British Library Cataloguing Data
The concise Oxford dictionary of current English.--8th ed.
1. English language--Dictionaries
I. Allen, R. E. (Robert Edward), 1944-423
ISBN 0-19-861243-5 thumb index
ISBN 0-19-861200-1 plain
Y(1) n. (also y) (pl. Ys or Y's) 1 the twenty-fifth letter of the
alphabet. 2 (usu. y) Algebra the second unknown quantity. 3
Geom. the second coordinate. 4 a a Y-shaped thing, esp. an
arrangement of lines, piping, roads, etc. b a forked clamp or
Y(2) abbr. (also Y.) 1 yen. 2 Yeomanry. 3 US = YMCA, YWCA.
Y(3) symb. Chem. the element yttrium.
y. abbr. year(s).
y- prefix archaic forming past participles, collective nouns, etc.
(yclept). [OE ge- f. Gmc]
-y(1) suffix forming adjectives: 1 from nouns and adjectives, meaning:
a full of; having the quality of (messy; icy; horsy). b
addicted to (boozy). 2 from verbs, meaning 'inclined to', 'apt
to' (runny; sticky). [from or after OE - ig f. Gmc]
-y(2) suffix (also -ey, -ie) forming diminutive nouns, pet names, etc.
(granny; Sally; nightie; Mickey). [ME (orig. Sc.)]
-y(3) suffix forming nouns denoting: 1 state, condition, or quality
(courtesy; orthodoxy; modesty). 2 an action or its result
(colloquy; remedy; subsidy). [from or after F -ie f. L -ia,
-ium, Gk -eia, -ia: cf. -ACY, -ERY, -GRAPHY, and others]
yabby n. (also yabbie) (pl. -ies) Austral. 1 a small freshwater
crayfish, esp. of the genus Cherax. 2 a marine prawn,
Callianassa australiensis, often used as bait. [Aboriginal]
yacht n. & v. --n. 1 a light sailing-vessel, esp. equipped for
racing. 2 a larger usu. power-driven vessel equipped for
cruising. 3 a light vessel for travel on sand or ice.
--v.intr. race or cruise in a yacht. Ьyacht-club a club esp.
for yacht-racing. ЬЬyachting n. [early mod.Du. jaghte =
jaghtschip fast pirate-ship f. jag(h)t chase f. jagen to hunt
+ schip SHIP]
yachtsman n. (pl. -men; fem. yachtswoman, pl. -women) a person who
sails yachts.
yack n. & v. (also yackety-yack) sl. derog. --n. trivial or unduly
persistent conversation. --v.intr. engage in this. [imit.]
yacka (also yacker) var. of YAKKA.
yaffle n. dial. a green woodpecker, Picus viridus. [imit. of its
laughing cry]
yager var. of JAEGER.
yah int. expressing derision or defiance. [imit.]
yahoo n. a coarse bestial person. [name of an imaginary race of
brutish creatures in Swift's Gulliver's Travels (1726)]
Yahweh n. (also Yahveh) the Hebrew name of God in the Old Testament.
[Heb. YHVH with added vowels: see JEHOVAH]
Yahwist n. (also Yahvist) the postulated author or authors of parts of
the Hexateuch in which God is regularly named Yahweh.
yak n. a long-haired humped Tibetan ox, Bos grunniens. [Tibetan
yakka n. (also yacka, yacker) Austral. sl. work. [Aboriginal]
Yale lock n. propr. a type of lock for doors etc. with a cylindrical
barrel turned by a flat key with a serrated edge. [L. Yale,
Amer. inventor d. 1868]
yam n. 1 a any tropical or subtropical climbing plant of the genus
Dioscorea. b the edible starchy tuber of this. 2 US a sweet
potato. [Port. inhame or Sp. i¤ame, of unkn. orig.]
yammer n. & v. colloq. or dial. --n. 1 a lament, wail, or grumble.
2 voluble talk. --v.intr. 1 utter a yammer. 2 talk volubly.
ЬЬyammerer n. [OE geomrian f. geomor sorrowful]
yandy v. & n. Austral. (-ies, -ied) separate (grass seed)
from refuse by special shaking. --n. (pl. -ies) a shallow
dish used for this. [Aboriginal]
yang n. (in Chinese philosophy) the active male principle of the
universe (cf. YIN). [Chin.]
Yank n. colloq. often derog. an inhabitant of the US; an American.
yank v. & n. colloq. pull with a jerk. --n. a sudden hard
pull. [19th c.: orig. unkn.]
Yankee n. colloq. 1 often derog. = YANK. 2 US an inhabitant of New
England or one of the northern States. 3 hist. a Federal
soldier in the Civil War. 4 a type of bet on four or more
horses to win (or be placed) in different races. 5 (attrib.) of
or as of the Yankees. ЬYankee Doodle 1 an American tune and
song regarded as a national air. 2 = YANKEE. [18th c.: orig.
uncert.: perh. f. Du. Janke dimin. of Jan John attested (17th
c.) as a nickname]
yap v. & n. --v.intr. (yapped, yapping) 1 bark shrilly or fussily.
2 colloq. talk noisily, foolishly, or complainingly. --n. a
sound of yapping. ЬЬyapper n. [imit.]
yapok n. = POSSUM 2. [Oyapok, Oiapoque, N. Brazilian river]
yapp n. Brit. a form of bookbinding with a limp leather cover
projecting to fold over the edges of the leaves. [name of a
London bookseller c.1860, for whom it was first made]
n. a whist or bridge hand with no card above a 9. [Earl of
Yarborough (d. 1897), said to have betted against its
yard(1) n. 1 a unit of linear measure equal to 3 feet (0.9144 metre).
2 this length of material (a yard and a half of cloth). 3 a
square or cubic yard esp. (in building) of sand etc. 4 a
cylindrical spar tapering to each end slung across a mast for a
sail to hang from. 5 (in pl.; foll. by of) colloq. a great
length (yards of spare wallpaper). Ьby the yard at great
length. yard-arm the outer extremity of a ship's yard. yard of
ale Brit. 1 a deep slender beer glass, about a yard long and
holding two to three pints. 2 the contents of this. [OE gerd
f. WG]
yard(2) n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of enclosed ground esp. attached to a
building or used for a particular purpose. 2 US the garden of a
house. put (cattle) into a stockyard. Ьthe Yard Brit.
colloq. = SCOTLAND YARD. yard-man 1 a person working in a
railway-yard or timber-yard. 2 US a gardener or a person who
does various outdoor jobs. yard-master the manager of a
railway-yard. [OE geard enclosure, region, f. Gmc: cf. GARDEN]
yardage n. 1 a number of yards of material etc. 2 a the use of a
stockyard etc. b payment for this.
yardbird n. US sl. 1 a new military recruit. 2 a convict.
yardstick n. 1 a standard used for comparison. 2 a measuring rod a yard
long, usu. divided into inches etc.
yarmulke n. (also yarmulka) a skullcap worn by Jewish men. [Yiddish]
yarn n. & v. --n. 1 any spun thread, esp. for knitting, weaving,
rope-making, etc. 2 colloq. a long or rambling story or
discourse. --v.intr. colloq. tell yarns. [OE gearn]
yarran n. any of several Australian acacias, esp. Acacia
homalophylla, a small tree with scented wood used for fencing,
fuel, etc. [Aboriginal]
yarrow n. any perennial herb of the genus Achillea, esp. milfoil. [OE
gearwe, of unkn. orig.]
yashmak n. a veil concealing the face except the eyes, worn by some
Muslim women when in public. [Arab. yasmak, Turk. yasmak]
yataghan n. a sword without a guard and often with a double-curved
blade, used in Muslim countries. [Turk. yatagan]
yaw v. & n. --v.intr. (of a ship or aircraft etc.) fail to hold a
straight course; fall off; go unsteadily (esp. turning from side
to side). --n. the yawing of a ship etc. from its course.
[16th c.: orig. unkn.]
yawl n. 1 a two-masted fore-and-aft sailing-boat with the mizen-mast
stepped far aft. 2 a small kind of fishing-boat. 3 hist. a
ship's jolly boat with four or six oars. [MLG jolle or Du.
jol, of unkn. orig.: cf. JOLLY(2)]
yawn v. & n. --v. 1 intr. (as a reflex) open the mouth wide and
inhale esp. when sleepy or bored. 2 intr. (of a chasm etc.)
gape, be wide open. 3 tr. utter or say with a yawn. --n. 1 an
act of yawning. 2 colloq. a boring or tedious idea, activity,
etc. ЬЬyawner n. yawningly adv. [OE ginian, geonian]
yawp n. & v. US --n. 1 a harsh or hoarse cry. 2 foolish talk.
--v.intr. utter these. ЬЬyawper n. [ME (imit.)]
yaws (usu. treated as sing.) a contagious tropical
skin-disease with large red swellings. [17th c.: orig. unkn.]
ye(1) pron. archaic pl. of THOU(1). Ьye gods! joc. an exclamation
of astonishment. [OE ge f. Gmc]
ye(2) adj. pseudo-archaic = THE (ye olde tea-shoppe). [var. spelling
f. the y-shaped letter THORN (representing th) in the 14th c.]
yea adv. & n. archaic --adv. 1 yes. 2 indeed, nay (ready, yea
eager). --n. the word 'yea'. Ьyea and nay shilly-shally. yeas
and nays affirmative and negative votes. [OE gea, ge f. Gmc]
yean & intr. archaic bring forth (a lamb or kid). [perh. f.
OE geeanian (unrecorded, as Y-, eanian to lamb)]
yeanling n. archaic a young lamb or kid.
year n. 1 (also astronomical year, equinoctial year, natural year,
solar year, tropical year) the time occupied by the earth in one
revolution round the sun, 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46
seconds in length (cf. sidereal year). 2 (also calendar year,
civil year) the period of 365 days (common year) or 366 days
(see leap year) from 1 Jan. to 31 Dec., used for reckoning time
in ordinary affairs. 3 a a period of the same length as this
starting at any point (four years ago). b such a period in
terms of a particular activity etc. occupying its duration
(school year; tax year). 4 (in pl.) age or time of life (young
for his years). 5 (usu. in pl.) colloq. a very long time (it
took years to get served). 6 a group of students entering
college etc. in the same academic year. Ьin the year of Our
Lord (foll. by the year) in a specified year AD. of the year
chosen as outstanding in a particular year (sportsman of the
year). a year and a day the period specified in some legal
matters to ensure the completion of a full year. the year dot
see DOT(1). year in, year out continually over a period of
years. year-long lasting a year or the whole year. year of
grace the year AD. year-round existing etc. throughout the
year. [OE ge(a)r f. Gmc]
yearbook n. an annual publication dealing with events or aspects of the
(usu. preceding) year.
yearling n. & adj. --n. 1 an animal between one and two years old. 2 a
racehorse in the calendar year after the year of foaling.
--adj. 1 a year old; having existed or been such for a year (a
yearling heifer). 2 intended to terminate after one year
(yearling bonds).
yearly adj. & adv. --adj. 1 done, produced, or occurring once a year.
2 of or lasting a year. --adv. once a year; from year to year.
[OE gearlic, -lice (as YEAR)]
yearn v.intr. 1 (usu. foll. by for, after, or to + infin.) have a
strong emotional longing. 2 (usu. foll. by to, towards) be
filled with compassion or tenderness. ЬЬyearner n. yearning n.
& adj. yearningly adv. [OE giernan f. a Gmc root meaning
yeast n. 1 a greyish-yellow fungous substance obtained esp. from
fermenting malt liquors and used as a fermenting agent, to raise
bread, etc. 2 any of various unicellular fungi in which
vegetative reproduction takes place by budding or fission.
ЬЬyeastless adj. yeastlike adj. [OE gist, giest (unrecorded):
cf. MDu. ghist, MHG jist, ON j”str]
yeasty adj. (yeastier, yeastiest) 1 frothy or tasting like yeast. 2
in a ferment. 3 working like yeast. 4 (of talk etc.) light and
superficial. ЬЬyeastily adv. yeastiness n.
yegg n. US sl. a travelling burglar or safe-breaker. [20th c.:
perh. a surname]
yell n. & v. --n. 1 a loud sharp cry of pain, anger, fright,
encouragement, delight, etc. 2 a shout. 3 US an organized cry,
used esp. to support a sports team. 4 sl. an amusing person or
thing. --v.intr. & tr. make or utter with a yell. [OE
g(i)ellan f. Gmc]
yellow adj., n., & v. --adj. 1 of the colour between green and orange
in the spectrum, of buttercups, lemons, egg-yolks, or gold. 2
of the colour of faded leaves, ripe wheat, etc. 3 having a
yellow skin or complexion. 4 colloq. cowardly. 5 (of looks,
feelings, etc.) jealous, envious, or suspicious. 6 (of
newspapers etc.) unscrupulously sensational. --n. 1 a yellow
colour or pigment. 2 yellow clothes or material (dressed in
yellow). 3 a a yellow ball, piece, etc., in a game or sport. b
the player using such pieces. 4 (usu. in comb.) a yellow moth
or butterfly. 5 (in pl.) jaundice of horses etc. 6 US a
peach-disease with yellowed leaves. & intr. make or
become yellow. Ьyellow arsenic = ORPIMENT. yellow-belly 1
colloq. a coward. 2 any of various fish with yellow underparts.
yellow card Football a card shown by the referee to a player
being cautioned. yellow fever a tropical virus disease with
fever and jaundice. yellow flag 1 a flag displayed by a ship in
quarantine. 2 an iridaceous plant, Iris pseudacorus, with
slender sword-shaped leaves and yellow flowers. yellow jack 1 =
yellow fever. 2 = yellow flag. yellow line (in the UK) a line
painted along the side of the road in yellow either singly or in
pairs to denote parking restrictions. yellow metal brass of 60
parts copper and 40 parts zinc. Yellow Pages propr. a section
of a telephone directory on yellow paper and listing business
subscribers according to the goods or services they offer. the
yellow peril the political or military threat regarded as
emanating from Asian peoples, esp. the Chinese. yellow rattle a
yellow-flowered plant of the genus Rhinanthus. yellow rocket
see ROCKET(2). yellow spot the point of acutest vision in the
retina. yellow streak colloq. a trait of cowardice.
ЬЬyellowish adj. yellowly adv. yellowness n. yellowy adj.
[OE geolu, geolo f. WG, rel. to GOLD]
n. a cheap novel etc. in a yellow cover.
n. a bunting, Emberiza citrinella, of which the male has a
yellow head, neck, and breast. [16th c.: orig. of hammer
yelp n. & v. --n. a sharp shrill cry of or as of a dog in pain or
excitement. --v.intr. utter a yelp. ЬЬyelper n. [OE gielp(an)
boast (imit.): cf. YAWP]
yen(1) n. (pl. same) the chief monetary unit of Japan. [Jap. f. Chin.
yuan round, dollar]
yen(2) n. & v. colloq. --n. a longing or yearning. --v.intr.
(yenned, yenning) feel a longing. [Chin. dial.]
yeoman n. (pl. -men) 1 esp. hist. a man holding and cultivating a
small landed estate. 2 hist. a person qualified by possessing
free land of an annual value of 40 shillings to serve on juries,
vote for the knight of the shire, etc. 3 Brit. a member of the
yeomanry force. 4 hist. a servant in a royal or noble
household. 5 (in full yeoman of signals) a petty officer in the
Navy, concerned with visual signalling. 6 US a petty officer
performing clerical duties on board ship. ЬYeoman of the Guard
1 a member of the British sovereign's bodyguard. 2 (in general
use) a warder in the Tower of London. yeoman (or yeoman's)
service efficient or useful help in need. Yeoman Usher Brit.
the deputy of Black Rod. ЬЬyeomanly adj. [ME yoman, yeman,
etc., prob. f. YOUNG + MAN]
yeomanry n. (pl. -ies) 1 a body of yeomen. 2 Brit. hist. a volunteer
cavalry force raised from the yeoman class (1794-1908).
yep adv. & n. (also yup) US colloq. = YES. [corrupt.]
-yer suffix var. of -IER esp. after w (bowyer; lawyer).
yerba mat‚
n. = MATђ. [Sp., = herb mat‚]
yes adv. & n. --adv. 1 equivalent to an affirmative sentence: the
answer to your question is affirmative, it is as you say or as I
have said, the statement etc. made is correct, the request or
command will be complied with, the negative statement etc. made
is not correct. 2 (in answer to a summons or address) an
acknowledgement of one's presence. --n. an utterance of the
word yes. Ьsay yes grant a request or confirm a statement.
yes? 1 indeed? is that so? 2 what do you want? yes and a form
for introducing a stronger phrase (he came home drunk -- yes,
and was sick). yes and no that is partly true and partly
untrue. yes-man (pl. -men) colloq. a weakly acquiescent
person. [OE gese, gise, prob. f. gia sie may it be (gia is
yester- comb. form poet. or archaic of yesterday; that is the last past
(yester-eve). [OE geostran]
yesterday adv. & n. --adv. 1 on the day before today. 2 in the recent
past. --n. 1 the day before today. 2 the recent past.
Ьyesterday morning (or afternoon etc.) in the morning (or
afternoon etc.) of yesterday. [OE giestran d‘g (as YESTER-,
n. literary 1 last year. 2 the recent past.
yet adv. & conj. --adv. 1 as late as, or until, now or then (there
is yet time; your best work yet). 2 (with neg. or interrog.) so
soon as, or by, now or then (it is not time yet; have you
finished yet?). 3 again; in addition (more and yet more). 4 in
the remaining time available; before all is over (I will do it
yet). 5 (foll. by compar.) even (a yet more difficult task). 6
nevertheless; and in spite of that; but for all that (it is
strange, and yet it is true). --conj. but at the same time; but
nevertheless (I won, yet what good has it done?). Ьnor yet and
also not (won't listen to me nor yet to you). [OE giet(a), =
OFris. ieta, of unkn. orig.]
yeti n. = Abominable Snowman. [Tibetan]
yew n. 1 any dark-leaved evergreen coniferous tree of the genus
Taxus, having seeds enclosed in a fleshy red aril, and often
planted in churchyards. 2 its wood, used formerly as a material
for bows and still in cabinet-making. [OE iw, eow f. Gmc]
Yggdrasil n. (in Scandinavian mythology) an ash-tree whose roots and
branches join heaven, earth, and hell. [ON yg(g)drasill f.
Yggr Odin + drasill horse]
Yiddish n. & adj. --n. a vernacular used by Jews in or from central and
eastern Europe, orig. a German dialect with words from Hebrew
and several modern languages. --adj. of or relating to this
language. [G jЃdisch Jewish]
Yiddisher n. & adj. --n. a person speaking Yiddish. --adj.
yield v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (also absol.) produce or return as a fruit,
profit, or result (the land yields crops; the land yields
poorly; the investment yields 15%). 2 tr. give up; surrender,
concede; comply with a demand for (yielded the fortress; yielded
themselves prisoners). 3 intr. (often foll. by to) a surrender;
make submission. b give consent or change one's course of
action in deference to; respond as required to (yielded to
persuasion). 4 intr. (foll. by to) be inferior or confess
inferiority to (I yield to none in understanding the problem).
5 intr. (foll. by to) give right of way to other traffic. 6
intr. US allow another the right to speak in a debate etc.
--n. an amount yielded or produced; an output or return. Ьyield
point Physics the stress beyond which a material becomes
plastic. ЬЬyielder n. [OE g(i)eldan pay f. Gmc]
yielding adj. 1 compliant, submissive. 2 (of a substance) able to bend;
not stiff or rigid. ЬЬyieldingly adv. yieldingness n.
yin n. (in Chinese philosophy) the passive female principle of the
universe (cf. YANG). [Chin.]
yip v. & n. US --v.intr. (yipped, yipping) = YELP v. --n. = YELP
n. [imit.]
yippee int. expressing delight or excitement. [natural excl.]
n. (also ilang-ilang) 1 a Malayan tree, Cananga odorata, from
the fragrant yellow flowers of which a perfume is distilled. 2
the perfume itself. [Tagalog lang-ilang]
yob n. Brit. sl. a lout or hooligan. ЬЬyobbish adj. yobbishly
adv. yobbishness n. [back sl. for BOY]
yobbo n. (pl. -os) Brit. sl. = YOB.
yod n. 1 the tenth and smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet. 2
its semivowel sound. [Heb. yod f. yad hand]
yodel v. & n. & intr. (yodelled, yodelling; US yodeled,
yodeling) sing with melodious inarticulate sounds and frequent
changes between falsetto and the normal voice in the manner of
the Swiss mountain-dwellers. --n. a yodelling cry. ЬЬyodeller
n. [G jodeln]
yoga n. 1 a Hindu system of philosophic meditation and asceticism
designed to effect reunion with the universal spirit. 2 = HATHA
YOGA. ЬЬyogic adj. [Hind. f. Skr., = union]
yogh n. a Middle English letter used for certain values of g and y.
yoghurt n. (also yogurt) a semi-solid sourish food prepared from milk
fermented by added bacteria. [Turk. yogurt]
yogi n. a person proficient in yoga. ЬЬyogism n. [Hind. f. YOGA]
int. & n. = heave-ho.
yo-ho int. (also yo-ho-ho) 1 used to attract attention. 2 =
yoicks int. (also hoicks) a cry used by fox-hunters to urge on the
hounds. [orig. unkn.: cf. hyke call to hounds, HEY(1)]
yoke n. & v. --n. 1 a wooden crosspiece fastened over the necks of
two oxen etc. and attached to the plough or wagon to be drawn.
2 (pl. same or yokes) a pair (of oxen etc.). 3 an object like a
yoke in form or function, e.g. a wooden shoulder-piece for
carrying a pair of pails, the top section of a dress or skirt
etc. from which the rest hangs. 4 sway, dominion, or servitude,
esp. when oppressive. 5 a bond or union, esp. that of marriage.
6 Rom.Hist. an uplifted yoke, or an arch of three spears
symbolizing it, under which a defeated army was made to march.
7 archaic the amount of land that one yoke of oxen could plough
in a day. 8 a crossbar on which a bell swings. 9 the crossbar
of a rudder to whose ends ropes are fastened. 10 a bar of soft
iron between the poles of an electromagnet. --v. 1 tr. put a
yoke on. 2 tr. couple or unite (a pair). 3 tr. (foll. by to)
link (one thing) to (another). 4 intr. match or work together.
[OE geoc f. Gmc]
yokel n. a rustic; a country bumpkin. [perh. f. dial. yokel green
yolk(1) n. 1 the yellow internal part of an egg that nourishes the
young before it hatches. 2 Biol. the corresponding part of any
animal ovum. Ьyolk-bag (or -sac) a membrane enclosing the yolk
of an egg. ЬЬyolked adj. (also in comb.). yolkless adj. yolky
adj. [OE geol(o)ca f. geolu YELLOW]
yolk(2) n. = SUINT. [OE eowoca (unrecorded)]
Yom Kippur
n. = Day of Atonement (see ATONEMENT). [Heb.]
yomp v.intr. Brit. sl. march with heavy equipment over difficult
terrain. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
yon adj., adv., & pron. literary & dial. --adj. & adv. yonder.
--pron. yonder person or thing. [OE geon]
yonder adv. & adj. --adv. over there; at some distance in that
direction; in the place indicated by pointing etc. --adj.
situated yonder. [ME: cf. OS gendra, Goth. jaindre]
yoni n. a symbol of the female genitals venerated by Hindus etc.
[Skr., = source, womb, female genitals]
yonks sl. a long time (haven't seen them for yonks). [20th
c.: orig. unkn.]
yoo-hoo int. used to attract a person's attention. [natural excl.]
yore n. literary Ьof yore formerly; in or of old days. [OE geara,
geare, etc., adv. forms of uncert. orig.]
york Cricket bowl with a yorker. [back-form. f. YORKER]
yorker n. Cricket a ball bowled so that it pitches immediately under
the bat. [prob. f. York, as having been introduced by
Yorkshire players]
Yorkist n. & adj. --n. hist. a follower of the House of York or of the
White Rose party supporting it in the Wars of the Roses (cf.
LANCASTRIAN). --adj. of or concerning the House of York.
Yorks. abbr. Yorkshire.
Yorkshire fog
n. a fodder-grass, Holcus lanatus.
n. (pl. -men; fem. Yorkshirewoman, pl. -women) a native of
Yorkshire in N. England.
Yorkshire pudding
n. a baked batter pudding usu. eaten with roast beef.
[Yorkshire in N. England]
Yorkshire terrier
n. a small long-haired blue-grey and tan kind of terrier.
Yoruba n. 1 a member of a Black African people inhabiting the west
coast, esp. Nigeria. 2 the language of this people. [native
you pron. (obj. you; poss. your, yours) 1 used with reference to
the person or persons addressed or one such person and one or
more associated persons. 2 (as int. with a noun) in an
exclamatory statement (you fools!). 3 (in general statements)
one, a person, anyone, or everyone (it's bad at first, but you
get used to it). Ьyou-all US colloq. you (usu. more than one
person). you and yours you together with your family, property,
etc. you-know-what (or -who) something or someone unspecified
but understood. [OE eow accus. & dative of ge YE(1) f. WG:
supplanting ye because of the more frequent use of the obj.
case, and thou and thee as the more courteous form]
you'd contr. 1 you had. 2 you would.
you'll contr. you will; you shall.
young adj. & n. --adj. (younger; youngest) 1 not far advanced in
life, development, or existence; not yet old. 2 immature or
inexperienced. 3 felt in or characteristic of youth (young
love; young ambition). 4 representing young people (Young
Conservatives; Young England). 5 distinguishing a son from his
father (young Jones). 6 (younger) a distinguishing one person
from another of the same name (the younger Pitt). b Sc. the
heir of a landed commoner. --n. (collect.) offspring, esp. of
animals before or soon after birth. Ьwith young (of an animal)
pregnant. young blood see BLOOD. younger hand Cards the second
player of two. young fustic see FUSTIC. young hopeful see
HOPEFUL. young idea the child's mind. young lady colloq. a
girlfriend or sweetheart. young man a boyfriend or sweetheart.
young person Law (in the UK) a person generally between 14 and
17 years of age. Young Pretender Charles Stuart (1720-80),
grandson of James II and claimant to the British throne. young
thing archaic or colloq. an indulgent term for a young person.
Young Turk 1 a member of a revolutionary party in Turkey in
1908. 2 a young person eager for radical change to the
established order. young turk offens. a violent child or
youth. young 'un colloq. a youngster. young woman colloq. a
girlfriend or sweetheart. ЬЬyoungish adj. youngling n. [OE
g(e)ong f. Gmc]
youngster n. a child or young person.
younker n. archaic = YOUNGSTER. [MDu. jonckher f. jonc YOUNG + here
lord: cf. JUNKER]
your poss.pron. (attrib.) 1 of or belonging to you or yourself or
yourselves (your house; your own business). 2 colloq. usu.
derog. much talked of; well known (none so fallible as your
self-styled expert). [OE eower genit. of ge YE(1)]
you're contr. you are.
yours poss.pron. 1 the one or ones belonging to or associated with
you (it is yours; yours are over there). 2 your letter (yours
of the 10th). 3 introducing a formula ending a letter (yours
ever; yours truly). Ьof yours of or belonging to you (a friend
of yours).
yourself pron. (pl. yourselves) 1 a emphat. form of YOU. b refl. form
of YOU. 2 in your normal state of body or mind (are quite
yourself again). Ьbe yourself act in your normal, unconstrained
manner. how's yourself? sl. how are you? (esp. after
answering a similar enquiry).
youth n. (pl. youths) 1 the state of being young; the period between
childhood and adult age. 2 the vigour or enthusiasm,
inexperience, or other characteristic of this period. 3 an
early stage of development etc. 4 a young person (esp. male).
5 (pl.) young people collectively (the youth of the country).
Ьyouth club (or centre) a place or organization provided for
young people's leisure activities. youth hostel a place where
(esp. young) holiday-makers can put up cheaply for the night.
youth hosteller a user of a youth hostel. [OE geoguth f. Gmc,
rel. to YOUNG]
youthful adj. 1 young, esp. in appearance or manner. 2 having the
characteristics of youth (youthful impatience). 3 having the
freshness or vigour of youth (a youthful complexion).
ЬЬyouthfully adv. youthfulness n.
you've contr. you have.
yowl n. & v. --n. a loud wailing cry of or as of a cat or dog in
pain or distress. --v.intr. utter a yowl. [imit.]
yo-yo n. & v. --n. (pl. yo-yos) 1 a toy consisting of a pair of
discs with a deep groove between them in which string is
attached and wound, and which can be spun alternately downward
and upward by its weight and momentum as the string unwinds and
rewinds. 2 a thing that repeatedly falls and rises again.
--v.intr. (yo-yoes, yo-yoed) 1 play with a yo-yo. 2 move up
and down; fluctuate. [20th c.: orig. unkn.]
ytterbium n. Chem. a silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series
occurring naturally as various isotopes. °Symb.: Yb. [mod.L f.
Ytterby in Sweden]
yttrium n. Chem. a greyish metallic element resembling the
lanthanides, occurring naturally in uranium ores and used in
making superconductors. °Symb.: Y. [formed as YTTERBIUM]
Yugoslav n. & adj. (also Jugoslav) --n. 1 a native or national of
Yugoslavia. 2 a person of Yugoslav descent. --adj. of or
relating to Yugoslavia or its people. ЬЬYugoslavian adj. & n.
[Austrian G Jugoslav f. Serb. jugo- f. jug south + SLAV]
yuk var. of YUCK.
yukky var. of YUCKY.
yule n. (in full yule-tide) archaic the Christmas festival.
Ьyule-log 1 a large log burnt in the hearth on Christmas Eve. 2
a log-shaped chocolate cake eaten at Christmas. [OE geol(a):
cf. ON jўl]