresser or LL compressare frequent. of L comprimere
compress- (as COM-, premere press)]
n. 1 the act of compressing or being compressed. 2 the
reduction in volume (causing an increase in pressure) of the
fuel mixture in an internal-combustion engine before ignition.
[F f. L compressio (as COMPRESS)]
n. an instrument or device for compressing, esp. a machine used
for increasing the pressure of air or other gases.
comprise 1 include; comprehend. 2 consist of, be composed of (the
book comprises 350 pages). 3 disp. make up, compose (the essays
comprise his total work). ЬЬcomprisable adj. [ME f. F, fem.
past part. of comprendre comprehend]
n. & v. --n. 1 the settlement of a dispute by mutual
concession (reached a compromise by bargaining). 2 (often foll.
by between) an intermediate state between conflicting opinions,
actions, etc., reached by mutual concession or modification (a
compromise between ideals and material necessity). --v. 1 a
intr. settle a dispute by mutual concession (compromised over
the terms). b tr. archaic settle (a dispute) by mutual
concession. 2 tr. bring into disrepute or danger esp. by
indiscretion or folly. ЬЬcompromiser n. compromisingly adv.
[ME f. OF compromis f. LL compromissum neut. past part. of
compromittere (as com-, promittere promise)]
compte rendu
n. (pl. comptes rendus pronunc. same) a report; a review; a
statement. [F]
n. propr. an early type of calculating-machine. [app. f. F
compte count(1) + -meter]
n. a controller (used in the title of some financial officers)
(Comptroller and Auditor General). [var. of controller, by
erron. assoc. with count(1), L computus]
n. 1 a constraint; an obligation. 2 Psychol. an irresistible
urge to a form of behaviour, esp. against one's conscious
wishes. Ьunder compulsion because one is compelled. [ME f. F
f. LL compulsio -onis (as compel)]
adj. 1 compelling. 2 resulting or acting from, or as if from,
compulsion (a compulsive gambler). 3 Psychol. resulting or
acting from compulsion against one's conscious wishes. 4
irresistible (compulsive entertainment). ЬЬcompulsively adv.
compulsiveness n. [med.L compulsivus (as compel)]
adj. 1 required by law or a rule (it is compulsory to keep dogs
on leads). 2 essential; necessary. Ьcompulsory purchase the
enforced purchase of land or property by a local authority etc.,
for public use. ЬЬcompulsorily adv. compulsoriness n. [med.L
compulsorius (as compel)]
n. (usu. with neg.) 1 the pricking of the conscience. 2 a
slight regret; a scruple (without compunction; have no
compunction in refusing him). ЬЬcompunctious adj.
compunctiously adv. [ME f. OF componction f. eccl.L compunctio
-onis f. L compungere compunct- (as com-, pungere prick)]
n. Law hist. an acquittal from a charge or accusation obtained
by the oaths of witnesses. ЬЬcompurgatory adj. [med.L
compurgatio f. L compurgare (as com-, purgare purify)]
n. Law hist. a witness who swore to the innocence or good
character of an accused person.
compute v. 1 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) reckon or calculate (a
number, an amount, etc.). 2 intr. make a reckoning, esp. using
a computer. ЬЬcomputability n. computable adj. computation n.
[F computer or L computare (as com-, putare reckon)]
computer n. 1 a usu. electronic device for storing and processing data
(usu. in binary form), according to instructions given to it in
a variable program. 2 a person who computes or makes
calculations. Ьcomputer-literate able to use computers;
familiar with the operation of computers. computer science the
study of the principles and use of computers. computer virus a
hidden code within a computer program intended to corrupt a
system or destroy data stored in it.
computerize (also -ise) 1 equip with a computer; install a computer
in. 2 store, perform, or produce by computer.
ЬЬcomputerization n.
comrade n. 1 a (usu. of males) a workmate, friend, or companion. b
(also comrade-in-arms) a fellow soldier etc. 2 Polit. a fellow
socialist or communist (often as a form of address).
ЬЬcomradely adj. comradeship n. [earlier cama- camerade f. F
camerade, camarade (orig. fem.) f. Sp. camarada room-mate (as
comsat n. a communication satellite. [abbr.]
con(1) n. & v. sl. --n. a confidence trick. (conned,
conning) swindle; deceive (conned him into thinking he had won).
Ьcon man = confidence man. [abbr.]
con(2) n., prep., & adv. --n. (usu. in pl.) a reason against. --prep.
& adv. against (cf. pro(2)). [L contra against]
con(3) n. sl. a convict. [abbr.]
con(4) (US conn) (conned, conning) Naut. direct the steering of
(a ship). [app. weakened form of obs. cond, condie, f. F
conduire f. L conducere conduct]
con(5) (conned, conning) archaic (often foll. by over) study,
learn by heart (conned his part well). [ME cunn-, con, forms of
con- prefix assim. form of com- before c, d, f, g, j, n, q, s, t, v,
and sometimes before vowels.
conacre n. Ir. the letting by a tenant of small portions of land
prepared for crops or grazing. [corn(1) + acre]
con amore adv. 1 with devotion or zeal. 2 (con amore) Mus. tenderly.
[It., = with love]
conation n. Philos. & Psychol. 1 the desire to perform an action. 2
voluntary action; volition. ЬЬconative adj. [L conatio f.
conari try]
con brio adv. Mus. with vigour. [It.]
v. & adj. link together (a chain of events, things,
etc.). --adj. joined; linked. ЬЬconcatenation n. [LL
concatenare (as com-, catenare f. catena chain)]
concave adj. having an outline or surface curved like the interior of a
circle or sphere (cf. convex). ЬЬconcavely adv. concavity n.
[L concavus (as com-, cavus hollow), or through F concave]
conceal 1 (often foll. by from) keep secret (concealed her motive
from him). 2 not allow to be seen; hide (concealed the letter
in her pocket). ЬЬconcealer n. concealment n. [ME f. OF
conceler f. L concelare (as com-, celare hide)]
concede 1 a (often foll. by that + clause) admit (a defeat etc.)
to be true (conceded that his work was inadequate). b admit
defeat in. 2 (often foll. by to) grant, yield, or surrender (a
right, a privilege, points or a start in a game, etc.). 3 Sport
allow an opponent to score (a goal) or to win (a match), etc.
ЬЬconceder n. [F conc‚der or L concedere concess- (as com-,
cedere yield)]
conceit n. 1 personal vanity; pride. 2 literary a a far-fetched
comparison, esp. as a stylistic affectation; a convoluted or
unlikely metaphor. b a fanciful notion. [ME f. conceive after
deceit, deceive, etc.]
conceited adj. vain, proud. ЬЬconceitedly adv. conceitedness n.
adj. capable of being grasped or imagined; understandable.
ЬЬconceivability n. conceivably adv.
conceive v. 1 intr. become pregnant. 2 tr. become pregnant with (a
child). 3 tr. (often foll. by that + clause) a imagine, fancy,
think (can't conceive that he could be guilty). b (usu. in
passive) formulate, express (a belief, a plan, etc.). Ьconceive
of form in the mind; imagine. [ME f. OF conceiv- stressed stem
of concevoir f. L concipere concept- (as com-, capere take)]
v.intr. RC Ch. 1 (of two or more priests) celebrate the mass
together. 2 (esp. of a newly ordained priest) celebrate the
mass with the ordaining bishop. ЬЬconcelebrant n.
concelebration n. [L concelebrare (as com-, celebrare
v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (often foll. by on, upon) focus all one's
attention or mental ability. 2 tr. bring together (troops,
power, attention, etc.) to one point; focus. 3 tr. increase the
strength of (a liquid etc.) by removing water or any other
diluting agent. 4 tr. (as concentrated adj.) (of hate etc.)
intense, strong. --n. 1 a concentrated substance. 2 a
concentrated form of esp. food. ЬЬconcentratedly adv.
concentrative adj. concentrator n. [after concentre f. F
concentrer (as con- + centre)]
n. 1 a the act or power of concentrating (needs to develop
concentration). b an instance of this (interrupted my
concentration). 2 something concentrated (a concentration of
resources). 3 something brought together; a gathering. 4 the
weight of substance in a given weight or volume of material.
Ьconcentration camp a camp for the detention of political
prisoners, internees, etc., esp. in Nazi Germany.
concentre & intr. (US concenter) bring or come to a common centre.
[F concentrer: see concentrate]
adj. (often foll. by with) (esp. of circles) having a common
centre (cf. eccentric). ЬЬconcentrically adv. concentricity
n. [ME f. OF concentrique or med.L concentricus (as com-,
centricus as centre)]
concept n. 1 a general notion; an abstract idea (the concept of
evolution). 2 colloq. an idea or invention to help sell or
publicize a commodity (a new concept in swimwear). 3 Philos. an
idea or mental picture of a group or class of objects formed by
combining all their aspects. [LL conceptus f. concept-: see
n. 1 the act or an instance of conceiving; the process of being
conceived. 2 an idea or plan, esp. as being new or daring (the
whole conception showed originality). Ьno conception of an
inability to imagine. ЬЬconceptional adj. [ME f. OF f. L
conceptio -onis (as concept)]
adj. of mental conceptions or concepts. ЬЬconceptually adv.
[med.L conceptualis (conceptus as concept)]
n. Philos. the theory that universals exist, but only as
concepts in the mind. ЬЬconceptualist n.
conceptualize (also -ise) form a concept or idea of.
ЬЬconceptualization n.
concern v. & n. 1 a be relevant or important to (this concerns
you). b relate to; be about. 2 (usu. refl.; often foll. by
with, in, about, or to + infin.) interest or involve oneself
(don't concern yourself with my problems). 3 worry, affect (it
concerns me that he is always late). --n. 1 anxiety, worry
(felt a deep concern). 2 a a matter of interest or importance
to one (no concern of mine). b (usu. in pl.) affairs, private
business (meddling in my concerns). 3 a business, a firm (quite
a prosperous concern). 4 colloq. a complicated or awkward thing
(have lost the whole concern). Ьhave a concern in have an
interest or share in. have no concern with have nothing to do
with. to whom it may concern to those who have a proper
interest in the matter (as an address to the reader of a
testimonial, reference, etc.). [F concerner or LL concernere
(as com-, cernere sift, discern)]
concerned adj. 1 involved, interested (the people concerned; concerned
with proving his innocence). 2 (often foll. by that, about, at,
for, or to + infin.) troubled, anxious (concerned about him;
concerned to hear that). Ьas (or so) far as I am concerned as
regards my interests. be concerned (often foll. by in) take
part. I am not concerned it is not my business. ЬЬconcernedly
adv. concernedness n.
prep. about, regarding.
n. formal 1 an affair or business. 2 importance. 3 (often
foll. by with) a state of being concerned; anxiety.
concert n. & v. --n. 1 a musical performance of usu. several separate
compositions. 2 agreement, accordance, harmony. 3 a
combination of voices or sounds. arrange (by mutual
agreement or coordination). Ьconcert-goer a person who often
goes to concerts. concert grand the largest size of grand
piano, used for concerts. concert-master esp. US the leading
first-violin player in some orchestras. concert overture Mus.
a piece like an overture but intended for independent
performance. concert performance Mus. a performance (of an
opera etc.) without scenery, costumes, or action. concert pitch
1 Mus. the pitch internationally agreed in 1960 whereby the A
above middle C = 440 Hz. 2 a state of unusual readiness,
efficiency, and keenness (for action etc.). in concert 1 (often
foll. by with) acting jointly and accordantly. 2 (predic.) (of
a musician) in a performance. [F concert (n.), concerter (v.)
f. It. concertare harmonize]
concerted adj. 1 combined together; jointly arranged or planned (a
concerted effort). 2 Mus. arranged in parts for voices or
n. & v. --n. a musical instrument held in the hands and
stretched and squeezed like bellows, having reeds and a set of
buttons at each end to control the valves. & intr.
(concertinas, concertinaed or concertina'd, concertinaing)
compress or collapse in folds like those of a concertina (the
car concertinaed into the bridge). [concert + -ina]
n. (pl. -os) Mus. 1 a simple or short concerto. 2 a solo
instrument or solo instruments playing in a concerto. [It.,
dimin. of concerto]
concerto n. (pl. -os or concerti) Mus. a composition for a solo
instrument or instruments accompanied by an orchestra.
Ьconcerto grosso (pl. concerti grossi or concerto grossos) a
composition for a group of solo instruments accompanied by an
orchestra. [It. (see concert): grosso big]
n. 1 a the act or an instance of conceding (made the concession
that we were right). b a thing conceded. 2 a reduction in
price for a certain category of person. 3 a the right to use
land or other property, granted esp. by a government or local
authority, esp. for a specific use. b the right, given by a
company, to sell goods, esp. in a particular territory. c the
land or property used or given. ЬЬconcessionary adj. (also
concessional). [F concession f. L concessio (as concede)]
n. (also concessionnaire) the holder of a concession or grant,
esp. for the use of land or trading rights. [F concessionnaire
(as concession)]
adj. 1 of or tending to concession. 2 Gram. a (of a
preposition or conjunction) introducing a phrase or clause which
might be expected to preclude the action of the main clause, but
does not (e.g. in spite of, although). b (of a phrase or
clause) introduced by a concessive preposition or conjunction.
[LL concessivus (as concede)]
conch n. (pl. conchs or conches) 1 a a thick heavy spiral shell,
occasionally bearing long projections, of various marine
gastropod molluscs of the family Strombidae. b any of these
gastropods. 2 Archit. the domed roof of a semicircular apse. 3
= concha. [L concha shell f. Gk kogkhe]
concha n. (pl. conchae) Anat. any part resembling a shell, esp. the
depression in the external ear leading to its central cavity.
[L: see conch]
conchie n. (also conchy) (pl. -ies) derog. sl. a conscientious
objector. [abbr.]
adj. Mineral. (of a solid fracture etc.) resembling the
surface of a bivalve shell.
n. Zool. the scientific study of shells. ЬЬconchological adj.
conchologist n. [Gk kogkhe shell + -logy]
conchy var. of conchie.
concierge n. (esp. in France) a door-keeper or porter of a block of flats
etc. [F, prob. ult. f. L conservus fellow slave]
conciliar adj. of or concerning a council, esp. an ecclesiastical
council. [med.L consiliarius counsellor]
conciliate 1 make calm and amenable; pacify. 2 gain (esteem or
goodwill). 3 archaic reconcile, make compatible.
ЬЬconciliative adj. conciliator n. conciliatory adj.
conciliatoriness n. [L conciliare combine, gain (concilium
n. the use of conciliating measures; reconcilement. [L
conciliatio (as conciliate)]
n. elegance or neatness of literary style. ЬЬconcinnous adj.
[L concinnitas f. concinnus well-adjusted]
concise adj. (of speech, writing, style, or a person) brief but
comprehensive in expression. ЬЬconcisely adv. conciseness n.
[F concis or L concisus past part. of concidere (as com-,
caedere cut)]
concision n. (esp. of literary style) conciseness. [ME f. L concisio (as
conclave n. 1 a private meeting. 2 RC Ch. a the assembly of cardinals
for the election of a pope. b the meeting-place for a conclave.
[ME f. OF f. L conclave lockable room (as com-, clavis key)]
conclude v. 1 tr. & intr. bring or come to an end. 2 tr. (often foll.
by from, or that + clause) infer (from given premisses) (what
did you conclude?; concluded from the evidence that he had been
mistaken). 3 tr. settle, arrange (a treaty etc.). 4 intr.
(usu. foll. by to + infin.) esp. US decide. [ME f. L
concludere (as com-, claudere shut)]
n. 1 a final result; a termination. 2 a judgement reached by
reasoning. 3 the summing-up of an argument, article, book, etc.
4 a settling; an arrangement (the conclusion of peace). 5 Logic
a proposition that is reached from given premisses; the third
and last part of a syllogism. Ьin conclusion lastly, to
conclude. try conclusions with engage in a trial of skill etc.
with. [ME f. OF conclusion or L conclusio (as conclude)]
concoct 1 make by mixing ingredients (concocted a stew). 2
invent (a story, a lie, etc.). ЬЬconcocter n. concoction n.
concoctor n. [L concoquere concoct- (as com-, coquere cook)]
n. (also concomitancy) 1 coexistence. 2 Theol. the doctrine of
the coexistence of the body and blood of Christ both in the
bread and in the wine of the Eucharist. [med.L concomitantia
(as concomitant)]
adj. & n. --adj. going together; associated (concomitant
circumstances). --n. an accompanying thing. ЬЬconcomitantly
adv. [LL concomitari (as com-, comitari f. L comes -mitis
concord n. 1 agreement or harmony between people or things. 2 a
treaty. 3 Mus. a chord that is pleasing or satisfactory in
itself. 4 Gram. agreement between words in gender, number, etc.
[ME f. OF concorde f. L concordia f. concors of one mind (as
com-, cors f. cor cordis heart)]
n. 1 agreement. 2 a book containing an alphabetical list of
the important words used in a book or by an author, usu. with
citations of the passages concerned. [ME f. OF f. med.L
concordantia (as concordant)]
adj. 1 (often foll. by with) agreeing, harmonious. 2 Mus. in
harmony. ЬЬconcordantly adv. [ME f. OF f. L concordare f.
concors (as concord)]
concordat n. an agreement, esp. between the Roman Catholic Church and a
State. [F concordat or L concordatum neut. past part. of
concordare (as concordance)]
concourse n. 1 a crowd. 2 a coming together; a gathering (a concourse of
ideas). 3 an open central area in a large public building, a
railway station, etc. [ME f. OF concours f. L concursus (as
n. Biol. coalescence; growing together. ЬЬconcrescent adj.
[con-, after excrescence etc.]
concrete adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 a existing in a material form; real.
b specific, definite (concrete evidence; a concrete proposal).
2 Gram. (of a noun) denoting a material object as opposed to an
abstract quality, state, or action. --n. (often attrib.) a
composition of gravel, sand, cement, and water, used for
building. --v. 1 tr. a cover with concrete. b embed in
concrete. 2 a tr. & intr. form into a mass; solidify. b tr.
make concrete instead of abstract. Ьconcrete-mixer a machine,
usu. with a revolving drum, used for mixing concrete. concrete
music music constructed by mixing recorded sounds. concrete
poetry poetry using unusual typographical layout to enhance the
effect on the page. in the concrete in reality or in practice.
ЬЬconcretely adv. concreteness n. [F concret or L concretus
past part. of concrescere (as com-, crescere cret- grow)]
n. 1 a a hard solid concreted mass. b the forming of this by
coalescence. 2 Med. a stony mass formed within the body. 3
Geol. a small round mass of rock particles embedded in limestone
or clay. ЬЬconcretionary adj. [F f. L concretio (as concrete)]
concretize (also -ise) make concrete instead of abstract.
ЬЬconcretization n.
n. 1 the cohabitation of a man and woman not married to each
other. 2 the state of being or having a concubine. [ME f. F
(as concubine)]
concubine n. 1 a woman who lives with a man as his wife. 2 (among
polygamous peoples) a secondary wife. ЬЬconcubinary adj. [ME
f. OF f. L concubina (as com-, cubina f. cubare lie)]
n. formal sexual desire. ЬЬconcupiscent adj. [ME f. OF f. LL
concupiscentia f. L concupiscere begin to desire (as com-,
inceptive f. cupere desire)]
concur v.intr. (concurred, concurring) 1 happen together; coincide. 2
(often foll. by with) a agree in opinion. b express agreement.
3 combine together for a cause; act in combination. [L
concurrere (as com-, currere run)]
adj. 1 (often foll. by with) a existing or in operation at the
same time (served two concurrent sentences). b existing or
acting together. 2 Geom. (of three or more lines) meeting at or
tending towards one point. 3 agreeing, harmonious.
ЬЬconcurrence n. concurrently adv.
n. 1 Med. temporary unconsciousness or incapacity due to injury
to the head. 2 violent shaking; shock. [L concussio (as
condemn 1 express utter disapproval of; censure (was condemned
for his irresponsible behaviour). 2 a find guilty; convict. b
(usu. foll. by to) sentence to (a punishment, esp. death). c
bring about the conviction of (his looks condemn him). 3
pronounce (a building etc.) unfit for use or habitation. 4
(usu. foll. by to) doom or assign (to something unwelcome or
painful) (condemned to spending hours at the kitchen sink). 5 a
declare (smuggled goods, property, etc.) to be forfeited. b
pronounce incurable. Ьcondemned cell a cell for a prisoner
condemned to death. ЬЬcondemnable adj. condemnation n.
condemnatory adj. [ME f. OF condem(p)ner f. L condemnare (as
com-, damnare damn)]
n. a substance produced by condensation.
n. 1 the act of condensing. 2 any condensed material (esp.
water on a cold surface). 3 an abridgement. 4 Chem. the
combination of molecules with the elimination of water or other
small molecules. Ьcondensation trail = vapour trail. [LL
condensatio (as condense)]
condense v. 1 tr. make denser or more concentrated. 2 tr. express in
fewer words; make concise. 3 tr. & intr. reduce or be reduced
from a gas or solid to a liquid. Ьcondensed milk milk thickened
by evaporation and sweetened. ЬЬcondensable adj. [F condenser
or L condensare (as com-, densus thick)]
condenser n. 1 an apparatus or vessel for condensing vapour. 2 Electr. =
capacitor. 3 a lens or system of lenses for concentrating
light. 4 a person or thing that condenses.
v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by to + infin.) be gracious enough (to do
a thing) esp. while showing one's sense of dignity or
superiority (condescended to attend the meeting). 2 (foll. by
to) behave as if one is on equal terms with (an inferior), usu.
while maintaining an attitude of superiority. 3 (as
condescending adj.) patronizing; kind to inferiors.
ЬЬcondescendingly adv. [ME f. OF condescendre f. eccl.L
condescendere (as com-, descend)]
n. 1 a patronizing manner. 2 affability towards inferiors.
[obs. F f. eccl.L condescensio (as condescend)]
condign adj. (of a punishment etc.) severe and well-deserved.
ЬЬcondignly adv. [ME f. OF condigne f. L condignus (as com-,
dignus worthy)]
condiment n. a seasoning or relish for food. [ME f. L condimentum f.
condire pickle]
condition n. & v. --n. 1 a stipulation; something upon the fulfilment of
which something else depends. 2 a the state of being or fitness
of a person or thing (arrived in bad condition; not in a
condition to be used). b an ailment or abnormality (a heart
condition). 3 (in pl.) circumstances, esp. those affecting the
functioning or existence of something (working conditions are
good). 4 archaic social rank (all sorts and conditions of men).
5 Gram. a clause expressing a condition. 6 US a subject in
which a student must pass an examination within a stated time to
maintain a provisionally granted status. 1 a bring
into a good or desired state or condition. b make fit (esp.
dogs or horses). 2 teach or accustom to adopt certain habits
etc. (conditioned by society). 3 govern, determine (his
behaviour was conditioned by his drunkenness). 4 a impose
conditions on. b be essential to (the two things condition each
other). 5 test the condition of (textiles etc.). 6 US subject
(a student) to re-examination. Ьconditioned reflex a reflex
response to a non-natural stimulus, established by training. in
(or out of) condition in good (or bad) condition. in no
condition to certainly not fit to. on condition that with the
stipulation that. [ME f. OF condicion (n.), condicionner (v.)
or med.L condicionare f. L condicio -onis f. condicere (as
com-, dicere say)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by on) dependent; not
absolute; containing a condition or stipulation (a conditional
offer). 2 Gram. (of a clause, mood, etc.) expressing a
condition. --n. Gram. 1 a conditional clause etc. 2 the
conditional mood. Ьconditional discharge Law an order made by a
criminal court whereby an offender will not be sentenced for an
offence unless a further offence is committed within a stated
period. ЬЬconditionality n. conditionally adv. [ME f. OF
condicionel or f. LL conditionalis (as condition)]
n. an agent that brings something into good condition, esp. a
substance applied to the hair.
condo n. (pl. -os) US colloq. a condominium. [abbr.]
adj. expressing condolence. [condole, after consolatory etc.]
condole v.intr. (foll. by with) express sympathy with a person over a
loss, grief, etc. °Often confused with console. [LL condolere
(as com-, dolere suffer)]
n. (often in pl.) an expression of sympathy (sent my
condom n. a rubber sheath worn on the penis during sexual intercourse
as a contraceptive or to prevent infection. [18th c.: orig.
n. 1 the joint control of a State's affairs by other States. 2
US a building containing flats which are individually owned.
[mod.L (as com-, dominium dominion)]
condone 1 forgive or overlook (an offence or wrongdoing). 2
approve or sanction, usu. reluctantly. 3 (of an action) atone
for (an offence); make up for. ЬЬcondonation n. condoner n.
[L condonare (as com-, donare give)]
condor n. 1 (in full Andean condor) a large vulture, Vultur gryphus,
of S. America, having black plumage with a white neck ruff and a
fleshy wattle on the forehead. 2 (in full California condor) a
small vulture, Gymnogyps californianus, of California. [Sp. f.
Quechua cuntur]
n. (pl. condottieri pronunc. same) hist. a leader or a member
of a troop of mercenaries in Italy etc. [It. f. condotto troop
under contract (condotta) (as conduct)]
conduce v.intr. (foll. by to) (usu. of an event or attribute) lead or
contribute to (a result). [L conducere conduct- (as com-,
ducere duct- lead)]
conducive adj. (often foll. by to) contributing or helping (towards
something) (not a conducive atmosphere for negotiation; good
health is conducive to happiness).
conduct n. & v. --n. 1 behaviour (esp. in its moral aspect). 2 the
action or manner of directing or managing (business, war, etc.).
3 Art mode of treatment, execution. 4 leading, guidance. --v.
1 tr. lead or guide (a person or persons). 2 tr. direct or
manage (business etc.). 3 tr. (also absol.) be the conductor of
(an orchestra, choir, etc.). 4 tr. Physics transmit (heat,
electricity, etc.) by conduction. 5 refl. behave (conducted
himself appropriately). Ьconducted tour a tour led by a guide
on a fixed itinerary. conduct sheet a record of a person's
offences and punishments. ЬЬconductible adj. conductibility n.
[ME f. L conductus (as com-, ducere duct- lead): (v.) f. OF
conduite past part. of conduire]
n. Physics the power of a specified material to conduct
n. 1 a the transmission of heat through a substance from a
region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature.
b the transmission of electricity through a substance by the
application of an electric field. 2 the transmission of
impulses along nerves. 3 the conducting of liquid through a
pipe etc. [F conduction or L conductio (as conduct)]
adj. having the property of conducting (esp. heat, electricity,
etc.). Ьconductive education a system of education for children
and adults with motor disorders. ЬЬconductively adv.
n. the conducting power of a specified material.
conductor n. 1 a person who directs the performance of an orchestra or
choir etc. 2 (fem. conductress) a a person who collects fares
in a bus etc. b US an official in charge of a train. 3 Physics
a a thing that conducts or transmits heat or electricity, esp.
regarded in terms of its capacity to do this (a poor conductor).
b = lightning-conductor. 4 a guide or leader. 5 a manager or
director. Ьconductor rail a rail transmitting current to an
electric train etc. ЬЬconductorship n. [ME f. F conducteur f.
L conductor (as conduct)]
conductus n. (pl. conducti) a musical composition of the 12th-13th c.,
with Latin text. [med.L: see conduit]
conduit n. 1 a channel or pipe for conveying liquids. 2 a a tube or
trough for protecting insulated electric wires. b a length or
stretch of this. [ME f. OF conduit f. med.L conductus conduct
condyle n. Anat. a rounded process at the end of some bones, forming
an articulation with another bone. ЬЬcondylar adj. condyloid
adj. [F f. L condylus f. Gk kondulos knuckle]
cone n. & v. --n. 1 a solid figure with a circular (or other
curved) plane base, tapering to a point. 2 a thing of a similar
shape, solid or hollow, e.g. as used to mark off areas of roads.
3 the dry fruit of a conifer. 4 an ice-cream cornet. 5 any of
the minute cone-shaped structures in the retina. 6 a conical
mountain esp. of volcanic origin. 7 (in full cone-shell) any
marine gastropod mollusc of the family Conidae. 8 Pottery a
ceramic pyramid, melting at a known temperature, used to
indicate the temperature of a kiln. 1 shape like a
cone. 2 (foll. by off) Brit. mark off (a road etc.) with cones.
[F c“ne f. L conus f. Gk konos]
coney var. of cony.
confab n. & v. colloq. --n. = confabulation (see confabulate).
--v.intr. (confabbed, confabbing) = confabulate. [abbr.]
v.intr. 1 converse, chat. 2 Psychol. fabricate imaginary
experiences as compensation for the loss of memory.
ЬЬconfabulation n. confabulatory adj. [L confabulari (as com-,
fabulari f. fabula tale)]
confect literary make by putting together ingredients. [L
conficere confect- put together (as com-, facere make)]
n. 1 a dish or delicacy made with sweet ingredients. 2 mixing,
compounding. 3 a fashionable or elaborate article of women's
dress. ЬЬconfectionary adj. (in sense 1). [ME f. OF f. L
confectio -onis (as confect)]
n. a maker or retailer of confectionery.
n. sweets and other confections.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a league or alliance, esp. of confederate
States. 2 a league for an unlawful or evil purpose; a
conspiracy. 3 the condition or fact of being confederate;
alliance; conspiracy. [ME, AF, OF confederacie (as
adj., n., & v. --adj. esp. Polit. allied; joined by an
agreement or treaty. --n. 1 an ally, esp. (in a bad sense) an
accomplice. 2 (Confederate) a supporter of the Confederate
States. --v. (often foll. by with) 1 tr. bring (a person,
State, or oneself) into alliance. 2 intr. come into alliance.
ЬConfederate States States which seceded from the US in 1860-1.
[LL confoederatus (as com-, federate)]
n. 1 a union or alliance of States etc. 2 the act or an
instance of confederating; the state of being confederated. [F
conf‚d‚ration (as confederate)]
confer v. (conferred, conferring) 1 tr. (often foll. by on, upon)
grant or bestow (a title, degree, favour, etc.). 2 intr. (often
foll. by with) converse, consult. ЬЬconferrable adj. [L
conferre (as com-, ferre bring)]
conferee n. 1 a person on whom something is conferred. 2 a participant
in a conference.
n. 1 consultation, discussion. 2 a meeting for discussion,
esp. a regular one held by an association or organization. 3 an
annual assembly of the Methodist Church. 4 an association in
commerce, sport, etc. 5 the linking of several telephones,
computer terminals, etc., so that each user may communicate with
the others simultaneously. Ьin conference engaged in
discussion. ЬЬconferential adj. [F conf‚rence or med.L
conferentia (as confer)]
n. 1 the conferring of a degree, honour, etc. 2 an instance of
conferral n. esp. US = conferment.
confess v. 1 a tr. (also absol.) acknowledge or admit (a fault,
wrongdoing, etc.). b intr. (foll. by to) admit to (confessed to
having lied). 2 tr. admit reluctantly (confessed it would be
difficult). 3 a tr. (also absol.) declare (one's sins) to a
priest. b tr. (of a priest) hear the confession of. c refl.
declare one's sins to a priest. [ME f. OF confesser f. Rmc f. L
confessus past part. of confiteri (as com-, fateri declare,
n. a person who confesses to a priest.
adv. by one's own or general admission.
n. 1 a confessing or acknowledgement of a fault, wrongdoing, a
sin to a priest, etc. b an instance of this. c a thing
confessed. 2 (in full confession of faith) a a declaration of
one's religious beliefs. b a statement of one's principles.
ЬЬconfessionary adj. [ME f. OF f. L confessio -onis (as
n. & adj. --n. an enclosed stall in a church in which a priest
hears confessions. --adj. 1 of or relating to confession. 2
denominational. [F f. It. confessionale f. med.L, neut. of
confessionalis (as confession)]
confessor n. 1 a person who makes a confession. 2 also a priest who
hears confessions and gives spiritual counsel. 3 a person who
avows a religion in the face of its suppression, but does not
suffer martyrdom. [ME f. AF confessur, OF - our, f. eccl.L
confessor (as confess)]
confetti n. small bits of coloured paper thrown by wedding guests at the
bride and groom. [It., = sweetmeats f. L (as comfit)]
confidant n. (fem. confidante pronunc. same) a person trusted with
knowledge of one's private affairs. [18th-c. for earlier
confident n., prob. to represent the pronunc. of F confidente
(as confide)]
confide v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by to) tell (a secret etc.) in confidence.
2 tr. (foll. by to) entrust (an object of care, a task, etc.)
to. 3 intr. (foll. by in) a have trust or confidence in. b
talk confidentially to. ЬЬconfidingly adv. [L confidere (as
com-, fidere trust)]
n. 1 firm trust (have confidence in his ability). 2 a a
feeling of reliance or certainty. b a sense of self-reliance;
boldness. 3 a something told confidentially. b the telling of
private matters with mutual trust. Ьconfidence man a man who
robs by means of a confidence trick. confidence trick (US game)
a swindle in which the victim is persuaded to trust the swindler
in some way. in confidence as a secret. in a person's
confidence trusted with a person's secrets. take into one's
confidence confide in. [ME f. L confidentia (as confide)]
confident adj. & n. --adj. 1 feeling or showing confidence;
self-assured, bold (spoke with a confident air). 2 (often foll.
by of, or that + clause) assured, trusting (confident of your
support; confident that he will come). --n. archaic =
confidant. ЬЬconfidently adv. [F f. It. confidente (as
adj. 1 spoken or written in confidence. 2 entrusted with
secrets (a confidential secretary). 3 confiding.
ЬЬconfidentiality n. confidentially adv.
n. 1 a an arrangement of parts or elements in a particular form
or figure. b the form, shape, or figure resulting from such an
arrangement. 2 Astron. & Astrol. the relative position of
planets etc. 3 Psychol. = gestalt. 4 Physics the distribution
of electrons among the energy levels of an atom, or of nucleons
among the energy levels of a nucleus, as specified by quantum
numbers. 5 Chem. the fixed three-dimensional relationship of
the atoms in a molecule. 6 Computing a the interrelating or
interconnecting of a computer system or elements of it so that
it will accommodate a particular specification. b an instance
of this. ЬЬconfigurational adj. configure (in senses 1,
2, 6). [LL configuratio f. L configurare (as com-, figurare
confine v. & n. (often foll. by in, to, within) 1 keep or
restrict (within certain limits etc.). 2 hold captive;
imprison. --n. (usu. in pl.) a limit or boundary (within the
confines of the town). Ьbe confined be in childbirth. [(v.) f.
F confiner, (n.) ME f. F confins (pl.), f. L confinia (as com-,
finia neut. pl. f. finis end, limit)]
n. 1 the act or an instance of confining; the state of being
confined. 2 the time of a woman's giving birth.
confirm 1 provide support for the truth or correctness of; make
definitely valid (confirmed my suspicions; confirmed his arrival
time). 2 (foll. by in) encourage (a person) in (an opinion
etc.). 3 establish more firmly (power, possession, etc.). 4
ratify (a treaty, possession, title, etc.); make formally valid.
5 administer the religious rite of confirmation to.
ЬЬconfirmative adj. confirmatory adj. [ME f. OF confermer f. L
confirmare (as com-, firm(1))]
n. Eccl. a person who is to be or has just been confirmed.
n. 1 a the act or an instance of confirming; the state of being
confirmed. b an instance of this. 2 a a religious rite
confirming a baptized person, esp. at the age of discretion, as
a member of the Christian Church. b a ceremony of confirming
persons of about this age in the Jewish faith. [ME f. OF f. L
confirmatio -onis (as confirm)]
confirmed adj. firmly settled in some habit or condition (confirmed in
his ways; a confirmed bachelor).
confiscate 1 take or seize by authority. 2 appropriate to the
public treasury (by way of a penalty). ЬЬconfiscable adj.
confiscation n. confiscator n. confiscatory adj. [L
confiscare (as com-, fiscare f. fiscus treasury)]
n. a great and destructive fire. [L conflagratio f.
conflagrare (as com-, flagrare blaze)]
conflate blend or fuse together (esp. two variant texts into one).
ЬЬconflation n. [L conflare (as com-, flare blow)]
conflict n. & v. --n. 1 a a state of opposition or hostilities. b a
fight or struggle. 2 (often foll. by of) a the clashing of
opposed principles etc. b an instance of this. 3 Psychol. a
the opposition of incompatible wishes or needs in a person. b
an instance of this. c the distress resulting from this.
--v.intr. 1 clash; be incompatible. 2 (often foll. by with)
struggle or contend. 3 (as conflicting adj.) contradictory.
Ьin conflict conflicting. ЬЬconfliction n. conflictual adj.
[ME f. L confligere conflict- (as com-, fligere strike)]
n. 1 a place where two rivers meet. 2 a a coming together. b
a crowd of people. [L confluere (as com-, fluere flow)]
confluent adj. & n. --adj. flowing together, uniting. --n. a stream
joining another.
conflux n. = confluence. [LL confluxus (as confluence)]
conform v. 1 intr. comply with rules or general custom. 2 intr. & tr.
(often foll. by to) be or make accordant or suitable. 3 tr.
(often foll. by to) form according to a pattern; make similar.
4 intr. (foll. by to, with) comply with; be in accordance with.
ЬЬconformer n. [ME f. OF conformer f. L conformare (as com-,
adj. 1 (often foll. by to) similar. 2 (often foll. by with)
consistent. 3 (often foll. by to) adapted. 4 tractable,
submissive. 5 Geol. (of strata in contact) lying in the same
direction. ЬЬconformability n. conformably adv. [med.L
conformabilis (as conform)]
conformal adj. (of a map) showing any small area in its correct shape.
ЬЬconformally adv. [LL conformalis (as conform)]
n. (often foll. by to, with) = conformity 1, 2.
n. 1 the way in which a thing is formed; shape, structure. 2
(often foll. by to) adjustment in form or character; adaptation.
3 Chem. any spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule from the
rotation of part of the molecule about a single bond. [L
conformatio (as conform)]
n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who conforms to an established
practice; a conventional person. 2 Brit. a person who conforms
to the practices of the Church of England. --adj. (of a person)
conforming to established practices; conventional. ЬЬconformism
n. 1 (often foll. by to, with) action or behaviour in
accordance with established practice; compliance. 2 (often
foll. by to, with) correspondence in form or manner; likeness,
agreement. 3 Brit. compliance with the practices of the Church
of England. [ME f. OF conformit‚ or LL conformitas (as
confound v. & int. 1 throw into perplexity or confusion. 2 mix
up; confuse (in one's mind). 3 archaic defeat, overthrow.
--int. expressing annoyance (confound you!). [ME f. AF
conf(o)undre, OF confondre f. L confundere mix up (as com-,
fundere fus- pour)]
adj. colloq. damned (a confounded nuisance!). ЬЬconfoundedly
n. (pl. -ies) a brotherhood, esp. religious or charitable.
[ME f. OF confraternit‚ f. med.L confraternitas (as com-,
confrЉre n. a fellow member of a profession, scientific body, etc. [ME
f. OF f. med.L confrater (as com-, frater brother)]
confront 1 a face in hostility or defiance. b face up to and deal
with (a problem, difficulty, etc.). 2 (of a difficulty etc.)
present itself to (countless obstacles confronted us). 3 (foll.
by with) a bring (a person) face to face with (a circumstance),
esp. by way of accusation (confronted them with the evidence).
b set (a thing) face to face with (another) for comparison. 4
meet or stand facing. ЬЬconfrontation n. confrontational adj.
[F confronter f. med.L confrontare (as com-, frontare f. frons
frontis face)]
Confucian adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Confucius, Chinese
philosopher d. 479 bc, or his philosophy. --n. a follower of
Confucius. ЬЬConfucianism n. Confucianist n. [Confucius,
Latinization of Kongfuze Kong the master]
adj. that is able or liable to be confused. ЬЬconfusability n.
confuse 1 a disconcert, perplex, bewilder. b embarrass. 2 mix
up in the mind; mistake (one for another). 3 make indistinct
(that point confuses the issue). 4 (as confused adj.) mentally
decrepit. 5 (often as confused adj.) throw into disorder (a
confused jumble of clothes). ЬЬconfusedly adv. confusing adj.
confusingly adv. [19th-c. back-form. f. confused (14th c.) f.
OF confus f. L confusus: see confound]
confusion n. 1 a the act of confusing (the confusion of fact and
fiction). b an instance of this; a misunderstanding (confusions
arise from a lack of communication). 2 a the result of
confusing; a confused state; disorder (thrown into confusion by
his words; trampled in the confusion of battle). b (foll. by
of) a disorderly jumble (a confusion of ideas). 3 a civil
commotion (confusion broke out at the announcement). b an
instance of this. [ME f. OF confusion or L confusio (as
confute 1 prove (a person) to be in error. 2 prove (an argument)
to be false. ЬЬconfutation n. [L confutare restrain]
conga n. & v. --n. 1 a Latin-American dance of African origin, usu.
with several persons in a single line, one behind the other. 2
(also conga drum) a tall, narrow, low-toned drum beaten with the
hands. --v.intr. (congas, congaed or conga'd, congaing)
perform the conga. [Amer. Sp. f. Sp. conga (fem.) of the
cong‚ n. an unceremonious dismissal; leave-taking. [F: earlier
congee, ME f. OF congi‚ f. L commeatus leave of absence f.
commeare go and come (as com-, meare go): now usu. treated as
mod. F]
congeal & intr. 1 make or become semi-solid by cooling. 2 (of
blood etc.) coagulate. ЬЬcongealable adj. congealment n. [ME
f. OF congeler f. L congelare (as com-, gelare f. gelu frost)]
n. 1 the process of congealing. 2 a congealed state. 3 a
congealed substance. [ME f. OF congelation or L congelatio (as
congener n. a thing or person of the same kind or category as another,
esp. animals or plants of a specified genus (the goldfinch is a
congener of the canary). [L (as con-, genus)]
adj. 1 of the same genus, kind, or race. 2 allied in nature or
origin; akin. ЬЬcongenerous adj.
congenial adj. 1 (often foll. by with, to) (of a person, character, etc.)
pleasant because akin to oneself in temperament or interests. 2
(often foll. by to) suited or agreeable. ЬЬcongeniality n.
congenially adv. [con- + genial(1)]
adj. 1 (esp. of a disease, defect, etc.) existing from birth.
2 that is (or as if) such from birth (a congenital liar).
ЬЬcongenitally adv. [L congenitus (as com-, genitus past part.
of gigno beget)]
conger n. (in full conger eel) any large marine eel of the family
Congridae. [ME f. OF congre f. L conger, congrus, f. Gk
congeries n. (pl. same) a disorderly collection; a mass or heap. [L,
formed as congest]
n. abnormal accumulation, crowding, or obstruction, esp. of
traffic etc. or of blood or mucus in a part of the body. [F f.
L congestio -onis (as congest)]
adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 gathered into a rounded mass. 2 Geol.
(of rock) made up of small stones held together (cf.
agglomerate). --n. 1 a number of things or parts forming a
heterogeneous mass. 2 a group or corporation formed by the
merging of separate and diverse firms. 3 Geol. conglomerate
rock. & intr. collect into a coherent mass.
ЬЬconglomeration n. [L conglomeratus past part. of conglomerare
(as com-, glomerare f. glomus -eris ball)]
Congolese adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to the Republic of the Congo in
Central Africa, or the region surrounding the Congo river. --n.
a native of either of these regions. [F congolais]
congou n. a variety of black China tea. [Chin. dial. kung hu te tea
laboured for]
congratulate & refl. (often foll. by on, upon) 1 tr. express pleasure
at the happiness or good fortune or excellence of (a person)
(congratulated them on their success). 2 refl. think oneself
fortunate or clever. ЬЬcongratulant adj. & n. congratulator n.
congratulatory adj. [L congratulari (as com-, gratulari show
joy f. gratus pleasing)]
n. 1 congratulating. 2 (also as int.; usu. in pl.) an
expression of this (congratulations on winning!). [L
congratulatio (as congratulate)]
n. a member of a congregation (esp. Jewish). [L congregare (as
v.intr. & tr. collect or gather into a crowd or mass. [ME f. L
congregare (as com-, gregare f. grex gregis flock)]
n. 1 the process of congregating; collection into a crowd or
mass. 2 a crowd or mass gathered together. 3 a a body
assembled for religious worship. b a body of persons regularly
attending a particular church etc. c RC Ch. a body of persons
obeying a common religious rule. d RC Ch. any of several
permanent committees of the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals.
4 (Congregation) Brit. (in some universities) a general assembly
of resident senior members. [ME f. OF congregation or L
congregatio (as congregate)]
adj. 1 of a congregation. 2 (Congregational) of or adhering to
n. a system of ecclesiastical organization whereby individual
churches are largely self-governing. ЬЬCongregationalist n.
Congregationalize (also -ise).
congress n. 1 a formal meeting of delegates for discussion. 2
(Congress) a national legislative body, esp. that of the US. 3
a society or organization. 4 coming together, meeting.
ЬЬcongressional adj. [L congressus f. congredi (as com-, gradi
n. (pl. -men; fem. congresswoman, pl. -women) a member of
the US Congress.
n. (also congruency) 1 agreement, consistency. 2 Geom. the
state of being congruent. [ME f. L congruentia (as congruent)]
congruent adj. 1 (often foll. by with) suitable, agreeing. 2 Geom. (of
figures) coinciding exactly when superimposed. ЬЬcongruently
adv. [ME f. L congruere agree]
congruous adj. (often foll. by with) suitable, agreeing; fitting.
ЬЬcongruity n. congruously adv. [L congruus (as congruent)]
conic adj. & n. --adj. of a cone. --n. 1 a conic section. 2 (in
pl.) the study of conic sections. Ьconic section a figure
formed by the intersection of a cone and a plane. [mod.L
conicus f. Gk konikos (as cone)]
conical adj. cone-shaped. ЬЬconically adv.
conidium n. (pl. conidia) a spore produced asexually by various fungi.
[mod.L dimin. f. Gk konis dust]
conifer n. any evergreen tree of a group usu. bearing cones, including
pines, yews, cedars, and redwoods. ЬЬconiferous adj. [L (as
cone, -ferous)]
coniform adj. cone-shaped. [L conus cone + -form]
coniine n. a poisonous alkaloid found in hemlock, that paralyses the
nerves. [L conium f. Gk koneion hemlock]
adj. based on, involving, or given to conjecture.
ЬЬconjecturally adv. [F f. L conjecturalis (as conjecture)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a the formation of an opinion on incomplete
information; guessing. b an opinion or conclusion reached in
this way. 2 a (in textual criticism) the guessing of a reading
not in the text. b a proposed reading. --v. 1 tr. & intr.
guess. 2 tr. (in textual criticism) propose (a reading).
ЬЬconjecturable adj. [ME f. OF conjecture or L conjectura f.
conjicere (as com-, jacere throw)]
conjoin & intr. join, combine. [ME f. OF conjoign- pres. stem of
conjoindre f. L conjungere (as com-, jungere junct- join)]
conjoint adj. associated, conjoined. ЬЬconjointly adv. [ME f. OF, past
part. (as conjoin)]
conjugal adj. of marriage or the relation between husband and wife.
Ьconjugal rights those rights (esp. to sexual relations)
regarded as exercisable in law by each partner in a marriage.
ЬЬconjugality n. conjugally adv. [L conjugalis f. conjux
consort (as com-, -jux -jugis f. root of jungere join)]
conjugate v., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. Gram. give the different forms of
(a verb). 2 intr. a unite sexually. b (of gametes) become
fused. 3 intr. Chem. (of protein) combine with non-protein.
--adj. 1 joined together, esp. as a pair. 2 Gram. derived from
the same root. 3 Biol. fused. 4 Chem. (of an acid or base)
related by loss or gain of an electron. 5 Math. joined in a
reciprocal relation, esp. having the same real parts, and equal
magnitudes but opposite signs of imaginary parts. --n. a
conjugate word or thing. ЬЬconjugately adv. [L conjugare yoke
together (as com-, jugare f. jugum yoke)]
n. 1 Gram. a system of verbal inflection. 2 a the act or an
instance of conjugating. b an instance of this. 3 Biol. the
fusion of two gametes in reproduction. ЬЬconjugational adj. [L
conjugatio (as conjugate)]
conjunct adj. joined together; combined; associated. [ME f. L
conjunctus (as conjoin)]
n. 1 a the action of joining; the condition of being joined. b
an instance of this. 2 Gram. a word used to connect clauses or
sentences or words in the same clause (e.g. and, but, if). 3 a
a combination (of events or circumstances). b a number of
associated persons or things. 4 Astron. & Astrol. the alignment
of two bodies in the solar system so that they have the same
longitude as seen from the earth. Ьin conjunction with together
with. ЬЬconjunctional adj. [ME f. OF conjonction f. L
conjunctio -onis (as conjunct)]
n. (pl. conjunctivas) Anat. the mucous membrane that covers
the front of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelids.
ЬЬconjunctival adj. [med.L (membrana) conjunctiva (as
adj. & n. --adj. 1 serving to join; connective. 2 Gram. of
the nature of a conjunction. --n. Gram. a conjunctive word.
ЬЬconjunctively adv. [LL conjunctivus (as conjoin)]
n. inflammation of the conjunctiva.
n. a combination of events; a state of affairs. [obs. F f. It.
congiuntura (as conjoin)]
n. an incantation; a magic spell. [ME f. OF f. L conjuratio
-onis (as conjure)]
conjure v. 1 intr. perform tricks which are seemingly magical, esp. by
rapid movements of the hands. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by out of,
away, to, etc.) cause to appear or disappear as if by magic
(conjured a rabbit out of a hat; conjured them to a desert
island; his pain was conjured away). 3 tr. call upon (a spirit)
to appear. 4 intr. perform marvels. 5 tr. (often foll. by to
+ infin.) appeal solemnly to (a person). Ьconjure up 1 bring
into existence or cause to appear as if by magic. 2 cause to
appear to the eye or mind; evoke. [ME f. OF conjurer plot,
exorcise f. L conjurare band together by oath (as com-, jurare
conjuror n. (also conjurer) a performer of conjuring tricks. [conjure +
-er(1) & AF conjurour (OF -eor) f. med.L conjurator (as
conk(1) v.intr. (usu. foll. by out) colloq. 1 (of a machine etc.)
break down. 2 (of a person) become exhausted and give up;
faint; die. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
conk(2) n. & v. sl. --n. 1 a the nose. b the head. 2 a a punch on
the nose or head. b a blow. punch on the nose; hit on
the head etc. [19th c.: perh. = conch]
conker n. 1 the hard fruit of a horse chestnut. 2 (in pl.) Brit. a
children's game played with conkers on strings, one hit against
another to try to break it. [dial. conker snail-shell (orig.
used in the game), assoc. with conquer]
con moto adv. Mus. with movement. [It., = with movement]
conn US var. of con(4).
Conn. abbr. Connecticut.
connate adj. 1 existing in a person or thing from birth; innate. 2
formed at the same time. 3 allied, congenial. 4 Bot. (of
organs) congenitally united so as to form one part. 5 Geol. (of
water) trapped in sedimentary rock during its deposition. [LL
connatus past part. of connasci (as com-, nasci be born)]
adj. 1 (often foll. by to) innate; belonging naturally. 2 of
like nature. ЬЬconnaturally adv. [LL connaturalis (as com-,
connect v. 1 a tr. (often foll. by to, with) join (one thing with
another) (connected the hose to the tap). b tr. join (two
things) (a track connected the two villages). c intr. be joined
or joinable (the two parts do not connect). 2 tr. (often foll.
by with) associate mentally or practically (did not connect the
two ideas; never connected her with the theatre). 3 intr.
(foll. by with) (of a train etc.) be synchronized at its
destination with another train etc., so that passengers can
transfer (the train connects with the boat). 4 tr. put into
communication by telephone. 5 a tr. (usu. in passive; foll. by
with) unite or associate with others in relationships etc. (am
connected with the royal family). b intr. form a logical
sequence; be meaningful. 6 intr. colloq. hit or strike
effectively. Ьconnecting-rod the rod between the piston and the
crankpin etc. in an internal-combustion engine or between the
wheels of a locomotive. ЬЬconnectable adj. connector n. [L
connectere connex- (as com-, nectere bind)]
connected adj. 1 joined in sequence. 2 (of ideas etc.) coherent. 3
related or associated. Ьwell-connected associated, esp. by
birth, with persons of good social position. ЬЬconnectedly adv.
connectedness n.
n. (also Brit. connexion) 1 a the act of connecting; the state
of being connected. b an instance of this. 2 the point at
which two things are connected (broke at the connection). 3 a a
thing or person that connects; a link (a radio formed the only
connection with the outside world; cannot see the connection
between the two ideas). b a telephone link (got a bad
connection). 4 arrangement or opportunity for catching a
connecting train etc.; the train etc. itself (missed the
connection). 5 Electr. a the linking up of an electric current
by contact. b a device for effecting this. 6 (often in pl.) a
relative or associate, esp. one with influence (has connections
in the Home Office; heard it through a business connection). 7
a relation of ideas; a context (in this connection I have to
disagree). 8 sl. a supplier of narcotics. 9 a religious body,
esp. Methodist. Ьin connection with with reference to. in this
(or that) connection with reference to this (or that).
ЬЬconnectional adj. [L connexio (as connect): spelling -ct-
after connect]
adj. & n. --adj. serving or tending to connect. --n. something
that connects. Ьconnective tissue Anat. a fibrous tissue that
supports, binds, or separates more specialized tissue.
conning tower
n. 1 the superstructure of a submarine from which steering,
firing, etc., are directed on or near the surface, and which
contains the periscope. 2 the armoured pilot-house of a
warship. [con(4) + -ing(1)]
n. 1 (often foll. by at, in) conniving (connivance in the
crime). 2 tacit permission (done with his connivance). [F
connivence or L conniventia (as connive)]
connive v.intr. 1 (foll. by at) disregard or tacitly consent to (a
wrongdoing). 2 (usu. foll. by with) conspire. ЬЬconniver n.
[F conniver or L connivere shut the eyes (to)]
n. (often foll. by of, in) an expert judge in matters of taste
(a connoisseur of fine wine). ЬЬconnoisseurship n. [F, obs.
spelling of connaisseur f. pres. stem of connaЊtre know + -eur
-or(1): cf. reconnoitre]
n. 1 that which is implied by a word etc. in addition to its
literal or primary meaning (a letter with sinister
connotations). 2 the act of connoting or implying.
connote 1 (of a word etc.) imply in addition to the literal or
primary meaning. 2 (of a fact) imply as a consequence or
condition. 3 mean, signify. ЬЬconnotative adj. [med.L
connotare mark in addition (as com-, notare f. nota mark)]
connubial adj. of or relating to marriage or the relationship of husband
and wife. ЬЬconnubiality n. connubially adv. [L connubialis
f. connubium (nubium f. nubere marry)]
conoid adj. & n. --adj. (also conoidal) cone-shaped. --n. a
cone-shaped object.
conquer 1 a overcome and control (an enemy or territory) by
military force. b absol. be victorious. 2 overcome (a habit,
emotion, disability, etc.) by effort (conquered his fear). 3
climb (a mountain) successfully. ЬЬconquerable adj. [ME f. OF
conquerre f. Rmc f. L conquirere (as com-, quaerere seek, get)]
conqueror n. 1 a person who conquers. 2 Brit. = conker. [ME f. AF
conquerour (OF -eor) f. conquerre (as conquer)]
conquest n. 1 the act or an instance of conquering; the state of being
conquered. 2 a conquered territory. b something won. 3 a
person whose affection or favour has been won. 4 (the Conquest
or Norman Conquest) the conquest of England by William of
Normandy in 1066. Ьmake a conquest of win the affections of.
[ME f. OF conquest(e) f. Rmc (as conquer)]
n. (pl. conquistadores or conquistadors) a conqueror, esp. one
of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th c.
con-rod n. colloq. connecting-rod. [abbr.]
Cons. abbr. Conservative.
adj. descended from the same ancestor; akin. ЬЬconsanguinity
n. [L consanguineus (as com-, sanguis -inis blood)]
n. 1 a moral sense of right and wrong esp. as felt by a person
and affecting behaviour (my conscience won't allow me to do
that). 2 an inner feeling as to the goodness or otherwise of
one's behaviour (my conscience is clear; has a guilty
conscience). Ьcase of conscience a matter in which one's
conscience has to decide a conflict of principles. conscience
clause a clause in a law, ensuring respect for the consciences
of those affected. conscience money a sum paid to relieve one's
conscience, esp. about a payment previously evaded.
conscience-stricken (or -struck) made uneasy by a bad
conscience. for conscience (or conscience') sake to satisfy
one's conscience. freedom of conscience a system allowing all
citizens a free choice of religion. in all conscience colloq.
by any reasonable standard; by all that is fair. on one's
conscience causing one feelings of guilt. prisoner of
conscience a person imprisoned by a State for holding political
or religious views it does not tolerate. ЬЬconscienceless adj.
[ME f. OF f. L conscientia f. conscire be privy to (as com-,
scire know)]
adj. (of a person or conduct) diligent and scrupulous.
Ьconscientious objector a person who for reasons of conscience
objects to conforming to a requirement, esp. that of military
service. ЬЬconscientiously adv. conscientiousness n. [F
consciencieux f. med.L conscientiosus (as conscience)]
conscious adj. & n. --adj. 1 awake and aware of one's surroundings and
identity. 2 (usu. foll. by of, or that + clause) aware, knowing
(conscious of his inferiority). 3 (of actions, emotions, etc.)
realized or recognized by the doer; intentional (made a
conscious effort not to laugh). 4 (in comb.) aware of;
concerned with (appearance-conscious). --n. (prec. by the) the
conscious mind. ЬЬconsciously adv. [L conscius knowing with
others or in oneself f. conscire (as com-, scire know)]
n. 1 the state of being conscious (lost consciousness during
the fight). 2 a awareness, perception (had no consciousness of
being ridiculed). b (in comb.) awareness of
(class-consciousness). 3 the totality of a person's thoughts
and feelings, or of a class of these (moral consciousness).
Ьconsciousness-raising the activity of increasing esp. social or
political sensitivity or awareness.
conscribe = conscript v. [L conscribere (as conscription)]
conscript v. & n. enlist by conscription. --n. a person
enlisted by conscription. [(v.) back-form. f. conscription:
(n.) f. F conscrit f. L conscriptus (as conscription)]
n. compulsory enlistment for State service, esp. military
service. [F f. LL conscriptio levying of troops f. L
conscribere conscript- enrol (as com-, scribere write)]
consecrate 1 make or declare sacred; dedicate formally to a
religious or divine purpose. 2 (in Christian belief) make
(bread and wine) into the body and blood of Christ. 3 (foll. by
to) devote (one's life etc.) to (a purpose). 4 ordain (esp. a
bishop) to a sacred office. ЬЬconsecration n. consecrator n.
consecratory adj. [ME f. L consecrare (as com-, secrare =
sacrare dedicate f. sacer sacred)]
n. 1 logical sequence (in argument or reasoning). 2 sequence,
succession (of events etc.). [L consecutio f. consequi
consecut- overtake (as com-, sequi pursue)]
adj. 1 a following continuously. b in unbroken or logical
order. 2 Gram. expressing consequence. Ьconsecutive intervals
Mus. intervals of the same kind (esp. fifths or octaves),
occurring in succession between two voices or parts in harmony.
ЬЬconsecutively adv. consecutiveness n. [F cons‚cutif -ive f.
med.L consecutivus (as consecution)]
adj. of or by consent or consensus. ЬЬconsensually adv. [L
consensus (see consensus) + -al]
consensus n. (often foll. by of) 1 a general agreement (of opinion,
testimony, etc.). b an instance of this. 2 (attrib.) majority
view, collective opinion (consensus politics). [L, = agreement
(as consent)]
consent v. & n. --v.intr. (often foll. by to) express willingness, give
permission, agree. --n. voluntary agreement, permission,
compliance. Ьage of consent the age at which consent to sexual
intercourse is valid in law. consenting adult 1 an adult who
consents to something, esp. a homosexual act. 2 a homosexual.
[ME f. OF consentir f. L consentire (as com-, sentire sens-
adj. 1 agreeing, united in opinion. 2 concurrent. 3 (often
foll. by to) consenting. [L consentient- (as consent)]
n. 1 the result or effect of an action or condition. 2 a
importance (it is of no consequence). b social distinction
(persons of consequence). 3 (in pl.) a game in which a
narrative is made up by the players, each ignorant of what has
already been contributed. Ьin consequence as a result. take
the consequences accept the results of one's choice or action.
[ME f. OF f. L consequentia (as consequent)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by on, upon) following as a
result or consequence. 2 logically consistent. --n. 1 a thing
that follows another. 2 Logic the second part of a conditional
proposition, dependent on the antecedent. [ME f. OF f. L
consequi (as consecution)]
adj. 1 following as a result or consequence. 2 resulting
indirectly (consequential damage). 3 (of a person)
self-important. ЬЬconsequentiality n. consequentially adv. [L
adv. & conj. as a result; therefore.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 Brit. a commission etc. controlling a port,
river, etc. (Thames Conservancy). 2 a body concerned with the
preservation of natural resources (Nature Conservancy). 3
conservation; official preservation (of forests etc.). [18th-c.
alt. of obs. conservacy f. AF conservacie f. AL conservatia f.
L conservatio (as conserve)]
n. preservation, esp. of the natural environment.
Ьconservation area an area containing a noteworthy environment
and specially protected by law against undesirable changes.
conservation of energy (or mass or momentum etc.) Physics the
principle that the total quantity of energy etc. of any system
not subject to external action remains constant.
ЬЬconservational adj. [ME f. OF conservation or L conservatio
(as conserve)]
n. a supporter or advocate of environmental conservation.
adj. & n. --adj. 1 a averse to rapid change. b (of views,
taste, etc.) moderate, avoiding extremes (conservative in his
dress). 2 (of an estimate etc.) purposely low; moderate,
cautious. 3 (Conservative) of or characteristic of
Conservatives or the Conservative Party. 4 tending to conserve.
--n. 1 a conservative person. 2 (Conservative) a supporter or
member of the Conservative Party. ЬConservative Judaism Judaism
allowing only minor changes in traditional ritual etc.
Conservative Party 1 a British political party promoting free
enterprise and private ownership. 2 a similar party elsewhere.
conservative surgery surgery that seeks to preserve tissues as
far as possible. ЬЬconservatism n. conservatively adv.
conservativeness n. [ME f. LL conservativus (as conserve)]
n. a (usu. European) school of music or other arts. [F f. It.
conservatorio (as conservatory)]
n. a person who preserves something; an official custodian (of
a museum etc.). [ME f. AF conservatour, OF -ateur f. L
conservator -oris (as conserve)]
n. Austral. = conservatoire.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a greenhouse for tender plants, esp. one
attached to and communicating with a house. 2 esp. US =
conservatoire. [LL conservatorium (as conserve): sense 2
through It. conservatorio]
conserve v. & n. 1 store up; keep from harm or damage, esp. for
later use. 2 Physics maintain a quantity of (heat etc.). 3
preserve (food, esp. fruit), usu. with sugar. --n. also 1
fruit etc. preserved in sugar. 2 fresh fruit jam. [ME f. OF
conserver f. L conservare (as com-, servare keep)]
consider (often absol.) 1 contemplate mentally, esp. in order to
reach a conclusion. 2 examine the merits of (a course of
action, a candidate, claim, etc.). 3 give attention to. 4
reckon with; take into account. 5 (foll. by that + clause) have
the opinion. 6 (foll. by compl.) believe; regard as (consider
it to be genuine; consider it settled). 7 (as considered adj.)
formed after careful thought (a considered opinion). Ьall
things considered taking everything into account. [ME f. OF
considerer f. L considerare examine]
adj. 1 enough in amount or extent to need consideration. 2
much; a lot of (considerable pain). 3 notable, important.
ЬЬconsiderably adv.
adj. 1 thoughtful towards other people; careful not to cause
hurt or inconvenience. 2 archaic careful. ЬЬconsiderately adv.
n. 1 the act of considering; careful thought. 2 thoughtfulness
for others; being considerate. 3 a fact or a thing taken into
account in deciding or judging something. 4 compensation; a
payment or reward. 5 Law (in a contractual agreement) anything
given or promised or forborne by one party in exchange for the
promise or undertaking of another. 6 archaic importance or
consequence. Ьin consideration of in return for; on account of.
take into consideration include as a factor, reason, etc.; make
allowance for. under consideration being considered. [ME f. OF
f. L consideratio -onis (as consider)]
prep. 1 in view of; taking into consideration (considering
their youth; considering that it was snowing). 2 (without
compl.) colloq. all in all; taking everything into account (not
so bad, considering).
consign (often foll. by to) 1 hand over; deliver to a person's
possession or trust. 2 assign; commit decisively or permanently
(consigned it to the dustbin; consigned to years of misery). 3
transmit or send (goods), usu. by a public carrier. ЬЬconsignee
n. consignor n. [ME f. F consigner or L consignare mark with a
seal (as com-, sign)]
n. 1 the act or an instance of consigning; the process of being
consigned. 2 a batch of goods consigned.
consist v.intr. 1 (foll. by of) be composed; have specified ingredients
or elements. 2 (foll. by in, of) have its essential features as
specified (its beauty consists in the use of colour). 3 (usu.
foll. by with) harmonize; be consistent. [L consistere exist
(as com-, sistere stop)]
n. (also consistence) (pl. -ies or -es) 1 the degree of
density, firmness, or viscosity, esp. of thick liquids. 2 the
state of being consistent; conformity with other or earlier
attitudes, practice, etc. 3 the state or quality of holding or
sticking together and retaining shape. [F consistence or LL
consistentia (as consist)]
adj. (usu. foll. by with) 1 compatible or in harmony; not
contradictory. 2 (of a person) constant to the same principles
of thought or action. ЬЬconsistently adv. [L consistere (as
n. (pl. -ies) 1 RC Ch. the council of cardinals (with or
without the pope). 2 (in full consistory court) (in the Church
of England) a court presided over by a bishop, for the
administration of ecclesiastical law in a diocese. 3 (in other
Churches) a local administrative body. ЬЬconsistorial adj. [ME
f. AF consistorie, OF -oire f. LL consistorium (as consist)]
n. 1 close association, esp. of Churches or religious
communities. 2 Ecol. a closely-related sub-group of plants
having one dominant species. [L consociatio, -onis f.
consociare (as com-, socius fellow)]
n. 1 the act or an instance of consoling; the state of being
consoled. 2 a consoling thing, person, or circumstance.
Ьconsolation prize a prize given to a competitor who just fails
to win a main prize. ЬЬconsolatory adj. [ME f. OF, f. L
consolatio -onis (as console(1))]
console(1) comfort, esp. in grief or disappointment. °Often
confused with condole. ЬЬconsolable adj. consoler n.
consolingly adv. [F consoler f. L consolari]
n. 1 a panel or unit accommodating a set of switches, controls,
etc. 2 a cabinet for television or radio equipment etc. 3 Mus.
a cabinet with the keyboards, stops, pedals, etc., of an organ.
4 an ornamented bracket supporting a shelf etc. Ьconsole table
a table supported by a bracket against a wall. [F, perh. f.
consolider (as consolidate)]
v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become strong or solid. 2 tr.
reinforce or strengthen (one's position, power, etc.). 3 tr.
combine (territories, companies, debts, etc.) into one whole.
Ьconsolidated fund (or annuities) Brit. a Bank of England fund
into which tax revenue is paid and from which payments not
dependent on annual votes in Parliament are made.
ЬЬconsolidation n. consolidator n. consolidatory adj. [L
consolidare (as com-, solidare f. solidus solid)]
consols British government securities without redemption date and
with fixed annual interest. [abbr. of consolidated annuities]
consomm‚ n. a clear soup made with meat stock. [F, past part. of
consommer f. L consummare (as consummate)]
n. 1 agreement, harmony. 2 Prosody a recurrence of
similar-sounding consonants. 3 Mus. a harmonious combination of
notes; a harmonious interval. [ME f. OF consonance or L
consonantia (as consonant)]
consonant n. & adj. --n. 1 a speech sound in which the breath is at
least partly obstructed, and which to form a syllable must be
combined with a vowel. 2 a letter or letters representing this.
--adj. (foll. by with, to) 1 consistent; in agreement or
harmony. 2 similar in sound. 3 Mus. making a concord.
ЬЬconsonantal adj. consonantly adv. [ME f. F f. L consonare
(as com-, sonare sound f. sonus)]
con sordino
adv. Mus. with the use of a mute. [It.]
n. & v. --n. 1 a wife or husband, esp. of royalty (prince
consort). 2 a ship sailing with another. --v. 1 intr. (usu.
foll. by with, together) a keep company; associate. b
harmonize. 2 tr. class or bring together. [ME f. F f. L
consors sharer, comrade (as com-, sors sortis lot, destiny)]
n. Mus. a group of players or instruments, esp. playing early
music (recorder consort). [earlier form of concert]
n. (pl. consortia or consortiums) 1 an association, esp. of
several business companies. 2 Law the right of association with
a husband or wife (loss of consortium). [L, = partnership (as
adj. Biol. of the same species.
n. 1 a general or comprehensive survey. 2 a summary or
synopsis. [L f. conspicere conspect- (as com-, spicere look
adj. 1 clearly visible; striking to the eye; attracting notice.
2 remarkable of its kind (conspicuous extravagance).
ЬЬconspicuously adv. conspicuousness n. [L conspicuus (as
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a secret plan to commit a crime or do harm,
often for political ends; a plot. 2 the act of conspiring.
Ьconspiracy of silence an agreement to say nothing. [ME f. AF
conspiracie, alt. form of OF conspiration f. L conspiratio -onis
(as conspire)]
n. a person who takes part in a conspiracy. ЬЬconspiratorial
adj. conspiratorially adv. [ME f. AF conspiratour, OF -teur
(as conspire)]
conspire v.intr. 1 combine secretly to plan and prepare an unlawful or
harmful act. 2 (often foll. by against, or to + infin.) (of
events or circumstances) seem to be working together, esp.
disadvantageously. [ME f. OF conspirer f. L conspirare agree,
plot (as com-, spirare breathe)]
constable n. 1 Brit. a a policeman or policewoman. b (also police
constable) a police officer of the lowest rank. 2 the governor
of a royal castle. 3 hist. the principal officer in a royal
household. ЬChief Constable the head of the police force of a
county or other region. [ME f. OF conestable f. LL comes
stabuli count of the stable]
n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) an organized body of police; a
police force. --attrib.adj. of or concerning the police force.
[med.L constabularius (as constable)]
constancy n. 1 the quality of being unchanging and dependable;
faithfulness. 2 firmness, endurance. [L constantia (as
constant adj. & n. --adj. 1 continuous (needs constant attention). 2
occurring frequently (receive constant complaints). 3 (often
foll. by to) unchanging, faithful, dependable. --n. 1 anything
that does not vary. 2 Math. a component of a relationship
between variables that does not change its value. 3 Physics a a
number expressing a relation, property, etc., and remaining the
same in all circumstances. b such a number that remains the
same for a substance in the same conditions. ЬЬconstantly adv.
[ME f. OF f. L constare (as com-, stare stand)]
n. an alloy of copper and nickel used in electrical equipment.
[constant + -an]
constellate 1 form into (or as if into) a constellation. 2 adorn as
with stars.
n. 1 a group of fixed stars whose outline is traditionally
regarded as forming a particular figure. 2 a group of
associated persons, ideas, etc. [ME f. OF f. LL constellatio
-onis (as com-, stella star)]
consternate (usu. in passive) dismay; fill with anxiety. [L
consternare (as com-, sternere throw down)]
n. anxiety or dismay causing mental confusion. [F
consternation or L consternatio (as consternate)]
constipate (esp. as constipated adj.) affect with constipation. [L
constipare (as com-, stipare press)]
n. 1 a condition with hardened faeces and difficulty in
emptying the bowels. 2 a restricted state. [ME f. OF
constipation or LL constipatio (as constipate)]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a body of voters in a specified area who elect
a representative member to a legislative body. 2 the area
represented in this way. 3 a body of customers, supporters,
adj. & n. --adj. 1 composing or helping to make up a whole. 2
able to make or change a (political etc.) constitution
(constituent assembly). 3 appointing or electing. --n. 1 a
member of a constituency (esp. political). 2 a component part.
3 Law a person who appoints another as agent. [L constituent-
partly through F -ant (as constitute)]
constitute 1 be the components or essence of; make up, form. 2 a be
equivalent or tantamount to (this constitutes an official
warning). b formally establish (does not constitute a
precedent). 3 give legal or constitutional form to; establish
by law. ЬЬconstitutor n. [L constituere (as com-, statuere set
n. 1 the act or method of constituting; the composition (of
something). 2 a the body of fundamental principles or
established precedents according to which a State or other
organization is acknowledged to be governed. b a (usu. written)
record of this. 3 a person's physical state as regards
vitality, health, strength, etc. 4 a person's mental or
psychological make-up. 5 hist. a decree or ordinance. [ME f.
OF constitution or L constitutio (as constitute)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of, consistent with, authorized by, or
limited by a political constitution (a constitutional monarchy).
2 inherent in, stemming from, or affecting the physical or
mental constitution. --n. a walk taken regularly to maintain or
restore good health. ЬЬconstitutionality n. constitutionalize (also -ise). constitutionally adv.
n. 1 a constitutional system of government. 2 the adherence to
or advocacy of such a system. ЬЬconstitutionalist n.
adj. 1 able to form or appoint. 2 component. 3 essential.
ЬЬconstitutively adv. [LL constitutivus (as constitute)]
constrain 1 compel; urge irresistibly or by necessity. 2 a confine
forcibly; imprison. b restrict severely as regards action,
behaviour, etc. 3 bring about by compulsion. 4 (as constrained
adj.) forced, embarrassed (a constrained voice; a constrained
manner). ЬЬconstrainedly adv. [ME f. OF constraindre f. L
constringere (as com-, stringere strict- tie)]
n. 1 the act or result of constraining or being constrained;
restriction of liberty. 2 something that constrains; a
limitation on motion or action. 3 the restraint of natural
feelings or their expression; a constrained manner. [ME f. OF
constreinte, fem. past part. (as constrain)]
constrict 1 make narrow or tight; compress. 2 Biol. cause (organic
tissue) to contract. ЬЬconstriction n. constrictive adj. [L
(as constrain)]
n. 1 any snake (esp. a boa) that kills by coiling round its
prey and compressing it. 2 Anat. any muscle that compresses or
contracts an organ or part of the body. [mod.L (as constrict)]
construct v. & n. 1 make by fitting parts together; build, form
(something physical or abstract). 2 Geom. draw or delineate,
esp. accurately to given conditions (construct a triangle).
--n. 1 a thing constructed, esp. by the mind. 2 Linguistics a
group of words forming a phrase. ЬЬconstructor n. [L
construere construct- (as com-, struere pile, build)]
n. 1 the act or a mode of constructing. 2 a thing constructed.
3 an interpretation or explanation (they put a generous
construction on his act). 4 Gram. an arrangement of words
according to syntactical rules. ЬЬconstructional adj.
constructionally adv. [ME f. OF f. L constructio -onis (as
n. = constructivism.
adj. 1 a of construction; tending to construct. b tending to
form a basis for ideas (constructive criticism). 2 helpful,
positive (a constructive approach). 3 derived by inference; not
expressed (constructive permission). 4 belonging to the
structure of a building. ЬЬconstructively adv.
constructiveness n. [LL constructivus (as construct)]
n. Art a Russian movement in which assorted (usu. mechanical or
industrial) objects are combined into non-representational and
mobile structural forms. ЬЬconstructivist n. [Russ.
konstruktivizm (as construct)]
construe (construes, construed, construing) 1 interpret (words or
actions) (their decision can be construed in many ways). 2
(often foll. by with) combine (words) grammatically ('rely' is
construed with 'on'). 3 analyse the syntax of (a sentence). 4
translate word for word. ЬЬconstruable adj. construal n. [ME
f. L construere construct]
adj. Theol. of the same substance (esp. of the three persons
of the Trinity). ЬЬconsubstantiality n. [ME f. eccl.L
consubstantialis, transl. Gk homoousios (as com-, substantial)]
n. Theol. the real substantial presence of the body and blood
of Christ together with the bread and wine in the Eucharist.
[mod.L consubstantiatio, after transubstantiatio
n. a custom, esp. one having legal force in Scotland.
ЬЬconsuetudinary adj. [ME f. OF consuetude or L consuetudo
-dinis f. consuetus accustomed]
consul n. 1 an official appointed by a State to live in a foreign city
and protect the State's citizens and interests there. 2 hist.
either of two annually elected chief magistrates in ancient
Rome. 3 any of the three chief magistrates of the French
republic (1799-1804). ЬЬconsular adj. consulship n. [ME f. L,
rel. to consulere take counsel]
consulate n. 1 the building officially used by a consul. 2 the office,
position, or period of office of consul. 3 hist. government by
consuls. 4 hist. the period of office of a consul. 5 hist.
(Consulate) the government of France by three consuls
(1799-1804). [ME f. L consulatus (as consul)]
consult v. 1 tr. seek information or advice from (a person, book,
watch, etc.). 2 intr. (often foll. by with) refer to a person
for advice, an opinion, etc. 3 tr. seek permission or approval
from (a person) for a proposed action. 4 tr. take into account;
consider (feelings, interests, etc.). ЬЬconsultative adj. [F
consulter f. L consultare frequent. of consulere consult- take
n. (pl. -ies) the professional practice or position of a
n. 1 a person providing professional advice etc., esp. for a
fee. 2 a senior specialist in a branch of medicine responsible
for patients in a hospital. [prob. F (as consult)]
n. 1 a meeting arranged to consult (esp. with a consultant). 2
the act or an instance of consulting. 3 a conference. [ME f.
OF consultation or L consultatio (as consultant)]
attrib.adj. giving professional advice to others working in the
same field or subject (consulting physician).
adj. & n. --adj. that can be consumed; intended for
consumption. --n. (usu. in pl.) a commodity that is eventually
used up, worn out, or eaten.
consume 1 eat or drink. 2 completely destroy; reduce to nothing
or to tiny particles (fire consumed the building). 3 (as
consumed adj.) possessed by or entirely taken up (foll. by with
: consumed with rage). 4 use up (time, energy, etc.).
ЬЬconsumingly adv. [ME f. L consumere (as com-, sumere sumpt-
take up): partly through F consumer]
consumer n. 1 a person who consumes, esp. one who uses a product. 2 a
purchaser of goods or services. Ьconsumer durable a household
product with a relatively long useful life (e.g. a radio or
washing-machine). consumer goods goods put to use by consumers,
not used in producing other goods (opp. capital goods (see
capital(1))). consumer research investigation of purchasers'
needs and opinions. consumer society a society in which the
marketing of goods and services is an important social and
economic activity.
n. the protection or promotion of consumers' interests in
relation to the producer. ЬЬconsumerist adj. & n.
v. & adj. 1 complete; make perfect. 2 complete (a
marriage) by sexual intercourse. --adj. complete, perfect;
fully skilled (a consummate general). ЬЬconsummately adv.
consummative adj. consummator n. [L consummare (as com-,
summare complete f. summus utmost)]
n. 1 completion, esp. of a marriage by sexual intercourse. 2 a
desired end or goal; perfection. [ME f. OF consommation or L
consummatio (as consummate)]
n. 1 the act or an instance of consuming; the process of being
consumed. 2 any disease causing wasting of tissues, esp.
pulmonary tuberculosis. 3 an amount consumed. 4 the purchase
and use of goods etc. [ME f. OF consomption f. L consumptio (as
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or tending to consumption. 2 tending to
or affected with pulmonary tuberculosis. --n. a consumptive
patient. ЬЬconsumptively adv. [med.L consumptivus (as
cont. abbr. 1 contents. 2 continued.
contact n. & v. --n. 1 the state or condition of touching, meeting, or
communicating. 2 a person who is or may be communicated with
for information, supplies, assistance, etc. 3 Electr. a a
connection for the passage of a current. b a device for
providing this. 4 a person likely to carry a contagious disease
through being associated with an infected person. 5 (usu. in
pl.) colloq. a contact lens. 1 get into communication
with (a person). 2 begin correspondence or personal dealings
with. Ьcontact lens a small lens placed directly on the eyeball
to correct the vision. contact print a photographic print made
by placing a negative directly on sensitized paper etc. and
illuminating it. contact sport a sport in which participants
necessarily come into bodily contact with one another.
ЬЬcontactable adj. [L contactus f. contingere (as com-,
tangere touch)]
contagion n. 1 a the communication of disease from one person to another
by bodily contact. b a contagious disease. 2 a contagious or
harmful influence. 3 moral corruption, esp. when tending to be
widespread. [ME f. L contagio (as com-, tangere touch)]
adj. 1 a (of a person) likely to transmit disease by contact.
b (of a disease) transmitted in this way. 2 (of emotions,
reactions, etc.) likely to affect others (contagious
enthusiasm). Ьcontagious abortion brucellosis of cattle.
ЬЬcontagiously adv. contagiousness n. [ME f. LL contagiosus
(as contagion)]
contain 1 hold or be capable of holding within itself; include,
comprise. 2 (of measures) consist of or be equal to (a gallon
contains eight pints). 3 prevent (an enemy, difficulty, etc.)
from moving or extending. 4 control or restrain (oneself, one's
feelings, etc.). 5 (of a number) be divisible by (a factor)
without a remainder. ЬЬcontainable adj. [ME f. OF contenir f.
L continere content- (as com-, tenere hold)]
container n. 1 a vessel, box, etc., for holding particular things. 2 a
large boxlike receptacle of standard design for the transport of
goods, esp. one readily transferable from one form of transport
to another (also attrib. : container ship).
containerize (also -ise) 1 pack in or transport by container. 2 adapt
to transport by container. ЬЬcontainerization n.
n. the action or policy of preventing the expansion of a
hostile country or influence.
contaminate 1 pollute, esp. with radioactivity. 2 infect.
ЬЬcontaminant n. contamination n. contaminator n. [L
contaminare (as com-, tamen- rel. to tangere touch)]
contango n. (pl. -os) Brit. Stock Exch. 1 the postponement of the
transfer of stock from one account day to the next. 2 a
percentage paid by the buyer for such a postponement. Ьcontango
day the eighth day before settling day. [19th c.: prob. an
arbitrary formation]
conte n. 1 a short story (as a form of literary composition). 2 a
medieval narrative tale. [F]
contemn literary despise; treat with disregard. ЬЬcontemner n.
[ME f. OF contemner or L contemnere (as com-, temnere tempt-
v. 1 tr. survey with the eyes or in the mind. 2 tr. regard (an
event) as possible. 3 tr. intend; have as one's purpose (we
contemplate leaving tomorrow). 4 intr. meditate.
ЬЬcontemplation n. contemplator n. [L contemplari (as com-,
templum place for observations)]
adj. & n. --adj. of or given to (esp. religious) contemplation;
meditative. --n. a person whose life is devoted to religious
contemplation. ЬЬcontemplatively adv. [ME f. OF contemplatif
-ive, or L contemplativus (as contemplate)]
adj. (usu. foll. by with) 1 existing or occurring at the same
time. 2 of the same period. ЬЬcontemporaneity n.
contemporaneously adv. contemporaneousness n. [L
contemporaneus (as com-, temporaneus f. tempus -oris time)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 living or occurring at the same time. 2
approximately equal in age. 3 following modern ideas or fashion
in style or design. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a person or thing
living or existing at the same time as another. 2 a person of
roughly the same age as another. ЬЬcontemporarily adv.
contemporariness n. contemporarize (also -ise). [med.L
contemporarius (as contemporaneous)]
contempt n. 1 a feeling that a person or a thing is beneath
consideration or worthless, or deserving scorn or extreme
reproach. 2 the condition of being held in contempt. 3 (in
full contempt of court) disobedience to or disrespect for a
court of law and its officers. Ьbeneath contempt utterly
despicable. hold in contempt despise. [ME f. L contemptus (as
adj. deserving contempt; despicable. ЬЬcontemptibility n.
contemptibly adv. [ME f. OF or LL contemptibilis (as contemn)]
adj. (often foll. by of) showing contempt, scornful; insolent.
ЬЬcontemptuously adv. [med.L contemptuosus f. L contemptus (as
contend v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by with) strive, fight. 2 intr. compete
(contending emotions). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause)
assert, maintain. ЬЬcontender n. [OF contendre or L contendere
(as com-, tendere tent- stretch, strive)]
adj., v., & n. --predic.adj. 1 satisfied; adequately happy; in
agreement. 2 (foll. by to + infin.) willing. make
content; satisfy. --n. a contented state; satisfaction. Ьto
one's heart's content to the full extent of one's desires. [ME
f. OF f. L contentus satisfied, past part. of continere (as
n. 1 (usu. in pl.) what is contained in something, esp. in a
vessel, book, or house. 2 the amount of a constituent contained
(low sodium content). 3 the substance or material dealt with
(in a speech, work of art, etc.) as distinct from its form or
style. 4 the capacity or volume of a thing. [ME f. med.L
contentum (as contain)]
contented adj. (often foll. by with, or to + infin.) 1 happy, satisfied.
2 (foll. by with) willing to be content (was contented with the
outcome). ЬЬcontentedly adv. contentedness n.
n. 1 a dispute or argument; rivalry. 2 a point contended for
in an argument (it is my contention that you are wrong). Ьin
contention competing, esp. with a good chance of success. [ME
f. OF contention or L contentio (as contend)]
adj. 1 argumentative, quarrelsome. 2 likely to cause an
argument; disputed, controversial. ЬЬcontentiously adv.
contentiousness n. [ME f. OF contentieux f. L contentiosus (as
n. a satisfied state; tranquil happiness.
adj. (often foll. by with) 1 having a common boundary. 2
coextensive, coterminous. ЬЬconterminously adv. [L conterminus
(as COM-, terminus boundary)]
contessa n. an Italian countess. [It. f. LL comitissa: see COUNTESS]
contest n. & v. --n. 1 a process of contending; a competition. 2 a
dispute; a controversy. 1 challenge or dispute (a
decision etc.). 2 debate (a point, statement, etc.). 3 contend
or compete for (a prize, parliamentary seat, etc.); compete in
(an election). ЬЬcontestable adj. contester n. [L contestari
(as COM-, testis witness)]
n. a person who takes part in a contest or competition.
n. 1 a disputation. 2 an assertion contended for. [L
contestatio partly through F (as CONTEST)]
context n. 1 the parts of something written or spoken that immediately
precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning. 2
the circumstances relevant to something under consideration
(must be seen in context). Ьout of context without the
surrounding words or circumstances and so not fully
understandable. ЬЬcontextual adj. contextualize (also
-ise). contextualization n. contextually adv. [ME f. L
contextus (as COM-, texere text- weave)]
n. 1 being contiguous; proximity; contact. 2 Psychol. the
proximity of ideas or impressions in place or time, as a
principle of association.
adj. (usu. foll. by with, to) touching, esp. along a line; in
contact. ЬЬcontiguously adv. [L contiguus (as COM-, tangere
n. 1 any of the main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia,
Africa, N. and S. America, Australia, Antarctica). 2 (the
Continent) Brit. the mainland of Europe as distinct from the
British Isles. 3 continuous land; a mainland. [L terra
continens (see CONTAIN) continuous land]
adj. 1 able to control movements of the bowels and bladder. 2
exercising self-restraint, esp. sexually. ЬЬcontinence n.
continently adv. [ME f. L (as CONTAIN)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or characteristic of a continent. 2
(Continental) Brit. of, relating to, or characteristic of
mainland Europe. --n. an inhabitant of mainland Europe.
Ьcontinental breakfast a light breakfast of coffee, rolls, etc.
continental climate a climate having wide variations of
temperature. continental drift Geol. the hypothesis that the
continents are moving slowly over the surface of the earth on a
deep-lying plastic substratum. continental quilt Brit. a
duvet. continental shelf an area of relatively shallow seabed
between the shore of a continent and the deeper ocean.
ЬЬcontinentally adv.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a future event or circumstance regarded as
likely to occur, or as influencing present action. 2 something
dependent on another uncertain event or occurrence. 3
uncertainty of occurrence. 4 a one thing incident to another.
b an incidental expense etc. Ьcontingency fund a fund to cover
incidental or unforeseen expenses. [earlier contingence f. LL
contingentia (as CONTINGENT)]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by on, upon) conditional,
dependent (on an uncertain event or circumstance). 2
associated. 3 (usu. foll. by to) incidental. 4 a that may or
may not occur. b fortuitous; occurring by chance. 5 true only
under existing or specified conditions. --n. a body (esp. of
troops, ships, etc.) forming part of a larger group.
ЬЬcontingently adv. [L contingere (as COM-, tangere touch)]
continual adj. constantly or frequently recurring; always happening.
ЬЬcontinually adv. [ME f. OF continuel f. continuer (as
n. 1 a state of continuing in existence or operation. 2 the
duration of an event or action. 3 US Law an adjournment. [ME
f. OF (as CONTINUE)]
n. & adj. Phonet. --n. a speech sound in which the vocal tract
is only partly closed, allowing the breath to pass through and
the sound to be prolonged (as with f, r, s, v). --adj. of or
relating to such a sound. [F continuant and L continuare (as
n. 1 the act or an instance of continuing; the process of being
continued. 2 a part that continues something else. 3 Brit.
Stock Exch. the carrying over of an account to the next settling
day. Ьcontinuation day Stock Exch. = contango day. [ME f. OF
f. L continuatio -onis (as CONTINUE)]
adj. tending or serving to continue. [LL continuativus (as
continue v. (continues, continued, continuing) 1 tr. (often foll. by
verbal noun, or to + infin.) persist in, maintain, not stop (an
action etc.). 2 a tr. (also absol.) resume or prolong (a
narrative, journey, etc.). b intr. recommence after a pause
(the concert will continue shortly). 3 tr. be a sequel to. 4
intr. a remain in existence or unchanged. b (with compl.)
remain in a specified state (the weather continued fine). 5 tr.
US Law adjourn (proceedings). ЬЬcontinuable adj. continuer n.
[ME f. OF continuer f. L continuare make or be CONTINUOUS]
n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the state of being continuous. b an
unbroken succession. c a logical sequence. 2 the detailed and
self-consistent scenario of a film or broadcast. 3 the linking
of broadcast items. Ьcontinuity girl (or man) the person
responsible for agreement of detail between different sessions
of filming. [F continuit‚ f. L continuitas -tatis (as
continuo n. (pl. -os) Mus. an accompaniment providing a bass line and
harmonies which are indicated by figures, usu. played on a
keyboard instrument. [basso continuo (It., = continuous bass)]
adj. 1 unbroken, uninterrupted, connected throughout in space
or time. 2 Gram. = PROGRESSIVE. Ьcontinuous assessment the
evaluation of a pupil's progress throughout a course of study,
as well as or instead of by examination. continuous creation
the creation of the universe or the matter in it regarded as a
continuous process. continuous stationery a continuous ream of
paper, usu. perforated to form single sheets. ЬЬcontinuously
adv. continuousness n. [L continuus uninterrupted f.
continere (as COM-, tenere hold)]
continuum n. (pl. continua) anything seen as having a continuous, not
discrete, structure (space-time continuum). [L, neut. of
continuus: see CONTINUOUS]
contort twist or force out of normal shape. [L contorquere
contort- (as COM-, torquere twist)]
n. 1 the act or process of twisting. 2 a twisted state, esp.
of the face or body. [L contortio (as CONTORT)]
n. an entertainer who adopts contorted postures.
contour n. & v. --n. 1 an outline, esp. representing or bounding the
shape or form of something. 2 the outline of a natural feature,
e.g. a coast or mountain mass. 3 a line separating differently
coloured parts of a design. 1 mark with contour lines.
2 carry (a road or railway) round the side of a hill. Ьcontour
line a line on a map joining points of equal altitude. contour
map a map marked with contour lines. contour ploughing
ploughing along lines of constant altitude to minimize soil
erosion. [F f. It. contorno f. contornare draw in outline (as
COM-, tornare turn)]
contra n. (pl. contras) a member of a counter-revolutionary guerrilla
force in Nicaragua. [abbr. of Sp. contrarevolucionario
contra- comb. form 1 against, opposite (contradict). 2 Mus. (of
instruments, organ-stops, etc.) pitched an octave below
(contra-bassoon). [L contra against]
n. & adj. --n. 1 goods that have been smuggled, or imported or
exported illegally. 2 prohibited trade; smuggling. 3 (in full
contraband of war) goods forbidden to be supplied by neutrals to
belligerents. --adj. 1 forbidden to be imported or exported
(at all or without payment of duty). 2 concerning traffic in
contraband (contraband trade). ЬЬcontrabandist n. [Sp.
contrabanda f. It. (as CONTRA-, bando proclamation)]
n. Mus. = double-bass. [It. (basso BASS(1))]
n. the intentional prevention of pregnancy; the use of
contraceptives. [CONTRA- + CONCEPTION]
adj. & n. --adj. preventing pregnancy. --n. a contraceptive
device or drug.
contract n. & v. --n. 1 a written or spoken agreement between two or
more parties, intended to be enforceable by law. 2 a document
recording this. 3 marriage regarded as a binding commitment. 4
Bridge etc. an undertaking to win the number of tricks bid.
--v. 1 tr. & intr. make or become smaller. 2 a intr. (usu.
foll. by with) make a contract. b intr. (usu. foll. by for, or
to + infin.) enter formally into a business or legal
arrangement. c tr. (often foll. by out) arrange (work) to be
done by contract. 3 tr. catch or develop (a disease). 4 tr.
form or develop (a friendship, habit, etc.). 5 tr. enter into
(marriage). 6 tr. incur (a debt etc.). 7 tr. shorten (a word)
by combination or elision. 8 tr. draw (one's muscles, brow,
etc.) together. Ьcontract bridge the most common form of
bridge, in which only tricks bid and won count towards the game.
contract in (or out) (also refl.) Brit. choose to be involved
in (or withdraw or remain out of) a scheme or commitment.
ЬЬcontractive adj. [earlier as adj., = contracted: OF, f. L
contractus (as COM-, trahere tract- draw)]
adj. (of a disease) that can be contracted.
adj. that can be shrunk or drawn together.
adj. capable of or producing contraction. ЬЬcontractility n.
n. 1 the act of contracting. 2 Med. (usu. in pl.) shortening
of the uterine muscles during childbirth. 3 shrinking,
diminution. 4 a a shortening of a word by combination or
elision. b a contracted word or group of words. [F f. L
contractio -onis (as CONTRACT)]
n. a person who undertakes a contract, esp. to provide
materials, conduct building operations, etc. [LL (as CONTRACT)]
adj. of or in the nature of a contract. ЬЬcontractually adv.
contradict 1 deny or express the opposite of (a statement). 2 deny
or express the opposite of a statement made by (a person). 3 be
in opposition to or in conflict with (new evidence contradicted
our theory). ЬЬcontradictor n. [L contradicere contradict- (as
CONTRA-, dicere say)]
n. 1 a statement of the opposite; denial. b an instance of
this. 2 inconsistency. Ьcontradiction in terms a
self-contradictory statement or group of words. [ME f. OF f. L
contradictio -onis (as CONTRADICT)]
adj. 1 expressing a denial or opposite statement. 2 (of
statements etc.) mutually opposed or inconsistent. 3 (of a
person) inclined to contradict. 4 Logic (of two propositions)
so related that one and only one must be true.
ЬЬcontradictorily adv. contradictoriness n. [ME f. LL
contradictorius (as CONTRADICT)]
n. a distinction made by contrasting.
contradistinguish (usu. foll. by from) distinguish two things by
contrasting them.
n. Brit. a flow (esp. of road traffic) alongside, and in a
direction opposite to, an established or usual flow, esp. as a
temporary or emergency arrangement.
contrail n. a condensation trail, esp. from an aircraft. [abbr.]
contraindicate Med. act as an indication against (the use of a
particular substance or treatment). ЬЬcontraindication n.
contralto n. (pl. -os) 1 a the lowest female singing-voice. b a singer
with this voice. 2 a part written for contralto. [It. (as
n. 1 opposition or contrast. 2 Logic conversion of a
proposition from all A is B to all not-B is not-A.
ЬЬcontrapositive adj. & n. [LL contrapositio (as CONTRA-,
ponere posit- place)]
n. often derog. or joc. a machine or device, esp. a strange or
cumbersome one. [19th c.: perh. f. CONTRIVE, INVENTION: assoc.
with TRAP(1)]
adj. Mus. of or in counterpoint. ЬЬcontrapuntally adv.
contrapuntist n. [It. contrappunto counterpoint]
n. 1 opposition in nature, quality, or action. 2 disagreement,
inconsistency. [ME f. OF contrariet‚ f. LL contrarietas -tatis
adv. 1 on the other hand. 2 in the opposite way. 3
perversely. [ME f. CONTRARY + -WISE]
contrary adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 (usu. foll. by to) opposed in nature
or tendency. 2 colloq. perverse, self-willed. 3 (of a wind)
unfavourable, impeding. 4 mutually opposed. 5 opposite in
position or direction. --n. (pl. -ies) (prec. by the) the
opposite. --adv. (foll. by to) in opposition or contrast
(contrary to expectations it rained). Ьon the contrary
intensifying a denial of what has just been implied or stated.
to the contrary to the opposite effect (can find no indication
to the contrary). ЬЬcontrarily (in sense 2 of adj.) adv.
contrariness (in sense 2 of adj.) n. [ME f. AF contrarie, OF
contraire, f. L contrarius f. contra against]
contrast n. & v. --n. 1 a a juxtaposition or comparison showing
striking differences. b a difference so revealed. 2 (often
foll. by to) a thing or person having qualities noticeably
different from another. 3 a the degree of difference between
tones in a television picture or a photograph. b the change of
apparent brightness or colour of an object caused by the
juxtaposition of other objects. --v. (often foll. by with) 1
tr. distinguish or set together so as to reveal a contrast. 2
intr. have or show a contrast. ЬЬcontrastingly adv.
contrastive adj. [F contraste, contraster, f. It. contrasto f.
med.L contrastare (as CONTRA-, stare stand)]
contrasty adj. (of photographic negatives or prints or of a television
picture) showing a high degree of contrast.
adj. Psychol. tending to respond to a suggestion by believing
or doing the contrary.
contrate wheel
n. = crown wheel. [med.L & Rmc contrata: see COUNTRY]
contravene 1 infringe (a law or code of conduct). 2 (of things)
conflict with. ЬЬcontravener n. [LL contravenire (as CONTRA-,
venire vent- come)]
n. 1 infringement. 2 an instance of this. Ьin contravention
of infringing, violating (a law etc.). [F f. med.L contraventio
n. 1 an awkward or unfortunate occurrence. 2 an unexpected
mishap. [F]
disp. v. (often foll. by to) 1 tr. give (money, an idea, help,
etc.) towards a common purpose (contributed њ5 to the fund). 2
intr. help to bring about a result etc. (contributed to their
downfall). 3 tr. (also absol.) supply (an article etc.) for
publication with others in a journal etc. ЬЬcontributive adj.
[L contribuere contribut- (as COM-, tribuere bestow)]
n. 1 the act of contributing. 2 something contributed, esp.
money. 3 an article etc. contributed to a publication. [ME f.
OF contribution or LL contributio (as CONTRIBUTE)]
n. a person who contributes (esp. an article or literary work).
adj. & n. --adj. 1 that contributes. 2 operated by means of
contributions (contributory pension scheme). --n. Brit. Law a
person liable to contribute towards the payment of a wound-up
company's debts. Ьcontributory negligence Law negligence on the
part of the injured party through failure to take precautions
against an accident. [med.L contributorius (as CONTRIBUTE)]
contrite adj. 1 completely penitent. 2 feeling remorse or penitence;
affected by guilt. 3 (of an action) showing a contrite spirit.
ЬЬcontritely adv. contriteness n. [ME f. OF contrit f. L
contritus bruised (as COM-, terere trit- rub)]
n. the state of being contrite; thorough penitence. [ME f. OF
f. LL contritio -onis (as CONTRITE)]
n. 1 something contrived, esp. a mechanical device or a plan.
2 an act of contriving, esp. deceitfully. 3 inventive capacity.
contrive 1 devise; plan or make resourcefully or with skill. 2
(often foll. by to + infin.) manage (contrived to make matters
worse). ЬЬcontrivable adj. contriver n. [ME f. OF controver
find, imagine f. med.L contropare compare]
contrived adj. planned so carefully as to seem unnatural; artificial,
forced (the plot seemed contrived).
control n. & v. --n. 1 the power of directing, command (under the
control of). 2 the power of restraining, esp. self-restraint.
3 a means of restraint; a check. 4 (usu. in pl.) a means of
regulating prices etc. 5 (usu. in pl.) switches and other
devices by which a machine, esp. an aircraft or vehicle, is
controlled (also attrib. : control panel; control room). 6 a a
place where something is controlled or verified. b a person or
group that controls something. 7 a standard of comparison for
checking the results of a survey or experiment.
(controlled, controlling) 1 have control or command of;
dominate. 2 exert control over; regulate. 3 hold in check;
restrain (told him to control himself). 4 serve as control to.
5 check, verify. Ьcontrolling interest a means of determining
the policy of a business etc., esp. by ownership of a majority
of the stock. control rod a rod of neutron-absorbing material
used to vary the output power of a nuclear reactor. control
tower a tall building at an airport etc. from which air traffic
is controlled. in control (often foll. by of) directing an
activity. out of control no longer subject to containment,
restraint, or guidance. under control being controlled; in
order. ЬЬcontrollable adj. controllability n. controllably
adv. [ME f. AF contreroller keep a copy of a roll of accounts,
f. med.L contrarotulare (as CONTRA-, rotulus ROLL n.): (n.)
perh. f. F contr“le]
n. 1 a person or thing that controls. 2 a person in charge of
expenditure, esp. a steward or comptroller. ЬЬcontrollership n.
[ME counterroller f. AF contrerollour (as CONTROL)]
adj. 1 causing or subject to controversy. 2 of controversy. 3
given to controversy. ЬЬcontroversialism n. controversialist
n. controversially adv. [LL controversialis (as CONTROVERSY)]
disp. n. (pl. -ies) a prolonged argument or dispute, esp.
when conducted publicly. [ME f. L controversia (as CONTROVERT)]
controvert 1 dispute, deny. 2 argue about; discuss.
ЬЬcontrovertible adj. [orig. past part.; f. F controvers(e) f.
L controversus (as CONTRA-, vertere vers- turn)]
adj. insubordinate; stubbornly or wilfully disobedient, esp. to
a court order. ЬЬcontumaciously adv. [L contumax, perh. rel.
to tumere swell]
contumacy n. stubborn refusal to obey or comply. [L contumacia f.
contumax: see CONTUMACIOUS]
adj. reproachful, insulting, or insolent. ЬЬcontumeliously
adv. [ME f. OF contumelieus f. L contumeliosus (as CONTUMELY)]
contumely n. 1 insolent or reproachful language or treatment. 2
disgrace. [ME f. OF contumelie f. L contumelia (as COM-, tumere
contuse injure without breaking the skin; bruise. ЬЬcontusion n.
[L contundere contus- (as COM-, tundere thump)]
conundrum n. 1 a riddle, esp. one with a pun in its answer. 2 a hard or
puzzling question. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
n. an extended urban area, esp. one consisting of several towns
and merging suburbs. [CON- + L urbs urbis city + -ATION]
conure n. any medium-sized parrot of the genus Pyrrhura, with mainly
green plumage and a long gradated tail. [mod.L conurus f. Gk
konos cone + oura tail]
v.intr. recover one's health after illness or medical
treatment. [ME f. L convalescere (as COM-, valere be well)]
adj. & n. --adj. recovering from an illness. --n. a
convalescent person. ЬЬconvalescence n.
n. 1 transference of heat in a gas or liquid by upward movement
of the heated and less dense medium. 2 Meteorol. the transfer
of heat by the upward flow of hot air or downward flow of cold
air. Ьconvection current circulation that results from
convection. ЬЬconvectional adj. convective adj. [LL convectio
f. L convehere convect- (as COM-, vehere vect- carry)]
convector n. a heating appliance that circulates warm air by convection.
n. (usu. in pl.) conventional propriety. [F f. convenir be
fitting (as CONVENE)]
convene v. 1 tr. summon or arrange (a meeting etc.). 2 intr. assemble.
3 tr. summon (a person) before a tribunal. ЬЬconvenable adj.
convener n. convenor n. [ME f. L convenire convent- assemble,
agree, fit (as COM-, venire come)]
n. 1 the quality of being convenient; suitability. 2 freedom
from difficulty or trouble; material advantage (for
convenience). 3 an advantage (a great convenience). 4 a useful
thing, esp. an installation or piece of equipment. 5 Brit. a
lavatory, esp. a public one. Ьat one's convenience at a time or
place that suits one. at one's earliest convenience as soon as
one can. convenience food food, esp. complete meals, sold in
convenient form and requiring very little preparation.
convenience store US a large shop with extended opening hours.
make a convenience of take advantage of (a person)
insensitively. [ME f. L convenientia (as CONVENE)]
adj. 1 (often foll. by for, to) a serving one's comfort or
interests; easily accessible. b suitable. c free of trouble or
difficulty. 2 available or occurring at a suitable time or
place (will try to find a convenient moment). 3 well situated
for some purpose (convenient for the shops). ЬЬconveniently
adv. [ME (as CONVENE)]
convent n. 1 a religious community, esp. of nuns, under vows. 2 the
premises occupied by this. 3 (in full convent school) a school
attached to and run by a convent. [ME f. AF covent, OF convent
f. L conventus assembly (as CONVENE)]
n. esp. hist. 1 a secret or unlawful religious meeting, esp.
of dissenters. 2 a building used for this. [ME f. L
conventiculum (place of) assembly, dimin. of conventus (as
n. 1 a general agreement, esp. agreement on social behaviour
etc. by implicit consent of the majority. b a custom or
customary practice, esp. an artificial or formal one. 2 a a
formal assembly or conference for a common purpose. b US an
assembly of the delegates of a political party to select
candidates for office. c hist. a meeting of Parliament without
a summons from the sovereign. 3 a a formal agreement. b an
agreement between States, esp. one less formal than a treaty. 4
Cards an accepted method of play (in leading, bidding, etc.)
used to convey information to a partner. 5 the act of
convening. [ME f. OF f. L conventio -onis (as CONVENE)]
adj. 1 depending on or according with convention. 2 (of a
person) attentive to social conventions. 3 usual; of agreed
significance. 4 not spontaneous or sincere or original. 5 (of
weapons or power) non-nuclear. 6 Art following tradition rather
than nature. ЬЬconventionalism n. conventionalist n.
conventionality n. conventionalize (also -ise).
conventionally adv. [F conventionnel or LL conventionalis (as
n. US a person attending a convention.
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of or belonging to a convent. 2 of the
less strict branch of the Franciscans, living in large convents.
--n. 1 a member or inmate of a convent. 2 a conventual
Franciscan. [ME f. med.L conventualis (as CONVENT)]
converge v.intr. 1 come together as if to meet or join. 2 (of lines)
tend to meet at a point. 3 (foll. by on, upon) approach from
different directions. 4 Math. (of a series) approximate in the
sum of its terms towards a definite limit. [LL convergere (as
COM-, vergere incline)]
adj. 1 converging. 2 Biol. (of unrelated organisms) having the
tendency to become similar while adapting to the same
environment. 3 Psychol. (of thought) tending to reach only the
most rational result. ЬЬconvergence n. convergency n.
adj. (foll. by with) well experienced or acquainted with a
subject, person, etc. ЬЬconversance n. conversancy n. [ME f.
OF, pres. part. of converser CONVERSE(1)]
n. 1 the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words. 2 an
instance of this. Ьconversation piece 1 a small genre painting
of a group of figures. 2 a thing that serves as a topic of
conversation because of its unusualness etc. conversation
stopper colloq. an unexpected remark, esp. one that cannot
readily be answered. [ME f. OF f. L conversatio -onis (as
adj. 1 of or in conversation. 2 fond of or good at
conversation. 3 colloquial. ЬЬconversationally adv.
n. one who is good at or fond of conversing.
n. (pl. conversaziones or conversazioni pronunc. same) a
social gathering held by a learned or art society. [It. f. L
v. & n. --v.intr. (often foll. by with) engage in conversation
(conversed with him about various subjects). --n. archaic
conversation. ЬЬconverser n. [ME f. OF converser f. L
conversari keep company (with), frequent. of convertere
adj. & n. --adj. opposite, contrary, reversed. --n. 1
something that is opposite or contrary. 2 a statement formed
from another statement by the transposition of certain words,
e.g. some philosophers are men from some men are philosophers.
3 Math. a theorem whose hypothesis and conclusion are the
conclusion and hypothesis of another. ЬЬconversely adv. [L
conversus, past part. of convertere (CONVERT)]
n. 1 a the act or an instance of converting or the process of
being converted, esp. in belief or religion. b an instance of
this. 2 a an adaptation of a building for new purposes. b a
converted building. 3 transposition, inversion. 4 Theol. the
turning of sinners to God. 5 the transformation of fertile into
fissile material in a nuclear reactor. 6 Rugby Football the
scoring of points by a successful kick at goal after scoring a
try. 7 Psychol. the change of an unconscious conflict into a
physical disorder or disease. [ME f. OF f. L conversio -onis
convert v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. foll. by into) change in form,
character, or function. 2 tr. cause (a person) to change
beliefs, opinion, party, etc. 3 tr. change (moneys, stocks,
units in which a quantity is expressed, etc.) into others of a
different kind. 4 tr. make structural alterations in (a
building) to serve a new purpose. 5 tr. (also absol.) a Rugby
Football score extra points from (a try) by a successful kick at
goal. b Amer. Football complete (a touchdown) by kicking a goal
or crossing the goal-line. 6 intr. be converted or convertible
(the sofa converts into a bed). 7 tr. Logic interchange the
terms of (a proposition). --n. (often foll. by to) a person
who has been converted to a different belief, opinion, etc.
Ьconvert to one's own use wrongfully make use of (another's
property). [ME f. OF convertir ult. f. L convertere convers-
turn about (as COM-, vertere turn)]
converter n. (also convertor) 1 a person or thing that converts. 2
Electr. a an electrical apparatus for the interconversion of
alternating current and direct current. b Electronics an
apparatus for converting a signal from one frequency to another.
3 a reaction vessel used in making steel. Ьconverter reactor a
nuclear reactor that converts fertile material into fissile
adj. & n. --adj. 1 that may be converted. 2 (of currency
etc.) that may be converted into other forms, esp. into gold or
US dollars. 3 (of a car) having a folding or detachable roof.
4 (of terms) synonymous. --n. a car with a folding or
detachable roof. ЬЬconvertibility n. convertibly adv. [OF f.
L convertibilis (as CONVERT)]
convex adj. having an outline or surface curved like the exterior of a
circle or sphere (cf. CONCAVE). ЬЬconvexity n. convexly adv.
[L convexus vaulted, arched]
convey 1 transport or carry (goods, passengers, etc.). 2
communicate (an idea, meaning, etc.). 3 Law transfer the title
to (property). 4 transmit (sound, smell, etc.). ЬЬconveyable
adj. [ME f. OF conveier f. med.L conviare (as COM-, L via way)]
n. 1 a the act or process of carrying. b the communication (of
ideas etc.). c transmission. 2 a means of transport; a
vehicle. 3 Law a the transfer of property from one owner to
another. b a document effecting this. ЬЬconveyancer n. (in
sense 3). conveyancing n. (in sense 3).
conveyor n. (also conveyer) a person or thing that conveys. Ьconveyor
belt an endless moving belt for conveying articles or materials,
esp. in a factory.
convict v. & n. 1 (often foll. by of) prove to be guilty (of a
crime etc.). 2 declare guilty by the verdict of a jury or the
decision of a judge. --n. 1 a person found guilty of a
criminal offence. 2 chiefly hist. a person serving a prison
sentence, esp. in a penal colony. [ME f. L convincere convict-
(as COM-, vincere conquer): noun f. obs. convict convicted]
n. 1 a the act or process of proving or finding guilty. b an
instance of this (has two previous convictions). 2 a the action
or resulting state of being convinced. b a firm belief or
opinion. c an act of convincing. [L convictio (as CONVICT)]
convince 1 (often foll. by of, or that + clause) persuade (a
person) to believe or realize. 2 (as convinced adj.) firmly
persuaded (a convinced pacifist). ЬЬconvincer n. convincible
adj. [L (as CONVICT)]
adj. 1 able to or such as to convince. 2 leaving no margin of
doubt, substantial (a convincing victory). ЬЬconvincingly adv.
convivial adj. 1 fond of good company; sociable and lively. 2 festive (a
convivial atmosphere). ЬЬconviviality n. convivially adv. [L
convivialis f. convivium feast (as COM-, vivere live)]
n. 1 the act of calling together. 2 a large formal gathering
of people, esp.: a Brit. a provincial synod of the Anglican
clergy of Canterbury or York. b Brit. a legislative or
deliberative assembly of a university. ЬЬconvocational adj.
[ME f. L convocatio (as CONVOKE)]
convoke formal call (people) together to a meeting etc.; summon
to assemble. [L convocare convocat- (as COM-, vocare call)]
adj. 1 coiled, twisted. 2 complex, intricate. ЬЬconvolutedly
adv. [past part. of convolute f. L convolutus (as COM-, volvere
volut- roll)]
n. 1 coiling, twisting. 2 a coil or twist. 3 complexity. 4 a
sinuous fold in the surface of the brain. ЬЬconvolutional adj.
[med.L convolutio (as CONVOLUTED)]
convolve & intr. (esp. as convolved adj.) roll together; coil up.
[L convolvere (as CONVOLUTED)]
n. any twining plant of the genus Convolvulus, with
trumpet-shaped flowers, e.g. bindweed. [L]
convoy n. & v. --n. 1 a group of ships travelling together or under
escort. 2 a supply of provisions etc. under escort. 3 a group
of vehicles travelling on land together or under escort. 4 the
act of travelling or moving in a group or under escort.
1 (of a warship) escort (a merchant or passenger vessel). 2
escort, esp. with armed force. [OF convoyer var. of conveier
adj. & n. Pharm. --adj. producing convulsions. --n. a drug
that may produce convulsions. [F f. convulser (as CONVULSE)]
convulse 1 (usu. in passive) affect with convulsions. 2 cause to
laugh uncontrollably. 3 shake violently; agitate, disturb. [L
convellere convuls- (as COM-, vellere pull)]
n. 1 (usu. in pl.) violent irregular motion of a limb or limbs
or the body caused by involuntary contraction of muscles, esp.
as a disorder of infants. 2 a violent natural disturbance, esp.
an earthquake. 3 violent social or political agitation. 4 (in
pl.) uncontrollable laughter. ЬЬconvulsionary adj. [F
convulsion or L convulsio (as CONVULSE)]
adj. 1 characterized by or affected with convulsions. 2
producing convulsions. ЬЬconvulsively adv.
cony n. (also coney) (pl. -ies or -eys) 1 a a rabbit. b its fur.
2 Bibl. a hyrax. [ME cunin(g) f. AF coning, OF conin, f. L
coo n., v., & int. --n. a soft murmuring sound like that of a dove
or pigeon. --v. (coos, cooed) 1 intr. make the sound of a coo.
2 intr. & tr. talk or say in a soft or amorous voice. --int.
Brit. sl. expressing surprise or incredulity. ЬЬcooingly adv.
cooee n., int., & v. colloq. --n. & int. a sound used to attract
attention, esp. at a distance. --v.intr. (cooees, cooeed,
cooeeing) make this sound. Ьwithin cooee (or a cooee) of
Austral. & NZ colloq. very near to. [imit. of a signal used by
Australian Aboriginals and copied by settlers]
cook v. & n. --v. 1 tr. prepare (food) by heating it. 2 intr. (of
food) undergo cooking. 3 tr. colloq. falsify (accounts etc.);
alter to produce a desired result. 4 tr. sl. ruin, spoil. 5
tr. (esp. as cooked adj.) Brit. sl. fatigue, exhaust. 6 tr. &
intr. US colloq. do or proceed successfully. 7 intr. (as be
cooking) colloq. be happening or about to happen (went to find
out what was cooking). --n. a person who cooks, esp.
professionally or in a specified way (a good cook). Ьcook-chill
1 the process of cooking and refrigerating food ready for
reheating at a later time. 2 (attrib.) (of food) prepared in
this way. cook a person's goose ruin a person's chances. cook
up colloq. invent or concoct (a story, excuse, etc.).
ЬЬcookable adj. & n. [OE coc f. pop.L cocus for L coquus]
cookbook n. US a cookery book.
cooker n. 1 a a container or device for cooking food. b Brit. an
appliance powered by gas, electricity, etc., for cooking food.
2 Brit. a fruit etc. (esp. an apple) that is more suitable for
cooking than for eating raw.
cookery n. (pl. -ies) 1 the art or practice of cooking. 2 US a place
or establishment for cooking. Ьcookery book Brit. a book
containing recipes and other information about cooking.
cookhouse n. 1 a camp kitchen. 2 an outdoor kitchen in warm countries.
3 a ship's galley.
cookie n. 1 US a small sweet biscuit. 2 US sl. a person. 3 Sc. a
plain bun. Ьthe way the cookie crumbles US colloq. how things
turn out; the unalterable state of affairs. [Du. koekje dimin.
of koek cake]
cooking n. 1 the art or process by which food is cooked. 2 (attrib.)
suitable for or used in cooking (cooking apple; cooking
cookout n. US a gathering with an open-air cooked meal; a barbecue.
cookshop n. NZ the kitchen of a sheep-station.
cookware n. utensils for cooking, esp. dishes, pans, etc.
cool adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of or at a fairly low temperature,
fairly cold (a cool day; a cool bath). 2 suggesting or
achieving coolness (cool colours; cool clothes). 3 calm,
unexcited. 4 lacking zeal or enthusiasm. 5 unfriendly; lacking
cordiality (got a cool reception). 6 (of jazz playing)
restrained, relaxed. 7 calmly audacious (a cool customer). 8
(prec. by a) colloq. at least; not less than (cost me a cool
thousand). 9 sl. esp. US excellent, marvellous. --n. 1
coolness. 2 cool air; a cool place. 3 sl. calmness, composure
(keep one's cool; lose one's cool). & intr. (often
foll. by down, off) make or become cool. Ьcool-bag (or -box) an
insulated container for keeping food cool. cool-headed not
easily excited. cool one's heels see HEEL(1). cooling-off
period an interval to allow for a change of mind before
commitment to action. cooling tower a tall structure for
cooling hot water before reuse, esp. in industry. cool it sl.
relax, calm down. ЬЬcoolish adj. coolly adv. coolness n. [OE
col, colian, f. Gmc: cf. COLD]
coolabah n. (also coolibah) Austral. any of various gum-trees, esp.
Eucalyptus microtheca. [Aboriginal]
coolant n. 1 a cooling agent, esp. fluid, to remove heat from an
engine, nuclear reactor, etc. 2 a fluid used to lessen the
friction of a cutting tool. [COOL + -ANT after lubricant]
cooler n. 1 a vessel in which a thing is cooled. 2 US a refrigerator.
3 a long drink, esp. a spritzer. 4 sl. prison or a prison cell.
coolibah var. of COOLABAH.
coolie n. (also cooly) (pl. -ies) an unskilled native labourer in
Eastern countries. Ьcoolie hat a broad conical hat as worn by
coolies. [perh. f. Kuli, an aboriginal tribe of Gujarat,
coomb n. (also combe) Brit. 1 a valley or hollow on the side of a
hill. 2 a short valley running up from the coast. [OE cumb:
cf. CWM]
coon n. 1 US a racoon. 2 sl. offens. a Black. [abbr.]
coon-can n. a simple card-game like rummy (orig. Mexican). [Sp. con
qui‚n with whom?]
coonskin n. 1 the skin of a racoon. 2 a cap etc. made of this.
coop n. & v. --n. 1 a cage placed over sitting or fattening fowls.
2 a fowl-run. 3 a small place of confinement, esp. a prison. 4
Brit. a basket used in catching fish. 1 put or keep (a
fowl) in a coop. 2 (often foll. by up, in) confine (a person)
in a small space. [ME cupe basket f. MDu., MLG kupe, ult. f. L
cupa cask]
co-op n. colloq. 1 Brit. a cooperative society or shop. 2 a
cooperative business or enterprise. [abbr.]
cooper n. & v. --n. a maker or repairer of casks, barrels, etc. make or repair (a cask). [ME f. MDu., MLG kuper f.
kupe COOP]
cooperage n. 1 the work or establishment of a cooper. 2 money payable
for a cooper's work.
cooperate v.intr. (also co-operate) 1 (often foll. by with) work or act
together. 2 (of things) concur in producing an effect.
ЬЬcooperant adj. cooperator n. [eccl.L cooperari (as CO-,
operari f. opus operis work)]
n. (also co-operation) 1 working together to the same end. 2
Econ. the formation and operation of cooperatives. [ME f. L
cooperatio (as COOPERATE): partly through F coop‚ration]
adj. & n. (also co-operative) --adj. 1 of or affording
cooperation. 2 willing to cooperate. 3 Econ. (of a farm, shop,
or other business, or a society owning such businesses) owned
and run jointly by its members, with profits shared among them.
--n. a cooperative farm or society or business. ЬЬcooperatively
adv. cooperativeness n. [LL cooperativus (as COOPERATE)]
co-opt appoint to membership of a body by invitation of the
existing members. ЬЬco-optation n. co-option n. co-optive
adj. [L cooptare (as CO-, optare choose)]
v., adj., & n. (also co-ordinate) --v. 1 tr. bring (various
parts, movements, etc.) into a proper or required relation to
ensure harmony or effective operation etc. 2 intr. work or act
together effectively. 3 tr. make coordinate. --adj. 1 equal
in rank or importance. 2 in which the parts are coordinated;
involving coordination. 3 Gram. (of parts of a compound
sentence) equal in status (cf. SUBORDINATE). 4 Chem. denoting
a type of covalent bond in which one atom provides both the
shared electrons. --n. 1 Math. each of a system of magnitudes
used to fix the position of a point, line, or plane. 2 a person
or thing equal in rank or importance. 3 (in pl.) matching items
of clothing. ЬЬcoordinately adv. coordination n. coordinative
adj. coordinator n. [CO- + L ordinare ordinat- f. ordo -inis
coot n. 1 any black aquatic bird of the genus Fulica, esp. F. atra
with the upper mandible extended backwards to form a white plate
on the forehead. 2 colloq. a stupid person. [ME, prob. f. LG]
cootie n. sl. a body louse. [perh. f. Malay kutu a biting parasite]
cop(1) n. & v. sl. --n. 1 a policeman. 2 Brit. a capture or arrest
(it's a fair cop). (copped, copping) 1 catch or arrest
(an offender). 2 receive, suffer. 3 take, seize. Ьcop it 1
get into trouble; be punished. 2 be killed. cop out 1
withdraw; give up an attempt. 2 go back on a promise. 3
escape. cop-out n. 1 a cowardly or feeble evasion. 2 an
escape; a way of escape. cop-shop a police station. not much
(or no) cop Brit. of little or no value or use. [perh. f. obs.
cap arrest f. OF caper seize f. L capere: (n.) cf. COPPER(2)]
cop(2) n. (in spinning) a conical ball of thread wound on a spindle.
[OE cop summit]
copacetic adj. US sl. excellent; in good order. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
copaiba n. an aromatic oil or resin from any plant of the genus
Copaifera, used in medicine and perfumery. [Sp. & Port. f.
Guarani cupauba]
copal n. a resin from any of various tropical trees, used for
varnish. [Sp. f. Aztec copalli incense]
copartner n. a partner or associate, esp. when sharing equally.
ЬЬcopartnership n.
cope(1) v.intr. 1 (foll. by with) deal effectively or contend
successfully with a person or task. 2 manage successfully; deal
with a situation or problem (found they could no longer cope).
[ME f. OF coper, colper f. cop, colp blow f. med.L colpus f. L
colaphus f. Gk kolaphos blow with the fist]
cope(2) n. & v. --n. 1 Eccl. a long cloaklike vestment worn by a
priest or bishop in ceremonies and processions. 2 esp. poet. a
covering compared with a cope. cover with a cope or
coping. [ME ult. f. LL cappa CAP, CAPE(1)]
copeck n. (also kopeck, kopek) a Russian coin and monetary unit worth
one-hundredth of a rouble. [Russ. kopeika dimin. of kop' ‰
lance (from the figure of Ivan IV bearing a lance instead of a
sword in 1535)]
copepod n. any small aquatic crustacean of the class Copepoda, many of
which form the minute components of plankton. [Gk kope
oar-handle + pous podos foot]
coper n. a horse-dealer. [obs. cope buy, f. MDu., MLG kopen, G
kaufen: rel. to CHEAP]
Copernican system
n. (also Copernican theory) Astron. the theory that the
planets (including the earth) move round the sun (cf. Ptolemaic
system). [Copernicus latinized f. M. Kopernik, Polish
astronomer d. 1543]
copestone n. 1 = coping-stone. 2 a finishing touch. [COPE(2) + STONE]
copiable adj. that can or may be copied.
copier n. a machine or person that copies (esp. documents).
copilot n. a second pilot in an aircraft.
coping n. the top (usu. sloping) course of masonry in a wall or
parapet. Ьcoping-stone a stone used in a coping.
coping saw
n. a D-shaped saw for cutting curves in wood. [cope cut wood
f. OF coper: see COPE(1)]
copious adj. 1 abundant, plentiful. 2 producing much. 3 providing
much information. 4 profuse in speech. ЬЬcopiously adv.
copiousness n. [ME f. OF copieux or f. L copiosus f. copia
copita n. 1 a tulip-shaped sherry-glass. 2 a glass of sherry. [Sp.,
dimin. of copa cup]
coplanar adj. Geom. in the same plane. ЬЬcoplanarity n.
copolymer n. Chem. a polymer with units of more than one kind.
ЬЬcopolymerize & intr. (also -ise).
copper(1) n., adj., & v. --n. 1 Chem. a malleable red-brown metallic
element of the transition series occurring naturally esp. in
cuprite and malachite, and used esp. for electrical cables and
apparatus. °Symb.: Cu. 2 a bronze coin. 3 a large metal
vessel for boiling esp. laundry. 4 any of various butterflies
with copper-coloured wings. --adj. made of or coloured like
copper. cover (a ship's bottom, a pan, etc.) with
copper. Ьcopper beech a variety of beech with copper-coloured
leaves. copper belt a copper-mining area of Central Africa.
copper-bit a soldering tool pointed with copper.
copper-bottomed 1 having a bottom sheathed with copper (esp. of
a ship or pan). 2 genuine or reliable (esp. financially).
copper pyrites a double sulphide of copper and iron: also called
CHALCOPYRITE. copper sulphate a blue crystalline solid used in
electroplating, textile dyeing, etc. copper vitriol copper
sulphate. [OE copor, coper, ult. f. L cyprium aes Cyprus metal]
copper(2) n. Brit. sl. a policeman. [COP(1) + ER(1)]
copperas n. green iron-sulphate crystals. [ME coperose f. OF couperose
f. med.L cup(e)rosa: perh. orig. aqua cuprosa copper water]
n. 1 a venomous viper, Agkistrodon contortrix, native to N.
America. 2 a venomous cobra, Denisonia superba, native to
n. & adj. --n. 1 a a polished copper plate for engraving or
etching. b a print made from this. 2 an ornate style of
handwriting resembling that orig. used in engravings. --adj. of
or in copperplate writing.
n. a person who works in copper.
coppery adj. of or like copper, esp. in colour.
coppice n. & v. --n. an area of undergrowth and small trees, grown for
periodic cutting. cut back (young trees) periodically
to stimulate growth of shoots. ЬЬcoppiced adj. [OF cope‹z ult.
f. med.L colpus blow: see COPE(1)]
copra n. the dried kernels of the coconut. [Port. f. Malayalam
koppara coconut]
n. Chem. the simultaneous precipitation of more than one
compound from a solution.
copro- comb. form dung, faeces. [Gk kopros dung]
n. a production of a play, broadcast, etc., jointly by more
than one company.
coprolite n. Archaeol. fossil dung or a piece of it.
adj. Zool. dung-eating. [COPRO-]
n. an abnormal interest in faeces and defecation.
coprosma n. any small evergreen plant of the genus Coprosma, native to
Australasia. [mod.L f. Gk kopros dung + osme smell]
copse n. 1 = COPPICE. 2 (in general use) a small wood. ЬЬcopsy adj.
[shortened f. COPPICE]
copsewood n. undergrowth.
Copt n. 1 a native Egyptian in the Hellenistic and Roman periods. 2
a native Christian of the independent Egyptian Church. [F Copte
or mod.L Coptus f. Arab. al-kibt, al-kubt Copts f. Coptic
Gyptios f. Gk Aiguptios Egyptian]
Coptic n. & adj. --n. the language of the Copts, now used only in the
Coptic Church. --adj. of or relating to the Copts.
copula n. (pl. copulas) Logic & Gram. a connecting word, esp. a part
of the verb be connecting a subject and predicate. ЬЬcopular
adj. [L (as CO-, apere fasten)]
copulate v.intr. (often foll. by with) have sexual intercourse.
ЬЬcopulatory adj. [L copulare fasten together (as COPULA)]
n. 1 sexual union. 2 a grammatical or logical connection. [ME
f. OF f. L copulatio (as COPULATE)]
adj. 1 serving to connect. 2 Gram. a (of a word) that
connects words or clauses linked in sense (cf. DISJUNCTIVE). b
connecting a subject and predicate. 3 relating to sexual union.
ЬЬcopulatively adv. [ME f. OF copulatif -ive or LL copulativus
copy n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a thing made to imitate or be
identical to another. 2 a single specimen of a publication or
issue (ordered twenty copies). 3 a matter to be printed. b
material for a newspaper or magazine article (scandals make good
copy). c the text of an advertisement. 4 a a model to be
copied. b a page written after a model (of penmanship). --v.
(-ies, -ied) 1 tr. a make a copy of. b (often foll. by out)
transcribe. 2 intr. make a copy, esp. clandestinely. 3 tr.
(foll. by to) send a copy of (a letter) to a third party.
Ьcopy-edit edit (copy) for printing. copy editor a person who
edits copy for printing. copy-typist a person who makes
typewritten transcripts of documents. [ME f. OF copie, copier,
ult. f. L copia abundance (in med.L = transcript)]
copybook n. 1 a book containing models of handwriting for learners to
imitate. 2 (attrib.) a tritely conventional. b accurate,
copycat n. colloq. (esp. as a child's word) a person who copies
another, esp. slavishly.
copydesk n. the desk at which copy is edited for printing.
copyhold n. Brit. hist. 1 tenure of land based on manorial records. 2
land held in this way. ЬЬcopyholder n.
copyist n. 1 a person who makes (esp. written) copies. 2 an imitator.
[earlier copist f. F copiste or med.L copista (as COPY)]
n. a person who reads and edits copy for a newspaper or book.
copyright n., adj., & v. --n. the exclusive legal right granted for a
specified period to an author, designer, etc., or another
appointed person, to print, publish, perform, film, or record
original literary, artistic, or musical material. --adj. (of
such material) protected by copyright. secure copyright
for (material). Ьcopyright library Brit. a library entitled to
a free copy of each book published in the UK.
n. a person who writes or prepares copy (esp. of advertising
material) for publication. ЬЬcopywriting n.
coq au vin
n. a casserole of chicken pieces cooked in wine. [F]
coquetry n. (pl. -ies) 1 coquettish behaviour. 2 a coquettish act. 3
trifling with serious matters. [F coquetterie f. coqueter (as
coquette n. 1 a woman who flirts. 2 any crested humming-bird of the
genus Lophornis. ЬЬcoquettish adj. coquettishly adv.
coquettishness n. [F, fem. of coquet wanton, dimin. of coq
coquina n. US a soft limestone of broken shells, used in road-making.
[Sp., = cockle]
coquito n. (pl. -os) a palm-tree, Jubaea chilensis, native to Chile,
yielding honey from its sap, and fibre. [Sp., dimin. of coco
Cor. abbr. 1 Corinthians (New Testament). 2 US corner.
cor int. Brit. sl. expressing surprise, alarm, exasperation, etc.
Ьcor blimey see BLIMEY. [corrupt. of God]
cor- prefix assim. form of COM- before r.
coracle n. Brit. a small boat of wickerwork covered with watertight
material, used on Welsh and Irish lakes and rivers. [Welsh
corwgl (corwg = Ir. currach boat: cf. CURRACH)]
coracoid n. (in full coracoid process) a short projection from the
shoulder-blade in vertebrates. [mod.L coracoides f. Gk
korakoeides raven-like f. korax -akos raven]
coral n. & adj. --n. 1 a a hard red, pink, or white calcareous
substance secreted by various marine polyps for support and
habitation. b any of these usu. colonial organisms. 2 the
unimpregnated roe of a lobster or scallop. --adj. 1 like
coral, esp. in colour. 2 made of coral. Ьcoral island (or
reef) one formed by the growth of coral. coral rag limestone
containing beds of petrified corals. coral-snake any of various
brightly-coloured poisonous snakes, esp. Micrurus nigrocinctus,
native to Central America. [ME f. OF f. L corallum f. Gk
korallion, prob. of Semitic orig.]
coralline n. & adj. --n. 1 any seaweed of the genus Corallina having a
calcareous jointed stem. 2 (in general use) the name of various
plantlike compound organisms. --adj. 1 coral-red. 2 of or
like coral. [F corallin & It. corallina f. LL corallinus (as
corallite n. 1 the coral skeleton of a marine polyp. 2 fossil coral. [L
corallum CORAL]
coralloid adj. & n. --adj. like or akin to coral. --n. a coralloid
coram populo
adv. in public. [L, = in the presence of the people]
cor anglais
n. (pl. cors anglais pronunc. same) Mus. 1 an alto woodwind
instrument of the oboe family. 2 its player. 3 an organ stop
with the quality of a cor anglais. [F, = English horn]
corbel n. & v. Archit. --n. 1 a projection of stone, timber, etc.,
jutting out from a wall to support a weight. 2 a short timber
laid longitudinally under a beam to help support it. &
intr. (corbelled, corbelling; US corbeled, corbeling) (foll. by
out, off) support or project on corbels. Ьcorbel-table a
projecting course resting on corbels. [ME f. OF, dimin. of
corp: see CORBIE]
corbie n. Sc. 1 a raven. 2 a carrion crow. Ьcorbie-steps the
steplike projections on the sloping sides of a gable. [ME f. OF
corb, corp f. L corvus crow]
cord n. & v. --n. 1 a long thin flexible material made from several
twisted strands. b a piece of this. 2 Anat. a structure in the
body resembling a cord (spinal cord). 3 a ribbed fabric, esp.
corduroy. b (in pl.) corduroy trousers. c a cordlike rib on
fabric. 4 an electric flex. 5 a measure of cut wood (usu. 128
cu.ft., 3.6 cubic metres). 6 a moral or emotional tie (cords of
affection; fourfold cord of evidence). 1 fasten or
bind with cord. 2 (as corded adj.) a (of cloth) ribbed. b
provided with cords. c (of muscles) standing out like taut
cords. ЬЬcordlike adj. [ME f. OF corde f. L chorda f. Gk
khorde gut, string of musical instrument]
cordage n. cords or ropes, esp. in the rigging of a ship. [ME f. F (as
cordate adj. heart-shaped. [mod.L cordatus f. L cor cordis heart]
cordelier n. a Franciscan friar of the strict rule (wearing a knotted
cord round the waist). [ME f. OF f. cordele dimin. of corde
cordial adj. & n. --adj. 1 heartfelt, sincere. 2 warm, friendly.
--n. 1 a fruit-flavoured drink. 2 a comforting or
pleasant-tasting medicine. ЬЬcordiality n. cordially adv. [ME
f. med.L cordialis f. L cor cordis heart]
n. a system or group of usu. parallel mountain ranges together
with intervening plateaux etc., esp. of the Andes and in Central
America and Mexico. [Sp. f. cordilla dimin. of cuerda CORD]
cordite n. a smokeless explosive made from cellulose nitrate and
nitroglycerine. [CORD (from its appearance) + -ITE(1)]
cordless adj. (of an electrical appliance, telephone, etc.) working from
an internal source of energy etc. (esp. a battery) and without a
connection to a mains supply or central unit.
cordon n. & v. --n. 1 a line or circle of police, soldiers, guards,
etc., esp. preventing access to or from an area. 2 a an
ornamental cord or braid. b the ribbon of a knightly order. 3
a fruit-tree trained to grow as a single stem. 4 Archit. a
string-course. (often foll. by off) enclose or separate
with a cordon of police etc. [It. cordone augmentative of
corda CORD, & F cordon (as CORD)]
cordon bleu
adj. & n. Cookery --adj. of the highest class. --n. a cook of
this class. [F, = blue ribbon]
cordon sanitaire
n. 1 a guarded line between infected and uninfected districts.
2 any measure designed to prevent communication or the spread of
undesirable influences.
cordovan n. a kind of soft leather. [Sp. cordovan of Cordova (Cordoba)
where it was orig. made]
corduroy n. 1 a thick cotton fabric with velvety ribs. 2 (in pl.)
corduroy trousers. Ьcorduroy road a road made of tree-trunks
laid across a swamp. [18th c.: prob. f. CORD ribbed fabric +
obs. duroy coarse woollen fabric]
n. Brit. archaic a shoemaker (usu. in names of guilds etc.).
[obs. cordwain CORDOVAN]
cordwood n. wood that is or can easily be measured in cords.
CORE abbr. US Congress of Racial Equality.
core n. & v. --n. 1 the horny central part of various fruits,
containing the seeds. 2 a the central or most important part of
anything (also attrib. : core curriculum). b the central part,
of different character from the surroundings. 3 the central
region of the earth. 4 the central part of a nuclear reactor,
containing the fissile material. 5 a magnetic structural unit
in a computer, storing one bit of data (see BIT(4)). 6 the
inner strand of an electric cable, rope, etc. 7 a piece of soft
iron forming the centre of an electromagnet or an induction
coil. 8 an internal mould filling a space to be left hollow in
a casting. 9 the central part cut out (esp. of rock etc. in
boring). 10 Archaeol. a piece of flint from which flakes or
blades have been removed. remove the core from. Ьcore
memory Computing the memory of a computer consisting of many
cores. core time (in a flexitime system) the central part of
the working day, when all employees must be present. ЬЬcorer n.
[ME: orig. unkn.]
n. (US coreligionist) an adherent of the same religion.
corella n. Austral. either of two small white cockatoos, Cacatua
tenuirostris or C. sanguinea. [app. Latinized f. Aboriginal
coreopsis n. any composite plant of the genus Coreopsis, having rayed
usu. yellow flowers. [mod.L f. Gk koris bug + opsis appearance,
with ref. to the shape of the seed]
n. (US corespondent) a person cited in a divorce case as having
committed adultery with the respondent.
corf n. (pl. corves) Brit. 1 a basket in which fish are kept alive
in the water. 2 a small wagon, formerly a large basket, used in
mining. [MDu., MLG korf, OHG chorp, korb f. L corbis basket]
corgi n. (pl. corgis) (in full Welsh corgi) 1 a dog of a
short-legged breed with foxlike head. 2 this breed. [Welsh f.
cor dwarf + ci dog]
adj. like leather; leathery. [LL coriaceus f. corium leather]
coriander n. 1 a plant, Coriandrum sativum, with leaves used for
flavouring and small round aromatic fruits. 2 (also coriander
seed) the dried fruit used for flavouring curries etc. [ME f.
OF coriandre f. L coriandrum f. Gk koriannon]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of ancient Corinth in southern Greece. 2
Archit. of an order characterized by ornate decoration and
flared capitals with rows of acanthus leaves, used esp. by the
Romans. 3 archaic profligate. --n. a native of Corinth. [L
Corinthius f. Gk Korinthios + -AN]
Coriolis effect
n. a hypothetical force used to explain rotating systems, such
that the movement of air or water over the surface of the
rotating earth is directed clockwise in the northern hemisphere
and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere. [G. G. Coriolis,
Fr. scientist d. 1843]
corium n. Anat. the dermis. [L, = skin]
cork n. & v. --n. 1 the buoyant light-brown bark of the cork-oak.
2 a bottle-stopper of cork or other material. 3 a float of cork
used in fishing etc. 4 Bot. a protective layer of dead cells
immediately below the bark of woody plants. 5 (attrib.) made of
cork. (often foll. by up) 1 stop or confine. 2
restrain (feelings etc.). 3 blacken with burnt cork. Ьcork-oak
a S. European oak, Quercus suber. cork-tipped Brit. (of a
cigarette) having a filter of corklike material. ЬЬcorklike
adj. [ME f. Du. & LG kork f. Sp. alcorque cork sole, perh. f.
corkage n. a charge made by a restaurant or hotel for serving wine etc.
when brought in by customers.
corked adj. 1 stopped with a cork. 2 (of wine) spoilt by a decayed
cork. 3 blackened with burnt cork.
corker n. sl. an excellent or astonishing person or thing.
corking adj. sl. strikingly large or splendid.
corkscrew n. & v. --n. 1 a spirally twisted steel device for extracting
corks from bottles. 2 (often attrib.) a thing with a spiral
shape. & intr. move spirally; twist.
corkwood n. 1 any shrub of the genus Duboisia, yielding a light porous
wood. 2 this wood.
corm n. Bot. an underground swollen stem base of some plants, e.g.
crocus. [mod.L cormus f. Gk kormos trunk with boughs lopped
cormorant n. any diving sea bird of the family Phalacrocoracidae, esp.
Phalacrocorax carbo having lustrous black plumage. [ME f. OF
cormaran f. med.L corvus marinus sea-raven: for ending -ant cf.
peasant, tyrant]
corn(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a any cereal before or after harvesting, esp.
the chief crop of a region: wheat, oats, or (in the US and
Australia) maize. b a grain or seed of a cereal plant. 2
colloq. something corny or trite. (as corned adj.)
sprinkled or preserved with salt or brine (corned beef).
Ьcorn-cob the cylindrical centre of the maize ear to which rows
of grains are attached. corn-cob pipe a tobacco-pipe made from
a corn-cob. corn-cockle see COCKLE(2). corn dolly a symbolic
or decorative figure made of plaited straw. corn exchange a
place for trade in corn. corn-factor Brit. a dealer in corn.
corn marigold a daisy-like yellow-flowered plant, Chrysanthemum
segetum, growing amongst corn. corn on the cob maize cooked and
eaten from the corn-cob. corn-salad = lamb's lettuce (see
LAMB). corn-spurry see SPURRY. corn-whiskey US whisky
distilled from maize. [OE f. Gmc: rel. to L granum grain]
corn(2) n. a small area of horny usu. tender skin esp. on the toes,
extending into subcutaneous tissue. [ME f. AF f. L cornu horn]
cornbrash n. Geol. Brit. an earthy limestone layer of the Jurassic
period. [CORN(1) + BRASH(2)]
corncrake n. a rail, Crex crex, inhabiting grassland and nesting on the
cornea n. the transparent circular part of the front of the eyeball.
ЬЬcorneal adj. [med.L cornea tela horny tissue, f. L corneus
horny f. cornu horn]
cornel n. any plant of the genus Cornus, esp. a dwarf kind, C.
suecica. [ME f. L cornus]
cornelian n. (also carnelian) 1 a dull red or reddish-white variety of
chalcedony. 2 this colour. [ME f. OF corneline; car- after L
caro carnis flesh]
corneous adj. hornlike, horny. [L corneus f. cornu horn]
corner n. & v. --n. 1 a place where converging sides or edges meet.
2 a projecting angle, esp. where two streets meet. 3 the
internal space or recess formed by the meeting of two sides,
esp. of a room. 4 a difficult position, esp. one from which
there is no escape (driven into a corner). 5 a secluded or
remote place. 6 a region or quarter, esp. a remote one (from
the four corners of the earth). 7 the action or result of
buying or controlling the whole available stock of a commodity,
thereby dominating the market. 8 Boxing & Wrestling a an angle
of the ring, esp. one where a contestant rests between rounds.
b a contestant's supporters offering assistance at the corner
between rounds. 9 Football & Hockey a free kick or hit from a
corner of the pitch after the ball has been kicked over the
goal-line by a defending player. 10 a triangular cut of gammon
or ham. --v. 1 tr. force (a person or animal) into a difficult
or inescapable position. 2 tr. a establish a corner in (a
commodity). b dominate (dealers or the market) in this way. 3
intr. (esp. of or in a vehicle) go round a corner. Ьcorner shop
a small local shop, esp. at a street corner. just round (or
around) the corner colloq. very near, imminent. [ME f. AF ult.
f. L cornu horn]
n. 1 a a stone in a projecting angle of a wall. b a
foundation-stone. 2 an indispensable part or basis of
adv. diagonally.
cornet(1) n. 1 Mus. a a brass instrument resembling a trumpet but
shorter and wider. b its player. c an organ stop with the
quality of a cornet. d a cornetto. 2 Brit. a conical wafer for
holding ice-cream. ЬЬcornetist n. cornettist n. [ME f. OF
ult. f. L cornu horn]
cornet(2) n. Brit. hist. the fifth commissioned officer in a cavalry
troop, who carried the colours. ЬЬcornetcy n. (pl. -ies).
[earlier sense 'pennon, standard' f. F cornette dimin. of corne
ult. f. L cornua horns]
cornett n. Mus. = CORNETTO. [var. of CORNET(1)]
cornetto n. (pl. cornetti) Mus. an old woodwind instrument like a
flageolet. [It., dimin. of corno horn (as CORNET(1))]
cornfield n. a field in which corn is being grown.
cornflake n. 1 (in pl.) a breakfast cereal of toasted flakes made from
maize flour. 2 a flake of this cereal.
cornflour n. 1 a fine-ground maize flour. Also called CORNSTARCH. 2 a
flour of rice or other grain.
n. any plant of the genus Centaurea growing among corn, esp.
C. cyanus, with deep-blue flowers.
cornice n. 1 Archit. a an ornamental moulding round the wall of a room
just below the ceiling. b a horizontal moulded projection
crowning a building or structure, esp. the uppermost member of
the entablature of an order, surmounting the frieze. 2
Mountaineering an overhanging mass of hardened snow at the edge
of a precipice. ЬЬcorniced adj. [F corniche etc. f. It.
cornice, perh. f. L cornix -icis crow]
corniche n. (in full corniche road) 1 a road cut into the edge of a cliff
etc. 2 a coastal road with wide views. [F: see CORNICE]
Cornish adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Cornwall in SW England.
--n. the ancient Celtic language of Cornwall. ЬCornish cream
clotted cream. Cornish pasty seasoned meat and vegetables baked
in a pastry envelope.
cornstone n. Brit. Geol. a mottled red and green limestone usu. formed
under arid conditions, esp. in the Devonian period.
n. 1 a a symbol of plenty consisting of a goat's horn
overflowing with flowers, fruit, and corn. b an ornamental
vessel shaped like this. 2 an abundant supply. ЬЬcornucopian
adj. [LL f. L cornu copiae horn of plenty]
corny adj. (cornier, corniest) 1 colloq. a trite. b feebly
humorous. c sentimental. d old-fashioned; out of date. 2 of
or abounding in corn. ЬЬcornily adv. corniness n. [CORN(1) +
-Y(1): sense 1 f. sense 'rustic']
corolla n. Bot. a whorl or whorls of petals forming the inner envelope
of a flower. [L, dimin. of corona crown]
corollary n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a proposition that follows from
(and is often appended to) one already proved. b an immediate
deduction. 2 (often foll. by of) a natural consequence or
result. --adj. 1 supplementary, associated. 2 (often foll. by
to) forming a corollary. [ME f. L corollarium money paid for a
garland, gratuity: neut. adj. f. COROLLA]
corona(1) n. (pl. coronae) 1 a a small circle of light round the sun or
moon. b the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun, seen as an
irregularly shaped area of light around the moon's disc during a
total solar eclipse. 2 a circular chandelier hung from a roof.
3 Anat. a crown or crownlike structure. 4 Bot. a crownlike
outgrowth from the inner side of a corolla. 5 Archit. a broad
vertical face of a cornice, usu. of considerable projection. 6
Electr. the glow around a conductor at high potential. [L, =
corona(2) n. a long cigar with straight sides. [Sp. La Corona the
coronach n. Sc. & Ir. a funeral-song or dirge. [Ir. coranach, Gael.
corranach f. comh- together + r…nach outcry]
n. an instrument for observing the sun's corona, esp. other
than during a solar eclipse.
adj. 1 Astron. & Bot. of a corona. 2 Anat. of the crown of the
head. Ьcoronal bone the frontal bone of the skull. coronal
plane an imaginary plane dividing the body into dorsal and
ventral parts. coronal suture a transverse suture of the skull
separating the frontal bone from the parietal bones. [F coronal
or L coronalis (as CORONA(1))]
n. 1 a circlet (esp. of gold or gems) for the head. 2 a wreath
or garland. [ME, app. f. AF f. corone CROWN]
coronary adj. & n. --adj. Anat. resembling or encircling like a crown.
--n. (pl. -ies) = coronary thrombosis. Ьcoronary artery an
artery supplying blood to the heart. coronary thrombosis Med.
a blockage of the blood flow caused by a blood clot in a
coronary artery. [L coronarius f. corona crown]
n. the ceremony of crowning a sovereign or a sovereign's
consort. [ME f. OF f. med.L coronatio -onis f. coronare to
crown f. CORONA(1)]
coroner n. 1 an officer of a county, district, or municipality, holding
inquests on deaths thought to be violent or accidental, and
inquiries in cases of treasure trove. 2 hist. an officer
charged with maintaining the rights of the private property of
the Crown. ЬЬcoronership n. [ME f. AF cor(o)uner f. coro(u)ne
coronet n. 1 a small crown (esp. as worn, or used as a heraldic device,
by a peer or peeress). 2 a circlet of precious materials, esp.
as a woman's head-dress or part of one. 3 a garland for the
head. 4 the lowest part of a horse's pastern. 5 a ring of bone
at the base of a deer's antler. ЬЬcoroneted adj. [OF
coronet(t)e dimin. of corone CROWN]
corozo n. (pl. -os) Bot. any of various palm-trees native to S.
America. Ьcorozo-nut a seed of one species of palm, Phytelephas
macrocarpa, which when hardened forms vegetable ivory: also
called ivory-nut. [Sp.]
Corp. abbr. 1 Corporal. 2 US Corporation.
corpora pl. of CORPUS.
n. 1 a non-commissioned army or air-force officer ranking next
below sergeant. 2 (in full ship's corporal) Brit. an officer
under the master-at-arms, attending to police matters. 3 US a
freshwater fallfish, Semotilis corporalis. [obs. F, var. of
caporal f. It. caporale prob. f. L corporalis (as CORPORAL(2)),
confused with It. capo head]
adj. of or relating to the human body (cf. CORPOREAL).
Ьcorporal punishment punishment inflicted on the body, esp. by
beating. ЬЬcorporally adv. [ME f. OF f. L corporalis f.
corpus -oris body]
n. a cloth on which the vessels containing the consecrated
elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.
[OE f. OF corporal or med.L corporale pallium body cloth (as
n. (pl. -ies) 1 material existence. 2 a body. [ME f. LL
corporalitas (as CORPORAL(2))]
corporate adj. 1 forming a corporation (corporate body; body corporate).
2 forming one body of many individuals. 3 of or belonging to a
corporation or group (corporate responsibility). 4 corporative.
ЬЬcorporately adv. corporatism n. [L corporare corporat- form
into a body (corpus -oris)]
n. 1 a group of people authorized to act as an individual and
recognized in law as a single entity, esp. in business. 2 the
municipal authorities of a borough, town, or city. 3 joc. a
protruding stomach. [LL corporatio (as CORPORATE)]
adj. 1 of a corporation. 2 governed by or organized in
corporations, esp. of employers and employed. ЬЬcorporativism
corporeal adj. 1 bodily, physical, material, esp. as distinct from
spiritual (cf. CORPORAL(2)). 2 Law consisting of material
objects. ЬЬcorporeality n. corporeally adv. [LL corporealis
f. L corporeus f. corpus -oris body]
n. 1 the quality of being or having a material body. 2 bodily
substance. [F corpor‚it‚ or med.L corporeitas f. L corporeus
corposant n. a luminous electrical discharge sometimes seen on a ship or
aircraft during a storm. [OSp., Port., It. corpo santo holy
corps n. (pl. corps) 1 Mil. a a body of troops with special duties
(intelligence corps; Royal Army Medical Corps). b a main
subdivision of an army in the field, consisting of two or more
divisions. 2 a body of people engaged in a special activity
(diplomatic corps; press corps). [F (as CORPSE)]
corps de ballet
n. the company of ensemble dancers in a ballet. [F]
corps d'‚lite
n. a select group. [F]
corps diplomatique
n. a diplomatic corps. [F]
corpse n. a dead (usu. human) body. Ьcorpse-candle 1 a lambent flame
seen in a churchyard or over a grave, regarded as an omen of
death. 2 a lighted candle placed beside a corpse before burial.
[ME corps, var. spelling of cors (CORSE), f. OF cors f. L corpus
corpulent adj. bulky in body, fat. ЬЬcorpulence n. corpulency n. [ME
f. L corpulentus f. corpus body]
corpus n. (pl. corpora or corpuses) 1 a body or collection of
writings, texts, spoken material, etc. 2 Anat. a structure of a
special character in the animal body. [ME f. L, = body]
Corpus Christi
n. a feast commemorating the Eucharist, observed on the
Thursday after Trinity Sunday. [ME f. L, = Body of Christ]
corpuscle n. a minute body or cell in an organism, esp. (in pl.) the red
or white cells in the blood of vertebrates. ЬЬcorpuscular adj.
[L corpusculum (as CORPUS)]
corpus delicti
n. Law the facts and circumstances constituting a breach of a
law. [L, = body of offence]
corpus luteum
n. Anat. a body developed in the ovary after discharge of the
ovum, remaining in existence only if pregnancy has begun.
[mod.L f. CORPUS + luteus, -um yellow]
corral n. & v. --n. 1 US a pen for cattle, horses, etc. 2 an
enclosure for capturing wild animals. 3 esp. US hist. a
defensive enclosure of wagons in an encampment.
(corralled, corralling) 1 put or keep in a corral. 2 form
(wagons) into a corral. 3 US colloq. acquire. [Sp. & OPort.
(as KRAAL)]
corrasion n. Geol. erosion of the earth's surface by rock material being
carried over it by water, ice, etc. [L corradere corras- scrape
together (as COM-, radere scrape)]
correct adj. & v. --adj. 1 true, right, accurate. 2 (of conduct,
manners, etc.) proper, right. 3 in accordance with good
standards of taste etc. 1 set right; amend (an error,
omission, etc., or the person responsible for it). 2 mark the
errors in (written or printed work etc.). 3 substitute the
right thing for (the wrong one). 4 a admonish or rebuke (a
person). b punish (a person or fault). 5 counteract (a harmful
quality). 6 adjust (an instrument etc.) to function accurately
or accord with a standard. ЬЬcorrectly adv. correctness n.
[ME (adj. through F) f. L corrigere correct- (as COM-, regere
n. 1 a the act or process of correcting. b an instance of
this. 2 a thing substituted for what is wrong. 3 archaic
punishment (house of correction). ЬЬcorrectional adj. [ME f.
OF f. L correctio -onis (as CORRECT)]
n. correctness, esp. conscious correctness of conduct. [19th
adj. & n. --adj. serving or tending to correct or counteract
something undesired or harmful. --n. a corrective measure or
thing. ЬЬcorrectively adv. [F correctif -ive or LL correctivus
corrector n. a person who corrects or points out faults. [ME f. AF
correctour f. L corrector (as CORRECT)]
correlate v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (foll. by with, to) have a mutual
relation. 2 tr. (usu. foll. by with) bring into a mutual
relation. --n. each of two related or complementary things
(esp. so related that one implies the other). [back-form. f.
n. (also corelation) 1 a mutual relation between two or more
things. 2 a interdependence of variable quantities. b a
quantity measuring the extent of this. 3 the act of
correlating. ЬЬcorrelational adj. [med.L correlatio (as
adj. & n. --adj. 1 (often foll. by with, to) having a mutual
relation. 2 Gram. (of words) corresponding to each other and
regularly used together (as neither and nor). --n. a
correlative word or thing. ЬЬcorrelatively adv. correlativity
n. [med.L correlativus (as COM-, RELATIVE)]
v.intr. 1 a (usu. foll. by to) be analogous or similar. b
(usu. foll. by to) agree in amount, position, etc. c (usu.
foll. by with, to) be in harmony or agreement. 2 (usu. foll. by
with) communicate by interchange of letters. Ьcorresponding
member an honorary member of a learned society etc. with no
voice in the society's affairs. ЬЬcorrespondingly adv. [F
correspondre f. med.L correspondere (as COM-, RESPOND)]
n. 1 (usu. foll. by with, to, between) agreement, similarity,
or harmony. 2 a communication by letters. b letters sent or
received. Ьcorrespondence college (or school) a college
conducting correspondence courses. correspondence column the
part of a newspaper etc. that contains letters from readers.
correspondence course a course of study conducted by post. [ME
f. OF f. med.L correspondentia (as CORRESPOND)]
n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who writes letters to a person or a
newspaper, esp. regularly. 2 a person employed to contribute
material for publication in a periodical or for broadcasting
(our chess correspondent; the BBC's Moscow correspondent). 3 a
person or firm having regular business relations with another,
esp. in another country. --adj. (often foll. by to, with)
archaic corresponding. ЬЬcorrespondently adv. [ME f. OF
correspondant or med.L (as CORRESPOND)]
corrida n. 1 a bullfight. 2 bullfighting. [Sp. corrida de toros
running of bulls]
corridor n. 1 a passage from which doors lead into rooms (orig. an
outside passage connecting parts of a building, now usu. a main
passage in a large building). 2 a passage in a railway carriage
from which doors lead into compartments. 3 a strip of the
territory of one State passing through that of another, esp.
securing access to the sea. 4 a route to which aircraft are
restricted, esp. over a foreign country. Ьcorridors of power
places where covert influence is said to be exerted in
government. [F f. It. corridore corridor for corridojo
running-place f. correre run, by confusion with corridore
corrie n. Sc. a circular hollow on a mountainside; a cirque. [Gael.
coire cauldron]
n. (pl. corrigenda) a thing to be corrected, esp. an error in
a printed book. [L, neut. gerundive of corrigere: see CORRECT]
adj. 1 capable of being corrected. 2 (of a person) submissive;
open to correction. ЬЬcorrigibly adv. [ME f. F f. med.L
corrigibilis (as CORRECT)]
corroborate confirm or give support to (a statement or belief, or the
person holding it), esp. in relation to witnesses in a law
court. ЬЬcorroboration n. corroborative adj. corroborator n.
corroboratory adj. [L corroborare strengthen (as COM-, roborare
f. robur -oris strength)]
n. 1 a festive or warlike dance-drama with song of Australian
Aboriginals. 2 a noisy party. [Aboriginal dial.]
corrode v. 1 a tr. wear away, esp. by chemical action. b intr. be worn
away; decay. 2 tr. destroy gradually (optimism corroded by
recent misfortunes). ЬЬcorrodible adj. [ME f. L corrodere
corros- (as COM-, rodere gnaw)]
corrosion n. 1 the process of corroding, esp. of a rusting metal. 2 a
damage caused by corroding. b a corroded area.
corrosive adj. & n. --adj. tending to corrode or consume. --n. a
corrosive substance. Ьcorrosive sublimate mercuric chloride, a
strong acid poison, used as a fungicide, antiseptic, etc.
ЬЬcorrosively adv. corrosiveness n. [ME f. OF corosif -ive (as
corrugate v. 1 tr. (esp. as corrugated adj.) form into alternate ridges
and grooves, esp. to strengthen (corrugated iron; corrugated
paper). 2 tr. & intr. contract into wrinkles or folds.
ЬЬcorrugation n. [L corrugare (as COM-, rugare f. ruga
n. Anat. either of two muscles that contract the brow in
frowning. [mod.L (as CORRUGATE)]
corrupt adj. & v. --adj. 1 morally depraved; wicked. 2 influenced by
or using bribery or fraudulent activity. 3 (of a text,
language, etc.) harmed (esp. made suspect or unreliable) by
errors or alterations. 4 rotten. --v. 1 tr. & intr. make or
become corrupt or depraved. 2 tr. affect or harm by errors or
alterations. 3 tr. infect, taint. Ьcorrupt practices
fraudulent activity, esp. at elections. ЬЬcorrupter n.
corruptible adj. corruptibility n. corruptive adj. corruptly
adv. corruptness n. [ME f. OF corrupt or L corruptus past
part. of corrumpere corrupt- (as COM-, rumpere break)]
n. 1 moral deterioration, esp. widespread. 2 use of corrupt
practices, esp. bribery or fraud. 3 a irregular alteration (of
a text, language, etc.) from its original state. b an
irregularly altered form of a word. 4 decomposition, esp. of a
corpse or other organic matter. [ME f. OF corruption or L
corruptio (as CORRUPT)]
corsac n. (also corsak) a fox, Vulpes corsac, of Central Asia.
corsage n. 1 a small bouquet worn by a woman. 2 the bodice of a
woman's dress. [ME f. OF f. cors body: see CORPSE]
corsair n. 1 a pirate ship. 2 a pirate. 3 hist. a privateer, esp. of
the Barbary Coast. [F corsaire f. med.L cursarius f. cursus
inroad f. currere run]
corsak var. of CORSAC.
corse n. archaic a corpse. [var. of CORPSE]
corselet var. of CORSLET, CORSELETTE.
n. (also corselet) a woman's foundation garment combining
corset and brassiЉre.
corset n. & v. --n. 1 a closely-fitting undergarment worn by women to
support the abdomen. 2 a similar garment worn by men and women
because of injury, weakness, or deformity. (corseted,
corseting) 1 provide with a corset. 2 control closely.
ЬЬcorseted adj. corsetry n. [ME f. OF, dimin. of cors body:
n. a woman who makes or fits corsets. [F, fem. of corsetier
(as CORSET, -IER)]
Corsican adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Corsica, an island in the
Mediterranean under French rule. --n. 1 a native of Corsica.
2 the Italian dialect of Corsica.
corslet n. (also corselet) 1 a garment (usu. tight-fitting) covering
the trunk but not the limbs. 2 hist. a piece of armour covering
the trunk. [OF corselet, dimin. formed as CORSET]
cortЉge n. 1 a procession, esp. for a funeral. 2 a train of
attendants. [F]
Cortes n. the legislative assembly of Spain and formerly of Portugal.
[Sp. & Port., pl. of corte COURT]
cortex n. (pl. cortices) 1 Anat. the outer part of an organ, esp. of
the brain (cerebral cortex) or kidneys (renal cortex). 2 Bot.
a an outer layer of tissue immediately below the epidermis. b
bark. ЬЬcortical adj. [L cortex, -icis bark]
Corti n. Ьorgan of Corti Anat. a structure in the inner ear of
mammals, responsible for converting sound signals into nerve
impulses. [A. Corti, It. anatomist d. 1876]
corticate adj. (also corticated) 1 having bark or rind. 2 barklike. [L
corticatus (as CORTEX)]
n. (also corticotropin) = ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIN.
cortisone n. Biochem. a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal cortex
or synthetically, used medicinally esp. against inflammation and
allergy. [Chem. name 17-hydroxy-11-dehydro cortico ster one]
corundum n. Mineral. extremely hard crystallized alumina, used esp. as
an abrasive, and varieties of which, e.g. ruby and sapphire, are
used for gemstones. [Tamil kurundam f. Skr. kuruvinda ruby]
coruscate v.intr. 1 give off flashing light; sparkle. 2 be showy or
brilliant. ЬЬcoruscation n. [L coruscare glitter]
corv‚e n. 1 hist. a day's work of unpaid labour due to a lord from a
vassal. 2 labour exacted in lieu of paying taxes. 3 an onerous
task. [ME f. OF ult. f. L corrogare ask for, collect (as COM-,
rogare ask)]
corves pl. of CORF.
corvette n. Naut. 1 a small naval escort-vessel. 2 hist. a
flush-decked warship with one tier of guns. [F f. MDu. korf
kind of ship + dimin. -ETTE]
corvine adj. of or akin to the raven or crow. [L corvinus f. corvus
adj. wild, frenzied. [Corybantes priests of Cybele performing
wild dances (L f. Gk Korubantes)]
corymb n. Bot. a flat-topped cluster of flowers with the
flower-stalks proportionally longer lower down the stem.
ЬЬcorymbose adj. [F corymbe or L corymbus f. Gk korumbos
coryph‚e n. a leading dancer in a corps de ballet. [F f. Gk koruphaios
leader of a chorus f. koruphe head]
coryza n. 1 a catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane in the
nose; a cold in the head. 2 any disease with this as a symptom.
[L f. Gk koruza running at the nose]
cos(1) n. a variety of lettuce with crisp narrow leaves forming a long
upright head. [L f. Gk Kos, island in the Aegean, where it
Cosa Nostra
n. a US criminal organization resembling and related to the
Mafia. [It., = our affair]
cosec abbr. cosecant.
cosecant n. Math. the ratio of the hypotenuse (in a right-angled
triangle) to the side opposite an acute angle; the reciprocal of
sine. [mod.L cosecans and F cos‚cant (as CO-, SECANT)]
coseismal adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to points of simultaneous
arrival of an earthquake wave. --n. a straight line or a curve
connecting these points. [CO- + SEISMAL (see SEISMIC)]
coset n. Math. a set composed of all the products obtained by
multiplying on the right or on the left each element of a
subgroup in turn by one particular element of the group
containing the subgroup. [CO- + SET(2)]
cosh(1) n. & v. Brit. colloq. --n. a heavy blunt weapon. hit
with a cosh. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
cosh(2) abbr. Math. hyperbolic cosine.
n. & adj. (US cosignatory) --n. (pl. -ies) a person or State
signing (a treaty etc.) jointly with others. --adj. signing
cosine n. Math. the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in
a right-angled triangle) to the hypotenuse. [mod.L cosinus (as
cosmea n. = COSMOS(2). [mod.L, formed as COSMOS(2)]
cosmetic adj. & n. --adj. 1 intended to adorn or beautify the body,
esp. the face. 2 intended to improve only appearances;
superficially improving or beneficial (a cosmetic change). 3
(of surgery or a prosthetic device) imitating, restoring, or
enhancing the normal appearance. --n. a cosmetic preparation,
esp. for the face. ЬЬcosmetically adv. [F cosm‚tique f. Gk
kosmetikos f. kosmeo adorn f. kosmos order, adornment]
cosmic adj. 1 of the universe or cosmos, esp. as distinct from the
earth. 2 of or for space travel. Ьcosmic dust small particles
of matter distributed throughout space. cosmic rays (or
radiation) radiations from space etc. that reach the earth from
all directions, usu. with high energy and penetrative power.
ЬЬcosmical adj. cosmically adv.
cosmogony n. (pl. -ies) 1 the origin of the universe. 2 a theory about
this. ЬЬcosmogonic adj. cosmogonical adj. cosmogonist n. [Gk
kosmogonia f. kosmos world + -gonia -begetting]
n. (pl. -ies) a description or mapping of general features of
the universe. ЬЬcosmographer n. cosmographic adj.
cosmographical adj. [ME f. F cosmographie or f. LL f. Gk
kosmographia (as COSMOS(1), -GRAPHY)]
cosmology n. the science or theory of the universe. ЬЬcosmological adj.
cosmologist n. [F cosmologie or mod.L cosmologia (as COSMOS(1),
cosmonaut n. a Soviet astronaut. [Russ. kosmonavt, as COSMOS(1), after
n. a cosmopolitan city. [Gk kosmos world + polis city]
adj. & n. --adj. 1 a of or from or knowing many parts of the
world. b consisting of people from many or all parts. 2 free
from national limitations or prejudices. 3 Ecol. (of a plant,
animal, etc.) widely distributed. --n. 1 a cosmopolitan
person. 2 Ecol. a widely distributed animal or plant.
ЬЬcosmopolitanism n. cosmopolitanize & intr. (also
-ise). [COSMOPOLITE + -AN]
n. & adj. --n. 1 a cosmopolitan person. 2 Ecol. =
COSMOPOLITAN n. 2. --adj. free from national attachments or
prejudices. [F f. Gk kosmopolites f. kosmos world + polites
cosmos(1) n. 1 the universe, esp. as a well-ordered whole. 2 a an
ordered system of ideas etc. b a sum total of experience. [Gk
cosmos(2) n. any composite plant of the genus Cosmos, bearing single
dahlia-like blossoms of various colours. [mod.L f. Gk kosmos in
sense 'ornament']
COSPAR abbr. Committee on Space Research.
Cossack n. & adj. --n. 1 a member of a people of southern Imperial
Russia, orig. famous for their military skill. 2 a member of a
Cossack military unit. --adj. of, relating to, or
characteristic of the Cossacks. [F cosaque f. Russ. kazak f.
Turki quzzaq nomad, adventurer]
cosset (cosseted, cosseting) pamper. [dial. cosset = pet lamb,
prob. f. AF coscet, cozet f. OE cots‘ta cottager (as COT(2),
cost v. & n. --v. (past and past part. cost) 1 tr. be obtainable
for (a sum of money); have as a price (what does it cost?; it
cost me њ50). 2 tr. involve as a loss or sacrifice (it cost
them much effort; it cost him his life). 3 tr. (past and past
part. costed) fix or estimate the cost or price of. 4 colloq.
a tr. be costly to (it'll cost you). b intr. be costly. --n.
1 what a thing costs; the price paid or to be paid. 2 a loss or
sacrifice; an expenditure of time, effort, etc. 3 (in pl.)
legal expenses, esp. those allowed in favour of the winning
party or against the losing party in a suit. Ьat all costs (or
at any cost) no matter what the cost or risk may be. at cost at
the initial cost; at cost price. at the cost of at the expense
of losing or sacrificing. cost accountant an accountant who
records costs and (esp. overhead) expenses in a business
concern. cost-benefit assessing the relation between the cost
of an operation and the value of the resulting benefits
(cost-benefit analysis). cost (or costing) clerk a clerk who
records costs and expenses in a business concern. cost a person
dear (or dearly) involve a person in a high cost or a heavy
penalty. cost-effective effective or productive in relation to
its cost. cost of living the level of prices esp. of the basic
necessities of life. cost-plus calculated as the basic cost
plus a profit factor. cost price the price paid for a thing by
one who later sells it. cost push Econ. factors other than
demand that cause inflation. to a person's cost at a person's
expense; with loss or disadvantage to a person. [ME f. OF
coster, couster, coust ult. f. L constare stand firm, stand at a
price (as COM-, stare stand)]
costal adj. of the ribs. [F f. mod.L costalis f. L costa rib]
co-star n. & v. --n. a cinema or stage star appearing with another or
others of equal importance. --v. (-starred, -starring) 1 intr.
take part as a co-star. 2 tr. (of a production) include as a
costard n. Brit. 1 a large ribbed variety of apple. 2 archaic joc.
the head. [ME f. AF f. coste rib f. L costa]
costate adj. ribbed; having ribs or ridges. [L costatus f. costa rib]
coster n. Brit. = COSTERMONGER. [abbr.]
n. Brit. a person who sells fruit, vegetables, etc., in the
street from a barrow. [COSTARD + MONGER]
costive adj. 1 constipated. 2 niggardly. ЬЬcostively adv.
costiveness n. [ME f. OF costiv‚ f. L constipatus: see
costly adj. (costlier, costliest) 1 costing much; expensive. 2 of
great value. ЬЬcostliness n.
costmary n. (pl. -ies) an aromatic composite plant, Balsamita major,
formerly used in medicine and for flavouring ale. [OE cost f. L
costum f. Gk kostos f. Arab. kust an aromatic plant + (St) Mary
(with whom it was associated in medieval times)]
costume n. & v. --n. 1 a style or fashion of dress, esp. that of a
particular place, time, or class. 2 a set of clothes. 3
clothing for a particular activity (swimming-costume). 4 an
actor's clothes for a part. 5 a woman's matching jacket and
skirt. provide with a costume. Ьcostume jewellery
artificial jewellery worn to adorn clothes. costume play (or
piece) a play in which the actors wear historical costume. [F
f. It. f. L consuetudo CUSTOM]
costumier n. (also costumer) a person who makes or deals in costumes,
esp. for theatrical use. [F costumier (as COSTUME)]
cosy adj., n., & v. (US cozy) --adj. (cosier, cosiest) 1
comfortable and warm; snug. 2 derog. complacent. 3 warm and
friendly. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a cover to keep something hot,
esp. a teapot or a boiled egg. 2 a canopied corner seat for
two. (-ies, -ied) (often foll. by along) colloq.
reassure, esp. deceptively. Ьcosy up to US colloq. 1
ingratiate oneself with. 2 snuggle up to. ЬЬcosily adv.
cosiness n. [18th c. f. Sc., of unkn. orig.]
cot(1) n. 1 Brit. a small bed with high sides, esp. for a baby or very
young child. 2 a hospital bed. 3 US a small folding bed. 4
Ind. a light bedstead. 5 Naut. a kind of swinging bed hung from
deck beams, formerly used by officers. Ьcot-case a person too
ill to leave his or her bed. cot-death the unexplained death of
a baby while sleeping. [Anglo-Ind., f. Hindi khat bedstead,
cot(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a small shelter; a cote (bell-cot; sheep-cot).
2 poet. a cottage. (cotted, cotting) put (sheep) in a
cot. [OE f. Gmc, rel. to COTE]
cot(3) abbr. Math. cotangent.
cotangent n. Math. the ratio of the side adjacent to an acute angle (in
a right-angled triangle) to the opposite side.
cote n. a shelter, esp. for animals or birds; a shed or stall
(sheep-cote). [OE f. Gmc, rel. to COT(2)]
coterie n. 1 an exclusive group of people sharing interests. 2 a
select circle in society. [F, orig. = association of tenants,
ult. f. MLG kote COTE]
adj. (often foll. by with) having the same boundaries or extent
(in space, time, or meaning). [CO- + TERMINUS + -OUS]
coth abbr. Math. hyperbolic cotangent.
co-tidal line
n. a line on a map connecting points at which tidal levels (as
high tide or low tide) occur simultaneously.
cotillion n. 1 any of various French dances with elaborate steps,
figures, and ceremonial. 2 US a a ballroom dance resembling a
quadrille. b a formal ball. [F cotillon petticoat, dimin. of
cotte f. OF cote COAT]
n. any rosaceous shrub of the genus Cotoneaster, bearing usu.
bright red berries. [mod.L f. L cotoneum QUINCE + -ASTER]
cotta n. Eccl. a short surplice. [It., formed as COAT]
cottage n. 1 a small simple house, esp. in the country. 2 a dwelling
forming part of a farm establishment, used by a worker.
Ьcottage cheese soft white cheese made from curds of skimmed
milk without pressing. cottage hospital Brit. a small hospital
not having resident medical staff. cottage industry a business
activity partly or wholly carried on at home. cottage loaf a
loaf formed of two round masses, the smaller on top of the
larger. cottage pie Brit. a dish of minced meat topped with
browned mashed potato. ЬЬcottagey adj. [ME f. AF, formed as
cottager n. a person who lives in a cottage.
cottar n. (also cotter) 1 Sc. & hist. a farm-labourer or tenant
occupying a cottage in return for labour as required. 2 Ir.
hist. = COTTIER. [COT(2) + -ER(1) (Sc. -ar)]
cotter n. 1 a bolt or wedge for securing parts of machinery etc. 2
(in full cotter pin) a split pin that opens after passing
through a hole. [17th c. (rel. to earlier cotterel): orig.
cottier n. Brit. 1 a cottager. 2 hist. an Irish peasant under cottier
tenure. Ьcottier tenure hist. the letting of land in small
portions at a rent fixed by competition. [ME f. OF cotier f.
med.L cotarius: see COTERIE]
cotton n. & v. --n. 1 a soft white fibrous substance covering the
seeds of certain plants. 2 a (in full cotton plant) such a
plant, esp. any of the genus Gossypium. b cotton-plants
cultivated as a crop for the fibre or the seeds. 3 thread or
cloth made from the fibre. 4 (attrib.) made of cotton.
--v.intr. (foll. by to) be attracted by (a person).
Ьcotton-cake compressed cotton seed used as food for cattle.
cotton candy US candyfloss. cotton-gin a machine for separating
cotton from its seeds. cotton-grass any grasslike plant of the
genus Eriophorum, with long white silky hairs. cotton on (often
foll. by to) colloq. begin to understand. cotton-picking US
sl. unpleasant, wretched. cotton waste refuse yarn used to
clean machinery etc. cotton wool 1 esp. Brit. fluffy wadding
of a kind orig. made from raw cotton. 2 US raw cotton.
ЬЬcottony adj. [ME f. OF coton f. Arab. kutn]
n. any rabbit of the genus Sylvilagus, native to America,
having a mainly white fluffy tail.
n. 1 any of several poplars, native to N. America, having seeds
covered in white cottony hairs. 2 any of several trees native
to Australia, esp. a downy-leaved tree, Bedfordia arborescens.
cotyledon n. 1 an embryonic leaf in seed-bearing plants. 2 any succulent
plant of the genus Umbilicus, e.g. pennywort. ЬЬcotyledonary
adj. cotyledonous adj. [L, = pennywort, f. Gk kotuledon
cup-shaped cavity f. kotule cup]
coucal n. any ground-nesting bird of the genus Centropus, related to
the cuckoos. [F, perh. f. coucou cuckoo + alouette lark]
couch(1) n. & v. --n. 1 an upholstered piece of furniture for several
people; a sofa. 2 a long padded seat with a headrest at one
end, esp. one on which a psychiatrist's or doctor's patient
reclines during examination. --v. 1 tr. (foll. by in) express
in words of a specified kind (couched in simple language). 2
tr. lay on or as on a couch. 3 intr. a (of an animal) lie,
esp. in its lair. b lie in ambush. 4 tr. lower (a spear etc.)
to the position for attack. 5 tr. Med. treat (a cataract) by
displacing the lens of the eye. Ьcouch potato US sl. a young
person who likes lazing at home. [ME f. OF couche, coucher f. L
collocare (as COM-, locare place)]
couch(2) n. (in full couch grass) any of several grasses of the genus
Agropyron, esp. A. repens, having long creeping roots. [var.
couchant adj. (placed after noun) Heraldry (of an animal) lying with the
body resting on the legs and the head raised. [F, pres. part.
of coucher: see COUCH(1)]
couchette n. 1 a railway carriage with seats convertible into
sleeping-berths. 2 a berth in this. [F, = little bed, dimin.
of couche COUCH(1)]
coud‚ adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to a telescope in which rays
are bent to a focus off the axis. --n. such a telescope. [F,
past part. of couder bend at right angles f. coude elbow formed
Cou‚ism n. a system of usu. optimistic auto-suggestion as
psychotherapy. [E. Cou‚, Fr. psychologist d. 1926]
cougar n. US a puma. [F, repr. Guarani gua‡u ara]
cough v. & n. --v.intr. 1 expel air from the lungs with a sudden
sharp sound produced by abrupt opening of the glottis, to remove
an obstruction or congestion. 2 (of an engine, gun, etc.) make
a similar sound. 3 sl. confess. --n. 1 an act of coughing. 2
a condition of the respiratory organs causing coughing. 3 a
tendency to cough. Ьcough drop (or sweet) a medicated lozenge
to relieve a cough. cough mixture a liquid medicine to relieve
a cough. cough out 1 eject by coughing. 2 say with a cough.
cough up 1 = cough out. 2 sl. bring out or give (money or
information) reluctantly. ЬЬcougher n. [ME coghe, cowhe, rel.
to MDu. kuchen, MHG kuchen, of imit. orig.]
could past of CAN(1).
couldn't contr. could not.
coul‚e n. Geol. 1 a solidified lava-flow. 2 US a deep ravine. [F,
fem. past part. of couler flow, f. L colare strain, filter]
coulisse n. 1 (usu. in pl.) Theatr. a piece of side scenery or a space
between two of these; the wings. 2 a place of informal
discussion or negotiation. [F f. coulis sliding: see
couloir n. a steep narrow gully on a mountainside. [F f. couler
glide: see COULђE]
coulomb n. Electr. the SI unit of electric charge, equal to the
quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by a current of
one ampere. °Symb.: C. [C. A. de Coulomb, Fr. physicist d.
n. Chem. a method of chemical analysis by measurement of the
number of coulombs used in electrolysis. ЬЬcoulometric adj.
coulter n. (US colter) a vertical cutting blade fixed in front of a
ploughshare. [OE f. L culter]
coumarin n. an aromatic substance found in many plants and formerly used
for flavouring food. [F coumarine f. Tupi cumarЈ tonka bean]
coumarone n. an organic liquid obtained from coal tar by synthesis and
used in paints and varnishes. Ьcoumarone resin a thermoplastic
resin formed by polymerization of coumarone. [COUMARIN + -ONE]
council n. 1 a an advisory, deliberative, or administrative body of
people formally constituted and meeting regularly. b a meeting
of such a body. 2 a the elected local administrative body of a
parish, district, town, city, or administrative county and its
paid officers and workforce. b (attrib.) (esp. of housing)
provided by a local council (council flat; council estate). 3 a
body of persons chosen as advisers (Privy Council). 4 an
ecclesiastical assembly (ecumenical council). Ьcouncil-chamber
a room in which a council meets. council-house a building in
which a council meets. council of war 1 an assembly of officers
called in a special emergency. 2 any meeting held to plan a
response to an emergency. the Queen (or King) in Council the
Privy Council as issuing Orders in Council or receiving
petitions etc. [ME f. AF cuncile f. L concilium convocation,
assembly f. calare summon: cf. COUNSEL]
n. an elected member of a council, esp. a local one.
ЬЬcouncillorship n. [ME, alt. of COUNSELLOR: assim. to COUNCIL]
n. (pl. -men; fem. councilwoman, pl. -women) esp. US a
member of a council; a councillor.
counsel n. & v. --n. 1 advice, esp. formally given. 2 consultation,
esp. to seek or give advice. 3 (pl. same) a barrister or other
legal adviser; a body of these advising in a case. 4 a plan of
action. (counselled, counselling; US counseled,
counseling) 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) advise (a person). 2
a give advice to (a person) on social or personal problems, esp.
professionally. b assist or guide (a person) in resolving
personal difficulties. 3 (often foll. by that) recommend (a
course of action). Ьcounsel of despair action to be taken when
all else fails. counsel of perfection 1 advice that is ideal
but not feasible. 2 advice guiding towards moral perfection.
keep one's own counsel not confide in others. Queen's (or
King's) Counsel Brit. a counsel to the Crown, taking precedence
over other barristers. take counsel (usu. foll. by with)
consult. [ME f. OF c(o)unseil, conseiller f. L consilium
consultation, advice]
n. (US counseling) 1 the act or process of giving counsel. 2
the process of assisting and guiding clients, esp. by a trained
person on a professional basis, to resolve esp. personal,
social, or psychological problems and difficulties (cf. COUNSEL
v. 2b).
n. (US counselor) 1 a person who gives counsel; an adviser. 2
a person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or
psychological problems (marriage guidance counsellor). 3 a
senior officer in the diplomatic service. 4 a (also
counselor-at-law) US a barrister. b (also counsellor-at-law)
Ir. an advising barrister. ЬCounsellor of State Brit. a
temporary regent during a sovereign's absence. [ME f. OF
conseiller (f. L consiliarius), conseillour, -eur (f. L
consiliator): see COUNSEL]
count(1) v. & n. --v. 1 tr. determine the total number or amount of,
esp. by assigning successive numbers (count the stations). 2
intr. repeat numbers in ascending order; conduct a reckoning. 3
a tr. (often foll. by in) include in one's reckoning or plan
(you can count me in; fifteen people, counting the guide). b
intr. be included in a reckoning or plan. 4 tr. consider (a
thing or a person) to be (lucky etc.) (count no man happy until
he is dead). 5 intr. (often foll. by for) have value; matter
(his opinion counts for a great deal). --n. 1 a the act of
counting; a reckoning (after a count of fifty). b the sum total
of a reckoning (blood count; pollen count). 2 Law each charge
in an indictment (guilty on ten counts). 3 a count of up to ten
seconds by a referee when a boxer is knocked down. 4 Polit. the
act of counting the votes after a general or local election. 5
one of several points under discussion. 6 the measure of the
fineness of a yarn expressed as the weight of a given length or
the length of a given weight. 7 Physics the number of ionizing
particles detected by a counter. Ьcount against be reckoned to
the disadvantage of. count one's blessings be grateful for what
one has. count one's chickens be over-optimistic or hasty in
anticipating good fortune. count the cost consider the risks
before taking action. count the days (or hours etc.) be
impatient. count down recite numbers backwards to zero, esp. as
part of a rocket-launching procedure. counting-house a place
where accounts are kept. count noun a countable noun (see
COUNTABLE 2). count on (or upon) depend on, rely on; expect
confidently. count out 1 count while taking from a stock. 2
complete a count of ten seconds over (a fallen boxer etc.),
indicating defeat. 3 (in children's games) select (a player)
for dismissal or a special role by use of a counting rhyme etc.
4 colloq. exclude from a plan or reckoning (I'm too tired, count
me out). 5 Brit. Polit. procure the adjournment of (the House
of Commons) when fewer than 40 members are present. count up
find the sum of. keep count take note of how many there have
been etc. lose count fail to take note of the number etc. not
counting excluding from the reckoning. out for the count 1
Boxing defeated by being unable to rise within ten seconds. 2 a
defeated or demoralized. b soundly asleep. take the count
Boxing be defeated. [ME f. OF co(u)nter, co(u)nte f. LL
computus, computare COMPUTE]
count(2) n. a foreign noble corresponding to an earl. ЬCount Palatine
hist. a high official of the Holy Roman Empire with royal
authority within his domain. ЬЬcountship n. [OF conte f. L
comes comitis companion]
countable adj. 1 that can be counted. 2 Gram. (of a noun) that can form
a plural or be used with the indefinite article (e.g. book,
countdown n. 1 a the act of counting down, esp. at the launching of a
rocket etc. b the procedures carried out during this time. 2
the final moments before any significant event.
n. & v. --n. 1 a the face. b the facial expression. 2
composure. 3 moral support. 1 give approval to (an
act etc.) (cannot countenance this breach of the rules). 2
(often foll. by in) encourage (a person or a practice). Ьchange
countenance alter one's expression as an effect of emotion.
keep one's countenance maintain composure, esp. by refraining
from laughter. keep a person in countenance support or
encourage a person. lose countenance become embarrassed. out
of countenance disconcerted. [ME f. AF c(o)untenance, OF
contenance bearing f. contenir: see CONTAIN]
n. 1 a a long flat-topped fitment in a shop, bank, etc., across
which business is conducted with customers. b a similar
structure used for serving food etc. in a cafeteria or bar. 2 a
a small disc used for keeping the score etc. esp. in
table-games. b a token representing a coin. c something used
in bargaining; a pawn (a counter in the struggle for power). 3
an apparatus used for counting. 4 Physics an apparatus used for
counting individual ionizing particles etc. 5 a person or thing
that counts. Ьover the counter by ordinary retail purchase.
under the counter (esp. of the sale of scarce goods)
surreptitiously, esp. illegally. [AF count(e)our, OF
conteo(i)r, f. med.L computatorium (as COMPUTE)]
v., adv., adj., & n. --v. 1 tr. a oppose, contradict
(countered our proposal with their own). b meet by a
countermove. 2 intr. a make a countermove. b make an opposing
statement ('I shall!' he countered). 3 intr. Boxing give a
return blow while parrying. --adv. 1 in the opposite direction
(ran counter to the fox). 2 contrary (his action was counter to
my wishes). --adj. 1 opposed; opposite. 2 duplicate; serving
as a check. --n. 1 a parry; a countermove. 2 something
opposite or opposed. Ьact (or go) counter to disobey
(instructions etc.). go (or hunt or run) counter run or ride
against the direction taken by a quarry. run counter to act
contrary to. [ME f. OF countre f. L contra against: see
n. 1 the part of a horse's breast between the shoulders and
under the neck. 2 the curved part of the stern of a ship. 3
Printing a part of a printing-type etc. that is completely
enclosed by an outline (e.g. the loop of P). [17th c.: orig.
n. the back part of a shoe or a boot round the heel. [abbr. of
counterfort buttress]
counter- comb. form denoting: 1 retaliation, opposition, or rivalry
(counter-threat; counter-cheers). 2 opposite direction
(counter-current). 3 correspondence, duplication, or
substitution (counterpart; countersign). [from or after AF
countre-, OF contre f. L contra against]
counteract 1 hinder or oppose by contrary action. 2 neutralize.
ЬЬcounteraction n. counteractive adj.
n. & v. --n. an attack in reply to an attack by an enemy or
opponent. & intr. attack in reply.
n. 1 a rival attraction. 2 the attraction of a contrary
n. & v. --n. 1 a weight balancing another. 2 an argument,
force, etc., balancing another. act as a counterbalance
n. (often foll. by to) an energetic or violent verbal or
written reply to an argument etc.
v. 1 tr. change (places or parts); interchange. 2 tr.
literary chequer, esp. with contrasting colours etc. 3 intr.
change places or parts. [F contrechanger (as COUNTER-, CHANGE)]
n. & v. --n. a charge or accusation in return for one received. make a countercharge against.
n. & v. --n. 1 a a restraint that opposes something. b a
restraint that operates against another. 2 a second check, esp.
for security or accuracy. 3 archaic a retort. make a
countercheck on.
n. & v. --n. 1 a claim made against another claim. 2 Law a
claim made by a defendant in a suit against the plaintiff. & intr. make a counter-claim (for).
adv. & adj. US = ANTICLOCKWISE.
n. a way of life etc. opposed to that usually considered
n. action taken to frustrate enemy spying.
adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 (of a coin, writing, etc.) made in
imitation; not genuine; forged. 2 (of a claimant etc.)
pretended. --n. a forgery; an imitation. 1 a imitate
fraudulently (a coin, handwriting, etc.); forge. b make an
imitation of. 2 simulate (feelings etc.) (counterfeited
interest). 3 resemble closely. ЬЬcounterfeiter n. [ME f. OF
countrefet, -fait, past part. of contrefaire f. Rmc]
n. the part of a cheque, receipt, etc., retained by the payer
and containing details of the transaction.
n. 1 Med. something used to produce surface irritation of the
skin, thereby counteracting more painful symptoms. 2 anything
resembling a counterirritant in its effects.
ЬЬcounterirritation n.
v. & n. 1 Mil. a revoke (an order or command). b
recall (forces etc.) by a contrary order. 2 cancel an order for
(goods etc.). --n. an order revoking a previous one. [ME f. OF
contremander f. med.L contramandare (as CONTRA-, mandare order)]
v. & n. --v.intr. & tr. esp. Mil. march or cause to march in
the opposite direction, e.g. with the front marchers turning and
marching back through the ranks. --n. an act of
n. an action taken to counteract a danger, threat, etc.
n. & v. --n. 1 Mil. a a mine dug to intercept another dug by
an enemy. b a submarine mine sunk to explode an enemy's mines.
2 a counterplot. make a countermine against.
n. & v. --n. a move or action in opposition to another.
--v.intr. make a countermove. ЬЬcountermovement n.
n. 1 Mil. an attack made from a defensive position in order to
effect an escape. 2 any attack made from a defensive position.
n. a bedspread. [alt. (with assim. to pane in obs. sense
'cloth') f. obs. counterpoint f. OF contrepointe alt. f.
cou(l)tepointe f. med.L culcita puncta quilted mattress]
n. 1 a a person or thing extremely like another. b a person or
thing forming a natural complement or equivalent to another. 2
Law one of two copies of a legal document. Ьcounterpart funds
US funds etc. in a local currency equivalent to goods etc.
received from abroad.
n. & v. --n. a plot intended to defeat another plot. --v.
(-plotted, -plotting) 1 intr. make a counterplot. 2 tr. make a
counterplot against.
n. & v. --n. 1 Mus. a the art or technique of setting,
writing, or playing a melody or melodies in conjunction with
another, according to fixed rules. b a melody played in
conjunction with another. 2 a contrasting argument, plot, idea,
or literary theme, etc., used to set off the main element. 1 Mus. add counterpoint to. 2 set (an argument, plot,
etc.) in contrast to (a main element). Ьstrict counterpoint an
academic exercise in writing counterpoint, not necessarily
intended as a composition. [OF contrepoint f. med.L
contrapunctum pricked or marked opposite, i.e. to the original
melody (as CONTRA-, pungere punct- prick)]
n. & v. --n. 1 a force etc. equivalent to another on the
opposite side. 2 a state of equilibrium. 3 a counterbalancing
weight. 1 counterbalance. 2 compensate. 3 bring into
or keep in equilibrium. [ME f. OF contrepeis, -pois,
contrepeser (as COUNTER-, peis, pois f. L pensum weight: cf.
adj. having the opposite of the desired effect.
n. 1 (Counter-Reformation) hist. the reform of the Church of
Rome in the 16th and 17th centuries which took place in response
to the Protestant Reformation. 2 a reformation running counter
to another.
n. a revolution opposing a former one or reversing its results.
ЬЬcounter-revolutionary adj. & n. (pl. -ies).
n. Mil. the outer wall or slope of a ditch in a fortification.
[F contrescarpe f. It. contrascarpa (as CONTRA-, SCARP)]
n. 1 an intermediate shaft driven by a main shaft and
transmitting motion to a particular machine etc. 2 US =
v. & n. 1 add a signature to (a document already
signed by another). 2 ratify. --n. 1 a watchword or password
spoken to a person on guard (cf. PAROLE). 2 a mark used for
identification etc. ЬЬcounter-signature n. [F contresigner
(v.), contresigne (n.) f. It. contrasegno (as COUNTER-, SIGN)]
countersink (past and past part. -sunk) 1 enlarge and bevel (the rim
of a hole) so that a screw or bolt can be inserted flush with
the surface. 2 sink (a screw etc.) in such a hole.
n. a blow given in return for another.
n. Mus. 1 a a male alto singing-voice. b a singer with this
voice. 2 a part written for counter-tenor. [ME f. F
contre-teneur f. obs. It. contratenore (as CONTRA-, TENOR)]
v. 1 tr. counterbalance. 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by
against) oppose forcefully and usu. successfully.
Ьcountervailing duty a tax put on imports to offset a subsidy in
the exporting country or a tax on similar goods not from abroad.
[ME f. AF contrevaloir f. L contra valere be of worth against]
n. an equivalent value, esp. in military strategy.
n. a counterbalancing weight.
countess n. 1 the wife or widow of a count or an earl. 2 a woman
holding the rank of count or earl. [ME f. OF contesse,
cuntesse, f. LL comitissa fem. of comes COUNT(2)]
countless adj. too many to be counted.
adj. (also countryfied) often derog. rural or rustic, esp. of
manners, appearance, etc. [past part. of countrify f. COUNTRY]
country n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the territory of a nation with its own
government; a State. b a territory possessing its own language,
people, culture, etc. 2 (often attrib.) rural districts as
opposed to towns or the capital (a cottage in the country; a
country town). 3 the land of a person's birth or citizenship; a
fatherland. 4 a a territory, esp. an area of interest or
knowledge. b a region associated with a particular person, esp.
a writer (Hardy country). 5 Brit. a national population, esp.
as voters (the country won't stand for it). Ьacross country not
keeping to roads. country-and-western rural or cowboy songs
originating in the US, and usu. accompanied by a guitar etc.
country club a sporting and social club in a rural setting.
country cousin often derog. a person with a countrified
appearance or manners. country dance a traditional sort of
dance, esp. English, with couples facing each other in long
lines. country gentleman a gentleman with landed property.
country house a usu. large house in the country, often the seat
of a country gentleman. country music = country-and-western.
country party a political party supporting agricultural
interests. country seat a large country house belonging to an
aristocratic family. country-wide extending throughout a
nation. go (or appeal) to the country Brit. test public
opinion by dissolving Parliament and holding a general election.
in the country Cricket sl. far from the wickets; in the deep
field. line of country a subject about which a person is
knowledgeable. unknown country an unfamiliar place or topic.
[ME f. OF cuntree, f. med.L contrata (terra) (land) lying
opposite (CONTRA)]
n. (pl. -men; fem. countrywoman, pl. -women) 1 a person
living in a rural area. 2 a (also fellow-countryman) a person
of one's own country or district. b (often in comb.) a person
from a specified country or district (north-countryman).
n. 1 a a rural area. b rural areas in general. 2 the
inhabitants of a rural area.
county n. & adj. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 a any of the territorial
divisions of some countries, forming the chief unit of local
administration. b US a political and administrative division of
a State. 2 the people of a county, esp. the leading families.
--adj. having the social status or characteristics of county
families. Ьcounty borough hist. a large borough ranking as a
county for administrative purposes. county corporate hist. a
city or town ranking as an administrative county. county
council the elected governing body of an administrative county.
county court a judicial court for civil cases (in the US for
civil and criminal cases). county cricket cricket matches
between teams representing counties. county family an
aristocratic family with an ancestral seat in a county. County
Palatine the territory of a Count or Earl Palatine. county town
(US seat) the administrative capital of a county. [ME f. AF
count‚, OF cont‚, cunt‚, f. L comitatus (as COUNT(2))]
coup n. (pl. coups) 1 a notable or successful stroke or move. 2 =
COUP D'ђTAT. 3 Billiards a direct pocketing of the ball. [F f.
med.L colpus blow: see COPE(1)]
coup de grѓce
n. a finishing stroke, esp. to kill a wounded animal or person.
[F, lit. stroke of grace]
coup de main
n. a sudden vigorous attack. [F, lit. stroke of the hand]
coup d'‚tat
n. a violent or illegal seizure of power. [F, lit. stroke of
the State]
coup d'oeil
n. 1 a comprehensive glance. 2 a general view. [F, lit.
stroke of the eye]
coupe n. 1 a shallow glass or dish used for serving fruit, ice-cream,
etc. 2 fruit, ice-cream, etc. served in this. [F, = goblet]
coup‚ n. (US coupe) 1 a car with a hard roof, esp. one with two seats
and a sloping rear. 2 hist. a four-wheeled enclosed carriage
for two passengers and a driver. [F, past part. of couper cut
(formed as COUP)]
couple n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. foll. by of; often as sing.) a two (a
couple of girls). b about two (a couple of hours). 2 (often as
sing.) a a married or engaged pair. b a pair of partners in a
dance, a game, etc. c a pair of rafters. 3 (pl. couple) a
pair of hunting dogs (six couple of hounds). 4 (in pl.) a pair
of joined collars used for holding hounds together. 5 Mech. a
pair of equal and parallel forces acting in opposite directions,
and tending to cause rotation about an axis perpendicular to the
plane containing them. --v. 1 tr. fasten or link together;
connect (esp. railway carriages). 2 tr. (often foll. by
together, with) associate in thought or speech (papers coupled
their names; couple our congratulations with our best wishes).
3 intr. copulate. 4 tr. Physics connect (oscillators) with a
coupling. [ME f. OF cople, cuple, copler, cupler f. L copulare,
coupler n. 1 Mus. a a device in an organ for connecting two manuals,
or a manual with pedals, so that they both sound when only one
is played. b (also octave coupler) a similar device for
connecting notes with their octaves above or below. 2 anything
that connects two things, esp. a transformer used for connecting
electric circuits.
couplet n. Prosody two successive lines of verse, usu. rhyming and of
the same length. [F dimin. of couple, formed as COUPLE]
coupling n. 1 a a link connecting railway carriages etc. b a device for
connecting parts of machinery. 2 Physics a connection between
two systems, causing one to oscillate when the other does so. 3
Mus. a the arrangement of items on a gramophone record. b each
such item.
coupon n. 1 a form etc. in a newspaper, magazine, etc., which may be
filled in and sent as an application for a purchase,
information, etc. 2 Brit. an entry form for a football pool or
other competition. 3 a voucher given with a retail purchase, a
certain number of which entitle the holder to a discount etc. 4
a a detachable ticket entitling the holder to a ration of food,
clothes, etc., esp. in wartime. b a similar ticket entitling
the holder to payment, goods, services, etc. [F, = piece cut
off f. couper cut: see COUPђ]
courage n. the ability to disregard fear; bravery. Ьcourage of one's
convictions the courage to act on one's beliefs. lose courage
become less brave. pluck up (or take) courage muster one's
courage. take one's courage in both hands nerve oneself to a
venture. [ME f. OF corage, f. L cor heart]
adj. brave, fearless. ЬЬcourageously adv. courageousness n.
[ME f. AF corageous, OF corageus (as COURAGE)]
courante n. 1 hist. a running or gliding dance. 2 Mus. the music used
for this, esp. as a movement of a suite. [F, fem. pres. part.
(as noun) of courir run f. L currere]
courgette n. a small green variety of vegetable marrow. Also called
ZUCCHINI. [F, dimin. of courge gourd]
courier n. 1 a person employed, usu. by a travel company, to guide and
assist a group of tourists. 2 a special messenger. [ME f. obs.
F, f. It. corriere, & f. OF coreor, both f. L currere run]
course n. & v. --n. 1 a continuous onward movement or progression. 2
a a line along which a person or thing moves; a direction taken
(has changed course; the course of the winding river). b a
correct or intended direction or line of movement. c the
direction taken by a ship or aircraft. 3 a the ground on which
a race (or other sport involving extensive linear movement)
takes place. b a series of fences, hurdles, or other obstacles
to be crossed in a race etc. 4 a a series of lectures, lessons,
etc., in a particular subject. b a book for such a course (A
Modern French Course). 5 any of the successive parts of a meal.
6 Med. a sequence of medical treatment etc. (prescribed a course
of antibiotics). 7 a line of conduct (disappointed by the
course he took). 8 Archit. a continuous horizontal layer of
brick, stone, etc., in a building. 9 a channel in which water
flows. 10 the pursuit of game (esp. hares) with hounds, esp.
greyhounds, by sight rather than scent. 11 Naut. a sail on a
square-rigged ship (fore course; main course). --v. 1 intr.
(esp. of liquid) run, esp. fast (blood coursed through his
veins). 2 tr. (also absol.) a use (hounds) to hunt. b pursue
(hares etc.) in hunting. Ьthe course of nature ordinary events
or procedure. in course of in the process of. in the course of
during. in the course of time as time goes by; eventually. a
matter of course the natural or expected thing. of course
naturally; as is or was to be expected; admittedly. on (or off)
course following (or deviating from) the desired direction or
goal. run (or take) its course (esp. of an illness) complete
its natural development. ЬЬcourser n. (in sense 2 of v.). [ME
f. OF cours f. L cursus f. currere curs- run]
n. poet. a swift horse. [ME f. OF corsier f. Rmc]
n. any fast-running plover-like bird of the genus Cursorius,
native to Africa and Asia, having long legs and a slender bill.
[LL cursorius adapted for running]
court n. & v. --n. 1 (in full court of law) a an assembly of judges
or other persons acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal
cases. b = COURTROOM. 2 a an enclosed quadrangular area for
games, which may be open or covered (tennis-court;
squash-court). b an area marked out for lawn tennis etc. (hit
the ball out of court). 3 a a small enclosed street in a town,
having a yard surrounded by houses, and adjoining a larger
street. b Brit. = COURTYARD. c (Court) the name of a large
house, block of flats, street, etc. (Grosvenor Court). d (at
Cambridge University) a college quadrangle. e a subdivision of
a building, usu. a large hall extending to the ceiling with
galleries and staircases. 4 a the establishment, retinue, and
courtiers of a sovereign. b a sovereign and his or her
councillors, constituting a ruling power. c a sovereign's
residence. d an assembly held by a sovereign; a State
reception. 5 attention paid to a person whose favour, love, or
interest is sought (paid court to her). 6 a the qualified
members of a company or a corporation. b (in some Friendly
Societies) a local branch. c a meeting of a court. 1
a try to win the affection or favour of (a person). b pay
amorous attention to (courting couples). 2 seek to win
(applause, fame, etc.). 3 invite (misfortune) by one's actions
(you are courting disaster). Ьcourt-card a playing-card that is
a king, queen, or jack (orig. coat-card). court circular Brit.
a daily report of royal court affairs, published in some
newspapers. court dress formal dress worn at a royal court.
court-house 1 a building in which a judicial court is held. 2
US a building containing the administrative offices of a county.
Court leet see LEET(1). Court of Appeal a court of law hearing
appeals against judgements in the Crown Court, High Court,
County Court, etc. Court of Protection Brit. the department of
the Supreme Court attending to the affairs of the mentally
unfit. court of record a court whose proceedings are recorded
and available as evidence of fact. Court of St James's the
British sovereign's court. Court of Session the supreme civil
court in Scotland. court of summary jurisdiction a court having
the authority to use summary proceedings and arrive at a
judgement or conviction. court order a direction issued by a
court or a judge, usu. requiring a person to do or not do
something. court plaster hist. sticking-plaster for cuts etc.
(formerly used by ladies at court for face-patches). court roll
hist. a manorial-court register of holdings. court shoe a
woman's light, usu. high-heeled, shoe with a low-cut upper.
court tennis US real tennis. go to court take legal action. in
court appearing as a party or an advocate in a court of law.
out of court 1 (of a plaintiff) not entitled to be heard. 2 (of
a settlement) arranged before a hearing or judgement can take
place. 3 not worthy of consideration (that suggestion is out of
court). [ME f. AF curt, OF cort, ult. f. L cohors, -hortis
yard, retinue: (v.) after OIt. corteare, OF courtoyer]
court bouillon
n. stock usu. made from wine, vegetables, etc., often used in
fish dishes. [F f. court short + BOUILLON]
courteous adj. polite, kind, or considerate in manner; well-mannered.
ЬЬcourteously adv. courteousness n. [ME f. OF corteis, curteis
f. Rmc (as COURT): assim. to words in -OUS]
courtesan n. literary 1 a prostitute, esp. one with wealthy or
upper-class clients. 2 the mistress of a wealthy man. [F
courtisane f. It. cortigiana, fem. of cortigiano courtier f.
corte COURT]
courtesy n. (pl. -ies) 1 courteous behaviour; good manners. 2 a
courteous act. 3 archaic = CURTSY. Ьby courtesy by favour, not
by right. by courtesy of with the formal permission of (a
person etc.). courtesy light a light in a car that is switched
on by opening a door. courtesy title a title held by courtesy,
usu. having no legal validity, e.g. a title given to the heir
of a duke etc. [ME f. OF curtesie, co(u)rtesie f. curteis etc.
courtier n. a person who attends or frequents a sovereign's court. [ME
f. AF courte(i)our, f. OF f. cortoyer be present at court]
courtly adj. (courtlier, courtliest) 1 polished or refined in manners.
2 obsequious. 3 punctilious. Ьcourtly love the conventional
medieval tradition of knightly love for a lady, and the
etiquette used in its (esp. literary) expression. ЬЬcourtliness
n. [COURT]
court martial
n. & v. --n. (pl. courts martial) a judicial court for trying
members of the armed services. (court-martial)
(-martialled, -martialling; US -martialed, -martialing) try by a
court martial.
courtroom n. the place or room in which a court of law meets.
courtship n. 1 a courting with a view to marriage. b the courting
behaviour of male animals, birds, etc. c a period of courting.
2 an attempt, often protracted, to gain advantage by flattery,
attention, etc.
courtyard n. an area enclosed by walls or buildings, often opening off a
couscous n. a N. African dish of wheat grain or coarse flour steamed
over broth, often with meat or fruit added. [F f. Arab. kuskus
f. kaskasa to pound]
cousin n. 1 (also first cousin, cousin-german) the child of one's
uncle or aunt. 2 (usu. in pl.) applied to the people of kindred
races or nations (our American cousins). 3 hist. a title
formerly used by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or
a noble of his or her own country. Ьsecond cousin a child of
one's parent's first cousin. ЬЬcousinhood n. cousinly adj.
cousinship n. [ME f. OF cosin, cusin, f. L consobrinus mother's
sister's child]
couth adj. joc. cultured; well-mannered. [back-form. as antonym of
couture n. the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes; = HAUTE
COUTURE. [F, = sewing, dressmaking]
couturier n. (fem. couturiЉre) a fashion designer or dressmaker. [F]
couvade n. a custom by which a father appears to undergo labour and
childbirth when his child is being born. [F f. couver hatch f.
L cubare lie down]
couvert n. = COVER n. 6. [F]
n. chocolate for covering sweets, cakes, etc. [F, = covering]
covalency n. Chem. 1 the linking of atoms by a covalent bond. 2 the
number of pairs of electrons an atom can share with another.
covalent adj. Chem. of, relating to, or characterized by covalency.
Ьcovalent bond Chem. a bond formed by sharing of electrons usu.
in pairs by two atoms in a molecule. ЬЬcovalence n. covalently
adv. [CO- + valent, after trivalent etc.]
cove(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a small, esp. sheltered, bay or creek. 2 a
sheltered recess. 3 Archit. a concave arch or arched moulding,
esp. one formed at the junction of a wall with a ceiling. Archit. 1 provide (a room, ceiling, etc.) with a cove.
2 slope (the sides of a fireplace) inwards. [OE cofa chamber f.
cove(2) n. Brit. sl. archaic a fellow; a chap. [16th-c. cant: orig.
coven n. an assembly of witches. [var. of covent; see CONVENT]
covenant n. & v. --n. 1 an agreement; a contract. 2 Law a a contract
drawn up under a seal, esp. undertaking to make regular payments
to a charity. b a clause of a covenant. 3 (Covenant) Bibl. the
agreement between God and the Israelites (see Ark of the
Covenant). & intr. agree, esp. by legal covenant.
Ьland of the Covenant Canaan. ЬЬcovenantal adj. covenantor n.
[ME f. OF, pres. part. of co(n)venir, formed as CONVENE]
adj. bound by a covenant.
n. 1 a person who covenants. 2 (Covenanter) hist. an adherent
of the National Covenant of the Solemn League and Covenant in
17th-c. Scotland, in support of Presbyterianism.
Coventry n. Ьsend a person to Coventry refuse to associate with or speak
to a person. [Coventry in W. Midlands]
cover v. & n. 1 (often foll. by with) protect or conceal by
means of a cloth, lid, etc. 2 a extend over; occupy the whole
surface of (covered in dirt; covered with writing). b (often
foll. by with) strew thickly or thoroughly (covered the floor
with straw). c lie over; be a covering to (the blanket scarcely
covered him). 3 a protect; clothe. b (as covered adj.) wearing
a hat; having a roof. 4 include; comprise; deal with (the talk
covered recent discoveries). 5 travel (a specified distance)
(covered sixty miles). 6 Journalism a report (events, a
meeting, etc.). b investigate as a reporter. 7 be enough to
defray (expenses, a bill, etc.) (њ20 should cover it). 8 a
refl. take precautionary measures so as to protect oneself (had
covered myself by saying I might be late). b (absol.; foll. by
for) deputize or stand in for (a colleague etc.) (will you cover
for me?). 9 Mil. a aim a gun etc. at. b (of a fortress, guns,
etc.) command (a territory). c stand behind (a person in the
front rank). d protect (an exposed person etc.) by being able
to return fire. 10 a esp. Cricket stand behind (another player)
to stop any missed balls. b (in team games) mark (a
corresponding player of the other side). 11 (also absol.) (in
some card-games) play a card higher than (one already played to
the same trick). 12 (of a stallion, a bull, etc.) copulate
with. --n. 1 something that covers or protects, esp.: a a lid.
b the binding of a book. c either board of this. d an envelope
or the wrapper of a parcel (under separate cover). e the outer
case of a pneumatic tyre. f (in pl.) bedclothes. 2 a
hiding-place; a shelter. 3 woods or undergrowth sheltering game
or covering the ground (see COVERT). 4 a a pretence; a screen
(under cover of humility). b a spy's pretended identity or
activity, intended as concealment. c Mil. a supporting force
protecting an advance party from attack. 5 a funds, esp.
obtained by insurance, to meet a liability or secure against a
contingent loss. b the state of being protected (third-party
cover). 6 a place setting at table, esp. in a restaurant. 7
Cricket = cover-point. Ьbreak cover (of an animal, esp. game,
or a hunted person) leave a place of shelter, esp. vegetation.
cover charge an extra charge levied per head in a restaurant,
nightclub, etc. cover crop a crop grown for the protection and
enrichment of the soil. cover-drive Cricket a drive past
cover-point. cover girl a female model whose picture appears on
magazine covers etc. cover in provide with a roof etc.
covering letter (or note) an explanatory letter sent with an
enclosure. cover note Brit. a temporary certificate of current
insurance. cover-point Cricket 1 a fielding position on the off
side and half way to the boundary. 2 a fielder at this
position. cover story a news story in a magazine, that is
illustrated or advertised on the front cover. cover one's
tracks conceal evidence of what one has done. cover up 1
completely cover or conceal. 2 conceal (circumstances etc.,
esp. illicitly) (also absol. : refused to cover up for them).
cover-up n. an act of concealing circumstances, esp. illicitly.
from cover to cover from beginning to end of a book etc. take
cover use a natural or prepared shelter against an attack.
ЬЬcoverable adj. coverer n. [ME f. OF covrir, cuvrir f. L
cooperire (as CO-, operire opert- cover)]
coverage n. 1 an area or an amount covered. 2 Journalism the amount of
press etc. publicity received by a particular story, person,
etc. 3 a risk covered by an insurance policy. 4 an area
reached by a particular broadcasting station or advertising
coverall n. & adj. esp. US --n. 1 something that covers entirely. 2
(usu. in pl.) a full-length protective outer garment often
zipped up the front. --attrib.adj. covering entirely (a
coverall term).
covering n. something that covers, esp. a bedspread, blanket, etc., or
coverlet n. a bedspread. [ME f. AF covrelet, -lit f. OF covrir cover +
lit bed]
covert adj. & n. --adj. secret or disguised (a covert glance; covert
operations). --n. 1 a shelter, esp. a thicket hiding game. 2
a feather covering the base of a bird's flight-feather. Ьcovert
coat a short, light, overcoat worn for shooting, riding, etc.
ЬЬcovertly adv. covertness n. [ME f. OF covert past part. of
covrir COVER]
coverture n. 1 covering; shelter. 2 Law hist. the position of a married
woman, considered to be under her husband's protection. [ME f.
covet (coveted, coveting) desire greatly (esp. something
belonging to another person) (coveted her friend's earrings).
ЬЬcovetable adj. [ME f. OF cu-, coveitier f. Rmc]
covetous adj. (usu. foll. by of) 1 greatly desirous (esp. of another
person's property). 2 grasping, avaricious. ЬЬcovetously adv.
covetousness n. [ME f. OF coveitous f. Gallo-Roman]
covey n. (pl. -eys) 1 a brood of partridges. 2 a small party or
group of people or things. [ME f. OF covee f. Rmc f. L cubare
covin n. 1 Law a conspiracy to commit a crime etc. against a third
party. 2 archaic fraud, deception. [ME f. OF covin(e) f. med.L
convenium -ia f. convenire: see CONVENE]
coving n. = COVE(1) n. 3.
cow(1) n. 1 a fully grown female of any bovine animal, esp. of the
genus Bos, used as a source of milk and beef. 2 the female of
other large animals, esp. the elephant, whale, and seal. 3
derog. sl. a a woman esp. a coarse or unpleasant one. b
Austral. & NZ an unpleasant person, thing, situation, etc.
Ьcow-fish 1 any of several small plant-eating mammals, e.g. the
manatee. 2 a marine fish, Lactoria diaphana, covered in hard
bony plates and having hornlike spines over the eyes and on
other parts of the body. cow-heel the foot of a cow or an ox
stewed to a jelly. cow-lick a projecting lock of hair.
cow-parsley a hedgerow plant Anthriscus sylvestris, having
lacelike umbels of flowers: also called Queen Anne's lace.
cow-pat a flat round piece of cow-dung. cow-tree a tree,
Brosimum galactodendron, native to S. America, yielding a
milklike juice which is used as a substitute for cow's milk.
cow-wheat any plant of the genus Melampyrum, esp. M. pratense
growing on heathland. till the cows come home colloq. an
indefinitely long time. [OE cu f. Gmc, rel. to L bos, Gk bous]
cow(2) (usu. in passive) intimidate or dispirit (cowed by
ill-treatment). [prob. f. ON kЈga oppress]
cowage n. (also cowhage) a climbing plant, Mucuna pruritum, having
hairy pods which cause stinging and itching. [Hindi kawanch]
coward n. & adj. --n. a person who is easily frightened or intimidated
by danger or pain. --adj. poet. easily frightened. [ME f. OF
cuard, couard ult. f. L cauda tail]
cowardice n. a lack of bravery. [ME f. OF couardise (as COWARD)]
cowardly adj. & adv. --adj. 1 of or like a coward; lacking courage. 2
(of an action) done against one who cannot retaliate. --adv.
archaic like a coward; with cowardice. ЬЬcowardliness n.
cowbane n. = water hemlock.
cowbell n. 1 a bell worn round a cow's neck for easy location of the
animal. 2 a similar bell used as a percussion instrument.
cowberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 an evergreen shrub, Vaccinium vitis-idaea,
bearing dark-red berries. 2 the berry of this plant.
cowboy n. 1 (fem. cowgirl) a person who herds and tends cattle, esp.
in the western US. 2 this as a conventional figure in American
folklore, esp. in films. 3 colloq. an unscrupulous or reckless
person in business, esp. an unqualified one.
n. US a peaked metal frame at the front of a locomotive for
pushing aside obstacles on the line.
cower v.intr. 1 crouch or shrink back, esp. in fear; cringe. 2 stand
or squat in a bent position. [ME f. MLG kuren lie in wait, of
unkn. orig.]
cowhage var. of COWAGE.
cowherd n. a person who tends cattle.
cowhide n. 1 a a cow's hide. b leather made from this. 2 a leather
whip made from cowhide.
cowhouse n. a shed or shelter for cows.
cowl n. 1 a the hood of a monk's habit. b a loose hood. c a monk's
hooded habit. 2 the hood-shaped covering of a chimney or
ventilating shaft. 3 the removable cover of a vehicle or
aircraft engine. ЬЬcowled adj. (in sense 1). [OE cugele, cule
f. eccl.L cuculla f. L cucullus hood of a cloak]
cowling n. = COWL 3.
cowman n. (pl. -men) 1 = COWHERD. 2 US a cattle-owner.
co-worker n. a person who works in collaboration with another.
cowpoke n. US = COWBOY 1.
cowpox n. a disease of cows, of which the virus was formerly used in
vaccination against smallpox.
n. US = COWBOY 1.
cowrie n. (also cowry) (pl. -ies) 1 any gastropod mollusc of the
family Cypraeidae, having a smooth glossy and usu.
brightly-coloured shell. 2 its shell, esp. used as money in
parts of Africa and S. Asia. [Urdu & Hindi kauri]
cowshed n. 1 a shed for cattle that are not at pasture. 2 a
cowslip n. 1 a primula, Primula veris, with fragrant yellow flowers and
growing in pastures. 2 US a marsh marigold. [OE cuslyppe f.
cu COW(1) + slyppe slimy substance, i.e. cow-dung]
Cox n. (in full Cox's orange pippin) a variety of eating-apple with
a red-tinged green skin. [R. Cox, amateur Eng. fruit grower d.
cox n. & v. --n. a coxswain, esp. of a racing-boat. --v. 1 intr.
act as a cox (coxed for Cambridge). 2 tr. act as cox for (coxed
the winning boat). [abbr.]
coxa n. (pl. coxae) 1 Anat. the hip-bone or hip-joint. 2 Zool. the
first segment of an insect's leg. ЬЬcoxal adj. [L]
coxcomb n. an ostentatiously conceited man; a dandy. ЬЬcoxcombry n.
(pl. -ies). [= cock's comb (see COCK(1)), orig. (a cap worn
by) a jester]
coxswain n. & v. --n. 1 a person who steers, esp. in a rowing-boat. 2
the senior petty officer in a small ship. --v. 1 intr. act as
a coxswain. 2 tr. act as a coxswain of. ЬЬcoxswainship n. [ME
f. cock (see COCKBOAT) + SWAIN: cf. BOATSWAIN]
Coy. abbr. esp. Mil. Company.
coy adj. (coyer, coyest) 1 archly or affectedly shy. 2
irritatingly reticent (always coy about her age). 3 (esp. of a
girl) modest or shy. ЬЬcoyly adv. coyness n. [ME f. OF coi,
quei f. L quietus QUIET]
coyote n. (pl. same or coyotes) a wolflike wild dog, Canis latrans,
native to N. America. [Mex. Sp. f. Aztec coyotl]
coypu n. (pl. coypus) an aquatic beaver-like rodent, Myocastor
coypus, native to S. America and kept in captivity for its fur.
coz n. archaic cousin. [abbr.]
cozen v. literary 1 tr. (often foll. by of, out of) cheat, defraud.
2 tr. (often foll. by into) beguile; persuade. 3 intr. act
deceitfully. ЬЬcozenage n. [16th-c. cant, perh. rel. to
crab(1) n. 1 a any of numerous ten-footed crustaceans having the first
pair of legs modified as pincers. b the flesh of a crab, esp.
Cancer pagurus, as food. 2 (the Crab) the zodiacal sign or
constellation Cancer. 3 (in full crab-louse) (often in pl.) a
parasitic louse, Phthirus pubis, infesting hairy parts of the
body and causing extreme irritation. 4 a machine for hoisting
heavy weights. Ьcatch a crab Rowing effect a faulty stroke in
which the oar is jammed under water or misses the water
altogether. crab-grass US a creeping grass infesting lawns.
crab-pot a wicker trap for crabs. ЬЬcrablike adj. [OE crabba,
rel. to ON krafla scratch]
crab(2) n. 1 (in full crab-apple) a small sour apple-like fruit. 2 (in
full crab tree or crab-apple tree) any of several trees bearing
this fruit. 3 a sour person. [ME, perh. alt. (after CRAB(1) or
CRABBED) of earlier scrab, prob. of Scand. orig.]
crab(3) v. (crabbed, crabbing) colloq. 1 tr. & intr. criticize
adversely or captiously; grumble. 2 tr. act so as to spoil (the
mistake crabbed his chances). [orig. of hawks fighting, f. MLG
crabbed adj. 1 irritable or morose. 2 (of handwriting) ill-formed and
hard to decipher. 3 perverse or cross-grained. 4 difficult to
understand. ЬЬcrabbedly adv. crabbedness n. [ME f. CRAB(1),
assoc. with CRAB(2)]
crabwise adv. & attrib.adj. (of movement) sideways or backwards like a
crack n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a a sudden sharp or explosive noise (the
crack of a whip; a rifle crack). b (in a voice) a sudden
harshness or change in pitch. 2 a sharp blow (a crack on the
head). 3 a a narrow opening formed by a break (entered through
a crack in the wall). b a partial fracture, with the parts
still joined (the teacup has a crack in it). c a chink (looked
through the crack formed by the door; a crack of light). 4
colloq. a mischievous or malicious remark or aside (a nasty
crack about my age). 5 colloq. an attempt (I'll have a crack at
it). 6 the exact moment (at the crack of noon; the crack of
dawn). 7 colloq. a first-rate player, horse, etc. 8 dial.
colloq. conversation; good company; fun (only went there for the
crack). 9 sl. a potent hard crystalline form of cocaine broken
into small pieces and inhaled or smoked for its stimulating
effect. --v. 1 tr. & intr. break without a complete separation
of the parts (cracked the window; the cup cracked on hitting the
floor). 2 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a sudden sharp or
explosive sound. 3 intr. & tr. break or cause to break with a
sudden sharp sound. 4 intr. & tr. give way or cause to give way
(under torture etc.); yield. 5 intr. (of the voice, esp. of an
adolescent boy or a person under strain) become dissonant;
break. 6 tr. colloq. find a solution to (a problem, code,
etc.). 7 tr. say (a joke etc.) in a jocular way. 8 tr.
colloq. hit sharply or hard (cracked her head on the ceiling).
9 tr. Chem. decompose (heavy oils) by heat and pressure with or
without a catalyst to produce lighter hydrocarbons (such as
petrol). 10 tr. break (wheat) into coarse pieces.
--attrib.adj. colloq. excellent; first-rate (a crack regiment;
a crack shot). Ьcrack a bottle open a bottle, esp. of wine, and
drink it. crack-brained crazy. crack a crib sl. break into a
house. crack-down colloq. severe measures (esp. against
law-breakers etc.). crack down on colloq. take severe measures
against. crack-jaw colloq. --adj. (of a word) difficult to
pronounce. --n. such a word. crack of doom a thunder-peal
announcing the Day of Judgement. crack up colloq. 1 collapse
under strain. 2 praise. crack-up n. colloq. 1 a mental
breakdown. 2 a car crash. crack-willow a species of willow,
Salix fragilis, with brittle branches. fair crack of the whip
colloq. a fair chance to participate etc. get cracking colloq.
begin promptly and vigorously. have a crack at colloq.
attempt. [OE cracian resound]
cracked adj. 1 having cracks. 2 (predic.) sl. crazy. Ьcracked wheat
wheat that has been crushed into small pieces.
cracker n. 1 a paper cylinder both ends of which are pulled at
Christmas etc. making a sharp noise and releasing a small toy
etc. 2 a firework exploding with a sharp noise. 3 (usu. in
pl.) an instrument for cracking (nutcrackers). 4 a thin dry
biscuit often eaten with cheese. 5 sl. Brit. a notable or
attractive person. 6 US a biscuit. 7 US offens. = poor White.
Ьcracker-barrel US (of philosophy etc.) homespun;
adj. & n. US sl. --adj. exceptionally fine or expert. --n. an
exceptionally fine thing or person.
crackers predic.adj. Brit. sl. crazy.
cracking adj. & adv. sl. --adj. 1 outstanding; very good (a cracking
performance). 2 (attrib.) fast and exciting (a cracking speed).
--adv. outstandingly (a cracking good time).
crackle v. & n. --v.intr. make a repeated slight cracking sound (radio
crackled; fire was crackling). --n. 1 such a sound. 2 a
paintwork, china, or glass decorated with a pattern of minute
surface cracks. b the smooth surface of such paintwork etc.
ЬЬcrackly adj. [CRACK + -LE(4)]
crackling n. 1 the crisp skin of roast pork. 2 joc. or offens.
attractive women regarded collectively as objects of sexual
desire. Ьbit of crackling colloq. an attractive woman.
cracknel n. a light crisp biscuit. [ME f. F craquelin f. MDu.
krakelinc f. kraken CRACK]
crackpot n. & adj. sl. --n. an eccentric or impractical person. --adj.
mad, unworkable (a crackpot scheme).
cracksman n. (pl. -men) sl. a burglar, esp. a safe-breaker.
cracky adj. covered with cracks. ЬЬcrackiness n.
-cracy comb. form denoting a particular form of government, rule, or
influence (aristocracy; bureaucracy). [from or after F - cratie
f. med.L - cratia f. Gk - kratia f. kratos strength, power]
cradle n. & v. --n. 1 a a child's bed or cot, esp. one mounted on
rockers. b a place in which a thing begins, esp. a civilization
etc., or is nurtured in its infancy (cradle of choral singing;
cradle of democracy). 2 a framework resembling a cradle, esp.:
a that on which a ship, a boat, etc., rests during construction
or repairs. b that on which a worker is suspended to work on a
ceiling, a ship, the vertical side of a building, etc. c the
part of a telephone on which the receiver rests when not in use. 1 contain or shelter as if in a cradle (cradled his
head in her arms). 2 place in a cradle. Ьcradle-snatcher sl.
a person amorously attached to a much younger person.
cradle-song a lullaby. from the cradle from infancy. from the
cradle to the grave from infancy till death (esp. of State
welfare). [OE cradol, perh. rel. to OHG kratto basket]
cradling n. Archit. a wooden or iron framework, esp. one used as a
structural support in a ceiling.
craft n. & v. --n. 1 skill, esp. in practical arts. 2 a (esp. in
comb.) a trade or an art (statecraft; handicraft; priestcraft;
the craft of pottery). b the members of a craft. 3 (pl.
craft) a a boat or vessel. b an aircraft or spacecraft. 4
cunning or deceit. 5 (the Craft) the brotherhood of Freemasons. make in a skilful way (crafted a poem; a well-crafted
piece of work). Ьcraft-brother a fellow worker in the same
trade. craft-guild hist. a guild of workers of the same trade.
[OE cr‘ft]
craftsman n. (pl. -men; fem. craftswoman, pl. -women) 1 a skilled and
usu. time-served worker. 2 a person who practises a handicraft.
3 a private soldier in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical
Engineers. ЬЬcraftsmanship n. [ME, orig. craft's man]
crag(1) n. Brit. a steep or rugged rock. [ME, of Celt. orig.]
crag(2) n. Geol. rock consisting of a shelly sand. [18th c.: perh. f.
craggy adj. (craggier, craggiest) 1 (esp. of a person's face) rugged;
rough-textured. 2 (of a landscape) having crags. ЬЬcraggily
adv. cragginess n.
cragsman n. (pl. -men) a skilled climber of crags.
crake n. 1 any rail (see RAIL(3)), esp. a corncrake. 2 the cry of a
corncrake. [ME f. ON kr ka (imit.): cf. CROAK]
cram v. (crammed, cramming) 1 tr. a fill to bursting; stuff (the
room was crammed). b (foll. by in, into) force (a thing) into
(cram the sandwiches into the bag). 2 tr. & intr. prepare for
an examination by intensive study. 3 tr. (often foll. by with)
feed (poultry etc.) to excess. 4 tr. & intr. colloq. eat
greedily. Ьcram-full as full as possible. cram in push in to
bursting point (crammed in another five minutes' work). [OE
crammian f. Gmc]
crambo n. a game in which a player gives a word or verse-line to which
each of the others must find a rhyme. [earlier crambe, app.
allusive f. L crambe repetita cabbage served up again]
crammer n. a person or institution that crams pupils for examinations.
cramp n. & v. --n. 1 a a painful involuntary contraction of a muscle
or muscles from the cold, exertion, etc. b = writer's cramp
(see WRITER). 2 (also cramp-iron) a metal bar with bent ends
for holding masonry etc. together. 3 a portable tool for
holding two planks etc. together; a clamp. 4 a restraint. 1 affect with cramp. 2 confine narrowly. 3 restrict
(energies etc.). 4 (as cramped adj.) (of handwriting) small and
difficult to read. 5 fasten with a cramp. Ьcramp a person's
style prevent a person from acting freely or naturally. cramp
up confine narrowly. [ME f. OF crampe f. MDu., MLG krampe, OHG
krampfo f. adj. meaning 'bent': cf. CRIMP]
crampon n. (US crampoon) (usu. in pl.) 1 an iron plate with spikes
fixed to a boot for walking on ice, climbing, etc. 2 a metal
hook for lifting timber, rock, etc.; a grappling-iron. [ME f. F
(as CRAMP)]
cran n. Sc. a measure for fresh herrings (37« gallons). [= Gael.
crann, of uncert. orig.]
cranage n. 1 the use of a crane or cranes. 2 the money paid for this.
cranberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 any evergreen shrub of the genus Vaccinium,
esp. V. macrocarpon of America and V. oxycoccos of Europe,
yielding small red acid berries. 2 a berry from this used for a
sauce and in cooking. Also called fen-berry. [17th c.: named by
Amer. colonists f. G Kranbeere, LG kranebere crane-berry]
crane n. & v. --n. 1 a machine for moving heavy objects, usu. by
suspending them from a projecting arm or beam. 2 any tall
wading bird of the family Gruidae, with long legs, long neck,
and straight bill. 3 a moving platform supporting a television
camera or cine-camera. 1 (also absol.) stretch out
(one's neck) in order to see something. 2 tr. move (an object)
by a crane. Ьcrane-fly (pl. -flies) any fly of the family
Tipulidae, having two wings and long legs: also called
daddy-long-legs. [OE cran, rel. to L grus, Gk geranos]
n. any of various plants of the genus Geranium, having beaked
cranial adj. of or relating to the skull. Ьcranial index the ratio of
the width and length of a skull. [CRANIUM + -AL]
craniate adj. & n. --adj. having a skull. --n. a craniate animal.
[mod.L craniatus f. CRANIUM]
cranio- comb. form cranium.
n. the scientific study of the shape and size of the human
skull. ЬЬcraniological adj. craniologist n.
n. the scientific measurement of skulls. ЬЬcraniometric adj.
n. (pl. -ies) 1 surgical removal of a portion of the skull. 2
surgical perforation of the skull of a dead foetus to ease
cranium n. (pl. craniums or crania) 1 the skull. 2 the part of the
skeleton that encloses the brain. [ME f. med.L f. Gk kranion
crank(1) n. & v. --n. 1 part of an axle or shaft bent at right angles
for interconverting reciprocal and circular motion. 2 an
elbow-shaped connection in bell-hanging. 1 cause to
move by means of a crank. 2 a bend into a crank-shape. b
furnish or fasten with a crank. Ьcrank up 1 start (a car
engine) by turning a crank. 2 sl. increase (speed etc.) by
intensive effort. [OE cranc, app. f. crincan, rel. to cringan
fall in battle, orig. 'curl up']
crank(2) n. 1 a an eccentric person, esp. one obsessed by a particular
theory (health-food crank). b US a bad-tempered person. 2
literary a fanciful turn of speech (quips and cranks).
[back-form. f. CRANKY]
crank(3) adj. Naut. liable to capsize. [perh. f. crank weak, shaky,
or CRANK(1)]
crankcase n. a case enclosing a crankshaft.
crankpin n. a pin by which a connecting-rod is attached to a crank.
n. a shaft driven by a crank (see CRANK(1) n. 1).
cranky adj. (crankier, crankiest) 1 colloq. eccentric, esp. obsessed
with a particular theory (cranky ideas about women). 2 working
badly; shaky. 3 esp. US ill-tempered or crotchety. ЬЬcrankily
adv. crankiness n. [perh. f. obs. crank rogue feigning
crannog n. an ancient lake-dwelling in Scotland or Ireland. [Ir. f.
crann tree, beam]
cranny n. (pl. -ies) a chink, a crevice, a crack. ЬЬcrannied adj.
[ME f. OF cran‚ past part. of craner f. cran f. pop.L crena
crap(1) n. & v. coarse sl. --n. 1 (often as int.) nonsense, rubbish
(he talks crap). 2 faeces. --v.intr. (crapped, crapping)
defecate. °Usually considered a taboo word. Ьcrap out US 1 be
unsuccessful. 2 withdraw from a game etc. [earlier senses
'chaff, refuse from fat-boiling': ME f. Du. krappe]
crap(2) n. US a losing throw of 2, 3, or 12 in craps. Ьcrap game a
game of craps. [formed as CRAPS]
crape n. 1 cr€pe, usu. of black silk or imitation silk, formerly used
for mourning clothes. 2 a band of this formerly worn round a
person's hat etc. as a sign of mourning. Ьcrape fern a NZ fern,
Leptopteris superba, with tall dark-green fronds. crape hair
artificial hair used in stage make-up. ЬЬcrapy adj. [earlier
crispe, crespe f. F crespe CR°PE]
craps US a gambling game played with dice. Ьshoot craps play
craps. [19th c.: perh. f. crab lowest throw at dice]
crapulent adj. 1 given to indulging in alcohol. 2 resulting from
drunkenness. 3 a drunk. b suffering from the effects of
drunkenness. ЬЬcrapulence n. crapulous adj. [LL crapulentus
very drunk f. L crapula inebriation f. Gk kraipale drunken
n. a network of fine cracks in a painting or its varnish. [F]
crash(1) v., n., & adv. --v. 1 intr. & tr. make or cause to make a loud
smashing noise (the cymbals crashed; crashed the plates
together). 2 tr. & intr. throw, drive, move, or fall with a
loud smashing noise. 3 intr. & tr. a collide or cause (a
vehicle) to collide violently with another vehicle, obstacle,
etc.; overturn at high speed. b fall or cause (an aircraft) to
fall violently on to the land or the sea (crashed the plane; the
airman crashed into the sea). 4 intr. (usu. foll. by into)
collide violently (crashed into the window). 5 intr. undergo
financial ruin. 6 tr. colloq. enter without permission
(crashed the cocktail party). 7 intr. colloq. be heavily
defeated (crashed to a 4-0 defeat). 8 intr. Computing (of a
machine or system) fail suddenly. 9 tr. colloq. pass (a red
traffic-light etc.). 10 intr. (often foll. by out) sl. sleep
for a night, esp. in an improvised setting. --n. 1 a a loud
and sudden smashing noise (a thunder crash; the crash of
crockery). b a breakage (esp. of crockery, glass, etc.). 2 a a
violent collision, esp. of one vehicle with another or with an
object. b the violent fall of an aircraft on to the land or
sea. 3 ruin, esp. financial. 4 Computing a sudden failure
which puts a system out of action. 5 (attrib.) done rapidly or
urgently (a crash course in first aid). --adv. with a crash
(the window went crash). Ьcrash barrier a barrier intended to
prevent a car from leaving the road etc. crash-dive --v. 1
intr. a (of a submarine or its pilot) dive hastily and steeply
in an emergency. b (of an aircraft or airman) dive and crash.
2 tr. cause to crash-dive. --n. such a dive. crash-halt a
sudden stop by a vehicle. crash-helmet a helmet worn esp. by a
motorcyclist to protect the head in a crash. crash-land 1 intr.
(of an aircraft or airman) land hurriedly with a crash, usu.
without lowering the undercarriage. 2 tr. cause (an aircraft)
to crash-land. crash landing a hurried landing with a crash.
crash pad sl. a place to sleep, esp. in an emergency.
crash-stop = crash-halt. crash-tackle Football a vigorous
tackle. [ME: imit.]
crash(2) n. a coarse plain linen, cotton, etc., fabric. [Russ.
krashenina coloured linen]
crashing adj. colloq. overwhelming (a crashing bore).
crasis n. (pl. crases) the contraction of two adjacent vowels in
ancient Greek into one long vowel or diphthong. [Gk krasis
crass adj. 1 grossly stupid (a crass idea). 2 gross (crass
stupidity). 3 literary thick or gross. ЬЬcrassitude n.
crassly adv. crassness n. [L crassus solid, thick]
-crat comb. form a member or supporter of a particular form of
government or rule (autocrat; democrat). [from or after F -
crate: see -CRACY]
cratch n. a rack used for holding food for farm animals out of doors.
[ME f. OF creche f. Gmc: rel. to CRIB]
crate n. & v. --n. 1 a large wickerwork basket or slatted wooden
case etc. for packing esp. fragile goods for transportation. 2
sl. an old aeroplane or other vehicle. pack in a crate.
ЬЬcrateful n. (pl. -fuls). [ME, perh. f. Du. krat basket
crater n. & v. --n. 1 the mouth of a volcano. 2 a bowl-shaped
cavity, esp. that made by the explosion of a shell or bomb. 3
Astron. a hollow with a raised rim on the surface of a planet or
moon, caused by the impact of a meteorite. 4 Antiq. a large
ancient Greek bowl, used for mixing wine. form a crater
in. ЬЬcraterous adj. [L f. Gk krater mixing-bowl: see CRASIS]
-cratic comb. form (also -cratical) denoting a particular kind of
government or rule (autocratic; democratic). ЬЬ-cratically
comb. form (adv.) [from or after F -cratique: see -CRACY]
cravat n. 1 a scarf worn by men inside an open-necked shirt. 2 hist.
a necktie. ЬЬcravatted adj. [F cravate f. G Krawat, Kroat f.
Serbo-Croatian Hrvat Croat]
crave v. 1 tr. a long for (craved affection). b beg for (craves a
blessing). 2 intr. (foll. by for) long for; beg for (craved for
comfort). ЬЬcraver n. [OE crafian, rel. to ON krefja]
craven adj. & n. --adj. (of a person, behaviour, etc.) cowardly;
abject. --n. a cowardly person. ЬЬcravenly adv. cravenness n.
[ME cravand etc. perh. f. OF cravant‚ defeated, past part. of
cravanter ult. f. L crepare burst; assim. to -EN(3)]
craving n. (usu. foll. by for) a strong desire or longing.
craw n. Zool. the crop of a bird or insect. Ьstick in one's craw
be unacceptable. [ME, rel. to MDu. craghe, MLG krage, MHG
krage neck, throat]
crawfish n. & v. --n. (pl. same) a large marine spiny lobster.
--v.intr. US retreat; back out. [var. of CRAYFISH]
crawl v. & n. --v.intr. 1 move slowly, esp. on hands and knees. 2
(of an insect, snake, etc.) move slowly with the body close to
the ground etc. 3 walk or move slowly (the train crawled into
the station). 4 (often foll. by to) colloq. behave obsequiously
or ingratiatingly in the hope of advantage. 5 (often foll. by
with) be covered or filled with crawling or moving things, or
with people etc. compared to this. 6 (esp. of the skin) feel a
creepy sensation. 7 swim with a crawl stroke. --n. 1 an act
of crawling. 2 a slow rate of movement. 3 a high-speed
swimming stroke with alternate overarm movements and rapid
straight-legged kicks. 4 a (usu. in comb.) colloq. a leisurely
journey between places of interest (church-crawl). b =
pub-crawl. ЬЬcrawlingly adv. crawly adj. (in senses 5, 6 of
v.). [ME: orig. unkn.: cf. Sw. kravla, Da. kravle]
crawler n. 1 sl. a person who behaves obsequiously in the hope of
advantage. 2 anything that crawls, esp. an insect. 3 a tractor
moving on an endless chain. 4 (usu. in pl.) esp. US a baby's
overall for crawling in; rompers.
cray n. Austral. & NZ = CRAYFISH.
crayfish n. (pl. same) 1 a small lobster-like freshwater crustacean. 2
a crawfish. [ME f. OF crevice, crevis, ult. f. OHG krebiz
CRAB(1): assim. to FISH(1)]
crayon n. & v. --n. 1 a stick or pencil of coloured chalk, wax, etc.
used for drawing. 2 a drawing made with this. draw
with crayons. [F f. craie f. L creta chalk]
craze v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (usu. as crazed adj.) make insane (crazed
with grief). 2 a tr. produce fine surface cracks on (pottery
glaze etc.). b intr. develop such cracks. --n. 1 a a usu.
temporary enthusiasm (a craze for hula hoops). b the object of
this. 2 an insane fancy or condition. [ME, orig. = break,
shatter, perh. f. ON]
crazy adj. (crazier, craziest) 1 colloq. (of a person, an action,
etc.) insane or mad; foolish. 2 colloq. (usu. foll. by about)
extremely enthusiastic. 3 sl. a exciting, unrestrained. b
excellent. 4 (attrib.) (of paving, a quilt, etc.) made of
irregular pieces fitted together. 5 archaic (of a ship,
building, etc.) unsound, shaky. Ьcrazy bone US the funny bone.
like crazy colloq. = like mad (see MAD). ЬЬcrazily adv.
craziness n.
creak n. & v. --n. a harsh scraping or squeaking sound. --v.intr. 1
make a creak. 2 a move with a creaking noise. b move stiffly
and awkwardly. c show weakness or frailty under strain.
ЬЬcreakingly adv. [ME, imit.: cf. CRAKE, CROAK]
creaky adj. (creakier, creakiest) 1 liable to creak. 2 a stiff or
frail (creaky joints). b (of a practice, institution, etc.)
decrepit, dilapidated, outmoded. ЬЬcreakily adv. creakiness n.
cream n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a the fatty content of milk which
gathers at the top and can be made into butter by churning. b
this eaten (often whipped) with a dessert, as a cake-filling,
etc. (strawberries and cream; cream gateau). 2 the part of a
liquid that gathers at the top. 3 (usu. prec. by the) the best
or choicest part of something, esp.: a the point of an anecdote.
b an ‚lite group of people (the cream of the nation). 4 a
creamlike preparation, esp. a cosmetic (hand cream). 5 a very
pale yellow or off-white colour. 6 a a dish or sweet like or
made with cream. b a soup or sauce containing milk or cream. c
a full-bodied mellow sweet sherry. d a biscuit with a creamy
sandwich filling. e a chocolate-covered usu. fruit-flavoured
fondant. --v. 1 tr. a take the cream from (milk). b take the
best or a specified part from. 2 tr. work (butter etc.) to a
creamy consistency. 3 tr. treat (the skin etc.) with cosmetic
cream. 4 tr. add cream to (coffee etc.). 5 intr. (of milk or
any other liquid) form a cream or scum. 6 tr. US colloq.
defeat (esp. in a sporting contest). --adj. pale yellow;
off-white. Ьcream bun (or cake) a bun or cake filled or topped
with cream. cream cheese a soft rich cheese made from unskimmed
milk and cream. cream-coloured pale yellowish white. cream
cracker Brit. a crisp dry unsweetened biscuit usu. eaten with
cheese. cream-laid (or -wove) laid (or wove) cream-coloured
paper. cream off 1 take (the best or a specified part) from a
whole (creamed off the brightest pupils). 2 = sense 1b of v.
cream of tartar purified and crystallized potassium hydrogen
tartrate, used in medicine, baking powder, etc. cream puff 1 a
cake made of puff pastry filled with cream. 2 an ineffectual or
effeminate person. cream soda a carbonated vanilla-flavoured
soft drink. cream tea afternoon tea with scones, jam, and
cream. [ME f. OF cre(s)me f. LL cramum (perh. f. Gaulish) &
eccl.L chrisma CHRISM]
creamer n. 1 a flat dish used for skimming the cream off milk. 2 a
machine used for separating cream from milk. 3 US a jug for
creamery n. (pl. -ies) 1 a factory producing butter and cheese. 2 a
shop where milk, cream, etc., are sold; a dairy. [CREAM, after
F cr‚merie]
creamy adj. (creamier, creamiest) 1 like cream in consistency or
colour. 2 rich in cream. ЬЬcreamily adv. creaminess n.
crease(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a a line in paper etc. caused by folding. b a
fold or wrinkle. 2 Cricket a line marking the position of the
bowler or batsman (see POPPING-CREASE, bowling-crease). 3 an
area near the goal in ice hockey or lacrosse into which the puck
or the ball must precede the players. --v. 1 tr. make creases
in (material). 2 intr. become creased (linen creases badly). 3
tr. & intr. sl. (often foll. by up) make or become incapable
through laughter. 4 tr. esp. US sl. a tire out. b stun or
kill. [earlier creast = CREST ridge in material]
crease(2) var. of KRIS.
create v. 1 tr. a (of natural or historical forces) bring into
existence; cause (poverty creates resentment). b (of a person
or persons) make or cause (create a diversion; create a good
impression). 2 tr. originate (an actor creates a part). 3 tr.
invest (a person) with a rank (created him a lord). 4 intr.
sl. Brit. make a fuss; grumble. ЬЬcreatable adj. [ME f. L
creatine n. a product of protein metabolism found in the muscles of
vertebrates. [Gk kreas meat + -INE(4)]
creation n. 1 a the act of creating. b an instance of this. 2 a (usu.
the Creation) the creating of the universe regarded as an act of
God. b (usu. Creation) everything so created; the universe. 3
a product of human intelligence, esp. of imaginative thought or
artistic ability. 4 a the act of investing with a title or
rank. b an instance of this. [ME f. OF f. L creatio -onis (as
n. Theol. a theory attributing all matter, biological species,
etc., to separate acts of creation, rather than to evolution.
ЬЬcreationist n.
creative adj. 1 inventive and imaginative. 2 creating or able to
create. ЬЬcreatively adv. creativeness n. creativity n.
creator n. 1 a person who creates. 2 (as the Creator) God. [ME f. OF
creat(o)ur f. L creator -oris (as CREATE)]
creature n. 1 a an animal, as distinct from a human being. b any living
being (we are all God's creatures). 2 a person of a specified
kind (poor creature). 3 a person owing status to and
obsequiously subservient to another. 4 anything created; a
creation. Ьcreature comforts material comforts such as good
food, warmth, etc. creature of habit a person set in an
unvarying routine. ЬЬcreaturely adj. [ME f. OF f. LL creatura
(as CREATE)]
crЉche n. 1 a day nursery for babies and young children. 2 US a
representation of a Nativity scene. [F (as CRATCH)]
credal see CREED.
credence n. 1 belief. 2 (in full credence table) a small side-table,
shelf, or niche which holds the elements of the Eucharist before
they are consecrated. Ьgive credence to believe. letter of
credence a letter of introduction, esp. of an ambassador. [ME
f. OF f. med.L credentia f. credere believe]
n. (usu. in pl.) 1 evidence of a person's achievements or
trustworthiness, usu. in the form of certificates, references,
etc. 2 a letter or letters of introduction. [med.L
credentialis (as CREDENCE)]
credenza n. a sideboard or cupboard. [It. f. med.L (as CREDENCE)]
n. 1 the condition of being credible or believable. 2
reputation, status. Ьcredibility gap an apparent difference
between what is said and what is true.
credible adj. 1 (of a person or statement) believable or worthy of
belief. 2 (of a threat etc.) convincing. ЬЬcredibly adv. [ME
f. L credibilis f. credere believe]
credit n. & v. --n. 1 (usu. of a person) a source of honour, pride,
etc. (is a credit to the school). 2 the acknowledgement of
merit (must give him credit for consistency). 3 a good
reputation (his credit stands high). 4 a belief or trust (I
place credit in that). b something believable or trustworthy
(that statement has credit). 5 a a person's financial standing;
the sum of money at a person's disposal in a bank etc. b the
power to obtain goods etc. before payment (based on the trust
that payment will be made). 6 (usu. in pl.) an acknowledgement
of a contributor's services to a film, television programme,
etc. 7 a grade above a pass in an examination. 8 a reputation
for solvency and honesty in business. 9 a (in bookkeeping) the
acknowledgement of being paid by an entry on the credit side of
an account. b the sum entered. c the credit side of an
account. 10 US a certificate indicating that a student has
completed a course. (credited, crediting) 1 believe
(cannot credit it). 2 (usu. foll. by to, with) enter on the
credit side of an account (credited њ20 to him; credited him
with њ20). Ьcredit account Brit. an account with a shop etc.
for obtaining goods or services before payment. credit card a
card from a bank etc. authorizing the obtaining of goods on
credit. credit note a note given by a shop etc. in return for
goods returned, stating the value of goods owed to the customer.
credit rating an estimate of a person's suitability to receive
commercial credit. credit sale the sale of goods on credit.
credit title a person's name appearing at the beginning or end
of a film or broadcast etc. as an acknowledgement. credit
transfer a transfer from one person's bank account to another's.
credit a person with ascribe (a good quality) to a person. do
credit to (or do a person credit) enhance the reputation of.
get credit for be given credit for. give a person credit for 1
enter (a sum) to a person's credit. 2 ascribe (a good quality)
to a person. give credit to believe. letter of credit a letter
from a banker authorizing a person to draw money up to a
specified amount, usu. from another bank. on credit with an
arrangement to pay later. to one's credit in one's praise,
commendation, or defence (to his credit, he refused the offer).
[F cr‚dit f. It. credito or L creditum f. credere credit-
believe, trust]
adj. (often foll. by to) bringing credit or honour.
ЬЬcreditability n. creditably adv.
creditor n. 1 a person to whom a debt is owing. 2 a person or company
that gives credit for money or goods (cf. DEBTOR). [ME f. AF
creditour (OF -eur) f. L creditor -oris (as CREDIT)]
adj. considered suitable to receive commercial credit.
ЬЬcreditworthiness n.
credo n. (pl. -os) 1 (Credo) a statement of belief; a creed, esp.
the Apostles' or Nicene creed beginning in Latin with credo. 2
a musical setting of the Nicene Creed. [ME f. L, = I believe]
credulous adj. 1 too ready to believe; gullible. 2 (of behaviour)
showing such gullibility. ЬЬcredulity n. credulously adv.
credulousness n. [L credulus f. credere believe]
Cree n. & adj. --n. (pl. same or Crees) 1 a an American Indian
people of Central America. b a member of this people. 2 the
language of this people. --adj. of or relating to the Crees or
their language. [Canadian F Cris (earlier Cristinaux) f.
creed n. 1 a set of principles or opinions, esp. as a philosophy of
life (his creed is moderation in everything). 2 a (often the
Creed) = Apostles' Creed (see APOSTLE). b a brief formal
summary of Christian doctrine (cf. NICENE CREED, Athanasian
Creed). c the Creed as part of the Mass. ЬЬcredal adj.
creedal adj. [OE creda f. L CREDO]
creek n. 1 Brit. a a small bay or harbour on a sea-coast. b a
narrow inlet on a sea-coast or in a river-bank. 2 esp. US a
tributary of a river; a stream. 3 Austral. & NZ a stream or
brook. Ьup the creek sl. 1 in difficulties or trouble. 2
crazy. [ME crike f. ON kriki nook (or partly f. OF crique f.
ON), & ME creke f. MDu. kreke (or f. crike by lengthening):
ult. orig. unkn.]
creel n. 1 a large wicker basket for fish. 2 an angler's
fishing-basket. [ME, orig. Sc.: ult. orig. unkn.]
creep v. & n. --v.intr. (past and past part. crept) 1 move with the
body prone and close to the ground; crawl. 2 (often foll. by
in, out, up, etc.) come, go, or move slowly and stealthily or
timidly (crept out without being seen). 3 enter slowly (into a
person's affections, life, awareness, etc.) (a feeling crept
over her; crept into her heart). 4 colloq. act abjectly or
obsequiously in the hope of advancement. 5 (of a plant) grow
along the ground or up a wall by means of tendrils etc. 6 (as
creeping adj.) developing slowly and steadily (creeping
inflation). 7 (of the flesh) feel as if insects etc. were
creeping over it, as a result of fear, horror, etc. 8 (of
metals etc.) undergo creep. --n. 1 a the act of creeping. b
an instance of this. 2 (in pl.; prec. by the) colloq. a nervous
feeling of revulsion or fear (gives me the creeps). 3 sl. an
unpleasant person. 4 the gradual downward movement of
disintegrated rock due to gravitational forces etc. 5 (of
metals etc.) a gradual change of shape under stress. 6 a low
arch under a railway embankment, road, etc. Ьcreeping barrage a
barrage moving ahead of advancing troops. creeping Jenny any of
various creeping plants, esp. moneywort. creeping Jesus sl. an
abject or hypocritical person. creep up on approach (a person)
stealthily or unnoticed. [OE creopan f. Gmc]
creeper n. 1 Bot. any climbing or creeping plant. 2 any bird that
climbs, esp. a treecreeper. 3 sl. a soft-soled shoe.
creepy adj. (creepier, creepiest) 1 colloq. having or producing a
creeping of the flesh (I feel creepy; a creepy film). 2 given
to creeping. ЬЬcreepily adv. creepiness n. [CREEP]
n. & adj. Brit. colloq. --n. (pl. -ies) an insect, worm,
etc. --adj. creeping and crawling.
creese var. of KRIS.
cremate consume (a corpse etc.) by fire. ЬЬcremation n.
cremator n. [L cremare burn]
n. (pl. crematoria or crematoriums) a place for cremating
corpses in a furnace. [mod.L (as CREMATE, -ORY)]
crematory adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to cremation. --n. (pl.
crЉme n. 1 = CREAM n. 6a. 2 a name for various creamy liqueurs
(crЉme de cassis). Ь crЉme br–l‚e a pudding of cream or custard
topped with caramelized sugar. crЉme caramel a custard coated
with caramel. crЉme de la crЉme the best part; the ‚lite.
crЉme de menthe a peppermint-flavoured liqueur. [F, = cream]
crenate adj. Bot. & Zool. having a notched edge or rounded teeth.
ЬЬcrenated adj. crenation n. crenature n. [mod.L crenatus f.
pop.L crena notch]
crenel n. (also crenelle) an indentation or gap in the parapet of a
tower, castle, etc., orig. for shooting through etc. [ME f. OF
crenel, ult. f. pop.L crena notch]
crenellate provide (a tower etc.) with battlements or loopholes.
ЬЬcrenellation n. [F cr‚neler (as CRENEL)]
Creole n. & adj. --n. 1 a a descendant of European (esp. Spanish)
settlers in the W. Indies or Central or S. America. b a White
descendant of French settlers in the southern US. c a person of
mixed European and Black descent. 2 a language formed from the
contact of a European language (esp. English, French, or
Portuguese) with another (esp. African) language. --adj. 1 of
or relating to a Creole or Creoles. 2 (usu. creole) of Creole
origin or production (creole cooking). [F cr‚ole, criole f. Sp.
criollo, prob. f. Port. crioulo home-born slave f. criar breed
f. L creare CREATE]
creolize (also -ise) form a Creole from (another language).
ЬЬcreolization n.
creosote n. & v. --n. 1 (in full creosote oil) a dark-brown oil
distilled from coal tar, used as a wood-preservative. 2 a
colourless oily fluid distilled from wood tar, used as an
antiseptic. treat with creosote. [G Kreosote f. Gk
kreas flesh + soter preserver, with ref. to its antiseptic
cr€pe n. 1 a fine often gauzelike fabric with a wrinkled surface. 2
a thin pancake, usu. with a savoury or sweet filling. 3 (also
cr€pe rubber) a very hard-wearing wrinkled sheet rubber used for
the soles of shoes etc. Ьcr€pe de Chine a fine silk cr€pe.
cr€pe paper thin crinkled paper. cr€pe Suzette a small dessert
pancake flamed in alcohol at the table. ЬЬcr€pey adj. cr€py
adj. [F f. OF crespe curled f. L crispus]
crepitate v.intr. 1 make a crackling sound. 2 Zool. (of a beetle) eject
pungent fluid with a sharp report. ЬЬcrepitant adj. [L
crepitare frequent. of crepare creak]
n. 1 Med. = CREPITUS. 2 the action or sound of crackling or
crepitus n. Med. 1 a grating noise from the ends of a fractured bone
rubbing together. 2 a similar sound heard from the chest in
pneumonia etc. [L f. crepare rattle]
crept past and past part. of CREEP.
adj. 1 a of twilight. b dim. 2 Zool. appearing or active in
twilight. [L crepusculum twilight]
Cres. abbr. Crescent.
cresc. abbr. (also cres.) Mus. = CRESCENDO.
crescendo n., adv., adj., & v. --n. (pl. -os) 1 Mus. a passage
gradually increasing in loudness. 2 a progress towards a climax
(a crescendo of emotions). b disp. a climax (reached a
crescendo then died away). --adv. & adj. with a gradual
increase in loudness. --v.intr. (-oes, -oed) increase
gradually in loudness or intensity. [It., part. of crescere
grow (as CRESCENT)]
crescent n. & adj. --n. 1 the curved sickle shape of the waxing or
waning moon. 2 anything of this shape, esp. Brit. a street
forming an arc. 3 a the crescent-shaped emblem of Islam or
Turkey. b (the Crescent) the world or power of Islam. --adj.
1 poet. increasing. 2 crescent-shaped. ЬЬcrescentic adj. [ME
f. AF cressaunt, OF creissant, f. L crescere grow]
cresol n. any of three isomeric phenols present in creosote and used
as disinfectants. ЬЬcresyl adj. [CREOSOTE + -OL(2)]
cress n. any of various cruciferous plants usu. with pungent edible
leaves, e.g. watercress. [OE cresse f. WG]
cresset n. hist. a metal container for oil, coal, etc., lighted and
usu. mounted on a pole for illumination. [ME f. OF cresset,
craisset, f. craisse = graisse GREASE]
crest n. & v. --n. 1 a a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, etc. on a
bird's or animal's head. b something resembling this, esp. a
plume of feathers on a helmet. c a helmet; the top of a helmet.
2 the top of something, esp. of a mountain, wave, roof, etc. 3
Heraldry a a device above the shield and helmet of a coat of
arms. b such a device reproduced on writing paper or on a seal,
signifying a family. 4 a a line along the top of the neck of
some animals. b the hair growing from this; a mane. 5 Anat. a
ridge along the surface of a bone. --v. 1 tr. reach the crest
of (a hill, wave, etc.). 2 tr. a provide with a crest. b
serve as a crest to. 3 intr. (of a wave) form into a crest.
Ьon the crest of a wave at the most favourable moment in one's
progress. ЬЬcrested adj. (also in comb.). crestless adj. [ME
f. OF creste f. L crista tuft]
adj. 1 dejected, dispirited. 2 with a fallen or drooping
adj. & n. --adj. 1 of the nature of chalk. 2 (Cretaceous)
Geol. of or relating to the last period of the Mesozoic era,
with evidence of the first flowering plants, the extinction of
dinosaurs, and extensive deposits of chalk. °Cf. Appendix II.
--n. Geol. this era or system. [L cretaceus f. creta chalk]
Cretan n. & adj. --n. a native of Crete, an island SE of the Greek
mainland. --adj. of or relating to Crete or the Cretans. [L
Cretanus f. Creta f. Gk Krete Crete]
cretic n. Prosody a foot containing one short or unstressed syllable
between two long or stressed ones. [L Creticus f. Gk Kretikos
(as CRETAN)]
cretin n. 1 a person who is deformed and mentally retarded as the
result of a thyroid deficiency. 2 colloq. a stupid person.
ЬЬcretinism n. cretinize (also -ise). cretinous adj.
[F cr‚tin f. Swiss F. creitin, crestin f. L Christianus
cretonne n. (often attrib.) a heavy cotton fabric with a usu. floral
pattern printed on one or both sides, used for upholstery. [F
f. Creton in Normandy]
crevasse n. 1 a deep open crack, esp. in a glacier. 2 US a breach in a
river levee. [F f. OF crevace: see CREVICE]
crevice n. a narrow opening or fissure, esp. in a rock or building etc.
[ME f. OF crevace f. crever burst f. L crepare]
crew(1) n. & v. --n. (often treated as pl.) 1 a a body of people
manning a ship, aircraft, train, etc. b such a body as
distinguished from the captain or officers. c a body of people
working together; a team. 2 colloq. a company of people; a gang
(a motley crew). --v. 1 tr. supply or act as a crew or member
of a crew for. 2 intr. act as a crew or member of a crew.
Ьcrew cut an orig. man's haircut which is short all over the
head. crew neck a close-fitting round neckline, esp. on a
sweater. [ME f. OF creЃe increase, fem. past part. of croistre
grow f. L crescere]
crew(2) past of CROW(2).
crewel n. a thin worsted yarn used for tapestry and embroidery.
Ьcrewel-work a design worked in crewel on linen or cloth. [ME
crule etc., of unkn. orig.]
crewman n. (pl. -men) a member of a crew.
crib n. & v. --n. 1 a a child's bed with barred or latticed sides;
a cot. b a model of the Nativity of Christ, with a manger as a
bed. 2 a barred container or rack for animal fodder. 3 colloq.
a a translation of a text for the (esp. surreptitious) use of
students. b plagiarized work etc. 4 a small house or cottage.
5 a framework lining the shaft of a mine. 6 colloq. a
cribbage. b a set of cards given to the dealer at cribbage by
all the players. 7 heavy crossed timbers used in foundations in
loose soil etc. 8 sl. a brothel. 9 Austral. & NZ a light meal;
food. (also absol.) (cribbed, cribbing) 1 colloq. copy
(another person's work) unfairly or without acknowledgement. 2
confine in a small space. 3 colloq. pilfer, steal. 4 colloq.
grumble. Ьcrib-biting a horse's habit of biting the manger
while noisily breathing in and swallowing. ЬЬcribber n. [OE
cribbage n. a card game for two, three, or four players, in which the
dealer may score from the cards in the crib (see CRIB 6b).
Ьcribbage-board a board with pegs and holes used for scoring at
cribbage. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
cribo n. (pl. -os) a large harmless snake, Drymarchon corais, of
tropical America. Also called gopher snake (see GOPHER(1)).
[19th c.: orig. unkn.]
adj. Anat. & Bot. having numerous small holes. [L cribrum
sieve + -FORM]
cribwork n. = CRIB n. 7.
crick n. & v. --n. a sudden painful stiffness in the neck or the back
etc. produce a crick in (the neck etc.). [ME: orig.
n. & v. --n. a game played on a grass pitch with two teams of
11 players taking turns to bowl at a wicket defended by a
batting player of the other team. --v.intr. (cricketed,
cricketing) play cricket. Ьcricket-bag a long bag used for
carrying a cricketer's bat etc. not cricket Brit. colloq.
underhand or unfair behaviour. ЬЬcricketer n. [16th c.: orig.
n. any of various grasshopper-like insects of the order
Orthoptera, the males of which produce a characteristic chirping
sound. [ME f. OF criquet f. criquer creak etc. (imit.)]
cricoid adj. & n. --adj. ring-shaped. --n. (in full cricoid cartilage)
Anat. the ring-shaped cartilage of the larynx. [mod.L cricoides
f. Gk krikoeides f. krikos ring]
cri de coeur
n. (pl. cris de coeur pronunc. same) a passionate appeal,
complaint, or protest. [F, = cry from the heart]
cried past and past part. of CRY.
crier n. (also cryer) 1 a person who cries. 2 an officer who makes
public announcements in a court of justice. Ьtown (or common)
crier hist. an officer employed by a town council etc. to make
public announcements in the streets or market-place. [ME f. AF
criour, OF criere f. crier CRY]
crikey int. sl. an expression of astonishment. [euphem. for CHRIST]
crim n. & adj. Austral. sl. = CRIMINAL. [abbr.]
crime n. & v. --n. 1 a an offence punishable by law. b illegal acts
as a whole (resorted to crime). 2 an evil act (a crime against
humanity). 3 colloq. a shameful act (a crime to tease them). 4
a soldier's offence against military regulations. Mil.
etc. charge with or convict of an offence. Ьcrime-sheet Mil. a
record of a defendant's offences. crime wave a sudden increase
in crime. crime-writer a writer of detective fiction or
thrillers. [ME f. OF f. L crimen -minis judgement, offence]
crime passionnel
n. (pl. crimes passionnels pronunc. same) a crime, esp.
murder, committed in a fit of sexual jealousy. [F, = crime of
criminal n. & adj. --n. a person who has committed a crime or crimes.
--adj. 1 of, involving, or concerning crime (criminal records).
2 having committed (and usu. been convicted of) a crime. 3 Law
relating to or expert in criminal law rather than civil or
political matters (criminal code; criminal lawyer). 4 colloq.
scandalous, deplorable. Ьcriminal law law concerned with
punishment of offenders (opp. civil law). criminal libel see
LIBEL. ЬЬcriminality n. criminally adv. [ME f. LL criminalis
(as CRIME)]
adj. relating to criminals or their habits.
criminalistics esp. US forensic science.
n. the scientific study of crime. ЬЬcriminological adj.
criminologist n. [L crimen -minis CRIME + -OLOGY]
crimp v. & n. 1 compress into small folds or ridges; frill.
2 make narrow wrinkles or flutings in; corrugate. 3 make waves
in (the hair) with a hot iron. --n. a crimped thing or form.
Ьput a crimp in US sl. thwart; interfere with. ЬЬcrimper n.
crimpy adj. crimpily adv. crimpiness n. [ME, prob. ult. f.
OHG krimphan]
Crimplene n. propr. a synthetic crease-resistant fibre and fabric.
crimson adj., n., & v. --adj. of a rich deep red inclining to purple.
--n. this colour. & intr. make or become crimson. [ME
cremesin, crimesin, ult. f. Arab. kirmizi KERMES]
cringe v. & n. --v.intr. 1 shrink back in fear or apprehension;
cower. 2 (often foll. by to) behave obsequiously. --n. the act
or an instance of cringing. ЬЬcringer n. [ME crenge, crenche,
OE cringan, crincan: see CRANK(1)]
cringle n. Naut. an eye of rope containing a thimble for another rope
to pass through. [LG kringel dimin. of kring ring f. root of
crinkle n. & v. --n. a wrinkle or crease in paper, cloth, etc. --v. 1
intr. form crinkles. 2 tr. form crinkles in. Ьcrinkle-cut (of
vegetables) cut with wavy edges. ЬЬcrinkly adj. [ME f. OE
crincan: see CRANK(1)]
crinoid n. & adj. --n. any echinoderm of the class Crinoidea, usu.
sedentary with feathery arms, e.g. sea lilies and feather stars.
--adj. lily-shaped. ЬЬcrinoidal adj. [Gk krinoeides f. krinon
crinoline n. 1 a stiffened or hooped petticoat formerly worn to make a
long skirt stand out. 2 a stiff fabric of horsehair etc. used
for linings, hats, etc. [F f. L crinis hair + linum thread]
cripple n. & v. --n. a person who is permanently lame. 1 make
a cripple of; lame. 2 disable, impair. 3 weaken or damage (an
institution, enterprise, etc.) seriously (crippled by the loss
of funding). ЬЬcrippledom n. cripplehood n. crippler n. [OE
crypel, rel. to CREEP]
cris var. of KRIS.
crisis n. (pl. crises) 1 a a decisive moment. b a time of danger or
great difficulty. 2 the turning-point, esp. of a disease. [L
f. Gk krisis decision f. krino decide]
crisp adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 hard but brittle. 2 a (of air)
bracing. b (of a style or manner) lively, brisk and decisive.
c (of features etc.) neat and clear-cut. d (of paper) stiff and
crackling. e (of hair) closely curling. --n. 1 (in full
potato crisp) Brit. a thin fried slice of potato sold in packets
etc. and eaten as a snack or appetizer. 2 a thing overdone in
roasting etc. (burnt to a crisp). & intr. 1 make or
become crisp. 2 curl in short stiff folds or waves. ЬЬcrisply
adv. crispness n. [OE f. L crispus curled]
crispate adj. 1 crisped. 2 Bot. & Zool. having a wavy margin. [L
crispare curl]
n. 1 a thin crisp biscuit of crushed rye etc. 2 these
collectively (a packet of crispbread).
crisper n. a compartment in a refrigerator for storing fruit and
n., adj., adv., & v. --n. 1 a pattern of crossing lines. 2
the crossing of lines or currents etc. --adj. crossing; in
cross lines (criss-cross marking). --adv. crosswise; at cross
purposes. --v. 1 intr. a intersect repeatedly. b move
crosswise. 2 tr. mark or make with a criss-cross pattern.
[15th c., f. Christ's cross: later treated as redupl. of CROSS]
crista n. (pl. cristae) 1 Anat. & Zool. a ridge or crest. 2 Anat. an
infold of the inner membrane of a mitochondrion. ЬЬcristate
adj. [L]
n. Mineral. a principal form of silica, occurring as opal. [G
Cristobalit f. Cerro San Cristўbal in Mexico]
criterion n. (pl. criteria) a principle or standard that a thing is
judged by. ЬЬcriterial adj. [Gk kriterion means of judging
(cf. CRITIC)]
critic n. 1 a person who censures. 2 a person who reviews or judges
the merits of literary, artistic, or musical works etc., esp.
regularly or professionally. 3 a person engaged in textual
criticism. [L criticus f. Gk kritikos f. krites judge f.
krino judge, decide]
critical adj. 1 a making or involving adverse or censorious comments or
judgements. b expressing or involving criticism. 2 skilful at
or engaged in criticism. 3 providing textual criticism (a
critical edition of Milton). 4 a of or at a crisis; involving
risk or suspense (in a critical condition; a critical
operation). b decisive, crucial (of critical importance; at the
critical moment). 5 a Math. & Physics marking transition from
one state etc. to another (critical angle). b Physics (of a
nuclear reactor) maintaining a self-sustaining chain reaction.
Ьcritical apparatus = APPARATUS 4. critical mass Physics the
amount of fissile material needed to maintain a nuclear chain
reaction. critical path the sequence of stages determining the
minimum time needed for an operation. critical temperature
Chem. the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied.
ЬЬcriticality n. (in sense 5). critically adv. criticalness n.
[L criticus: see CRITIC]
n. a minor or inferior critic.
criticism n. 1 a finding fault; censure. b a statement or remark
expressing this. 2 a the work of a critic. b an article,
essay, etc., expressing or containing an analytical evaluation
of something. Ьthe higher criticism criticism dealing with the
origin and character etc. of texts, esp. of Biblical writings.
the lower criticism textual criticism of the Bible. [CRITIC or
L criticus + -ISM]
critique n. & v. --n. a critical essay or analysis; an instance or the
process of formal criticism. (critiques, critiqued,
critiquing) discuss critically. [F f. Gk kritike tekhne
critical art]
critter n. 1 dial. or joc. a creature. 2 derog. a person. [var. of
croak n. & v. --n. 1 a deep hoarse sound as of a frog or a raven. 2
a sound resembling this. --v. 1 a intr. utter a croak. b tr.
utter with a croak or in a dismal manner. 2 sl. a intr. die.
b tr. kill. [ME: imit.]
croaker n. 1 an animal that croaks. 2 a prophet of evil.
croaky adj. (croakier, croakiest) (of a voice) croaking; hoarse.
ЬЬcroakily adv. croakiness n.
Croat n. & adj. --n. 1 a a native of Croatia in Yugoslavia. b a
person of Croatian descent. 2 the Slavonic dialect of the
Croats (cf. SERBO-CROAT). --adj. of or relating to the Croats
or their dialect. [mod.L Croatae f. Serbo-Croatian Hrvat]
Croatian n. & adj. = CROAT.
croc n. colloq. a crocodile. [abbr.]
croceate adj. saffron-coloured. [L croceus f. CROCUS]
crochet n. & v. --n. 1 a handicraft in which yarn is made up into a
patterned fabric by means of a hooked needle. 2 work made in
this way. --v. (crocheted; crocheting) 1 tr. make by
crocheting. 2 intr. do crochet. ЬЬcrocheter n. [F, dimin. of
croc hook]
n. a fibrous blue or green silicate of iron and sodium; blue
asbestos. [Gk krokis -idos nap of cloth]
crock(1) n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 an inefficient, broken-down, or
worn-out person. 2 a worn-out vehicle, ship, etc. --v. 1
intr. (foll. by up) break down, collapse. 2 tr. (often foll. by
up) disable, cause to collapse. [orig. Sc., perh. f. Flem.]
crock(2) n. 1 an earthenware pot or jar. 2 a broken piece of
earthenware. [OE croc(ca)]
crockery n. earthenware or china dishes, plates, etc. [obs. crocker
potter: see CROCK(2)]
crocket n. Archit. a small carved ornament (usu. a bud or curled leaf)
on the inclined side of a pinnacle etc. [ME f. var. of OF
crochet: see CROCHET]
crocodile n. 1 a any large tropical amphibious reptile of the order
Crocodilia, with thick scaly skin, long tail, and long jaws. b
leather from its skin, used to make bags, shoes, etc. 2 Brit.
colloq. a line of schoolchildren etc. walking in pairs.
Ьcrocodile clip a clip with teeth for gripping. crocodile tears
insincere grief (from the belief that crocodiles wept while
devouring or alluring their prey). ЬЬcrocodilian adj. [ME f.
OF cocodrille f. med.L cocodrillus f. L crocodilus f. Gk
krokodilos f. kroke pebble + drilos worm]
crocus n. (pl. crocuses) any dwarf plant of the genus Crocus, growing
from a corm and having brilliant usu. yellow or purple flowers.
[ME, = saffron, f. L f. Gk krokos crocus, of Semitic orig.]
Croesus n. a person of great wealth. [name of a king of Lydia (6th c.
croft n. & v. Brit. --n. 1 an enclosed piece of (usu. arable) land.
2 a small rented farm in Scotland or N. England. --v.intr. farm
a croft; live as a crofter. [OE: orig. unkn.]
crofter n. Brit. a person who rents a smallholding, esp. a joint
tenant of a divided farm in parts of Scotland.
croissant n. a crescent-shaped roll made of rich yeast pastry. [F,
formed as CRESCENT]
adj. Anthropol. of a tall broad-faced European race of late
palaeolithic times. [name of a hill in the Dordogne, France,
where remains were found in 1868]
cromlech n. 1 a dolmen; a megalithic tomb. 2 a circle of upright
prehistoric stones. [Welsh f. crom fem. of crwm bent + llech
flat stone]
crone n. 1 a withered old woman. 2 an old ewe. [ME, ult. f. ONF
carogne CARRION]
cronk adj. Austral. colloq. 1 unsound; liable to collapse. 2 a
fraudulent. b (of a horse) dishonestly run, unfit. [19th c.:
cf. CRANK(3)]
crony n. (pl. -ies) a close friend or companion. [17th-c. chrony,
university sl. f. Gk khronios long-standing f. khronos time]
crook n., v., & adj. --n. 1 the hooked staff of a shepherd or
bishop. 2 a a bend, curve, or hook. b anything hooked or
curved. 3 colloq. a a rogue; a swindler. b a professional
criminal. & intr. bend, curve. --adj. 1 crooked. 2
Austral. & NZ colloq. a unsatisfactory, out of order; (of a
person) unwell, injured. b unpleasant. c dishonest,
unscrupulous. d bad-tempered, irritable, angry. Ьcrook-back a
hunchback. crook-backed hunchbacked. go crook (usu. foll. by
at, on) Austral. & NZ colloq. lose one's temper; become angry.
ЬЬcrookery n. [ME f. ON krўkr hook]
crooked adj. (crookeder, crookedest) 1 a not straight or level; bent,
curved, twisted. b deformed, bent with age. 2 colloq. not
straightforward; dishonest. 3 Austral. & NZ sl. = CROOK adj.
2. 4 (foll. by on) Austral. sl. hostile to. ЬЬcrookedly adv.
crookedness n. [ME f. CROOK, prob. after ON krўkўttr]
croon v. & n. & intr. hum or sing in a low subdued voice,
esp. in a sentimental manner. --n. such singing. ЬЬcrooner n.
[ME (orig. Sc. & N.Engl.) f. MDu. & MLG kronen groan, lament]
crop n. & v. --n. 1 a the produce of cultivated plants, esp.
cereals. b the season's total yield of this (a good crop). 2 a
group or an amount produced or appearing at one time (this
year's crop of students). 3 (in full hunting crop) the stock or
handle of a whip. 4 a a style of hair cut very short. b the
cropping of hair. 5 Zool. a the pouch in a bird's gullet where
food is prepared for digestion. b a similar organ in other
animals. 6 the entire tanned hide of an animal. 7 a piece cut
off or out of something. --v. (cropped, cropping) 1 tr. a cut
off. b (of animals) bite off (the tops of plants). 2 tr. cut
(hair, cloth, edges of a book, etc.) short. 3 tr. gather or
reap (produce). 4 tr. (foll. by with) sow or plant (land) with
a crop. 5 intr. (of land) bear a crop. Ьcrop-dusting the
sprinkling of powdered insecticide or fertilizer on crops, esp.
from the air. crop-eared having the ears (esp. of animals) or
hair cut short. crop-full having a full crop or stomach. crop
out Geol. appear at the surface. crop-over a W. Indian
celebration marking the end of the sugar-cane harvest. crop up
1 (of a subject, circumstance, etc.) appear or come to one's
notice unexpectedly. 2 Geol. appear at the surface. [OE
cropper n. a crop-producing plant of specified quality (a good cropper;
a heavy cropper). Ьcome a cropper sl. 1 fall heavily. 2 fail
croquet n. & v. --n. 1 a game played on a lawn, with wooden balls
which are driven through a series of hoops with mallets. 2 the
act of croqueting a ball. (croqueted; croqueting)
drive away (one's opponent's ball in croquet) by placing one's
own against it and striking one's own. [perh. dial. form of F
croquette n. a fried breaded roll or ball of mashed potato or minced meat
etc. [F f. croquer crunch]
crore n. Ind. 1 ten million. 2 one hundred lakhs (of rupees, units
of measurement, persons, etc.). [Hindi k(a)ror, ult. f. Skr.
koti apex]
crosier n. (also crozier) 1 a hooked staff carried by a bishop as a
symbol of pastoral office. 2 a crook. [orig. = bearer of a
crook, f. OF crocier & OF croisier f. crois CROSS]
cross n., v., & adj. --n. 1 an upright post with a transverse bar,
as used in antiquity for crucifixion. 2 a (the Cross) in
Christianity, the cross on which Christ was crucified. b a
representation of this as an emblem of Christianity. c = sign
of the cross. 3 a staff surmounted by a cross and borne before
an archbishop or in a religious procession. 4 a a thing or mark
shaped like a cross, esp. a figure made by two short
intersecting lines (+ or x). b a monument in the form of a
cross, esp. one in the centre of a town or on a tomb. 5 a
cross-shaped decoration indicating rank in some orders of
knighthood or awarded for personal valour. 6 a an intermixture
of animal breeds or plant varieties. b an animal or plant
resulting from this. 7 (foll. by between) a mixture or
compromise of two things. 8 a a crosswise movement, e.g. of an
actor on stage. b Football etc. a pass of the ball across the
direction of play. c Boxing a blow with a crosswise movement of
the fist. 9 a trial or affliction; something to be endured
(bear one's crosses). --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by over; also
absol.) go across or to the other side of (a road, river, sea,
etc.). 2 a intr. intersect or be across one another (the roads
cross near the bridge). b tr. cause to do this; place crosswise
(cross one's legs). 3 tr. a draw a line or lines across. b
Brit. mark (a cheque) with two parallel lines, and often an
annotation, to indicate that it must be paid into a named bank
account. 4 tr. (foll. by off, out, through) cancel or
obliterate or remove from a list with lines drawn across. 5 tr.
(often refl.) make the sign of the cross on or over. 6 intr. a
pass in opposite or different directions. b (of letters between
two correspondents) each be dispatched before receipt of the
other. c (of telephone lines) become wrongly interconnected so
that intrusive calls can be heard. 7 tr. a cause to
interbreed. b cross-fertilize (plants). 8 tr. thwart or
frustrate (crossed in love). 9 tr. sl. cheat. --adj. 1
(often foll. by with) peevish, angry. 2 (usu. attrib.)
transverse; reaching from side to side. 3 (usu. attrib.)
intersecting. 4 (usu. attrib.) contrary, opposed, reciprocal.
Ьas cross as two sticks extremely angry or peevish. at cross
purposes misunderstanding or conflicting with one another.
cross one's fingers (or keep one's fingers crossed) 1 put one
finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck. 2
trust in good luck. cross the floor join the opposing side in a
debating-assembly. cross one's heart make a solemn pledge, esp.
by crossing one's front. cross one's mind (of a thought etc.)
occur to one, esp. transiently. cross a person's palm (usu.
foll. by with) pay a person for a favour. cross the path of 1
meet with (a person). 2 thwart. cross swords (often foll. by
with) encounter in opposition; have an argument or dispute.
cross wires (or get one's wires crossed) 1 become wrongly
connected by telephone. 2 have a misunderstanding. on the
cross 1 diagonally. 2 sl. fraudulently, dishonestly. ЬЬcrossly
adv. crossness n. [OE cros f. ON kross f. OIr. cros f. L crux
cross- comb. form 1 denoting movement or position across something
(cross-channel; cross-country). 2 denoting interaction
(cross-breed; cross-cultural; cross-fertilize). 3 a passing
from side to side; transverse (crossbar; cross-current). b
having a transverse part (crossbow). 4 describing the form or
figure of a cross (cross-keys; crossroads).
crossbar n. a horizontal bar, esp. held on a pivot or between two
upright bars etc., e.g. of a bicycle or of a football goal.
n. Geol. lines of stratification crossing the main rock
strata. Also called false bedding.
n. Brit. a seat in Parliament (now only the House of Lords)
occupied by a member not taking the whip from a political party.
ЬЬcross-bencher n.
n. any stout finch of the genus Loxia, having a bill with
crossed mandibles for opening pine cones.
n. a representation of two crossed thigh-bones (see SKULL).
crossbow n. chiefly hist. a bow fixed across a wooden stock, with a
groove for an arrow and a mechanism for drawing and releasing
the string. ЬЬcrossbowman n. (pl. -men).
n. & v. --n. 1 a breed of animals or plants produced by
crossing. 2 an individual animal or plant of a cross-breed. (past and past part. -bred) produce by crossing.
v. & n. check by a second or alternative method, or by
several methods. --n. an instance of cross-checking.
adj. & adv. 1 across fields or open country. 2 not keeping to
main or direct roads.
cross-cut adj. & n. --adj. cut across the main grain or axis. --n. a
diagonal cut, path, etc. Ьcross-cut saw a saw for cutting
across the grain of wood.
n. Archaeol. dating by correlation with another site or level.
crosse n. a stick with a triangular net at the end for conveying the
ball in lacrosse. [F f. OF croce, croc hook]
cross-examine examine (esp. a witness in a lawcourt) to check or extend
testimony already given. ЬЬcross-examination n. cross-examiner
adj. (as a disorder) having one or both eyes turned permanently
inwards towards the nose.
v.intr. Radio etc. fade in one sound as another is faded out.
cross-fertilize (also -ise) 1 fertilize (an animal or plant) from one of
a different species. 2 help by the interchange of ideas etc.
ЬЬcross-fertilization n.
crossfire n. 1 firing in two crossing directions simultaneously. 2 a
attack or criticism from several sources at once. b a lively or
combative exchange of views etc.
n. a grain in timber, running across the regular grain.
adj. 1 (of timber) having a cross-grain. 2 perverse,
n. a fine wire at the focus of an optical instrument for use in
cross-hatch shade with intersecting sets of parallel lines.
n. 1 a bar between the piston-rod and connecting-rod in a steam
engine. 2 = CROSS-HEADING.
n. a heading to a paragraph printed across a column in the body
of an article in a newspaper etc.
crossing n. 1 a place where things (esp. roads) cross. 2 a place at
which one may cross a street etc. (pedestrian crossing). 3 a
journey across water (had a smooth crossing). 4 the
intersection of a church nave and transepts. 5 Biol. mating.
Ьcrossing over Biol. an exchange of genes between homologous
chromosomes (cf. RECOMBINATION).
adj. with one leg crossed over the other.
n. (also cross-linkage) Chem. a bond between chains of atoms
in a polymer etc.
crossmatch Med. test the compatibility of (a donor's and a
recipient's blood). ЬЬcrossmatching n.
crossover n. & adj. --n. a point or place of crossing from one side to
the other. --adj. having a crossover.
n. colloq. a bad-tempered person. [CROSS adj. 1 + obs.
patch fool, clown]
n. a transverse beam or other component of a structure etc.
cross-ply adj. (of a tyre) having fabric layers with cords lying
cross-pollinate pollinate (a plant) from another. ЬЬcross-pollination n.
cross-question = CROSS-EXAMINE.
v.intr. (-referred, -referring) refer from one part of a book,
article, etc., to another.
n. & v. --n. a reference from one part of a book, article,
etc., to another. provide with cross-references.
crossroad n. 1 (usu. in pl.) an intersection of two or more roads. 2 US
a road that crosses a main road or joins two main roads. Ьat
the crossroads at a critical point in one's life.
n. & v. Bridge etc. --n. the alternate trumping of partners'
leads. --v.intr. play in this way.
n. 1 a a cutting of a solid at right angles to an axis. b a
plane surface produced in this way. c a representation of this.
2 a representative sample, esp. of people. 3 Physics a quantity
expressing the probability of interaction between particles.
ЬЬcross-sectional adj.
n. 1 a stitch formed of two stitches crossing each other. 2
needlework done using this stitch.
crosstalk n. 1 unwanted transfer of signals between communication
channels. 2 Brit. witty talk; repartee.
cross-trees Naut. a pair of horizontal timbers at the top of a lower
mast, supporting the topmast.
n. voting for a party not one's own, or for more than one
crosswalk n. US a pedestrian crossing.
crossways adv. = CROSSWISE.
crosswind n. a wind blowing across one's direction of travel.
crosswise adj. & adv. 1 in the form of a cross; intersecting. 2
transverse or transversely.
crossword n. (also crossword puzzle) a puzzle of a grid of squares and
blanks into which words crossing vertically and horizontally
have to be filled from clues.
crotch n. a place where something forks, esp. the legs of the human
body or a garment (cf. CRUTCH). [perh. = ME & OF croc(he)
hook, formed as CROOK]
crotchet n. 1 Mus. a note having the time value of a quarter of a
semibreve and usu. representing one beat, drawn as a large dot
with a stem. Also called quarter note. 2 a whimsical fancy. 3
a hook. [ME f. OF crochet dimin. of croc hook (see CROTCH)]
crotchety adj. peevish, irritable. ЬЬcrotchetiness n. [CROTCHET +
croton n. 1 any small tree or shrub of the genus Croton, producing a
capsule-like fruit. 2 any small tree or shrub of the genus
Codiaeum, esp. C. variegatum, with coloured ornamental leaves.
Ьcroton oil a powerful purgative obtained from the fruit of
Croton tiglium. [mod.L f. Gk kroton sheep-tick, croton (from
the shape of its seeds)]
crouch v. & n. --v.intr. lower the body with the limbs close to the
chest, esp. for concealment, or (of an animal) before pouncing;
be in this position. --n. an act of crouching; a crouching
position. [ME, perh. f. OF crochir be bent f. croc hook: cf.
croup(1) n. an inflammation of the larynx and trachea in children, with
a hard cough and difficulty in breathing. ЬЬcroupy adj. [croup
to croak (imit.)]
croup(2) n. the rump or hindquarters esp. of a horse. [ME f. OF croupe,
rel. to CROP]
croupier n. 1 the person in charge of a gaming-table, raking in and
paying out money etc. 2 the assistant chairperson at a public
dinner, seated at the foot of the table. [F, orig. = rider on
the croup: see CROUP(2)]
cro–ton n. a small piece of fried or toasted bread served with soup or
used as a garnish. [F f. cro–te CRUST]
crow(1) n. 1 any large black bird of the genus Corvus, having a
powerful black beak. 2 any similar bird of the family Corvidae,
e.g. the raven, rook, and jackdaw. 3 sl. derog. a woman, esp.
an old or ugly one. Ьas the crow flies in a straight line.
crow-bill forceps for extracting bullets etc. crow's-foot (pl.
-feet) 1 (usu. in pl.) a wrinkle at the outer corner of a
person's eye. 2 Mil. a caltrop. crow's-nest a barrel or
platform fixed at the masthead of a sailing vessel as a shelter
for a lookout man. crow steps corbie-steps. crow-toe archaic
or dial. any of various flowers, esp. the bluebell or
buttercup. eat crow US submit to humiliation. [OE crawe ult.
f. WG]
crow(2) v. & n. --v.intr. 1 (past crowed or crew) (of a cock) utter
its characteristic loud cry. 2 (of a baby) utter happy cries.
3 (usu. foll. by over) express unrestrained gleeful
satisfaction. --n. 1 the cry of a cock. 2 a happy cry of a
baby. [OE crawan, of imit. orig.]
crowbar n. an iron bar with a flattened end, used as a lever.
crowberry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a a heathlike evergreen shrub Empetrum nigrum,
bearing black berries. b the flavourless edible berry of this
plant. 2 US a cranberry.
crowd n. & v. --n. 1 a large number of people gathered together,
usu. without orderly arrangement. 2 a mass of spectators; an
audience. 3 colloq. a particular company or set of people (met
the crowd from the sales department). 4 (prec. by the) the mass
or multitude of people (go along with the crowd). 5 a large
number (of things). 6 actors representing a crowd. --v. 1 a
intr. come together in a crowd. b tr. cause to do this. c
intr. force one's way. 2 tr. a (foll. by into) force or
compress into a confined space. b (often foll. by with; usu. in
passive) fill or make abundant with (was crowded with tourists).
3 tr. a (of a number of people) come aggressively close to. b
colloq. harass or pressure (a person). Ьcrowd out exclude by
crowding. ЬЬcrowdedness n. [OE crudan press, drive]
crowfoot n. any of various aquatic plants of the genus Ranunculus, with
white buttercup-like flowers held above the water.
crown n. & v. --n. 1 a monarch's ornamental and usu. jewelled
head-dress. 2 (the Crown) a the monarch, esp. as head of State.
b the power or authority residing in the monarchy. 3 a a wreath
of leaves or flowers etc. worn on the head, esp. as an emblem
of victory. b an award or distinction gained by a victory or
achievement, esp. in sport. 4 a crown-shaped thing, esp. a
device or ornament. 5 the top part of a thing, esp. of the head
or a hat. 6 a the highest or central part of an arched or
curved thing (crown of the road). b a thing that completes or
forms the summit. 7 the part of a plant just above and below
the ground. 8 the upper part of a cut gem above the girdle. 9
a the part of a tooth projecting from the gum. b an artificial
replacement or covering for this. 10 a a former British coin
equal to five shillings (25p). b any of several foreign coins
with a name meaning 'crown', esp. the krona or krone. 11 a
former size of paper, 504 x 384 mm. 1 put a crown on
(a person or a person's head). 2 invest (a person) with a royal
crown or authority. 3 be a crown to; encircle or rest on the
top of. 4 a (often as crowning adj.) be or cause to be the
consummation, reward, or finishing touch to (the crowning
glory). b bring (efforts) to a happy issue. 5 fit a crown to
(a tooth). 6 sl. hit on the head. Ьcrown cap a cork-lined
metal cap for a bottle. Crown Colony a British colony
controlled by the Crown. Crown Court a court of criminal
jurisdiction in England and Wales. Crown Derby a soft-paste
porcelain made at Derby and often marked with a crown above the
letter 'D'. crown glass glass made without lead or iron and
orig. in a circular sheet; used formerly in windows, now as
optical glass of low refractive index. crown green a kind of
bowling-green rising towards the middle. crown imperial a tall
fritillary, Fritillaria imperialis, with a flower-cluster at the
top of the stalk. crown jewels the regalia and other jewellery
worn by the sovereign on certain State occasions. Crown Office
(in the UK) an office of the Supreme Court transacting
common-law business of Chancery. crown of thorns any starfish
of the genus Acanthaster feeding on coral. Crown prince a male
heir to a sovereign throne. Crown princess 1 the wife of a
Crown prince. 2 a female heir to a sovereign throne. crown
roast a roast of rib-pieces of pork or lamb arranged like a
crown. crown saw a cylinder with a toothed edge for making a
circular hole. crown wheel a wheel with teeth set at right
angles to its plane, esp. in the gears of motor vehicles. [ME
f. AF corune, OF corone f. L corona]
crozier var. of CROSIER.
CRT abbr. cathode-ray tube.
cru n. 1 a French vineyard or wine-producing region. 2 the grade
of wine produced from it. [F f. cr– grown]
cruces pl. of CRUX.
crucial adj. 1 decisive, critical. 2 disp. very important.
ЬЬcruciality n. (pl. -ies). crucially adv. [F f. L crux
crucis cross]
crucian n. a yellow cyprinoid fish, Carassius carassius, allied to the
goldfish. [LG karusse etc.]
cruciate adj. Zool. cross-shaped. [mod.L cruciatus f. L (as CRUCIBLE)]
crucible n. 1 a melting-pot for metals etc. 2 a severe test or trial.
[ME f. med.L crucibulum night-lamp, crucible, f. L crux crucis
crucifer n. a cruciferous plant.
adj. Bot. of the family Cruciferae, having flowers with four
petals arranged in a cross. [LL crucifer (as CRUCIAL, -FEROUS)]
crucifix n. a model or image of a cross with a figure of Christ on it.
[ME f. OF f. eccl.L crucifixus f. L cruci fixus fixed to a
n. 1 a crucifying or being crucified. b an instance of this.
2 (Crucifixion) a the crucifixion of Christ. b a representation
of this. [eccl.L crucifixio (as CRUCIFIX)]
cruciform adj. cross-shaped (esp. of a church with transepts). [L crux
crucis cross + -FORM]
crucify (-ies, -ied) 1 put to death by fastening to a cross. 2 a
cause extreme pain to. b persecute, torment. c sl. defeat
thoroughly in an argument, match, etc. ЬЬcrucifier n. [ME f.
OF crucifier f. LL crucifigere (as CRUCIFIX)]
cruck n. Brit. hist. either of a pair of curved timbers extending
to the ground in the framework of a type of medieval house-roof.
[var. of CROOK]
crud n. sl. 1 a a deposit of unwanted impurities, grease, etc. b a
corrosive deposit in a nuclear reactor. 2 an unpleasant person.
3 nonsense. ЬЬcruddy adj. (cruddier, cruddiest). [var. of
crude adj. & n. --adj. 1 a in the natural or raw state; not refined.
b rough, unpolished; lacking finish. 2 a (of an action or
statement or manners) rude, blunt. b offensive, indecent (a
crude gesture). 3 a Statistics (of figures) not adjusted or
corrected. b rough (a crude estimate). --n. natural mineral
oil. ЬЬcrudely adv. crudeness n. crudity n. [ME f. L crudus
raw, rough]
crudit‚s an hors d'oeuvre of mixed raw vegetables often served
with a sauce into which they are dipped. [F]
cruel adj. & v. --adj. (crueller, cruellest or crueler, cruelest) 1
indifferent to or gratified by another's suffering. 2 causing
pain or suffering, esp. deliberately. (cruelled,
cruelling) Austral. sl. thwart, spoil. ЬЬcruelly adv.
cruelness n. [ME f. OF f. L crudelis, rel. to crudus (as
cruelty n. (pl. -ies) 1 a cruel act or attitude; indifference to
another's suffering. 2 a succession of cruel acts; a continued
cruel attitude (suffered much cruelty). 3 Law physical or
mental harm inflicted (whether or not intentional), esp. as a
ground for divorce. [OF crualt‚ ult. f. L crudelitas]
cruet n. 1 a small container for salt, pepper, oil, or vinegar for
use at table. 2 (in full cruet-stand) a stand holding cruets.
3 Eccl. a small container for the wine and water in the
celebration of the Eucharist. [ME through AF f. OF crue pot f.
OS kruka: rel. to CROCK(2)]
cruise v. & n. --v. 1 intr. make a journey by sea calling at a series
of ports usu. according to a predetermined plan, esp. for
pleasure. 2 intr. sail about without a precise destination. 3
intr. a (of a motor vehicle or aircraft) travel at a moderate
or economical speed. b (of a vehicle or its driver) travel at
random, esp. slowly. 4 intr. achieve an objective, win a race
etc., with ease. 5 intr. & tr. sl. walk or drive about (the
streets etc.) in search of a sexual (esp. homosexual) partner.
--n. a cruising voyage, esp. as a holiday. Ьcruise missile one
able to fly at a low altitude and guide itself by reference to
the features of the region it traverses. cruising speed a
comfortable and economical speed for a motor vehicle, below its
maximum speed. [prob. f. Du. kruisen f. kruis CROSS]
cruiser n. 1 a warship of high speed and medium armament. 2 = cabin
cruiser. 3 US a police patrol car. [Du. kruiser (as CRUISE)]
n. esp. Brit. = light heavyweight (see HEAVYWEIGHT).
cruller n. US a small cake made of a rich dough twisted or curled and
fried in fat. [prob. f. Du. krullen curl]
crumb n. & v. --n. 1 a a small fragment, esp. of bread. b a small
particle (a crumb of comfort). 2 the soft inner part of a loaf
of bread. 3 sl. an objectionable person. 1 cover with
breadcrumbs. 2 break into crumbs. [OE cruma]
crumble v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. break or fall into crumbs or
fragments. 2 intr. (of power, a reputation, etc.) gradually
disintegrate. --n. 1 Brit. a mixture of flour and fat, rubbed
to the texture of breadcrumbs and cooked as a topping for fruit
etc. (apple crumble; vegetable crumble). 2 a crumbly or
crumbled substance. [ME f. OE, formed as CRUMB]
crumbly adj. (crumblier, crumbliest) consisting of, or apt to fall
into, crumbs or fragments. ЬЬcrumbliness n.
crumbs int. Brit. sl. expressing dismay or surprise. [euphem. for
crumby adj. (crumbier, crumbiest) 1 like or covered in crumbs. 2 =
crumhorn var. of KRUMMHORN.
crummy adj. (crummier, crummiest) colloq. dirty, squalid; inferior,
worthless. ЬЬcrummily adv. crumminess n. [var. of CRUMBY]
crump n. & v. Mil. sl. --n. the sound of a bursting bomb or shell.
--v.intr. make this sound. [imit.]
crumpet n. 1 a soft flat cake of a yeast mixture cooked on a griddle
and eaten toasted and buttered. 2 Brit. joc. or offens. a a
sexually attractive person, esp. a woman. b women regarded
collectively, esp. as objects of sexual desire. 3 archaic sl.
the head. [17th c.: orig. uncert.]
crumple v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) a crush or
become crushed into creases. b ruffle, wrinkle. 2 intr. (often
foll. by up) collapse, give way. --n. a crease or wrinkle.
Ьcrumple zone a part of a motor vehicle, esp. the extreme front
and rear, designed to crumple easily in a crash and absorb
impact. ЬЬcrumply adj. [obs. crump (v. & adj.) (make or
become) curved]
crunch v. & n. --v. 1 tr. a crush noisily with the teeth. b grind
(gravel, dry snow, etc.) under foot, wheels, etc. 2 intr.
(often foll. by up, through) make a crunching sound in walking,
moving, etc. --n. 1 crunching; a crunching sound. 2 colloq. a
decisive event or moment. [earlier cra(u)nch, assim. to munch]
crunchy adj. (crunchier, crunchiest) that can be or has been crunched
or crushed into small pieces; hard and crispy. ЬЬcrunchily adv.
crunchiness n.
crupper n. 1 a strap buckled to the back of a saddle and looped under
the horse's tail to hold the harness back. 2 the hindquarters
of a horse. [ME f. OF cropiere (cf. CROUP(2))]
crural adj. Anat. of the leg. [F crural or L cruralis f. crus
cruris leg]
crusade n. & v. --n. 1 a any of several medieval military expeditions
made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims. b
a war instigated by the Church for alleged religious ends. 2 a
vigorous campaign in favour of a cause. --v.intr. engage in a
crusade. ЬЬcrusader n. [earlier croisade (F f. croix cross)
or crusado (Sp. f. cruz cross)]
cruse n. archaic an earthenware pot or jar. [OE cruse, of unkn.
crush v. & n. 1 compress with force or violence, so as to
break, bruise, etc. 2 reduce to powder by pressure. 3 crease
or crumple by rough handling. 4 defeat or subdue completely
(crushed by my reply). --n. 1 an act of crushing. 2 a crowded
mass of people. 3 a drink made from the juice of crushed fruit.
4 colloq. a (usu. foll. by on) a (usu. passing) infatuation. b
the object of an infatuation (who's the latest crush?). Ьcrush
bar a place in a theatre for audiences to buy drinks in the
intervals. crush barrier a barrier, esp. a temporary one, for
restraining a crowd. ЬЬcrushable adj. crusher n. crushingly
adv. [ME f. AF crussir, corussier, OF croissir, cruissir, gnash
(teeth), crack, f. Rmc]
crust n. & v. --n. 1 a the hard outer part of a loaf of bread. b a
piece of this with some soft bread attached. c a hard dry scrap
of bread. d esp. Austral. sl. a livelihood (what do you do
for a crust?). 2 the pastry covering of a pie. 3 a hard casing
of a softer thing, e.g. a harder layer over soft snow. 4 Geol.
the outer portion of the earth. 5 a a coating or deposit on the
surface of anything. b a hard dry formation on the skin, a
scab. 6 a deposit of tartar formed in bottles of old wine. 7 a
sl. impudence (you have a crust!). b a superficial hardness of
manner. & intr. 1 cover or become covered with a
crust. 2 form into a crust. ЬЬcrustal adj. (in sense 4 of n.).
[ME f. OF crouste f. L crusta rind, shell]
n. & adj. --n. any arthropod of the class Crustacea, having a
hard shell and usu. aquatic, e.g. the crab, lobster, and shrimp.
--adj. of or relating to crustaceans. ЬЬcrustaceology n.
crustaceous adj. [mod.L crustaceus f. crusta: see CRUST]
crusted adj. 1 a having a crust. b (of wine) having deposited a crust.
2 antiquated, venerable (crusted prejudice).
crusty adj. (crustier, crustiest) 1 having a crisp crust (a crusty
loaf). 2 irritable, curt. 3 hard, crustlike. ЬЬcrustily adv.
crustiness n.
crutch n. 1 a support for a lame person, usu. with a crosspiece at the
top fitting under the armpit (pair of crutches). 2 any support
or prop. 3 the crotch of the human body or garment. [OE
cryc(c) f. Gmc]
crux n. (pl. cruxes or cruces) 1 the decisive point at issue. 2 a
difficult matter; a puzzle. [L, = cross]
cruzado n. (pl. -os) the chief monetary unit of Brazil from 1986.
[Port. cruzado, crusado, = marked with the cross]
cruzeiro n. (pl. -os) the former monetary unit of Brazil; from 1986
one-thousandth of a cruzado. [Port., = large cross]
cry v. & n. --v. (cries, cried) 1 intr. (often foll. by out) make
a loud or shrill sound, esp. to express pain, grief, etc., or to
appeal for help. 2 a intr. shed tears; weep. b tr. shed
(tears). 3 tr. (often foll. by out) say or exclaim loudly or
excitedly. 4 intr. (of an animal, esp. a bird) make a loud
call. 5 tr. (of a hawker etc.) proclaim (wares etc.) in the
street. --n. (pl. cries) 1 a loud inarticulate utterance of
grief, pain, fear, joy, etc. 2 a loud excited utterance of
words. 3 an urgent appeal or entreaty. 4 a spell of weeping.
5 a public demand; a strong movement of opinion. b a watchword
or rallying call. 6 the natural utterance of an animal, esp. of
hounds on the scent. 7 the street-call of a hawker etc.
Ьcry-baby a person, esp. a child, who sheds tears frequently.
cry down disparage, belittle. cry one's eyes (or heart) out
weep bitterly. cry for the moon ask for what is unattainable.
cry from the heart a passionate appeal or protest. cry off
colloq. withdraw from a promise or undertaking. cry out for
demand as a self-evident requirement or solution. cry over
spilt milk see MILK. cry stinking fish disparage one's own
efforts, products, etc. cry up praise, extol. cry wolf see
WOLF. a far cry 1 a long way. 2 a very different thing. for
crying out loud colloq. an exclamation of surprise or
annoyance. in full cry (of hounds) in keen pursuit. [ME f. OF
crier, cri f. L quiritare wail]
cryer var. of CRIER.
crying attrib.adj. (of an injustice or other evil) flagrant, demanding
redress (a crying need; a crying shame).
cryo- comb. form (extreme) cold. [Gk kruos frost]
n. the biology of organisms below their normal temperatures.
ЬЬcryobiological adj. cryobiologist n.
cryogen n. a freezing-mixture; a substance used to produce very low
n. the branch of physics dealing with the production and
effects of very low temperatures. ЬЬcryogenic adj.
cryolite n. Mineral. a lustrous mineral of sodium-aluminium fluoride,
used in the manufacture of aluminium.
cryopump n. a vacuum pump using liquefied gases.
cryostat n. an apparatus for maintaining a very low temperature.
n. surgery using the local application of intense cold for
anaesthesia or therapy.
crypt n. an underground room or vault, esp. one beneath a church,
used usu. as a burial-place. [ME f. L crypta f. Gk krupte f.
kruptos hidden]
n. the art or process of deciphering cryptograms by analysis.
ЬЬcryptanalyst n. cryptanalytic adj. cryptanalytical adj.
cryptic adj. 1 a obscure in meaning. b (of a crossword clue etc.)
indirect; indicating the solution in a way that is not obvious.
c secret, mysterious, enigmatic. 2 Zool. (of coloration etc.)
serving for concealment. ЬЬcryptically adv. [LL crypticus f.
Gk kruptikos (as CRYPTO-)]
crypto n. (pl. -os) colloq. a person having a secret allegiance to a
political creed etc., esp. communism. [as CRYPTO-]
crypto- comb. form concealed, secret (crypto-communist). [Gk kruptos
adj. having a crystalline structure visible only when
cryptogam n. a plant that has no true flowers or seeds, e.g. ferns,
mosses, algae, and fungi. ЬЬcryptogamic adj. cryptogamous adj.
[F cryptogame f. mod.L cryptogamae (plantae) formed as CRYPTO- +
Gk gamos marriage]
n. a text written in cipher.
n. the art of writing or solving ciphers. ЬЬcryptographer n.
cryptographic adj. cryptographically adv.
n. a tall evergreen tree, Cryptomeria japonica, native to China
and Japan, with long curved spirally arranged leaves and short
cones. Also called Japanese cedar. [CRYPTO- + Gk meros part
(because the seeds are enclosed by scales)]
crystal n. & adj. --n. 1 a a clear transparent mineral, esp. rock
crystal. b a piece of this. 2 (in full crystal glass) a highly
transparent glass; flint glass. b articles made of this. 3 the
glass over a watch-face. 4 Electronics a crystalline piece of
semiconductor. 5 Chem. a an aggregation of molecules with a
definite internal structure and the external form of a solid
enclosed by symmetrically arranged plane faces. b a solid whose
constituent particles are symmetrically arranged. --adj. (usu.
attrib.) made of, like, or clear as crystal. Ьcrystal ball a
glass globe used in crystal-gazing. crystal class Crystallog.
any of 32 categories of crystals classified according to their
symmetry. crystal clear unclouded, transparent. crystal-gazing
the process of concentrating one's gaze on a crystal ball
supposedly in order to obtain a picture of future events etc.
crystal lattice Crystallog. the regular repeating pattern of
atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystalline substance. crystal
set a simple early form of radio receiving apparatus with a
crystal touching a metal wire as the rectifier. crystal system
Crystallog. any of seven possible unique combinations of unit
cells, crystal lattices, and symmetry elements of a crystal
class. [OE f. OF cristal f. L crystallum f. Gk krustallos ice,
adj. 1 of, like, or clear as crystal. 2 Chem. & Mineral.
having the structure and form of a crystal. Ьcrystalline lens a
transparent lens enclosed in a membranous capsule behind the
iris of the eye. ЬЬcrystallinity n. [ME f. OF cristallin f. L
crystallinus f. Gk krustallinos (as CRYSTAL)]
n. 1 a small crystal. 2 an individual perfect crystal or grain
in a metal etc. 3 Bot. a region of cellulose etc. with a
crystal-like structure.
v. (also -ise) 1 tr. & intr. form or cause to form crystals. 2
(often foll. by out) a intr. (of ideas or plans) become
definite. b tr. make definite. 3 tr. & intr. coat or
impregnate or become coated or impregnated with sugar
(crystallized fruit). ЬЬcrystallizable adj. crystallization n.
n. the science of crystal form and structure.
ЬЬcrystallographer n. crystallographic adj.
adj. & n. --adj. 1 crystal-like. 2 having a crystalline
structure. --n. a substance that in solution is able to pass
through a semipermeable membrane (cf. COLLOID).
CTC abbr. 1 (in the UK) Cyclists' Touring Club. 2 (in the UK) City
Technology College.
ctenoid adj. Zool. (of fish scales) characterized by tiny toothlike
processes (cf. PLACOID). [Gk kteis ktenos comb]
n. any marine animal of the phylum Ctenophora, having a
jellyfish-like body bearing rows of cilia, e.g. sea
gooseberries. [mod.L ctenophorus (as CTENOID)]
cub n. & v. --n. 1 the young of a fox, bear, lion, etc. 2 an
ill-mannered young man. 3 (Cub) (in full Cub Scout) a member of
the junior branch of the Scout Association. 4 (in full cub
reporter) colloq. a young or inexperienced newspaper reporter.
5 US an apprentice. (cubbed, cubbing) (also absol.)
give birth to (cubs). ЬЬcubhood n. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
Cuban adj. & n. --adj. of or relating to Cuba, an island republic in
the Caribbean, or its people. --n. a native or national of
Cuba. ЬCuban heel a moderately high straight heel of a man's or
woman's shoe.
cubby n. (pl. -ies) (in full cubby-hole) 1 a very small room. 2 a
snug or confined space. [dial. cub stall, pen, of LG orig.]
cube n. & v. --n. 1 a solid contained by six equal squares. 2 a
cube-shaped block. 3 Math. the product of a number multiplied
by its square. 1 find the cube of (a number). 2 cut
(food for cooking etc.) into small cubes. Ьcube root the number
which produces a given number when cubed. ЬЬcuber n. [F cube
or L cubus f. Gk kubos]
cubeb n. 1 a climbing plant, Piper cubeba, bearing pungent berries.
2 this berry crushed for use in medicated cigarettes. [ME f. OF
cubebe, quibibe ult. f. Arab. kobaba, kubaba]
cubic adj. 1 cube-shaped. 2 of three dimensions. 3 involving the
cube (and no higher power) of a number (cubic equation). 4
Crystallog. having three equal axes at right angles. Ьcubic
content the volume of a solid expressed in cubic metres. cubic
metre etc. the volume of a cube whose edge is one metre etc. [F
cubique or L cubicus f. Gk kubikos (as CUBE)]
cubical adj. cube-shaped. ЬЬcubically adv.
cubicle n. 1 a small partitioned space, screened for privacy. 2 a
small separate sleeping-compartment. [L cubiculum f. cubare
lie down]
cubiform adj. cube-shaped.
cubism n. a style and movement in art, esp. painting, in which objects
are represented as an assemblage of geometrical forms. ЬЬcubist
n. & adj. [F cubisme (as CUBE)]
cubit n. an ancient measure of length, approximately equal to the
length of a forearm. [ME f. L cubitum elbow, cubit]
cubital adj. 1 Anat. of the forearm. 2 Zool. of the corresponding part
in animals. [ME f. L cubitalis (as CUBIT)]
cuboid adj. & n. --adj. cube-shaped; like a cube. --n. 1 Geom. a
rectangular parallelepiped. 2 (in full cuboid bone) Anat. the
outer bone of the tarsus. ЬЬcuboidal adj. [mod.L cuboides f.
Gk kuboeides (as CUBE)]
n. hist. a chair on which disorderly women were ducked as a
punishment. [ME f. obs. cuck defecate]
cuckold n. & v. --n. the husband of an adulteress. make a
cuckold of. ЬЬcuckoldry n. [ME cukeweld, cokewold, f. OF cucu
cuckoo n. & adj. --n. any bird of the family Cuculidae, esp. Cuculus
canorus, having a characteristic cry, and depositing its eggs in
the nests of small birds. --predic.adj. sl. crazy, foolish.
Ьcuckoo clock a clock that strikes the hour with a sound like a
cuckoo's call, usu. with the emergence on each note of a
mechanical cuckoo. cuckoo flower 1 a meadow plant, Cardamine
pratensis, with pale lilac flowers. 2 = ragged robin. cuckoo
in the nest an unwelcome intruder. cuckoo-pint a wild arum,
Arum maculatum, with arrow-shaped leaves and scarlet berries:
also called lords and ladies (see LORD). cuckoo-spit froth
exuded by larvae of insects of the family Cercopidae on leaves,
stems, etc. [ME f. OF cucu, imit.]
cucumber n. 1 a long green fleshy fruit, used in salads. 2 the climbing
plant, Cucumis sativus, yielding this fruit. [ME f. OF
co(u)combre f. L cucumer]
cucurbit n. = GOURD. ЬЬcucurbitaceous adj. [L cucurbita]
cud n. half-digested food returned from the first stomach of
ruminants to the mouth for further chewing. [OE cwidu, cudu
what is chewed, corresp. to OHG kuti, quiti glue]
cuddle v. & n. --v. 1 tr. hug, embrace, fondle. 2 intr. nestle
together, lie close and snug. --n. a prolonged and fond hug.
ЬЬcuddlesome adj. [16th c.: perh. f. dial. couth snug]
cuddly adj. (cuddlier, cuddliest) tempting to cuddle; given to
cuddy n. (pl. -ies) Sc. 1 a donkey. 2 a stupid person. [perh. a
pet-form of the name Cuthbert]
cudgel n. & v. --n. a short thick stick used as a weapon.
(cudgelled, cudgelling; US cudgeled, cudgeling) beat with a
cudgel. Ьcudgel one's brains think hard about a problem. take
up the cudgels (often foll. by for) make a vigorous defence.
[OE cycgel, of unkn. orig.]
cudweed n. any wild composite plant of the genus Gnaphalium, with
scales and round flower-heads, formerly given to cattle that had
lost their cud.
cue(1) n. & v. --n. 1 a the last words of an actor's speech serving
as a signal to another actor to enter or speak. b a similar
signal to a singer or player etc. 2 a a stimulus to perception
etc. b a signal for action. c a hint on how to behave in
particular circumstances. 3 a facility for or an instance of
cueing audio equipment (see sense 2 of v.). (cues,
cued, cueing or cuing) 1 give a cue to . 2 put (a piece of
audio equipment, esp. a record-player or tape recorder) in
readiness to play a particular part of the recorded material.
Ьcue-bid Bridge an artificial bid to show a particular card etc.
in the bidder's hand. cue in 1 insert a cue for. 2 give
information to. on cue at the correct moment. take one's cue
from follow the example or advice of. [16th c.: orig. unkn.]
cue(2) n. & v. Billiards etc. --n. a long straight tapering rod for
striking the ball. --v. (cues, cued, cueing or cuing) 1 tr.
strike (a ball) with a cue. 2 intr. use a cue. Ьcue-ball the
ball that is to be struck with the cue. ЬЬcueist n. [var. of
cuesta n. Geog. a gentle slope, esp. one ending in a steep drop.
[Sp., = slope, f. L costa: see COAST]
cuff(1) n. 1 a the end part of a sleeve. b a separate band of linen
worn round the wrist so as to appear under the sleeve. c the
part of a glove covering the wrist. 2 US a trouser turn-up. 3
(in pl.) colloq. handcuffs. Ьcuff-link a device of two joined
studs etc. to fasten the sides of a cuff together. off the cuff
colloq. without preparation, extempore. ЬЬcuffed adj. (also in
comb.). [ME: orig. unkn.]
cuff(2) v. & n. strike with an open hand. --n. such a blow.
[16th c.: perh. imit.]
Cufic var. of KUFIC.
cui bono? who stands, or stood, to gain? (with the implication that this
person is responsible). [L, = to whom (is it) a benefit?]
cuirass n. 1 hist. a piece of armour consisting of breastplate and
back-plate fastened together. 2 a device for artificial
respiration. [ME f. OF cuirace, ult. f. LL coriaceus f. corium
n. hist. a cavalry soldier wearing a cuirass. [F (as
cuish var. of CUISSE.
cuisine n. a style or method of cooking, esp. of a particular country
or establishment. [F f. L coquina f. coquere to cook]
cuisse n. (also cuish) (usu. in pl.) hist. thigh armour. [ME, f. OF
cuisseaux pl. of cuissel f. LL coxale f. coxa hip]
n. (pl. culs-de-sac pronunc. same) 1 a street or passage
closed at one end. 2 a route or course leading nowhere; a
position from which one cannot escape. 3 Anat. = DIVERTICULUM.
[F, = sack-bottom]
-cule suffix forming (orig. diminutive) nouns (molecule). [F - cule
or L - culus]
culinary adj. of or for cooking or the kitchen. ЬЬculinarily adv. [L
culinarius f. culina kitchen]
cull v. & n. 1 select, choose, or gather from a large
quantity or amount (knowledge culled from books). 2 pick or
gather (flowers, fruit, etc.). 3 select (animals) according to
quality, esp. poor surplus specimens for killing. --n. 1 an
act of culling. 2 an animal or animals culled. ЬЬculler [ME f.
OF coillier etc. ult. f. L colligere COLLECT(1)]
cullet n. recycled waste or broken glass used in glass-making. [var.
culm(1) n. 1 coal-dust, esp. of anthracite. 2 Geol. strata under coal
measures, esp. in SW England. [ME, prob. rel. to COAL]
culm(2) n. Bot. the stem of a plant, esp. of grasses. ЬЬculmiferous
adj. [L culmus stalk]
culminant adj. 1 at or forming the top. 2 Astron. on the meridian. [as
culminate v. 1 intr. (usu. foll. by in) reach its highest or final point
(the antagonism culminated in war). 2 tr. bring to its highest
or final point. 3 intr. Astron. be on the meridian.
ЬЬculmination n. [LL culminare culminat- f. culmen summit]
culottes women's (usu. short) trousers cut to resemble a skirt.
[F, = knee-breeches]
culpable adj. deserving blame. ЬЬculpability n. culpably adv. [ME f.
OF coupable f. L culpabilis f. culpare f. culpa blame]
culprit n. a person accused of or guilty of an offence. [17th c.:
orig. in the formula Culprit, how will you be tried?, said by
the Clerk of the Crown to a prisoner pleading Not Guilty: perh.
abbr. of AF Culpable: prest d'averrer etc. (You are) guilty: (I
am) ready to prove etc.]
cult n. 1 a system of religious worship esp. as expressed in ritual.
2 a devotion or homage to a person or thing (the cult of
aestheticism). b a popular fashion esp. followed by a specific
section of society. 3 (attrib.) denoting a person or thing
popularized in this way (cult film; cult figure). ЬЬcultic adj.
cultism n. cultist n. [F culte or L cultus worship f. colere
cult- inhabit, till, worship]
cultivar n. Bot. a plant variety produced by cultivation. [CULTIVATE +
cultivate 1 a prepare and use (soil etc.) for crops or gardening.
b break up (the ground) with a cultivator. 2 a raise or produce
(crops). b culture (bacteria etc.). 3 a (often as cultivated
adj.) apply oneself to improving or developing (the mind,
manners, etc.). b pay attention to or nurture (a person or a
person's friendship). ЬЬcultivable adj. cultivatable adj.
cultivation n. [med.L cultivare f. cultiva (terra) arable
(land) (as CULT)]
n. 1 a mechanical implement for breaking up the ground and
uprooting weeds. 2 a person or thing that cultivates.
cultural adj. of or relating to the cultivation of the mind or manners,
esp. through artistic or intellectual activity. ЬЬculturally
culture n. & v. --n. 1 a the arts and other manifestations of human
intellectual achievement regarded collectively (a city lacking
in culture). b a refined understanding of this; intellectual
development (a person of culture). 2 the customs, civilization,
and achievements of a particular time or people (studied Chinese
culture). 3 improvement by mental or physical training. 4 a
the cultivation of plants; the rearing of bees, silkworms, etc.
b the cultivation of the soil. 5 a quantity of micro-organisms
and the nutrient material supporting their growth.
maintain (bacteria etc.) in conditions suitable for growth.
Ьculture shock the feeling of disorientation experienced by a
person suddenly subjected to an unfamiliar culture or way of
life. culture vulture colloq. a person eager to acquire
culture. the two cultures the arts and science. [ME f. F
culture or L cultura (as CULT): (v.) f. obs. F culturer or med.L
cultured adj. having refined taste and manners and a good education.
Ьcultured pearl a pearl formed by an oyster after the insertion
of a foreign body into its shell.
cultus n. a system of religious worship; a cult. [L: see CULT]
culverin n. hist. 1 a long cannon. 2 a small firearm. [ME f. OF
coulevrine f. couleuvre snake ult. f. L colubra]
culvert n. 1 an underground channel carrying water across a road etc.
2 a channel for an electric cable. [18th c.: orig. unkn.]
cum prep. (usu. in comb.) with, combined with, also used as (a
bedroom-cum-study). [L]
cumber v. & n. literary hamper, hinder, inconvenience. --n.
a hindrance, obstruction, or burden. [ME, prob. f. ENCUMBER]
adj. inconvenient in size, weight, or shape; unwieldy.
ЬЬcumbersomely adv. cumbersomeness n. [ME f. CUMBER +
Cumbrian adj. & n. --adj. 1 of Cumberland. 2 a of the ancient British
kingdom of Cumbria. b of the modern county of Cumbria. --n. a
native of Cumberland or of ancient or modern Cumbria. [med.L
Cumbria f. Welsh Cymry Welshmen + -AN]
cum grano salis
adv. with a grain of salt (see take with a pinch of salt (see
SALT)). [L]
cumin n. (also cummin) 1 an umbelliferous plant, Cuminum cyminum,
bearing aromatic seeds. 2 these seeds used as flavouring, esp.
ground and used in curry powder. [ME f. OF cumin, comin f. L
cuminum f. Gk kuminon, prob. of Semitic orig.]
n. a waist sash. [Hind. & Pers. kamar-band loin-band]
cummin var. of CUMIN.
cumquat var. of KUMQUAT.
cumulate v. & adj. & intr. accumulate, amass; combine. --adj.
heaped up, massed. ЬЬcumulation n. [L cumulare f. cumulus
adj. 1 a increasing or increased in amount, force, etc., by
successive additions (cumulative evidence). b formed by
successive additions (learning is a cumulative process). 2
Stock Exch. (of shares) entitling holders to arrears of interest
before any other distribution is made. Ьcumulative error an
error that increases with the size of the sample revealing it.
cumulative voting a system in which each voter has as many votes
as there are candidates and may give all to one candidate.
ЬЬcumulatively adv. cumulativeness n.
cumulo- comb. form cumulus (cloud).
cumulus n. (pl. cumuli) a cloud formation consisting of rounded masses
heaped on each other above a horizontal base. ЬЬcumulous adj.
[L, = heap]
cuneate adj. wedge-shaped. [L cuneus wedge]
cuneiform adj. & n. --adj. 1 wedge-shaped. 2 of, relating to, or using
the wedge-shaped writing impressed usu. in clay in ancient
Babylonian etc. inscriptions. --n. cuneiform writing. [F
cun‚iforme or mod.L cuneiformis f. L cuneus wedge]
cunjevoi n. Austral. 1 the green arum or spoon lily Alocasia
macrorrhiza. 2 a sea squirt. [Aboriginal]
n. (also cunnilinctus) oral stimulation of the female genitals.
[L f. cunnus vulva + lingere lick]
cunning adj. & n. --adj. (cunninger, cunningest) 1 a skilled in
ingenuity or deceit. b selfishly clever or crafty. 2 ingenious
(a cunning device). 3 US attractive, quaint. --n. 1
craftiness; skill in deceit. 2 skill, ingenuity. ЬЬcunningly
adv. cunningness n. [ME f. ON kunnandi knowing f. kunna know:
cf. CAN(1)]
cunt n. coarse sl. 1 the female genitals. 2 offens. an unpleasant
or stupid person. °A highly taboo word. [ME f. Gmc]
CUP abbr. Cambridge University Press.
cup n. & v. --n. 1 a small bowl-shaped container, usu. with a
handle for drinking from. 2 a its contents (a cup of tea). b =
CUPFUL. 3 a cup-shaped thing, esp. the calyx of a flower or the
socket of a bone. 4 flavoured wine, cider, etc., usu. chilled.
5 an ornamental cup-shaped trophy as a prize for victory or
prowess, esp. in a sports contest. 6 one's fate or fortune (a
bitter cup). 7 either of the two cup-shaped parts of a
brassiЉre. 8 the chalice used or the wine taken at the
Eucharist. 9 Golf the hole on a putting-green or the metal
container in it. (cupped, cupping) 1 form (esp. one's
hands) into the shape of a cup. 2 take or hold as in a cup. 3
hist. bleed (a person) by using a glass in which a partial
vacuum is formed by heating. Ьcup-cake a small cake baked in a
cup-shaped foil or paper container and often iced. Cup Final a
final match in a competition for a cup. cup lichen a lichen,
Cladonia pyxidata, with cup-shaped processes arising from the
thallus. one's cup of tea colloq. what interests or suits one.
cup-tie a match in a competition for a cup. in one's cups while
drunk; drunk. [OE cuppe f. med.L cuppa cup, prob.
differentiated from L cupa tub]
cupbearer n. a person who serves wine, esp. an officer of a royal or
noble household.
cupboard n. a recess or piece of furniture with a door and (usu.)
shelves, in which things are stored. Ьcupboard love a display
of affection meant to secure some gain. [ME f. CUP + BOARD]
cupel n. & v. --n. a small flat porous vessel used in assaying gold
or silver in the presence of lead. (cupelled,
cupelling; US cupeled, cupeling) assay or refine in a cupel.
ЬЬcupellation n. [F coupelle f. LL cupella dimin. of cupa: see
cupful n. (pl. -fuls) 1 the amount held by a cup, esp. US a
half-pint or 8-ounce measure in cookery. 2 a cup full of a
substance (drank a cupful of water). °A cupful is a measure,
and so three cupfuls is a quantity regarded in terms of a cup;
three cups full denotes the actual cups, as in three cups full
of water. Sense 2 is an intermediate use.
Cupid n. 1 (in Roman mythology) the Roman god of love represented as
a naked winged boy with a bow and arrows. 2 (also cupid) a
representation of Cupid. ЬCupid's bow the upper lip etc. shaped
like the double-curved bow carried by Cupid. [ME f. L Cupido f.
cupere desire]
cupidity n. greed for gain; avarice. [ME f. OF cupidit‚ or L cupiditas
f. cupidus desirous]
cupola n. 1 a a rounded dome forming a roof or ceiling. b a small
rounded dome adorning a roof. 2 a revolving dome protecting
mounted guns on a warship or in a fort. 3 (in full
cupola-furnace) a furnace for melting metals. ЬЬcupolaed adj.
[It. f. LL cupula dimin. of cupa cask]
cuppa n. (also cupper) Brit. colloq. 1 a cup of. 2 a cup of tea.
n. a complex ion of divalent copper and ammonia, solutions of
which dissolve cellulose. [LL cuprum + AMMONIUM]
cupreous adj. of or like copper. [LL cupreus f. cuprum copper]
n. an alloy of copper and nickel, esp. in the proportions 3:1
as used in 'silver' coins.
cuprous adj. of copper, esp. monovalent copper. [LL cuprum copper]
cupule n. Bot. & Zool. a cup-shaped organ, receptacle, etc. [LL
cupula CUPOLA]
cur n. 1 a worthless or snappy dog. 2 a contemptible person. [ME,
prob. orig. in cur-dog, perh. f. ON kurr grumbling]
curable adj. that can be cured. ЬЬcurability n. [CURE]
cura‡ao n. (also cura‡oa) (pl. -os or cura‡oas) a liqueur of spirits
flavoured with the peel of bitter oranges. [F Cura‡ao, name of
the Caribbean island producing these oranges]
curacy n. (pl. -ies) a curate's office or the tenure of it.
curare n. a resinous bitter substance prepared from S. American plants
of the genera Strychnos and Chondodendron, paralysing the motor
nerves, used by American Indians to poison arrows and blowpipe
darts, and formerly used as a muscle relaxant in surgery.
curassow n. any game bird of the family Cracidae, found in Central and
S. America. [Anglicized f. CURAЂAO]
curate n. 1 a member of the clergy engaged as assistant to a parish
priest. 2 archaic an ecclesiastical pastor. Ьcurate-in-charge
a curate appointed to take charge of a parish in place of a
priest. curate's egg a thing that is partly good and partly
bad. [ME f. med.L curatus f. L cura CURE]
curative adj. & n. --adj. tending or able to cure (esp. disease). --n.
a curative medicine or agent. [F curatif -ive f. med.L
curativus f. L curare CURE]
curator n. a keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection.
ЬЬcuratorial adj. curatorship n. [ME f. AF curatour (OF -eur)
or L curator (as CURATIVE)]
curb n. & v. --n. 1 a check or restraint. 2 a strap etc. fastened
to the bit and passing under a horse's lower jaw, used as a
check. 3 an enclosing border or edging such as the frame round
the top of a well or a fender round a hearth. 4 = KERB. 1 restrain. 2 put a curb on (a horse). Ьcurb roof a
roof of which each face has two slopes, the lower one steeper.
[ME f. OF courber f. L curvare bend, CURVE]
curcuma n. 1 the spice turmeric. 2 any tuberous plant of the genus
Curcuma, yielding this and other commercial substances. [med.L
or mod.L f. Arab. kurkum saffron f. Skr. kunkumam]
curd n. 1 (often in pl.) a coagulated substance formed by the action
of acids on milk, which may be made into cheese or eaten as
food. 2 a fatty substance found between flakes of boiled salmon
flesh. 3 the edible head of a cauliflower. Ьcurds and whey the
result of acidulating milk. curd soap a white soap made of
tallow and soda. ЬЬcurdy adj. [ME: orig. unkn.]
curdle & intr. make into or become curds; congeal. Ьmake one's
blood curdle fill one with horror. ЬЬcurdler n. [frequent.
form of CURD (as verb)]
cure v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by of) restore (a person or
animal) to health (was cured of pleurisy). 2 tr. eliminate (a
disease, evil, etc.). 3 tr. preserve (meat, fruit, tobacco, or
skins) by salting, drying, etc. 4 tr. a vulcanize (rubber). b
harden (concrete or plastic). 5 intr. effect a cure. 6 intr.
undergo a process of curing. --n. 1 restoration to health. 2
a thing that effects a cure. 3 a course of medical or healing
treatment. 4 a the office or function of a curate. b a parish
or other sphere of spiritual ministration. 5 a the process of
curing rubber or plastic. b (with qualifying adj.) the degree
of this. Ьcure-all a panacea; a universal remedy. ЬЬcurer n.
[ME f. OF curer f. L curare take care of f. cura care]
cur‚ n. a parish priest in France etc. [F f. med.L curatus: see
curettage n. the use of or an operation involving the use of a curette.
[F (as CURETTE)]
curette n. & v. --n. a surgeon's small scraping-instrument. &
intr. clean or scrape with a curette. [F, f. curer cleanse (as
curfew n. 1 a a regulation restricting or forbidding the public
circulation of people, esp. requiring people to remain indoors
between specified hours, usu. at night. b the hour designated
as the beginning of such a restriction. c a daily signal
indicating this. 2 hist. a a medieval regulation requiring
people to extinguish fires at a fixed hour in the evening. b
the hour for this. c the bell announcing it. 3 the ringing of
a bell at a fixed evening hour. [ME f. AF coeverfu, OF
cuevrefeu f. the stem of couvrir COVER + feu fire]
Curia n. (also curia) the papal court; the government departments of
the Vatican. ЬЬCurial adj. [L: orig. a division of an ancient
Roman tribe, the senate house at Rome, a feudal court of
curie n. 1 a unit of radioactivity, corresponding to 3.7 x 10(10)
disintegrations per second. °Abbr.: Ci. 2 a quantity of
radioactive substance having this activity. [P. Curie, Fr.
scientist d. 1906]
curio n. (pl. -os) a rare or unusual object or person. [19th-c.
abbr. of CURIOSITY]
curiosa 1 curiosities. 2 erotic or pornographic books. [neut.
pl. of L curiosus: see CURIOUS]
curiosity n. (pl. -ies) 1 an eager desire to know; inquisitiveness. 2
strangeness. 3 a strange, rare, or interesting object. [ME f.
OF curiouset‚ f. L curiositas -tatis (as CURIOUS)]
curious adj. 1 eager to learn; inquisitive. 2 strange, surprising,
odd. 3 euphem. (of books etc.) erotic, pornographic.
ЬЬcuriously adv. curiousness n. [ME f. OF curios f. L curiosus
careful f. cura care]
curium n. an artificially made transuranic radioactive metallic
element, first produced by bombarding plutonium with helium
ions. °Symb.: Cm. [M. Curie d. 1934 and P. Curie d. 1906,
Fr. scientists]
curl v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. (often foll. by up) bend or coil
into a spiral; form or cause to form curls. 2 intr. move in a
spiral form (smoke curling upwards). 3 a intr. (of the upper
lip) be raised slightly on one side as an expression of contempt
or disapproval. b tr. cause (the lip) to do this. 4 intr. play
curling. --n. 1 a lock of curled hair. 2 anything spiral or
curved inwards. 3 a a curling movement or act. b the state of
being curled. 4 a disease of plants in which the leaves are
curled up. Ьcurl up 1 lie or sit with the knees drawn up. 2
colloq. writhe with embarrassment or horror. make a person's
hair curl colloq. shock or horrify a person. out of curl
lacking energy. [ME; earliest form crolled, crulled f. obs.
adj. crolle, crulle curly f. MDu. krul]
curler n. 1 a pin or roller etc. for curling the hair. 2 a player in
the game of curling.
curlew n. any wading bird of the genus Numenius, esp. N. arquatus,
possessing a usu. long slender down-curved bill. [ME f. OF
courlieu, courlis orig. imit., but assim. to courliu courier f.
courre run + lieu place]
curlicue n. a decorative curl or twist. [CURLY + CUE(2) (= pigtail) or
curling n. 1 in senses of CURL v. 2 a game played on ice, esp. in
Scotland, in which large round flat stones are slid across the
surface towards a mark. Ьcurling-tongs (or -iron or -pins) a
heated device for twisting the hair into curls.
curly adj. (curlier, curliest) 1 having or arranged in curls. 2
moving in curves. Ьcurly kale see KALE. ЬЬcurliness n.
n. a bad-tempered person. ЬЬcurmudgeonly adj. [16th c.: orig.
currach n. (also curragh) Ir. a coracle. [Ir.: cf. CORACLE]
currajong var. of KURRAJONG.
currant n. 1 a dried fruit of a small seedless variety of grape grown
in the Levant and much used in cookery. 2 a any of various
shrubs of the genus Ribes producing red, white, or black
berries. b a berry of these shrubs. Ьflowering currant an
ornamental species of currant native to N. America. [ME raysons
of coraunce f. AF, = grapes of Corinth (the orig. source)]
currawong n. Austral. any crowlike songbird of the genus Strepera,
possessing a resonant call. [Aboriginal]
currency n. (pl. -ies) 1 a the money in general use in a country. b
any other commodity used as a medium of exchange. 2 the
condition of being current; prevalence (e.g. of words or ideas).
3 the time during which something is current.
current adj. & n. --adj. 1 belonging to the present time; happening
now (current events; the current week). 2 (of money, opinion, a
rumour, a word, etc.) in general circulation or use. --n. 1 a
body of water, air, etc., moving in a definite direction, esp.
through a stiller surrounding body. 2 a an ordered movement of
electrically charged particles. b a quantity representing the
intensity of such movement. 3 (usu. foll. by of) a general
tendency or course (of events, opinions, etc.). Ьcurrent
account a bank account from which money may be drawn without
notice. pass current be generally accepted as true or genuine.
ЬЬcurrentness n. [ME f. OF corant f. L currere run]
currently adv. at the present time; now.
curricle n. hist. a light open two-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses
abreast. [L curriculum: see CURRICULUM]
n. (pl. curricula) 1 the subjects that are studied or
prescribed for study in a school (not part of the school
curriculum). 2 any programme of activities. ЬЬcurricular adj.
[L, = course, race-chariot, f. currere run]
curriculum vitae
n. a brief account of one's education, qualifications, and
previous occupations. [L, = course of life]
currier n. a person who dresses and colours tanned leather. [ME f. OF
corier, f. L coriarius f. corium leather]
currish adj. 1 like a cur; snappish. 2 ignoble. ЬЬcurrishly adv.
currishness n.
curry(1) n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) a dish of meat, vegetables, etc.,
cooked in a sauce of hot-tasting spices, usu. served with rice. (-ies, -ied) prepare or flavour with a sauce of
hot-tasting spices (curried eggs). Ьcurry-powder a preparation
of turmeric and other spices for making curry. [Tamil]
curry(2) (-ies, -ied) 1 groom (a horse) with a curry-comb. 2
treat (tanned leather) to improve its properties. 3 thrash.
Ьcurry-comb a hand-held metal serrated device for grooming
horses. curry favour ingratiate oneself. [ME f. OF correier
ult. f. Gmc]
curse n. & v. --n. 1 a solemn utterance intended to invoke a
supernatural power to inflict destruction or punishment on a
person or thing. 2 the evil supposedly resulting from a curse.
3 a violent exclamation of anger; a profane oath. 4 a thing
that causes evil or harm. 5 (prec. by the) colloq.
menstruation. 6 a sentence of excommunication. --v. 1 tr. a
utter a curse against. b (in imper.) may God curse. 2 tr.
(usu. in passive; foll. by with) afflict with (cursed with
blindness). 3 intr. utter expletive curses; swear. 4 tr.
excommunicate. ЬЬcurser n. [OE curs, cursian, of unkn. orig.]
cursed adj. damnable, abominable. ЬЬcursedly adv. cursedness n.
cursillo n. (pl. -os) RC Ch. a short informal spiritual retreat by a
group of devotees esp. in Latin America. [Sp., = little
cursive adj. & n. --adj. (of writing) done with joined characters.
--n. cursive writing (cf. PRINT v. 4, UNCIAL). ЬЬcursively
adv. [med.L (scriptura) cursiva f. L currere curs- run]
cursor n. 1 Math. etc. a transparent slide engraved with a hairline
and forming part of a slide-rule. 2 Computing a movable
indicator on a VDU screen identifying a particular position in
the display, esp. the position that the program will operate on
with the next keystroke. [L, = runner (as CURSIVE)]
cursorial adj. Anat. having limbs adapted for running. [as CURSOR +
cursory adj. hasty, hurried (a cursory glance). ЬЬcursorily adv.
cursoriness n. [L cursorius of a runner (as CURSOR)]
curst archaic var. of CURSED.
curt adj. noticeably or rudely brief. ЬЬcurtly adv. curtness n.
[L curtus cut short, abridged]
curtail 1 cut short; reduce; terminate esp. prematurely
(curtailed his visit to America). 2 (foll. by of) archaic
deprive of. ЬЬcurtailment n. [obs. curtal horse with docked
tail f. F courtault f. court short f. L curtus: assim. to tail]
curtain n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of cloth etc. hung up as a screen, usu.
moveable sideways or upwards, esp. at a window or between the
stage and auditorium of a theatre. 2 Theatr. a the rise or
fall of the stage curtain at the beginning or end of an act or
scene. b = curtain-call. 3 a partition or cover. 4 (in pl.)
sl. the end. 1 furnish or cover with a curtain or
curtains. 2 (foll. by off) shut off with a curtain or curtains.
Ьcurtain-call Theatr. an audience's summons to actor(s) to take
a bow after the fall of the curtain. curtain-fire Mil. a
concentration of rapid and continuous fire. curtain lecture a
wife's private reproof to her husband, orig. behind
bed-curtains. curtain-raiser 1 Theatr. a piece prefaced to the
main performance. 2 a preliminary event. curtain-wall 1
Fortification the plain wall of a fortified place, connecting
two towers etc. 2 Archit. a piece of plain wall not supporting
a roof. [ME f. OF cortine f. LL cortina transl. Gk aulaia f.
aule court]
curtana n. Brit. an unpointed sword borne before English sovereigns at
their coronation, as an emblem of mercy. [ME f. AL curtana
(spatha sword) f. AF curtain, OF cortain name of Roland's
similar sword f. cort short (as CURT)]
curtilage n. an area attached to a dwelling-house and forming one
enclosure with it. [ME f. AF curtilage, OF co(u)rtillage f.
co(u)rtil small court f. cort COURT]
curtsy n. & v. (also curtsey) --n. (pl. -ies or -eys) a woman's or
girl's formal greeting or salutation made by bending the knees
and lowering the body. --v.intr. (-ies, -ied or -eys, -eyed)
make a curtsy. [var. of COURTESY]
curule adj. Rom.Hist. designating or relating to the authority
exercised by the senior Roman magistrates, chiefly the consul
and praetor, who were entitled to use the sella curulis ('curule
seat' or seat of office). [L curulis f. currus chariot (in
which the chief magistrate was conveyed to the seat of office)]
adj. colloq. (esp. of a woman) having a shapely curved figure.
curvature n. 1 the act or state of curving. 2 a curved form. 3 Geom. a
the deviation of a curve from a straight line, or of a curved
surface from a plane. b the quantity expressing this. [OF f. L
curvatura (as CURVE)]
curve n. & v. --n. 1 a line or surface having along its length a
regular deviation from being straight or flat, as exemplified by
the surface of a sphere or lens. 2 a curved form or thing. 3 a
curved line on a graph. 4 Baseball a ball caused to deviate by
the pitcher's spin. & intr. bend or shape so as to form
a curve. ЬЬcurved adj. [orig. as adj. (in curve line) f. L
curvus bent: (v.) f. L curvare]
curvet n. & v. --n. a horse's leap with the forelegs raised together
and the hind legs raised with a spring before the forelegs reach
the ground. --v.intr. (curvetted, curvetting or curveted,
curveting) (of a horse or rider) make a curvet. [It. corvetta
dimin. of corva CURVE]
curvi- comb. form curved. [L curvus curved]
adj. Bot. with the leaves bent back.
curviform adj. having a curved shape.
adj. contained by or consisting of curved lines.
ЬЬcurvilinearly adv. [CURVI- after rectilinear]
adj. with a curved beak.
curvy adj. (curvier, curviest) 1 having many curves. 2 (of a woman's
figure) shapely. ЬЬcurviness n.
cuscus(1) n. the aromatic fibrous root of an Indian grass, Vetiveria
zizanoides, used for making fans etc. [Pers. kaskas]
cuscus(2) n. any of several nocturnal, usu. arboreal, marsupial mammals
of the genus Phalanger, native to New Guinea and N. Australia.
[native name]
cusec n. a unit of flow (esp. of water) equal to one cubic foot per
second. [abbr.]
cush n. esp. Billiards colloq. a cushion. [abbr.]
cushat n. Sc. a woodpigeon. [OE cuscute, of unkn. orig.]
cush-cush n. a yam, Dioscorea trifida, native to S. America. [native
cushion n. & v. --n. 1 a bag of cloth etc. stuffed with a mass of soft
material, used as a soft support for sitting or leaning on etc.
2 a means of protection against shock. 3 the elastic lining of
the sides of a billiard-table, from which the ball rebounds. 4
a body of air supporting a hovercraft etc. 5 the frog of a
horse's hoof. 1 provide or protect with a cushion or
cushions. 2 provide with a defence; protect. 3 mitigate the
adverse effects of (cushioned the blow). 4 quietly suppress. 5
place or bounce (the ball) against the cushion in billiards.
ЬЬcushiony adj. [ME f. OF co(i)ssin, cu(i)ssin f. Gallo-Roman
f. L culcita mattress, cushion]
Cushitic n. & adj. --n. a group of E. African languages of the Hamitic
type. --adj. of this group. [Cush an ancient country in the
Nile valley + -ITE(1) + -IC]
cushy adj. (cushier, cushiest) colloq. 1 (of a job etc.) easy and
pleasant. 2 US (of a seat, surroundings, etc.) soft,
comfortable. ЬЬcushiness n. [Anglo-Ind. f. Hind. khush
cusp n. 1 an apex or peak. 2 the horn of a crescent moon etc. 3
Astrol. the initial point of a house. 4 Archit. a projecting
point between small arcs in Gothic tracery. 5 Geom. the point
at which two arcs meet from the same direction terminating with
a common tangent. 6 Bot. a pointed end, esp. of a leaf. 7 a
cone-shaped prominence on the surface of a tooth esp. a molar
or premolar. 8 a pocket or fold in a valve of the heart.
ЬЬcuspate adj. cusped adj. cuspidal adj. [L cuspis, -idis
point, apex]
cuspidor n. US a spittoon. [Port., = spitter f. cuspir spit f. L
cuss n. & v. colloq. --n. 1 a curse. 2 usu. derog. a person; a
creature. & intr. curse. Ьcuss-word US a swear-word.
[var. of CURSE]
cussed adj. colloq. awkward and stubborn. ЬЬcussedly adv.
cussedness n. [var. of CURSED]
custard n. 1 a dish made with milk and eggs, usu. sweetened. 2 a sweet
sauce made with milk and flavoured cornflour. Ьcustard-apple a
W. Indian fruit, Annona reticulata, with a custard-like pulp.
custard-pie 1 a pie containing custard, commonly thrown in
slapstick comedy. 2 (attrib.) denoting slapstick comedy.
custard powder a preparation of cornflour etc. for making
custard. [ME, earlier crusta(r)de f. AF f. OF crouste CRUST]
custodian n. a guardian or keeper, esp. of a public building etc.
ЬЬcustodianship n. [CUSTODY + -AN, after guardian]
custody n. 1 guardianship; protective care. 2 imprisonment. Ьtake
into custody arrest. ЬЬcustodial adj. [L custodia f. custos
-odis guardian]
custom n. 1 a the usual way of behaving or acting (a slave to custom).
b a particular established way of behaving (our customs seem
strange to foreigners). 2 Law established usage having the
force of law. 3 business patronage; regular dealings or
customers (lost a lot of custom). 4 (in pl.; also treated as
sing.) a a duty levied on certain imported and exported goods.
b the official department that administers this. c the area at
a port, frontier, etc., where customs officials deal with
incoming goods, baggage, etc. Ьcustom-built (or -made etc.)
made to a customer's order. custom-house the office at a port
or frontier etc. at which customs duties are levied. customs
union a group of States with an agreed common tariff, and usu.
free trade with each other. [ME and OF custume ult. f. L
consuetudo -dinis: see CONSUETUDE]
customary adj. & n. --adj. 1 usual; in accordance with custom. 2 Law in
accordance with custom. --n. (pl. -ies) Law a book etc.
listing the customs and established practices of a community.
ЬЬcustomarily adv. customariness n. [med.L custumarius f.
custuma f. AF custume (as CUSTOM)]
customer n. 1 a person who buys goods or services from a shop or
business. 2 a person one has to deal with (an awkward
customer). [ME f. AF custumer (as CUSTOMARY), or f. CUSTOM +
customize (also -ise) make to order or modify according to
individual requirements.
cut v. & n. --v. (cutting; past and past part. cut) 1 tr. (also
absol.) penetrate or wound with a sharp-edged instrument (cut
his finger; the knife won't cut). 2 tr. & intr. (often foll. by
into) divide or be divided with a knife etc. (cut the bread; cut
the cloth into metre lengths). 3 tr. a trim or reduce the
length of (hair, a hedge, etc.) by cutting. b detach all or the
significant part of (flowers, corn, etc.) by cutting. 4 tr.
(foll. by loose, open, etc.) make loose, open, etc. by cutting.
5 tr. (esp. as cutting adj.) cause sharp physical or mental pain
to (a cutting remark; a cutting wind; was cut to the quick). 6
tr. (often foll. by down) a reduce (wages, prices, time, etc.).
b reduce or cease (services etc.). 7 tr. a shape or fashion (a
coat, gem, key, record, etc.) by cutting. b make (a path,
tunnel, etc.) by removing material. 8 tr. perform, execute,
make (cut a caper; cut a sorry figure). 9 tr. (also absol.)
cross, intersect (the line cuts the circle at two points; the
two lines cut). 10 intr. (foll. by across, through, etc.) pass
or traverse, esp. in a hurry or as a shorter way (cut across the
grass). 11 tr. a ignore or refuse to recognize (a person). b
renounce (a connection). 12 tr. esp. US deliberately fail to
attend (a class etc.). 13 Cards a tr. divide (a pack) into two
parts. b intr. select a dealer etc. by dividing the pack. 14
Cinematog. a tr. edit (a film or tape). b intr. (often in
imper.) stop filming or recording. c intr. (foll. by to) go
quickly to (another shot). 15 tr. switch off (an engine etc.).
16 tr. a hit (a ball) with a chopping motion. b Golf slice
(the ball). 17 tr. US dilute, adulterate. 18 tr. (as cut
adj.) Brit. sl. drunk. 19 intr. Cricket (of the ball) turn
sharply on pitching. 20 intr. sl. run. 21 tr. castrate. --n.
1 an act of cutting. 2 a division or wound made by cutting. 3
a stroke with a knife, sword, whip, etc. 4 a a reduction (in
prices, wages, etc.). b a cessation (of a power supply etc.).
5 an excision of part of a play, film, book, etc. 6 a wounding
remark or act. 7 the way or style in which a garment, the hair,
etc., is cut. 8 a piece of meat etc. cut from a carcass. 9
colloq. commission; a share of profits. 10 Tennis & Cricket
etc. a stroke made by cutting. 11 ignoring of or refusal to
recognize a person. 12 a an engraved block for printing. b =
WOODCUT. 13 a railway cutting. 14 a new channel made for a
river. Ьa cut above colloq. noticeably superior to. be cut
out (foll. by for, or to + infin.) be suited (was not cut out
to be a teacher). cut across 1 transcend or take no account of
(normal limitations etc.) (their concern cuts across normal
rivalries). 2 see sense 10 of v. cut-and-come-again abundance.
cut and dried 1 completely decided; prearranged; inflexible. 2
(of opinions etc.) ready-made, lacking freshness. cut and run
sl. run away. cut and thrust 1 a lively interchange of
argument etc. 2 the use of both the edge and the point of a
sword. cut back 1 reduce (expenditure etc.). 2 prune (a tree
etc.). 3 Cinematog. repeat part of a previous scene for
dramatic effect. cut-back n. an instance or the act of cutting
back, esp. a reduction in expenditure. cut both ways 1 serve
both sides of an argument etc. 2 (of an action) have both good
and bad effects. cut one's coat according to one's cloth 1
adapt expenditure to resources. 2 limit ambition to what is
feasible. cut a corner go across and not round it. cut corners
do a task etc. perfunctorily or incompletely, esp. to save time.
cut a dash see DASH. cut dead completely refuse to recognize (a
person). cut down 1 a bring or throw down by cutting. b kill
by means of a sword or disease. 2 see sense 6 of v. 3 reduce
the length of (cut down the trousers to make shorts). 4 (often
foll. by on) reduce one's consumption (tried to cut down on
beer). cut a person down to size colloq. ruthlessly expose the
limitations of a person's importance, ability, etc. cut one's
eye-teeth attain worldly wisdom. cut glass glass with patterns
and designs cut on it. cut in 1 interrupt. 2 pull in too
closely in front of another vehicle (esp. having overtaken it).
3 give a share of profits etc. to (a person). 4 connect (a
source of electricity). 5 join in a card-game by taking the
place of a player who cuts out. 6 interrupt a dancing couple to
take over from one partner. cut into 1 make a cut in (they cut
into the cake). 2 interfere with and reduce (travelling cuts
into my free time). cut it fine see FINE(1). cut it out (usu.
in imper.) sl. stop doing that (esp. quarrelling). cut the
knot solve a problem in an irregular but efficient way.
cut-line 1 a caption to an illustration. 2 the line in squash
above which a served ball must strike the wall. cut loose 1
begin to act freely. 2 see sense 4 of v. cut one's losses (or
a loss) abandon an unprofitable enterprise before losses become
too great. cut the mustard US sl. reach the required standard.
cut no ice sl. 1 have no influence or importance. 2 achieve
little or nothing. cut off 1 remove (an appendage) by cutting.
2 a (often in passive) bring to an abrupt end or (esp. early)
death. b intercept, interrupt; prevent from continuing (cut off
supplies; cut off the gas). c disconnect (a person engaged in a
telephone conversation) (was suddenly cut off). 3 a prevent
from travelling or venturing out (was cut off by the snow). b
(as cut off adj.) isolated, remote (felt cut off in the
country). 4 disinherit (was cut off without a penny). cut-off
n. 1 the point at which something is cut off. 2 a device for
stopping a flow. 3 US a short cut. cut out 1 remove from the
inside by cutting. 2 make by cutting from a larger whole. 3
omit; leave out. 4 colloq. stop doing or using (something)
(managed to cut out chocolate; let's cut out the arguing). 5
cease or cause to cease functioning (the engine cut out). 6
outdo or supplant (a rival). 7 US detach (an animal) from the
herd. 8 Cards be excluded from a card-game as a result of
cutting the pack. cut-out 1 a figure cut out of paper etc. 2 a
device for automatic disconnection, the release of exhaust
gases, etc. cut-out box US = fuse-box (see FUSE(1)). cut-price
(or -rate) selling or sold at a reduced price. cut short 1
interrupt; terminate prematurely (cut short his visit). 2 make
shorter or more concise. cut one's teeth on acquire initial
practice or experience from (something). cut a tooth have it
appear through the gum. cut up 1 cut into pieces. 2 destroy
utterly. 3 (usu. in passive) distress greatly (was very cut up
about it). 4 criticize severely. 5 US behave in a comical or
unruly manner. cut up rough Brit. sl. show anger or
resentment. cut up well sl. bequeath a large fortune. have
one's work cut out see WORK. [ME cutte, kitte, kette, perh. f.
OE cyttan (unrecorded)]
cutaneous adj. of the skin. [mod.L cutaneus f. L cutis skin]
cutaway adj. 1 (of a diagram etc.) with some parts left out to reveal
the interior. 2 (of a coat) with the front below the waist cut
cutch var. of COUCH(2).
cute adj. colloq. 1 esp. US a attractive, quaint. b affectedly
attractive. 2 clever, ingenious. ЬЬcutely adv. cuteness n.
[shortening of ACUTE]
cuticle n. 1 a the dead skin at the base of a fingernail or toenail. b
the epidermis or other superficial skin. 2 Bot. a thin surface
film on plants. ЬЬcuticular adj. [L cuticula, dimin. of cutis
cutie n. sl. an attractive young woman.
cutis n. Anat. the true skin or dermis, underlying the epidermis.
[L, = skin]
cutlass n. a short sword with a slightly curved blade, esp. of the type
formerly used by sailors. [F coutelas ult. f. L cultellus: see
cutler n. a person who makes or deals in knives and similar utensils.
[ME f. AF cotillere, OF coutelier f. coutel f. L cultellus
dimin. of culter COULTER]
cutlery n. knives, forks, and spoons for use at table. [OF & F
coutel(l)erie (as CUTLER)]
cutlet n. 1 a neck-chop of mutton or lamb. 2 a small piece of veal
etc. for frying. 3 a flat cake of minced meat or nuts and
breadcrumbs etc. [F c“telette, OF costelet dimin. of coste rib
f. L costa]
cutpurse n. archaic a pickpocket; a thief.
cutter n. 1 a tailor etc. who takes measurements and cuts cloth. 2
Naut. a a small fast sailing-ship. b a small boat carried by a
large ship. 3 Cricket a ball turning sharply on pitching. 4 US
a light horse-drawn sleigh.
cutthroat n. & adj. --n. 1 a murderer. 2 (in full cutthroat razor) a
razor having a long blade set in a handle and usu. folding like
a penknife. 3 a species of trout, Salmo clarki, with a red mark
under the jaw. --adj. 1 (of competition) ruthless and intense.
2 (of a card-game) three-handed.
cutting n. & adj. --n. 1 a piece cut from a newspaper etc. 2 a piece
cut from a plant for propagation. 3 an excavated channel
through high ground for a railway or road. --adj. see CUT v.
5. ЬЬcuttingly adv.
cuttle n. = CUTTLEFISH. Ьcuttle-bone the internal shell of the
cuttlefish crushed and used for polishing teeth etc. or as a
supplement to the diet of a cage-bird. [OE cudele, ME codel,
rel. to cod bag, with ref. to its ink-bag]
n. any marine cephalopod mollusc of the genera Sepia and
Sepiola, having ten arms and ejecting a black fluid when
threatened or pursued.
cutty adj. & n. Sc. & N.Engl. --adj. cut short; abnormally short.
--n. (pl. -ies) a short tobacco pipe. Ьcutty-stool hist. a
stool of repentance.
cutwater n. 1 the forward edge of a ship's prow. 2 a wedge-shaped
projection from a pier or bridge.
cutworm n. any of various caterpillars that eat through the stems of
young plants level with the ground.
cuv‚e n. a blend or batch of wine. [F, = vatful f. cuve cask f. L
cuvette n. a shallow vessel for liquid. [F, dimin. of cuve cask f. L
-cy suffix (see also -ACY, -ANCY, -CRACY, -ENCY, -MANCY). 1
denoting state or condition (bankruptcy; idiocy). 2 denoting
rank or status (captaincy). [from or after L -cia, -tia, Gk
-k(e)ia, -t(e)ia]
cyan adj. & n. --adj. of a greenish-blue. --n. a greenish-blue
colour. [Gk kuan(e)os dark blue]
cyanamide n. Chem. a colourless crystalline amide of cyanogen; any salt
of this, esp. the calcium one which is used as a fertilizer.
°Chem. formula: CH[2]N[2]. [CYANOGEN + AMIDE]
cyanic acid
n. an unstable colourless pungent acid gas. °Chem. formula:
cyanide n. any of the highly poisonous salts or esters of hydrocyanic
acid, esp. the potassium salt used in the extraction of gold and
silver. [CYANOGEN + -IDE]
n. any prokaryotic organism of the division Cyanobacteria,
found in many environments and capable of photosynthesizing.
Also called blue-green alga (see BLUE(1)). [CYANOGEN +
n. a vitamin of the B complex, found in foods of animal origin
such as liver, fish, and eggs, a deficiency of which can cause
pernicious anaemia. Also called vitamin B[12]. [CYANOGEN +
cobalamin f. COBALT + VITAMIN]
cyanogen n. Chem. a colourless highly poisonous gas intermediate in the
preparation of many fertilizers. °Chem. formula: C[2]N[2]. [F
cyanogЉne f. Gk kuanos dark-blue mineral, as being a constituent
of Prussian blue]
cyanosis n. Med. a bluish discoloration of the skin due to the presence
of oxygen-deficient blood. ЬЬcyanotic adj. [mod.L f. Gk
kuanosis blueness (as CYANOGEN)]
n. control by machines. ЬЬcybernate [f. CYBERNETICS +
cybernetics (usu. treated as sing.) the science of communications and
automatic control systems in both machines and living things.
ЬЬcybernetic adj. cybernetician n. cyberneticist n. [Gk
kubernetes steersman]
cycad n. Bot. any of the palmlike plants of the order Cycadales
(including fossil forms) inhabiting tropical and subtropical
regions and often growing to a great height. [mod.L cycas,
cycad- f. supposed Gk kukas, scribal error for koikas, pl. of
koix Egyptian palm]
Cycladic adj. of the Cyclades, a group of islands east of the Greek
mainland, esp. of the Bronze Age civilization that flourished
there. [Cyclades, L f. Gk Kuklades f. kuklos circle (of
cyclamate n. any of various salts or esters of sulphamic acid formerly
used as artificial sweetening agents. [Chem. name
cyclamen n. 1 any plant of the genus Cyclamen, originating in Europe,
having pink, red, or white flowers with reflexed petals, often
grown in pots. 2 the shade of colour of the red or pink
cyclamen flower. [med.L f. Gk kuklaminos, perh. f. kuklos
circle, with ref. to its bulbous roots]
cycle n. & v. --n. 1 a a recurrent round or period (of events,
phenomena, etc.). b the time needed for one such round or
period. 2 a Physics etc. a recurrent series of operations or
states. b Electr. = HERTZ. 3 a series of songs, poems, etc.,
usu. on a single theme. 4 a bicycle, tricycle, or similar
machine. --v.intr. 1 ride a bicycle etc. 2 move in cycles.
Ьcycle-track (or -way) a path or road for bicycles. [ME f. OF,
or f. LL cyclus f. Gk kuklos circle]
cyclic adj. 1 a recurring in cycles. b belonging to a chronological
cycle. 2 Chem. with constituent atoms forming a ring. 3 of a
cycle of songs etc. 4 Bot. (of a flower) with its parts
arranged in whorls. 5 Math. of a circle or cycle. [F cyclique
or L cyclicus f. Gk kuklikos (as CYCLE)]
cyclical adj. = CYCLIC 1. ЬЬcyclically adv.
cyclist n. a rider of a bicycle.
cyclo- comb. form circle, cycle, or cyclic (cyclometer; cyclorama).
[Gk kuklos circle]
n. Chem. a saturated cyclic hydrocarbon.
n. cross-country racing on bicycles.
n. an instrument for tracing circular arcs.
n. Chem. a colourless liquid cycloalkane used as a solvent and
paint remover. °Chem. formula: C[6]H[12].
cycloid n. Math. a curve traced by a point on a circle when the circle
is rolled along a straight line. ЬЬcycloidal adj. [Gk
kukloeides (as CYCLE, -OID)]
n. 1 an instrument for measuring circular arcs. 2 an
instrument for measuring the distance traversed by a bicycle
cyclone n. 1 a system of winds rotating inwards to an area of low
barometric pressure; a depression. 2 a violent hurricane of
limited diameter. ЬЬcyclonic adj. cyclonically adv. [prob.
repr. Gk kukloma wheel, coil of a snake]
n. (also cyclopedia) an encyclopaedia. ЬЬcyclopaedic adj.
[shortening of ENCYCLOPAEDIA]
Cyclopean adj. (also Cyclopian) 1 (of ancient masonry) made with massive
irregular blocks. 2 of or resembling a Cyclops.
n. Chem. a colourless gaseous cycloalkane used as a general
anaesthetic. °Chem. formula: C[3]H[6].
Cyclops n. 1 (pl. Cyclops or Cyclopses or Cyclopes) (in Greek
mythology) a member of a race of one-eyed giants. 2 (cyclops)
(pl. cyclops or cyclopes) Zool. a crustacean of the genus
Cyclops, with a single central eye. [L f. Gk Kuklops f. kuklos
circle + ops eye]
cyclorama n. a circular panorama, curved wall, or cloth at the rear of a
stage, esp. one used to represent the sky. ЬЬcycloramic adj.
n. any fishlike jawless vertebrate of the subclass
Cyclostomata, having a large sucking mouth, e.g. a lamprey.
ЬЬcyclostomate adj. [CYCLO- + Gk stoma mouth]
n. & v. --n. an apparatus for printing copies of writing from a
stencil. print or reproduce with this.
n. Psychol. a disorder characterized by the occurrence of
marked swings of mood from cheerfulness to misery.
ЬЬcyclothymic adj. [CYCLO- + Gk thumos temper]
cyclotron n. Physics an apparatus in which charged atomic and subatomic
particles are accelerated by an alternating electric field while
following an outward spiral or circular path in a magnetic
cyder var. of CIDER.
cygnet n. a young swan. [ME f. AF cignet dimin. of OF cigne swan f.
med.L cycnus f. Gk kuknos]
cylinder n. 1 a a uniform solid or hollow body with straight sides and a
circular section. b a thing of this shape, e.g. a container for
liquefied gas. 2 a cylinder-shaped part of various machines,
esp. a piston-chamber in an engine. 3 Printing a metal roller.
Ьcylinder saw = crown saw. cylinder seal Antiq. a small
barrel-shaped object of stone or baked clay bearing a cuneiform
inscription, esp. for use as a seal. ЬЬcylindrical adj.
cylindrically adv. [L cylindrus f. Gk kulindros f. kulindo
cyma n. 1 Archit. an ogee moulding of a cornice. 2 = CYME. [mod.L
f. Gk kuma wave, wavy moulding]
cymbal n. a musical instrument consisting of a concave brass or bronze
plate, struck with another or with a stick etc. to make a
ringing sound. ЬЬcymbalist n. [ME f. L cymbalum f. Gk kumbalon
f. kumbe cup]
cymbidium n. any tropical orchid of the genus Cymbidium, with a recess in
the flower-lip. [mod.L f. Gk kumbe cup]
cyme n. Bot. an inflorescence in which the primary axis bears a
single terminal flower that develops first, the system being
continued by the axes of secondary and higher orders each with a
flower (cf. RACEME). ЬЬcymose adj. [F, var. of cime summit,
ult. f. Gk kuma wave]
Cymric adj. Welsh. [Welsh Cymru Wales]
cynic n. & adj. --n. 1 a person who has little faith in human
sincerity and goodness. 2 (Cynic) one of a school of ancient
Greek philosophers founded by Antisthenes, marked by
ostentatious contempt for ease and pleasure. --adj. 1 (Cynic)
of the Cynics. 2 = CYNICAL. ЬЬcynicism n. [L cynicus f. Gk
kunikos f. kuon kunos dog, nickname for a Cynic]
cynical adj. 1 of or characteristic of a cynic; incredulous of human
goodness. 2 (of behaviour etc.) disregarding normal standards.
3 sneering, mocking. ЬЬcynically adv.
n. 1 a fabled dog-headed man. 2 any flying lemur of the genus
Cynocephalus, native to SE Asia. [Gk kunokephalos f. kuon
kunos dog + kephale head]
cynosure n. 1 a centre of attraction or admiration. 2 a guiding star.
[F cynosure or L cynosura f. Gk kunosoura dog's tail, Ursa Minor
f. kuon kunos dog + oura tail]
cypher var. of CIPHER.
cy pres adv. & adj. Law as near as possible to the testator's or
donor's intentions when these cannot be precisely followed.
[AF, = si prЉs so near]
cypress n. 1 any coniferous tree of the genus Cupressus or
Chamaecyparis, with hard wood and dark foliage. 2 this, or
branches from it, as a symbol of mourning. [ME f. OF cipres f.
LL cypressus f. Gk kuparissos]
Cyprian n. & adj. = CYPRIOT. [L Cyprius of Cyprus]
cyprinoid adj. & n. --adj. of or like a carp. --n. a carp or related
fish. [L cyprinus f. Gk kuprinos carp]
Cypriot n. & adj. (also Cypriote) --n. a native or national of Cyprus.
--adj. of Cyprus. [Gk Kupriotes f. Kupros Cyprus in E.
n. any orchid of the genus Cypripedium, esp. the lady's
slipper. [mod.L f. Gk Kupris Aphrodite + pedilon slipper]
cypsela n. (pl. cypselae) Bot. a dry single-seeded fruit formed from
a double ovary of which only one develops into a seed,
characteristic of the daisy family Compositae. [mod.L f. Gk
kupsele hollow vessel]
Cyrillic adj. & n. --adj. denoting the alphabet used by the Slavonic
peoples of the Orthodox Church; now used esp. for Russian and
Bulgarian. --n. this alphabet. [St Cyril d. 869, its reputed
cyst n. 1 Med. a sac containing morbid matter, a parasitic larva,
etc. 2 Biol. a a hollow organ, bladder, etc., in an animal or
plant, containing a liquid secretion. b a cell or cavity
enclosing reproductive bodies, an embryo, parasite,
micro-organism, etc. [LL cystis f. Gk kustis bladder]
cysteine n. Biochem. a sulphur-containing amino acid, essential in the
human diet and a constituent of many enzymes. [CYSTINE + - eine
(var. of -INE(4))]
cystic adj. 1 of the urinary bladder. 2 of the gall-bladder. 3 of
the nature of a cyst. Ьcystic fibrosis Med. a hereditary
disease affecting the exocrine glands and usu. resulting in
respiratory infections. [F cystique or mod.L cysticus (as
cystitis n. an inflammation of the urinary bladder, often caused by
infection, and usu. accompanied by frequent painful urination.
cysto- comb. form the urinary bladder (cystoscope; cystotomy). [Gk
kuste, kustis bladder]
n. an instrument inserted in the urethra for examining the
urinary bladder. ЬЬcystoscopic adj. cystoscopy n.
cystotomy n. (pl. -ies) a surgical incision into the urinary bladder.
-cyte comb. form Biol. a mature cell (leucocyte) (cf. -BLAST). [Gk
kutos vessel]
cytidine n. a nucleoside obtained from RNA by hydrolysis. [G Cytidin
(as -CYTE)]
cyto- comb. form Biol. cells or a cell. [as -CYTE]
n. Biochem. a compound consisting of a protein linked to a
haem, which is involved in electron transfer reactions.
n. the study of inheritance in relation to the structure and
function of cells. ЬЬcytogenetic adj. cytogenetical adj.
cytogenetically adv. cytogeneticist n.
cytology n. the study of cells. ЬЬcytological adj. cytologically adv.
cytologist n.
cytoplasm n. the protoplasmic content of a cell apart from its nucleus.
ЬЬcytoplasmic adj.
cytosine n. one of the principal component bases of the nucleotides and
the nucleic acids DNA and RNA, derived from pyrimidine.
Czech n. & adj. --n. 1 a native or national of Czechoslovakia,
including Bohemia, Moravia, and Slovakia (cf. SLOVAK). 2 one
of the two official languages of Czechoslovakia (cf. SLOVAK).
--adj. of or relating to Czechoslovakia or its people or
language. [Pol. spelling of Bohemian Cech]
n. & adj. (also Czechoslovakian) --n. a native or national of
Czechoslovakia. --adj. of or relating to Czechoslovakia.